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Quantum Jumping Text Companion by Burt Goldman

introduction and
quantum mind sequence
Burt’s Story
The Story Behind Quantum Jumping
Introduction to Quantum Mind Sequence
The First Quantum Jump
jump into abundance
Preparation to Jump Into an
Abundant Mindset
Jump Into an Abundant Mindset
Preparation to Jump Into a Lucky You
Jump Into a Lucky You
Preparation to Jump Into a Savvy Investor
Jump Into a Savvy Investor
Preparation to Jump Into Ultimate Wealth
Jump Into Ultimate Wealth
jump into ideal health
Preparation to Jump Into Your Ideal Body
Jump Into Your Ideal Body
Preparation to Jump Into Your
Energized Self
Jump Into Your Energized Self
Preparation to Jump Into Invincible Health
Jump Into Invincible Health
Preparation to Jump Into a Healthy Mindset
Jump Into a Healthy Mindset
jump into
healthy relationships
Preparation to Jump Into
Loving Relationships
Jump Into Loving Relationships
Preparation to Attracting the Ideal
Mate Jump
Attracting the Ideal Mate Jump
Preparation to Jump Into Fun Friendships
Jump Into Fun Friendships
Preparation to Jump Into Healthy
Family Dynamics
Jump Into Healthy Family Dynamics
jump into career and success
Preparation to Jump Into a
Purposeful Career
Jump Into a Purposeful Career
Preparation to Jump Into a
Happy Workplace
Jump Into a Happy Workplace
Preparation to Jump Into the Power
of the Mentor
Jump Into the Power of the Mentor
Preparation to Jump Into Blissful Success
Jump Into Blissful Success
jump into a happy home
Preparation to Jump Into Clutter Free
Jump Into Clutter Free
Preparation to Jump Into Feng Shui Guru
Jump Into Feng Shui Guru
Preparation to Jump Into the Green Clean
Jump Into the Green Clean
Preparation to Jump Into Home Harmony
Jump Into Home Harmony
jump into spiritual connection
Preparation to Jump Into Open Heart
Jump Into Open Heart
Preparation to Jump Into
Energetic Connection
Jump Into Energetic Connection
Preparation to Jump Into Your Spirit Center
Jump Into Your Spirit Center
Preparation to Jump Into Inner Peace
Jump Into Inner Peace
jump into life adventure
Preparation to Jump Into
Boundless Excitement
Jump Into Boundless Excitement
Preparation to Jump Into Fun
Jump Into Fun Opportunities
Preparation to Jump Into Exotic Flavors
Jump Into Exotic Flavors
Preparation to Jump Into Gentle Breeze
Jump Into Gentle Breeze
integration process
Doppelgänger Integration Process Jump
chapter 1
introduction to
quantum jumping
BURT’S STORY — The beginning
It’s strange how tiny seeds ultimately become great oaks and giant
redwoods. So it is with so very many things in our lives. I can trace
much of what the world has come to know of as “Quantum Jumping”
to a “seed.” A slight incident that took place in a small farmhouse in
South Korea right there at the 38th parallel — the border that separated
the American zone from the Russian, of what was to be known as the
country of North Korea. At the time, I was a sergeant in the combat
engineers of the American army’s twenty fourth corps. We would have
which thankfully it did not due to President Truman’s actions.
One of my buddies was another 19-year-old soldier whose name was
Johnnie Kim (or Kim, as we all called him). Kim was my best friend at
the time. He was as American as I was — he came from California
and was a third generation American. (Maybe even more so as my
grandparents all came from Europe.) Kim spoke Korean, and so we
would wander though the countryside making friends with the newlyliberated people of Korea who had lived under the yoke of Japanese
occupation for many years. That seed I mentioned was a tune, Auld
Lang Syne: an ancient Scottish tune that just about everyone knew. I
could pick it out on a piano although I did not play one.
One afternoon Kim and I were invited into this small farmhouse
alongside a slow moving river whose name escapes me. To this day I
remember the smells, the aroma of the place: it was a musky, pungent
smell of manure, smoke, salt, vinegar, kim chee, and just living. It was a
pleasant fragrance, in spite of what it sounds like.
Kim and I visited that farm house many times during the months we
were stationed there, and one day I strolled over to the organ in a
corner of the room. It was an ancient organ that you had to pump two
large pedals with your feet to get going. I picked out the only song I
could play, Auld Lang Syne. Much to my surprise, the old man of the
house jumped up, his wife jumped up, and with large smiles started
speaking a mile a minute to my friend Kim. Unknowingly, I had played
the Korean national anthem, which was the same tune as Auld Lang
Syne. After that, the family couldn’t do enough for us. That tune turned
out to be a seed that was to grow even to today, 65 years later.
We couldn’t have been more welcome in the farm house and we
visited every time we had time off, which was often, as 1946 was a
quiet recuperative time in the world. One Sunday, Kim asked me if I
wanted to visit the farm and I said no — I had a headache, and would
got me out of the sack and off we went. I sat in a corner of the farm
house feeling sorry for myself when the old man came over to me,
said a few words in Korean and sort of waved his hands over my head.
Magically, my headache — which had grown into a full blown migraine
by then — totally disappeared.
When I told Kim what had happened, he laughed and told me that the
old man was a Mudang, or Shaman. Well, I could write an entire book
about what happened after that. For now, let me just say that I was
introduced to chi (or energy) manipulation, chanting, dancing, ritual
food, music and a few other things that at the time overwhelmed me
with information.
I never thought for a moment that I was going to be using and
teaching that information to others for the rest of my life. But those
months in the summer of 1946 in Korea were only the beginning. I
was shipped to Hawaii in the latter months of 46 where, coincidently,
I met a practitioner of Huna. Later, I learned he was a Kahuna, or
Hawaiian shaman. He wouldn’t talk to me until I spoke of the things
I had learned in Korea, and then we had many long and fruitful
After my discharge from the army in 1947 I was introduced to
Paramahansa Yogananda and was trained in yoga, becoming a disciple.
Right about that time, I began to get the feeling that all this esoteric
somehow guiding me via a higher intelligence. I immersed myself in
yoga, learned hypnosis and hypnotherapy — seeing those regimens as
variations of meditation.
During my twenties I spent most of my time reading, learning, and
using the knowledge I had received. There had to be some purpose
that all these varied methods of personal development, spiritual
development and healing had been put before me. I developed a
following and soon sharpened my healing skills, and my ability to
restore people to good health and happiness strengthed. All this
began, I was convinced, because I happened to play Auld Lang Syne,
Korean farm house in 1946.
But let me bring you forward. Allow me to tell you how the concept of
Quantum Jumping, the most curious, amazingly effective method of
rocketing a person forward available to date...came to be.
the story behind
quantum jumping
Concept, History, Foundation
Virtually everything I did with regards to solving life’s problems when
they came up led me to believe that there was a higher intelligence
involved. Oh, I am aware that many will take that statement with a
large grain of salt — but in retrospect, as the years go by, I more and
more believe that statement has truth in it.
During the passing years I have studied, taught, examined, and used
a variety of the techniques and processes that came before me. There
was Emil Coue, Milton Erikson, hypnosis, eye movement therapy, EFT,
EMDR, NLP, Feng Shui, Qi Gong, Tapping, the 7 principles of Hermes,
yoga, meditation, Labyrinths, Octave Programming, the Silva Mind
Control Method. I taught and received feedback on them all.
became the American Monk — an honorary title bestowed by my
many thousands of students who knew of my early days as a monk
within the Self Realization organization. A monk is a person who has
decided to dedicate his life to serve other living beings, and that is how
my life is addressed. It is all I do: serve others.
With that mountain of knowledge as a foundation, I decided when in
my late seventies to study something on the physical plane — whereas
before all my focus had been on the metaphysical dimensions. And so
one day, after lecturing before Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s group in Petaluma,
California, I decided to look into the world of physics.
I had lunch with Dr. Mitchell and we discussed his time as an astronaut,
when he was the sixth man to set foot on the moon. He intrigued me,
and I left the institute of Noetic Sciences with an armload of books
written by many eminent scientists — both physicists and Quantum
physicists. Alas, the science of physics was beyond me. I decided to
stick to what I knew best, meta-physics. After all, my lecture before the
students and teachers of the Noetic Sciences was intriguing, and my
presentation was meta-physics.
But, everything happens for a reason — and I found the reason in one
of the books I had read by physicist Alan Wolf, and another by Michio
Kaku, professor of theoretical physics and author of many books
dealing with the concepts of quantum physics. Then I read a quote by
Professor Franks, of the royal Astronomical Society of Canada who said,
“If a universe can be imagined, it exists.” Now what does that mean?
imagined is in one of that endless number of universes. Many of
“superverse” or “multiverse,” whatever can be imagined actually does
In one of those universes the time is prehistoric, in another it’s far into
our future. In one of those universes you are a king, a queen, homeless,
successful, rich, poor, plain, handsome, ugly, beautiful, a musician, a
business person, a soldier, an actor, a ball player — whatever can be
Quantum Physics. Only problem is, it is beyond the laws of physics for a
person to break through any of the bubbles. And so we are in our own
little universe, with thousands of billions of planets, stars, solar systems,
Picture every grain of sand on every desert and every beach on Earth.
Further picture that every one of those grains of sand is a complete
bubble universe. Now multiply that result by a hundred million, and
But then, I thought, the laws of physics do not apply in the world of
metaphysics. In the world of metaphysics, I can imagine myself on
the planet Mars in an instant. The speed of light doesn’t apply on the
mental level. That being the case, I can break through our grain of a
bubble universe in an instant, and go wherever I like, whenever I like.
I can do that mentally, and so can anyone — that was my thought.
When that came to me, I decided to utilize all that half century of
knowledge that had been planted in my mind and come up with a
method of teaching it to other people. Then they would indeed have
the way and the means of breaking out of the bubble they were in.
They would have the means of controlling their lives, their reality. But
While meditating on this problem for some time, still another thought
came to me. Something that took place some years back in New Jersey
at a social gathering in a friend’s house. It was Eileen Buehler who was
sponsoring me. I was presenting a seminar there (seems as though I
was always doing a seminar somewhere), and one of the people pulled
out a guitar and we had a contest to see who was the best singer.
Everyone had to participate.
I wasn’t a vocalist and didn’t care to participate, but I saw that to turn
them down was to go against my own training — which was that there
is no such thing as failure, only learning experience. And so I went to
Jump...but that’s not what I called it at the time. I just kind of melded
into the body of my favorite singer, Al Jolson, and said “Okay Al, you
sing!” I know that sounds unusual, so let me tell you how I did that.
While in deep meditation, I imagined Al Jolson singing, then I
visualized myself walking over to him and slipping into his body. Then
as he sung, I too was singing. I didn’t know it at the time, but what I
was doing was getting into his rhythm. With my extensive background
into the metaphysical world, it worked!
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When it came my time to sing, even though I had never done it before,
I blew everyone away. They recorded me after that as I sang song after
song. Here are a few moments of one of those early songs of mine.
This is me singing after visiting what I was later to discover was a twin
self and absorbing his rhythm.
Jump — but as I said, I didn’t know it at the time. While working out
the process, I thought about that and things started to come to me.
occupation, every strata of society — everything. I studied and worked
with people again and again: smoothing out the process, simplifying it
so that anyone could use it. I came to a word the scientists were using,
doppelgänger. It was a German word meaning “double walker.” It was
of universes exactly like me, but with different upbringing, different
programming. A self who had made different choices in life.
I thought a long time about that one. So there were twin selves,
exactly like me. They looked liked me, thought like me, had the same
parents as I did, the same friends, the same upbringing, but they made
different choices. When I joined the regular army while a draftee in
Korea, one of my twin selves didn’t. When I met the girl at a party I
went to in 1949 who was to become my wife, my twin self didn’t. He
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met a different girl, with different parents, from a different culture.
When I met Yogananda, he didn’t. And on and on.
Interesting, that notion. So then, there was a me who was an expert
in whatever I could imagine, a success in every endeavor. So far, my
conclusions where the same as that of the quantum physicists of the
time, but they “knew” it was impossible to break out of your bubble
and reach your twin self. I didn’t know that — I knew just the opposite.
I could break out any time simply by using my mind. That was when
Quantum Jumping was born.
during a class in creativity I was teaching in San Diego. It was decided
during the seminar that I knew little about photography, and so I
decided to take a quantum jump into a twin self who was a successful
and famous photographer. I used the process that you are learning here
and soon found myself looking at a man, myself actually, with a black
velvet hood over his head, leaning into an old fashioned box camera.
I asked him for advice on my becoming a photographer and heard
him say, “Take a lot of pictures.” Well, that didn’t mean much to me,
but that’s all that I got out of that jump. And so I bought a camera and
took a lot of pictures. After they had been developed (this was before
the days of digital photography), I spread them out and discovered that
I had a lot of pictures, none of them special or even good. Back I went
for another jump to the same twin self. I mentally said that it didn’t work,
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and was there any other advice? “Plant yourself,” was what I heard. What
kind of advice is that?, I thought, and soon forgot the whole incident.
The next day, I found myself at the marina in San Diego, and looking
for a good spot to get a picture I carefully moved to the shoreline at
the marina and was poking around on some rocks. Finding a likely
spot, I stamped my feet down so that I wouldn’t slip and kind of
planted myself. Hmmm, I wonder if that was what my twin self meant?
there, kind of making a tripod out of myself. When the photos were
developed, I spread them all out on the bed looking for the best one,
but lo and behold, it was all one picture. The 130 photos I took, when
laid out like a jigsaw puzzle, had turned into one picture.
And what a picture! It was a classic and has been shown in galleries
around the world. It seems as though I was on to something. Now my
“original Burtons,” as they are called, sell for thousands of dollars each,
and I’m still don’t consider myself a photographer. My belief in the
validity of Quantum Jumping took a quantum jump right about then.
There is something to this — I’m not sure what it is yet, but I became
convinced that this may well be the most effective process on the
planet for self-improvement and unlocking hidden abilities.
I used the quantum jump to become a pianist, and I don’t know the
chords. But people love to hear me play.
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I never painted before, but at age 78 did a quantum jump and became
a professional artist whose work sells. I don’t know anything about
writing, but I’ve written 11 books. I jumped into a feng shui self and
became a master of feng shui... And on and on and on.
Is Quantum Jumping a magic wand? No, nothing works all the time.
But QJ works enough of the time to put you in command. A jumper
A jumper is in control of that elusive law of attraction and knows no
defeat. Defeat will never win, and quantum jumpers never lose —
because they know that they have an unending number of twin selves
waiting in the wings to help them.
Your doppelgänger, or “twin self” as I also call them, is there for you.
To help you to transform your life. To help you attain the life you
dream about, but don’t quite know how to go about starting. Well,
that’s my job – to get you started making right choices, wise decisions,
and develop a winning attitude so that you will have a better and
better life.
Now then, you may want to ask, how can your doppelgänger help to
transform your life? Good question! And that’s important, because
sometimes the question is just as important as the answer. What
hidden talents are buried deep within you waiting for an “open
sesame” key to bring them out? What if you have talents and the
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means to overcome all the obstacles in your life within you, but you
haven’t known how to bring them out? How many people have the
voices of a Pavarotti, or a Maria Callas but never thought to sing? How
many people have the business acumen of a Warren Buffet, but had no
idea how to release it? And how many have the creativity of Steve Jobs
within them, but do not know how to bring it out? What’s hidden in
your inner conscious?
Later you’ll hear me speak about rhythm, or the energy of things —
the smallest molecule to our star, the Sun. Science accepts as fact that
everything is in constant, never-ending motion. As example, on the
A vibrates at 880 frequencies per second. Always. This is science. On
other octaves, the frequency is either doubled or halved. Most know
this; what is not generally known is that all things have their own
particular vibration, or rhythm.
That being said, people who are successful have a different rhythm
than those who are not. Sick people have a different rhythm than do
healthy ones. Talented people have a different rhythm as well. Places
have rhythms. A church or temple has a different feel, a different rhythm
then a jail or mental institution. Cities and countries have a rhythm.
