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Thermoelectric Power Plant Acronyms & Abbreviations List

14.09.2017 Rev. 1
Acronyms and Abbreviations used in
Thermoelectric Power Plants
Useful Document
This is a collection of acronyms and abbreviations in common use in the Thermoelectric Power Plant
industry and their associated equipment, devices and utilities. It was compiled in order to assist readers
and designers in identifying acronyms and abbreviations applied in contract and engineering terms,
economic evaluation and software that appear in printed and electronic information.
An acronym is a pronounceable word formed from each of the first letters of a descriptive phrase or by
combining the initial letters or parts of words from the phrase. An acronym is actually a type of
abbreviation. This collection contains acronyms and abbreviations but it makes no distinction between
Most of the companies involved in the field of Electric Power Generation use acronyms and
abbreviations in formal communication and in contract and technical documents.
Also, the acronyms and abbreviations included here are widely used in related software and simulation
Note that the present compilation is descriptive rather than prescriptive. No one abbreviation is
recommended to the exclusion of another because the same abbreviation may with equal validity apply
to two or more terms.
Acronyms and Abbreviations List
AAQS - Ambient Air Quality Standards
AB - Auxiliary Boiler
ABC - Automatic Boiler Control
ABFS - Auxiliary Building Filter System
ABGTS - Auxiliary Building Gas Treatment System
ABHX - Air Blast Heat Exchanger
ABO - Augmented Bypass Operation
ABST - Auxiliary Building Sump Tank
ABT - Availability Based Tariff
ABT - Automatic Bus Transfer
ABWR - Advanced Boiling Water Reactor
AC - Alternating Current
AC - Automatic Control
ACB - Air-operated Circuit Breaker
ACC - Advanced Combined Cycles
ACC - Air Cooled Condenser
ACC - Automatic Combustion Control
ACCS - Advanced Compressor Cleaning System
ACCWS - Auxiliary Component Cooling Water
ACDMS - Active Combustion Dynamics Monitoring
ACDB - Alternating Current Distribution Board
ACF - Automatic Control Feature
Prepared by
Ricardo Linares
Approved by
ACI - Activated Carbon Injection (In boilers)
ACP - Automatic Control Panel
ACS - Automatic Control System
ACSR - Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced
ACU - Air Cleanup Unit
ACW - Auxiliary Cooling Water
Add-ons - Conversions of SCP to CC
ADS - Automatic Data System
ADS - Automatic Depressurization System
ADS - Automatic Dispatch System
ADSP - Advanced Design Steam Path
ADT - Aerated Drain Tank
ADV - Atmospheric Dump Valve
AE - Air Ejector
AEB - Auxiliary Equipment Building
AEP - American Electric Power
AFC - Automatic Flow Control
AFC - Automatic Following Control
AFC - Automatic Frequency Control
AFDS - Automatic Fire Detection System
AFNL - Amps Field No-Load
AFO - Auxiliary Fuel Oil
AFOS - Auxiliary Fuel Oil System
AFP - Auxiliary Feedwater Pump
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Power Station Acronyms List
AFS - Auxiliary Feedwater System
AFS - Auxiliary Filter System
AFU - Automatic Follow Up
AFW - Auxiliary Feedwater
AFWS - Auxiliary Feedwater System
AGC - Automatic Generator Control
AGL - Above-Ground Level
AGR - Acid Gas Removal
AGR - Advanced Gas Reburn
AGVC - Automatic Governor Valve Control
AHA - Air Heater (Air Side) (In boilers)
AHB - Application Hand-Book
AHG - Air Heater (Gas Side) (In boilers)
AHTR - Air Heater
AHU - Air Handling Unit
AIG - Ammonia Injection Grid
AIGS - Auxiliary Inerting Gas Subsystem
AI&O - Annual Inspection and Overhaul
AIT - Auto-Ignition Temperature
ALR - Automatic Load Regulation
AMS - Admission Mode Selection
AOC - Automatic Overload Control
AOL - Analogic Output to Loop
AOP - Auxiliary Oil Pump
AOV - Air Operated Valve
APC - Acid Phosphate Corrosion
APC - Automatic Power Control
APHTR - Air Preheater
APM - Air Particulate Monitor
APO - Auxiliary Plant Operator
APS - Auxiliary Power System
APU - Auxiliary Power Unit
APU - Air Processing Unit
ARBR - All Risk Builder Risk
ARCV - Automatic Re-Circulation Valve
ARDV - Air Relay Dump Valve
ARO - After Receipt of Order
ARP - Auxiliary Relay Panel
ARS - Active Retractable Seal
ARS - Air Removal Section
ASC - Average Site Condition
ASD - Adjustable Speed Drive
ASD - Alarm Sequence Displays
ASD - Allowable Stress Design
ASD - Approved Supplier Database, a SE form
ASD - Atmospheric Steam Dump
ASG - Auxiliary Steam Generator
ASPL - Automated Steam Path Layout, Program
ASR - Automatic Speed Run-up
ASS - Automatic Synchronized System
ASSS - Auxiliary Steam Supply System
AST - Automatic Stop Trip
ASU - Air Separation Unit
ASU - Automatic Synchronized Unit
ASW - Auxiliary Service Water
AT - Auxiliary Transformer
ATC - Automatic Toroidal Compressor
ATC - Automatic Turbine Control
ATD - Approach Temperature Difference
ATEX - Atmosphere Explosive
ATMP - Attemperator
ATS - Automatic Transfer Switch
ATS - Advanced Turbine System
ATS - Automatic Turbine Startup
ATT - Automatic Turbine Tester
ATWS - Anticipated Transient without Scram
AVL - Automatic Voltage Control
AVR - Automatic Voltage Regulator
AVT - All-Volatile Treatment (A Boiler Water
AVT(R) - All-Volatile Treatment (Reducing
AVT(O) - All-Volatile Treatment (Oxidizing
AVV - Atmospheric Vent Valve
AW - Acid Waste
BAC - Bus Auxiliary Cabinet
BACT - Best Available Control Technology
BAT - Backup Auxiliary Transformer
BBL - Big Block Language
BBS - Battery Backup System
BCT - Bushing Current Transformer
BCW - Boiler Circulating Water
BD - Boiler Drum
BD - Blowdown
BDC - Boiler Downcomer
BDE - Bearing Drain Enlargement
BDHT - Blowdown Heat Transfer
BDR - Boiler and Equipment Drain
BDT - Blow Down Tank
BEP - Best Efficiency Point
BEP - Boiler External Piping
BFG - Blast Furnace Gases
BFB - Bubbling Fluidized Bed (In boilers)
BFP - Boiler Feed Pump
BFPT - Boiler Feed Pump Turbine
BFW - Boiler Feed Water
BI - Borescope Inspection
BIL - Basic Impulse Level
BL - Base Load
BL - Battery Limit
BLDN - Boiler Blowdown Piping
BLF - Base Low Flow
BMCR - Boiler Maximum Continuous Rating
BMS - Boiler Master Sequence
BMS - Boiler Management System
