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English Vocabulary List: All That Jazz & Money Mad

1. culture vulture (n)
sb who is interested in cultures and arts – người thích
nghệ thuật - văn hóa
e.g: as a culture vulture, I go to museum once a week
2. pilot project (n)
a project set up to test sth – đề án thực nghiệm
the pilot project for youth theatre went so well that it
became a regular event
3. highbrow (a,n)
intellectual – có trí thức, người trí thức
e.g: highbrow newspaper
e.g: the book is aimed at a highbrow readership (độc
>< lowbrow - middlebrow
4. plight (n)
số ít
hoàn cảnh khó khăn
e.g: when he heard about plight of homeless people,
he offered to help out
e.g: plight of flood victims
5. detention centre
a prison
6. abridged (a)
(of book, play): made shorter by leaving some parts
e.g: an abridged version/edition
e.g: the abridged verson of this novel is 100 pages,
shorter than orgins
7. mushroom (v)
rapidly grow or increase in number
e.g: we expect the market will mushroom next year
e.g: the supplier mushroomed to meet the demand.
8. cater for sb/sth
provide - disperse
9. be on the go
be busy and active
e.g: she is so energetic; she is always on the go
10. erase (v) sth
remove sth completely = get rid of = do away with
e.g: she erased her bad memory
e.g: all doubts were suddenly erased from his mind
→ erasure (n)
11. eradicate (v)
→ eradication (n)
remove sth complete = wipe out
e.g: We are determined to eradicate racism from
our sport.
e.g: These insects are very difficult to eradicate.
12. endeavor (n)
in an endeavor to do st
make every endeavor
13. culminate in/with sth
end with a particular result
e.g: months of endeavor culminated in success
14. read music
đọc nhạc
15. socialite (n)
a person who likes parties, fashionable lifestyle and
often is active on social media
16. phenomenally
= incredibly = phi thường
17. face the music
accept consequence of bad actions
e.g: i failed the exam and i had to face the music
18. on display
on show = đang dc trình bày
19. sell sth for a song
sell sth cheaply
20. blow one’s own trumpet
boast one’s achievements
u should be moderate and not blow ur own trumpet
21. sing like a canary
confess everything to sb
e.g: the thief sang like a canary to the police when
being questioned
22. make a big deal out of
exaggerate sth than it really is
23. give the go-ahead to do sth
for sth
give sb permission to do st
24. bear/keep sth in mind that
hãy nhớ rằng, consider
25. bear hard/heavilyseverely on
đè nặng lên ai
e.g: Taxation bears heavily on us all.
26. bear/give witness to sth
cung cấp bằng chứng về sự thật của gì
The burden of the tax bore most heavily on the
27. bring sth
We must bring all our energies to bear upon the
(influence/pressure/energy) to bear
on sb/sth
Pressure was brought to bear on us to finish the
work on time.
28. utmost (a)
29. at regular intervals
30. thrill-seeking (a)
seek for excitement
31. be cut out for
be cut out to be
be suited to
32. be first out of the gate
be first to do st
33. hit the bull’s eye
perfectly correct
e.g: u hit the bull’s eye when u guessed that she
would won
34. drop the ball
35. internship (n)
make a mistake/blunder
việc thực tập to gain experience
1. breadline (n)
the lowest level of income that suffices to buy
e.g: many without job are living on the breadline (=
very poor)
e.g: on/close to/below the breadline
→ breadline (n): a group of people xin ăn, ăn xin..
2. credit crunch (n)
an economic condition when it difficult to borrow
money – khủng hoảng tín dụng
3. backup (n)
extra help, support – sự hỗ trợ, dự phòng
e.g: the police had backup from the army
e.g: the coach employs him as a backup when one of
the members is absent
e.g: Backup services : dịch vụ hỗ trợ
4. back up (phr.v)
provide support/ support sb/st
e.g: the doctor was back up by a team of nurses
e.g: his arguments were not back up with examples
e.g: I’ll back up u if no one stand in for you.
5. in tandem with (idm)
at the same time
e.g: you can listen to this news in tandem with
e.g: they want the two project to be operated in
6. downgrading (n)
make sth less importan and valuable then it is really
e.g: the downgrading of welfare
7. downgrade (v)
>< upgrade = improve
be downgraded to
downplay = play down
e.g: my job has been downgraded to that of an
ordinary editor.
8. devalue (v)
(of money) reduce in value of money
e.g: the local currency is rapidly devaluing
e.g: the pound was devalued against the US dollar
→ devalue sth against sth : mất giá so với cái gì
→ devaluation (n)
9. revalue (v)
estimate the value of st agian, esp giv it higher value
– reevaluate
10. haggle (v)
e.g: I left him in the market haggling over the price
of a T-shirt
e.g: u can sometimes haggle a good discount
e.g: my mom managed to haggle the price down to
something more reasonable
e.g: I spent a week haggling with the authorities
over/about my visa
- haggle over st
- haggle with sb about/over st
- haggle sth
- haggle sth down to st
11. legal tender (phr)
money that can be used legally to pay for sth in a
particular country
e.g these coins are no longer legal tender in Vietnam
12. despair (n)
→ despair of sb/st (v)
tuyệt vọng ai cái gì
loss of hope = desperation
e.g: he felt despair when finding him broke
13. be the despair of sb
make sb feel unhappy as u cannot help
e.g: my handwriting is the despair of my teacher
14. a counsel of despair
advice not to try to do st because it’s too difficult
15. shockwaves (n)
a feeling of shock people experience when sth badly
e.g: the economic problems in the USA sent
shockwaves across the economies around the world.
