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Year 7 Math Worksheet: Integer Operations, LCM, HCF, More

Paragon International School (Secondary)
Subject : Year 7 Mathematics
Topic: Revision MYE 1
Teacher’s Name: Mr. Koh JK
Worksheet No. : 15
1. Work out
a) −7 + 2
b) −5 + 10
c) 4 − 6
d) −6 − 3
e) 1 − −8
f) −5 − 6
g) −3 + (−4)
h) 6 + (−5)
i) 20 + (−5)
j) −10 + (−15)
k) −2 + (−13)
l) −3 + 20
m) 20 − (−5)
n) −10 − (−15)
o) −2 − (−13)
p) −3 − 20
2. Fill in the missing numbers.
a) 8 + (
c) −10 + (
) = −6
b) −3 + (
d) 5 + (
) = −5
e) (
)−3 =6
f) (
)−3 =2
g) (
) − 3 = −1
h) (
) − 3 = −6
3. Two integers add up to 2. On of the integers is 8. What is the other integer?
4. Work out
a) 10 × −3
b) 4 × −9
c) 5 × −11
d) 7 × −7
5. Work out
a) −24 ÷ 2
b) 24 ÷ −6
c) −50 ÷ 10
d) 63 ÷ −9
6. Work out
a) (−5 + 2) × 4
b) (−6 ± 4) × 3
c) (1 − −3) × −7
d) (−2 − −5) × −10
7. Work out
a) (−5 ± 7) ÷ 4
b) (10 − −4) ÷ −2
c) (−6 + 14) ÷ −4
d) (−5 − 13) ÷ 3
8. Work out the missing numbers.
) = −24
a) 3 × (
c) −2 × (
b) 6 × (
) = −26
9. Work out the missing numbers.
a) −27 ÷ ( ) = −3
c) (
) ÷ 6 = −6
d) −12 × (
) = −60
b) 36 ÷ (
) = −9
d) (
) = −18
) ÷ −4 = −8
10. Write down the first four multiples of 21.
11. How many multiples of 12 less than 100
12. Find the first three common multiples of 4 and 6.
13. Find the lowest common multiples of 3 and 10.
14. Find the lowest common multiples of 2, 5 and 6.
15. Find the LCM of 4 and 10.
16. Find the LCM of 2, 5 and 6.
17. Two numbers have a LCM of 45. The two numbers add up to 14.Find the two numbers.
18. Find the factors of 72.
19. Find the factors of 50.
20. Find the common factors of 16 and 28.
21. Find the common factors of 27 and 45.
22. (a) Find the highest common factor of 32 and 40.
(b) Use your answer to part (a) to simplify the fraction 40.
23. (a) Find the highest common factor of 52 and 91.
(b) There are 91 rooms in a hotel. 52 rooms are reserved. What fraction of the room are reserved?
24. Use tests for divisibility to show that 5328 is divisible by 4 and by 9.
25. Show that 2739 is divisible by 11.
26. Show that 67108 is divisible by 4.
27. The number 3812* is divisible by 3. The final digit is missing. Find the missing number.
28. Work out
a) 32 + 42
b) 62 + 72
c) 92 + 102
d) √64
e) √100
f) √225
g) 13 + 23
h) 33 + 53
i) 43 − 23
k) √512
m) √64 − √64
n) √25 − √125
o) √27 − √16
29. Find the missing number.
a) √( ) = 20
b) √(
) = 25
c) √(
d) √(
) = 35
e) √(
f) √(
) = 10
) = 11
h) √(
) = 15
g) √(
30. Find the highest common factor of 12 + 22 + 32 and 42 + 52 + 62 .
31. 289 and 324 are two consecutive square numbers. Find the next square number after 324.
32. 1331 and 1728 are two consecutive cube numbers. Find the next cube number after 1728.
33. Work out.
8 × 103
56 × 102
6.5 × 104
34. Work out
800000 ÷ 105
90000 ÷ 104
9000 ÷ 103
4 × 106
877 × 104
33.2 × 103
3 × 108
13 × 106
0.65 × 106
2000000 ÷ 105
3000000 ÷ 106
520000 ÷ 104
400000 ÷ 104
500000000 ÷ 106
8000000 ÷ 105
35. Convert each of the following number into 𝑎 × 10𝑛 .
a) 8900000
b) 34600
c) 783400000
d) 37000
e) 50
f) 7100
g) 400000
h) 7010
i) 2004000
36. Round each of these numbers to two decimals places (2 d.p.).
a) 4.983
b) 9.037
c) 24.332
d) 128.641
f) 0.03174
e) 0.66582
37. Round each of these numbers to two decimals places (3 d.p.).
a) 7.2845
b) 65.8823
c) 134.9028
d) 0.67893
f) 0.0085411
e) 300.00441
38. Write the number 476.8926636952, correct to:
a) The nearest 10
b) The nearest whole number
c) One decimal place
d) Two decimal places
e) Three decimal places
f) Four decimal places
g) Five decimal places
h) Six decimal places
i) Seven decimal places
j) Eight decimal places