Your successful, talented doppelgänger has a different rhythm then
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you do. Or it may be the same rhythm, but on a different octave. When
you jump to another universe you do it mentally. You cannot bring
back the material things there, but you can, by using the QJ process,
bring back the rhythm of success, and that is why the Quantum
Jumping process can be one of your most valuable resources.
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introduction to
quantum mind sequence
And so we begin.
open you to the power of the Bagha. This is an ancient yoga technique
that goes back thousands of years. The concept being the use of one
of the so-called “minor chakras,” namely the Talu, which is the most
neglected even though it is among the most useful of all the chakra
points. The Talu chakra is located at the soft palate just behind the
upper row of teeth. I learned the Bagha technique in 1950 while a
disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, and have used it more times than
I can imagine since then.
The method itself couldn’t be simpler: just touch the tip of your tongue
to the roof of your mouth. That is where the soft palate is. Now then,
you may well ask, what good will that do? Well that in itself it won’t do
any good — it’s a trigger, it’s meant to set something off, an action. It’s
out. The Bagha requires intent. Before you use it you must have some
outcome in mind. Touching the tip of your tongue to the roof of your
mouth is kind of like telling your mind, “Hey, get ready, we’re about to
do something.” That something is your intent.
to go to the meditation state. The meditation state is a stage of
consciousness where you are at ease and totally concentrative on
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one subject. Where you are stress-free and relaxed — our meditation
is a jumping off place. It is easier to reach this concentrative state of
consciousness if your intention is to relax and you touch your tongue
to the roof of your mouth. That is the way you use the Bagha for your
immediate nature, use the Bagha.
As example, say that you are going to a restaurant and you want a
good seat and wish to make the right choice. While on the way, touch
your tongue to the roof of your mouth and think “good seat,” or “best
choice,” or whatever words apply — that sets your intent. You’re going
somewhere and you want a parking place close to where you will be,
on the way, use the Bagha and think “good parking place,” that’s it. If
that sounds kind of weird, don’t judge it — use it, and soon you will
be using it constantly. No, it doesn’t work every single time, but it
works enough to become a valuable asset in your box of resources.
Personally, I use it many times every day. Keep it simple.
Now a few words about the alpha state. The medical community has
separated the frequencies of the brain into four basic areas: Delta,
Theta, Alpha, and Beta. The brain’s frequency of electrical emanations
changes with a variety of activities; basically the more emotional one
is, the higher the frequency. The Beta area is the aware, awake state:
you are in beta when you go about your daily activities. If you were to
be hooked up to an EEG mechanism, your brain would be producing
about 21 cycles (or frequencies) per second when in Beta.
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The more excited you are, the higher the brain frequency; the more
relaxed, the lower the brain frequency. When the brain is producing
about 13 cycles per second, you are in a state of relaxation and going
into the alpha area — which is between 7 and 13 frequencies per
second. Ten cycles per second is the ideal state of relaxation, and that
is a deep state of alpha. When we speak of alpha we generally speak of
the brain producing 10 frequencies per second.
information you require at this time. Just look at alpha as a very
relaxed state of mind when you are highly concentrative. Meditation is
almost always a state of alpha consciousness. The simplest way to look
at alpha is to think of it as a relaxed, stress-free area. Going to alpha,
totally relaxing, or meditating, are very much the same thing.
So with this module your intent is to relax, meditate, visualize, and then
a problem that you have. A minor problem. What do you think the
cause of that problem is? Something caused it, something you did, or
something you did not do. A choice that you made, that choice was
the source of the problem.
Think about what you can learn from the problem. If failure was
involved, it was a learning experience — you learned what not to do!
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Problems are also learning experiences. When you jump, you do so
with a fearless attitude.
Consider this: fear is simply a negative expectation. When you fear
something, you expect something bad to happen, but when you jump
you are fearless because you expect something good to happen. You
are going to jump into a twin self who made different choices, and
therefore does not have the problem. Your twin self is involved with the
outcome that you are seeking.
your visualization sense — the day-dreaming mechanism of yours that
creates mental images. You’ve day-dreamed in the past for recreation
and stress-free relaxation. When you use Quantum Jumping you are
using that same day-dreaming mechanism, but this time for creation
not recreation.
relaxed state of mind; during this meditation we will also program and
set the Bagha for you to use at any time from now to whenever.
We will start getting to the Alpha Level with a 3 to 1 count. This is
an alpha meditation exercise to help you get to the transit point of
Quantum Jumping.
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the first quantum jump
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant, meditation level of mind where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
3–deeper and deeper
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You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being;
there is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
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knowing that I can: I can think; I can create; I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at ease.
Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed. At the alpha
level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
your mouth you were just programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. This is an ancient technique we call the ‘Bagha.’
Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a means of
telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them
are clear, some of them are purely guesswork and generally made
spontaneously. When you are relaxed and stress free, as you are now,
inspiration may help you to make the right choice — the choice that
you will be happy with further on down the line.
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At this time, think about an incident in the past that at the time
or problems in your life. It was an incident that you did not necessarily
have to go along with. There are always other choices, other paths you
might have taken. Now you will go back to that incident mentally and
examine it at this the alpha level.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and a door will appear in front of you.
1, 2, 3. Imagine now that there is a door in front of you. This is the
transit point, the jumping-off place to get you wherever your intent
you took a different path; the incident of the past that is causing you
problems now had a different conclusion. A positive conclusion.
dimensions, now available to you on the other side of that door.
Millions upon millions of you, each of these selves is a twin self of
yours who is experiencing a different reality than you are now —
because they made different choices. One of those selves of yours is
experiencing the source of problems in your present life.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and at the count of 3 the door
will open and you will jump or step through it; whatever you’re
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comfortable doing. You will then be back to that scene that was the
source of problems in your present life but it will be your twin self in
the scene. Just view the scene as an observer. Your twin self is going
through the scene just as you did.
1, 2, 3. The door is opening, and now just jump through it. You are
now back at the long-ago scene that is causing you problems in the
present. Imagine it. View the scene as an observer only.
The scene was instigated long ago by that thing that was said, or done,
either by you or by others. In a parallel dimension there is another you,
a double who had a different outcome to that incident.
After viewing the scene as you remember it happening come back to
the other side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are now back on this side
of the transit door.
Now I am going to count from 1 to 3, and you will again jump
that you would like to change. Except the scene has already changed.
Imagine that. View the scene as you would have liked it to be; as it is
in another dimension.
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View your twin self’s handling of the same scene that is causing you
problems in the present, but observe it as your doppelgänger handled
it in a positive way. A way that would cause your present to be a
joyful place, with success and all the best in life. At the count of 3,
imagine that scene as you would have wished it to go; as it did go
in that other dimension.
1, 2, 3. begin.
Pause for 20 seconds.
on this side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the
door, back in this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3. At that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before.
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chapter 2
jump into abundance
Introduction to Jump Into Abundance
One of the most elusive things is that seemingly accidental factor in
life called ‘abundance.’ Some people are born with it, some work for
there are those who just don’t care about it at all. What is it, and why
do some people have loads of it and other people don’t have any?
Abundance generally comes about after a series of fortunate events.
The opposite is true as well — there are people who are involved with
scarcity, which is the opposite of abundance. What is not generally
considered is that there are degrees of abundance. For someone who
is out of phase with the universe, out of rhythm so to speak, scarcity
comes in the door and the person is like that guy in the comics who
walks through life with a black cloud hanging over his head.
If abundance was on a scale of degrees, with super abundance on one
end and terrible scarcity on the other, every one would be somewhere
on that line. Imagine a scale with zero in the middle and out from the
works all their lives, living only for the day they can retire. Now go the
other way, -1 to -100 on the scarcity side, -100 being homeless and -1
just getting by. Where on that scale would you be?
What people generally don’t think about when working with the laws
of attraction is that attraction means to draw something to you. Those
- 30 -
things we hopefully are attracting are abundance, along with positive
events, a pleasing partner in life, employment, a home, an automobile,
business success, and of course, money. But when you use the laws of
attraction with no understanding of the overriding law of rhythm, then
you’re just as likely to attract the opposite: scarcity, poverty, negative
events, a dreadful partner, loss of a job, a poor home, and so on. It’s
still attraction.
In Quantum Jumping, we now have the means, through the use of the
QJ concept, of reaching a twin self who already has a rich life, and who
has the rhythm that we want for ourselves. The twin self who has already
attracted the fortunate events you may lack, but want for yourself.
Now we have a question and that is: how do you attract what your
successful doppelgänger has — only fortunate events, only good luck?
Before answering that question, let me speak of rhythm. Allow me to
things are born, grow, peak, deteriorate, and die.”
There are cycles within cycles. You wake up in the morning and your
day is born, it grows, peaks at some time or other, deteriorates, and
ends or dies. When your day cycle dies, your night or sleep cycle
begins. It grows, peaks and ultimately ends, and once again your
The cycles of rhythm, when under control, may well allow you the
full resourcefulness of attracting only good fortune and being at the
- 31 -
right place at the right time — catching things at the top, the peak,
rather than at the bottom, so that you will be on the plus side of that
metaphorical scale of degrees.
There are many levels of abundance. Let’s simplify the word and just
say that it means “lots of.” When you have abundance in wealth you
have lots of money. When you have abundance in health you have lots
of good health. When you have abundance in relationships you have
lots of good relationships. When you have an abundant career you
your home you have lots of good feelings about where you live. When
you have spiritual abundance you have lots of faith that good things
will come about. When you have abundance in adventure you have
lots of experiences and excitement in your life. Those are the main
issues with respect to abundance.
And now through the metaphoric magic of Quantum Jumping, we
so that you may develop the right attitude through the use of the QJ
techniques to gather the rhythm and mind-set of a person who is
and more of the better and better that will soon become your mantra.
During this and other jumps that I will be helping you with, you will go
- 32 -
although apparently inconsequential at the time it happened, could
be one of the causes – if not the main cause – that is keeping you from
the result you want. During the jump you will be directed to simply
visualize, or imagine something taking place. Don’t judge or critique it.
Let me repeat that: whatever you sense, do not judge or pass
judgment. Only observe. Just imagine that you are viewing the scene
with your twin self almost as though it were a play and you were on
the stage looking at the players. After that, you will be directed to
want for yourself.
Just allow it to happen, and follow my voice as I direct you. Later on
a place where you will be undisturbed for twenty minutes and we will
an abundant mindset or attitude.
- 33 -
Preparation to Jump Into an Abundant Mindset
Your mindset is the manner in which your mind is set to view your
reality: the world as you see it. It’s easy to see the difference in
mindsets when you look at the extreme views of people. Views on
things that polarize people like religion or politics (or for that matter,
diet or music) as though it were on a scale of degrees. When you are
But like all things, most of us are somewhere in the middle. How to
and that will tell you. Take music as example: one extreme would surely
be the frantic rap sound while at the other end, a Mozart prelude. For
me, the middle would be just about any of the big bands of the forties;
for you perhaps Elvis or Elton John.
But what about abundance? The extreme attitude, for that is what
mindset is, towards having more than you need would be that of
Warren Buffett and Bill Gates on one end and homeless people at the
other. Where would you be on that scale? What would you be doing?
your attitude — your thinking — got you there. Knowing where you
- 34 -
Jump Into an Abundant Mindset
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant, meditation level of mind where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 35 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind. You
can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 36 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day, I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed. At the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in some thing. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
When you are relaxed and stress free, as you are now, inspiration often
- 37 -
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life.
Imagine that one of your twin selves thinks just like you do on all
subjects. Now imagine that another of your twin selves takes a positive
attitude toward those things, and another of your twin selves has a
negative attitude towards those things. First think about money and
restaurants, things of luxury.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and a door will appear in front of you,
the transit door. 1, 2, 3. Imagine now that there is a door in front of you.
This is the transit point, the jumping off place to get you wherever your
is the positive twin self who sees everything from a positive viewpoint.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and at the count of 3 the door will
open and you will jump or step through it — whatever you’re
comfortable doing. You will then see everything that you did yesterday
as your positive twin self doing it. Everything is seen with positive eyes.
- 38 -
1, 2, 3. The door is opening, and now just jump through it. You are now
going through your entire day as your positive twin self would do it.
View the scene as an observer only.
Pause for 20 seconds.
Now once again, go through the things you did today, and this time
imagine how a negative you would view things.
Pause for 20 seconds.
And now, visit the twin self who did the things you did yesterday as
you actually did them.
Pause for 20 seconds.
It’s easy to see how people view the world when you know that some
of them, to varying degrees, see the world from a positive perspective
and some from a negative one. Your mindset, or your attitude, makes
you the person you most want to be. Visit your positive twin self who
has an abundant set attitude often.
- 39 -
Now, imagine a twin self who handled a situation that you had
recently. Visit a self who handled things differently then you actually
did. See yourself observing the scene that you would like to change.
doppelgänger made a different choice. Imagine that. Your doppelgänger
made a choice that led to a different conclusion. View the scene as you
would have liked it to be; as it is in another dimension.
View your twin self’s handling of the same scene that is causing you
problems in the present, but observe it as your twin self handled it in
a positive way. A way that would cause your present to be a joyful
that scene as you would have wished it to go — as it did go in that
other dimension.
1, 2, 3. Begin.
Pause for 20 seconds.
on this side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the
door, back in this dimension.
- 40 -
In a moment, I am going to count from 1 to 3. At that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before.
- 41 -
Preparation to Jump Into a Lucky You
Luck, or a combination of fortunate circumstances, seemingly affects
some people to a greater extent then others — but everyone has it.
Luck is simply the law of attraction at work. Some call it ESP, intuition,
or a sixth sense. Everyone has ESP, extra sensory perception. Some have
it in abundance, some have very little.
Flip a coin a thousand times, calling for heads each time, and according
hundred tails. People who have an abundance of ESP will have six
hundred heads and four hundred tails — they are the lucky ones. The
six hundred tails. Those are the ones who attract bad luck. The following
jump will direct you to the twin self with an abundance of ESP.
- 42 -
Jump Into a Lucky You
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 43 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be. Every
time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better and
better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation state,
you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better and
better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all areas
of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 44 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
- 45 -
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life.
Imagine that one of your twin selves is a lucky self. This self attracts
all the good things in life, and has come to expect good luck in
all endeavors. One way in which to see your twin self as Lucky is
to imagine winning at something. What that something is doesn’t
matter too much, as all you want is to get into the rhythm of luck. In a
moment, you will go through the transit door into the universe where
your twin self is displaying the results of good luck.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and a door will appear in front of you,
the transit door. 1, 2, 3. Imagine now that there is a door in front of
you. This is the transit point, the jumping off place to get you wherever
universes is the lucky twin self who sees everything from a positive
viewpoint. Your intention at this time is to visit with that lucky twin self.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and at the count of 3, the door
will open and you will jump or step through it — whatever you’re
comfortable doing.
- 46 -
1, 2, 3. The door is opening, and now just jump through it. In front of
you is your lucky twin self. Imagine it. Create it. Know that the image in
front of you is your lucky twin self.
Now get a sense of your twin self winning. Winning at cards, winning
with slot machines, winning with lottery tickets, winning a race,
winning at your favorite sport. Sense your twin self smiling and looking
in your direction.
View the scene as an observer only.
Pause for 20 seconds.
Now walk closer to your twin self and merge, and then just continue to
do what you observed your twin self doing.
Pause for 20 seconds.
on this side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the
door, back in this dimension.
- 47 -
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before.
- 48 -
Preparation to Jump Into a Savvy Investor
With this jump you will visit your savvy Investor. Successful investors
the QJ program is for people who have (or who hope to have) money
to invest. That doesn’t mean millions, or thousands, or even hundreds.
Investment simply means that the investor hopes for a larger return on
the money invested than the original investment.
