Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ScienceDirect Availableonline onlineatatwww.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com Available Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000 ScienceDirect ScienceDirect www.elsevier.com/locate/procedia Energy Procedia Procedia 00 136(2017) (2017)000–000 53–59 Energy www.elsevier.com/locate/procedia 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, ICEER 2017, 17-20 July 2017, Porto, Portugal Recovery silicon carbide from on waste silicon by using Theof15th International Symposium District Heating slurry and Cooling flotation Assessing the feasibility of using the heat demand-outdoor Lia,*,Wei-Sheng Chenaheat demand forecast temperature functionHsun-Chi for a long-term district a Department of Resources Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, No.1, University Road, Tainan City, Taiwan, Republic of China I. Andrića,b,c*, A. Pinaa, P. Ferrãoa, J. Fournierb., B. Lacarrièrec, O. Le Correc a IN+ Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research - Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal b Veolia Recherche & Innovation, 291 Avenue Dreyfous Daniel, 78520 Limay, France c Département Systèmes Énergétiques et Environnement - IMT Atlantique, 4 rue Alfred Kastler, 44300 Nantes, France Abstract The amount of waste silicon slurry increases as the wafer production raises. The slurry is generally disposed using incineration or land-filling. Separating high-purity SiC from waste silicon slurry can reduce costs for enterprises and assist in waste reuse and recycling. In this study, flotation was applied to separate SiC and Si from waste silicon slurry through hydrophilicity and Abstract hydrophobicity of the particle surface. By controlling the concentration of hydrofluoric acid and the oxidation reduction potential of the two stages flotation, the SiC can be separated from Si. The optimal condition of first stage flotation is 0.8 mol/L of HF at District addressed in theinliterature as stage. one ofUnder the most solutions for decreasing the 400 mV, heating while 0.6networks mol/L ofare HFcommonly and -300 mV was applied the second theseeffective conditions, approximately 52.8% of greenhouse gas emissions building SiC was recovered with the from gradethe of 98.1 %. sector. These systems require high investments which are returned through the heat sales. Due to the changed climate conditions and building renovation policies, heat demand in the future could decrease, ©prolonging 2017 The the Authors. Published byperiod. Elsevier Ltd. investment return Peer-review underofresponsibility of assess the scientific committee of thethe 4thheat International on Energyfunction and Environment The main scope this paper is to the feasibility of using demand – Conference outdoor temperature for heat demand forecast. The district of Alvalade, located in Lisbon (Portugal), was used as a case study. The district is consisted of 665 Research. buildings that vary in both construction period and typology. Three weather scenarios (low, medium, high) and three district Keywords: Flotation; recycling; carbide; silicon; waste silicon slurry renovation scenarios were silicon developed (shallow, intermediate, deep). To estimate the error, obtained heat demand values were compared with results from a dynamic heat demand model, previously developed and validated by the authors. The results showed that when only weather change is considered, the margin of error could be acceptable for some applications error in annual demand was lower than 20% for all weather scenarios considered). However, after introducing renovation 1.(the Introduction scenarios, the error value increased up to 59.5% (depending on the weather and renovation scenarios combination considered). The value of slope coefficient increased average within range of 3.8% upraised to 8%since per decade, that slicing corresponds to the The amount of waste silicon slurryon increased as the the wafer production the wafer primarily decrease in thecutting numberofofsilicon heatingingots hours into of 22-139h during This the heating season (depending the saw, combination weatherand and accompanied thin wafers. process requires a steel on wire grindingof media, renovation considered). On the other function intercept increasedEnvironmental for 7.8-12.7% per decade (depending on the coolant andscenarios thus caused the impurities in thehand, slurry. According to Taiwan Protection Administration coupled scenarios). The values suggested could be used to modify the function parameters for the scenarios considered, and (EPA), approximately 20,000 tons of waste silicon slurry was produced annually in the solar industry in Taiwan. The improve the accuracy of heat demand estimations. © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling. * Corresponding author. Tel.: +886-6-2757575 ext. 62828; fax: +886-6-3840960. E-mail address: n48021034@mail.ncku.edu.tw Keywords: Heat demand; Forecast; Climate change 1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research. 1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling. 1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research. 