l Internship Report on ZTBL ZTBL Liaquat Pur Branch (22309) Submitted by: SYED TAHSEEN RAZA Roll # 01 M.COM 4th (Morning) Session 2018-2020 Submitted to: ZAHID ALI SB Internship coordinator Department of Commerce Islamia University 1 Internship report on ZTBL Bahawalpur Executive Summary There is no doubt that banking is one of the most sensitive business all over the world. Banks are very important in economy of every country all over the world. No doubts, in Pakistan banks play very important role in economy of Pakistan. This report is about one of the leading Agriculture Bank of the Pakistan known as Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited. It is providing both type of severs financial and non-financials mostly to its clients of the rural areas of the Pakistan, which comprises of 68% of the Pakistan’s total population. And now-a-days ZTBL shows their interest in the Commercial Area such as receive deposit and bill although money transactions such as express Money from Abroad. ZTBL has very extensive branch network of 352 branches and their Head Office in Islamabad. Due to increasing the interest of commercial banking, there are many competitors in the industry. ZTBL facilitate low income people providing loan to them such as Production scheme and Lending scheme. The branch in which I got training have following departments: Account opening, Remittance, Clearing, Government, Deposit and Credit. Cash section which is very sensitive and important because all transaction is taken place and Credit is very important by the bank because it increase the profit of the bank. During my internship in Liaquat Pur Branch of Zarai Taraqiati bank limited I did work in opening the bank accounts, issuance of cheque book. I also helped the customers in filling the deposit slips and did confirm about whether the cheque is genuine and properly filled. I also did task of collecting ATM cards, kept record of them and issued cards to the customers also. Moreover I received mails of the bank and did some work in customer relation department also. There are many problems in the system such as only some branches are online and cash department is not familiar with computer and information system. To overcome this problem bank must be established a research department that will help out these problems and also help in marketing The objective of this internship is to explore practical exposure and resolve problems that will occur in my theoretical concepts. I also understand the importance of the banking companies for the economy as well as for the society. 2 Acknowledgment All praises to Almighty ALLAH Almighty and our Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH who gave me the courage and patience for completion of this final report. I wish to acknowledge my gratitude to my inspiring Teachers of my institute for their endless persistence, support and encouragement, and for providing me a lifetime opportunity to work with ZTBL. I am also very thankful to ZTBL Branch, Liaquat Pur and the Branch Manager Mr. Abdul Saboor Shakir & Branch Operations Manager Attia Naz who gave me opportunity to work with experienced persons in their organization. I am also thankful to my, my parents, family and friends that continually offered encouraging support. Syed Tahseen Raza M.Com 4th Department of Commerce Islamia University Bahawalpur 3 Internship report on ZTBL Table of Content 1. Background of Company 2. Conversion of ADBP into ZTBL 3. Vision, Mission and Objectives 4. Vision 5. Mission 6. Objectives of ZTBL Bank 7. Organization Culture 8. Department of ZTBL 9. Deposit Department 10. Remittances Department 11. Organization Organgram 12. Products and Services ACCOUNT OPENING DEPARTMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TYPES OF ACCOUNTS Account Opening Personal learning Objectives Learning from the Organization Application of Class room Learning ANALYSIS 1. Financial Analysis 2. SWOT ANALYSIS 3. PEST Analysis RECOMMENDATIONS FINAL CONCLUSION INTERNSHIP LETTER ANNEXURE 1. First fortnightly report 2. 2nd fortnight report 3. 3rd fortnight report 4 INTRODUCTION Background of Company Pakistan is an agricultural country and more than 60% of its population is working related to agriculture. A development in the agricultural sector will no doubt result in the development of the whole country. To keep With a view to meet this basic need the Agricultural Development Finance Corporation was set-up in 1951, and was entrusted with o f providing financial facilities for the development and modernization of agriculture, including: Forestry, F ishery, Animal Husbandry, Poultry, and Dairy. Farming, L a t e r o n t h e A g r i c u l t u r a l D e v e l o p m e n t B a n k o f P a k i s t a n w a s a l s o established in September 1957, under the Agricultural Development Bank Act. The Bank is to provide credit in cash or in kind, warehousing and storage facilities to agriculturists, cooperative societies and other bodies, of which the majority of members are agriculturists. As the functions of the Agricultural Development Finance Corporation and Agricultural Development Bank were similar and since both were working with capital provided by the Government, they were merged in t o one or ganizati on know n as Agricultural Developme nt Ban k of Pakistan on February 18. 1961. Zarai Taraqiati Bank of Pakistan is the largest agriculture bank in the country. It has many branches in all over the country. First the head office of the ZTBL was located in Karachi and was shifted to Islamabad later during 1973. Presently there are 9 division and 33 departments in the head office. It has 492 branch offices and a wide network of 32 zonal offices, 9 audit zones apart from 8 audit directorates in the field, two staff colleges at Islamabad and Karachi. To cater for loan requirement of the forming community their door steps over 1408 Mobile Credit Officers have been deployed in the field, each covering 25 villages in an average. T h e b a n k c a n c h a r g e 1 4 % i n t e r e s t . T h e a u t h o r i z e d c a p i t a l o f t h e Z T B L i s Rs.25,000,000,000. This amount is divided into Rs.2, 500,000,000 ordinary shares &the price of each share is ten rupees. The total number of shares of the ZTBL isRs.1, 186,961,000 and paid up capital is Rs.11, 869,612,000 of the ZTBL. Z T B L h a s o n e c h a i r m a n , o n e p r e s i d e n t a n d 4 d i r e c t o r s . T h e t o t a l n u m b e r o f employees is 5500, while 982 employees are provided by the KSSL. The seven meetings of the board are held during each year. The overall management, functions, meetings of the ZTBL is control by two committees known as “Board &Management Committees” ZTBL President is Muhammad Shahbaz Jameel. The bank's branches would soon be connected online. Pakistan is one of the agricultural country, about 75% of its population is directly or indirectly associated with agriculture. Due to its widespread and 5 Internship report on ZTBL extensive canal system, its land is very fertile. Later On February 18, 1961, due to their similar functions these both came under the single banner of Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan. Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan (ADBP) Under the ADB Ordinance 1961 the Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan (ADBP) was established originally. Conversion of ADBP into ZTBL Agriculture Development Bank of Pakistan (ADBP) was converted into ZaraiTaraqiati Bank Ltd (ZTBL) by the Federal Government and it started its operations with profound effect. It was restructured accompanied with new board of directors and was titled as public limited company. . In 1984 Zarai Taraqiati Bank (ZTBL) under the company’s ordinance was registered with SECP as a public limited and by virtue of finance order, all assets, liabilities proceeding undertaking of the ADBP stands transferred to and vested in ZaraiTaraqiati Bank with effect from December 14, 2002. T h e c o n v e r s i o n o f ADBP into ZTBL had a conditionality of the Asian Development B a n k (ADB) loan framework as per which a restructuring exercise was initiated. National Operation The ZaraiTaraqiati Bank Limited runs its operation in whole Pakistan and also outside Pakistan for this choice was the better profitability and less risky portfolio which made'' it a good choice for investors. On April 8th, 1991, the management control was given to National Group (the highest bidders). Initially only 26% of shares were sold to private sector at Rs. 56 per share a n d t h e p e r s o n s c o n d u c t i n g s u c h b u s i n e s s . T h e b a n k ’ s t o t a l m a n p o w e r i s 7 6 6 5 h a v i n g 4 5 1 5 officers and 3150 staff. It has 32 zonal offices and 492 branches throughout the Pakistan including the Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA), Federally Administered Northern Area (FANA) and Azad Jammu and Kashmir. 6 Vision, Mission and Objectives Vision Dedicated to serve the needs of the farming community, by delivering financial products and technical services on a competitive and sustainable basis, in a convenient, efficient and professional manner, leading to success of the Bank and the farmers Mission To play an effective role in the promotion of economic growth, by enhancing the availability of credit to the agriculture sector, through reliable access to sustainable financing, special lending programs, technical assistance, products& services, and to promote career development opportunities for increasing professionalism, technical proficiencies & trainings of employees. Objectives of ZTBL Bank 1. Develop and operate as a financially and operationally sustainable R.F.I of the country. 2. Assist rural community, particularly the small farmers, in raising their productivity and income levels through timely delivery of credit, advisory and ancillary services. 3. Build ZTBL's image as a proactive, client friendly, financially & operationally sustainable with indigenous product deployment. 4. Establish and provide backward and forward linkages to strengthen agri. value added commodity chains. 5. Engage in public - private and wholesale - retail partnership to deepen outreach and reduce operating cost. 6. To function as a rural commercial bank to mobilize rural capital formation and to commercialize the agri. sector by delivering the true value of credit to the client. Provide a wide range of risk insurance products to its clients. 7. Open up its venues of operation to Domestic & International Banking Industry to avail comparative advantages. 7 Internship report on ZTBL Organization Culture “A pattern of basic assumptions that the group learned as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to those problems.” ZTBL culture is suitable to the formers because in that bank wants to improve their relationship with the customers and bank standard compare to the former. And now ZTBL bank scope change from Pakistani banks like commercial banks, ZTBL now start focusing on the commercial area such as accepting deposits, receiving bills etc. Department of ZTBL Organizations cannot function without proper arrangements for its specific takes and duties. “The process of grouping jobs according to some logical arrangements” is called departmentalization. ZTBL is divided into five departments. Following are five types of the departments established in the said branch to facilitate the customers. Deposits Department Remittances Department Clearing Department Advances Department Foreign Exchange Department But in first two weeks I worked in two departments, Deposits and Remittances departments. Deposit Department Deposit department is one of the most important and main department of the bank. It performs the vital function in the bank because it deals with the supply of money to the bank. Deposits are the inputs of a bank. Deposits department is just like a heat, as it function other department also run, otherwise the whole system paralysis. Each and every bank tries its best to increase their deposits. Deposits depict the financial strength of a bank. Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited is a unique and crucial institution, which is able to increase credit in the country. Current A/c PLS Saving A/c Basic Banking A/c Zarai Junior A/c 8 Remittances Department Remittance department performs the function of remitting funds i.e. to transfer funds for customers from one location to another. The transfer of funds may be from one branch to another or from one bank to other Remittances mean “the transfer of money or fund from one place to another place through bank”. It may be “inland remittance” or “Remittance” Within locality. Outside locality. Within Locality:A branch situated in Liaquat pur is required to send the draft to any other branch situated in the same locality; the process will say to be within locality. I.e. ZTBL Liaquat pur branch, this is known as within locality. Pay Order Pay order is used for payment within the cities; the main purpose of pay order is to make payment in record this payment in the bank as evidence. Bank charge the commission for its services. The purchaser fill an application form, which includes the amount of payment or order, the name of the payee and complete address of purchaser and payee application form is also signed by the purchaser. Outside locality:Outside locality is an important type of inland remittances. Outside locality means the transfer of money payable outside the city i.e. ZTBL Liaquat pur Branch, sent any draft to a branch situated in Multan city. It is commonly done through the following four means. Telegraphic transfer. Demand draft Mail transfer Bank Draft Telegraphic Transfer: Telegraphic transfer is an important mode of remittance. It is the quickest mean of transferring the funds from one place to another place by the use of telephone or telegraphic. Now a day, new technology is used for this purpose i.e. fax, e-mail. The big traders and businessman use this method of remittance in this method of remittance the purchaser is not responsible for the dispatch. Demand Draft & Pay Order: For safe, speedy, and reliable way to transfer money, ZTBL Demand Drafts and pay orders are available for customers at very reasonable rates. Any person whether an account holder of the 9 Internship report on ZTBL bank or not, can purchase a Demand Draft from a bank branch. A demand draft is an order drawn by a bank on its branch or on another bank in a different place requiring the later to pay on demand the sum of money specified in the draft. Pay order is just like demand draft except the pay order is made for local transfer of money whereas demand draft is meant for remittances of funds from one city to another. Mail Transfer: Mail transfer draft