You may want to invest in the stock market, in government bonds,
in real estate, in stamps, in business, in art, in antiques or whatever it
is that pleases you. Basically, it is all the same — you are seeking to
come out of the investment with more money than you put into it.
After completing the jump, go back into a simple meditation and see
yourself with the result of a successful investment. At the completion of
this jump you will have attained the rhythm you need: the rhythm of a
- 49 -
Jump Into a Savvy Investor
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 50 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 51 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
- 52 -
with later in life.
Now that you are at ease and comfortable, it is time to visit your twin
is the person who has the rhythm that you want before you make any
of your investments. Think now about what it is you want to invest in.
Is it property, a commodity, the stock market, another person? Even the
quantum jumping course you purchased could be looked on as a savvy
investment. Indeed, every one of the quantum jumping courses would
be a savvy investment because you will be getting much more out of it
than you put into it. Think now what it is you would like to gather the
right rhythm for. The right investment. What would that be? Consider
that before we visit your twin self.
When you step through the transit door, you will be with a twin self
investor. The twin self you will be with may give you advice — that
advice may be in the way of a metaphor, or a story, or it may almost
seem like a riddle, but whatever you hear from your savvy twin investor
self consider that. Think about it before you make any investments of
your own. Think about the consequences of the investment.
- 53 -
Now it is time to visit that twin self. When you step through the transit
door, just allow the image of your savvy twin investor self come to you.
Use your daydreaming mechanism — imagine it, and create it. Your
twin self is there to help you.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and a door will appear in front of you,
the transit door. 1, 2, 3. Imagine now that there is a door in front of
you. This is the transit point, the jumping off place to get you wherever
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and at the count of 3 the door
will open and you will jump or step through it — whatever you’re
comfortable doing.
1, 2, 3. The door is opening, and now just jump through it. In front of
you is your savvy twin self — imagine it, create it, know that the image
Now get a sense of your twin self smiling as your twin self realizes a
successful venture, a successful investment. One that paid off many
times more than the original investment.
View the scene as an observer only.
- 54 -
Pause for 20 seconds.
Now walk closer to your twin self and merge and then just continue to
do what you observed your twin self doing.
Pause for 20 seconds.
on this side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the
door, back in this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you will
open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you did
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before.
- 55 -
Preparation to Jump Into Ultimate Wealth
kept. Visit it often.
they like to relax with. It may be cars that turn you on — or a boat, or
plane. Some people simply enjoy stamps or old coins. If you could snap
people, or places, or things, or a combination of …what?
Perhaps you would like to be in charge of a large company, president
or ruler of a country, owner of a night club, a famous chef, a composer,
an artist, a musician, a guru, a sports hero, or…what?
are. Take advantage of it every now and again. And enjoy.
- 56 -
Jump Into Ultimate Wealth
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 57 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 58 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at ease.
Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the alpha
level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are clear,
some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously. When you
are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often helps you to
make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy with later in life.
- 59 -
Now that you are at ease and comfortable, it is time to visit your twin
self who has all the things that you want. You might say “the toys” —
some pundit once said the person who wins is the one with the most
toys at the end.
But what are your toys? Everyone works and schemes and programs
and sets goals for different things. One person’s idea of the ultimate
wealth is to own a stable of race horses, another a garage full of luxury
automobiles. Some people collect coins or stamps, or old original
comic books. People collect art, recipes from ancient times. Just about
thing to own that would represent the ultimate wealth to that person.
Ultimate wealth is a subjective state as expressed — only you can
will be for you. If you had a genie in a bottle, and could have one wish
for your ultimate wealth goal, what would it be? Would it simply be
money? Or would it be some of the things that money would buy?
Well, you do have that genie — but your genie isn’t in a bottle, but
waiting for you in another universe. The quantum universe. Your genie
is your twin self who has attained that which you consider the ultimate
wealth. In a moment, you are going to be in front of the transit door,
and when you jump or step through the door, you will be with a twin
- 60 -
out. After you observe your twin self with the representations of the
ultimate wealth you will merge with that self to stimulate and attract
the rhythm and energy of that self.
Now it’s time to visit that twin self. When you step through the transit
door, just allow the image of your twin self come to you. Use your
daydreaming mechanism — imagine it, and create it. Your twin self is
there to help you by allowing you to merge and gather the rhythm.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and a door will appear in front of you,
the transit door. 1, 2, 3. Imagine now that there is a door in front of
you. This is the transit point, the jumping off place to get you wherever
universes is the twin self you are seeking.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and at the count of 3 the door
will open and you will jump or step through it — whatever you’re
comfortable doing.
1, 2, 3. The door is opening, and now just jump through it. In front
of you is your twin self who has achieved ultimate wealth; imagine it,
create it, know that the image in front of you is your wealthy twin self.
- 61 -
Now get a sense of your twin self smiling at you as your twin self is
involved with the toys and material of ultimate wealth.
View the scene as an observer only.
Pause for 20 seconds.
Now walk closer to your twin self and merge, and then just continue to
do what you observed your twin self doing.
Pause for 20 seconds.
on this side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the
door, back in this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you will
open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you did
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before.
- 62 -
chapter 3
jump into ideal health
Introduction to Jump Into Ideal Health
Quantum Jumping is designed for all ages. People tell me again and
again, “If only I had known about this when I was in my twenties.” Well,
here it is — and if you are in your twenties or thirties, strap yourself
you’ll have an appetite to devour the world. For those in their forties
years of the good things in life. If 60 or more, be thankful that you
discovered Quantum Jumping, because you are going to discover that
you are in the very prime of life. To be really effective with the things
you want, you should have health, energy, and the kind of attitude that
carries you forward in life — no matter what your age when you begin
the QJ process.
In general, people in their sixties feel they’ve crossed some kind of
threshold that says you’re a senior citizen — a euphemism for “you’re
getting old, kid.” And many places offer discounts to those over sixty.
Social security kicks in, and even the government is telling you you’re
getting old. People in their seventies look and feel older still and
planet as well. People in their eighties, for the most part, look ancient
and many of them feel that life, for them, is a waiting room for the
hereafter. People in their nineties just putter through life marveling at
the fact that they are still around. Life after seventy seems to be bound
- 64 -
occasional nostalgic thought of their late teens and early twenties
when they were healthy and loaded with vigor and energy. Most
the peak of their energies, both physical and mental, with only picture
postcard memories of their twenties and thirties.
Well here am I, as of this recording, 85 years of age — telling you I still
see a road ahead with many exciting and creative things coming up.
You’ve hopefully already had a jump or two into abundance, and soon
of the universe. Now, you are going to start jumping into ideal health
and these jumps are designed to create a better you, a more vigorous
you, the kind of you that you most want to be — had you given the
idea of a better you any thought. Now, why should you listen to some
old geezer give you advice on anything? What can anyone in their
eighties tell you? Most people fear aging. I never did. And all because
something happened to me: I discovered you could control your
attitude by getting the rhythm of a twin self in an alternate universe.
I discovered my attitude was different.
Why was my attitude so different from most of the people I knew?
When I was in my seventies I decided to embark on a new career. I had
gone as far as I could with the former one. I decided to learn about
photography and soon had photos hanging in a museum in Oklahoma
City. When I was seventy eight, I thought that I would take up painting.
I didn’t know a thing about it, but everyone has to start somewhere.
- 65 -
Soon my canvases were being sold. When I turned eighty, I decided
to see what the internet was all about. I had heard so many success
stories, most of them about kids in their twenties. Well what the heck,
So I learned all about the computer and started an internet company
their eighties, when they look in the mirror they see an old man or
woman. Me, I see a man in the prime of life raring to get on with the
day and having so much to do that weekends are just two more days
to complete my chores. Yes, I’m busy doing the things I enjoy seven
days a week, about twelve hours a day, and I love every minute of it.
the excitement of accomplishment. When all that is boiled down into
a single idea it is as I’ve said, attitude. That is where the secret to one’s
ideal health resides, in a person’s attitude.
I’m also working on the idea of the digital method of downloading
volumes that I’ve written. I’ll have to work that out. I often get ideas
in the middle of the night or early in the morning. You can see why I
laugh when I hear one of my contemporaries say that they are too old
to change a career, or too old to learn a new skill, or better yet too old
to enjoy a new hobby. Nonsense. You are never too old.
- 66 -
Sometimes I have to explain to friends who want me to join them in
playing golf or cards or tennis or some such that I just don’t have the
complete waste of time. Tennis gives a lot of exercise and that’s good,
but there again, time. I would rather expend my time writing or doing
other things I love, like painting, presenting a seminar, or perhaps even
a bit of photography which I have neglected for a few years.
And, on top of everything else, I do have to give some time to my
eighties and don’t necessarily want to do the same things, I adjust. The
other day I took her for a short hike through the Indian canyons of
Palm Springs. We had lunch in a quiet spot alongside a stream where a
small fall of water splashes onto a rocky bottom. I left my iPad at home.
That made her happy, and it even refreshed me although it is hard
to tear myself away from the computer — there is so much work to
be done. But let me say it once again, it’s work that I love, so perhaps
work is the wrong word.
The four jumps that follow this module are designed to change your
attitude toward ideal health so that when you have it, you see it as
something deserved and valuable. Continue jumping and watch not
only your life change for the better, but those around you as well.
- 67 -
Preparation to Jump Into Your Ideal Body
During this jump you will go into a twin self who has the body that you
wish to identify with. Do this jump whenever you feel a need for selfH[SUHVVLRQDQGFRQÀGHQFH$IWHURSHQLQJWKHWUDQVLWGRRUDQGMXPSLQJ
through with the intent to visit your twin self, who has attained the
body shape and stature that you want, then you observe your twin.
merging will enable you to bring back the energy that is necessary to
achieve success. Your twin self is your model.
for twenty minutes or so, relax, and we will begin the jump into your
ideal body.
Do this jump as often as you feel the need.
- 68 -
Jump Into Your Ideal Body
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 69 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind. You
can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 70 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are clear,
some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously. When you
are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often helps you to
- 71 -
make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy with later in life.
During this jump you will go into a twin self who has your ideal body.
Think for a moment what your ideal body would look like. Imagine an
ideal weight, an ideal stomach, an ideal posture, an ideal you. What
would that you look like? How would that ideal you walk? Imagine that
for a moment.
doppelgänger, or your twin self. In a moment we are going to go to the
small hallway that contains the transit door. The other side of that door
of that door is your ideal self — your ideal twin self.
In a moment, I will count from 1 to 3, and at the count of 3, you will
mentally project yourself to the small hallway and you will be standing
in front of the transit door.
1, 2, 3. You are now in front of the transit door. Imagine it, know that
it is there — visualize a door in front of you, the transit door. On the
can be imagined, is, on the other side of that door. It only requires your
intent to take you to the right place, the right twin self.
During this jump you will imagine the door opening and then you will
jump, or step through the door and be with your twin self who has the
ideal body that you are programming for.
- 72 -
And now it is time for the door to open. 1, 2...the door is opening... 3.
The door is open. On the other side of that door is your twin self. Jump
over the threshold and visit with your twin self; take your time. I will
allow you plenty of time.
Pause for 20 seconds.
For now, you are an observer. Watch your twin self with the ideal body
walk, eat, run, and now look in a mirror. That is you, as you might have
been; as you still may become. Observe your twin self. Imagine your
twin self with the ideal body talking with some of your friends and
family. Imagine your twin self at work or at play. Take your time.
Pause for 20 seconds.
Have your twin self stand still for a moment. Now imagine that you
are walking up to your twin self. Getting closer and closer. And now
imagine merging with that twin self with the ideal body. Now you are
your twin self. You have merged. Move around for a while. Take a walk.
When you merge and use your twin self’s body as you are doing, you
are getting into the rhythm of that self, and that is what you will bring
back with you, the rhythm of an ideal body.
- 73 -
Pause for 20 seconds.
on this side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the
door, back in this dimension.
In a moment, I am going to count from 1 to 3. At that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before, back with the rhythm of an ideal you.
- 74 -
Preparation to Jump Into Your Energized Self
with energy. The kind of energy you see in youngsters who run rather
than walk, who can’t sit still for more than a few moments, who eat
in a hurry to get on to the next thing. You’ve seen them, bursting
with youthful exuberance and energy. Their cells are fully charged
like a fresh rechargeable battery and it only takes a moments rest to
recharge. During this jump, you are going to get the image of your
twin self with that kind of energy: an energy that keeps you feeling
observe and then merge.
The merging will enable you to bring back the energy that is necessary
comfortable place where you will be undisturbed for twenty minutes or
so, relax, and we will begin the jump into your energized self.
Do this jump as often as you feel the need.
- 75 -
Jump Into Your Energized Self
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 76 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 77 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are clear,
some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously. When you
are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often helps you to
make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy with later in life.
- 78 -
During this jump, you will go into a twin self who has your ideal body.
Think for a moment what your ideal body would look like. Imagine an
ideal weight, an ideal stomach, an ideal posture, an ideal you. What
would that you look like? How would that ideal you walk? Imagine that
for a moment.
doppelgänger, or your twin self. In a moment we are going to go to the
small hallway that contains the transit door. The other side of that door
of that door is your ideal self — your ideal twin self.
In a moment I will count from 1 to 3 and at the count of 3 you will
mentally project yourself to the small hallway and you will be standing
in front of the transit door.
1, 2, 3. You are now in front of the transit door. Imagine it, know that it
is there, visualize a door in front of you, the transit door. On the other
be imagined is, on the other side of that door. It only requires your
intent to take you to the right place, and to be with the twin self who
has the energy that you want for yourself.
During this jump you will imagine the door opening and then you will
jump, or step through the door and be with your twin self who has the
energized self that you are programming for.
- 79 -
And now it is time for the transit door to open. 1, 2...the door is
opening...3, the door is open. On the other side of that door is your
twin self. Jump over the threshold and visit with your twin self; take
your time. I will allow you plenty of time.
Pause for 20 seconds.
For now, you are an observer. Watch your twin self with the energized
body walk, eat, run, and now look in a mirror. That is you, as you might
have been; as you still may become. Observe your twin self walking
with energy, talking with energy, what would that twin self look like
fully energized? How would that twin self act when talking with some
of your friends and family? Imagine your twin self at work or at play,
fully energized. Take your time.
Pause for 20 seconds.
Have your twin self stand still for a moment. Now imagine that you are
walking up to your twin self. Getting closer and closer. And now imagine
merging with that twin self with the ideal body. Now you are your
twin self. You have merged. Move around for a while. Take a walk, do
something energetic, perhaps skipping rope, or running, or swimming.
- 80 -
What sport are you fond of? Imagine your twin self, fully energized
participating in that sport, winning. Your energized twin self is a winner
— you are a winner.
When you merge and use your twin self’s body as you are doing, you
are getting into the rhythm of that self — and that is what you will
bring back with you, the rhythm of a fully energized body.
Pause for 20 seconds.
on this side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the
door, back in this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3. At that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before, back with the rhythm of an ideal you.
- 81 -
Preparation to Jump Into Invincible Health
To be Invincible is to be unbeatable. And that is what we want to set the
goal for — to jump to a twin self who is unbeatable. Before you can
attain Invincible Health, you must know what the word exactly means.
Unbeatable. Wow, there’s a special rhythm that comes with that
attitude. Invincible health is a state of body and mind of complete
an unbeatable health life style. That’s the rhythm of a totally healthy,
happy twin self on one of the multitude of universes.
When you visit that self who has invincible health see your twin as
strong as you can imagine, with an outdoorsy complexion and a wide
smile. A self who not only greets you, but motions you over so that you
may merge. This is a great jump to take when — if ever — you are not
at the top of your game.
- 82 -
Jump Into Invincible Health
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 83 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 84 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
- 85 -
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life.
During this jump, you will go into a twin self who has your idea of
unbeatable health, invincible health. What would it feel like to have such
good health that you laugh at the idea of bad health? More than that –
the thought of ill health never enters your mind in the slightest degree.
Think of what you would look like if you didn’t have a single problem.
