APPLICATION FORM FOR REFERRAL AGENT REGISTRATION (EMPLOYEES) All fields marked with * are Mandatory | Please fill up the form using BLOCK LETTERS Employees are required to fill separate form AGENT DETAILS * 1. Referral Agent Identification Number :* 2. Name with Initials :* 3. Address :* 4. NIC/Passport No :* MKYC NOKALAL 6. Name and employee no of the relative (if applicable) : * CONTACT DETAILS * Mobile :* Email :* BANK DETAILS * Bank :* PEOPLES BANK Branch :* PANADURA Account No :* CONFIRMATION * I do hereby certify that the particulars furnished by me in this application are true and correct. Name : MKYC Signature: Date : 2024/05/29 Note: This form to be submitted along with supporting documents of NIC/Passport and Bank Passbook / statement