DAILY LESSON PLAN School PLARIDEL NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level GRADE 12 Teacher CHARLENE MAY C. GAVAN Learning Area Practical Research 2 Date and Time AGUST 29-SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 Quarter Quarter I MONDAY I. OBJECTIVES A. Content Standard TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY The learner demonstrates understanding of; the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative research; the importance of quantitative research across fields; . the nature of variables. B. Performance Standards The learner is able to decide on suitable quantitative research in different areas of interest. C. Learning Holiday MELC: Describes MELC: Describes MELC: Describes MELC: Describes Competencies/Objectives characteristics, characteristics, characteristics, characteristics, Write the LC code for strengths, weaknesses, strengths, weaknesses, strengths, strengths, each and kinds of and kinds of weaknesses, and weaknesses, and quantitative quantitative kinds of kinds of research. CS_RS12-Ia- research. CS_RS12-Ia- quantitative quantitative c-1 c-1 research. CS_RS12- research. CS_RS12-Ia-c-1 Ia-c-1 Objectives: Objectives: 1. Define 1. Differentiate the Objectives: Objectives: quantitative types of quantitative 1. Describe the 5. Identify the research; research; characteristics of strengths and 2. Describe quantitative weaknesses of 2. Identify the types of research; quantitative quantitative quantitative research; research; research. 3. Select appropriate 3. Site application of types of quantitative quantitative research . research in real life. I. CONTENT Definition Types of quantitative Characteristics of Strengths and of Quantitative research quantitative weaknesses of Research research quantitative research III.LEARNING RESOURCES A. References 1.Teacher’s Guide pages 2.Learner’s Materials pages 3.Textbook pages 4.Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal B .Other Learning Resources IV.PROCEDURES A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Practical Research 2- Quarter 1-Week 1-Self Learning Module (Division of Palawan) Practical Research 2- Semester 1-Week 1 -Contextualize Learning Activity Sheets (Division of Puerto Princesa City) Unlocking of Difficulties Quantitative research is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical data. Qualitative research involves collecting and analyzing nonnumerical data. Objectives: 1. Define quantitative research; 2. Describe quantitative research; 3. Site application of quantitative research in real life. Review: What is quantitative research? Review: What are the types of quantitative research? Review: What are the characteristics of quantitative research? Objectives: 1. Differentiate the types of quantitative research; 2. Identify the types of quantitative research; 3. Select appropriate types of quantitative research . Objectives: 1. Describe the characteristics of quantitative research; 2. Identify the characteristics of quantitative research; 3. Objectives: 5. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research. C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson Inquiry base: What is a quantitative research? How does it differ from a qualitative research? Inquiry base: What are the defining features of each type of quantitative research? Inquiry base: What do you think are the characteristics, of a quantitative research? D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 1 Sample news: Types of Quantitative 1. (Source: “Wearing Research Masks May Cut 1. Descriptive Transmission Rate Research up tp 85%”, 2. Survey Research Department of 3. Correlation Health, accessed Research July 11, 2020, 4. Causal-Comparative https://www.doh.go Research v.ph/press-release.) 5. Experimental Research Characteristics of Quantitative Research 1. Large sample size. 2. Objective. 3. Visual result presentation. 4. Faster data analysis. 5. Generalized data. 6. Fast data collection. 7. Reliable data. 8. Replication. E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 2 Quantitative research deals with the characteristics observed from the research subjects’ traits are translated numerically and focuses on the analysis and interpretation of the raw numerical data gathered based on statistical outcomes. The teacher will discuss each Characteristics of quantitative research. The teacher will discuss each type of quantitative research. 1. Descriptive Research 2. Survey Research 3. Correlation Research 4. Causal-Comparative Research 5. Experimental Research Inquiry base: What do you think are the strengths, and weaknesses of a quantitative research? Strengths (The teacher will enumerate and discuss the strengths of qualitative research.) Weaknesses (The teacher will enumerate and discuss the weaknesses of qualitative research.) F. Developing mastery (Leads to formative assessment) G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living H. Making Generalizations and abstractions about the lesson I. Evaluating Learning Directions: Identify which statements describe QUANTITATIVE research. On the second column, put a heart shape if it describes quantitative research and a circle if it does not. Give some examples and insights about quantitative research applied in real life. Directions: Identify what quantitative research design is being described. Directions: Among the different quantitative research designs, choose what is appropriate for the following research topics and state your reason for choosing it. What is quantitative Directions: Based on research? the defining features of the types of quantitative research, classify the following sample research questions below as to its type. Directions: Analyze Directions: the statements Differentiate the below. Write TRUE following types of if the statement is quantitative research correct and FALSE according to their if incorrect. Write purpose and your answers on the processes. space provided before each number. Directions: Identify what characteristics of quantitative research is being described. Directions: Write four (4) good points of quantitative research which make it important to researchers. Place your answer in a concept map. Enumerate the characteristics of a quantitative research. Directions: Enumerate and describe (3) characteristics of quantitative research. Directions: Give and discuss one strength and one weakness of quantitative research. Enumerate the strengths, and weaknesses of a quantitative research. Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. (1-10) J. Additional activities for application or remediation V.REMARKS VI.REFLECTION A. No.of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment B. No.of learners who require additional activities for remediation C. Did the remedial lesson work? No.of learners who have caught up with the lesson D. No.of learners who continue to require remediation E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?Why did this work? F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover I wish to share with other teachers? Prepared by: Enhancement activity for students who did not pass the evaluation. CHARLENE MAY C. GAVAN Teacher Checked by: CYNTHIA M. FELIX Master Teacher II Noted by: ELIZABETH E. MALLARI Assistant Principal II