BMS - Burner Management System
BOCA - Builders Officials & Code Administrators
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Power Station Acronyms List
BOD - Biochemical Oxygen Demand
BOM - Bill of Materials
BOP - Balance of Plant
BOP - Bearing Oil Pump
BPFM - Bypass Flow Module
BPST - Back Pressure Steam Turbine
BPV - Bypass Valve
BRN - Burner (In boilers)
BSDG - Black Start Diesel Generator
BST - Bleed Storage Tank
BST - Blowdown Suppression Tank
BUOT - Back-up Overspeed Trip
BWR - Boiling Water Reactor
CA - Cooling Air
CACE - Conductivity after Cation Exchange
CAES - Compressed Air Energy Storage
CAF - Chemical Analysis Facility
CAPEX - Capital Expenses (Expenditures)
CAR - Condenser Air Removal
CARS - Condenser Air Removal System
CAS - Chemical Addition System
CAS - Compress Air System
CAT - Chemical Addition Tank
CAT - Coal Air Turbine
CB - Circuit Breaker
CBP - Condensate Booster Pump
CC - Combined Cycle
CC - Combustion Chamber
CC - Cost Code
CCC - Chemical Cleaning Connection
CCC - Conventional Combustion Chamber
CCCP - Combined Cycle Conversion Plant
CCCW - Closed Circuit Cooling Water
CCGT - Combined Cycle Gas Turbine
CCP - Chemical Control Procedure
CCPP - Combined Cycle Power Plant
CCR - Central Control Room
CCS - Carbon Capture Sequestration (In boilers)
CCS - Carbon Capture Storage
CCS - Clearance Control System
CCTV - Closed Circuit Television
CCW - Closed Cooling Water
CCW - Condenser Circulating Water
CCW - Condenser Cooling Water
CCW - Component Cooling Water
CCW - Counter Clock Wise
CCWS - Closed Cooling Water System
CCWS - Component Cooling Water System
CDA - Controlled Diffusion Airfoils
CDE - Condensate Demineralization Effluent
CDM - Central Data Management
CDP - Compressor Discharge Pressure
CDS - Condensate Demineralization Subsystem
CDT - Compressor Discharge Temperature
CECS - Containment Environmental Control
CEL - Corrected Exhaust Loss
CEMS - Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems
CEOT - Closed End Over Travel
CEP - Central Earthling Point
CEP - Condensate Extraction Pump
CEQ - Council on Environmental Quality
CER - Certified Emission Reduction
CEST - Condensing Extraction Steam Turbine
CEV - Convective Evaporator
CF - Cartridge Filter
CF - Corrosion Fatigue
CF - Correction Factor
CF - Control Fluid
CFB - Circulating Fluidized Bed (In boilers)
CFC - Continuous Function Chart
CFS - Condensate Feedwater System
CFPP - Coal Fired Power Plant
CFPP - Cold Filter Plugging Point
CFW - Condensate and Feedwater
CFWS - Condensate and Feedwater System
CG - Caustic Gouging
CG - Coal Gas
CGA - Cylinder Gas Audit
CGCS - Combustion Gas Control System
CGL - Constructor General Liability
CHP - Combined Heat & Power (Cogeneration)
CHPP- Combined Heat & Power Plant
CHROEM - Corrosion and Heat Resistant Original
Equipment Manufacturer, a GE’s Technology
CHWR - Cooling Hot Water Return
CI - Combustion Inspections
CIC - Compressor Inlet Casing
CIP - Control Interface Principle
CIP - Clean In Place
CIS - Chemical Injection System
CIV - Combined Intercept Valve
CKOM - Customer Kickoff Meeting, a GE form
CLCW - Closed Loop Cooling Water
CLE - Cyclic Life Expenditure
CLP - Classification Labeling & Packaging
CLSM - Controlled Low Strength Material
CM&U - Conversion, Modification and Uprate
CMSV - Control Main Stop Valve
CMTR - Certified Mill Test Report, a GE form
COC - Cost of Capital
COD - Chemical Oxygen Demand
COD - Commercial Operation Date
COE - Cost of Electricity
COG - Coke Oven Gas
COMS - Continuous Opacity Monitoring System
COP - Coefficient of Performance
COQ - Cost of Quality
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Power Station Acronyms List
CEOT - Closed End Over-Travel
CFR - Cleaning Force Ratio
CPD - Compressor Pressure Discharge
CPD - Condensate Pump Discharge
CPDS - Condensate Polishing Demineralizer
CPM - Critical Path Method
CPO - Condensate Polisher Outlet
CPP - Condensate Polishing Plant
CPRW - Condensate Polishing Regeneration
CPRWT - Condensate Polishing Regeneration
Waste Tank
CPS - Changes per Second
CPT - Congruent Phosphate Treatment
CPT - Coordinated Phosphate Treatment
CR - Convective Reheater (In boilers)
CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRH - Cold Reheat
CR&D - Corporate Research & Development, a GE
CRLP - Convective Reheater Low-Pressure
CRV - Combined Reheat Valve
CS - Convective Superheater (In boilers)
CSA - Chemical Storage Area
CSA - Contract Service Agreement
CSBA - Continuous Steam Blow to Atmosphere
CSBV - Cooling Steam Blocking Valve
CSCV - Casing Spray Control Valve
CSDB - Control Signal Data-Base
CSP - Control Sequence Program
CST - Condensate Storage Tank
CSV - Casing Spray Valve
CSV - Comma-Separated Value
CT - Caustic Treatment (A Boiler Water Treatment)
CT - Cooling Tower
CT - Combustion Turbine
CT - Current Transformer
CTG - Combustion Turbine Generator
CTM - Casing Temperature Management
CTQ - Critical to Quality
CU - Control Unit
CV - Control Valve
CVC - Compressor Vane Carrier
CVL - Continuous Vent Line
CVP - Continuous Vacuum Priming
CVPRV - CVRF from Pressure Relieve Valve
CVRF - Collecting Vessel for Returning Fluid
CVSM - Control Valve Servomotor
CW - Circulating Water
CW - Condenser Water
CW - Cooling Water
CWP - Circulating Water Pump
CWR - Cooling Water Return
CWS - Circulating Water System
CWS - Cooling Water System
CWT - Combined Water Treatment
DA - Deaerator
DAB - Deaerator Boiler
DAD - Deaerator Discharge
DAI - Deaerator Inlet
DAR - Deaerator
DARS - Data Acquisition Reporting Subsystem
DAS - Data Acquisition System
DB - Duct Burner
DB - Diffusion Burner
DBD - Design Basis Documentation
DC - Direct Current
DCA - Drain Cooler Approach
DCACE - Degassed Conductivity after Cation
DCC - Degassed Cation Conductivity
DCS - Digital Control System
DCS - Distributed Control System
DCLM - Direct Control Load Management
DCOM - Distributed Component Object Model
DCP - Direct Current Plasma
DCS - Distributed Control System
DCSS - Distillation Condensation Subsystem
DCT - Differential Current Transformer
DCV - Directional Control Valve
DE - Down Exhaust
DEHC - Digital Electro Hydraulic Control
DFO - Diesel Fuel Oil
DFP - Diesel Fire Pump
DG - Diesel Generation
