Are commodity futures a hedge against inflation? A Markov-switching approach Chunbo Liu Xuan Zhang Zhiping Zhou a Southwestern University of Finance and Economics b Nanjing Audit University c Tongji University Workshop 1 / 25 Motivation The short-run effects of price increase may seem negligible, but the long-run erosive effects of inflation on real asset returns can be substantial 2 / 25 Motivation U.S. inflation is highest in 13 years as prices surge 5% ”We’ll get more inflation than we’re used to.” —— James Bullard 3 / 25 Motivation The inflation protection ability of various asset classes (e.g., TIPS, commodities, real estate, bonds) has attracted much attention from both researchers and the finance industry Commodity futures represent a bet on commodity prices, where the latter are the main drivers of inflation rates Aggregate commodity futures vs. Specific commodity market Gorton and Rouwenhorst (2004); Erb and Harvey (2006); Hoevenaars et al., (2008); Gorton et al.,(2013) Baur and McDermott (2010); Wang et al., (2011); Van Hoang et al., (2016); Lucey et al., (2017); and Bilgin et al., (2018). 4 / 25 Motivation Conventional tools include: Fisher coefficient (Fama and Schwert, 1977) Pearson correlation (Bodie, 1982) Johansen cointegration vector (Mahdavi and Zhou, 1997) Vector error correction model (Levin et al., 2006) Vector autoregressive model (Hoevenaars, et al., 2008; Spierdijk and Umar, 2014) Structural vector autoregressive model (Cologni and Manera, 2008; Lippi and Nobili, 2012; Blanchard and Riggi, 2013) 5 / 25 Motivation Previous Studies: Constant Parameters do not change over time Cannot reflect the different regimes in the economy Chinn and Coibion (2014): The heterogeneity of sample period in terms of inflationary regimes and commodity futures prices Target: This paper applies Markov-switching cointegration and error-correction models to investigate whether commodity futures index is able to hedge against inflation 6 / 25 Results Preview Empirical approach This study adopts a Markov-switching vector error correction model and analyzes the question whether the commodity futures index can hedge against inflation Findings Total commodity futures can not provide the ability to hedge against inflation Among several subindexes of commodity futures, industrial metals are the best inflation hedges The hedging capacity exhibits substantial variation over time, with most of the inflation hedging power emerging under relatively longer and more common regime Results are robust to the inclusion of common stocks and bonds into the model 7 / 25 Data and variables The aggregate S&P GSCI Total Return Index includes 24 commodity futures contracts, categorized into five groups (Thomson Reuters Datastream): Energy subindex: Crude Oil; Brent Crude Oil; Unleaded Gas; Heating Oil; Gas Oil; Natural Gas Industrial metals subindex: Aluminium; Copper; Lead; Nickel; Zinc Precious metals subindex: Gold; Silver Agriculture subindex: Wheat; Red Wheat; Corn; Soybeans; Cotton; Sugar; Coffee; Cocoa Livestock subindex: Live Cattle; Feeder Cattle; Lean Hogs Our sample covers the period Jan. 1983 - Dec. 2017 because of limited data availability of the subsector indices. 8 / 25 Johansen’s Cointegration Test We provide a brief method to analyze the inflation-hedging characteristics of commodity futures in the long run. If the cointegrating vector is (1, −θ), then its respective cointegration equation is lnCPIt = θlnCOMMt + c where COMM is the commodity futures index and c is the intercept. We rewrite the equation above. lnCOMMt = βlnCPIt + c 0 0 where β = 1θ , and c is also the intercept. If β > 1, we can say that the commodity futures index can hedge inflation efficiently in the long run. If 0 < β < 1, then the commodity futures index can provide some inflation-hedging ability. 