You ate well, never worried about your weight, had no money
problems, were happy in your relationships, and didn’t have a single
worry in the world. What would that you look like? How would that
you walk? Imagine that for a moment.
That you is your doppelgänger, or your twin self. In a moment we
are going to go to the small hallway that contains the transit door.
On the other side of that door are all the universes and all the twin
absolutely perfect physical and mental health.
In a moment, I will count from 1 to 3, and at the count of 3 you will
mentally project yourself to the small hallway and you will be standing
in front of the transit door.
- 86 -
1, 2, 3. You are now in front of the transit door. Imagine it, know that it
is there, visualize a door in front of you, the transit door. On the other
be imagined is, on the other side of that door. It only requires your
intent to take you to the right place, and to be with the twin self who
has the healthy demeanor that you want for yourself.
During this jump, you will imagine the door opening and then you will
jump, or step through the door and be with your twin self who has the
invincible health that you are programming for.
And now it is time for the transit door to open. 1, 2...the door is
opening... 3, the door is open. On the other side of that door is your
twin self. Jump over the threshold and visit with your twin self. Take
your time. I will allow you plenty of time.
Pause for 20 seconds.
For now, you are an observer. Watch your twin self with the rhythm
of health walk, eat, run, and now imagine that you are looking in a
mirror. That is you, as you might have been — as you still may become.
Observe your twin self walking and talking.
- 87 -
Pause for 20 seconds.
Have your twin self stand still for a moment. Now imagine that you
are walking up to your twin self. Getting closer and closer. And now
imagine merging with that twin self with the invincible health rhythm
— the rhythm you want. Merge…
Now you are your twin self. You have merged. Move around for a
while. Take a walk, do something energetic, perhaps skipping rope, or
running, or swimming.
What sport are you fond of? Imagine your twin self, fully energized
participating in that sport, winning. Your twin self is a healthy self and a
winner; you are a winner.
When you merge and use your twin self’s body as you are doing, you
are getting into the rhythm of that self, and that is what you will bring
back with you, the rhythm of a healthy body.
Pause for 20 seconds.
on this side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the
door, back in this dimension.
- 88 -
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3. At that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before, back with the rhythm of an ideal you.
- 89 -
Preparation to Jump Into a Healthy Mindset
People often ask me what I do to look the way that I do (younger, I
it hard to believe that I was actually born in 1927 – even before talking
pictures came on the scene.
And I often wonder myself. I eat just about everything. I don’t take
vitamins or supplements. I get very little exercise. Seemingly I go
contrary to everyone’s youth and longevity beliefs. “What’s the secret?”
I’m asked again and again, especially by friends of my youth who all
look twenty years older. I could tell you a dozen stories and talk about
a dozen things but I won’t keep you in suspense.
I’ll give you the secret in one word: a healthy mindset. I know, that’s
three words, but what is a healthy mindset? Why, it’s Attitude, and that
studying other concepts and feedback from people all over the planet.
That begs the question: how do you get an attitude like that? How
do you change your attitude to that of a healthy mindset? Well, that’s
what this jump is all about. If your mindset needs a bit of adjusting,
you will not be disturbed for the next twenty minutes, and be prepared
- 90 -
for a major change in attitude – because you are going to visit a twin
self with the perfect attitude. And you know what, it’s your own twin self.
And of course you may do this jump as often as you feel it necessary.
- 91 -
Jump Into a Healthy Mindset
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 92 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind. You
can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 93 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
- 94 -
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life. Many of the choices you make will have an effect on
your attitude.
As example: you go to your car that is parked in a lot and discover a
dent in the fender that wasn’t there before. Now you have choices. You
can get angry and then your attitude will be of a negative nature and
you will see everything from a negative viewpoint.
Or you can look at the dent and determine to earn twice as much
anger that causes all kinds of physical problems some of them not
coming to the fore for months or years.
Two: determination and creativity. You are determined to set your mind
to earning twice as much as it cost to repair the fender.
All things in your life are like that — some of them producing negative
results, some positive, all due to your attitude.
During this jump you will go into a twin self who has a positive attitude
about all things. What if you had a positive attitude about all things?
Think what you would be like if you had a positive attitude towards
everything. You wouldn’t have any problems because you would be
- 95 -
looking for solutions. Negative attitudes are drawn to problems; positive
attitudes are drawn to solutions. You couldn’t have a bad relationship
because you would see the positive aspects of the other person.
exists. That “positive attitude you” is your doppelgänger, or your twin
self. In a moment we are going to go to the small hallway that contains
the transit door. On the other side of that door are all the universes
ideal you with a perfect positive attitude towards all things..
In a moment I will count from 1 to 3, and at the count of 3 you will
mentally project yourself to the small hallway and you will be standing
in front of the transit door.
1, 2, 3. You are now in front of the transit door. Imagine it, know that
it is there. Visualize a door in front of you — the transit door. On the
can be imagined is, on the other side of that door. It only requires your
intent to take you to the right place, and to be with the twin self who
has the mindset that you want for yourself.
During this jump you will imagine the door opening and then you will
jump, or step through the door and be with your twin self who has the
ability to make choices based on positive results. The results that you
are programming for.
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And now it is time for the transit door to open. 1, 2...the door is
opening... 3, the door is open. On the other side of that door is your
twin self. Jump over the threshold and visit with your twin self; take
your time. I will allow you plenty of time.
Pause for 20 seconds.
For now you are an observer. Watch your twin self making positive
choices, seeking solutions. That is you, as you might have been — as
you still may become. Observe your twin self walking and talking.
Pause for 20 seconds.
Have your twin self stand still for a moment. Now imagine that you
are walking up to your twin self. Getting closer and closer. And now
imagine merging with that twin self with the positive attitude rhythm
— the rhythm you want. Merge…
Now you are your twin self. You have merged. Move around for a
while. Take a walk, do something that is helped by a positive attitude.
What occupation are you in? In another universe, you have a better
attitude towards your occupation, a better mindset. Your twin self has
- 97 -
a better attitude towards your occupation — get a sense of decisions
your twin self is making, positive decisions.
Pause for 20 seconds.
on this side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the
door, back in this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before, back with the rhythm of an ideal you.
- 98 -
chapter 4
jump into
healthy relationships
Introduction to Jump Into Healthy Relationships
A relationship is a connection between two people. A good relationship
takes place when two people relate to one another, when there is an
equality between the two. When two people have a good relationship
with each other, it is due mainly to the fact that each is supplying
something the other person needs.
are problems in that relationship. When the needs are weak and are
party. Consider your relationship with the person you wish to relate
to. What are your needs? Consider what it is you need that you wish
particular relationship?
Consider the other person at this time. What do you believe the other
person’s needs are? Consider what it is that you believe the other
person in this relationship needs.
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Now that you have considered both your needs and the other person
in this relationship?
is enjoying the relationship more and more.
take the time to explore your needs — and after viewing all needs at
the meditative alpha level, discuss them with the other person in this
beta level. Good relationships can be easily acquired when both people
feel equal as human beings – when each of them is kind to the other
Alcohol and drugs have been called “mood-changers.” How much
easier it is to understand their effects if we alter that to “need-changers.”
things that were not necessary suddenly become vital. Some needs are
enhanced, others diminished, and some eliminated while an entirely
new set of needs pop up.
- 101 -
When the person sobers up or comes down from the high, another
ones, especially when they do not recognize the cause.
will continue. In such a relationship, you must ask yourself whether
prolonging the problem.
them. Create a need for sobriety. Make a trip of mutual discovery as to
what life would be like without the opiates of alcohol and drugs.
Communication is the key to discovering what a person’s needs are.
Communication is the key to unlocking the person from the cell
of misery.
Ask this question, and expect and get an answer. What would your life
– what would our lives – be like, if you did not drink/take drugs?
At this point it is vital to set goals for the person and for yourself:
individual goals, and goals for the two of you — goals for the next
week, the next month, a year from now, ten years from now, even
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twenty years from now. Goals will give direction and create new
thoughts as to how to treat the now.
We will do that through the process of four quantum jumps. First the
Jump into loving relationships.
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Preparation Jump Into Loving Relationships
With this jump there will be two people: your twin self, and the person
who you wish to strengthen your loving relationship with. After going
through the transit door, you will go to that place where you and the
person you want more love from have that relationship that you want.
The perfect relationship: where all you see are the positives of the
other person, and all the other person sees of you are your positive
attributes. Love in its purest form is seeing only the positives, only the
good in the other person. Your twin self sees only the positives in the
person you are going to be having a better relationship with. That twin
self sees only the good things — no matter what the other person is
saying, doing, or even thinking, your twin self sees the positive side.
That is a true loving relationship.
Your intent for this jump is just thatL to go to two twin selves, yours
and the one you love. Those twin selves have a loving relationship
because they don’t judge one another, but love one another as they
are seeing only the good, only the positive. You will observe the two
selves and then merge with your twin self and bring back the rhythm
of that love with you to this reality.
- 104 -
Jump Into Loving Relationships
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 105 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 106 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
- 107 -
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life.
In a moment you will jump to a twin self who is with another person —
that person is the twin self of the one you want to have a more loving
can be imagined is, in one of those universes. In one of those universes
you have the loving relationship you want in this universe, in this
reality. You will observe your twin self acting the way you want to act
in this reality. You will observe your twin self interacting with the other
person’s twin self. You will watch the two selves interacting, perhaps
loving, playing together, talking, whatever a loving relationship
represents to you.
Then you will merge with your twin self to gather the rhythm of that
loving relationship to you, and you will bring it back to this reality.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and a door will appear in front of you,
the transit door. 1, 2, 3. Imagine now that there is a door in front of
you. This is the transit point, the jumping off place to get you wherever
- 108 -
universes are the two twin selves: your twin self, and the twin self of the
person you want to have a loving relationship with.
I am going to count from 1 to 3, and at the count of 3 the door
will open and you will jump or step through it — whatever you’re
comfortable doing. You will then observe.
1, 2, 3. The door is opening, and now just jump through it. View the
scene as an observer only.
Pause for 20 seconds.
Create the scene exactly as you would want it to be. Whatever you
See your twin self and the other person in the relationship interacting
with love and positive thoughts.
Create a loving relationship scene and then view it, observe it, watch
it unfold.
Relax. Take your time.
Pause for 20 seconds.
- 109 -
Relax. Now imagine that you are getting closer and closer to your twin
self and when you are touching, merge your body with that of your
twin self to bring the rhythm of that self to you.
Relax, and merge.
good. Now I will count from 1 to 3 and you will be back on this side of
the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the door, back in
this dimension.
In a moment, I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before.
- 110 -
Preparation to Attracting the Ideal Mate Jump
What would your life be like if you could attract the one person ideal
for you. Just imagine that. Imagine a life with a mate who was your
ideal in every way. A mate who treated you exactly as you would want
to be treated. A mate who you would treat exactly as that person
would want to be treated.
What would your ideal be? Would it be looks, money, things, energy,
travel, food, religion, education, knowledge, musical ability, creativity,
a loving nature, what? What would your idea of an ideal mate be?
whatever you mentally create, that creation exists.
First of all, create that person in your mind, because you are going to
meet that person during the next jump, and you are going to bring
back the energy, the rhythm of that person back to this reality. That
will turn you into a metaphorical magnet. You will be sending out that
energy that tells the universe, “This is the one for me, this is the one I
want; this is the one who will come to me.”
- 111 -
Attracting the Ideal Mate Jump
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 112 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 113 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
- 114 -
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life.
At this time, imagine what your ideal mate would be like. What would
your ideal mate look like, act like, be like. Your ideal mate should
compliment you — should like the things that you like, enjoy the food
you enjoy, listen to the music you listen to, view the movies you like.
Your ideal mate should share your religious beliefs, your political beliefs
and be generous with you and your friends.
Imagine that. Imagine an ideal mate for you. Create that person now.
Create that person in your mind. Imagine the way that person dresses,
walks, talks.
that you need that your ideal mate could provide. You have many needs
— some of them obvious, some buried deep within your subconscious.
For now, imagine some of those needs. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being
the absolute essential needs, think about some of them.
Think about a few simple needs that would be 2 or 3 on the scale.
What would those needs be?
- 115 -
Now think of one or two essential needs, 9 or 10 on the scale. What
would those needs be?
Your ideal mate would have needs as well. Consider your ideal mate’s
this jump you are going to visit your twin self who is involved with your
one — and that will make for the very best relationship of all. You will
observe your twin self interacting with your ideal mate and you will
interact with them.
In a moment, I will count from 1 to 3, and at the count of 3 you will
mentally project yourself to the small hallway and you will be standing
in front of the transit door.
1, 2, 3. You are now in front of the transit door. Imagine it, know that
it is there — visualize a door in front of you, the transit door. On the
can be imagined, is, on the other side of that door. It only requires your
intent to take you to the right place, the right twin self along with your
ideal mate.
- 116 -
During this jump, you will imagine the door opening and then you will
jump, or step through the door and be with your twin self who is with
that ideal mate you are programming for.
And now it is time for the door to open. 1, 2...the door is opening...3,
the door is open. On the other side of that door is your twin self. Jump
over the threshold and visit with your twin self; take your time. I will
allow you plenty of time.
Pause for 20 seconds.
For now you are an observer. Watch your twin self who is with your
ideal mate. Imagine that, create it.
Pause for 20 seconds.
Have your twin self stand still for a moment alongside your ideal mate.
Now imagine that you are walking up to your twin self. Getting closer
and closer. And now imagine merging with that twin self who is next to
your ideal mate. Now you are your twin self. You have merged. Move
around for a while. Take a walk, imagine talking to your ideal mate as
your twin self.
- 117 -
When you merge and use your twin self’s body as you are doing you
are getting into the rhythm of that self, and that is what you will bring
back with you — the rhythm of an ideal body.
Pause for 20 seconds.
on this side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the
door, back in this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before, back with the rhythm of a twin self who has found
the ideal mate.
- 118 -
Preparation to Jump Into Fun Friendships
A fun friendship is one that you enjoy. This jump is going to be fun.
Fun for you, fun for your twin self, and fun for any friends you want to
bring into the jump. Yes — you can bring others into your jump.
universe. This jump is for recreation and is designed for you to have
fun with. You and any of your friends who you want to bring into the
jump with you. For me a fun friendship jump is when I visit a twin self
who is a writer in 1920s Paris, or a painter in 1890 Arles, or the 40s in
Greenwich Village. I have a twin self who is Van Gogh, and another
who is Hemingway, and once in a while, Mark Twain.
This is the jump where I have the most fun. Before I put paint to canvas
I jump to my artist twin self. Yesterday I was Jackson Pollock, last week
Modigliani, next week — who knows, but the result will be interesting.
Before I lecture, I always jump into Burt Goldman, primo lecturer and
darling of whatever city I am going to be in. Jump into fun with this
one — let your hair down and bring on the twin self you may have
been hiding deep in your subconscious — but above all, have fun.
- 119 -
Jump Into Fun Friendships
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 120 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 121 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
- 122 -
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life.
At this time, imagine what your twin selves are doing to have fun. With
your twin selves is doing and having a marvelous time doing it. Let’s
use one of your twin selves to have fun at work.
What kind of work will you be doing tomorrow, or next week, or
whenever? Think about the kind of work you would like to be doing.
Your twin self is doing the same — get a sense of your twin self at
work, now see your twin self dancing around at work, or playing a
musical instrument and having fun. Now see yourself in the mountains.
See yourself at the beach. See yourself in Hawaii or a comfortable
vacation spot. See yourself playing. This is where you are going to go
during this jump.
In a moment, I will count from 1 to 3 and at the count of 3 you will
mentally project yourself to the small hallway and you will be standing
in front of the transit door.
- 123 -
1, 2, 3. You are now in front of the transit door. Imagine it, know that
it is there — visualize a door in front of you, the transit door. On the
can be imagined, is, on the other side of that door. It only requires your
intent to take you to the right place, the right twin self.