DG - Distributed Generation
DGP - Digital Generator Panel
DH - District Heating
DH - De-Humidifier
DHC - District Heating Condenser
DI - Digital Input
DI - Directivity Index
DLC - Direct Load Control
DLE - Design Level Earthquake
DLE - Dray Low Emissions
DLN - Dray Low NOx
DM - Demineralized
DM - Diffusion Mode
DMFL - Diffusion Mode Feed Line
DMRL - Diffusion Mode Return Line
DMW - Demineralized Makeup Water
DMWS - Demineralized Makeup Water System
DNI - Direct Normal Irradiance
DO - Diesel Oil
DO - Digital Output
DO - Dissolved Oxygen
DOC - Dissolved Organic Carbon
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Power Station Acronyms List
DOL - Direct On Line
DP - Decentralized Peripherals
DP - Differential Pressure
DP - Pressure Drop
DPC - Downtime Purchase Cost
DPDT - Double Pole Double Throw
DPP - Diesel Power Plant
DRL - Downtime Revenue Loss
DSM - Demand Side Management
DSO - Distribution System Operator
DSP - Di-Sodium Phosphate
DT - Differential Temperature
DWD - Deposit Weight Density
DWST - Demineralized Water Storage Tank
DXD - Differential Expansion Detector
EBH - Equivalent Base Hours
EBOP - Electric Balance of Plant
EBOP - Emergency Bearing Oil Pump
EBPM - Emergency Bearing Pump Motor
ECI - Eddy Current Inspection
ECN - Engineering Change Notice, a GE form
ECO - Economizer (In boilers)
ECT - Eddy Current Testing
ECT - Evaporative Cooling Tower
ECS - Electrical Control System
ECS - Embedded Component Service
ECS - Erection and Commissioning Service
ECW - Emergency Cooling Water
ECW - Evaporative Cooling Water
EDE - Emergency Diesel Engine
EDG - Emergency Diesel Generator
EDI - Electronic Data Interchange
EDI - Electro-Deionization
EDR - Electro-Dialysis Reversal
EEP - Engineered Equipment Package
EER - Energy Efficiency Ratio
Eff - Efficiency
EFP - Electric Fire Pump
EFW - Emergency Feedwater
EFWS - Emergency Feedwater System
EG - Emergency Governor
EGD - Ethernet Global Data
EGR - Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EGS - Electric Generation Supplier
EH - Electrohydraulic
EHA - Electro Hydraulic Actuator
EHC - Electrohydraulic Control
EHC - Electrohydraulic Converter
EHP - Economizer High Pressure
EHS - Environment Health and Safety
EHV - Extra-High Voltage
EI - Economizer Inlet
E&I - Electrical and Instrumentation
EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment
EIA - Energy Information Administration
EIP - Economizer Intermediate Pressure
EIR - Environmental Impact Report
EIS - Environmental Impact Statement
EL - Exhaust Loss
ELEP - Expansion Line End Point (ST Exhaust)
EMC - Electro-Magnetic Compatibility
EMI - Electro Magnetic Interference
EMOV - Electrical Motor Operated Valve
EMU - Emulsion
EOH - Equivalent Operating Hours
EOL - End of Line
EOMR - End of Manufacturing Report
EOP - Emergency Bearing Oil Pump
EOT - Electrically Operated Traveling
EPA - Environment Protection Agency
EPC - Engineering Procurement & Construction
EPCM - Engineering Procurement & Construction
EPI - Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection
EPIX - Equipment Performance Information
EPT - Equilibrium Phosphate Treatment
EPR - Electrical Pressure Regulator
ERD - Energy Recovery Devices
ERS - Equivalent Rotor Starts
ES - Equivalent Starts
ESD - Emergency Shut Down
ESOP - Emergency Seal Oil Pump
ESP - Electrostatic Precipitator
ESPM - Emergency Seal Pump Motor
ESS - Energy Storage System
ESV - Emergency Stop Valve
ETD - Electrical Trip Device
ETM - Exhaust Temperature Matching
ETS - Emergency Trip Supply
FAAE - Fatty Acid Alkyl Esters (Biodiesel)
FAAS - Flame Atomic Absorption
FAC - Flow Assisted Corrosion
FAC - Flow Accelerated Corrosion
FADEC - Full Authority Digital Electronic Control
FAS - Fluid Actuator Supply
FASV - Fast Acting Solenoid Valve
FAT - Factory Acceptance Testing
FATT - Fracture Appearance Transition FBN - Fuel
Bound Nitrogen
FBHX - Fluidized Bed Heat Exchanger (In boilers)
FBN - Fuel Bound Nitrogen
FCL - Field Current Limiter
FCR - Field Current Control
FCV - Flow Control Valve
FC - Frequency Converter
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Power Station Acronyms List
FCB - Field Circuit Breaker
FCP - Fuel Charged to Power
FCR - Field Current Regulator
FCR - Fixed Charge Rate
FD - Flow Diverter
FD - Forced Draft (In boilers)
FD - Forced Draught
FDA - Flushing Device for Actuator
FDC - Fluid Drain Cooler
FDF - Forced Draft Fan (In boilers)
FDH - Flushing Device for Hydraulic-supply-unit
FF - Fire Fighting
FFC - Fin Fan Coolers
FFWT - Final Feed Water Temperature
FG - Fuel Gas
FGD - Flue Gas Desulphurization
FGH - Fuel Gas Heater
FGP - Fuel Gas Preheating
FH - Filter House
FHAIH - Filter House Anti Icing Heater
FID - Flame Ionization Detector
FJS - Fluid Jet Supply
FLB - Feedwater Line Break
FME - Foreign Material Exclusion
FMEA - Failure Modes & Effects Analysis
FMS - Factory Management System
FO - Fuel Oil
FOD - Foreign Object Damage
FOE - Forced Outage Event
FOH - Forced Outage Hours
FOR - Forced Outage Rate
FOR - Fuel Oil Return
FOS - Fuel Oil Supply
FOWI - Fuel Oil Water Injection
FPS - Fire Protection System
FPT - Feedwater Pump Turbine
FRF - Fire Resistant Fluid
FRLS - Fire Retardant Low Smoke
FSFL - Full Speed Full Load
FSMA - Full Scope Maintenance Agreement
FSMS - Full Scope Maintenance Service
FSNL - Full Speed No Load
FSR - Fuel Stroke Reference
FSS - Fire Suppression System
FVM - Flow Valve Motorized
FVR - Field Voltage Regulator
FW - Feed Water
FWH - Feedwater Heater
FWH - Feedwater Heating
FWS - Feedwater System
GAC - Generator Auxiliary Compartment
GADS - Generating Availability Data System
GAMP - Gas Auxiliary Monitor Panel
GateCycle - GE Heat Balance Software
GC - Gas Chromatography
GCB - Gas Circuit Breaker
GCB - Generator Circuit Breaker
GCM - Generator Condition Monitor
GCP - Generator Control Panel
GCS - Gas Cleanup System
GCV - Gas Control Valves
GE - General Electric Company
GE APPS - General Electric Applications Program
GEAE - GE Aircraft Engines
GEC - Generator Excitation Compartment
GEIAD - GE Industrial Aeroderivative Division
GEIS - GE Industrial Systems
GEN - Generator
GEPG - GE Power Generation
GEPS - GE Power System
GER - General Electric Reference
GEVBRSN - GE Von Brand Reflective Smoke