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.10.281 Li et al.Procedia / Energy00 Procedia 136 (2017) 53–59 Li andHsun-Chi Chen / Energy (2017) 000–000 54 waste silicon slurry was generally disposed using incineration or land-filling and therefore leads to environmental damage and wasting substantial resources. The mainly components of the slurry are silicon carbide (SiC) and silicon (Si) mixed with a small amount of iron and alcohol compounds like PEG, PG and DEG (T. Surek, (2005)). It is expected that SiC and Si can be recycled from the waste slurry and reused in the related industry such as wafer production and steel casting to reduce the costs and particularly protect the environment. Waste silicon slurry can be separated using physical, chemical methods or flotation. Physical separation mainly includes centrifugation, electrical field and magnetic separations. Wang et al. (2009) used heavy-fluid high-gravity centrifugation with temperature treatment and directional solidification to separate SiC from Si recovering 86% of SiC with 87% of grade. Lin and his team (2010, 2010) combined centrifugation with phase-transfer separation to recover Si from silicon slurry. The phase-transfer separation improved the grade of recovered Si from 90.8% to 99.1%. By controlling the surface potential through centrifugation, Lin et al. (2013) recycled 90.8% of SiC with 95.2% of grade. Wu and Chen (2009) separated SiC and Si through different particle velocity under different electrical field. The grades of the recycled SiC and Si were 90% and 92.4%, respectively. Tsai et al. (2011, 2013) investigated the efficiency of electrical field separation under different electric field strength, baffle plate. The grade of SiC and Si could be improved to 95.2% and 92.9%, respectively. For magnetic separation, Sergii et al. (2014) experimented high-gradient magnetic separation combined with hydrocyclone and sedimentation. With different specific weight, 95% grade SiC was recycled from the slurry. Nishijima et al. (2003) removed iron from waste silicon slurry by employing superconduction magnetic separation and recycled SiC by centrifugation. The recovery efficiency of SiC was 80%. The main chemical separation method is liquid-liquid extraction. Wei et al. (2015) separated SiC and Si via different hydrophobic characteristics of particle surfaces, and established a silicon regression model from the results of the research. The influences of activator, collector and frother on flotation were investigated separately (Iskra, 1997, Lin et al., 2002, Sahoo et al., 2016). Shibata (2006) conducted flotation separation using various cationic surfactants to separate SiC and Si. Instead of directly separating the waste silicon slurry, Shibata recovered SiC through flotation after silicon oxidation into SiO2 and obtained a 99.7% grade SiC with a recovery efficiency of 96.7%. As regards previous research, the hydrofluoric acid (HF) dissolved the SiO2 layer on the surface of particles in waste silicon slurry (Eq. 1) and made SiC a hydrophilic polar sinking mineral (Larsen and Kleiv, 2016). In addition, the floatability of silicon in the slurry increased since the Si-F bonding on the surface of Si particles (Ernsberger, 1960, Guo et al., 2005, Lin et al., 2008). SiO2 + 6HF → H2 (SiF6 ) + 2H2 O (1) This study focus on the flotation separation of SiC and Si rather than SiO2. In order to raise the recovery efficiency and grade of recovered SiC, a surface activator was applied. The concentration of surface activator was investigated to achieve the optimal condition leading to high recovery efficiency and grade. The oxidation reduction potential (ORP) of the system was also controlled to verify the optimal potential for silicon removal. High grade of SiC can be recovered as concentrate by controlling the oxidation-reduction potential and the hydrophobicity of Si particles. 2. Experimental 2.1. Composition and properties The sample for this study is the powder dried from the waste silicon slurry produced from the wafer fabrication. The SiC grade of the waste silicon slurry was determined by acid leaching, the waste silicon slurry was leached using hydrofluoric, nitric, sulfuric, and hydrochloric acids, after which the sample was filtered and subjected to hightemperature drying. An X-ray diffractometer (XRD, Bruker AXS-D8A) was used to analyze the crystalline phase of the sample; the particle size distribution was determined using a laser particle size distribution analyzer (LS, Beckman Coulter LS230); and the particle morphology was observed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM, Hitachi S3000-N). Hsun-Chi et al. /Procedia Energy Procedia 136 (2017) 53–59 Li and Chen /LiEnergy 00 (2017) 000–000 55 2.2. Flotation separation This study investigated the application of floatation separation to separate SiC and Si in waste silicon slurry. The flotation equipment was capable of separating nonferrous metal, noble metal, and nonmetallic minerals and materials. The most suitable particle size is 80 to 150 um (H.K.Lin et al. (2002)). The flotation in this study was arranged as a two-stage process running continuously but individually. The equipment (Denver sub-A Cell) is a single-trough flotation unit featuring a 3L pulp capacity, a rotation speed of 300–3300 rpm. During the process, the flotation equipment generates negative pressure by centrifugation and blade rotation to mix the pulp and chemical agents and produces refined foam. Floating minerals were scraped off after they had attached to the foam, during which the scraper rotation speed was adjusted, air was injected, and surface characteristics of particles were controlled. 