During this jump you will imagine the door opening and then you will
jump, or step through the door and be with your twin self who is at
work or doing something you normally do.
And now it is time for the door to open. 1, 2...the door is opening... 3,
the door is open. On the other side of that door is your twin self. Jump
over the threshold and visit with your twin self; take your time. I will
allow you plenty of time.
Pause for 20 seconds.
For now, you are an observer. Watch your twin self having fun. Imagine
that, create it.
Pause for 20 seconds.
Have your twin self stand still for a moment. Now imagine that you
are walking up to your twin self. Getting closer and closer. And now
- 124 -
imagine merging with that twin self who is having all that fun. Now
you are your twin self. You have merged. Move around for a while. Take
a walk, imagine talking to your ideal mate as your twin self.
When you merge and use your twin self’s body as you are doing you
are getting into the rhythm of that self, and that is what you will bring
back with you, the rhythm of happiness and fun.
Pause for 20 seconds.
on this side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the
door, back in this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before, back with the rhythm of a twin self who knows how
to have fun.
- 125 -
Preparation to Jump Into Healthy Family Dynamics
Think about the dynamics, the energy, of your family. A family is a
unit — an element with many pieces. We think of the normal family
dynamic as mother, father, son and daughter. This unit is then extended
into siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
When using Quantum Jumping to create a healthy family dynamic, you
go to the twin selves that most resemble your existing family unit. Look
at your unit as a tree with you as the trunk, all other members of that
unit are the branches of the tree. As the trunk you feed the rest of the
members of the family dynamic, or unit, with sustenance. You nourish
them and feed the dynamic.
When speaking to the group, create options and the understanding
that each of the branches is unique and is to be unconditionally loved
and respected by all others. Each of the family members is different
and the difference is what should be respected by all other members of
the family unit.
To strengthen the family dynamic, before jumping, think about each
member of the family that you want to bring into your jump. During
the Jumps Into Spiritual Connection you will learn to bring those family
members who are deceased back into the dynamic. See Jump Into
Inner Peace.
- 126 -
For now, however, consider those members of the family unit you wish
to bring into the dynamic. Mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister,
grandparents, uncle, aunt, cousin, who? Only you can decide. For now
give it a bit of thought and then, I will help you with the jump into a
meditation state we call the alpha state for the necessary concentration
for the success of the jump.
- 127 -
Jump Into Healthy Family Dynamics
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 128 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 129 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
- 130 -
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life.
During this jump, you will go through the transit door and be with your
family unit, the one you want to enhance and strengthen. Everyone
your dynamic is a perfect dynamic with positive loving energies with
each of your family unit supportive of each of the others. In a moment
I will count from 1 to 3 and at the count of 3 you will mentally project
yourself to the small hallway where you will be in front of the transit
1, 2, 3. You are now in front of the transit door. Imagine it, know that
it is there — visualize a door in front of you, the transit door. On the
can be imagined is, on the other side of that door. It only requires your
intent to take you to the right place, and to be with the twin self who
has the mindset that you want for yourself.
During this jump, you will imagine the door opening and then you will
jump, or step through the door and be with your twin self who has the
ability to make choices based on positive results. The results that you
are programming for.
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In this instance, for this jump, your intention is to strengthen your
immediate family unit. When you make this jump you will be there
in the form of your twin self as well as the twin selves of all the other
members of your family who you wish to be there. It is all through your
invitation and your invitation only.
Which members of your family will you be inviting? Consider that now.
Whichever family members you decide on, their twin selves will be
there waiting for you. You are the main branch because it is through
you that the family dynamic will be together. You are the trunk of the
family tree, all other family members are the branches.
And now it is time for the door to open. 1, 2...the door is opening...
3,the door is open. On the other side of that door is your twin self and
also the twin selves of other family members. Jump over the threshold
and visit with your twin self and the family member twin selves; take
your time. I will allow you plenty of time.
Pause for 20 seconds.
For now, you are an observer. Watch your twin self interact with the
other twin self family members. Listen to what they are saying. They
are building a dynamic, an energy and a rhythm for you to merge with
- 132 -
and bring back to this reality. After interacting and observing, you will
take on much of that rhythm and energy.
as the producer and the director of all the actors. The actors are your
twin selves. Get a sense that each of them communicates well the other
members of the family unit and with yourself as well. You are the trunk
of the tree, all the substance comes from you. All the family members
want to communicate with you. All the family members want to love
you and to see the positive aspects of you.
Pause for 20 seconds.
Observe the scene and imagine what each of the family members are
saying. You are the controlling factor and can change the conversation
others do the things to your liking.
Pause for 20 seconds.
All the twin selves are now in agreement. You may now merge with
your twin self to get the proper rhythm to bring back with you. Go to
that self now and merge.
Pause for 20 seconds.
- 133 -
that you are telling the other twin selves what is best for a healthy
family dynamic. When you merge and use your twin self’s body as you
are doing you are getting into the rhythm of that self, and that is what
you will bring back with you, the rhythm of a healthy family dynamic.
Pause for 20 seconds.
on this side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the
door, back in this dimension.
In a moment, I am going to count from 1 to 3. At that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before, back with the rhythm of an ideal you.
- 134 -
chapter 5
jump into career
and success
Introduction to Jump Into Career and Success
Your career would be easier to understand if we looked at it as your
path through life. Let’s assume that although it is impossible to tell
where you — or for that matter, any of us — will be ten years from
today, especially with the dynamic ever-changing technology world
that we live in, you do have an idea as to where you want to be with
respect to that pathway. First of all, you probably want a career that
serves some purpose, and then you want to be happy in your chosen
Few people are total instigators, most of us follow a mentor, either
living or one we respect through their writings and philosophy and last
one thing that is certain is that there will be many forks in the road
of life — of your reality. Every choice you make, even the seemingly
inconsequential ones, may very well have a profound effect on your
life. Choosing wisely is something that only Quantum Jumping can
often assure you of. Sometimes however, the choice is random and the
universe sets your career. Let me tell you a story I’ve told to thousands
of my students over the years.
One day a leaf fell in a park in Whittier, California. It landed on the
make a sharp turn to avoid it. The caterpillar came to a log and crawled
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up the side. Just as it reached the top of the log, a man came by and
sat down, squishing the caterpillar. The man jumped up and felt the
goo on the seat of his pants. On returning home, he changed clothes
and took the pants to the local cleaners. While there, he met a young
woman and they began a conversation, which continued at a nearby
coffee shop. They began to date, fell in love, married, and had a child.
Their son, being very clever, did well in school, became an attorney,
and then went into politics, rising in his party.
And so, because a leaf fell in the forest one day blocking a caterpillar’s
way forward, Richard Nixon became the president of the United States.
take place. Through many of the Quantum Jumping techniques, you
is success in your chosen career.
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Preparation to Jump Into a Purposeful Career
Career choices are often accidental. Prior to making a choice that has
purpose behind it, considering alternatives and consequences are often
helpful in making that choice. When you are tied to one thing only,
expending your energies and desire in making that thing happen you
build a wall around you that prevents you from seeing other options.
This has positive aspects and also negative ones.
Sometimes, falling in love with an idea shields you from the possibilities
of other ideas that don’t conform with what you believe to be the only
solution. Life is like a chess match, those who just move randomly with
no thought of their opponents counter move just drift through life
taking their chances. Sometimes they turn out well, sometimes not,
but the control is not with them where it should be but in the universal
energies that may well take them to places that are unbidden.
With the purposeful career jump you will not only view a variety of
choices with respect to career, you can also investigate the alternatives
and consequences. With the purposeful career jump you will visit
four different twin selves. Each of them is a you who had different
programming, different experiences, a different childhood — but each
of them is a you that might have been. Each has a different career.
career that has a great purpose for you.
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Jump Into a Purposeful Career
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 139 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 140 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
- 141 -
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life.
universes whatever can be imagined is, in one of those universes. In
one of those universes you have the career you may feel most suited
you imagine them to be, let’s go to four different selves. They are the
same in that they look, act, and talk like you — but they made different
choices and wound up with different careers. They may have gone to
college, they may not have, but they have had different programming.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and a door will appear in front of you,
the transit door. 1, 2, 3. Imagine now that there is a door in front of
you. This is the transit point, the jumping off place to get you wherever
In one of those universes are the twin selves with different careers,
and for a different purpose. One of those selves has money as a
- 142 -
purpose, another has a place, a country to live in as a purpose, another
has helping others as a purpose, and the fourth wants a career that
includes a family. You will visit with each one, one at a time to see what
one whose purpose is only money.
I am going to count from 1 to 3, and at the count of 3 the door
will open and you will jump or step through it; whatever you’re
comfortable doing. You will then observe your twin self and the career
that self has chosen. Money is the object and your twin self I successful
in getting it.
1, 2, 3. The door is opening, and now just jump through it. View
the scene as an observer only. This self has making money as the
chief purpose.
Pause for 20 seconds.
See that self and then after observing, merge with that self.
Pause for 20 seconds.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and you will leave the money purpose,
and you will be with the self who has a different place to live in mind.
- 143 -
1, 2, 3. You are now with the self who has a different place to live in mind.
See that self and then after observing, merge with that self.
Pause for 20 seconds.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and you will leave the self whose
purpose is a place to live, and you will be with the self who has helping
others in mind.
1, 2, 3. You are now with the self who has helping others in mind in mind.
See that self and then after observing, merge with that self.
Pause for 20 seconds.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and you will leave the self whose
purpose is a helping others, and you will be with the self who has
family as the prime purpose in mind.
1, 2, 3. You are now with the self who has family in mind.
See that self and then after observing, merge with that self.
Pause for 20 seconds.
- 144 -
I am going to count from 1 to 3, and you will leave the self whose
purpose is different; something you just thought of. What is that self
doing, how is that self acting?
1, 2, 3. You are now with the self who has a different purpose.
See that self and then after observing, merge with that self.
Pause for 20 seconds.
this side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the
door, back in this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before, back with the rhythm of an ideal you.
- 145 -
Preparation to Jump Into a Happy Workplace
More than anything else, your attitude is what creates a happy or
a discontented work atmosphere. Your twin self in the happiest of
workplaces has acquired PV or “positive viewpoint” eyeglasses. PV
glasses are similar to a lightly tinted rose color, and when in place only
allow a positive viewpoint towards things. In the alternate universe of
your twin self PV glasses are readily available; you can take advantage
of this simply by jumping to your twin self of a happy workplace,
observe and then merge.
After that, whenever you are at work, just imagine your own PV glasses
slipping into place over your eyes and everything you see will be seen
from the aspects of a positive attitude and viewpoint.
- 146 -
Jump Into a Happy Workplace
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 147 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 148 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
- 149 -
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life.
During this jump you will go into a twin self who is in a happy workplace,
what that happy workplace would be like. Imagine that for a moment.
doppelgänger, or your twin self. In a moment we are going to go to the
small hallway that contains the transit door. The other side of that door
of that door is your self; your twin self who is in a happy workplace.
In a moment I will count from 1 to 3 and at the count of 3 you will
mentally project yourself to the small hallway and you will be standing
in front of the transit door.
1, 2, 3. You are now in front of the transit door. Imagine it, know that
it is there — visualize a door in front of you, the transit door. On the
can be imagined is, on the other side of that door. It only requires your
intent to take you to the right place, and to be with the twin self who
works in the happiest of places that you want for yourself.
- 150 -
During this jump you will imagine the door opening and then you will
jump, or step through the door and be with your twin self who has the
workplace that you are programming for.
And now it is time for the transit door to open. 1, 2...the door is
opening... 3,the door is open. On the other side of that door is your
twin self. Jump over the threshold and visit with your twin self; take
your time. I will allow you plenty of time.
Pause for 20 seconds.
For now you are an observer. Watch your twin self at work, notice how
that happiness.
Pause for 20 seconds.
As you watch your twin self, you notice lightly colored sunglasses. Rose
colored sunglasses on your twin self. But they are not sunglasses – they
are PV glasses. Positive viewpoint glasses. They allow your twin self to
see only the positive, happy nature of the surroundings.
- 151 -
Have your twin self stand still for a moment. Now imagine that you are
walking up to your twin self. Getting closer and closer. Now notice that
your twin self is putting on the PV glasses. Now merge with your twin
self and imagine that you, as your twin self, are putting on the glasses.
Suddenly everything is seen with a positive attitude. Imagine that. Get a
sense that when you put on the PV glasses everything is rosy and happy.
And now imagine moving around for a while. Take a walk, do something
energetic, perhaps skipping rope, or running, or swimming or just
notice the people in your workplace — all seen through your positive
viewpoint glasses.
What sport are you fond of? Imagine your twin self, fully participating
in that sport, with PV glasses on — winning. Your twin self is a winner;
you are a winner.
When you merge and use your twin self’s body as you are doing you
are getting into the rhythm of that self, and that is what you will bring
back with you, the rhythm of a self who has the ability at any time of
imagining PV glasses over the eyes and then seeing only the positive
aspects of reality. That way you control the happy workplace, not others.
Pause for 20 seconds.
- 152 -
on this side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the
door, back in this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before, back with the rhythm of an ideal you.
- 153 -
Preparation to Jump Into the Power of the Mentor
Who do you consider to be your mentor? Your counselor, guide or
teacher? Everyone has one. Perhaps yours is an angel or maybe a
great mind of the present or past. Well, during this jump you will have
available to you a veritable plethora of mentors.
How about this group as your mentor? Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Albert
Einstein, Socrates, Plato, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King,
Madame Curie, Eleanor Roosevelt, Hillary Clinton, and anyone else you
can think of. Make your own list. If you could choose from any person
living or dead, ancient or modern, who would it be? You can choose
3 mentors for now. Who will they be? Think about that, because you
that: the greatest of the great, except it’s you. A you with different
programming, different opportunities, different upbringing – a you
who might have been, and in another universe, a you who is.
- 154 -
Jump Into the Power of the Mentor
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 155 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 156 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
- 157 -
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life.
In a moment you will be in the small hallway. In front of you will be
the transit door. Step through the door, and you will be in an alternate
universe. This universe holds three twin selves who are going to be
your mentors, they are your twin selves. Selves who look like you, think
like you and act like you except for one very big thing — their attitudes
are uniquely theirs. They had a different upbringing, a different
education, and have sharpened the skills that you have but are buried
deep within your subconscious.
These three selves are your mentors; they mean to guide you to a
proper career and success in your life. Imagine them sitting at a large
square table. There are four chairs around the table, one for each of
your three mentor selves and one for you.
In a moment I will count from 1 to 3 and at the count of 3 you will
mentally project yourself to the small hallway and you will be standing
in front of the transit door.
1, 2, 3. You are now in front of the transit door. Imagine it, know that it
is there, visualize a door in front of you, the transit door. On the other
- 158 -
be imagined is, on the other side of that door. It only requires your
intent to take you to the right place, and to be with the twin self who
works in the happiest of places that you want for yourself.
During this jump you will imagine the door opening and then you will
jump through the door and be with in a room with your three twin
selves sitting around the large square table.
And now it is time for the transit door to open. 1, 2...the door is
opening... 3,the door is open. On the other side of that door are your
three twin selves. Jump over the threshold take a seat at the table
where they are sitting and make yourself comfortable.
Pause for 20 seconds.
For now you are an observer. Listen to your selves as they speak. They
will be talking about you, your career, your aspirations, your goals; and
they will speak of how to attain success in your career.
Pause for 20 seconds.
Now imagine yourself asking your mentor selves a question.
- 159 -
Ask the question.
What kind of an answer would you imagine you would get? You will
remember the answer, and back in this reality you will interpret the
answers you get and use them to full advantage.
I will be silent for a while; listen to your mentor selves.
(pause 30 seconds)
on this side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the
door, back in this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before, back with the rhythm of an ideal you.
- 160 -
Preparation to Jump Into Blissful Success
What would you consider to be blissful success? Would it be
accomplishment? That would certainly indicate a successful agenda.