Number, a GE smoke measuring unit
GFAAS - Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption
GHG - Greenhouse gases
GIS - Gas Insulated Switchgear
GLAC - Generator Line Accessory Compartment
GNAC - Generator Neutral Accessory
GNG - Generator Neutral Grounding
GOR - Gain Output Ratio
GPM - Generator Protection Module
GPP - Generator Protective Panel
GPR - Generator Protective Relay
GPU - Gas Pump Unit
GRT - Gross Receipts Tax
GRC - Gas Recirculation (In boilers)
GS - Gland Seal
GSC - Gland Steam Condenser
GSLO - Gland Seal Leakoff Condenser
GSS - Gland Seal System
GST - Gas Surge Tank
GST - Generator Step-up Transformer
GSU - Generator Step-Up (Transformer)
GSUT - Generator Step-Up Transformer
GT - Gas Turbine
GTC - Gas Turbine Control
GTCC - Gas Turbine Combined Cycle
GTCS - Gas Turbine Control System
GTE - Generator Terminal Enclosure
GTG - Gas Turbine Generator
GTP - Gas Turbine Package
GTP - GT PRO Program
GTS - General Time Schedule
GTPR - Gas Turbine Performance Report
GUI - Graphical User Interface
GV - Governor Valve
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Power Station Acronyms List
GVPI - Global Vacuum Pressure Impregnated
GW - Gigawatt
GWh - Gigawatt hour
HAC - Hazardous Area Classification
HAP - Hazardous Air Pollutants
HARP - Heater Above the Reheat Point
HARP - Heater Above the Reheater Pressure
HAT - Humidified Air Turbine
HAZ - Heat- Affected Zone
HCF - High Cycle Fatigue
HCI - Hydrogen Chloride (In boilers)
HCV - Hydraulic Control Valve
HCO - Hydraulic Clearance Optimization
HD - Hydrogen Damage
HDA - Historical Data Access
HEC - Heat Exchanger Cores
HEQ - High Efficiency Quench
HFO - Heavy Fuel Oil
HFPM - Hydraulic Fluid Pump Motor
HGP - Horizontal Gas Path
HGP - Hot Gas Path
HGPI - Hot Gas Path Inspection Interval
HGS - Heat Regenerative System
HHS - Highest point of Heating Surface
HHV - Higher Heating Value
HIPPS - High Integrity Pressure Protection System
HMB - Heat and Mass Balance
HMB - Heat and Material Balance
HMI - Human Machine Interface
HO - Hydraulic Oil
HP - High Pressure
HP - Horsepower
HPB - High Pressure Boiler
HPBD - High Pressure Blowdown
HPC - High Pressure Compressor
HPCI - High Pressure Coolant Injection
HPD - High Power Density, a GE’s Trademark
HPD - High Pressure Drum
HPDC - High Pressure Downcomer
HPE - High Pressure Economizer
HPHWC - High Pressure Hot Water Cycle
HPP - High Pressure Packing
HPRTE - High Pressure Regenerative Turbine
HPS - High Pressure Superheater
HPS - Hydrogen Purge System
HPT - High Pressure Turbine
HPTA1 - HPT Addition
HPTL - HPT Last group
HPTX1 - HPT Extraction
HPU - Hydraulic Pressure Unit
HR - Heat Rate
HRB - Heat Recovery Boiler
HRH - Hot Reheat
HRS - Heat Rejection Section
HRSG - Heat Recovery Steam Generator
HRVG - Heat Recovery Vapor Generator
HSD - High Speed Diesel
HSE - Health Safety Environmental
HSO - Hydrogen Seal Oil
HSPT - High Speed Power Turbine
HSS - High Speed Stop
HSU - Hydraulic Supply Unit
HTC - Heat Transfer Coefficient (h.t.c.)
HTF - Heat Transfer Fluid
HTGR - High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor
HV - High Voltage
HVAC - Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
HVB - High Voltage Bushing
HVDC - High Voltage Direct Current
HVLP - High Volume Low Pressure
HVWS - High Velocity Water Spray
HX - Heat Exchanger
I&C - Instrumentation and Control
IAD - Industrial Aero-Derivative
IAS - Instrument Air System
IBF - Initiate Breaker Failure
IBH - Inlet Bleed Heating
IC - Ion Chromatography
ICE - Internal Combustion Engine
ICGCC - Integrated Coal Gasification Combined
ICP - Inductively Coupled Plasma
ICS - Integrated Control System
ICM - Inventory Control Number, a GE form
ICV - Intercept Control Valve
ICVC - Intercept Control Valve Control
ID - Induced Draft (In boilers)
ID - Intake Duct
IDC - Initiating Device Circuits
IDC - Interest During Construction
IDF - Induced Draft Fan (In boilers)
IDS - Integrated Design System
IES - Integrated Engineering Station
IGCC - Integrated Gasification Combined Cycles
IGV - Inlet Guide Vanes
IHR - Incremental Heat Rate
IL - Insertion Loss
IL - Intermediate and Low (Turbine or Pressure)
IM - Intermediate Metallic
I&M - Installation & Maintenance
IOS - Intelligent Operator Station
IPC - Inlet Pressure Control
IPC - Initial Pressure Control
IP - Intermediate Pressure
IPB - Intermediate Pressure Boiler
IPB - Isolated Phase Bus bars
IPB - Isolated Phase Bus duct
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Power Station Acronyms List
IPBD - Intermediate Pressure Blowdown
IPBD - Isolated Phase Bus Duct
IPC - Inlet Pressure Control
IPD - Intermediate Pressure Drum
IPDC - Intermediate Pressure Downcomer
IPE - Intermediate Pressure Economiser
IPP - Independent Power Plant
IPP - Independent Power Producer
IPPPP - Independent Power Producer Procurement
IPR - Initial Pressure Regulator
IPR - Intermediate Pressure Regulator
IPS - Intermediate Pressure Superheater
IPT - Intermediate Pressure Turbine
IPSH - Intermediate Pressure Super Heater
IR - Infra Red
IRR - Internal Rate of Return
IST - Industrial Steam Turbine
ITD - Initial Temperature Difference
ITM - Ion Transport Membrane
ITP - Inspection Test Plan, a SE form
ITCC - Integrated turbine Compressor Control
ISCC - Integrated Solar Combined Cycle
ISV - Intercept Stop Valve
IV - Intercept Valve
IV_AUXST - Auxiliary Steam Supply Isolation Valve
IV_AB/AUX - Auxiliary Boiler Isolation Valve
IVR - Intercept Valve Relay
IVSM - Intercept Valve Servomotor
IVT - Intercept Valve Transmitter
IWPP - Independent Water Power & Power Plant
IWPP - Independent Water Power & Power
IWPPP - Independent Water Power & Power Plant
JB - Junction Box
KKS - Kraftwerk Kennzeichen System, a Siemens
power plant identification system
kpph - Thousands of pounds per hour
kV - Kilovolt
kVAr - Kilovolt-Ampere reactive
kW - Kilowatt
kWe - Kilowatts electric
kWh - Kilowatt hours
kWth - Kilowatts thermal (kJ/s)
kWp - Kilowatt peak
LA - Lightning Arrester
LAER - Lowest Achievable Emission Rate
LAN - Local Area Network
LC - Load Case
LCC - Life Cycle Costs
LCF - Low Cycle Fatigue
LCG - Low Calorific Gas
LCI - Load Commutating Inverter
LCCR - Liquid Cooled Connection Ring
LCFI - Low Cycle Fatigue Index
