Unit 1 Nation- State & Human Right By Albert Tsai Human Right Think, discuss and share 114 & 116 Human Robot Animal Human Dignity 人性尊嚴 Self-actualization 自我實現 ○ Decide your own lifestyle ○ Equality and respect The most basic standard of living (Basic needs=Safety+Physiological Needs) Maslow's hierarchy of needs 如何保障人性尊嚴? Q:What is the relationship between the protection of human rights and human dignity? A:Implement human dignity through the protection of human rights What are human rights ? The most common contemporary definition of human rights is that they are rights held by indiviuals simply because they are human. These rights are universal, do not have boundaries of sex, gender or nationality, and can be claimed individually or in groups. Long long time ago~~~HR Categories Positive refer to rights that are protected by authority, both local and global, and include goods and services that allow people to survive, such education, protection from harm, places to live and care. Negative refer to rights that do not require intervention by outside agency. These include the right to live, that absence of torture, community control of community and individuals who live within them and self-determination. Universal Declaration of Human Rights ❏ It is applied to contemporary politice and society is relatively recent, coming into common use in the 1940s, after the WWII and as a result of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights. ❏ Organizing principle and common standard ❏ The practice of human rights is contextual, or dependent on time and place. ❏ 10 December 1948 UDHR https://hreusa.org/posters/ 基本權利的國際現況 ● 國際人權法案International human rights law: 1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR,1948) 2. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights(ICCPR,1976) 3. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR,1976) 聯合國九大核心人權公約 International human rights instruments ICCPR 公民與政治權利國際公約 ICESCR 經濟社會文化權利國際 公約 CEDAW 消除對婦女一切形式歧 視公約 CRC 兒童權利公約 CRPD 身心障礙者權利公約 以上已經國內法化 Be have the effect of domestic law. ICERD 消除一切形式種族歧視國際公約 ICMW 保護所有移徙工人及其家庭成員 權利國際公約 ICPPED 保護所有人免遭強迫失蹤國際 公約 CAT 禁止酷刑和其他殘忍、不人道或有 辱人格的待遇或處罰公約 Be not have the effect of domestic law. Vasak(瓦薩克) Three Generations of Human right 三代 二代 一代 一 代 消極不受侵害 Not interference civil and political rights Freedom of residence, speech, teaching, writing and publication, religious belief…etc. 二 代 積極保障 Active protection Economic and social rights / Equality Right of existence, Right to minimum livelihood 、 Right to work、social security/healthcare …etc. 三 代 積極保障的集體權利 collective rights/group rights/minority rights cultural rights, right to live in a reasonable environment, political rights and economic development …etc. 人權或公民權的特徵 ● 公民身份的普及化 Normal Citizenship ○ 以歐洲國家為例:白人男性、黑人男性、白人女性、黑人女性… ○ 新的議題 New issue:Artificial Intelligence ■ AI人工智慧機器人是否為人? AI-robot is human? ■ 能成為我國公民嗎?能享有權利負擔義務嗎?有無其他問題呢? Can AI-robots become our citizens? ● 人權與公民權從個人到集體權 Individual rights to Group rights New issue [利]器 https://gamma.app/ Collective rights Group rights Minority rights Race種族 Race, which refers to a category of people who share certain inherited physical characteristics, such as skin color, facial features, and stature. A key question about race is whether it is more of a biological category or a social category. 1. Most people think of race in biological terms, and for more than three hundred years, or ever since white Europeans began colonizing nations filled with people of color, people have been identified as belonging to one race or another based on certain biological features. 2. Another way to say this is that race is a social construction, a concept that has no objective reality but rather is what people decide it is (Berger & Luckmann, 1963). Ethnicity 民族(/種族) ❏ Because of the problems in the meaning of race, many social scientists prefer the term ethnicity in speaking of people of color and others with distinctive cultural heritages. In this context, ethnicity refers to the shared social, cultural, and historical experiences, stemming from common national or regional backgrounds, that make subgroups of a population different from one another. ❏ Similarly, an ethnic group is a subgroup of a population with a set of shared social, cultural, and historical experiences; with relatively distinctive beliefs, values, and behaviors; and with some sense of identity of belonging to the subgroup. 