9 / 25 Johansen’s Cointegration Test Panel B: Johansen co-integration test Model COMM EN IM PM AGR LC Null: no co-integration L-Max p-value Trace p-value 156.315 0.000 160.448 0.000 138.084 0.000 142.389 0.000 88.043 0.000 92.477 0.000 68.356 0.000 74.693 0.000 94.496 0.000 99.970 0.000 95.131 0.000 103.560 0.000 Null: one co-integration L-Max p-value Trace p-value 4.133 0.393 4.133 0.393 4.305 0.369 4.305 0.369 4.434 0.351 4.434 0.351 6.337 0.166 6.337 0.166 5.474 0.235 5.474 0.235 8.429 0.069 8.429 0.069 (4) (5) (6) Panel C: Co-integration vectors (1) (2) (3) Index COMM EN IM PM AGR LC Commodity t-statistics Constant t-statistics -0.161 [-2.415] -5.135 [-12.347] -0.114 [-2.109] -5.333 [-14.899] -0.195 [-6.650] -4.345 [-22.249] -0.089 [-0.955] -5.519 [-12.211] -0.069 [-0.264] -5.860 [-4.482] -0.157 [-1.044] -5.237 [-5.960] 10 / 25 Econometric Model The model specification is an M-regime, p-th order autoregressive with r co-integrating vectors, Markov-switching vector error-correction model. p r X X ∆Xt = µ(st )+ Ai (st )∆Xt−i + αj (st )Zt−1 +εt , εt |st ∼ NID(0, Σst ) i=1 j=1 Xt is the time t column vector of observations st = 1, 2, · · · , M represents the regime in time t µ(st ) denotes the regime-dependent intercepts Ai (st ) is a row vector of i-th order autoregressive parameters in regime st αj (st ) measures the speed of error correction in regime st Zt is the column vector containing the residuals from the errorcorrection equation, i.e. Zt = Ĉ Xt − Ĉ X̄t Markov Chain: Pr (st = j|st−1 = i) = pij , where pij is the generic [i, j] element of the M × M transition matrix P 11 / 25 Inflation and Commodity Comparison of VECMs of CPI and prices of commodity index VECM lag = 1 AIC SIC VECM lag = 2 AIC SIC Linear-VECM(1,1) MSIA(2)-VECM(1,1) MSIA(3)-VECM(1,1) MSIAH(2)-VECM(1,1)* MSIAH(3)-VECM(1,1) -12.79 -13.01 -13.04 -13.09 -13.16 -12.68 -12.81 -12.72 -12.86 -12.78 Linear-VECM(2,1) MSIA(2)-VECM(2,1) MSIA(3)-VECM(2,1) MSIAH(2)-VECM(2,1) MSIAH(3)-VECM(2,1) -12.81 -13.03 -13.13 -13.08 -13.16 -12.67 -12.75 -12.69 -12.78 -12.67 MSIA: the intercept terms, the autoregressive parameters are regime dependent MSIAH: the intercept terms, the covariance matrix, and the autoregressive parameters are regime dependent 12 / 25 Inflation and Commodity Estimates of a MSIAH(2)-VECM(1,1) for CPI and prices of commodity index Parameter Const. ∆ CPI(t-1) ∆ COMM(t-1) EC SE Regime 1: Transition matrix Regime 2: ∆ CPI(t) ∆ COMM(t) 0.759 0.241 ∆ CPI(t) ∆ COMM(t) 0.002 [5.616] 0.134 [1.791] 0.037 [7.624] -0.002 [-1.005] -0.001 [-0.093] -2.073 [-0.920] 0.332 [2.628] -0.105 [-1.915] 0.089 0.911 Ergodic prob. Regime 1 0.269 0.002 [12.224] 0.228 [4.528] 0.015 [7.895] -0.002 [-3.924] 0.010 [1.760] -0.361 [-0.164] -0.002 [-0.025] 0.008 [0.456] 0.003 0.079 Regime 2 0.001 0.041 Implied durations Regime 1 4.150 Regime 2 11.280 0.731 In regime 2, the coefficient on the error-correction: positive but insignificant In regime 2, total commodity futures cannot hedge against inflation 13 / 25 Inflation and Commodity 1.00 Probabilities of Regime 1 0.75 0.50 0.25 1.00 1985 1990 Probabilities of Regime 2 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1985 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 0.75 0.50 0.25 1990 During 1983-1989 and 1991-1998, the most dominant regime has been regime 2. However, from 2007 to 2009, regime 1 has dominated regime 2 14 / 25 Inflation and Industrial Metals Estimates of a MSIAH(2)-VECM(1,1) model Panel B: CPI and the industrial metals subindex Parameter Const. ∆ CPI(t-1) ∆ IM(t-1) EC SE Regime 1: Transition matrix Regime 2: ∆ CPI(t) ∆ IM(t) 0.646 0.354 ∆ CPI(t) ∆ IM(t) 0.001 [1.738] 0.381 [3.449] 0.012 [2.079] -0.006 [-1.572] 0.019 [1.684] 0.340 [0.141] 0.533 [3.780] -0.162 [-1.745] 0.089 0.911 Ergodic prob. Regime 1 0.201 0.002 [10.071] 0.265 [4.357] 0.004 [2.705] -0.003 [-3.976] 0.000 [-0.060] 1.116 [0.615] -0.193 [-3.365] 0.057 [2.353] 0.004 0.082 Regime 2 0.001 0.049 Implied durations Regime 1 2.830 Regime 2 11.230 0.799 In regime 2, there is a significant error-correction in inflation and a significant adjustment in industrial metals The results of the MS model show that industrial metals provide a good hedge against inflation 15 / 25 Inflation and Industrial Metals 1.00 Probabilities of Regime 1 0.75 0.50 0.25 1.00 1985 1990 Probabilities of Regime 2 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1985 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 0.75 0.50 0.25 1990 Regime 2 covers a relatively stable inflationary period, such as the Great Moderation and the post-subprime crisis. Inflation tends to go hand in hand with industrial metals futures subindex. 16 / 25 Robustness: including common stocks and bonds Estimates of a MSIAH(2)-VECM(1,1) model Table 6 Panel B: The industrial metals futures model Parameter Regime 1: Regime 2: ∆ CPI(t) ∆ IM(t) ∆ Stock(t) ∆ Bond(t) Regime 1 Regime 2 ∆ CPI(t) ∆ IM(t) ∆ Stock(t) ∆ Bond(t) Const. 0.001 [1.024] 0.017 [1.390] -0.030 [-2.727] 0.014 [2.689] 0.606 0.093 0.394 0.907 0.002 [11.915] 0.007 [1.245] 0.020 [6.100] 0.004 [2.135] ∆ CPI(t-1) 0.436 [3.671] -1.342 [-0.619] 0.171 [0.090] -1.143 [-1.580] Implied durations 0.224 [4.058] 1.511 [0.827] -1.573 [-1.477] 0.128 [0.208] ∆ IM(t-1) 0.010 [1.677] 0.603 [4.884] 0.274 [2.549] -0.007 [-0.136] 0.003 [1.919] -0.114 [-1.852] -0.063 [-1.872] -0.007 [-0.321] ∆ Stock(t) 0.017 [1.969] 0.212 [1.167] 0.201 [1.314] -0.145 [-2.379] 0.001 [0.651] -0.280 [-3.277] -0.062 [-1.260] -0.037 [-1.255] ∆ Bond(t) 0.008 [0.389] -0.651 [-1.485] 0.466 [1.292] -0.045 [-0.310] -0.006 [-1.310] 0.139 [0.878] 0.088 [0.941] 0.038 [0.695] EC -0.002 [-0.720] -0.052 [-1.187] 0.073 [1.822] -0.002 [-0.089] -0.002 [-4.397] 0.028 [2.084] 0.001 [0.162] -0.017 [-3.537] SE 0.004 0.067 0.060 0.023 0.001 0.054 0.033 0.019 Regime 1 Regime 2 2.540 10.800 Ergodic prob. Regime 1 Regime 2 0.190 0.810 In regime 2, the positive error correction coefficient on industrial metals implies the inflation hedging ability. Taken together, these results suggest that our main findings are robust to the inclusion of stocks and bonds 17 / 25 Robustness: including common stocks and bonds 1.00 Probabilities of Regime 1 0.75 0.50 0.25 1.00 1985 1990 Probabilities of Regime 2 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1985 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 0.75 0.50 0.25 1990 This figure depicts the smoothed probabilities of being in regime 1, which prevails the dotcom bubble and the subprime crisis, and regime 2, which prevails during 1991-2001 and post-subprime crisis 18 / 25 Inflation and Energy Estimates of a MSIA(2)-VECM(1,1) for CPI and prices of energy subindex Panel A: CPI and the energy subindex Parameter Const. ∆ CPI(t-1) ∆ EN(t-1) EC SE Regime 1: Transition matrix Regime 2: ∆ CPI(t) ∆ EN(t) 0.746 0.254 ∆ CPI(t) ∆ EN(t) 0.003 [7.734] 0.028 [0.433] 0.051 [14.073] 0.003 [1.722] -0.025 [-1.300] -3.664 [-1.126] 0.436 [2.485] -0.275 [-2.551] 0.024 0.977 Ergodic prob. Regime 1 0.085 0.002 [16.888] 0.112 [2.808] 0.011 [11.385] -0.002 [-5.455] 0.016 [2.321] -3.350 [-1.444] 0.120 [2.296] -0.015 [-0.662] 0.001 0.083 Regime 2 0.001 0.083 Implied durations Regime 1 3.930 Regime 2 42.640 0.916 In regime 1, the error-correction coefficient in the energy index indicate the energy prices diverge from the inflation index. In regime 2, the sign of the error-correction coefficient is negative, implying that the divergence continues 19 / 25 Inflation and Energy 1.00 Probabilities of Regime 1 0.75 0.50 0.25 1.00 1985 1990 Probabilities of Regime 2 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1985 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 0.75 0.50 0.25 1990 Both regimes are strongly persistent, with regime 2 lasting 42.64 months on average and prevailing 91.6% of the time, while regime 1 lasts 3.93 months on average and prevails during the remaining 8.5% of months. 