So, What Do You Do? Joshua Horner The Horner Corner Step 1: Vision -What do I want to see by when? Examples: -"I'm working with a mentor and our vision by 2020 is to train and equip a million leaders for global change" -"By 2015 I want to cut in half the number of people who are bullied in school" Step 2: After Vision, start with WHY? -Why is it important to me? -Describe the emotional connection to that vision? -What are your beliefs? Examples: -"We need better Leaders!" -"Need Change!" -"We need better role models!" -"I've been bullied, it stinks, we need different!" Step 3: Testimony -What have I done? -What has been my journey? -Power of stories -Talk about wins -What have been your struggles Ex: -"I used to be involved with the wrong crowd and realized I needed to change so now I've....." Some Resources to Help -Your mentor (First and Second) -Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire -Simon Sinek: If you dont know business, you dont know people