2.2.1. Surface activator In this study, hydrofluoric acid was used as surface activator to modify the characteristics of the surface of particles. The surface characteristics was modified to change the Si particles from hydrophilicity into hydrophobicity and thus the slurry can be separated through flotation. 2.2.2. Concentration of hydrofluoric acid Since the surface characteristic of Si particles had been changed into hydrophobic by hydrofluoric acid, the concentration was also investigated. The concentration of HF varied from 0.2 to 1.0 mol/L in the flotation process to find out the optimal concentration of HF with the highest recovery efficiency and grade of SiC. Considered the twostage flotation, the concentration of HF in each stage was assessed individually. 2.2.3. Oxidation reduction potential Floatation separation was employed to primarily investigate changes in ORP in pulp. The ORP was controlled within -500 to -100 mV to obtain the highest recovery efficiency with high grade SiC. A flotation reagent was added to control the potential of the slurry and improve flotation recovery efficiency. The particle surface becomes either hydrophilic or hydrophobic when its electric charge changes under a specific ORP of the pulp and reagent concentration. The ORP was calculated using the Nernst Equation (Eq. 2). Ea = E0a + where: 𝐸𝐸 𝑎𝑎 𝐸𝐸𝑎𝑎0 z [ox] [red] 0.05916 n [ox] log [red] (2) : reduction potential : standard reduction potential : number of moles of electrons transferred in the cell reaction : activity of the oxidized form : activity of the reduced form The waste silicon slurry in the flotation separation had a mass of 300 g and a solid-to-liquid ratio of 1:5. hydrofluoric acid was used as the interface activator. The pulp was separated by the hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity of SiC and Si. The separation was divided into first stage and second stage flotation to determine the difference in concentration of HF and ORP in addition to the SiC recovery grade and recovery efficiency. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Waste slurry characterization Table 1 summarizes the waste silicon slurry composition. The XRD spectrum revealed that the sample mainly contains SiC and Si (Fig. 1). The SEM shows that there are two kinds of particle size, which are SiC and Si (Fig. 2). The LS analysis of the slurry is presented in Fig. 3, the larger particle size is 7~20 µm and the small particle size is 0.7~3 µm. The SiC particle size is 9.24 µm and Si particle size is 1.0 µm according to Tsai (2013). Therefore, in Fig. 2 Hsun-Chi Li et al.Procedia / Energy00 Procedia 136 (2017) 53–59 Li and Chen / Energy (2017) 000–000 56 that the larger particles are SiC and the smaller ones are Si. The mean and median particle size of the waste silicon slurry was approximately 3.976 µm and 1.708µm. Table 1. Composition of waste silicon slurry. wt % SiC Si Fe K Ca 51.2 45.6 2.4 0.3 0.5 Fig. 1. XRD pattern of waste silicon slurry. Fig. 2. SEM of waste silicon slurry. Fig. 3. Particle size distribution of waste silicon slurry. 3.2. Flotation results 3.1.1. Effect of surface activator Table 2. Effect of the activator to the recovery efficiency and grade (%). Activator No activator Hydrofluoric acid Tailings Concentrate Grade Recovery Grade Recovery 50.6 42.6 9.4 84.2 51.3 97.3 90.6 15.8 Hydrofluoric acid was used as surface activator in this study since particle surfaces of SiC and Si contain a SiO 2 layer. As shown in Table 2, the grade of the SiC in the tailings and concentrate is almost the same without surface activator. Using HF, the grade of SiC in the concentrate raised to 97.3%. Not only the SiO2 was dissolved by the HF, Hsun-Chi et al. /Procedia Energy Procedia 136 (2017) 53–59 Li and Chen /LiEnergy 00 (2017) 000–000 57 but the Si-H bonding on the surface of Si particles was replaced by Si-F bonding and caused the hydrophobic of Si particles. On the contrary, the SiC particles became hydrophilic thanks to the smaller contact angle once the SiO2 layer was removed.Although the recovery efficiency of the concentrate in the flotation with HF is very low, the surface activator is necessary for SiC recycling due to the high grade of recovered SiC. The concentration of HF and the ORP of the pulp were further investigated in order to achieve the optimal conditions leading to high recovery efficiency and high grade. 