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Mechanical Engineering Assignment: Joints, Gears, Shafts

Assignment No. 1
1. Explain Caulking and Fullering related to Rivetted joints.
2. Explain with neat sketches about the failures of Rivetted joints.
3. Explain different weld symbols related to welding.
What are the advantages and dis advantages of Rivetted joints over welded joints.
4. State and explain Law of Gearing with proof. Explain the Gear tooth failures.
5. Derive Lewis equation related to Gears, state the assumptions used.
6. What is interference in Gears. How it can be eliminated. Explain the nomenclature of
Gear with neat sketches.
7. What is meant by equivalent number of teeth in Helical Gears. Derive expression for the
8. Explain the causes of failure in shafts. Explain critical speed of shaft.
9. Explain the difference between axle and shaft. Explain dilation of Pressure vessels.
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Submit the assignment before 11 am on 13/8/2024 in Room no. ME1 204