La semana pasada fui al médico para hacerme una revisación general. Me dijo que tengo que hacerme una ecografía antes de viajar. Last week I went to the doctor´s TO MAKE a general revision. He told me I need to have a sonography made / I need to have a haircut/ I need to have my house painted (third column) I need to have my nails done / to have my papers prepared, completed, updated, checked. 1- Before travelling Before is preposition + verb + ING 2. Start a sentence with a verb. VERB + ING Jugar football es mi deporte preferido. 3. I enjoy going dancing. Voy al supermercado a comprar papas. Quiero que vengas conmigo. I want you to come with me. En el pasado solía tener dolores de cabeza, pero ahora no los tengo. In the past I used to have headaches but now I don´t. No tuve dolores de cabeza en 3 años. No he tenido d d c durante 3 años. I haven´t had a h in 3 years/for 3 years DURANTE / SINCE 2021 DESDE Estuve en casa todo el fin de semana preparando mi valija. Ahora estoy más tranquila. No estoy ansiosa. Estuve ansiosa pero logré calmarme. I was at home all weekend preparing my suitcase. I´m quiet now. I´m not anxious. I´m no longer anxious. I was but I managed to calm down. I was able to calm down. Past of CAN. Tuve que tomarme una aspirina. Tengo que tomarme una aspirina. I have to/need to. I had to take….. the past of MUST. Cuando llegué a la oficina, Sol ya había empezado la carga de facturas. Ahora estoy cargando sólo las facturas de Houston. HABIA EMPEZADO had started. When I arrived at the office, Sol HAD…… already started booking invoices. She …hadn´t………..finished. Arrive AT/IN. Terminaste con las facturas? No todavía, no terminé. NoT yet. I didn´t finish /I haven´t finished. No puedo hacer todo al mismo tiempo. No pude terminar ayer. Voy a terminar mañana. 1. Si terminás a las 5, podés irte a casa. If you finish by 5, you can go home. If it rains, I´ll stay at home. If + present + future. REAL and POSSIBLE. 2. Si yo terminara a las 5, podría irme a casa. If I finishED at 5, I could/would go home. If + past+ would/could. If the lawyers approved my papers, I could travel in September. Possible in the future. 3. Si yo hubiera viajado a Pico, habría visto a Bernardo. If I had travalled to Pico, I would have seen B. If + had + 3rd column, would have verb 3rd column.