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Texting Bible

‭Copyright © 2024 Matchmaker‬
‭ ll rights reserved. This book or any portion of this may not be‬
‭reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express‬
‭written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief‬
‭quotations in a book review, crediting the author.‬
‭1st Edition: 2024‬
‭ he information presented here is for informational and‬
‭educational purposes only. It does not construe financial or tax‬
‭ opyright infringement: is the use of works protected by copyright‬
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‭ lso the sole purpose of this free ebook is to encourage and help‬
‭men to improve their overall life with the help of my tactics and‬
‭knowledge , do not use any information of this book without the‬
‭author's permission.‬
‭1 - What is the point of texting‬
‭2 - Fundamentals‬
‭3 - What is your purpose ?‬
‭4 - Being brief and direct‬
‭5 - Detachment‬
‭6 - Make it easy for her to respond‬
‭7 - Cut through the bullshit‬
‭8 - Emojis‬
‭9 - Calibration levels‬
‭10 - Memes & Gifs‬
‭11 - Balance of effort‬
‭12 - Lead the interaction‬
‭13 - Escalation games‬
‭14 - If she does not respond‬
‭15 - Detached urgency‬
‭Do you see what I see?‬
‭I see people stuck to their phones.‬
‭ he pandemic only amplified this. During Quarantine, The‬
‭only form of communication with the outside world was‬
‭via a smartphone or laptop.‬
‭ nless you're a G like me, who went out and met people‬
‭anyway. Fuck the rules.‬
‭ nyway, the reality is that women have become more‬
‭receptive to meeting new people online- be it through‬
‭Instagram, via Tinder/ Bumble/ Hinge, etc.‬
‭ ven if you meet her in person, it's very important to be‬
‭good at texting, otherwise the attraction might just fizzle‬
‭Bottom line?‬
‭ ou have to be great at texting, or else you will miss out on‬
‭a lot of experiences with beautiful women.‬
‭ ave a great personality in real life, and have an even‬
‭better text game that makes her wet, and gets hers‬
‭anticipating your next meeting.‬
‭ hen you apply the techniques laid out here you will‬
‭ he beauty of messaging is that you can not have the best‬
‭body, the best voice, but you can make her imagine better‬
‭and wetter things just by the power of your game online.‬
‭Let's begin‬
‭What is the point of texting?‬
‭ o put it very simply- To set up a meeting between 2 or‬
‭more people.‬
‭ o elaborate - This "meeting" can be a date at a third‬
‭location, or her coming over to your place, or you going to‬
‭her place.‬
‭You also text women to BUILD UP the ANTICIPATION.‬
‭Understand that texting is like foreplay.‬
‭ ou show her that you're a high-value man who speaks‬
‭womanese, and you make her wet by using the power of‬
‭ omen love it when guys have a better control on language‬
‭than they do. ( always tease her for her short vocabulary)‬
‭ ou build rapport through text so that she knows you're‬
‭not a kidnapper or rapist who is going to harm her, but a‬
‭real guy who has value, and is fun and exciting.‬
‭ hen you use Wordplay to show her that you're not just a‬
‭simp, but a high value guy who she can have a great time‬
‭with, and who is going to make her moan in pleasure in‬
‭ he first belief I want to bust is that there is no such thing‬
‭as the "perfect text" or the "perfect text game" .‬
I‭ t's all about optimizing it. You can become near perfect,‬
‭but there will always be girls who don't like it, simply‬
‭because they're either too dumb to "get it" or just‬
‭disconnected from the trend.‬
I‭ t's OK. Don't take it personally. Bad Text games contain‬
‭these major issues:‬
‭ long messages‬
‭- random texts‬
‭- too many emojis‬
‭- chody language‬
‭- being submissive,‬
‭- without a clear purpose.‬
‭You can remove all these from your game, and life.‬
‭The mindset that you should have is:‬