LCV - Low Calorific Value
LD - Liquidated Damages
LDB - Lighting Distribution Board
LDC - Load Dispatch Center
LEC - LCI Excitation Compartment
LEL - Lower Explosive Limit
LER - Local Equipment Room
LF - Liquid Fuel
LFAP - Local Fire Alarm Panel
LHD - Linear Heat Detector
LHE - Lean Head End
LHV - Lower Heating Value
LLF - Load Loss Factor
LM - GE Aeroderivative GT Designation
LMTD - Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference
LNG - Liquefied Natural Gas
LNS - Liquid Nitrogen System
LO - Lube Oil
LOCA - Loss of Coolant Accident
LOD - Limit of Detection
LODF - Line Outage Distribution Factor
LOI - Loss on Ignition
LOOP - Loss of Offsite Power
LOTO - Lock Out Tag Out, a GE procedure
LP - Low Pressure
LPACV - Low Pressure Actuated Control Valve
LPASV - Low Pressure Actuated Stop Valve
LPB - Low Pressure Boiler
LPBD - Low Pressure Blowdown
LPC - Low Pressure Compressor
LPE - Low Pressure Economizer
LPD - Low Pressure Drum
LPDC - Low Pressure Downcomer
LPG - Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LPL - Lightning Protection Level
LPS - Lightning Protection System
LPS - Low Pressure Superheater
LPT - Low Pressure Turbine
LPTA1 - LPT Addition
LPTL - Low Pressure Turbine Last group
LPTX1 - LPT Extraction
LPTX2 - LPT Extraction for Deareator
LPTX3 - LPT Extraction for FWH2 or DHC2
LPTX4 - LPT Extraction for FWH1 or DHC1
LPSACV - Low Pressure Steam Admission Control
LPSASV - Low Pressure Steam Admission Stop
LPVC - Low Pressure Valve Control
LPZ - Lightning Protection Zone
LRSV - Leakoff Re-entry Stop Valve
LRFD - Load Resistance Factor Design
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Power Station Acronyms List
LSB - Last Stage Buckets
LSIP - Large Scale Integrated Project
LSM - Line Speed Matching
LSS - Low Speed Stop
LSTG - Large Steam turbine Generator
LTC - Load Tap Changing
LTE - Life Time Expenditure
LTE - Low Temperature Economizer
LTP - Long Term Program
LTSA - Long Term Service Agreement
LV - Low Voltage
LVD - Low Voltage Distribution
LVDT - Linear Variable Differential Transformer
LVP - Locus of Valve Points (So called Hybrid
LWL - Lowest permissible Water Level
MAC - Siemens denomination of “Extended Service
Interval”, lifetime of hot gas path components
MACT - Maximum Achievable Control Technology
MAOP - Main Auxiliary Oil Pump
MAWP - Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
MBC - Model Based Control
MCB - Main Control Board
MCB - Main Circuit Breakers
MCB - Miniature Circuit Breakers
MCB - Motor Circuit Breakers
MCC - Motor Control Center
MCE - Maximum Credible Earthquake
MCL - Maximum Continuous Load
MCOV - Maximum Current Over Voltage
MCR - Maximum Continuous Rate
MCR - Maximum Continuous Rating
MCSF - Minimum Continuous Stable Flow
MCV - Main Control Valve
MCW - Main Cooling Water
MCWP - Main Cooling Water Pump
MCWS - Main Cooling Water System
MDB - Mean Dry Bulb (Temperature)
MDI - Mechanical Drive Interface GE Program
MWB - Mean Wet Bulb (Temperature)
MWS - Mean Wind Speed
MEC - Main Earthling Conductor
MECL - Minimum Emissions Compliance Load
MED - Multi-Effect Distillation
MED - Multi-Effect Desalination
MEOP - Maximum Expected Operating Pressure
MER - Maximum Efficient Rate
METL - Minimum Environmental Technical Load
MF - Micro-Filtration
MFB - Main Feeder Bus
MFBRV - Main Feedwater Bypass Regulation Valve
MFCV - Main Feedwater Check Valve
MFP - Main Feed Pump
MFRV - Main Feedwater Regulation Valve
MFV - Multi-Function Valves
MHA - Mechanical Hydraulic Amplifier
MHC - Mechanical Hydraulic Control
MHI - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
MHPS - Mitsubishi Hitachi Power System
MIC - Microbiological Induced Corrosion
MIC - Microbiological Influenced Corrosion
M&D - Monitoring & Diagnostic
MLI - Model List Item (A unique identification
number assigned by GE to a category of
MMF - Multi-Media Filter
MMI - Man-Machine Interface
MNQC - Multi-Nozzle Quiet Combustors
MO - Major Outage
MO - Major Overhaul
MOD - Multi-Point Design
MOD - Multi-Point composite model
MOP - Main Oil Pump
MOV - Motor Operated Valve / Electric Actuators
MOIV - Motor Operated Isolation Valve
MOX - Mixed Oxide Fuel
MP - Medium Pressure
MPG - Mono-Propylene Glycol
MPL - Master Parts List, a GE form
MPL - Measuring Point List, a SE form
MPR - Maximum Peak Rate
MRB - Manufacturing Record Book, a SE form
MS - Main Steam
MS - Multi-Shaft
MSBIV - Main Steam Bypass Isolation Valve
MSCV - Main Steam Check Valve
MSCV - Main Steam Control Valve
MSCV - Main Stop Control Valve
MSD - Material Shipped Direct, a GE form
MSDIV - Main Steam Drain Isolation Valve
MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet
MSDV - Main Steam Depressurization Valve
MSF - Multi-Stage Flash (Desalination Mode)
MSIV - Main Steam Isolation Valve
MSL - Mean Seal Level
MSL - Main Steam Line
MSLB - Main Steam Line Break
MSOT- Maximum Sustained Operating
MSP - Mono-Sodium Phosphate
MSP - Motor-driven Suction-oil Pump
MSR - Moisture Separator Reheater
MSRV - Main Steam Relief Valve
MSS - Main Steam System
MST - Medium Steam Turbine GE Program
MSV - Main Stop Valve
MSVBPV - Main Stop Valve Bypass Valve
MSW - Municipal Solid Waste (Burning in boiler)
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MS&W - Maintenance Shop and Warehouse
MT - Magnetoscopic Test
MT - Main Transformer
MTBF - Mean Time Between Failures
MTBFO - Mean Time Between Forced Outages
MTBR - Mean Time Between Repairs
MTCV - Main Turbine Control Valve
MTL - Minimum Technical Load
MTM - Misalignment Tolerance Matrix, a GE
MTR - Minimum Technical Rate
MTRA - Minimum Technical Rate Ambient
MTS - Master Trip Solenoid
MTS - Mechanical Trip Solenoid
MTSV - Main Turbine Stop Valve
MTSV - Master Trip Solenoid Valve
MTTR - Mean Time to Repair
MU - Makeup
MV - Medium Voltage
MVA - Megavolt Ampere
MVAr - Megavolt Ampere reactive
MV - Medium Voltage
MVD - Medium Voltage Distribution
MVL - Mean of Valve Loops
MVWS - Medium Velocity Water Spray
MU - Makeup
MUT - Makeup Tank
MVP - Mechanical Vacuum Pump
MW - Megawatts
MW - Molecular Weight
MWd - Megawatts day
MWe - Megawatts electric
MWh - Megawatts hour
MWI - Modified Wobbe Index
MWp - Megawatts peak
MWth - Megawatts thermal (MJ/s)
