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Essay Writing Guide: Introduction, Body, Conclusion Structure

Introduction paragraph:
1st sentence of introduction paragraph
1) Hook sentence: The focus of the hook sentence is to grab the reader’s attention. It can be done
by using a few different types which are quotes, a question, statistics, anecdotes, and statements.
Ways of creating a hook sentence:
a. Quote hook:
Example 1: The well-known British writer Shakespeare wrote in his play Hamlet (1600s): “To
be, or not to be, that is the question.”
Example 2: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk said, “Peace at home, peace in the world. (20th April 1931).
b. Question hook:
Example 1: Have you ever thought of being alone on an isolated island?
Example 2: What is the difference between a college and a university?
c. Statistics hook:
Example 1: According to the World Health Organization consumption of tobacco kills about five
million people every year, which makes it more than the death rate from HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria
Example 2: According to a recent survey by the American Psychological Association, 43 percent of
adults claim that stress has caused them to stay awake at night in the past month.
d. Anectode hook:
Example 1: When I first arrived in London, I was very enthusiastic. I headed to a cafe just outside of
the hotel to test out some of the local flavors and ordered a pot of tea and a croissant…
Example 2: One evening, I went to see a movie with my roommate and some other people from our
dorm. I drove my car to the theater. Imagine our surprise when we got to the car to find the windshield
covered with roses. To this day, I don't know who put roses on my car or why.
e. Statement Hook
Example 1: French cinema has been the most influential genre of film in the last 100 years and has
shaped modern cinema as we know it.
Example 2: Creating family memories that last a lifetime is more about spending quality time
together than it is about spending money.
2) Second, third, and fourth sentences of an introduction paragraph
Background information
It should be at least 3 sentences and should give a general idea about the topic.
Example 1: Why do lots of teenagers leave their hometowns and study in a completely foreign
country? (Question hook) It is clear that their number increased a lot. Some people argue that
there are some drawbacks of studying abroad, like high expenses and adaptation problems to
new cultures, language, and people. They have a point. (Background information)
Example 2: Education plays a significant role in shaping teenagers’ future. (Statement hook) It not
only affects their lives but also influences their way of handling challenges in their daily chores.
For this reason, youth seek alternative ways to receive the best education possible. One of these
options is studying abroad. (Background information)
3) Thesis statement:
The thesis statement is the last and most important part of the introduction paragraph. The function
of the thesis statement is to inform the reader about the topic of the essay and how the author
approaches the subject (for OR against) It is the heart of the essay. In other words, it is the main
idea of the essay.
Alternative 1 / Opposing view method:
Hook sentence, background information & opposing view, thesis statement
Why do lots of teenagers leave their hometowns and study in a completely foreign country? (Question
hook) Their number increased a lot. Some people argue that there are some drawbacks of studying
abroad, like high expenses and adaptation problems to new cultures, languages, and people. They
have a point. (Background information) However, studying abroad is highly advantageous for
three reasons. OR On the other hand, studying abroad is highly beneficial for personal
development, improving your target language, and being a world citizen. (Thesis statement)
Alternative 2 / The funnel method:
Hook sentence, background information-general to specific, thesis statement
Education plays a significant role in shaping teenagers’ future. (Statement hook) It not only affects
their lives but also influences their way of handling challenges in their daily chores. For this reason,
youth seek alternative ways to receive the best education possible. One of these options is studying
abroad. (Background information) There are many advantages of studying abroad and the most
important ones are learning a foreign language, improving your skills, and taking care of your
responsibilities. (Thesis statement)
Body paragraph 1,2,3:
Topic sentence
Supporting sentences - explanation, example(s)
Conclusion paragraph:
Step1: Use a signal word:
In conclusion, In short, All things considered, To conclude, To sum up, In brief
Step 2: Paraphrase the thesis statement
Step 3: Final comments or thoughts on the subject (suggestions, predictions, solutions, personal