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Betting Instructions - Amanc

How to bet
You are required to place small bets every 10 days in order to receive marketing for active players.
Please follow these instructions!
1 - You can check on internet for promotional codes for each specific casino that might increase your
initial deposit. If you find any, let me know.
2 - Upload minimum deposit on all platforms. Don’t forget to take a screenshot of the deposit
uploaded per company, I will need it to refund you!
3 - Place one small bet on every website. You can choose the game/event to bet on.
Please take a screenshot, you will need to insert it in the bet report sheet, where I will see all the
4 - Fill out the bet report sheet: I will share with you, with the email we created for the project, a sheet
where you can report all the details about the bets, so I will be able to track everything!
In the yellow square, insert the date of the bet (you should bet on the same date for every company,
so only one date is to be inserted).
In column A, insert the names of the casinos.
In column B, insert how much money you have on the account for every casino (before any deposit or
In column C, insert the amount of the deposit you upload.
In column D, insert the amount of the bet you place.
In column E, specify the game/event you bet on.
In column F, specify the amount you win (if you win anything).
In column G, specify the final balance of the account after the bet.
In column H, insert the link to the screenshot showing the deposit
In column I, insert the link to the screenshot showing the bet.
Column J is for you to make any comment, if you think it is necessary.
For the screenshots: create a google drive folder, share it with aman@axessintelligence.com and put
all the screenshots in that folder. Then copy-paste the link of each screenshot in the relevant cell
(example: copy-paste the link to the screenshot showing the deposit for company A in the cell
corresponding to the line for company A in column H).
I will add you to a calendar that will send you reminders for the betting appointments.
For every new bet, you can simply add a “page” to your bet report sheet by clicking on the “+” sign at
the bottom of the page. Name the new sheet with the date in which you are betting.
To add a new table, simply copy-paste the old table from the first bet sheet to the new one, clear it
from the data and insert the new information. Do not cancel the old data from previous bet sheets!
Please never hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you in advance!