NAC - Notification Appliance Circuits
NCL - Nominal Continuous Load
NCR - Nominal Continuous Rate
NCR - Non-Conformance Clearance, a GE form
NDCT - Natural Draft Cooling Tower
NDHX - Natural Draft Heat Exchanger
NDE - Non-Destructive Evaluation
NDFT - Nominal Dry Film Thickness
NDT - Non Destructive Testing
NF - Nano-Filtration
NG - Natural Gas
NGCC - Natural Gas Combined Cycle
NLTC - No-Load Tap Changers
NOx - Nitrogen Oxide(s)
NP - Natural Pressure = (ST HP 1st Stage inlet
pressure / ST HP 1st Stage inlet rated pressure) x
HRH rated pressure
NP - Net Plant
NPHR - Net Plant Heat Rate
NPF - Normalized Permeate Flow
NPI - New Product Introduction
NPP - Nuclear Power Plant
NPR - Nominal Peak Rate
NPSH - Net Positive Suction Head
NPSHA - Net Positive Suction Head Available
NPSHR - Net Positive Suction Head Required
NPV - Net Present Value
NR - Noise Reduction
NRV - Non-Return Valve / Non-Reheat Valve
NSA - Noise Sensitive Area
NSB - Non-Segregate Bus
NSPB - Non Segregated Phase Bus
NSR - Notification Shipping Release, a GE form
NSSS - Nuclear Steam Supply System
NTE - Not to Exceed
NTP - Notice to Proceed
NUG - Non-Utility Generator
NVH - Nitrogen Vent Header
NWL - Normal Water Level
OAC - Open Air Cooled
OBQ - Output Bad Quality
OCB - Oil-operated Circuit Breaker
OCC - Optimized Cycling and Constructability
OCGT - Open Cycle Gas Turbine
OCM - Oil Conditioner Motor
OCTC - Off Circuit Tap Changer
ODC - Operating Data Counter
ODAF - Oil Directed Air Forced
ODM - Order Definition Meeting, a GE form
ODP - Open Drip-Proof
OEL - Over Excitation Limit
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
OEOT - Open End Over-Travel
OFA - Overfire Air
OFAF - Oil Forced Air Forced
OH - Operating Hours
OHST - Overhead Storage Tank
O&M - Operation and Maintenance
OLE - Object Linking and Embedding
OLTC - On Load Tap Changer
OLV - Over-Load Valve
ONAF - Oil Natural Air Forced
ONAN - Oil Natural Air Natural
OPC - OLE for Process Control
OPC - Open Process Control
OPEX - Operating Expense (Expenditures)
OPS - Operation Station
ORA - Omnibus Restructuring Agreement
ORAP - Operational Reliability Analysis Program
ORC - Organic Rankine Cycle
ORP - Oxidation Reduction Potential
OS - Operator Station
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Power Station Acronyms List
OS&D - Overages / Shortages Defects
OSI - Open Systems Interconnection
OSM - On Site Monitoring
OSM - Optical Switching Module
OT - Oxygenated Treatment (A Boiler Water
OTB - Once-Through Boiler
OTC - Once-Through Cooling
OTC - Outlet Temperature Controller
OTSG - Once-Through Steam Generator (OnceThrough HRSG)
OV - Open Ventilated
OVP - Over Voltage Protection
PA - Primary Air (In boilers)
PA - Purge Air
PAC - Power Answer Center, a GE Division
PAC - Provisional Acceptance Package
PAC - Plant Acceptance
PAG - Power Augmentation
PAV - Power Assisted Valve
PB - Premix Burner
PC - Phosphate Continuum
PC - Process Control
PC - Power Center
PC - Pulverized Coal
PCAIF - Pulse Clean Air Intake Filter
PCB - Polychlorinated Biphenyls
PCB - Power Circuit Breaker
PCC - Power Control Center
PCC - Power Cycle Chemistry
PCE - PEACE Program
PC(H) - Phosphate Continuum High
PC(L) - Phosphate Continuum Low
PCM - Power Control Module
PCS - Plant Control System
PCS - Platform combustion System
PCT - Power Current Transformer
PCV - Pressure Control Valve
PCV_IPBP - IP Back Pressure Control Valve
PCV_IPCRH - IP Steam Admission to Cold Reheat
Pressure Control Valve
PCV_HPBYP - HP Steam Bypass Control Valve
PCV_HRHBYP - HRH Steam Bypass Control Valve
PCV_LPBYP - LP Steam Bypass Valve
PDA - Particle Discharge Analyzer
PDAS - Plant Data Acquisition System
PDC - Power Distribution Centers
PDC - Power Distribution & Control
PDE - Plant Design Expert
PDE - PDE Program
PDH - Plant Data Highway
PDP - Pump Discharge Pressure
PEACE - Plant Engineering and Construction
PED - Pressure Equipment Directive
PEECC - Packaged Electrical & Electronics Control
PEECC - Power Electrical & Electronics Control
PEMS - Predicted Emissions Monitoring System
PF - Power Factor
PFB - Pressurized Fluidized Bed
PFBC - Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion
PFD - Probability of Failure on Demand
PFPS - Plant Fire Protection System
PFS - Post-Firing System (in HRSG)
PG - Pilot Gas
PH - Period Hours
PID - Proportional Integral Derivative
PLC - Programmable Logic Controller
PLU - Power Load Unbalance
PM - Particulate Mater
PM - Premix Mode
PM - Pre-Mixed
PMG - Permanent Magnet Generator
PMI - Positive Material Identification
PMT - Post-Maintenance Test
POCO - Position Controllers
POF - Planned Outage Factor
PPA - Power Purchase Agreement
PPM - Piloted Pre-Mixed
PPT - Power Potential Transformer
PQP - Project Quality Plan, a SE form
PR - Performance Ratio
PR - Pressure Ratio
PREH - Preheater
PRI - Primary Re-Ignition
PS - Pneumatic System
PSS - Power System Stabilizer
PSD - Prevention of Significant Deterioration
PSH - Pressure Seal Head
PSS - Power System Stabilizer
PSS - Process Sampling System
PSSO - Power Systems Sourcing Operation
PSWS - Potable and Sanitary Water System
PT - Phosphate Treatment (A Boiler Water
PT - Potential Transformer
PT - Power Turbine
PTC - Performance Test Codes
PTDC - Pneumatic Time Delay Cabinet
PTIT - Power Turbine Inlet Temperature
PTO - Pressure Take Off
PTS - Purchase Technical Specification
PTSA - Power Turbine Shaft Assembly
PTZ - Phase Transition Zone
PURPA - Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act
PV - Photovoltaic
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PVS - Plant Vent Stack
PWD - Prevailing Wind Direction
PWDS - Potable Water Distribution System
PWHT - Post-Weld Heat Treatment
PWL - Power Level (Sound)
PWR - Pressurized Water Reactor
PX - Power Exchange
QA - Quality Assurance
QC - Quality Control
QCP - Quality Control Plan, a Siemens form
QCR - Quality Control Report
QFD - Quality Function Deployment
QHSE - Quality Health Safety Environmental
QMS - Quality Management System
RAA - Relative Accuracy Audit
RAM - Reliability, Availability and Maintainability
RCC - Reactive Current Compensation
RCR - Ramsbottom Carbon Residue
RCV - Reheat Control Valve
RCW - Raw Cooling Water
RDE - Rotating Disk Electrode