‭"How would * insert a high value guy you know * text back?"‬
‭ great example, and which I use, is how would Iman Gadzi‬
‭or Andrew Tate respond to these texts?‬
‭-To her shit tests?‬
‭-To her asking about what I'm currently doing?‬
‭-To her objections?‬
‭ ould he send long emotional paragraphs with emojis?‬
‭Would he care about being "polite"?‬
‭ ou have to take time to practice this until eventually, this‬
‭will become your default mindset.‬
‭You have the power to do it.‬
‭The stuff in here is so rarely talked about in the soy world.‬
‭ he only thing you require to do is take CONSISTENT &‬
‭ et's start with the principles. Remember, these are not‬
‭rules, but to be taken as guidelines.‬
‭What is your Purpose?‬
‭Don't just text for the sake of talking to her.‬
‭ ftentimes, women will make you their "texting buddies"‬
‭if you overdo it.‬
‭ ou NEVER want to be available for her all day. You have‬
‭your own life, and she is not even a priority.‬
‭ efine the purpose of texting. In most cases, it will be to‬
‭set up a meeting.‬
‭That is the primary purpose.‬
‭ t the same time, you text to check if the girl is weird,‬
‭boring, or interesting. You're not going to meet up with a‬
‭girl who isn't worth your time.‬
‭ ut, to prevent flaking, just setting up the meeting is not‬
‭enough. You have to make yourself memorable. You have to‬
‭stand out in her brain. You have to make her excited to‬
‭meet you.‬
‭Sexting is not a purpose. It is a supplement‬
‭Being Brief and direct‬
‭It's a sign of being of higher value.‬
‭You hold your attention, yet still, get your point across.‬
‭Ask yourself:‬
‭ ould Andrew Tate send long and personal texts to every‬
‭girl, or would he be busy hanging out with women and just‬
‭being himself?‬
‭ et into the habit of getting the point across with fewer‬
‭Repetition is key.‬
‭Neediness is repulsive.‬
‭ ou've probably heard it a million times, but hopefully,‬
‭you've been applying it and staying detached.‬
‭Never put women on a pedestal.‬
‭ he drops the same load every morning as a chimpanzee‬
‭This does not mean you put her down.‬
‭ reat her like you would any random stranger who you are‬
‭interested in knowing if they are worth your time.‬
‭ eedless to say, you are ready to walk away at any time‬
‭before, during, or after the interaction if you see that it‬
‭doesn't fit in your reality and is not in alignment with your‬
‭goals. Some To Do's:-‬
‭ Be direct‬
‭- Qualify her‬
‭- Be persistent, but detached.‬
‭- Be bold, women forgive the bold, NEVER the weak.‬
‭ uys who become "attached" start behaving like a simp,‬
‭where they think 10 times before sending something, and‬
‭whether it is safe or not.‬
‭ hen you let go, your mind paradoxically comes up with‬
‭much better responses, and your text game flows.‬
‭Make it easy for her to‬
‭ ame is Sales, and the first rule of sales is to make it easy‬
‭for the customer to respond back- to take some action.‬
‭ imilarly, when you text her, you make it easy for her to‬
‭reply back, especially in the initial stages, where she won't‬
‭invest as much into you as she would once you've built‬
‭ he probably gets tons of messages on her Social Media‬
‭and dating apps, so you must be easy to talk to.‬
‭ ee man, once you meet her in person, you can show your‬
‭A-game, and then she will be hooked.‬
‭ he won't be able to get enough of you, but before that, you‬
‭have to play the less-exciting game.‬
‭For example,‬
I‭ f she says‬‭"Hey, how are you?"‬‭and you reply with‬‭"I'm‬
‭ ou've made it hard for her to reply back because you've‬
‭effectively CLOSED the conversation loop.‬
‭Instead, you can reply with-‬
‭"I'm fantastic, just came back from a run"‬
‭ ow you've not only given her a chance to build upon the‬
‭fact that you like to go out for jogs and sprints, but you've‬
‭displayed value, in the sense that you're a physically active‬