is one of the bank modes of remittance. Mail transfer is issued by one branch of bank to another branch of the same bank by instructing to branch to pay the other branch by issuing mail transfer receipts. In M.T the purchaser is not responsible for dispatch, but the bank will be responsible for dispatch. Bank Draft: Bank draft is the most important type of remittance. Draft is an instrument issued by a bank. Draft is issued by one branch to another branch out of the city. The difference branches of same bank can issue the bank draft to each other and it is also called the banker cheques i.e. the main branch of ZTBL in Rahim yar khan issued the draft to the ZTBL Multan. Products and Services ZTBL, there are the following types of accounts: Current A/c ZTBL Asaan A/c Basic Banking A/c PLS Saving A/c PLS Term deposit A/c Business deposit Zarai Bachat A/c Zarai Term deposit A/c Zarai Junior A/c Zarai Munafa Mustaqbil Mehfooz Rozana Bachat ZTBL, there are following types of Lending Schemes: Production Scheme: Awamizarai scheme (farmer credit) Kissan dost scheme 10 Sadabahar scheme Awamizarai scheme ( farmer credit) Development Scheme: Camel rearing scheme Agri financing scheme Khawateen rozgar scheme Shamsi tawanai scheme(solar pumper) Tawani bchat scheme(biogas unit) Tahafuz samer scheme(vegetable and fruits) Sugat-e-shireen scheme(Gur making) Thafuz e ajnas scheme Tobacco burn financing scheme Special product milk chilling unit Red meat scheme Rural development scheme Khusk hratab scheme 11 Internship report on ZTBL My Grooming 2.1 ACCOUNT OPENING DEPARTMENT In ZTBL Liaquat pur Mrs. Attia Naz (AMO) is operating the account opening department along with performing some auxiliary functions of Check Book Issuing. TYPES OF ACCOUNTS In ZTBL, there are the following types of accounts: Current A/c ZaraiMunafaTerm Deposit Certificate(ZMTDC) Basic Banking A/c PLS Saving A/c PLS Term deposit A/c Business deposit ZaraiBachat A/c Zarai Term deposit A/c ZTBL Junior A/c Zarai Munafa Mustaqbil Mehfooz Rozana Bachat Current Account In current account there is no interest on it. It is for only transaction purposes. They are paid on demand. When a banker accepts a demand deposit, he incurs the obligation of the paying all cheques drawn against him to the extended of the balance in the A/c. As there is no profit paid on this account it is also called chequing account because cheques can be drawn on it. Current account is mostly opened for business. PLS Savings Account PLS Savings Accounts are opened, on proper introduction and submission of required documents along with initial deposit prescribed form time to time. PLS Savings Account are opened for individual , charitable institutions, provident, firms, companies, joint stock companies, local bodies, autonomous bodies, educational intuitions etc. 12 Minimum balance will be notified from time to time. There is presently no upper limit of deposit and number of withdrawals that can be made by cheques and no restrictions on amounts that can be withdrawn from PLS Savings Accounts. The proportion of profit or loss shall be determined by the bank. The profit will be paid on the minimum balance between the six and the last day of the month. The profit/loss, earned /incurred on PLS account will be credited/debited as determined by the bank. The account holders undertake to reimburse the bank with any claims in respect of losses /charges on the basis of half yearly/yearly closing of it’s the bank’s books of accounts. PLS Term Deposit Certificate: PLS showing T.D. is accepted by the bank in multiple of Rs.1000 for a period not less than three month. The amount of the PLS term deposit and the return there on is on profit and loss sharing basis and subject to the bank’s terms and conditions governing the profit and loss sharing term deposit rate. The bank’s determination of profit & loss share is final and binding for the depositors for all purposes. In case TDR is not en-cashed on the expiry of the period, the amount will be transferred to matured P&L sharing term deposit account on next working day of the date of maturity. In case the deposit fails to turn up for renewal instructions, the matured deposit will be eligible for the rate of profit fixed for PLS saving account. Zarai Term Deposit Certificates: Zarai Term Deposit Certificates are issued by the bank with minimum sums as prescribed form time to time.Zarai Term Deposit Certificates can be obtained by all who are allowed to open CD & PSL Saving accounts. The Zarai Term Deposit Certificates are accepted for minimum period three month, and depositor would inform at the time of placement for renewal or encashment of deposit on maturity. On expiry of deposit will seize to eligible for sharing its profit at the term deposit rate. It will be transferred to overdue PLS term deposit. The Zarai Term Deposit Certificates will be eligible for payment of profit on the condition that they will not be withdrawn from the bank before maturity. In the event, any deposit wishes to withdraw the funds earlier than three months, he will forego his right to share profit on his deposit for the period the deposit remained with the bank. On the maturity of zarai term deposit, the depositor shall have the option either to withdraw the deposit and the amount of his share of profit, if any or renew the deposits, with or without the amount of accumulated profit. 13 Internship report on ZTBL Business Deposit Account: Business Deposit Account is opened, on proper introduction and submission required documents along with initial deposit prescribed form time to time. Current Account is opened for individual, firms, companies, joint stock companies, local bodies, autonomous bodies, educational intuitions etc. Business Deposit Account cannot be used for business purposes. The Business Deposit Account should be opened with a minimum balance of Rs.10000/- .All the Business Deposit Account already opened with the amount less then Rs.10000/- and still having balance less then Rs 10000/- may either be converted into Current account or PLS saving account on the option of account holder. There is present no upper limit of deposit and number of withdrawals that can be made by cheques and no restriction on amount that can be withdrawn from business deposit accounts. The proportion of profit shall be determined by the bank, in its sole discretion and the bank’s decision would be final and binding on the customers. Zarai Bachat Account: ZaraiBachat Account is opened, on proper introduction and submission required documents along with initial deposit prescribed form time to time. Zarai Bachat Account is opened for individuals, sole proprietors, partnership & limited companies. Initial deposit for the account as well as the minimum balance for the profit is Rs.20000/-. Basic Banking Account: Basic Banking Account are opened in all zarai taraqiati bank branches with a minimum deposits of Rs.1000/-. No un-remunerating charges on this account and there is no limit of minimum balance, however when balance in the account remains nil for six month period, the account will be closed. ZTBL junior Account: ZTBL junior A/c prevailing PLS Saving A/c rate. Initial deposit of Rs. 1000/- after completing all pre-requisites stipulated by SBP/Banks procedure in vogue. Profit calculation on daily product basis to be credited in the account on quarterly basis.Account to be opened in the name of Minor and operated by parent/Guardian. Single debit transaction restricted to 50000/- and first cheque book is free, birthday surprises and Welcome pack at the time of A/c opening. Mustaqbil Mehfooz Account: Mustaqbil Mehfooz A/c is prevailing 5% interest rate and Short term deposit scheme for a fixed period of 3 and 6 months. Minimum deposit is 50000/- and in case of premature encashment OR after maturity PLS Saving A/c rate shall be applied. 