Uploaded by Võ LêNa -A1


1. Find the lowest common multiple of 24 and 18
2. Pierre rolls a fair six-sided dice numbered 1 to 6
Tick to show if each pair of events is mutually exclusive or not muatually exclusive.
Mutually exclusive
mutually exclusive
Rolling a 6 and rolling an even number
Rolling an odd number and rolling a factor of 6
Rolling a square number and rolling a multiple of
3. Caculate 123  (172)
4. Jamila says “64 is both square and a cube number”
Is it correct or not? Why?
5. Write down the equation of a line that is parallel to the y-axis on a coordinate grid
6. The diagram shows a parallelogram. Find the values of p, q, r
7. The distance from Longtown to Manville is 76 km. These towns are plotted on a map. The map has a
scale of 1cm = 20km. Find the distance between these two towns on the map
8. Find the value of 3a  b when a  6.4 and b  4.3
9. Here is a triangle .
Samira tries to calculate the area of this triangle.
Here is her working and answer
5 13  65
65:2  32,5
ANSWER 32.5 cm
Describe two errors she has made.
Error 1: ……..
Error 2: …….
10. Yuri has some cloth 3.5 metres long. He cuts a 2-metre lenghth from this cloth to make a shirt.
Find the percentage of the cloth he has left
11. Anastasia changes …
12. Here is a circle with the centre marked O
On the diagram, draw and label the following parts of the
 A chord
 A tagent
 A radius
13. Complete this state
1 square metre = …….. square centimetres
14. Mike is x years old and Naomi is y years old
a) Write down what is represented by the expression y  x
b) Their ages are connected ny the equation y  2 x  7 . Naomi is 37 years old. Find the sum of Mike’s
age and Naomi’s age
15. a) Write 317.96 correct to one decimal place (Lam tron den hang don vi)
b) Work out
100  41.5
. Give your answer to two decimal places
3  22
16 (a) Simplify 5x  7  8x
(b) Write the missing value to complete this statement
17. Tick to show if each of the following statements is always true, sometimes true pr never true
Always true
A parallelogram has exactly one line of symmetry
A square has two rotational symmetry of order 4
A trapezium has two diagonals of equal length
Sometimes true
Never true