‭guy who gives a fuck about his body and health.‬
‭Women love that.‬
‭Cut through the bullshit‬
‭ he problem with many guys is that they take the "friend"‬
‭route before asking a girl out or making their intentions‬
‭This is the wrong take.‬
I‭ f you're on a dating app, this should be especially obvious‬
‭to you, because she wants it.‬
‭ acilitate "it"- It is meeting up and potentially having sex‬
‭with you.‬
‭Be unapologetic in your intentions.‬
‭This increases your SMV (Sexual Market Value) in her eyes.‬
‭You are not afraid to go for what you want.‬
‭Do you think Iman Gadzi sends emojis to girls?‬
‭99% of the Emojis break the sexual tension.‬
‭The same goes for "lol".‬
‭ hese are 2 that you should keep to a MINIMUM. and by‬
‭minimum, I mean 0 or 1 per conversation.‬
‭ hey are rapport seeking as well- you seem very under‬
‭confident about what you have to say, and you simply‬
‭cannot handle the tension.‬
‭ haha" is another one that easily gives away your‬
‭validation to the woman.‬
‭ emove them from all your conversations for a few weeks,‬
‭and notice the difference.‬
‭ nother benefit of this will be that your stress tolerance‬
‭will increase because you will be forced to handle greater‬
‭tension in your conversations.‬
‭Calibration Levels‬
‭You have to be bold but in a socially intelligent way.‬
‭You don't rush the process.‬
‭You play the long game.‬
‭You excite her.‬
‭You push her and you pull her.‬
‭ ou don't push too hard or pull too hard because you know‬
‭she will sense the neediness and go away.‬
I‭ f she needs more rapport building, you take a step back‬
‭and genuinely have a conversation where you get to know‬
‭her deeply.‬
‭ he biggest sin is not being direct, but the next biggest‬
‭would be being too crude and uncalibrated.‬
I‭ f she shit tests you, you don't get nervous, but you master‬
‭it, and flip it back on her.‬
‭ ou show that you've been through this a thousand times,‬
‭and she can't shake you off.‬
‭ ou are here for the win, and you are ready to walk away‬
‭anytime and do it all over again with the next girl.‬
‭Memes & Gifs‬
‭Memes are big right now.‬
‭ hat you can't say to a girl even after a lot of comfort is‬
‭built, you can say via a meme, INSTANTLY.‬
‭ ou could send the most sexual meme and she will still be‬
‭receptive to it.‬
‭ f course, some form of rapport has to be built, and she‬
‭needs to see you as the "fun, sexual, cocky guy."‬
‭ hat's obviously no problem for you because you will take‬
‭action on the gold that is in this course.‬
‭ evelop a collection of memes that you can send at‬
‭different times of the day.‬
‭There is literally an unlimited supply of memes right now.‬
‭ ou can follow nugget on Instagram. It regularly posts‬
‭sexual memes that you can just forward to her in the DMs.‬
I‭ t's personal and easy. However, don't become her "meme‬
‭ end one every 2 days or something like that, and follow it‬
‭up with a conversation, because actual texting is always‬
‭more important.‬
‭Balance of effort‬
‭ ou ensure that you don't double text, when she is single‬
‭ ou ensure that your investment levels are less than her‬
‭investment levels.‬
I‭ nitially, you might have to invest more than her, but once‬
‭you have hooked her in, you make HER invest in you.‬
‭Don't send long messages. Keep the length less than hers.‬
‭Girls subconsciously pick up on all this.‬
I‭ f you have to convey an important point across, then you‬
‭can send a longer message, but it will be an exception.‬
‭Lead the interaction‬
‭ ou facilitate the conversation, and more importantly, you‬
‭lead it and escalate.‬
‭ ou keep it lighthearted and flirty, and then at times, you‬
‭take it deep and full of sexual tension.‬
‭ ou take her on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, where she‬
‭cannot grasp you.‬