14 Rozana Bachat Account: Rozana Bachat A/c is prevailing 4.50% to 5.60% interest rate. Initial deposit of 10000/- and no limits of withdrawals. Profit shall be calculated in quarterly basis. Two DDs and Two POs shall be issued free of charge during the month if average balance of Rs. 200000/- maintained. Zarai Mnafa Term Deposit Certificate (ZMTDC): ZMTDC is prevailing 5.00% interest rate. Initial deposit of 0.100 million and scheme is restricted for bank employees and their relatives. Profit shall be paid at maturity and in case of premature encashment OR after maturity PLS Saving A/c rate shall be applied. Account Opening The general banking performs various functions among them the first and most important function is A/C opening. The process of opening an account is very simple and anybody who would like to open his account could do it easily without any difficulty. Procedure for Account Opening 1) Application Form The customer would like to open his account is required to meet with the manager or second officer, who will give him an “APPLICATION FORM” specifically used for account opening. Separate color-coded Application Form is available for each type of account. So that a particular colored form is given to the customer to fill in for opening a related account. 2) Specimen Card As I have already mentioned about “SIGNATURE SPECIMEN CARD”. This card contains three signatures of an applicant, applicant A/c no, A/c type, branch code, title of A/c, it will be attached with an application form. Banker uses this card at the time when he receives the cheque; he compares customer’s signature with the signature on the cheque for avoiding fraud. Manager has every right not to accept this contract if he is not satisfied by the details provided by the customer. 3) Account Opening Register The manager records the necessary details into this register and allots an a/c number from this a/c opening register. This register is maintained for each type of account and the a/c numbers are allotted serially. After opening a saving and current account every applicant’s data is entered into the computer to maintain a safe record and application form is properly filled so that it can be available when necessary. For fixed deposit only that application form is needed this is prepared manually, because most of the procedure of fixed deposit is done manually. 15 Internship report on ZTBL 4) Cheque Book Cheque book is issued to the customer when the bank accepts the A/C opening application form. Letter of Thanks Bank prepares two ‘LETTER OF THANKS’ one for the new customer and the other for his introducer. This act promotes good will among the customer and the introducer. SPECIFIC DOCUMENT REQUIRED AS PER ‘TYPE OF ACCOUNT Individuals Accounts A photocopy of any one of the following valid identity documents: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Computerized/ Smart National Identity Card (CNIC)/ (SNIC) issued by NADRA. National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistani (NICOP) issued by NADRA Pakistan Origin Card (POC) issued by NADRA Passport; having valid visa on it or any other proof of legal stay along with passport (foreign national individuals only In case of a salaried person, in addition to CNIC/SNIC, an attested copy of his service card or last month salary slip or any other acceptable evidence of service, including, but not limited to a certificate from the employer will be obtained. In case of individuals who are Self-Employed / Professionals /Private Business Owners, BM must perform physical verification to ascertain genuineness of customer and his/her source of funds and expected type of counter parties. (Fact should be evidenced through VISIT Report). In case of non-salaried/un-employed individual, KYC should be conducted with extra vigilance and source of income/ funds should be validated prudently For Housewife accounts, branches are required to obtain self-declaration for source of funds, funds providers, beneficial ownership of funds Sole Trader / Proprietorship Following documents must be obtained: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Photocopy of identity document of the proprietor. Registration certificate for registered concerns. Sales tax registration or NTN, wherever applicable. Declaration of sole proprietorship on business letter head. Account opening requisition on business letter head. Partnership Account 16 Following documents must be obtained: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Photocopy of identity document of the all the partners and authorized signatories. Attested copy of ‘Partnership Deed’ duly signed by all partners of the firm. Attested copy of Registration Certificate with Registrar of Firms. In case the partnership is unregistered, this fact shall be clearly mentioned on the Account Opening Form. Authority letter from all partners, in original, authorizing the person(s) to open and operate firm’s account while ensuring that the given mandate does not violate or contradict with provisions of the partnership deed. Accordingly it should be ensured that AOF/ SS card is signed by the authorized partners only. AOF must contain full information about all partners regardless of them being signatories or not. Companies registered under companies ordinance 1984 i. Certified copies of: a. Resolution of Board of Directors for opening of account specifying the person(s) authorized to open and operate the account. (Duly Signed by all b. Directors OR Company Secretary) and company seal is affixed however the signatories on Board of Resolution for opening an account shall be governed by Authorities spelled out in the Memorandum & Articles of Association c. Memorandum and Articles of Association. d. Certificate of Incorporation. e. Certificate of Commencement of Business, wherever applicable. f. List of Directors on ‘Form-A/Form-B’ issued under Companies Ordinance 1984, as applicable. g. Latest List of Directors. ii. Photocopies of identity documents of all the directors and persons authorized to open and operate the account. Closing of an Account There are no. of reasons of closing an account. Some are listed below: 1) If customer desires to close his account In case of death of one account holder. 