兒童權利 Children 原住民族權利 The Indigenous Peoples Rights 婦女權利 Women 老年人權利 Older 身心障礙者權利 Persons with Disabilities 移工權利 Migrant Workers and Members 少數群體權利 Minority group 等 舉例 原住民族權利 ● Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China Article 10 ● The State shall, in accordance with the will of the ethnic groups, safeguard the status and political participation of the aborigines. ● The State shall also guarantee and provide assistance and encouragement for aboriginal education, culture, transportation, water conservation, health and medical care, economic activity, land, and social welfare, measures for which shall be established by law. Why we say “Indigenous” instead of “Aboriginal”? The Indigenous Peoples Rights 1. Group right 2. Cultural citizenship ● Self–government rights ○ e.g. tribe public juristic person Polyethnic rights ● Special representation rights ● ○ e.g. Legislature 部落公法人的相關概念與問題 Tribe public juristic person ● 原住民 Indigenous person vs. 原住民族Indigenous people ● 原住民保留地 Regulations - Government ○ The lands reserved for indigenous people called in these Regulations refer to the existing reserved mountainous land within hillside land preserved for ensuring the living of indigenous people and implementing the administration of indigenous affairs, as well as the preserved lands allocated and added for indigenous people to use in accordance with relevant provisions. ● 傳統領域 traditional territories - Culture ○ The original living space of indigenous peoples, including tribal locations, hunting grounds, fishing grounds, sacred lands, etc. ● 諮商同意權 ○ When governments or private parties engage in land development, resource utilization, ecology conservation and academic research in indigenous land, tribe and their adjoin-land which owned by governments, they shall consult and obtain consent by indigenous peoples or tribes, even their participation, and share benefits with indigenous people. TOK + PEEL Culture and Identity • To what extent does our culture determine or shape what we believe or know? • To what extent are we aware of the impact of culture on what we believe or know? • Is it possible objectively to evaluate how a culture affects our beliefs and knowledge? • Is it possible to know yourself and also to know others? • Does gender identity influence the ways of knowing we depend on? Collective rights Case Study CRC CRC 兒童權利公約 Article 12 (表達意見的權利) the child who is capable of forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child. For this purpose, the child shall in particular be provided the opportunity to be heard in any judicial and administrative proceedings affecting the child, either directly, or through a representative or an appropriate body, in a manner consistent with the procedural rules of national law. • School uniform YES or NO • The reasons? The evidence? • identify? prevent the gap between rich and poor? gender stereotype? poor quality? uncomfortable? Public area and behavior? Security? 人權或公民權規範在哪裡呢? Where can we see human rights or civil rights norms/rules/law? 我國基本權利/基本人權規定在憲法 ●憲法是國家最高位階的法律條文 ●原則性的規範、最高性的拘束力 ●The constitution is the highest law of a country. ●Principled norms and highest constraints. ● The Constitution is a law – but it’s not just an ordinary law. A Constitution is a supreme law that establishes, organizes and empowers the government 法規範階層理論 ● Hans Kelsen(1881-1973) ●It is fact that the legislator can enact commandments without considering it necessary to attach a criminal or civil sanction to their violation. ●If such norms are also called legal norms, it is because they were created by an authority which, according to the constitution is competent to create law Hans Kelsen,translated by Anderson Wedbery,A General Theory of Law and State(New York:Russel &Russel 1961),pp.122 普通法與特別法 ● General Law that is neither local nor confined in application to particular persons. Even if there is only one person or entity to which a given law applies when enacted, it is general law if it purports to apply to all persons or places of a specified class throughout the jurisdiction. — Also termed general statute; law of a general nature.」,亦即等同於大陸 法系的普通法概念,其目的係適用於大眾,並非對特定人、特定時間的特別 法,即便制定時僅有一人,若其本意是為適用於大眾,則仍為普通法。 ● Special law:A law that pertains to and affects a particular case, person, place, or thing, as opposed to the general public. — Also termed special act; private law.」,也就是相對於普通法,特別法僅對特定案件、人物、地 點或事情適用。 