Ministry of Science and Technology West Yangon Technological University Department of Electronic Engineering (2023-2024) Academic Year EcE-22014, Technical Programming II (Tutorial I) Date – 30.7.2024 Teacher Name – Dr. Zin Thu Thu Lin 1.List the five common array examples that demonstrate how to array define and initialize. (5 marks) 2. Write a program to define an Array and Using for Loop to Initialize a 10-element integer are n to all are ones for the Array’s Elements. (10 marks) 3. Write a C program to sort the values of 10-elements array into ascending order. The data items in descending order is b[SIZE]={2,6,4,8,10,12,89,68,45,37}. (15 marks) 4. Write a program to insert for passing arguments to functions by CubeByValue in C using pointer and origin value is 4 and 5. (10 marks) Page 1 of 1