17 Internship report on ZTBL Bankruptcy of the account holder. If an account contain nil balance or not up to the requirement of rules. Before closing any account, bank send letter to the account holder for informing him that his account is going to be closed. There is need an approval from higher authority to close any account. Personal learning Objectives There is no limit to the learning potential of a work placement, but most learning can be categorized under the following: Communicate with colleagues, clients, and the community in general through business correspondence, report writing, presentation, face-to-face or telephone communication, and nonverbal communication. Develop good work habits such as behaving professionally; complying with company regulations and work conditions, carrying out your placement duties, and behaving appropriately to the work environment. All this enhanced my personal learning towards practical work. Learning from the Organization Working at ZTBL Liaquat pur, I got professional judgment and professional exposure at the maximum level. I got professional skepticism in order to get each and every transaction transparent. I became punctual and time conscious and self-energized. It is the prime responsibility of the internee that he should remain active all the time and so I was. I became disciplined and well organized while working at ZTBL. I learned to respect all the clients and customers and my colleagues. Application of Classroom Learning I learned from the classroom to be active and punctual all the time and having the skepticism in dealing with any of the transaction. It is obvious that you show what you have learnt. My classroom learning has really helped me to carry out the practical work at bank. I made myself so vigorous and vigilant in carrying out the activities. 18 Analysis Financial Analysis RATIO ANALYSIS The term “Ratio” means “the relationship between any two variables”, while analysis is a tool, which is used for checking the overall performance of any organization. In other words, the ratios analysis is used to identify the financial strengths and weaknesses. For this purpose, we use ratio analysis of financial statements such as, balance sheet and income statement. However, “ratio analysis is a tool, which involves methods of calculating and interpreting financial ratios to analyze and monitor the firm performance”. The auditor main work to calculate the ratios and check the company position is company working in good position are not. There are many ratios such as liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, debt ratios, activity ratios. For this purpose, we use data from 2013, 2014, 2015 annual reports of the ZTBL, to check the liquidity, leverage and profitability. Liquidity Ratios: It is measured by its ability to satisfy short-term obligations when they become due. There are many ratios of liquidity such as, current ratio, quick ratio and networking capital, which is given as under: CURRENT RATIO: Formula of current ratio: current assets/current liabilities 2014 2015 2016 135310144/73992073 148796037/28233224 168243242/96641435 1.828 2.001 1.740 Current ratio of ztbl is increasing during 2015 too much. During this year ztbl not take the sub ordinated loans. So this is good sign for ztbl in 2016 it again decrease because ztbl again increase their liabilities. 19 Internship report on ZTBL NET WORKING CAPITAL: Formula: current assets – current liabilities 2014 2015 2016 61318071 120562813 71601807 Net working capital also increasing this is good sign for any organization. When net working capital is in negative like liability is greater than assets then this is not good for the organization .if net working capital is in positive people would like to invest in that company. Return on assets ratio: Formula Net income/ total assets 2014 2015 2016 0.103 0.043 0.066 This statement show that the return on assets is decreasing. Like return on assets of 2014 is more than the 2016. This that organization is unable to manage its assets portfolio properly and unable to earn money through its assets. Return on equity: ROE Net income/total equity 2014 2015 2016 0.113 0.044 0.068 Same like return of assets decreasing return on equity, but it also increasing in 2016 as compare to the 2015. In 2015 return on equity is decreasing this is not good sign for the company .The bank has less earning as company to the bank equity .high return on equity greater will be the opportunity to earn return same like return on equity will be the less opportunity for return. 20 Basic earnings per share 2014 2015 2016 2.696 4.326 4.211 The Earning per Share of ZTBL increased in 2015 as compare to 2016 but 2016 is more than the 2014 this show increasing trend. As a result of proper utilization of resources and decrease in costs, the net profit of the company has been increased over the years. The second reason is that the company enhances its infrastructure at a low cost. All these arrangements results in increase of earning per share TOTAL DEBT TO TOTAL ASSETS RATIO 2014 2015 2016 3.5699933 0.3123704 1.3680178 2014 2015 2016 3376559/12943416 5417384/15495473 5272621/18259348 0.2608708 0.3496108 0.2887628 NET PROFIT MARGIN Formula= Net income/ sales 21 Internship report on ZTBL Balance sheet Assets 2014 2015 2016 Cash and balance with treasury banks balance with other banks lending to financial institution investments net advances net operating fix assets deferred tax assets net other assets net TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES 3627922 9113832 3646716 23609958 95311716 1347307 0 11790826 148448277 4102133 2516338 5982441 16408511 820190 0 29337315 19765649 108553958 129552744 1581077 2101177 1528810 446941 11656953 16782760 163562877 187576135 BAILLS PAYABLE Borrowings deposits and other accounts sub ordinated loans liabilities against assets subject to finance lease deferred tax tax liabilities net liabilities net other liabilities 706265 55174903 14906582 3204323 0 561964 969349 26701911 0 0 346059 57143100 35947953 3204323 0 130022 0 0 NET ASSETS REPRESENTED BY Share capital reserves unappropriated profit Share deposit money surplus on revolution of assets net of tax TOTAL 22 41842923 115965018 32483259 10698014 11721237 38931238 108362672 124631639 79211448 12522441 3506658 13597945 0 2856215 32483259 12522441 4590135 14553175 89490985 3474903 124631639 12522441 5644659 18716929 40155992 2171427 79211448 23 Internship report on ZTBL Balance sheet Vertical Analysis Assets 2014 2015 2016 Cash and balance with treasury banks balance with other banks lending to financial institution investments net advances net operating fix assets deferred tax assets net other assets net TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES 11.169 28.057 11.226 72.683 293.418 4.148 0.000 36.298 456.999 3.291 4.800 0.658 23.539 87.100 1.269 1.227 9.353 131.237 3.177 20.715 0.000 24.953 163.553 2.653 0.564 21.187 236.804 BAILLS PAYABLE Borrowings deposits and other accounts sub ordinated loans liabilities against assets subject to finance lease deferred tax tax liabilities net liabilities net other liabilities 2.174 169.856 45.890 9.865 0.451 0.778 21.425 0.000 0.437 72.140 45.382 4.045 0.400 0.000 0.000 128.814 356.999 100.000 8.584 31.237 100.000 14.797 136.802 100.000 38.550 10.795 41.861 0.000 8.793 100.000 10.048 3.683 11.677 71.804 2.788 100.000 15.809 7.126 23.629 50.695 2.741 100.000 NET ASSETS REPRESENTED BY Share capital reserves unappropriated profit Share deposit money surplus on revolution of assets net of tax TOTAL 24 Balance sheet HORIZANTAL ANALYSIS Assets Cash and balance with treasury banks 2014 2015 2016 balance with other banks lending to financial institution investments net advances net operating fix assets deferred tax assets net other assets net TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 0.000 100.000 100.000 113.071 65.641 22.491 124.258 113.894 117.351 100.000 98.865 110.182 69.360 180.040 0.000 83.717 135.925 155.954 29.235 142.337 126.358 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 