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NO.1 After you created a database table in the RESTful Application Programming model, what do
you create next?
A. A metadata extension
B. A projection view
C. A data model view
D. A service definition
Answer: B
After you created a database table in the RESTful Application Programming model (RAP), the next
step is to create a projection view on the database table. A projection view is a CDS artefact that
defines a view on one or more data sources, such as tables, views, or associations. A projection view
can select, rename, or aggregate the fields of the data sources, but it cannot change the properties of
the fields, such as whether they are read-only or not. The properties of the fields are inherited from
the data sources or the behaviour definitions of the business objects12. For example:
* The following code snippet defines a projection view ZI_AGENCY on the database table
define view ZI_AGENCY as select from /dmo/agency { key agency_id, agency_name, street, city,
region, postal_code, country, phone_number, url } The projection view is used to expose the data of
the database table to the service definition, which is the next step in the RAP. The service definition is
a CDS artefact that defines the interface and the binding of a service.
A service is a CDS entity that exposes the data and the functionality of one or more business objects
as OData, InA, or SQL services. A service definition can specify the properties of the fields of a service,
such as whether they are filterable, sortable, or aggregatable12. For example:
* The following code snippet defines a service definition ZI_AGENCY_SRV that exposes the projection
view ZI_AGENCY as an OData service:
define service ZI_AGENCY_SRV { expose ZI_AGENCY as Agency; }
You cannot do any of the following:
* A. A metadata extension: A metadata extension is a CDS artefact that defines additional
annotations for a CDS entity, such as a business object, a service, or a projection view. A metadata
extension can specify the properties of the fields of a CDS entity for UI or analytical purposes, such as
whether they are visible, editable, or hidden. However, a metadata extension is not the next step
after creating a database table in the RAP, as it is not required to expose the data of the database
table to the service definition. A metadata extension can be created later to customize the UI or
analytical application that uses the service12.
* C. A data model view: A data model view is a CDS artefact that defines a view on one or more data
sources, such as tables, views, or associations. A data model view can select, rename, or aggregate
the fields of the data sources, and it can also change the properties of the fields, such as whether
they are read-only or not. The properties of the fields are defined by the annotations or the
behaviour definitions of the data model view. A data model view is used to define the data model of
a business object, which is a CDS entity that represents a business entity or concept, such as a
customer, an order, or a product.
However, a data model view is not the next step after creating a database table in the RAP, as it is not
required to expose the data of the database table to the service definition. A data model view can be
created later to define a business object that uses the database table as a data source12.
* D. A service definition: A service definition is a CDS artefact that defines the interface and the
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binding of a service. A service is a CDS entity that exposes the data and the functionality of one or
more business objects as OData, InA, or SQL services. A service definition can specify the properties
of the fields of a service, such as whether they are filterable, sortable, or aggregatable. However, a
service definition is not the next step after creating a database table in the RAP, as it requires a
projection view or a data model view to expose the data of the database table. A service definition
can be created after creating a projection view or a data model view on the database table12.
References: 1: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions - ABAP Keyword Documentation - SAP Online Help 2: AB
AP CDS - Service Definitions - ABAP Keyword Documentation - SAP Online Help
NO.2 Which of the following are features of Core Data Services? Note: There are 3 correct answers
to this question.
A. Inheritance
B. Associations
C. Annotations
D. Delegation
E. Structured Query Language (SQL)
Answer: B C E
Core Data Services (CDS) is a framework for defining and consuming semantically rich data models in
SAP HANA. CDS supports various features that enhance the capabilities of SQL and enable developers
to create data models that are optimized for performance, readability, and extensibility12. Some of
the features of CDS are:
* Associations: Associations are a way of defining relationships between CDS entities, such as tables
or views. Associations enable navigation and path expressions in CDS queries, which allow accessing
data from related entities without explicit joins. Associations also support cardinality, referential
constraints, and cascading options34.
* Annotations: Annotations are a way of adding metadata to CDS entities or their elements, such as
fields or parameters. Annotations provide additional information or instructions for the CDS
compiler, the database, or the consumers of the CDS views. Annotations can be used for various
purposes, such as defining access control, UI rendering, OData exposure, or search capabilities5 .
