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Does the FE Mechanical Exam Get Harder to Pass if I Have Already Failed

Does the FE Mechanical Exam Get Harder to Pass if I Have Already
The Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam can certainly be challenging for candidates who are
taking it for the first time. But how hard is the FE Mechanical exam for repeat takers who have
previously failed the exam?
Does the FE Mechanical exam become more difficult to pass if I have already failed?
This is the burning question on the minds of every candidate who has failed the FE exam.
Well, the short answer to that question is NO. Your previous attempts have no impact on the
questions you get in future attempts.
You may come across rumors on the internet that the exam is supposedly much harder for
candidates who retake it. Do not believe those narratives. The exam will be of the same
difficulty level regardless of how many times you have failed the exam.
However, failing the exam multiple times affects your morale and takes a heavy toll on your
mental strength and confidence level, making the FE Mechanical exam much harder to pass
than it should be. However, do not lose hope, frustrated engineer - with a good preparation
strategy, you can ace the exam!
Now that you have the answer to your primary question, it is important to analyze the reasons
for failing the FE Mechanical exam.
Reasons for failing the FE exam
 Not appearing for the FE early in your career: If you take the FE exam several years
after getting your undergraduate degree, the exam can be tricky to pass. With each
passing year, the basic concepts will not be fresh in your mind, making it hard to pass
the exam.
Not mastering the NCEES FE Reference Handbook: The NCEES FE Reference Handbook is
the only reference material you can use during the exam. If you appear for the FE exam
without familiarizing yourself with the NCEES FE Reference Handbook, you are setting
yourself up for disappointment.
Not taking the exam seriously- Sometimes, people take the FE Mechanical exam too
casually. People hear false stories from their "friends/colleagues" about how they
passed the FE exam with one week's preparation and think the FE is passable with lastminute preparation. Any exam is hard to pass without proper prep time, and the same
applies to the FE Mechanical exam.
Time Management- You have 2 minutes and 54 seconds to solve each problem. Often,
examinees spend too much time on one question and end up with not enough time to
attempt other questions. You do not get any bonus marks for solving the queries in
sequential order. So, if you cannot solve a problem in under 3 minutes, skip it for the
time being and move on to the next question.
Concluding Thoughts
The FE exam requires dedication and earnest prep, but unfortunately, people do fail. However,
failure is a part of life; the important thing is having the mental resilience to recover from the
failure. So, do not give up easily; you can pass the FE Mechanical exam if you put in the time
and effort. Further, enroll in a good prep course to pass the exam with flying colors.
For more information visit: https://www.schoolofpe.com/fe-mechanical