79.568 1.757 179.128 0.000 48.998 103.567 241.155 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 0.000 25.567 33.572 383.680 28.012 93.444 243.853 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 130.898 107.025 0.000 121.661 383.680 100.000 160.970 137.645 44.872 76.025 243.853 BAILLS PAYABLE Borrowings deposits and other accounts sub ordinated loans liabilities against assets subject to finance lease deferred tax tax liabilities net liabilities net other liabilities NET ASSETS REPRESENTED BY Share capital Reserves Unappropriate profit Share deposit money surplus on revolution of assets net of tax TOTAL 100.000 100.000 PROFIT AND LOSS 25 Internship report on ZTBL STATEMENT Mark up/ return/interest earned mark up/ return / interest expensed Net mark up /interest income provision against non-performing loan and advances net provision for diminution in value of investments net the value write off under government relief package Bad dets written off directly net mark up/ interest income after provision NON MARK UP /INTEREST INCOME Fee commission and brokrage income division income income from dealing in foreign currency gain on sale of securities unrealized gain and loss on revolution of investment classified other income Total non-mark up interest income NON MARK UP/INTEREST EXPENSES Administrative expenses provision against net other assets other charges total non-mark up/interest expense EXTRA ORDINARY /UNSUAL ITEMS PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION taxation current prior years Deferred PROFIT AFTER TAXATION 26 2014 2015 2016 12943416 3892880 15495473 2399949 18259348 6016569 9050536 104343048 0 13095524 1381324 0 12242779 -573110 0 7911 0 113663 0 160009 0 7999577 11600537 12655880 13512 28410 40919 51667 0 30399 0 4816973 12912128 66737 0 118136 0 4299889 16113709 81805 0 366437 0 5093503 18238544 7708726 36394 7786170 -10666 9800810 34936 464 7745584 11099 7786603 23974 9859720 5166544 8327106 8378824 1799026 62 -9103 3376559 2973440 4245 -67963 5417384 2257101 361424 487678 5272621 PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT Vertical Analysis 2014 100.00 0 mark up/ return / interest expenses 30.076 Net mark up /interest income 69.924 provision against non-performing loan and advances 806.14 8 provision for diminution in the value of investments 0.000 value net write off under government relief package 0.061 Bad dets written off directly 0.000 net mark up/ interest income after provision 61.804 NON MARK UP /INTEREST INCOME 0.000 Fee commission and brokage income 0.104 division income 0.399 income from dealing in foreign currency 0.000 gain on sale of securities 0.235 unrealized gain and loss on revolution of investment 0.000 classified other income 37.216 Total non-mark up interest income 99.758 2015 100.000 2016 100.000 15.488 84.512 8.914 32.951 67.049 -3.139 0.000 0.000 0.734 0.000 74.864 0.000 0.183 0.431 0.000 0.762 0.000 0.876 0.000 69.312 0.000 0.224 0.448 0.000 2.007 0.000 27.749 103.990 27.895 99.886 NON MARK UP/INTEREST EXPENSES Administrative expenses provision against other net assets other charges total non-mark up/interest expense EXTRA ORDINARY /UNSUAL ITEMS PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION taxation current prior years deferred PROFIT AFTER TAXATION 0.000 59.557 0.281 0.000 50.248 -0.069 0.000 53.676 0.191 0.004 59.842 0.000 39.916 13.899 0.000 -0.070 26.087 0.072 50.251 0.000 53.739 19.189 0.027 -0.439 34.961 0.131 53.998 0.000 45.888 12.361 1.979 2.671 28.876 Mark up/ return/interest earned 27 Internship report on ZTBL PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMEN T Mark up/ return/interest earned mark up/ return / interest expenses Net mark up /interest income provision against non-performing loan and advances 2014 2015 2016 100.00 0 100.00 0 100.00 0 100.00 0 119.717 141.071 61.650 154.553 144.693 135.271 1.324 -0.549 1436.77 2 2022.614 145.014 158.207 210.258 302.835 129.168 158.331 388.618 1205.425 89.265 105.741 124.795 141.251 101.005 127.139 -29.307 95.994 provision for diminution in the value of investments net value write off under government relief package 100.00 0 Bad dets written off directly net mark up/ interest income after provision 100.00 0 NON MARK UP /INTEREST INCOME Fee commission and brokage income 100.00 0 division income 100.00 0 income fromefromdealing in foreign currency 0.000 gain on sale of securities 100.00 0 unrealized gain and loss on revolution of investment classified other income 100.00 0 Total non-mark up interest income 100.00 0 NON MARK UP/INTEREST EXPENSES Administrative expenses 100.00 0 provision against net 100.00 28 other assets other charges 0 100.00 0 100.00 0 total non-mark up/interest expense EXTRA ORDINARY /UNSUAL ITEMS PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION taxation current 100.00 0 100.00 0 100.00 0 100.00 0 100.00 0 prior years deferred PROFIT AFTER TAXATION 2392.02 6 100.530 5166.810 161.174 162.175 165.281 125.462 6846.77 4 746.600 582941.935 160.441 156.154 127.295 -5357.333 SWOT ANALYSIS Strength ZTBL has a brand name in agriculture, its 1 st and large bank in Pakistan for agriculture financing. ZTBL has no competitors in the market, some banks started lending facility for agri. business but due to lack of efficient team of MCO’s those banks had to suffer heavy loss. In Pakistan, majority of the farmers is poor that’s why farmers are required to get loan from the bank so ZTBL has a very vast market to operate in. Weakness In spite of presence of technology many jobs are done manually. Most of employee’s even senior managers are computer illiterate. Lack of online banking system. Lack of efficiency of employees. Opportunities The bank started computerizing its operations that will increase the bank performance. Bank has the good reputation in the market and its employees are highly trained for agri. business 29 Internship report on ZTBL ZTBL now focusing on commercial banks that’s the biggest opportunity in banking sector. Like accepting deposits, receiving bills etc Threats Natural calamities are also a problem, the bigger part of the bank customers relies on the environmental conditions. The climate of the earth is rapidly changing due to which heavy rains and floods are often anticipated. This is an alarming situation for ZTBL to operate in the market being an agri. lender. Example of 2010 flood is still in front of us those who are affected are unable to pay their loans back. 30 PEST Analysis Political: Fully effect on lending Political lending may cause of decrease efficiency That’s may increase in NPL Due to political pressure staff could not work effectively Economical: Economic stability increase the performance of ZTBL If economic system is strong then ZTBL play a key role to increase in productivity. Staff cost. Operating cost. Bad debts Social & Cultural: Inadequate human resources. Cultural strain to loan and now savings because of culture. Defaulter’s lobby. Culture preference has great effect like formers borrow money from ZTBL than other banks because that’s specialization in loan. Technological: Latest technology that’s increase the performance of institute like ZTBL New software’s like CBAS,CDMS etc Without technology banks could not survive in the market 31 Internship report on ZTBL Recommendations i. ii. Before adopting or changing any rules or policies of the bank, efforts should