RDF - Refuse Derived Fuel
REF - Reburn Efficiency Factor
RES - Renewable Energy Source
REV - Radiant Evaporator (In boilers)
RFD - Reverse Flow Discharge
RFI - Radio Frequency Interference
RFV - Reverse Flow Valve
RFDV - Reverse Flow Discharge Valve
RFP - Reactor Feedwater Pump
RGS - Renewable Generating System
RGS - Rigid Galvanized Steel
RH - Reheat Steam
RH - Relative Humidity
RHT - Reheater
RHT - Reheat Turbine
RHCV - Reheat Cooling Valve
RI - Rotor Inspection
RL - Return Line
RMS - Regulation and Metering Station
RO - Reverse Osmosis
ROA - Return of Assets
ROE - Return on Equity
ROG - Reactive Organic Gas
ROI - Return on Investment
ROW - Right of Way
RPP - Reference Power Plant
RPV - Rotating Pilot Valve
RPVB - Rotating Pilot Valve Bushing
RR - Radiant Reheater (In boilers)
RSC - Reference Site Condition
RSC - Row Syngas Cooler
RSG - Remote Services Gateway
RSH - Radiant Superheater (In boilers)
RSV - Reheat Stop Valve
RSW - Raw Service Water
RT - Radiographic Test
RTD - Resistance Temperature Detector
RTU - Remote Terminal Unit
RW - Raw Water
RWCU - Reactor Water Clean-Up
RWP - River Water Pump
SA - Secondary Air (In boilers)
SAC - Single Annular Combustor
SAF - Synchronous Amplification Factor
SAHTR - Steam Air Heater (In boilers)
SAS - Secondary Air System
SAS - Service Air System
SAT - Station Auxiliary Transformer
SAT - Startup Auxiliary Transformer
SB - Segregated Bus
SBC - Steam Bypass Control
SBCS - Steam Bypass Control System
SBO - Station Blackout
SBOM - Shipping Bill of Materials, a GE form
SC - Simple Cycle
SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCC - Siemens Combined Cycle
SCC-PAC - Siemens Combined Cycle Package
SCC - Spencer, Cotton and Cannon, a calculation
method of steam leak
SCC - Stress Corrosion Cracking
SCGT - Single Cycle Gas Turbine
SCHLICT - Schwartz-Christoffel Hodographic
Laminar Incompressible Conformal Transformation
SCL - Stator Current Limiter
SCon - Siemens Condenser
SCP - Simple Cycle Plants
SCR - Selective Catalytic Reduction
SCR - Short Circuit Ratio
SCR - Silicon Controlled Rectifier
SCRC - Semi-Closed Recuperated Cycle
SCT - Saturable Current Transformer
SCTL - Single Circuit Transmission Line
SCU - Steam Conditioning Unit
SCW - Stator Cooling Water
SD - Shutdown
SDBCS - Steam Dump Bypass Control System
SDH - Station Designers Handbook
SDS - Steam Dump System
SDV - Steam Dump Valve
SE - Siemens Energy
SEDL - Site Erection Document List, an Alstom
SEE - Static Excitation Equipment
SEER - Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio
SEGS - Solar Electric Generating Station
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Power Station Acronyms List
SER - Sequence of Events Recorder
SERVA - Service Air
SES - Static Excitation System
SF - Supplementary Fired
SFC - Starting Frequency Converter
SFC - Static Frequency Converter (LCI)
SFC - Sequential Function Chart
SG - Steam Generator
SG - Syngas
SGen - Siemens Generator
SGC - Sub-Group Control
SGS - Steam Generator System
SGT - Siemens Gas Turbine
SGT-PAC - Siemens Gas Turbine Package
SGTR - Steam Generator Tube Rupture
SGWFCV - Steam Generator Water Filling Control
SH - Super Heater
SHP - Superheater High Pressure
SIL - Safety Integrity Level
SIP - Superheater Intermediate Pressure
SIPEP - Siemens Plant Performance Estimation
SINS - Standard Identification Numbering System
SIT - Siemens Industry Turbomachinery
SJAE - Steam Jet Air Ejector
SLC - Speed Load Changer
SLD - Single Line Diagram
SLE - Service Level Earthquake
SLMS - Stator Leak Monitoring system
SLP - Superheater Low Pressure
SLS - Serviceability Limit State
SNCR - Selective Non-catalytic Reduction
SNG - Synthetic Natural Gas
SOBP - Seal Oil Backup Pump
SOE - Sequence of Events
SOH - Shutoff Head
SORC - Steam Organic Rankine Cycle
SOS - Scope of Supply
SOV - Shutoff Valves
SOW - Scope of Work
SOx - Sulfur Oxides
SP - Sampling Point
SP - Sampling Package
SPA - Siemens Power Academy
SPA - Steam Path Audit
SPCV - Steam Packing Cooling Valve
SPD - Single Point Design
SPD - Surge Protection Device
SPDT - Single Pole Double Throw
SPE - Solid Particle Erosion
SPE - Steam Packing Exhauster
SPEX - Single Piece Exhaust
SPF - Siemens Process Framework
SPG - Siemens Power Generation
SPL - Sound Pressure Level
SPL - Steam Packing Leakoff
SPPA - Siemens Power Plant Automation
SPRINT - Spray Inter-cooled Turbine
SPRITS - Register name of Spray or Fogging
SR - Speed Relay
SRC - Steam Rankine Cycle
SRS - Side Ripple Springs
SRV - Speed-Ratio Valve
SRV - Stop-Ratio Valve
SS - Sampling Station
SS - Saturated Steam
SS - Single- Shaft
SSD - Static Starting Device
SSDV - Steam Seal Dump Valve
SSE - Safe Shutdown Earthquake
SSE - Sealing System Evaporator
SSE - Single Side Exhaust
SSE - Steam Seal Evaporator
SSF - Steam Seal Feed
SSFB - Steam Seal Feed Bypass
SSFV - Steam Seal Feed Valve
SSH - Steam Seal Header
SSM - Synchronized System Measurement
SSR - Sealing System Regulator
SSR - Steam Seal Regulator
SSR - Secondary Speed Relay
SSS - Steam Seal System
SSS - Self-engaging Synchronizing System
SSS - Self Shifting and Synchronizing
SSS - Synchro Self Shifting (Clutches transmit)
SST - Start-up Transformer
SST - Siemens Steam Turbine
SST-PAC - Siemens Steam Turbine Package
SST - Station Service Transformer
ST - Steam Turbine
STAG - Steam and Gas, GE Designation
STAG - Steam Turbine and Generator
STBL - Steam Blow Piping
STC - Sound Transmission Class
STC - Steam Turbine Control
STCMPS - Steam Turbine Control Monitoring
Protection System
STCS - Steam Turbine Control System
STEM - Shaped Tube Electrode Machining
STEP - Station Thermal Efficiency Performance
STG - Steam Turbine-Generator
STGMD - Steam Turbine Generator Manufacturing
Department, a GE designation
STGPO - Steam Turbine Generator Power Output
STIG - Steam Injected Gas Turbine
STIG - Steam Injection Gas Turbine
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STIM - Steam Turbine Instruction Manual
STP - Standard Temperature & Pressure
SSD - Static Starting Device
SSF - Steam Seal Feed Lines
SSFB - Steam Seal Feed Bypass
SSR - Seal Steam Regulator
SST - Siemens Steam Turbine
SST - Station Service Transformer
SU - Startup
SUT - Startup Transformer
SUT - Stepup Transformer