At the end of it all, when you look back on your life, a life that whisks
by like a speeding bullet train with stations of activity showing for an
instant before dropping back into a buried memory — what then?
When all the picture postcard scenes of success and failure come to the
front of the line, which will bring you pleasure, and what scenes will the
demon guilt bring out to cover you with a blanket of misery? That you
cannot answer — yet. But when the time comes, as it invariably does
for us all, the answers will be there, with crystal clarity.
By consciously jumping now, into success that you have planned, that
your intention is to proceed, to build what you know is success, is to
forge a link in the chain in your life that will be a model for all the
rest. Then you will have what few others do, a bar set for you alone, to
measure future and past successes by. So with the next jump let’s set
the bar at a height you know you will be successful with. That could be
the most important jump of all — the jump into blissful success.
- 161 -
Jump Into Blissful Success
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 162 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 163 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are clear,
some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously. When you
are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often helps you to
make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy with later in life.
- 164 -
In a moment you will be in the small hallway. In front of you will be
the transit door. Step through the door and you will be in an alternate
universe. This universe holds one of your twin selves. A self who only
knows success in all things. Everything this self does is successful
because this self has the rhythm of success. That’s what you want to
take back to this reality, the rhythm of success.
At this time think about something that you will be doing tomorrow.
Something simple — it could be as simple as walking around the block,
or going to the store to purchase something, or playing a game on
your computer, or looking something up on your computer. Imagine
that tomorrow you are going to look something up on the computer,
it’s a name, the name is “coue.” That’s c o u e, search for that name and
do a little research. You will be successful. That will be taking advantage
of the success rhythm you will bring back from this particular jump, the
jump into blissful success.
and then you will jump, on your own, to your own twin self who is
Coue and who developed the system that the world uses to such
advantage. His bywords and mantra was better and better and those
will be your twin self’s ticket to blissful success. Coue’s blissful mantra
is, “every day and in every way I’m getting better and better.”
- 165 -
In a moment I will count from 1 to 3, and at the count of 3 you will
mentally project yourself to the small hallway and you will be standing
in front of the transit door.
1, 2, 3. You are now in front of the transit door. Imagine it, know that it
is there, visualize a door in front of you, the transit door. On the other
be imagined is, on the other side of that door. It only requires your
intent to take you to the right place, and to be with the twin self who
works in the happiest of places that you want for yourself.
During this jump, you will imagine the door opening and then you will
jump through the door and be with in a room with your twin self who
day in every way I’m getting better and better.” Your twin self has always
been successful in every endeavor for that self truly believes that every
day is better than the last, and things always get better and better.
And now it is time for the transit door to open. 1, 2...the door is
opening... 3,the door is open. On the other side of that door is your
twin self and Emil Coue. Observe them interacting. Your twin self is a
friend of Coue. They are both very successful. What are they saying?
What are they advising you?
- 166 -
Pause for 20 seconds.
For now you are an observer. Listen as they speak. They will be talking
about you, your career, your aspirations, your goals; and they will speak
of how to attain success in your career.
Pause for 20 seconds.
Now get a sense that you are walking up to your twin self and then
merge with that self to get into the success rhythm.
Pause for 30 seconds.
on this side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the
door, back in this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you will
open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you did
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before, back with the rhythm of an ideal you.
- 167 -
chapter 6
jump into a happy home
Introduction to Jump Into a Happy Home
The principles of energy, the laws of attraction, and simple good luck
can all be seen from an alternate perspective that is as ancient as the
pyramids — that belief being the study of how the natural forces of
wind and water affect the human tide of events. This force is known
as Feng Shui. Feng Shui brings order to the home, and by extension
to the reality of all who live in that home. An understanding of this
principle along with the knowledge of how the cosmic energy ebbs
The Feng Shui, or wind and water, is a perfect description of the
cosmic force when represented in the mind. The manner in which we
will be using the Feng Shui principles is simply to achieve a harmonious
home atmosphere.
Picture a great lake of placid, motionless water. The surface is peaceful
and calm, undisturbed. Along comes an energy force in the form
of a breeze — the water moves slightly, ripples appear. The energy
increases and the breeze freshens, turning into a wind, the surface of
the water is agitated — more ripples appear. The wind grows stronger
and the lake is churned and jarred into peaks and valleys of water. The
force of energy feeds on itself and the wind becomes a storm. Wild
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appears and the waves hurl great puddles of mist and water into the
air as though the liquid droplets were trying to merge with the wind.
That is Feng Shui manifesting on a planetary level. This work you are
now hearing will show you how this relates to all things in your life,
and how you may control the forces of energy that directly affect you.
Energies created by any of the elements often have far reaching effects
that are impossible to relate to cause. Feng Shui, when used with
water, a fan, a stone, a faded photo of an old love, or the placement of
ordinary items to create an extraordinary energy force.
When you follow a pattern created by your intent, you will be setting
in the direction you wish to go.
what does that mean? With Feng Shui we come to see the wind as the
ultimate energy of the planet. Off-planet there is no wind, nor is there
any water and so the concept would be one for an occupied planet, for
without wind and water there can be no life. Wind represents energy,
as does water. The wind generates electrical current when there is
a windmill to harness the power. Water, through the damming and
harnessing process is where most of the world gets its power. Wind and
water are energy producers.
- 170 -
The great principle of correspondence says ‘as above so below, as
below so above.’ As it is on the physical plane, so it is on the mental
plane. On the physical plane wind and water are energy forms, that’s
science. On the mental plane, wind and water are patterns of energy
waiting to be harnessed, that’s Feng Shui.
The object of Feng Shui is to give direction to not only the wind and
an energy that is released through the use of Feng Shui. The objective
of the Feng Shui practitioner is to harmonize the components and in so
The Feng Shui practitioner is much like a musical conductor. The
instruments are there but until a balance and unity is achieved there
can be no concert. Even when all the components are in place and the
musicians are reading the same music, without a conductor, whose
intent is to unify the elements, there would be a mélange of sound. To
turn the confusion into a balanced, harmonious work, the conductor
conducts the orchestra creating a pleasing, harmonious sound that
everyone may enjoy. Then, and only then, is a concert created.
Music is a form of energy, as are all things. Sound is an element of the
physical plane. A piano constructed of wood and mineral matter is an
instrument of potential energy that is released as the keys are struck.
- 171 -
The Feng Shui concert is that of life.
which is multiplied by the energy of the wind, while water and earth
while releasing the nuggets of mineral content. Wind moves water
about, but is blocked by a building constructed of elements of the earth.
All elements are affected in some manner by all other elements, and by
the growth and disintegration process of life — whether it be animal,
vegetable, or mineral. It is the task of Feng Shui to unify this process,
disintegrating the unwanted, and integrating that which is desired.
Metaphoric Design, as used in Quantum Jumping, is using the power
of intent to create a pattern with furniture, the elements, pictures,
and accessories. The pattern becomes a metaphor that you create. It
must be uniquely yours. You must have in mind a particular project
when you build your metaphor. A metaphoric design can be built with
furniture in any room of your home — with pictures and paintings,
with wallpaper, with books and accessories, with paraphernalia on the
top of your desk, with the plates and silverware on your dining table,
even with the food in your plate.
You may create a circular energy metaphor, an ellipse or a rectangle,
you choose. You will visit a twin self who will create a design with just
- 172 -
those elements. As example: say that you have a desire to create a
metaphor in your living room for interesting conversations. You have
guests coming over and you wish to use the energies of the Feng Shui
for a pleasant and entertaining evening.
While thinking about a pleasant evening, you move the couch to a
different position, then you place a coffee table near the arm of the
couch. You move a chair next and then another. A picture is placed
so that your guests can see it if they turn their heads to the right. You
change the entire room around, all the while thinking about your
interesting evening. Your intention is to build the energy for interest.
That is metaphoric design. The beauty of Quantum Jumping is that all
that has been done for you. During the jumps, you will be with your
twin self who has solved the riddle of Feng Shui, and by following
design and after merging and coming back to this reality, you will do it
yourself and thereby create your happy home.
And during the green clean jump you will visit a twin self in a world
that has solved the problems of the environment. That entire world has
been metaphorically designed.
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Preparation to Jump Into Clutter-Free
Is there any clutter in the room? If there is, it must be removed. That is
absolute. If it’s trash, throw it out. If it’s storage, store it.
Clutter is negative, storage is positive. But do not store it in the living
room; store it in a corner of the garage or a store room.
Clutter under your bed may well cause health problems. Clear all
things from under the bed and store them elsewhere.
this the breath of the room. Every room breathes. Closing up the room
stops the breath, clutter stops the breath. After removing clutter, open
your doors and windows to the room. Let it get its breath back.
Closet clutter is something most people have to deal with. One of the
important things you can do to begin to energize your home is to clear
your closets — all of them. It’s work. Yes it is, but it will more than pay
haven’t worn for years, get rid of them. They represent stagnation and
decay. Give them away, sell them, throw them away, but clear your
closets. That includes your food storage areas. If you have things in
- 174 -
your freezer that have been there for years, throw them out — same in
the canned goods section. Start fresh.
Avoid purchasing a used bed. Never buy a used mattress. The energies
of a bed stick through the life of the bed. Same goes for used couches
and chairs. Unless you know who owned the furniture prior to yourself.
consider waiting and purchasing new. Used furniture may have been
cluttering up the other people’s house and you are just taking on their
clutter. During the next jump you will see how your twin self did it.
- 175 -
Jump Into Clutter-Free
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 176 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind. You
can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 177 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better.
I can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at ease.
Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the alpha
level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are clear,
some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously. When you
are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often helps you to
make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy with later in life.
- 178 -
During the clutter-free home jump you will be observing a twin self
who lives in a home the exact duplicate of yours — with one exception.
The rooms are identical, but there is not a scrap of clutter in any of the
rooms. The closets are immaculate, the kitchen is almost like a model
kitchen, the bathrooms are spotless, there are no bits and pieces of
clothes or anything else under the beds, and everything is in perfect
order. You will visit of few of your twin self’s rooms and, after merging,
have the motivation to bring about the positive energies necessary for
your present reality.
In a moment I will count from 1 to 3, and at the count of 3 you will
mentally project yourself to the small hallway and you will be standing
in front of the transit door.
1, 2, 3. You are now in front of the transit door. Imagine it, know that
it is there — visualize a door in front of you, the transit door. On the
can be imagined is, on the other side of that door. It only requires your
intent to take you to the right place, and to be with the twin self who
has the clutter-free environment that you want for yourself.
During this jump, you will imagine the door opening and then you will
jump, or step through the door and be with your twin self who will be
in the exact duplicate of the living room of your home except it will be
a clutter-free room.
- 179 -
And now it is time for the transit door to open. 1, 2...the door is
opening... 3,the door is open. On the other side of that door is your
twin self. Jump over the threshold and visit with your twin self.
You are in the living room of your home. It’s the exact way your own
living room is furnished, but there is no clutter anywhere. Examine the
room, the furnishings, what is on the walls, where are the windows.
Pause for 20 seconds.
For now you are an observer. Watch your twin self walk around the
room, pointing things out.
Now leave the living room and go into the kitchen. It’s the exact
duplicate of your kitchen but nothing is out of place and it is clutter-free.
Pause for 20 seconds.
Now go into the bedroom and note how clutter-free it is. Look under
the bed, clutter-free; look into the closet, clutter-free.
Pause for 20 seconds.
- 180 -
And now explore the rest of the house, including the carport or garage.
Everything is free of clutter.
Now back to the living room. Walk up to your twin self and merge.
Now that you have merged and gotten into the rhythm of that self you
may come back to this reality.
Now I will count from 1 to 3 and you will be back on this side of the
transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the door, back in this
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3. At that moment you will
open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you did
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before, back with the rhythm of an ideal you.
- 181 -
Preparation to Jump Into Feng Shui Guru
Your Feng Shui guru is that twin self who has been immersed in all
the concepts of metaphoric energy, the driving force behind all Feng
Shui concepts. Your Feng Shui twin self guru fully understands that the
primary moving force behind the success of the position of individual
desk only have power to change when placed with intent.
The intention of the person placing the items creates the degree of
energy that ultimately manifest into the desired effect. Whatever effect
you want to achieve your twin self guru, has the proper intention.
Before you jump into your Feng Shui guru twin self, think about what
you intend for this jump. Our overall expectation for this series is a
happy home so let that be your intent. When doing the jump on your
own, however, you can use your Feng Shui guru twin self to accomplish
anything — anything that you have a strong intention, for that is. So
now, what is your intent for this jump? A happy home? Good, let’s do
it. Visit your Feng Shui guru who is creating a metaphoric design for a
happy home.
- 182 -
Jump Into Feng Shui Guru
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 183 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 184 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
- 185 -
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life.
Soon you will jump to a universe where your twin self is a Feng Shui
Guru who teaches others the art, and who is an expert in the concept
of metaphoric design. After your jump, you will be with your twin self
who will move some of the things in your room around to start the
are already in your home. Perhaps starting with the living room.
In a moment I will count from 1 to 3, and at the count of 3 you will
mentally project yourself to the small hallway and you will be standing
in front of the transit door.
1, 2, 3. You are now in front of the transit door. Imagine it, know that
it is there — visualize a door in front of you, the transit door. On the
can be imagined is, on the other side of that door. It only requires your
intent to take you to the right place, and to be with the twin self who
will be in your living room as it is now.
During this jump you will imagine the door opening and then you will
jump, or step through the door and be with your twin self who will be
in the exact duplicate of the living room of your home.
- 186 -
And now it is time for the transit door to open. 1, 2...the door is
opening... 3, the door is open. On the other side of that door is your
twin self. Jump over the threshold and visit with your twin self. Imagine
that you are in your living room. The furniture and everything else in
the room is as it is. Imagine that you are standing at the entrance to
the room. Look to the left, what’s on the left wall? Now look to the
right, what’s on the right wall? What’s in front of you?
To use metaphoric design, you must move things around with the
intention of having a happy home. That’s what your twin self is doing
right now. Imagine your twin self moving things. Could be small things
such as magazines, newspapers, books, anything that’s just lying
around. But your twin self is moving these things with the intention of
creating a happy home.
Observe your twin self moving things in your living room. Perhaps
putting things in a pattern. It could be a triangular pattern, it could be
square or circular, or it could just be a line or whatever. It is being done
with intention. The intent is to create a happy home, a happy atmosphere.
Observe your twin self, who is an expert in metaphoric design position
Take your time, I will be silent for a while.
Pause for 40 seconds.
- 187 -
And now imagine walking up to your twin self and merging with that
self, and now instead of observing, you are doing.
Relax. Very good.
Now that you have merged and gotten into the rhythm of that self you
may come back to this reality.
Now I will count from 1 to 3, and you will be back on this side of
the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the door, back in
this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3. At that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before, back with the rhythm of an ideal you.
- 188 -
Preparation to Jump Into the Green Clean
And now we come to a universe, and a world that everyone would love
to be in permanently — the green clean universe and Bubble Dome
cities. Within the Domes, each of the 13 months of the year of the
green clean universe have 4 seasons. Every 7 days the season changes,
spring, summer, autumn and winter each last 7 days within the Dome.
Each Bubble Dome is an environmentally-friendly world where solar
power is the primary means of energy.
Your twin self lives in one of the bubble dome cities. Limited to one
million people in each of the bubble dome cities, the bubble dome
extends over the entire city — enclosing it. Outside the city is Farmland,
the green natural forest, mountain ocean islands and landscape where
thirty percent of the planet’s occupants choose to live. This is your
place of greatest attraction, the ideal planet; green and clean.
Create your own bubble city or farmland if you so choose. Remember,
Jumping. Imagine the bubble dome city, supplied with food by the
surrounding farmlands, with power coming only from the sun and the
environment controlled. Four seasons of perfect weather with a storm
once in a while for excitement — but with a difference.
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In the Bubble Domes there are 13 months in a year, each month has
4 seasons of 7 days each. Farmland, however, has seasons of 91 days
each. Visit your twin self in the green clean universe and enjoy the visit.