be made to first of all provide sufficient training to the staff. Providing proper training to the staff member periodically For avoiding duty timing problem, all the departments should have appropriate staff members. iii. The banks may choose to make its existing products distinctive or to introduce new products. It is often easier to benefit from adverse changes made by other banks than to attract customers by innovations. iv. A short term promotional technique is to offer price incentives, for example, low interest rates on advances or limited issue high profit bearing term deposits. Longer term, a Loss Leader may be offered. For example, profit bearing current accounts are not very lucrative but any bank cannot afford not to offer these. The reduced profits can be augmented by profits made on other products. v. It might be possible to attract another type of personal customers through business accounts, namely directors and denier employees, etc. Again an incentive package could be put together. vi. It is widely known that there is a substantial Black Economy in Pakistan, Where people earn income that is undisclosed to the revenues authorities. vii. Arguably, there has been a little encouragement from banks to persuade people to open a bank account. viii. It is also possible to attract/retain personal customers by investment in new technology like ATMs and Telephone Banking facilities, which made the services quicker, easier, cheaper and more flexible. FINAL CONCLUSION No doubt ZTBL is having a lot customers and resources (financial, Human resources, etc) but the time is came when competition will force company to change its policies to become favorite in banking world within Pakistan & keep its current place & customer base because at present the 32 Pakistan economy is feeling heat of recession, as a result banking sector in Pakistan will be directly affected. It is established that ZTBL is one of those banks, whose progress is good comparatively and a higher profit rate. And now ZTBL trends start to be changed in commercial area which I completely discuss in this report. In my 8 week internship I learn lot of practical work such as firstly I work in bank as filling the voucher and prepare the loan case file for giving the loan to the customers. And after that experience about effective lending system in ZTBL and also learn software’s like CBAS, CDMS and other many software’s. Side by side of it I think that if bank would be able to cover and control on the above mentioned recommendations then it would be in such a situation that will really lead it towards the road of prosperity, development and integrity and there’s customers side fault because they could not co-operate with the bank if they co-operate than that will be really a good, ambitious and diligent condition for the bank. 33 Internship report on ZTBL Annexure First fortnightly report Plan of Internship Program: A brief introduction of branch where I did internship I preferred to do my internship at ZTBL the reason was that it is largest and leading agriculture banks of Pakistan and I want to continue my learning at well reputed organization which would be productive both for the organization and me as well. ZTBL is responsible to provide all services to its customer. When I joined the bank, I had no practical experience with regard to working of a regular bank. Then I got an opportunity from the university authorities to join and work with ZTBL to get experience of the rules and regulations that bank follows. I left the bank with a thirst to learn more. I seek a chance in order to survive in a banking environment. Branch of ZTBL where I did my internship is located in Liaquat pur. By size, it’s a large level branch having more than 15 employees working in it. There are 8 office and 3 boys working in the bank. All offices are well furnished and managed accurately that there is no confusion or mistake occurs in finding any office. By look its building look is very attractive. The working and learning environment of the bank is very valuable and high quality. Employees are ready to coordinate with you in all of your queries. I worked there for six weeks are learned a lot in this very short span of time. The whole staff of ZTBL bank is very promising and intellectual, expert in their work, well-mannered and efficient. When you enter the bank, you can feel the difference at first sight. This branch is on the way of progress by leaps and bound. Details of Training department wise I worked in two departments as follows; Operation deportment General Banking Task which I performed in the bank: I have performed different tasks in ZTBL Bank, First week I have spent in account opening department and I learned how to open different types of accounts including individual’ joint account and partnership account and I learn how to issue cheque book and ATM card and second 34 week I spent in the cash department in this department I learn how to pay the cash to the customers and how to receive cash from the customer and also the process of online transactions. There are three type of voucher that are used in cash depart 1 Debit voucher 2 Credit voucher 3 Transfer voucher Loan Filing: This assignment was given to me by Mr. Abdul Shakoor Shakir(Branch Manager) in my internship. He gave me different type of loan files. There I had to check that whether these are dead cases or running cases, I also checked the status of the loan files and after checking the status of the files and there type I gave the report to Mrs. Attia Naz . I also made proposals of new generated loans and also the renewal of the loans. Loans are granted to the former by mortgage some fixed property, for confirmation of the value of the property the department appointed a staff member to visit the site and verify the value of the property to be mortgage. They also checked the stock of the businessmen, and verify it after that they set the limit to which they had to give loan, after completion of this confirmation they issued the loan on business name. General Banking: I did work with Mrs. Attia Naz and leaned there that how to open a new account in the bank, it was a good experience to help the people and to let them know the procedure of account opening, Mrs. Attia Naz helped me in knowing the procedure of opening the account in ZTBL Bank. There are three types of accounts like current, Savings and term accounts and also required some data relative to open the account. In first step I checked the basic requirements like name address, ID card verification, the next procedure is to filing the opening form which was a bit difficult to fill so at each and every part I was there to tell the people that how can the form be filled. Then the minimum deposit, then the issuance of cheque book, in this part the checks that all the fields in the Account Opening Form have been duly filled, and the relevant account documentation required from the customer depending on the type of account are completed and attached with the form. As all the operations of ZTBL Bank are online, for this symbol software is used and the employees have their own id’s and passwords, and the external persons are not allowed to use the id’s, they also deal the customers by replying their mails and through telephone calls of the customers and the procedure to deal with them. I was given a task to collect the