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Grizzly Bear Editing Worksheet

Subject: Year 4 English
Sheet: Text work - Editing
Rewriting and Editing - Grizzly Bear Facts
How many mistakes can you find? Read the facts about grizzly bears below and
rewrite the passage correctly on the lines. You might want to circle the mistakes first
before you begin writing.
The grizzley bear is also knoun as the brown bear. grizzly bears
can stand as tall as eigth feet. they can run up too 35 miles
per our. Grizzly bears have long cerved claws, humped
shoulders, and a face that looks like its been pushed in.
they can rainge in colour from blak, blonde, silver, and
even white. They eat plants and animals and find there
food with there sense off smell.
Final version:
How many mistakes did you find? ________
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