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Computer Hardware, Software, and Networking Reference

Hardwarephysical components of a computer or other electronic system
Softwarethe programs and other operating information of a computer
ICT system(information and communication technologies) a set of technological tools used to share or exchange information
Computeran electronic device for the storing and processing of data according to instructions given to it in a variable program
IPOinput process output module
Datainformation that can be interpreted and used by computers
Informationthe desired form of data is transformed into after processing
Laptopa personal computer which can easily moved
Desktopa computer display area represented by the objects found on a physical desk
Serversystem which provides resources data or services to other computers
Embedded computera dedicated computer system which forms part of a larger machine or system
Tableta personal portable computer with a touchscreen interface
Smartphonea mobile or cellular phone which runs off a mobile operating system
Operating systemsoftware which manages the computers memory and processes as well as it's software and hardware.
Application softwarea computer program designed to carry out a specific task other than the operation of the computer itself
CPU.The primary component of a computer which acts as it's control center
ALUperform arithmetic and logical operations as part of the computer's CPU
CUcircuitry within the computers processor which directs operations
BIOSa microprocessor used to start the computer system after it is powered on
UEFIupdated version of BIOS
CMOSa battery powered memory chip which holds the initialization data
RAMrandom access memory is the computers short term memory
ROMa type of storage computer storage containing permeant data which can be read not written to
HDDa mass storage device which hold long term data
SSDa mass storage device which hold long term data
Hybrid drivea computer storage device which combines the best part of SSD and HDD
Flash drivea data device which uses flash memory
Opticalcomputing using light waves as sources for data processing
SD cardflash memory card used in portable devices
Input devicea piece of equipment used to provide data to a computer
Output devicea piece of equipment which receives data from one form and converts it to another form
USB portmechanism used to connect peripheral devices to computer
HDMI porthigh definition multimedia interface
Parallel processinga method of computing where two or more processors handle separate parts of an overall task
Hyper threadinga hardware innovation which allows more than one thread to run on each core
Multiprocessingthe utilization of two or more central processing units in a single computer
Latencythe time taken for data to pass from one part of a network to another
SRAMa type of random access memory which uses latching circuitry
Processor cachingcaches store temporary information for the processor to use
Disk cachinga temporary computer memory which stores frequently used data
Browser cachinga storage location used to temporarily store data for a browser server or app
Web cachingthe activity of storing data for reuse
System clockan electronic device which emits a high frequency signal synchronizing components
Over clockingincreasing a components CPU to speed up it's performance
Clock multiplicationchanging clock speed
Internal bus / FSBa type of data bus which only acts internally in a computer
Data bustransfers data between a computers memory and it's CPU
Address busan element in a CPU which transmits the location of stored information
Control buscarries control signals from a the processor to other components
PCI expressinterface standard connecting high speed input output
SATAcontrol and transport protocol that defines how data is transferred
Modular designbreaking down a design into smaller parts for easier replacement or upgrade
Portsa point where connections start or end
Cardsa device which adds functionality to a computer
Onboard bussesan electronic pathway through which data can be transferred
Graphics processoran electronic circuit which can perform mathematical calculations at high speed
Math processora specialized component which manipulates numbers more quickly than the basic microprocessor
IRQsa signal sent to the processor to momentarily stop operations
IOdevice or operation which transfers data to or from a computer system
Pagingstorage method used in operating systems to retrieve processes from the secondary storage to main memory as pages
Swappingthe moving of data between the secondary storage and main memory
Utilitiesa type of system software used to anylise configure optimize and manage a computer
Driversa set of files which tells a hardware component how to function
Source codeprograming components created by a programmer and saved in a file
Executable codemachine code which is the set of native instruction
proprietary softwaresoftware which is privately owned and distributed
Freewareproprietary software which is free
Freemium softwarehave to pay for full version
Creative commonslicenses which enable the free distribution of copywrited work
High level languagelanguage which allows the user to program in a language independent of what the computer runs on
low level languagea language with minimal difference from the computers base language
Compilerprogram which turn high level code to the computer's language
Interpretersa program which directly executes instructions without having them previously compiled to machine language
Assemblersprogram which converts assembly language code into machine code
Product keycertifies the copy of the program is original
Activation codekey used to activate program after installation
Firewallnetwork security device which monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic
Anti-malwarea type of software program which protects against malicious software
OPERATING SYSTEMS:Desktop - windows Mobile - android Embedded OS - traffic light system
ADVANTAGE COMPUTERS:Accuracy & precision Communication Access to information
DISADVANTAGE COMPUTERS:Cybersecurity risks Distraction Take jobs
EFECT OF NUMBER OF BITS:Doubles the precision of data for every bit added
BUS RELATIONSHIP WITH REGISTERS:Register receives its information from bus when it's load input is activated
EFFECT OF REGISTER SIZE:The bigger the register size the bigger the instructions a processor can handle