Not just for recreation but anytime you are bored or fed up with this
reality, visit your green clean twin self and gather the rhythm every
now and again. You’ll be the better for it.
- 190 -
Jump Into the Green Clean
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 191 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 192 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
your mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do
touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving
for success in something. Each time you are programmed for the
Bagha, it is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The
Bagha is a means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
- 193 -
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life.
in idyllic conditions. Remember that whatever can be imagined, is, in
many of those universes; idyllic planets beyond counting with your
twin selves living there. To visit a twin self in a green clean universe is
to refresh your psyche — your consciousness. During this jump, you
this universe your twin self lives on a planet that is ecologically perfect.
What would that be? Remember whatever you can imagine, is, in an
There is no unemployment in either the bubble domes, or the farmland.
Some people prefer to ranch or farm, others prefer city life. Whatever
you prefer, you have a twin self who is living that life. After visiting your
twin self in the bubble dome city you will visit another twin self who
lives in the farmland. All energy is from the sun and everyone has a
sun engine that they receive their energy for lighting, holographic TVs,
movies, and every other mechanism that requires energy. Vehicles all
operate through solar power, as do all means of transportation.
Your twin self is the same age as you are, has the same friends and the
- 194 -
same family members. The big difference is that your twin self lives in
a bubble dome city. An environmentally perfect town of one million
people. The major difference between the bubble dome and the city of
your present reality, is that the bubble dome city is weather controlled
by a master station. The 13 months of the year in this universe are
divided into four parts, with summer coming every 7 days followed
by 7 days of autumn followed by 7 days of winter followed by 7 days
of spring. At the end of the year is Eventide Day, the 365th day of the
year when there is a huge celebration and all the bubble domes have a
perfect climate day.
Outside the bubble domes in the farmland, there are also 13 months
of 28 days each, with Eventide day on the 365th day of the year — but
instead of the seasons coming every 7 days they come every 90 days.
Many prefer the naturalness of the farmland and some, like yourself, go
occasionally from bubble dome to farmland.
For now, visit with your twin self in the bubble dome. Take your time,
have a mental conversation if you like. Ask questions if you like. I will
be silent for a while. After observing merge with your bubble dome
twin self.
Relax. Fine, now it is time to visit with your twin self in farmland. It could
be in the mountains, by the ocean, on a prairie, a ranchland, anything
you can imagine, it will be outside of the dome city. But there is constant
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coming and going both by farmland dwellers coming into the domes
to vacation, or domers going into the farmland. I will count from 1 to 3
and at the count of 3 you will be with your twin self in Farmland.
1, 2, 3. You are now with your twin self in farmland. Visit for awhile.
Take your time, have a mental conversation if you like. Ask questions
if you like. I will be silent for a while. After observing merge with your
farmland twin self.
on this side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the
door, back in this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before.
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Preparation to Jump Into Home Harmony
Harmony is agreement. When you have harmony in the home all the
people in that home are in agreement about the major things that
affect the home. Harmony is a relationship with the home; a good
needs and the needs of everyone else in the home there is harmony;
the need for sleep, the bathroom for cleansing oneself both inside and
for eating and conversation and the garage for vehicles.
the home. Discord comes about, as example, when sleeping in the
living room, eating in the bedroom, washing oneself in the kitchen or
socializing in the bathroom. The harmonious home is a home where
If there is anything in your home that you are not comfortable with,
change it. The laws and principles of Feng Shui tell us that by placing
items in each room with intent, the energy becomes harmonious.
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your dining room table in a pleasing triangular pattern thinking while
you are doing that, that the pattern is for harmony while eating. That
harmony in your home. You will soon visit a twin self who harmonizes
the home with intent and patterns.
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Jump Into Home Harmony
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 199 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 200 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
- 201 -
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life.
You have a twin self whose home is in perfect harmony. What would
you imagine a home in perfect harmony would be? First of all there
would be no clutter about. No books or magazines out of place. No
clothing strewn about, no dirty dishes in the kitchen, beds made and
neat, wall coverings and pictures nicely placed nothing under the bed.
At this time think of what it is that you need from your home. If you lived
in the desert your home might be a tent to keep out the sun, living
on the ocean a boat may be your home and you would need different
things than the twin self of the desert. Living in the city the home of
your twin self might be proximity to a school, or a business, hospital, or
restaurants. People have different needs arising from their homes.
Before you jump, consider what it is that you need from your home
that you don’t have at present. Is it proximity to some thing or place? Is
it size? Is it the number of rooms? A pool? What is it that you would add
or subtract from your home to bring in a greater sense of harmony?
In a moment you will jump to a twin self who has all the things that are
lacking in your present home. By observing how your twin self goes
about a house in perfect harmony you can bring back the rhythm of that
home and attract the harmonious relationship that you are looking for.
- 202 -
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and a door will appear in front of you,
the transit door. 1, 2, 3. Imagine now that there is a door in front of
you. This is the transit point, the jumping off place to get you wherever
universes is a twin self who lives in a home of perfect harmony.
1, 2, 3. The door is opening, and now just jump through it. Imagine
that you are in your home, but in a different universe. It’s the home of
your twin self, and although it is a duplicate of your home in this reality
it is a home in perfect harmony. Note how your twin self has arranged
everything. You may even speak to your twin self and ask how the
harmonious relationship between self and home came about.
View the scene as an observer only.
What would your home be like if it were in perfect harmony?
Observe the kitchen, the living room, the bedroom, the bathroom, note
what’s on the walls and note the accessories.
Once again, speak to your twin self.
- 203 -
Imagine walking around the home in perfect harmony with your twin
self. Imagine other people who live in the home, or who visit the home
remarking how good it feels to be there.
After observing the scene walk up to your twin self and merge. It only
takes a moment but that moment of merger allows you to absorb the
rhythm of your twin self who lives in a home harmony atmosphere.
Silence, one minute.
on this side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the
door, back in this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before.
- 204 -
chapter 7
jump into
spiritual connection
Introduction to Jump Into Spiritual Connection
“the spirit?” Common beliefs in what happens to the spirit of the
individual after one leaves this plane of existence is that there is some
sort of reward in store, or in some cases punishment — but when you
use your sense of logic you see that the notion doesn’t really make sense.
Let’s take a common belief: that in the spiritual plane you receive your
reward, and that forevermore you have all that you want, whether the
generally thinking, things are of a material nature, and if they do appear
magically on the spirit plane they will be tenuous at best. Imagine that
you have been given all that you desire and will have it forever. Now
we come into the great problem, because forever is a long time.
As a matter of fact it’s really no time; it’s ever, for ever. So you have
then another ten years... Well, it may be getting boring after twenty
years but now you may pick something else as a reward, do that for
twenty years, and twenty more, and a hundred more. Wow, after a few
hundred years that too will get kind of wearisome. How about having
it a thousand years? Ten thousand? How about being involved with the
same thing for a hundred thousand years? A million? After all, this is
eternity, and a million years is just a drop in the bucket of time.
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Beginning to get the problem?
But Quantum Jumping can show you the way through memory — and
memory requires experience. With Quantum Jumping, you gain a bit
of the experience as to what is awaiting you on the other side. With
Quantum Jumping you can experience it all, now. Because when you
jump, you are jumping into the now. It may seem as though you go to
the past, or the future, or to another time or place, but it’s happening
now and so it’s all now — you have transcended time. Therein lies the
and you will get the idea of everything being now.
And what a platter of choices are waiting for you. Here in the physical,
you utilize the power of your mind — but once you fully enter the spirit
only then you begin to get the idea that perhaps eternity is a necessary
part of the equation. And because you have utilized the power of
that you would have normally had to go through. How can I possibly
know this? Because it’s logical. So let us pursue this concept a bit
further, and to lock it in, I will guide you through four meditations that
will bring you closer to the dimension of the spirit, the plane that you
will eventually be in permanently. Those will be the spirit of the heart,
the spirit of energy, the centered spirit, and the spirit of inner peace.
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All things are composed of energy. That’s science. Energy can best
be understood when we view it as a vibration. The easiest way to
understand this is through music. Music is all vibratory. As example,
take a guitar string or a piano wire. The A note in the mid range
vibrates at 880 hertz. A hertz is a unit of vibration or frequency that is
equal to one cycle per second so that 880 hertz is 880 vibrations per
second. 440 is also an A, but on a lower octave. That’s the physical
plane – all things on the physical plane vibrate or move.
You can see that when you visualize an atom. The atom has a nucleus
with electrons swirling around it. All matter consists of atoms,
movement — therefore all things vibrate or move. A radio wave has a
low vibration whereas an x-ray is at the near high end of the vibratory
scale. When you reach the high point of the physical you come into
the low point of the mental scale; that’s due to your thoughts having
a vibration as well. The gross thoughts are the lowest vibration while
thoughts of however you envision God have the highest vibration; on
the mental scale. The highest vibrations of the mental plane are equal
to the lowest vibrations of the spiritual plane. Your thoughts of God,
or angels or whatever higher power you envision creates the highest
vibrations of the mental scale.
When you meditate and concentrate on a higher power, on God say, you
are automatically vibrating at a high mental level and close to the lowest
levels of the spiritual plane. Here is where the meditator leaves the
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The best minds of the Quantum Physicists accept that there is an
that there will never be a way to reach any of those universes on the
physical plane. Oh, they will agree that you can visualize a different you
on an alternate universe, but that don’t place you there — or does it?
There is an ancient principle known as the principle of correspondence
which states “As above so below, as below so above.” We take this
to mean as it is on the physical so it is on the mental, as it is on the
mental, so it is on the physical. That being so, as it is on the mental
spiritual plane and can be accessed by the initiate.
After developing your jumping expertise, you will be very close to
operating on the spiritual plane. The more you utilize the resource
of quantum jumping, the closer you get to developing the skill so
that when you do arrive totally on the spirit plane you will be familiar
with the fact, as it will be a fact on that plane. You have the resources
available to you of the experience of every person on earth, in every
time period, every culture and age. It’s all there at your beck and call.
As you develop your imagination on the mental plane, you will carry
that forward with you on the spiritual plane. Even though this is an
immense advantage to you it is not the thing that will help you the
most on this, the physical plane of existence. Here we are involved with
things of a physical nature, matter and such. But in addition to things,
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material things, there is also many psychological things to contend
with such as attitude, relationships, courage, faith and so on that are
not involved with matter, but with the emotional side of things.
To sum it up, all things have a vibration, which means that things on
all three levels vibrate. Whatever the vibration represents will always
manifest as that thing. 880 hertz on the musical scale will produce the
sound of A every single time. The same goes for physical and mental
vibrations. Negative thinking, fear, anger, apprehension all have a
low vibration on the mental level. Positive thinking, faith, forgiveness,
courage and action have a high vibration on the mental level. These
can all be controlled by attitude and actions.
Now you may ask, “What advantage is there to going to the spiritual
level at this time?” There are many advantages, not the least of which
is to eliminate pain or a physical problem you may have. To begin the
experience you should be prepared to jump to the spiritual level to
overcome a problem, once you have done that and have experienced
the energy level of the spirit plane you should visit it every day. It often
strengthens the immune system and charges up the attitude so that
you will be attracting only the good things to you, only those things
that will help you to stay on the right path.
The following module is the spiritual jump and will help to change
your energy level, or vibration if you will, to the one best suited for
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you at this time. The energy, or vibrations of this one will set you up
prior to every other jump you may take. It’s almost a guarantee that
if you will meditate every morning before starting your day, whatever
occupation or profession you are involved with, your days will improve.
many people strive for but few achieve.
The following modules are designed to take you to the spiritual level
and to start those things in motion. All you have to do is to follow
along with my voice. You may listen to this during your morning
meditation until you are comfortable doing it without the need to
every morning.
After using our standard method of guiding you to the meditation
level of mind I will guide you through the doorway and into the light
of the spiritual dimension. Just listen to my voice and go along with
the suggestions. You may imagine that you are surrounded with light.
Similar to a bright fog. The bright fog of light will surround you. It will
be above, around and below. You will breath in the fog of light and
arrived at the dimension of the spirit.
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Preparation to Jump Into Open Heart
The heart is generally seen to be the center of love and empathy.
An open heart is one that allows entry to those of like thinking. It’s
been said that goodness is an abundance of empathy while evil is
a lack of empathy. A heart that is open to the spiritual energies of
others can see the world from the perspective of good will; an open
heart can understand the other persons thinking even when in total
disagreement. Look at the open heart as a gatherer of the feelings and
Once gathered, you can then transfer your own feelings and emotions
back to the person to help them have a better life. This is done by
jumping to the spiritual dimension and visiting your twin self who has
such an abundance of empathy you are practically sucked into the twin
self’s merging.
The lowest vibration of the spiritual dimension is the highest of the
mental. The light of the mental at the highest vibration is bright, white
light. The lowest level of the spiritual dimension produces a brighter,
whiter light — too bright to see anything in. Brighter than the sun at
high noon in mid summer you cannot look at the spiritual light but
the spiritual dimension you will visit a universe of the spirit. A planet
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where all beings are at a higher level of spirit. Your twin self will be a
spiritual self and may not be seen as a full person, but more as a fog of
bright light but whatever you sense your twin self will help you attain
the open heart you are seeking after the merger.
- 213 -
Jump Into Open Heart
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 214 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 215 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
- 216 -
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life.
In a moment, you will jump to the twin self who is in spirit. Who resides
in a universe situated in the spiritual universe, a universe beyond even
imagination. In this universe you will be engulfed by light. You will
not be able to view your doppelgänger twin self as the light of the
spiritual dimension permeates everything with brightness and energy.
The light doesn’t come from the sun star but is in every molecule of
the dimension and comes from everywhere. There are no shadows,
only a brightness. But within the bright, the fog like bright, there is an
intelligence that touches all who are bathed by it.
Your twin self in this universe knows you are coming and will appear as
all creatures. When you merge with this self you will yourself feel an
abundance of good will and empathy for all creatures, great and small.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and a door will appear in front of you,
the transit door. 1, 2, 3. Imagine now that there is a door in front of
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you. This is the transit point, the jumping off place to get you wherever
your intent directs you to go. Your intent this time is to go to the
spiritual universe and visit a spirit twin self. Beyond the door there are
and empathy.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and at the count of 3 the door
will open and you will jump or step through it; whatever you’re
comfortable doing. You will then be immersed in a bright, white, fog
like brightness. To bright for direct viewing. Imagine that; know that
you are there.
1, 2, 3. The door is opening, and now just jump through it and imagine
being in brightness.
but just a bit darker looking.
1, 2, 3. You are now with your spiritual self. You may hear words of
wisdom from this self if you just stay in the light and open your mind.
Look in the direction of where your spiritual twin self is and simply
allow yourself to be immersed in the bright, white light. Take your time.
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I will allow you plenty of time.
Now sense that self and merge with that self. After merging you may
From now on you will feel differently towards many others as you
become more empathetic and open-hearted.
empathy, goodness and an open heart. That was good. Now I will
count from 1 to 3 and you will be back on this side of the transit door.
1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the door, back in this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before.
- 219 -
Preparation to Jump Into Energetic Connection
One aspect of energy is the ability to do things. When you want to do
something, and you are motivated by a desire to get the thing done
develop that energy? The very young are loaded with it. It’s as though
they were plugged into an energy socket and so much of it comes
through that they can’t stand or sit still.
On the spiritual dimension energy is in the very air, as the light
that is everywhere is energy. The bright light you encounter when
entering the spiritual universe is energy and every one who enters its
atmosphere is permeated by it. Spiritual entities are energy entities.
When you go to the spiritual dimension via the avenue of a quantum
jump, even though mentally there, your intent helps to create the
atmosphere of energy in the light that will surround you and there is
an instant connection.
Simply by visiting your twin spiritual self who lives with that energy and
then merging, you make the connection more of a permanent nature
and should feel an immediate difference in your wellbeing.