‭ tay away from topics like Politics and religion- they don't‬
‭end well.‬
I‭ f she takes the conversation that way, give her very little‬
‭attention and deviate her to your topic of choice.‬
‭Escalation Games‬
‭ uilding upon the previous point, here's a great game that‬
‭you should be playing with girls because it breaks the ice‬
‭and will help you escalate without much effort.‬
‭ lay the questions game (After building a good level of‬
‭rapport)- where you ask each other general questions, and‬
‭then you escalate it slowly and steadily.‬
‭The only rule is that you cannot ask yes/no questions.‬
‭The key for you is to have a list of questions prepared.‬
‭ emember to keep them exciting and on the positive side,‬
‭because she will relate those feelings with you.‬
‭1st‬ ‭-‬‭What's your favorite place to go when you're‬‭happy?‬
‭2nd‬‭-‬‭When was your first kiss‬‭?‬
‭3rd‬‭-‬‭When did you lose your virginity ?‬
‭4th‬‭-‬‭What is your go-to sexual position ?‬
‭5th‬‭-‬‭What is your wildest fantasy and so on‬‭.‬
‭ he will escalate with you, and you both will connect with‬
‭each other on intimate topics like Sex, which is essential.‬
‭ ecause to fuck a girl, you have to start talking about‬
‭fucking first.‬
‭ lways escalate the conversation to the point that she feels‬
‭very comfortable and open to be intimate with you.‬
‭If she does not respond‬
I‭ n most cases, you will not even bother to check because‬
‭you are so busy dominating your purpose.‬
‭ ut in the rare cases that you do have some time on your‬
‭hands, and your text game was relatively good, where she‬
‭was reciprocating until she suddenly disappeared.‬
‭ ere is a good way to respond. It is a little extreme, but if‬
‭you set the correct vibe, and she genuinely forgot to text‬
‭back, you will get a reaction out of her- a good one.‬
‭"Dear diary, the cute girl vanished. Should I call 911?"‬
‭ Hey, I'd like your advice. I met this interesting girl, but she‬
‭seems to be mute"‬
‭"If you're this quiet during sex, I'm friendzoning you."‬
‭ ee what we did there? We called her out, and when this‬
‭pops up on her phone, she will open it and reply, because‬
‭it's also a neg ( a kind of push)‬
‭ lso, learn to innovate this line. The exact words don't‬
‭matter as long as you end it with a negative line for her,‬
‭which shows your detachment and nonchalance.‬
‭ emember, you're a cool, chill guy who is screening this‬
‭girl to see if she's worth your time.‬
‭Detached Urgency‬
‭ emember that time when your friend asked you to go out‬
‭with him, but you said "no" because you knew he was‬
‭always available?‬
‭You are that friend, and that girl is you in this situation.‬
‭ ne of the mistakes guys make is that they show that they‬
‭are always available for the girl.‬
‭ he takes you for granted, and even if she is interested in‬
‭meeting you, she delays it because she knows you will‬
‭"always be there for her".‬
‭ et her know you're leaving town or that you are going to‬
‭be busy with your business after a certain deadline, so she‬
‭has to decide. Because it's now or never for her.‬
‭What is scarce is respected. Become scarce.‬
‭ his does not mean you become needy. You assert your‬
‭You are the prize.‬
I‭ f she decides, good for her. If she doesn't- it's her loss.‬
‭Your life remains the same- FUCKING AMAZING.‬
‭ he goal has always been to STOP the brainwashing of Men‬
‭worldwide into becoming simps- because that is the REAL‬
‭ e sure to keep applying the techniques that you've learned‬
I‭ recommend going over this texting bible at least 3 times,‬
‭make notes, and keep beside you when you text women- at‬
‭least initially so that you can quickly refer and accordingly‬
‭reply (or choose to leave her on read)‬
‭ hen you know you are truly high value, you automatically‬
‭say the right shit. Trust me.‬
‭Till then, Keep Winning, Brother‬
‭-‬ ‭Matchmaker‬