Title: "Whispers of the Earth" Group 1: In the dawn's first light, Nature breathes her gentle sigh, The earth awakens softly, Underneath the vast, wide sky. Group 2: Trees stretch their limbs, tall and wise, Leaves shimmer with a green embrace, The forest hums a tranquil tune, In this serene, sacred space. Group 1 & 2 (together): Oh, nature, pure and grand, You paint the world with hues so bright, From the morning’s golden blush, To the velvet of the night. Group 3: Rivers weave through valleys deep, Sparkling with the sun’s warm kiss, Mountains rise with strength and grace, Silent guardians of bliss. Group 4: Meadows dance with wildflowers, Colors burst in joyous bloom, Butterflies and buzzing bees, Share the scent of nature’s room. All Groups (together): From the whispering of the winds, To the call of distant seas, Nature’s voice is endless, In the rustling of the trees. Group 1: Clouds drift across the boundless sky, A canvas of shifting dreams, Soft and fleeting, ever changing, Flowing like the flowing streams. Group 2: Stars ignite in the night’s embrace, Glimmering with ancient tales, A cosmic dance of light and dark, Where the silent beauty sails. Group 3 & 4 (together): Feel the heartbeat of the earth, In every mountain, every breeze, Nature’s symphony resounds, In the whisper of the leaves. All Groups (together): So let us cherish every note, In nature’s boundless song, For in her voice, we find our place, In her arms, we all belong.