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Technical Terms Definitions

Definition of technical terms
1. Accelerometer: Accelerometer is a device which converts the effects of mechanical motion into
an electrical signal.
2. Adapter: Adapter is a mechanism or device for attaching non- mating parts.
3. Ammeter: Ammeter is an instrument used to measure current.
4. Ampere: Ampere is a unit used to define the rate of flow of electricity in a circuit.
5. Amplifier: Amplifier is a device which draws power from a source other than the input signal and
which produces as an output an enlarged reproduction of the essential features of its input.
6. Assembler: Assembler is a program that translates assembly language instructions into machine
language instructions.
7. Atom: Atom is the smallest unit of matter as recognized by chemical properties of molecules.
8. Bandwidth: Bandwidth is a symmetrical region around the set point in which proportional
control occurs.
9. Byte: Byte is a unit of information stored in a computer.
10. Carbon: Carbon is the element that defines the chemical properties of all life.
11. Calorie: a) Calorie is a unit for measuring how much energy food will produce b) Calorie is the
quantity of thermal energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by 1 oC.
12. Celsius: Celsius is a temperature scale defined by 0 0C at the ice point and 100 o C at boiling point
of water at sea level.
13. Centripetal force: Centripetal force is a force exerted on an object moving in a circular path
which is exerted inward towards the centre of rotation.
14. Electron: Electron is a subatomic particle carrying a negative electric charge in atoms or
15. Enzyme: Enzyme is a protein (complex) that catalyzes a chemical reaction in a living cell.
16. Galvanometer: Galvanometer is an instrument that measures small electrical currents by means
of deflecting magnetic coils.
17. Hardware: Hardware is the electrical, mechanical and electromechanical equipment and parts
associated with a computing system, as opposed to its firmware or software.
18. Modem: Modem is a device that transforms digital signals into audio tones for transmission over
telephone lines.
19. Nanotechnology: Nanotechnology is a technology that creates small materials at the scale of
molecules by manipulating single atoms.
20. Pharmacology: Pharmacology is the study of drugs and their interactions with the human body
(A branch of medicine)