層級 憲法 The Constitution 法律 法:Act、Code 律、條例、通則:Act 命令 1. Lower-level laws cannot conflict with higher-level laws 2. Lower-level laws must be used first 3. The new law must be used first 4. Special law must be used first 英譯 對外法律授權 Regulations:規程、規則、辦法、 準則、綱要… Enforcement Rules:實行細則 行政機關內部規範 Administrative agency 行政規則:Directions Constitution ●Written constitution 成文憲法 ●Unwritten constitution 不成文憲法 ●Constitutional interpretation 憲法解釋 ●Constitutional Court decision(ruling or judgment) 憲法法庭裁判(裁定/判決) ●Grand Justice of the Constitutional Court 大法官 Constitution’s principle ● Supremacy of the law 法律優位原則 ● Statutory reservation 法律保留原則:no law no punishment or action ● Due process of law 正當法律程序 ○Legal、 Do things according to procedures 依法行政 ● Principle of proportionality 比例原則 ○Suitability 適當性 ○Necessity test 必要性 ○Balancing test 衡量性(狹義比例原則) ● Principle of equality 平等原則 ○Formal equality 形式平等 ○Substantive equality 實質平等(立足點平等) Principle of proportionality Case Study ● 有一群人在大園國際高中前的十字路口靜坐抗議,經查該 團體沒有向警察機關及市政府申請集會。由於人數眾多, 影響學生和附近居民、車輛的出入及安全,警方到場舉牌 三次要求解散未果,警方苦惱要用哪一個方式來強制讓靜 坐的民眾離開… 1. 拿消防水柱噴向民眾,讓民眾感到不舒適 2. 噴灑辣椒水和胡椒讓民眾害怕離開現場 3. 對空鳴槍讓民眾心生恐懼 4. 用優勢警力直接走入群眾位置,用蠻力搬離民眾 5. 其他 笑一笑 ● Principle of equality a.Formal equality 形式平等 b.Substantive equality 實質平等(立足點平 等) 憲法能夠保障所有的基本權利? Can The Constitution protect all fundamental rights ? Think 基本權利的保障是不容侵犯的? Is The protection of fundamental rights inviolable ? 憲法第22條(概括性條款) 彌補快速變遷的現代社會 ● Constitution Article 22 凡人民之其他自由及權利,不妨害社會秩序公共利益者,均受憲法之保障。 All other freedoms and rights of the people that are not detrimental to social order or public welfare shall be guaranteed under the Constitution. ● 舉例:隱私權 Right of Privacy 、婚姻自由Freedom of marriage、同性婚姻、 國家語言發展法Development of National Languages Act 、原住民族歲時 祭儀indigenous people‘ festival and more and more in the future 憲法第23條 Constitution Article 23 權利之間產生衝突怎麼辦? ● 以上各條列舉之自由權利,除為防止妨礙他人自由、避免緊急危難、維持 社會秩序,或增進公共利益所必要者外,不得以法律限制之。 ●All the freedoms and rights enumerated in the preceding Articles shall not be restricted by law except by such as may be necessary to prevent infringement upon the freedoms of other persons, to avert an imminent crisis, to maintain social order or to advance public welfare. 憲法第23條 Constitution Article 23 ●Be necessary to prevent infringement upon the freedoms of other persons e.g. Famous Singer🡪 Privacy vs. NEWS ●To avert an imminent crisis e.g.Earthquake🡪 close the road for fire brigade ●To maintain social order e.g. Traffic rules ●To advance public welfare e.g. National Health Insurance(NHI) card、COVID 19 - Mask 案例 隱私權是什麼?Right of Privacy ●隱私權是否為基本權利,我國《憲法》並沒有明文規定,然而從司法院大 法官所做的解釋可發現,大法官肯定隱私權為憲法保障的基本權利,並且 發展出隱私權的類型。 ●Whether the right of privacy is a basic right is not clearly stipulated in the Constitution of our country. However, from the interpretation made by the justices of the Judicial Yuan, it can be found that the justice affirms that the right of privacy is a basic right protected by the constitution, and some scholars have proposed the type of the right of privacy. 案例 隱私權是什麼? ●Right of Privacy 1. 資訊的隱私權: e.g.個人資料 Personal data 2. 空間的隱私權: e.g.住宅 Living space 3. 秘密通訊(connection and communication)的隱私權:e.g. Call content、SMS 4. 生活私密的隱私權:e.g. Things you usually do at home or your space 案例 隱私權是什麼? Personal data 個人資料:指自然人之姓名、出生年月日、國民身分證統一編號、護照號碼、特徵、 指紋、婚姻、家庭、教育、職業、病歷、醫療、基因、性生活、健康檢查、犯罪前 科、聯絡方式、財務情況、社會活動及其他得以直接或間接方式識別該個人之資料。 "personal data" refers to a natural person's name, date of birth, ID Card number, passport number, features, fingerprints, marital status, family information, education background, occupation, medical records, healthcare data, genetic data, data concerning a person's sex life, records of physical examination, criminal records, contact information, financial conditions, data concerning a person's social activities and any other information that may be used to directly or indirectly identify a natural person; CASE STUDY Monitor Moblie-phone 為什麼會有這項制度的產生呢? Why did this system come into being? thinking Right of Privacy ??? 它想要解決什麼問題? 但又可能產生哪些新問題? What problem does it want to solve? What new problems might arise? Monitor is protection. or Monitor is an infringement. 憲法第22條(概括性條款) 彌補快速變遷的現代社會 ● Article 22 凡人民之其他自由及權利,不妨害社會秩序公共利益者,均受憲法之保障。 All other freedoms and rights of the people that are not detrimental to social order or public welfare shall be guaranteed under the Constitution. ● 舉例:隱私權 Right of Privacy 、婚姻自由Freedom of marriage、同性婚姻、 國家語言發展法 Development of National Languages Act 、原住民族歲 時祭儀 indigenous people‘ festival and more and more in the future UNIT 1 THE END