* Structured Query Language (SQL): SQL is the standard language for querying and manipulating data
in relational databases. CDS is based on SQL and extends it with additional features and syntax. CDS
supports SQL features such as joins, aggregations, filters, expressions, functions, and subqueries. CDS
also supports SQL Script, which is a scripting language for stored procedures and functions in SAP
You cannot do any of the following:
* Inheritance: Inheritance is not a feature of CDS. Inheritance is a concept in object-oriented
programming that allows a class to inherit the properties and methods of another class. CDS does not
support object-oriented programming or classes.
* Delegation: Delegation is not a feature of CDS. Delegation is a concept in object-oriented
programming that allows an object to delegate some of its responsibilities to another object. CDS
does not support object-oriented programming or objects.
References: 1: Core Data Services (CDS) | CAPire 2: Core Data Services [CDS] in SAP S/4 HANA | SAP
Blogs 3: Associations in Core Data Services (CDS) | SAP Help Portal 4: [CDS DDL - Association - ABA
P Keyword Documentation - SAP Online Help] 5: [Annotations in Core Data Services (CDS) | SAP Help
Portal]: [CDS DDL - Annotation - ABAP Keyword Documentation - SAP Online Help] : [Structured Que
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ry Language (SQL) | SAP Help Portal] : [CDS DDL - SQL Features - ABAP Keyword Documentation - S
AP Online Help] : [Object-Oriented Programming in ABAP | SAP Help Portal]
NO.3 What RESTful Application Programming feature is used to ensure the uniqueness of a semantic
A. Validation
B. Action
C. Determination
Answer: C
The RESTful Application Programming feature that is used to ensure the uniqueness of a semantic key
is determination. A determination is a type of behavior implementation that defines a logic that is
executed automatically when certain events occur, such as create, update, delete, or activate. A
determination can be used to calculate or derive values for certain fields, such as semantic keys,
based on other fields or external sources. A determination can also be used to check the uniqueness
of a semantic key by comparing it with the existing values in the database or the transaction buffer. A
determination can use the ABAP SQL or the EML syntax to access and manipulate data. A
determination can be defined using the DETERMINE action clause in the behavior definition of a CDS
view entity or a projection view. A determination can also be annotated with the
@ObjectModel.determination annotation to specify the event, the timing, and the scope of the
determination12 The other RESTful Application Programming features are not used to ensure the
uniqueness of a semantic key, but have different purposes and effects. These features are:
* Validation: A validation is a type of behavior implementation that defines a logic that is executed
automatically when certain events occur, such as create, update, delete, or activate. A validation can
be used to check the consistency and correctness of the data, such as mandatory fields, data types,
value ranges, or business rules. A validation can use the ABAP SQL or the EML syntax to access and
manipulate data. A validation can be defined using the VALIDATE action clause in the behavior
definition of a CDS view entity or a projection view. A validation can also be annotated with the
@ObjectModel.validation annotation to specify the event, the timing, and the scope of the
* Action: An action is a type of behavior implementation that defines a logic that is executed explicitly
by the user or the application. An action can be used to perform a specific business operation, such
as creating, updating, deleting, or activating an entity instance, or triggering a workflow or a
An action can use the ABAP SQL or the EML syntax to access and manipulate data. An action can be
defined using the ACTION clause in the behavior definition of a CDS view entity or a projection view.
An action can also be annotated with the @ObjectModel.action annotation to specify the name, the
description, the parameters, and the visibility of the action12 References: Behavior Implementation ABAP Keyword Documentation, Behavior Definition - ABAP Keyword Documentation
NO.4 When processing a loop with the statement DO... ENDDO, what system variable contains the
implicit loop counter?
A. sy-linno
B. sy-labix
C. sy-subrc
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D. sy-index
Answer: D
When processing a loop with the statement DO... ENDDO, the system variable that contains the
implicit loop counter is sy-index. The loop counter is a numeric value that indicates how many times
the loop has been executed. The loop counter is initialized to 1 before the first execution of the loop
and is incremented by 1 after each execution. The loop counter can be used to control the number of
loop iterations or to access the loop elements by index. The loop counter can also be accessed or
modified within the loop body, but this is not recommended as it may cause unexpected results or
For example, the following code snippet uses the loop counter sy-index to display the numbers from
1 to 10:
DO 10 TIMES. WRITE: / sy-index. ENDDO.