INCREASING LEVEL 1;2;3 CACHE: (increasing cache size increases system performance)L1 - extremely fast transfer rates L2 - bigger and slower L3 - higher storage more latency
INCREASE OF RAM SPEED / SIZE:Faster data access; improved system performance
IMPROVING COMPONENTS:Video card for 3D rendering Faster HDD/SSD for video editing
MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES CONSRAINTS:Battery life Size computing power power consumption
FUNCTIONS OF OPERATING SYSTEM:User interface Load and run programs Manage resources Interface between hardware and application programs
MACHINE CYCLE:Fetch Decode Execute Store
SOFTWARE PROCESSING TECHNIQUES:Multi-tasking Multi-threading related
HARDWARE PROCESSING TECHNIQUES:Hyper-threading multiprocessing
UEFI VS BIOS VS CMOS:UEFI - higher bit size offers more advanced interface BIOS - limited user interface CMOS - ability to control the settings in BIOS
EFFECT OF VIRTUAL MEMMORY:Frees up RAM Improves system performance Improves multitasking Improves using large programs
Networka series of interconnected nodes
Clientany computer hardware or software device that requests access to a service provided by a server
Server:a computer program or device that provides a service to another computer program and it's user
Switcha device which connects devices in a network together
Routera device which connects two or more networks
Firewalla device which monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic
ADSL routerprovide an internet connection using a home telephone network
Hotspota physical location where people may access the internet
Starcentral hub/switch connecting out
Busmiddle cable that all are connected too
Hybridmix of different topologies
Meshevery node is connected to every node
POP3protocol relating to emails
SMTPsimple mail transfer protocol (send and receive)
IMAPinternet message access protocol (accessing emails)
TCPtransmission control protocol (exchanging messages over the internet)
IPinternet protocol address (identifies a network or device on the internet)
UDPUser Datagram Protocol (connectionless communication)
HTTPHypertext transfer protocol
HTTPSsite is secure
FTPfile transfer protocol (file transmitting between computers)
WebDAVWeb Distributed authorizing and versioning
Cookiesfiles created by websites you visit
Search enginea program that identifies items in a database
mediated searchusing a bigger search engine inside a website
Bounded mediaBounded uses cables ( UTP and fibre)
Microwavetravel long distance can't travel through walls
Radio wavecan travel through walls can't travel long distances
Thin clienta device with limited computing capacity
Fat clientnetwork computer with the most recourses installed locally
Smart clienteasily deployed and managed client application
Bandwidththe amount of data which can be sent from one point to another in a certain period of time
Onion routerpeer to peer router which allows user to browse anonymously
VPNvirtual private network (connects to remote server creating a point to point tunnel which encrypts data)
URLweb address locater
RAIDstoring data in multiple locations on a drive to protect in case of drive failure
UPSa device which maintains power in case of power failure
Reasons for using networks:communication, access to/sharing resources, centralization, data transfer, productivity
Advantages and disadvantages of networksAdvantage - fast efficient Disadvantage - virus, expensive
Method overloadingcreating two methods with the same name and parameters but different return types
Classtemplate that describes the data and behavior associated
Objectinstances of a class created to use their attributes
Attributesthe characteristics or properties of a class or object
Methoda block of code which when called performs specific actions mentioned in it
Instancean object that is created using a class is said to be an instance of that class
Abstractionrefers to hiding the implementation details of a code and only showing the necessary information to the user
Encapsulatingrefers to implementing code and variables into a single unit
Inheritanceallowing all methods and variables from one class to be accessed in another
Base classthe class from which the subclass is derived
Derived classa class which inherits from a base class
Constructorthe block of code which initializes the state and value of an object during object creation
Polymorphismthe ability of objects to take on many forms
Method Overridingoccurs when a subclass has the same method as the parent class
Decompositionbreaking down large problems into smaller ones each with a method that defines a larger problem
Algorithmsequence of finite steps designed to solve a specific problem
Information hidingencapsulating data within a class and restricting access to specific components using access modifier
Static variablethe variable belongs to the class only ; not any instance of it
Static methoda method that belongs to a class rather than any instance of it
Finala variable which cannot be changed
Protectedrestricts the accessibility of the class to main class & sub class
Privaterestricts access of elements to only the class where they are declared
toStringreturns the string version of an object
Gettergives access to an attribute in a given class
Setterused to set the data of a class field to a variable
IPOinput output model
Overflow errorwhen a program tries to store more data in a fixed location than it can handle
Truncationcuts of the end of a value
Mantissadictates the precision of a number
IPV432 bit less range
IPV6128 bits greater range of IP address
JSONa text based readable file which can store and transmit data objects consisting of attributes
Overridingthe ability of a class to change the implementation of the methods inherited from it's ancestor class
Digital dividea gap between demographics and regains which have access to modern technology
AUPa document stipulating constraints and practices a user must agree to for access to corporate network
Hackera person who breaks into a computer system
Crackera person who aims to get access to a computer system with malicious intent
POPIprotection of personal information act
REASONS FOR USING COMPUTERS:Saving paper Labor Communication cost
HEALTH ISSUES:Eye strain RSI Carpal tunnel
USE OF ARTIFITUAL INTELIGENCE:Detect earthquakes Detect social media propaganda
IMPLICATIONS OF CRYPTOCURRENCY:No legal protections Non reversable Some public information