SV - Stop Valve
SVC - Static VAr Compensator
SVBP - Stop Valve Bypass
SVL - Stator Voltage Limiter
SVR - Static Voltage Regulator
SW - Sea Water
SWC - Steam Water Cycle
SWCS - Stator Cooling Water System
SWP - Service Water Pump
SWPS - Sea Water Pumping Station
SWS - Service Water System
SWT - Sea Water Temperature
TAC - Turbine Air Cooling
TAN - Total Acid Number
TAPS - Test Automated Planning System
TAR - Trip Anticipator Relay
TBC - Thermal Barrier Coating
TBL - Transmission Business Line
TBS - Turbine Bypass System
TBV - Turbine Block Valves
TBV - Turbine Bypass Valve
TBWD - Thrust Bearing Wear Detector
TC - Thermocouple
TCA - Technical Commissioning Advisory
TCI - Turbine Control Interface
TCP - Transmission Communication Protocol
TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
TCP - Turbine Control Panel
TCS - Turbine Control System
TCV - Temperature Control Valve
TCV - Turbine Control Valve
TD - Thermodynamic Design (Thermoflow Mode)
TDH - Total Developed Head
TDH - Total Discharge Head
TDH - Total Dynamic Head
TDP - Turbine Driven Pump
TDS - Total Dissolved Solids
TED - Turbine Exhaust Duct
TEFC - Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled
TEG - Turbine Exhaust Gas
TEM - Turbine Exhaust Manifold
TENV - Totally Enclosed Non Ventilated
TEOR - Thermally Enhanced Oil Recovery
TES - Thermal Energy Storage
TET - Turbine Exhaust Temperature
TEWAC - Totally Enclosed Water to Air Cooled
TFA - Technical Field Assistant, a SE service
TFA - Technical Field Assistance
TFR - Throttle Flow Rate
TFS - Turbine First Stage
TG - Turbine Generator
TG - Turning Gear
TGD - Technical Guidance Documents
TGM - Turning Gear Motor
TGOP - Turning Gear Oil Pump
TGSCC - Trans-Granular Stress Corrosion TGSS Turbine Gland Sealing System
TGV - Turbine Governor Valve
TGVAS - Turbine Generator Vibration Analysis
THC - Total Hydrocarbon Emissions
THO - Top Heater Out
TIL - Technical Information Letter, a GE form
TIP - Transmission Internet Protocol
TIR - Total Indicator Runout
TIT - Turbine Inlet Temperature
TL - Transmission Line
TLOS - Turbine Lube Oil System
TLOST - Turbine Lube Oil Storage Tank
TMCR - Boiler Maximum Continuous Rating
TMF - Turbine Mid-Frame
TMP - Transmembrane Pressure
TMR - Triple Modular Redundant
TMS - Total Maintenance Service
TSE - Turbine Stress Evaluator
TO - Transmission Owner
TOC - Top of Concrete
TOC - Total Organic Carbon
TOG - Total Organic Gases
TOP - Transmission Operator
TOS - Toshiba
TOSMAP - Toshiba Microprocessor Aided Power
TOTC - Corrected Turbine Outlet Temperature
TOW - Time of Wetness
TPL - Transition Product Line
TPP - Thermal Power Plant
TRF - Turbine Rear Frame
TRP - Transmission Reserve Margin
TRP - Transmission Reliability Margin
TRS - Top Ripple Spring
TSB - Toshiba Corporation
TSC - Turbine Stress Controller
TSE - Turbine Stress Evaluation
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TSI - Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation
TSO - Transmission System Operator
TSP - Tri-Sodium Phosphate
TSP - Total Suspended Particulate
TSV - Turbine Stop Valve
TTA - Tolyltriazole, a corrosion inhibitor in CCW
TTD - Terminal Temperature Difference
TTV - Trip Throttle Valve
TV - Throttle Valve
TWh - Terawatt hour
U - Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
UA - Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient per Area
UAT - Unit Auxiliary Transformer
UCB - Utility Circuit Breaker
UDC - Under-Deposit Corrosion
UDH - Unit Data Highway
UE - Unearthed
UEEP - Used Energy End Point (ST Exhaust)
UEG - Utility Electric Generator
UEL - Under Excitation Limiter
UF - Ultra-Filtration
UGA - Under-Grate Air (In boilers)
UGC - Uptime Generation Cost
UH - Unavailable Hours
UHC - Unburned Hydrocarbon
UHVAC - Ultra-High-Voltage Alternating Current
UHVDC - Ultra-High-Voltage Direct Current
UHTGT - Ultra-High-Temperature Gas Turbine
ULN - Ultra Low NOx
ULS - Ultimate Limit State
UMD - Uninterruptible Motor Drive
UOSM - Universal Onsite Monitoring System
UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply
URAL - Under Reactive Amp Limit
USC - Ultra Supercritical
UT - Ultrasonic Test
UT - Unit Transformer
VA - Volt-Ampere
VAC - Voltage-Alternating Current
VAr - Volt-Ampere reactive
Van - Annulus velocity
VAN - Variable Area Nozzle
VAR - Volt-Ampere Reactive
VAT - Value Added Taxes
VAWT - Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
VBV - Variable Bleed Valve
VCPPP - Variable Clearance Positive Pressure
VCI - Vapor Conditioning Inhibitors
VCI - Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor
VDC - Voltage-Direct Current
VDU - Video Display Unit
VDU - Visual Display Unit
VFD - Variable Frequency Drive
VGP - Vertical Gas Path
VGV - Variable Guide Vanes
VGV - Variable-pitch Guide Vanes
VI - Viscosity Index
VI - Visual Inspection
VIGV - Variable Inlet Guide Vane
VMS - Vibration Monitoring System
VO - Vegetable Oil
VOC - Volatile Organic Compounds
VOP - Valve Overlap Parameter
VP - Vacuum Pump
VP - Variable Pressure
VPFL - Voltage per Frequency Limiter
VPI - Vacuum Pressure Impregnation
VPP - Variable Peak Pricing
VPS - Vacuum Plasma Spray
VRLA - Valve Regulated Lead Acid
VRS - Vacuum Relief system
VSA - Voltage Stability Analysis
VSD - Variable Speed Drive
VSV - Variable Stator Vanes
VT - Voltage Transformer
VTFF - Voltage Transformer Fuse Failure
VV - Variable Vanes
WAHTR - Water Air Heater (In boilers)
VWO - Valves Wide Open
WDS - Waste Disposal System
WECT - Waste Evaporator Condensate Tank
WHTR - Water Heater
WI - Water Injection
WOM - Water in Oil Monitor
WP - Weather Protected
WPAR - Welding Procedure Approval Records, a
SE form
WPS - Welding Procedure Specification, a SE form
WSC - Water Steam Cycle
WSC - Winter Site Conditions
WSCV - Water Spray Calibrating Valve
WSV - Water Spray Valve
WTF - Waste Treatment Facility
WTP - Water Treatment Plant
WWO - Waste Water and Oil
WWS - Well Water System
WWT - Waste Water Treatment
WWTF - Waste Water Treatment Facility
WWTP - Waste Water Treatment Plant
XIGV - Parameter for IGV Control Mode
XLPE - Cross-Linked Polyethylene
XRDA - X-Ray Diffraction Analysis
ZG - Ignition Gas
ZLD - Zero Liquid Discharge
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