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Kotler mm16e inppt 19

Marketing Management
Sixteenth Edition
Chapter 19
Building Customer Loyalty
Learning Objectives
19.1 Explain how a company should balance its acquisition and retention
19.2 Discuss how a company can manage customer satisfaction and loyalty.
19.3 Describe how companies manage customer relationships.
19.4 Discuss how a company should manage customer lifetime value.
Managing Customer Acquisition and
• The customer
acquisition funnel
– Awareness
– Appeal
– Ask
– Act
– Advocate
Figure 19.1 The 5-A Customer Acquisition Funnel
Balancing Customer Acquisition and Customer
• Need to attract new customers while at the same time, retain and cultivate
existing ones
– Estimate customer conversion rates and retention rates
– Satisfied customers are customer relationship capital
Managing Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty (1 of 4)
• Understanding customer satisfaction
– Satisfaction is a person’s feelings of pleasure or disappointment that result
from comparing the perceived performance (or outcome) of a product or
service with expectations
Managing Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty (2 of 4)
• Product and service quality as a driver of customer
– Quality
– Performance v s consistency
Managing Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty (3 of 4)
• Measuring customer satisfaction
– A highly satisfied customer:
▪ Stays loyal longer
▪ Buys more
▪ Talks favorably about the company
▪ Pays less attention to competing brands
▪ Is less sensitive to price
▪ Offers ideas to the company
▪ Costs less to serve than new customers
Managing Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty (4 of 4)
• Building customer loyalty
– Interact closely with customers
– Develop loyalty programs
– Build brand communities
Managing Customer Relationships
• Customer relationship management (CRM)
– The process of carefully managing detailed information about individual
customers and all customer touch points to maximize loyalty
• Make the company’s offering as personally relevant as
possible to as many customers as possible
– Permission marketing
Customer Empowerment
• Customer empowerment
– Customers chooses whether and how they want to
engage with company marketing
▪ Tangible value
Dealing With Customer Complaints
• Make it easy for customers to complain
– Set up a 24/7 hotline
– Reach out to dissatisfied customers
– Identify real source of dissatisfaction
before finding a solution
– Accept responsibility
– Resolve the complaint
The Concept of Customer Lifetime
Value (1 of 2)
• Customer lifetime value (CLV)
– The monetary equivalent of the value that customers will create for the
company during their tenure with the company
– aka customer equity
The Concept of Customer Lifetime
Value (2 of 2)
• Customer profitability analysis
– Activity-based costing
▪ Aims to identify the real costs associated with serving each customer—
the costs of products and services based on the resources they
Customer Lifetime Value and Brand Equity
• Both types of equity matter:
– Customer equity focus:
▪ Bottom-line financial value
– Brand equity focus:
▪ Brand strategy
Building Customer Lifetime Value
• Improve customer service
• Engage customers
• Enhance the growth potential of each customer
• Manage unprofitable customers
• Reward the most profitable customer
Creating Customer Loyalty by Building Trust
• Three building blocks:
– Competence
– Honesty
– Benevolence
Measuring Customer Lifetime Value
• Customer lifetime value
– The net present value of the stream of future profits expected over the
customer’s lifetime purchases
• Consider:
– Monetary value
– Strategic value
Measuring Customer Lifetime Value
A coffee shop is a perfect starting example for CLV, as it is easy to
understand even if you don’t have an extensive business
background. Let’s say a local coffee chain with three locations has an
average sale of $4. The typical customer is a local worker who visits
two times per week, 50 weeks per year, over an average of five years.
CLV = $4 (average sale) x 100 (annual visits) x 5 (years) = $2,000
The Base CLV Model
Contribution per period from active customers. Contribution = Sales Price –Variable Costs
Retention Spending per period per active customer.
retention rate (fraction of current customers retained each period)
discount rate per period
Present Value of net profit calculation is extended up to infinity…
The Base CLV Model
•Net Margin per Netflix Customer = M - R = $50
•Retention rate = r = 80%
•Number of customers who joined Netflix in June 2014 = 100
Number of
Total Net
June 2014
[M – R] * 100
July 2014
r * 100 = 80
r * 100 * [M – R]
August 2014
r * (r * 100) =
r2 * 100 * [M – R]
r * (r * (r * 100))) =
r3 * 100 * [M – R]
Total Net
Present Value
of Total Net
The Base CLV Model
[ $M – $R ]
Short-Term Margin
Long-Term Multiplier
CLV – Initial Margin
•Customer pays
before using the
CLV = [$M–$R]X[(1+d)/(1+d-r)]
•Customer pays
after using the
credit card
CLV = [$M–$R]X[r/(1+d-r)]