1. What is the primary purpose of a Manage ment Informa tion System (MIS)? 'r A) Data storage B) Data collecti on C) Data processi ng D) Decisio n support 2. Which of the followi ng is an exampl e of a transact ion processi ng system (TPS)? A) Invento ry manage ment system B) Decisio n support system C) Expert system D) Video confere ncing system 3. In the context of MIS, what does the acrony m "ERP" stand for? A) Electro nic Resourc e Plannin g B) Enterpri se Resourc e Plannin g C) Efficien t Reporti ng Process D) Externa l Resourc e Procure ment 4. Which compon ent of an MIS is respons ible for converti ng data into informa tion for decisio n-make rs? A) Softwar e B) Hardwa re C) Databas e D) People 5. A dashboa rd displayi ng key perform ance indicato rs (KPIs) is an exampl e of what type of MIS? A) Executi ve support system B) Decisio n support system C) Transac tion processi ng system D) Expert system **Cost Classifi cation:* * 6. Which of the followi ng costs would be classifie d as a variable cost in a manufa cturing compan y? A) Rent for factory buildin g B) Raw material s C) Salaries of product ion supervi sors D) Depreci ation on office equipm ent 7. A compan y's advertis ing expense s are an exampl e of what type of cost? A) Direct cost B) Indirect cost C) Fixed cost D) Semi-v ariable cost 8. Manufa cturing overhea d costs typicall y include: A) Direct labor costs B) Direct material costs C) Indirect labor costs D) Admini strative salaries 9. Which of the followi ng is an exampl e of a period cost? A) Depreci ation on product ion machin ery B) Direct labor used in manufa cturing C) Sales commis sions D) Raw material cost 10. The cost of factory security personn el's wages is an exampl e of what type of cost? A) Variabl e cost B) Fixed cost C) Mixed cost D) Step cost **Cost Behavi or:** 11. If the total cost remains constan t within the relevant range of activity, it is classifie d as: A) Variabl e cost B) Fixed cost C) Semi-v ariable cost D) Step cost 12. The cost that increase s or decreas es proporti onally with changes in product ion or activity levels is known as: A) Fixed cost B) Semi-v ariable cost C) Mixed cost D) Variabl e cost 13. Which of the followi ng cost behavio rs would be represe nted by a straight -line on a cost-vol ume-pr ofit (CVP) graph? A) Fixed cost B) Variabl e cost C) Semi-v ariable cost D) Step cost 14. The rent for a manufa cturing facility is an exampl e of what type of cost behavio r? A) Fixed cost B) Variabl e cost C) Semi-v ariable cost D) Mixed cost 15. The total cost of produci ng 1,000 units of a product is $10,000 , and the total cost of produci ng 2,000 units is $18,000 . What is the behavio r of this cost? A) Variabl e cost B) Fixed cost C) Semi-v ariable cost D) Mixed cost