Ghana International School MISSION VISION To provide an internationally diverse school experience that instills an understanding of each other, promotes holistic development, life skills and learning through a rigorous curriculum that meets international standards. A highly respected school, locally and internationally recognised, providing excellent education in a multi-cultural setting that produces responsible global citizens. At GIS we believe that all students should possess these attributes: Think Critically Be Disciplined Communicate Effectively Be Socially Responsible Display Creativity Be Internationally Minded INFANT SECTION REPORT - Class 1 TERM 3, 2023/2024 NAME: Samara VAIRAMUTHU CLASS: 1 ORCHID DATE OF BIRTH: 30 August 2018 AGE: 5 years 9 months NUMBER OF PUPILS IN CLASS: 20 NEXT TERM BEGINS: 9 September 2024 GRADES A = Excellent/Understood and able to apply B = Good/Understood at the time of teaching C = Needs more work Ghana International School - Report for Term 3, 2023/2024 Name: Samara VAIRAMUTHU Class: 1 ORCHID ENGLISH - WRITING News writing in sequential order Independent writing Understanding of simple story structure Application of spelling skills to daily written work Appropriate use of full stops and capital letters Formation and orientation of letters Weekly spelling and dictation test results ENGLISH - READING Ability to blend sounds Recognition of familiar words in simple texts Comprehension skills, fiction and non-fiction Retelling of stories and discussion of characters ENGLISH - SPEAKING AND LISTENING Contribution to class discussions Clarity of oral expression Listening to others and appropriateness of responses to questions Ability to follow simple instructions COMMENTS: Page: 2 B A A B B B A B A B A A A A A Samara has strong speaking and listening skills. She enjoys listening to stories and engages in discussions about characters and plots. She writes her news and stories independently and demonstrates good spelling skills. However, she needs to work on the structure of her sentences by using different sentence-openers and applying capital letters and full stops consistently. Samara should practise letter formation and focus on presenting her work neatly. She has good blending skills and reads in a soft voice. According to the New Salford Sentence Reading Test, Samara has a reading age of 7 years and 2 months, which is a good result. I encourage her to read extensively during the holidays and concentrate on developing strong written comprehension skills. Teacher's Signature Ghana International School - Report for Term 3, 2023/2024 Name: Samara VAIRAMUTHU Class: 1 ORCHID MATHEMATICS Positions and directions Ability to identify odd and even numbers Ability to write number words to twenty Ability to order and count numbers to 100 and beyond Ability to double and halve numbers to 10 Ability to make number bonds to 5 Ability to make number bonds to 10 Ability to split number into tens and units Ability to name and describe 2D and 3D shapes Ability to communicate information recorded in graphs Ability to solve 'real life' problems Ability to add to 20 and beyond Ability to subtract to 20 Ability to count in 2s, 5s and 10s up to 100 Enthusiasm when involved in practical activities Ability to recognise money in local currency COMMENTS: Page: 3 A A B A A A A A B A A A A A A B Samara is a good mathematician who grasps new concepts easily. She demonstrates solid mental mathematics skills. She shows initiative in solving problems in various contexts and is beginning to develop a fluent knowledge of number facts and concepts. She has developed a broad range of skills in using and applying mathematics and I encourage her to keep this up. Samara enjoys the practical elements of the subject. I urge her to continue using her mathematical knowledge in real-life situations. She can also play board games and use online sites to practise. Teacher's Signature Ghana International School - Report for Term 3, 2023/2024 Name: Samara VAIRAMUTHU Class: 1 ORCHID Page: 4 SCIENCE Understanding of topics studied Recording of information through words and simple drawings Participation in practical activities COMMENTS: A A A During Terms 2 and 3 in Science, we explored Plants, Materials, Magnets and Electricity, Forces, Planet Earth, and Earth in Space with investigative and hands-on activities. Samara contributed to discussions and completed the work satisfactorily. Her participation in practical activities was good. Teacher's Signature GEOGRAPHY/HISTORY Geographical enquiry and vocabulary Historical enquiry and vocabulary Recording of information through words and simple drawings COMMENTS: B A A For the Second and Third Terms, we covered the topics of Homes, the Regions of Ghana, the History of Toys, Seaside Places and the use of geographical terms. Samara has demonstrated a good understanding of each area of focus in both terms. She was an active participant in all the activities and completed her work satisfactorily. Teacher's Signature ART Ability to work practically with a range of tools and materials Creativity in drawing, painting and construction COMMENTS: A A Samara enjoys art, responds well to directions and actively seeks feedback by asking the right questions to fully understand the task requirements to achieve her best. Teacher's Signature MUSIC Participation and interest Ability to follow simple melodies and rhythms COMMENTS: Samara exhibits a positive outlook and attitude during music lessons. She has a good sense of beat. Teacher's Signature A A Ghana International School - Report for Term 3, 2023/2024 Name: Samara VAIRAMUTHU Class: 1 ORCHID FRENCH Interest in the language Participation in lessons COMMENTS: Page: 5 A B Samara works hard but has to be attentive and participate more in French class. Teacher's Signature COMPUTING Interest in Computing Ability to apply learned software skills. COMMENTS: A B Samara enjoys working on a computer and is confident in her abilities. She engages well with block-based coding activities, such as using platforms like Scratch Jr. She has completed simple tasks and understands the logic behind coding sequences. Well done! Teacher's Signature PE Following instructions Motor skills COMMENTS: Samara is a smart and swift girl who is very friendly. She has exhibited good skills in ball games and also in hula-hoop spinning. She must keep up the interest. Teacher's Signature CO-CURRICULAR Student is a member of: African Rhythms Club 1 Teamwork A Participation A Punctuality A COMMENTS: PATRON: Mrs Rita KARIKARI Samara has actively participated in the African Rhythms Co-curricular Club and has thoroughly enjoyed all the sessions. She learned to play two distinct types of Kpanlogo rhythms: initially using her palms (referred to as Palm rhythm), and then employing drumsticks (known as Stick rhythm). However, she is encouraged to follow instructions carefully. Samara's efforts at playing the right rhythms on the drum are commendable. Great job, Samara. Teacher's Signature Ghana International School - Report for Term 3, 2023/2024 Name: Samara VAIRAMUTHU Class: 1 ORCHID Page: 7 ACADEMIC ATTITUDE Listening Skills Neatness of Work Following Instructions Attitude to work NON-ACADEMIC ATTITUDE Politeness Consideration towards others Interactions with others Observation of Golden Rules COMMENTS: B B B B A A A A Samara is a good student. She listens and contributes to discussions, however, she must focus on completing her independent work. She must practise handwriting skills and present her work neatly. Samara is friendly and popular. She displays empathy towards others. She strives to follow the Golden Rules. Teacher's Signature ATTENDANCE SCHOOL DAYS: 52 ABSENT: 17 LATE: 0 GENERAL REMARKS: Samara has had a successful year. She has made good friends, worked collaboratively with her peers and improved her academic performance. She has demonstrated some of the attributes of a G.I.S. student, and I am proud of her. She enjoys swimming lessons, working outdoors, in the atelier and using Chromebooks. Well done, Samara and good luck in Class 2! Class Teacher: .................................................................................................... Vice Principal - Infant School ....................................................................................................