3.1.2. Effect of hydrofluoric acid concentration The second part of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of the HF concentration on the two-stages flotation process operating continuously but individually. During the separation of the waste silicon slurry, 300 gram of waste slurry was applied at a solid-liquid ratio of 1:5. In the first stage of the flotation, the concentration of HF varied from 0.4 to 1.0 mol/L. Fig. 4 shows that using 0.4 mol/L of HF, the recovered SiC with 53.3% of grade and the efficiency of 53.4% means deficiency of concentration of HF. With 1.0 mol/L of HF, the recovery efficiency and grade of recovered SiC decreased. The optimal concentration of HF was determined as 0.8 mol/L, corresponding to 80.1% of recovery concentrate with the SiC grade of 74.6%. The results from the second stage flotation are shown in Fig. 5. A similar situation of stoichiometry overdose was observed for 0.8 mol/L HF. 0.6 mol/L of HF was considered the optimal concentration in this second stage. With the two-stage flotation considering the concentration of HF, the grade of recovered SiC is 98.2% and recovery efficiency is 76.6%. The pulp in the first stage floatation required more HF to provide fluoride ions to form hydrophobic surface of the Si particles since the higher Si content of the slurry. After first separation, the lower Si content reduces the concentration of HF from 0.8 to 0.6 mol/L. However, the concentration of HF cannot be increased continuously. The stoichiometry overdose changes the hydrophilicity of SiC particles into hydrophobicity, thus resulting poor separation efficiency. Fig. 4. Concentration effect of HF to SiC grade and recovery efficiency (1st stage). Fig. 5. Concentration effect of HF to SiC grade and recovery efficiency (2nd stage). 3.1.3. Effect of oxidation reduction potential The ORP experiment was also investigated, arranging as a two-stage flotation and investigated continuously but individually. The ORP was calculated using the Nernst Equation. The potential was controlled from -500 to -100 mV in the first stage of ORP flotation. Fig. 6 shows the recovery efficiency and grade of SiC after the first stage. With 400 mV of the pulp potential, the grade of SiC was 72.5% with recovery efficiency 78.2%. The potential was controlled a little positive, -350 to -100 mV, thanks to the lower Si content. The results of the second stage of ORP flotation are showed in Fig. 7. Considering the optimal ORP at -300 mV for the second stage, the optimal grade of the recovered SiC was 97.5% with 84.3% of recovery efficiency of the two-stage flotation considering the ORP. In the absence of a SiO2 layer on the Si and SiC surfaces, Si–F bonds were formed on the Si particle surfaces, releasing hydrogen ions and electrons and producing more of the reduced form in the slurry, which was described by Hsun-Chi Li et al. / Energy Procedia 136 (2017) 53–59 Li and Chen / Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000 58 a negative ORP. The SiC particles had OH− on their surfaces and thus did not affect the changes in ORP. Fig. 6. ORP effect on SiC grade and recovery efficiency (1st stage). Fig. 7. ORP effect on SiC grade and recovery efficiency (2nd stage). 3.3. Concentrate analysis The concentrate of the flotation experiment was analyzed through by SEM and LS to see the differences of the slurry powder after the flotation process. Fig. 8 is the SEM diagram of the concentrate. The particle size in Fig. 8 increased obviously after the flotation when compared to the untreated waste slurry (Fig. 2). In addition, the particle size distribution is shown in Fig. 9. The particle size was centered at 10 μm, which means the finer particles (<5μm) of silicon were removed through flotation. The mean and median particle size of the slurry was summarized in Table. 3. Both the mean and median particle size raise indicate the enrichment and purification of SiC. The mean and median particles size of the concentrate was 9.294 and 9.695 μm. From this study, flotation was applied to separate and recover the SiC in the waste silicon slurry. In the first stage of flotation, 0.8 mol/L of HF was used as surface activator under the ORP condition of -400 mV. The second stage of flotation was controlled at -300 mV with 0.6 mol/L of HF. By controlling the experiment under the optimal condition of two-stage, the overall grade of recovered SiC is 98.1% whereas the overall recovery efficiency of SiC is 52.8%. Table 3. Effect of the flotation process to the particle size. (μm) mean median Before After 3.967 9.294 1.708 9.695 Fig. 8. The SEM of concentrate. Fig. 9. Particle size distribution after flotation. Hsun-Chi et al. /Procedia Energy Procedia 136 (2017) 53–59 Li and Chen /LiEnergy 00 (2017) 000–000 59 4. Conclusion This study revealed that flotation separation can be used to separate waste silicon slurry by controlling the oxidation reduction potential of the pulp to change the hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity of SiC and Si, using HF as the interface activator. According to the aforementioned results, the findings of this study are described as follows: 1. Comparison of the particle size analysis from before and after by flotation, mean and median particle size is 3.976 µm and 1.708 μm before flotation and mean and median particle size is 9.294 µm and 9.695μm after flotation. Using the flotation method, the silicon carbide in the waste silicon slurry can be recovered. 2. The optimal concentration of HF in the two-stage flotation process is 0.8 mol/L for first stage and 0.6 mol/L for the second stage, leading to 76.6% of SiC recovery efficiency and 98.2% of grade. 3. The optimal oxidation reduction potential in the two-stage flotation process is -400 mV for the first stage and -300 mV for the second stage, which allowed obtaining 84.3% of SiC recovery efficiency and 97.5% of grade. 4. The overall results of this study, operation at the optimal condition of HF concentration and ORP process, were 52.8% of SiC recovery efficiency with 98.1% of grade. 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