The output of this code is:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
References: 1: DO - ABAP Keyword Documentation
with which predicate condition can you ensure that the CAST will work?
Answer: C
The predicate condition that can be used to ensure that the CAST will work is IS INSTANCE OF. The IS
INSTANCE OF predicate condition checks whether the operand is an instance of the specified class or
interface. This is useful when you want to perform a downcast, which is a conversion from a more
general type to a more specific type. A downcast can fail if the operand is not an instance of the
target type, and this can cause a runtime error. Therefore, you can use the IS INSTANCE OF predicate
condition to check whether the downcast is possible before using the CAST operator12. For example:
* The following code snippet uses the IS INSTANCE OF predicate condition to check whether the
variable g_super is an instance of the class lcl_super. If it is, the CAST will work and the variable
g_sub1 will be assigned the value of g_super.
DATA: g_super TYPE REF TO lcl_super, g_sub1 TYPE REF TO lcl_sub1. IF g_super IS INSTANCE OF
lcl_super. g_sub1 = CAST #( g_super ). g_sub1->method( ... ). ENDIF.
You cannot do any of the following:
* IS SUPPLIED: The IS SUPPLIED predicate condition checks whether an optional parameter of a
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method or a function module has been supplied by the caller. This is useful when you want to handle
different cases depending on whether the parameter has a value or not. However, this predicate
condition has nothing to do with the CAST operator or the type of the operand12.
* IS NOT INITIAL: The IS NOT INITIAL predicate condition checks whether the operand has a noninitial value. This is useful when you want to check whether the operand has been assigned a value
* or not. However, this predicate condition does not guarantee that the CAST will work, because the
operand may have a value but not be an instance of the target type12.
* IS BOUND: The IS BOUND predicate condition checks whether the operand is a bound reference
variable. This is useful when you want to check whether the operand points to an existing object or
not. However, this predicate condition does not guarantee that the CAST will work, because the
operand may point to an object but not be an instance of the target type12.
References: 1: Predicate Expressions - ABAP Keyword Documentation - SAP Online Help 2: ABAP
- Predicates | SAP Community
NO.6 Exhibit:
With Icl_super being superclass for Icl_subl and Icl_sub2 and with methods subl_methl and
sub2_methl being subclass-specific methods of Id_subl or Icl_sub2, respectivel. What will happen
when executing these casts?
There are 2 correct answers to this question
A. go subl = CAST # go super), will not work
B. go_sub2 = CAST # go super), will work. go_subl CAST #go_super), will work
C. go_sub2 = CAST #(go_super). will not work. ] go sub2->sub2 meth 1(...). will work
D. go_subl->subl_meth !(...)* w'll work.
Answer: A D
The following are the explanations for each statement:
* A: This statement is correct. go_subl = CAST #(go_super) will not work. This is because go_subl is a
data object of type REF TO cl_subl, which is a reference to the subclass cl_subl. go_super is a data
object of type REF TO cl_super, which is a reference to the superclass cl_super. The CAST operator is
used to perform a downcast or an upcast of a reference variable to another reference variable of a
compatible type. A downcast is a conversion from a more general type to a more specific type, while
an upcast is a conversion from a more specific type to a more general type. In this case, the CAST
operator is trying to perform a downcast from go_super to go_subl, but this is not possible, as
go_super is not pointing to an instance of cl_subl, but to an instance of cl_super. Therefore, the CAST
operator will raise an exception CX_SY_MOVE_CAST_ERROR at runtime12
* B: This statement is incorrect. go_sub2 = CAST #(go_super) will work. go_subl = CAST #(go_super)
will not work. This is because go_sub2 is a data object of type REF TO cl_sub2, which is a reference to
the subclass cl_sub2. go_super is a data object of type REF TO cl_super, which is a reference to the
superclass cl_super. The CAST operator is used to perform a downcast or an upcast of a reference
variable to another reference variable of a compatible type. A downcast is a conversion from a more
general type to a more specific type, while an upcast is a conversion from a more specific type to a
more general type. In this case, the CAST operator is trying to perform a downcast from go_super to