posts of the bank for different departments, ZTBL Bank Liaquat pur Branch uses Leopard services for carrier and ports. I collected the posts then recorded these posts into the post register then used to hand over to the peon who gave it to the concerned person. If somebody wanted to send the post he also gave it to 35 Internship report on ZTBL the leopard officer. I worked with Mr. Muhammad Atif Bhutta in cash department, at the end of the working hour of the day Sir collected the cash and then asked me to make the transactions on daily cash deposit slip. It was based on the daily cash deposited or withdrawal from the branch. There was portions of cash in which the amount is recorded in rupee, coins etc. 36 2nd fortnight report Account Opening The general banking performs various functions among them the first and most important function is A/C opening. The process of opening an account is very simple and anybody who would like to open his account could do it easily without any difficulty. Procedure for Account Opening 1) Application Form The customer would like to open his account is required to meet with the manager or second officer, who will give him an “APPLICATION FORM” specifically used for account opening. Separate colour-coded Application Form is available for each type of account. So that a particular coloured form is given to the customer to fill in for opening a related account. 2) Specimen Card As I have already mentioned about “SIGNATURE SPECIMEN CARD”. This card contains three signatures of an applicant, applicant A/c no, A/c type, branch code, title of A/c, it will be attached with an application form. Banker uses this card at the time when he receives the cheque; he compares customer’s signature with the signature on the cheque for avoiding fraud. Manager has every right not to accept this contract if he is not satisfied by the details provided by the customer. 3) Account Opening Register The manager records the necessary details into this register and allots an a/c number from this a/c opening register. This register is maintained for each type of account and the a/c numbers are allotted serially. After opening a saving and current account every applicant’s data is entered into the computer to maintain a safe record and application form is properly filled so that it can be available when necessary. For fixed deposit only that application form is needed which is prepared manually, because most of the procedure of fixed deposit is done manually. 4) Cheque Book Cheque book is issued to the customer when the bank accepts the A/C opening application form Letter of Thanks Bank prepares two ‘LETTER OF THANKS’ one for the new customer and the other for his introducer. This act promotes good will among the customer and the introducer. Closing of an Account There are no. of reasons of closing an account. Some are listed below: 37 Internship report on ZTBL If customer desires to close his account In case of death of one account holder. Bankruptcy of the account holder. If an account contain nil balance or not up to the requirement of rules. Before closing any account, bank send letter to the account holder for informing him that his account is going to be closed. There is need an approval from higher authority to close any account. Types of account individual joint Minor Proprietorship Partnership Limited company Nature of Account There are few natures of accounts Current account Basic banking account PLS saving account PLS term deposit account Business deposit Zaraibachat account Zarai term deposit account Any other Major lending scheme: Awam izarai scheme (farmer credit), Kissan dost scheme , Sada bahar scheme , Awami zarai scheme (N farmer credit) , Camel rearing scheme , Agri financing schme , Khawateen rozgar scheme , Shamsi tawanai scheme(solar pumper) , Tawanibchat scheme(biogas unit) , Tahafuz 38 samer scheme(vegetable and fruits) , Sugat-e-shireen scheme(Gur making) , Thafuz e ajnas scheme , Tobacco burn financing scheme , Special product milk chilling unit , Red meat scheme , Rural development scheme , Crop loan Insurance Scheme Benazir Tractor Scheme Awami Zarai Scheme Establishment of Model Village. By category loan scheme Production scheme Awamizarai scheme (farmer credit) Kissan dost scheme Sadabahar scheme Awamizarai scheme (N farmer credit) Development scheme Camel rearing scheme Agri. financing scehme Khawateen rozgar scheme Shamsitawanai scheme(solar pumper) Tawanibchat scheme(biogas unit) Tahafuzsamer scheme(vegetable and fruits) Sugat-e-shireen scheme(Gur making) Thafuz e ajnas scheme Tobacco burn financing scheme Special product milk chilling unit Red meat scheme 39 Internship report on ZTBL Rural development scheme Khuskhratab scheme 40 3rd fortnight report Personal learning Objectives There is no limit to the learning potential of a work placement, but most learning can be categorized under the following: Communicate with colleagues, clients, and the community in general through business correspondence, report writing, presentation, face-to-face or telephone communication, and nonverbal communication. Develop good work habits such as behaving professionally; complying with company regulations and work conditions, carrying out your placement duties, and behaving appropriately to the work environment. All this enhanced my personal learning towards practical work. Learning from the Organization Working at ZTBL, I got professional judgment and professional exposure at the maximum level. I got professional skepticism in order to get each and every transaction transparent. I became punctual and time conscious and self-energized. It is the prime responsibility of the internee that he should remain active all the time and so I was. I became disciplined and well organized while working at ZTBL. I learned to respect all the clients and customers and my colleagues. Application of Classroom Learning I learned from the classroom to be active and punctual all the time and having the skepticism in dealing with any of the transaction. It is obvious that you show what you have learnt. My classroom learning has really helped me to carry out the practical work at bank. I made myself so vigorous and vigilant in carrying out the activities. 41 Internship report on ZTBL COMPETITOR ANALYSIS When ztbl stat working there was no competitor but gradually others banks start giving loans to farmers at low interest rate. Now a days many bansk providing loans to maximize their profit while ztbl is a government bank that is why they don’t pay much attention to compete the market . ztbl promotion strategies are sufficient enough to compete its competitors. Habib bank is the major competitor of ztbl. CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE BRANCH AND ORGANIZATION During my internship in ZTBL Liquat pur branch I observed that there is no proper check and balance on employees coming and out, there is need to replace new software with old one like ENB and checker, the working staff is not efficient as compare to other private banks because they know they are government employees. Advertisement schemes are not high they not convince the farmers properly, there is no sitting place for old farmers. Contacts number of bank employees 03027666758 Mr. Sajid (AMO) now Transferred to Feroza 0300 7931369 Mr. Syed Rafaqat Shah Bukhari (MCO) 03077003142 Mr. Syed Sajid Gilanai (Operator) 42