Surjagad Mines Lloyds Metals And Energy Ltd DAY DISPATCH REPORT WITH CUMULATIVE QUANTITY, Date- 04-08-2024 DAY DISPATCH DO No Bulk Demand No SO No Buyer Name Destination Material Demand Name Qty Today Cumm. Today Trips Trips Quantity Cumm. Qty Balance Qty ML02020200011481 2118292 GOPANI IRON & POWER GOPANI (INDIA)PRIVATE TADALI LIMITED 5-18mm (62% to 65%) 3000.000 1 84 35.060 2971.460 28.540 81774 ML02020200011485 2118405 GOPANI IRON & POWER GOPANI (INDIA)PRIVATE TADALI LIMITED 5-18mm (62% to 65%) 2500.000 14 14 481.600 481.600 2018.400 Nil/1040/BD11486 10LLoyds Metal 40mm and Energy Ltd( Kamancheru ML02020200011486 4100000528 Lumps Etacheru Stock Stockyard (60% to Yard) 62%) 3000.000 7 22 329.740 1048.200 1951.800 Nil/HG 518/BD11492 LLoyds Metal 5-18mm and Energy Ltd( Kamancheru ML02020200011492 4100000531 (62% to Etacheru Stock Stockyard 65%) Yard) 2000.000 5 5 225.040 225.040 1774.960 Nil/HG Fines/BD11490 LLoyds Metal Fines and Energy Ltd( Kamancheru ML02020200011490 4100000530 (62% to 50000.000 Etacheru Stock Stockyard 65%) Yard) 282 Nil/1040/BD11482 10LLoyds Metal 40mm and Energy Ltd( Kamancheru ML02020200011482 4100000526 Lumps Etacheru Stock Stockyard (60% to Yard) 62%) 81749 LLOYDS Konsari/HG METALS AND 5-18/BDML02020200011488 4180000047 ENERGY 11488 LTD(Konsari) LLOYDS METALS KONSARI 315 13001.220 14561.880 35438.120 3000.000 1 65 44.460 2999.920 0.080 5000.000 14 91 534.600 4182.580 817.420 Total 68500.000 324 596 14651.720 26470.680 42029.320 5-18mm (62% to 65%) DISPATCH SUMMARY SNo Material Name Trips 1 10-40mm Lumps (60% to 62%) 8 374.200 14 656.800 2 5-18mm (62% to 65%) 34 1276.300 151 6458.360 3 Fines (62% to 65%) 282 13001.220 1119 53084.160 324 14651.720 1284 60199.320 Total Quantity Cumm. Trips For Month Cumm. Qty For Month