20 / 25 Inflation and Precious Metals Estimates of a MSIAH(2)-VECM(1,1) Panel C: CPI and the precious metals subindex Parameter Const. ∆ CPI(t-1) ∆ PM(t-1) EC SE Regime 1: Transition matrix Regime 2: ∆ CPI(t) ∆ PM(t) 0.836 0.164 ∆ CPI(t) ∆ PM(t) 0.001 [2.845] 0.439 [4.722] 0.021 [2.791] -0.003 [-1.617] 0.012 [1.915] -3.640 [-3.054] -0.092 [-0.853] 0.006 [0.171] 0.060 0.940 Ergodic prob. Regime 1 0.269 0.002 [8.804] 0.247 [3.552] 0.001 [0.632] -0.002 [-4.570] -0.005 [-0.844] 3.273 [1.395] -0.136 [-2.125] 0.023 [1.592] 0.004 0.046 Regime 2 0.023 0.045 Implied durations Regime 1 6.10 Regime 2 16.57 0.731 In regime 2, the error correction coefficient on previous metals reveals that the precious metals index provides some ability to hedge against inflation but with low statistical significance 21 / 25 Inflation and Precious Metals 1.00 Probabilities of Regime 1 0.75 0.50 0.25 1.00 1985 1990 Probabilities of Regime 2 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1985 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 0.75 0.50 0.25 1990 Regime 2 prevails during the period 1983-2004 (with a short period of regime 1 in 1986, 1990 and 2000-2001) and the post-subprime crisis. 22 / 25 Inflation and Agriculture Estimates of a MSIAH(2)-VECM(1,1) Panel D: CPI and the agriculture subindex Parameter Const. ∆ CPI(t-1) ∆ AGR(t-1) EC SE Regime 1: Transition matrix Regime 2: ∆ CPI(t) ∆ AGR(t) 0.857 0.143 ∆ CPI(t) ∆ AGR(t) 0.001 [3.993] 0.462 [6.067] 0.015 [3.755] -0.002 [-1.718] 0.006 [0.695] -3.416 [-2.039] -0.060 [-0.692] -0.024 [-0.850] 0.077 0.923 Ergodic prob. Regime 1 0.351 0.002 [9.287] 0.212 [2.911] 0.001 [0.296] -0.001 [-3.990] -0.010 [-1.941] 4.498 [2.271] 0.062 [0.891] -0.003 [-0.251] 0.003 0.070 Regime 2 0.001 0.037 Implied durations Regime 1 7.01 Regime 2 12.96 0.649 In regime 2, the speed coefficient on CPI indicates a significant error correction in inflation. However, the error correction coefficients on the agriculture index in both regimes are not statistically significant 23 / 25 Inflation and Livestock Estimates of a MSIAH(2)-VECM(1,1) Parameter Const. ∆ CPI(t-1) ∆ LS(t-1) EC SE Regime 1: Transition matrix Regime 2: ∆ CPI(t) ∆ LS(t) 0.813 0.187 ∆ CPI(t) ∆ LS(t) 0.001 [2.875] 0.419 [4.312] 0.011 [0.911] -0.003 [-1.493] -0.009 [-1.616] 1.718 [1.919] 0.003 [0.029] -0.031 [-1.438] 0.060 0.940 Ergodic prob. Regime 1 0.243 0.002 [8.566] 0.298 [4.433] 0.000 [-0.060] -0.001 [-3.787] 0.000 [-0.040] 2.334 [1.419] 0.017 [0.290] -0.008 [-0.746] 0.004 0.033 Regime 2 0.001 0.043 Implied durations Regime 1 5.34 Regime 2 16.67 0.757 In regime 2, the speed coefficient on the CPI provides an indication that there is a significant error correction in inflation Moreover, in both regimes, the error correction coefficients of the livestock index suggest that we cannot use the livestock index to hedge inflation risk 24 / 25 Conclusions The results reveal that commodity futures index does not show significant ability to hedge against inflation The industrial metals are the best inflation hedges. The hedging capacity exhibits under relatively longer and more common regimes: the Great Moderation and the post-subprime crisis The precious metals index provides some ability to hedge against inflation but with low statistical significance We do not find evidence that energy, agriculture and livestock subindexes have significant inflation hedging ability Our main findings are robust to the inclusion of common stocks and government bonds into the model It also would be interesting to calculate hedge ratios as well as the degree of hedging effectiveness. We leave this exercise for a future research project 25 / 25