16. catapult (v)
throw suddenly into a situation
be catapulted into
e.g: when he lost his income, he was catapulted into
financial difficulties
e.g: the award for the best actress that meant almost
overnight she was catapulted into the limelight.
17. plunge (v)
decrease sudden and quickly
= plummet
18. mount (v)
19. currency (n)
the money used in a country
e.g: the currency used in Vietnam is dong
20. stallholder (n)
a person who sells things in a tall in the market
e.g: his mom who is a stallholder sells pork in the
21. cover one’s costs
vd: khi thuế tăng thì nhà hàng phải tăng giá để đủ chi
trả cho (mặt bằng, nguyên liệu..)
22. apt (a)
revelant, approriate, pertinent
e.g: an apt comment/name.. in the circumstances
23. apt (a)
likely or tending naturally to do st
e.g: babies are apt to put objects into their mouths
24. unofficial (a)
25. courgette (n)
bí xanh
26. let alone
huống hồ là
e.g: I cannot speak Chinese let alone write it
27. counterfeit (v)
làm giả cái gì
e.g: counterfeit euro
28. counterfeit (a,n)
counterfeit money…
29. denomination (n)
giá trị of a coin or paper money
e.g: the denomination of 1 dollar is 25.000 vietnam
30. comprise (v)
consist of
31. speculate in sth
đầu cơ vào gì in the hope of make a large profit
e.g: she speculated in gold and soil
32. bank teller (n)
nhân viên ngân hàng
33. leading (a)
= foremost
the best, the most important
e.g: Apple is the leading mobile phone
34. chip in (phr.v)
contribute – hùng tiền, đóng góp
e.g: if everyone chips in, we’ll have enough money
to buy her a good gift
e.g: each person chipped in with 5000 vnd
35. fork out (phr.v)
spend a lot of money on sth, esp unwilling
e.g: despite being a student, she forked out lots of
money on computer.
36. put down a deposit of
trả góp
37. set sb back (phrv)
cost sb a large amount of money
e.g: the iphone 15 had set me back 2 months’ salary
38. splash out (phrv)
spend money on sth – chi tiền
e.g: we are going to splash out and buy a car
e.g: I splashed out 100.000 on buying cakes.
39. farewell party
tiệc chia tay
40. flea market
chợ bán đồ rẻ
let’s do the shopping at the flea market.
41. fluid (a)
changeable, not fixed
42. old money (n)
trâm anh thế phiệt, có tài sản thừa kế nhiều đời
43. pocket money (n)
tiền tiêu vặt
e.g: I got 900000vnd pocket money from my parents
per month
44. bank balance (n)
số dư ngân hàng
45. bank statement (n)
sao kê ngân hàng
46. make a fortune
make a loss
có lời
47. be on the money (idm)
= hit the bull’s eye
correct; perfectly correct
e.g: his prediction was right on the money
48. be in the money
= have deep pockets
have a lot of money to spend
49. money is no object (idm)
tiền là không thành vấn đề
50. marry money (idm)
marry a rich person
51. be made of money (idm)
rich, well-off
e.g: I’m not made of money, u know?
52. good money (idm-n)
= a lot of money
e.g: many had to pay good money to go to the
53. for my money
= in my opinion
54. get one’s money’s worth
đáng đồng tiền bát gạo
I got my money’s worth when buying this cake
55. tighten one’s belt
thắt lưng buột bụng
56. line one’s pocket with money
lừa tiền –
57. shanty town (n)
khu ổ chuột
58. do sth on a shoestring (idm)
làm cái gì mà tránh tiêu nhiều tiền
e.g: I dressed hand-made clothes on a shoestring.
