Please sit where you think you will be most successful! Grab a piece of paper Fold your paper like so Name Glyph Card Follow the directions to construct a name glyph card: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is your grade level? a. 10th - write your name in red b. 11th - write your name in green c. 12th - write your name in black Have ) Are you new to Lawndale? : fun! a. Yes - write in CAPITAL letters b. No - write in lowercase letters Draw a border on your glyph: a. Youngest - solid, Middle - squiggle, Oldest - dots Draw the following symbol to indicate the month in which you were born: a. January - snowman, February - heart, March - clover, April - dandelion, May flower, June - ice cream cone, July - sun, August - bee, September - apple, October - pumpkin, November - turkey, December - pine tree Draw two activities you enjoy. ON THE BACK a. Draw the flag(s) that represents the country your family is from b. Tell us the story behind your name! If there is no story, look up the meaning :) Table Talk! Please introduce yourself to everyone in your group Share 1-2 things on your glyph :) Share with the class 1 person from the group shares someone else’s name glyph!