go_sub2, and this is possible, as go_super is pointing to an instance of cl_sub2, which is a subclass of
* Therefore, the CAST operator will assign the reference of go_super to go_sub2 without raising an
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exception. However, the CAST operator will not work for go_subl, as explained in statement A12
* C: This statement is incorrect. go_sub2 = CAST #(go_super) will work. go_sub2->sub2_meth1(...) will
not work. This is because go_sub2 is a data object of type REF TO cl_sub2, which is a reference to the
subclass cl_sub2. go_super is a data object of type REF TO cl_super, which is a reference to the
superclass cl_super. The CAST operator is used to perform a downcast or an upcast of a reference
variable to another reference variable of a compatible type. A downcast is a conversion from a more
general type to a more specific type, while an upcast is a conversion from a more specific type to a
more general type. In this case, the CAST operator is trying to perform a downcast from go_super to
go_sub2, and this is possible, as go_super is pointing to an instance of cl_sub2, which is a subclass of
Therefore, the CAST operator will assign the reference of go_super to go_sub2 without raising an
exception. However, the method call go_sub2->sub2_meth1(...) will not work, as sub2_meth1 is a
subclass-specific method of cl_sub2, which is not inherited by cl_super. Therefore, the method call
will raise an exception CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_METHOD at runtime123
* D: This statement is correct. go_subl->subl_meth1(...) will work. This is because go_subl is a data
object of type REF TO cl_subl, which is a reference to the subclass cl_subl. subl_meth1 is a subclassspecific method of cl_subl, which is not inherited by cl_super. Therefore, the method call go_subl>subl_meth1(...) will work, as go_subl is pointing to an instance of cl_subl, which has the method
subl_meth1123 References: NEW - ABAP Keyword Documentation, CAST - ABAP Keywor
d Documentation, Method Call - ABAP Keyword Documentation
NO.7 Using ABAP SQL, which select statement selects the mat field on line #17?
A. SELECT mat FROM Material...
B. SELECT mat FROM demo_sales_cds_so_i_ve...
C. SELECT mat FROM demo_sales_so_i...
D. SELECT mat FROM demo sales cds material ve...
Answer: B
Using ABAP SQL, the select statement that selects the mat field on line #17 is:
SELECT mat FROM demo_sales_cds_so_i_ve...
This statement selects the mat field from the CDS view demo_sales_cds_so_i_ve, which is defined on
line #1.
The CDS view demo_sales_cds_so_i_ve is a projection view that projects the fields of the CDS view
demo_sales_cds_so_i, which is defined on line #2. The CDS view demo_sales_cds_so_i is a join view
that joins the fields of the database table demo_sales_so_i, which is defined on line #3, and the CDS
view demo_sales_cds_material_ve, which is defined on line #4. The CDS view
demo_sales_cds_material_ve is a value help view that provides value help for the material field of
the database table demo_sales_so_i. The mat field is an alias for the material field of the database
table demo_sales_so_i, which is defined on line #91.
The other options are not valid because:
* A. SELECT mat FROM Material... is not valid because Material is not a valid data source in the given
code. There is no CDS view or database table named Material.
* C. SELECT mat FROM demo_sales_so_i... is not valid because demo_sales_so_i is not a valid data
source in the given code. There is no CDS view named demo_sales_so_i, only a database table. To
access a database table, the keyword TABLE must be used, such as SELECT mat FROM TABLE
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* D. SELECT mat FROM demo sales cds material ve... is not valid because demo sales cds material ve
is not a valid data source in the given code. There is no CDS view or database table named demo sales
cds material ve. The correct name of the CDS view is demo_sales_cds_material_ve, with underscores
instead of spaces.
References: 1: Projection Views - ABAP Keyword Documentation
NO.8 In a program you find this source code
Which of the following apply? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. If the user is authorized for 'CNTRY = 'DE' then the return code is always 0.
B. If the user is NOT authorized for 'CNTRY' = 'DE' OR for 'ACTVT' = '03 then the program will
C. If the user is authorized for 'CNTRY = 'DE' AND for 'ACTVT = '03 then the return code is 0.
D. AUTHORITY CHECK verifies whether a user is authorized for/DMO/TRVL" with the listed field
Answer: C D
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