59. derive from (v)
come from, stem from
60. in the region of
= appropriately = khoảng, sấp xỉ
e.g: I dont know how many guesses, but maybe in
the region of 100
61. deposit (v)
put money into bank
62. down-and-out (a)
without money, job .. to live
e.g: down-and-out people = homeless people
63. smooth sailing (a)
very easy to do
e.g: the test was smooth sailing for Harry to do
64. down-to-earth (a)
sensible and practical
vd: down-to-earth advice/reason
65. housebound (a)
unable to leave home because you are sick or old
e.g: Cat is housebound until her back gets on her feet
66. at the expense of sb/st
gây hại cho ai, trả giá cho điều gì, đánh đổi cho điều
e.g: he built up the business at the expense of his
67. dirt cheap (a)
very cheap
68. abject (a)
khốn khổ, đáng khinh, hèn hạ
e.g: the families in the shanty towns are living in
abject poverty
1. astronomical (a)
1. relating to the astronomy
2. (of amount, price): very large
e.g: an astronomical price/bill/weight
2. frontier (n)
a place where people have never lived before
the limit of st (subject/activity)
e.g: space is the last frontier, but one day people will
establish colonies here
e.g: push back the frontier of science (= increase
knowledge of science)
e.g: roll back the frontier of = limit the
3. title deed (n)
khế ước – chứng từ chứng nhận sở hữu tài sản
4. concrete example (n)
= specific example
e.g: a concrete example of space exploration is Moon
5. back down (phrv)
admit being wrong
although he was obviously wrong, he refused to back
6. state secret (n)
bí mật quốc gia
7. see sth coming (expr)
chờ mà xem - lót dép hóng
e.g: I think they soon culminate in their relationship
let’s see that coming
8. ownership (n)
the fact of owning something
a growth in home ownership
Ownership of the land is currently being disputed.
to be in joint/private/public ownership
The restaurant is under new ownership.
9. humankind (n)
people in general - loài ng
→ mankind : nhân loại
10. at stake
= at risk
11. genetic engineering (n)
kỹ thuật di truyền
e.g: Genetic engineering could find a way of creating
humans that live longer.
xét nghiệm mẫu vân tay để tìm tội phạm
genetic fingerprinting (n)
12. shape one’s future
e.g: what u decide to study after school will shape
your future.
13. know what the future holds
biết what happens in the future
e.g: mankind cannot know what future holds
14. wireless telecommunications
viễn thông không dây
15. speech recognition (n)
khả năng nhận diện giọng nói
16. perpetual (a)
e.g: the perpetual noise of traffic
We lived for years in a perpetual state of fear.
(literary) mountain peaks covered with perpetual
snows and ice
17. inescapable (a)
= unavoidable = inevitable
18. precede (v)
happen before sth else
e.g: the years preceding the war
e.g: a minute preceding the hazard
e.g: she preceded me in the job
19. precedence (n)
→ give precedence over sb/st
→ take precedence over sb/st
→ in/the order of precedence
e.g: precedence must be given the injured in the
evacuation plans.
e.g: they think that fluency and communication take
precedence over grammar when speaking
e.g: in/the order of precedence : theo thứ tự ưu tiên (
important on first)
e.g: environmental concerns must be given
precedence over commercial interests
20. precedent (n)
tiền lệ ( cái gì xảy ra rồi và đc xem là lý do để người
khắc mắc phải )
e.g: There are several precedents for promoting
people who don't have formal qualifications.
(Có một số tiền lệ về việc thăng chức cho những
người không có bằng cấp chính thức.)
e.g:Some politicians fear that agreeing to the
concession would set a dangerous precedent.
(Một số chính trị gia lo ngại rằng việc đồng ý nhượng
bộ sẽ tạo tiền lệ nguy hiểm.)
21. break with precedent (phr)
break with tradition/mould
e.g: would it break with precedent for the bride to
have a speech ?
22. unprecedented (a)
chưa từng có trong ls, chưa có tiền lệ
→ unprecedentedly (adv)
23. visionary (a)
có tầm nhìn xa trông rộng
e.g: a visionary leader.
24. be fated to do/sth
bound to happen – định mệnh
e.g: we were fated never to meet again
e.g: he was fated to his death in that long journey
25. ill-fated (a)
xấu số
an ill-fated expedition :chuyến thám hiểm xấu số
She regretted ever meeting him at that ill-fated party.
Cô hối hận vì đã gặp anh trong bữa tiệc xấu số đó.
26. far-fetched (a)
/ˌfɑː ˈfetʃt/
difficult to believe – khó tin
e.g: his story sounds extremely far-fetched
27. set one’s sights on sth
decide to want sth and try to achieve this
e.g: He set his sights on becoming a doctor
e.g: I set my sights on winning the competition.
28. prestige (n)
sự uy tín = status
e.g: personal prestige : uy tín cá nhân
e.g: jobs with low prestige
29. prestigious (a)
uy tín
e.g: highly prestigious university
e.g: prestigious award
30. demonstrably (a)
obviously, explicitly , evidently, discernibly
31. demonstrable (a)
that can be shown or proved – có thể chứng minh, giải
32. demonstration (n)
1. protest against
2. sự chứng tỏ
33. seek to do sth
= try to do = attempt
e.g: she sought to distance herself from protesters
34. - seeking
e.g: attention-seeking behavior : hvi gây sự chú ý
e.g: hide-and-seek (n)
e.g: job-seeking (n)
35. defining feature (n)
đặc điểm xác định
the defining feature of Ben Tre people is their voice
36. materialise (v)
diễn ra, cụ thể hóa
37. altruism (n)
lòng vị tha
e.g: pure altruism
→ altruistic (a) → altruistic behavior/move