- 220 -
Jump Into Energetic Connection
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 221 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 222 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
- 223 -
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life.
In a moment you will jump to a different universe, a different
dimension, the spiritual dimension. There you will encounter light —
great white brilliant bright light. A kind of light that you have never
before imagined. It is the light of the spirit.
The Spiritual dimension is a dimension and a universe of light, great
white, brilliant, bright light. So bright that a person from the physical
universes cannot see anything but the bright, to bright to see light.
Your twin self however, who is a spiritual being in this jump, can see all,
can see right into you, can see everything that has ever happened to
you, and can see everything that will happen to you. Your spirit twin
self is also aware of all the choices that you have made and of all the
tributaries in the stream of your life that could have been. That is the
view your spiritual twin has of you and of your world.
When you meld with this self, your twin self will only allow you to
gather the rhythm that you are capable of handling. When you merge
with this twin spiritual self just relax and allow yourself to be engulfed
by the rhythm and energy of your twin self. It promises to be an
extraordinary positive experience that will be with you always. You
- 224 -
may come back and do this meditation whenever you feel you need a
boost in energy. And now for this, the ultimate energy connection.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and a door will appear in front of you,
the transit door. 1, 2, 3. Imagine now that there is a door in front of
you. This is the transit point, the jumping off place to get you wherever
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and at the count of 3 the door
will open and you will jump or step through it; whatever you’re
comfortable doing. You will then observe.
1, 2, 3. The door is opening, and now just jump through it. View the
scene as an observer only. Observe the light. Allow the light to saturate
your very being.
Relax. Take your time.
Imagine that you immersed in bright light. Bright, brilliant white light.
A fog of light. Like a blanket of light. Just imagine being in a fog of
bright, bright, to bright to look at light.
- 225 -
Now imagine that in front of you is a bit of a displacement of the light.
An outline, a shadowy outline of a person. It is your spiritual twin self.
beckoning to you. Listen and you may hear words. Helpful words. Your
spiritual twin self is like your angel, there to help you with energy;
connecting you to the universal, spiritual energy.
Relax. And just enjoy the feeling of the spiritual dimension. I will be
energetic source of energy.
And now go closer to your spiritual twin and merge.
Feel the rhythm of your spiritual twin self as you receive the energetic
good. Now I will count from 1 to 3 and you will be back on this side of
the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the door, back in
this dimension.
- 226 -
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before.
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Preparation to Jump Into Your Spirit Center
There are three basic forms of consciousness: the physical, the mental,
and the spiritual. The greatest mystery of all is of course the spiritual
consciousness. To be conscious of something however is to be aware of
it, and although we speak about the spiritual, and virtually all the world
is involved with things spiritual virtually no one knows one single thing
about it. It is all based on belief, tradition, hope and trust.
However, through the resource of Quantum Jumping you can now
actually jump into the spiritual dimension via our interpretation of the
but a love like none you can imagine. There in your spirit center is the
love of the universe — the all encompassing love of the almighty, or
however your upbringing and mentors call the master of the universes,
God. There in the spirit center is a longing and love that you will feel as
you have never felt it before.
Prior to jumping to your spirit center, be certain that you are ready
for this intense emotional experience. The love that you will feel
encompasses not only the love for spiritual and those gone before you
but for family friends, acquaintances, and indeed all the world that
you know. So prepare yourself because when you jump into the spirit
center you will be engulfed by an emotion so powerful you will want to
to the meditation necessary for this profound jump.
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Jump Into Your Spirit Center
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 229 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 230 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
- 231 -
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life.
For now, the choice that you are making is to jump into your spirit
center. To go to the spiritual dimension, that universe that consists
of the spirit, and then go to the spirit center, a place of universal, all
encompassing love.
Just relax and prepare yourself for a total, stress free environment
where there are no cares, no troubles, no stress; only good, positive,
loving energies.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and a door will appear in front of you,
the transit door. 1, 2, 3. Imagine now that there is a door in front of
you. This is the transit point, the jumping off place to get you wherever
count from 1 to 3 and at the count of 3 the door will open and you will
jump or step through it; whatever you’re comfortable doing. You will
then observe a brightness; a bright fog-like light. Intense in brightness.
To bright to see anything except the light.
- 232 -
1, 2, 3. The door is opening, and now just jump through it. View the
scene as an observer only. Observe the light. Allow the light to saturate
your very being.
Relax. Take your time.
Imagine that you immersed in bright light. Bright, brilliant white light.
A fog of light. Like a blanket of light. Just imagine being in a fog of
bright, bright, too bright to look at light.
Now imagine that in front of you is a bit of a displacement of the light.
A vortex of light that is even brighter than the light that surrounds you.
Imagine that you are moving slowly toward the vortex of light. It is like
an eddy of light, a whirlpool of light, as you get closer you begin to
feel the loving energies of the spirit. The closer you get to the vortex
the more you feel the loving energies.
Relax. And just enjoy the feeling of the spiritual dimension. And now go
closer to the vortex and merge with it. I will be quiet for awhile as you
Feel the rhythm of love and peace as the light permeates your very being.
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good. Now I will count from 1 to 3 and you will be back on this side of
the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the door, back in
this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before.
- 234 -
Preparation to Jump Into Inner Peace
And now we come to a jump that you will surely appreciate: the
jump into inner peace. For the initial jump, you will be jumping to
a family member or friend who has passed on and is now in the
spiritual dimension.
dimensions, and many of your family members’ twin selves and the
family members themselves now residing. It is highly recommended
that you visit your most loved ones, who have passed on — do that
every now and again to speak about all those things that should have
been said by them to you and by you to them. With the jump into
inner peace you can do that. Nothing gives greater pleasure than
to have a peaceful conversation with a passed on loved one in the
spiritual dimension and talk things over. This can be done immediately
on the demise of the family member, or even years later.
All those things you wish you had said, and all those things that the
family member should have said can now be said and heard and
nothing in this world will bring you more inner peace than resolving
all those problems and situations that had risen after the passing of
the loved one.
As always, prior to the actual jump, you want to be totally concentrative
and in the meditation zone of consciousness. That relaxed state of
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mind, and your intention to visit with the loved one who has passed
over into the spiritual realm enables you to jump directly to the right
place. Yes the bright light will still be there but you will be able to
see and to hear your loved one. So then, just relax, make yourself
comfortable and enjoy the peace and tranquility the jump into inner
peace will bring to you.
- 236 -
Jump Into Inner Peace
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 237 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 238 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
- 239 -
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life.
For now the choice that you are making is to jump into the spiritual
universe where your loved one’s who have passed on now reside,
either they themselves or their twin selves who also know you and all
about you. Those on the spiritual dimension see all those things in
their memory and many, if not all, things in your memory. They are
surrounded by the boundless spirit center of peace and good will and
love. They love and they are loved. They cannot visit you unbidden but
you may visit them with a quantum jump into the spiritual realm.
When you make this jump do so with the intent to visit not your own
twin self at this time but your loved one who has passed. Just have
that person in mind either with a mental image of their face, or by
name. For now just relax and prepare yourself for a total, stress free
environment where there are no cares, no troubles, no stress; only
good, positive, loving energies where your loved ones reside.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and a door will appear in front of you,
the transit door. 1, 2, 3. Imagine now that there is a door in front of
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you. This is the transit point, the jumping off place to get you to the
1 to 3 and at the count of 3 the door will open and you will jump or
step through it; whatever you’re comfortable doing. You will then
observe a brightness; a bright foglike light. Intense in brightness. To
bright to see anything except the light. That is the light of the spirit.
1, 2, 3. The door is opening, and now just jump through it. View the
scene as an observer only. Observe the light. Allow the light to saturate
your very being.
Relax. Take your time.
Imagine that you immersed in bright light. Bright, brilliant white light.
A fog of light. Like a blanket of light. Just imagine being in a fog of
bright, bright, too bright to look at light.
Now create an image in your mind of the loved one you wish to meet
and speak with, or think of the name of the loved one. At the count of
3 you will be in the presence of your loved one who has passed on.
1, 2, 3. You are now in the presence of your loved one who has passed
on. Know that to be true. Imagine it. Sense it. Create it. Listen for the
voice of your loved one. Speak about the things you wanted to tell your
- 241 -
loved one but perhaps did not get the chance before now. Listen to your
loved one telling you about things that should have been resolved.
Take your time, you will have plenty of time.
good. Now I will count from 1 to 3 and you will be back on this side of
the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the door, back in
this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before.
- 242 -
chapter 8
jump into life adventure
Introduction to Jump Into Life Adventure
What distinguishes the couch potato from the energetic participant in
life is boredom or monotonous tedium. Ennui (which is the opposite
of energy) simply means that doing nothing protects you from the
perceived dangers that change creates.
Not making decisions that will affect the life style of the individual
becomes a means of living followed by all too many. Some choose going
to seminars to get advice on dealing with the tedium of life; others read
there are always the stimulating movies and TV programs with heroic
couch potato misses the point.
The key to the relief of boredom is a willingness to accept change.
Change is that factor that people fear most when it comes to
unlimbering themselves from the sameness of life. Change involves
the unknown. People who fear change and making any decisions at all
are generally those who have lost faith in themselves and fear making
the wrong choices. They often turn to causes, political, moral or holy –
then the belief in the cause becomes a substitute for the lack of belief
in oneself. The problem with this type of boredom is that fun and the
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popping up as they simply just sit around and vegetate.
Limitations in the form of, “I only deserve so much.” I only deserve so
much in the way of relationships, or money, or health, or fun. When
that happens the abnormal becomes the norm and the undeserving
factors appear in life.
This is why our jumps into life adventure can be so important. Before
you can do a thing, you must create a picture in your mind of you
doing it and with a quantum jump you not only create the picture you
see your twin self living it. That old homily of Rene Descartes “I think,
therefore I am,” quite possibly one of the most famous ascertains ever
uttered, says it very well. You must think before you become.
But not to visit a heroic Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, or James
“they think therefore I am” and so we, through the quantum jump, bring
about the adventure that limits the boredom and world–weariness of
you. You as you might have been with other programming, with other
mentors, with other choices.
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Adventure is generally seen as an exciting experience, sometimes bold,
often with an outcome that is not certain. Adventure can also be a
mission in life with a bit of risk. Adventure always has attached to it
an unknown result. Adventure is always involved with choice and with
a jump into an adventures dream, a gentle but soft breeze that will
take you to the most amazing adventure of all like a ship of life carried
forward with the wind.
- 246 -
Preparation to Jump Into Boundless Excitement
Excitement is the exact opposite of boredom. But excitement means
different things to different people. What does excitement mean
to you? What’s the most exciting thing you can think of? It may be
something you have done in the past, or something you wish you
had done, or it may be something that you are thinking about doing.
Consider that for a moment.
What is it that would be exciting for you that you would like to be
doing? Is it somehow involved with a person, a thing, something to do,
a place to visit, a sport, a physical activity? Your twin self has done, will
do, and is doing that thing right now. When something is boundless,
it’s limitless, has no end – there are very few excitements that have no
limitations attached to them.
But what if? What if there were? And what if you had control over
that excitement that seemed to have no limit, no end? Virtually
everything gets old after a while. The most adventurous thing, when
done again and again, looses its initial excitement. Any thing done
to the exclusion of other things will lose the excitement, but when
you jump into a different excitement with each jump then the very
jumping process itself becomes an adventure. And the adventure is in
the limitless nature of the jump, because whatever you decide on, the
excitement of the adventure will increase if you go to a twin self who is
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successful at the thing you are excited by and then another self who is
not successful at it. That polarity of experience will create a boundless
excitement because you will enjoy the one, and learn from the other.
a thing that excites you.
- 248 -
Jump Into Boundless Excitement
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 249 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 250 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
- 251 -
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life.
chosen a thing that you are excited by, an adventurous experience, one
and be successful with it; whatever it might be. The second twin self
will have the same experience but will fail in some manner and come
away with a negative attitude toward the experience. You will then
choose another experience; a different experience that is exciting
enjoyment of the exciting experience and how much the experience
is enjoyed. The second twin self you visit will also tell you about the
exciting experience but because something bad happened will have an
entirely different attitude towards the experience.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and a door will appear in front of you,
the transit door. 1, 2, 3. Imagine now that there is a door in front of
you. This is the transit point, the jumping off place to get you wherever
universes is the twin self who is going through the experience that you
- 252 -
will visit.
1, 2, 3. The door is opening, and now just jump through it. You are now
with your twin self having an exciting experience. View the scene as an
observer only. This twin self of yours is having a very positive attitude
toward the excitement of the adventure and is enjoying it immensely.
And now a different twin self, I will count from 1 to 3 and at the
count of 3 you will be with a different twin self who is having the
same experience but something of a negative nature is happening
so that your twin self is not enjoying the excitement. This twin self of
yours is having a very negative attitude toward the excitement of the
adventure and dislikes it immensely.
Pause for 20 seconds.
All experiences should have a sense of adventure attached to them.
This is only possible if there is the possibility of disappointment. If you
were an archer and you visited a twin self who only hit the center of the
center ring every single time the sport would totally lose any inherent
excitement. Excitement comes with the possibility of failure. When you
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visit your twin self you also want to visit one who fails every now and
again. The boundless excitement lies in the possibility of being defeated.
And now imagine your twin self who occasionally fails but who works
at it and becomes more successful with every adventure. I’ll count from
1 to 3. At the count of 3 visit your successful twin self and you be the
controlling factor as to the success of failure of the experience.
1, 2, 3. Begin.
Pause for 1 minute.
side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the door,
back in this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you will
open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you did
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before, back with the rhythm of an exciting you.
- 254 -
Preparation to Jump Into Fun Opportunities
What do you consider fun? How often do you have the opportunity to
have fun? When was the last time you can honestly say you had fun?
Here’s a way that practically guarantees you will have the opportunity to
once again have fun. And when you do this jump you will wonder why
you didn’t think of it yourself. The secret is in four words. “Be as a child.”
That’s it. When you were a child you had lots of fun, every child does.
Aside from extremes, children manage to have fun in the cold, in the
heat, in poverty, in wealth, in just about every imaginable situation, get
two or more children together and they will have fun. But you already
know that.
and twin selves that there are twin selves of yours who are children –
and who are having fun in their universe right now. You can observe
your twin young self, and you can join in the fun. After joining the fun,
merge with your child twin self and get the rhythm of fun and bring it
back to this reality. It’ll be fun.
- 255 -
Jump Into Fun Opportunities
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 256 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 257 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
- 258 -
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life.
During this jump you will be visiting with a twin self of your youth. Still
your twin self, but a self much younger, a self who is a child. The twin
self is you, but you at a young age when the world was fresh and every
sight a new discovery and you could play and run and dance and have
fun. Have fun doing different things. Throwing a pebble into a puddle
was fun, climbing trees was fun, playing in the mud was fun. What
other things do you remember doing as a child that was fun? Bring
back that memory.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and a door will appear in front of you,
the transit door. 1, 2, 3. Imagine now that there is a door in front of
you. This is the transit point, the jumping off place to get you wherever
universes is the young twin self of yours who is having fun.
1, 2, 3. The door is opening, and now just jump through it. You are
now with your young twin self watching the fun. View the scene as
- 259 -
an observer only. This twin self of yours is having a lot of fun and is
enjoying it immensely.
What is your young twin self doing? Is it something you remember
doing? Or is it something different. Get a sense of hearing your young
twin self laugh and observe the playing. Are any of your friends there?
Bring some in, watch them all having fun.
Take your time.
Pause for 1 minute.
Now you join in the fun. You as you are now, as an adult. Play and have
fun with your twin self and any friends who are there.
Pause for 20 seconds.
And now move closer to your young twin self and merge. Now you are
younger. Now you are the child. Now you are gathering the rhythm of
a twin self you who has the opportunity to have fun at any time. That’s
the rhythm you will bring back to this reality.
- 260 -
side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the door,
back in this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before, back with the rhythm of fun.
- 261 -
Preparation to Jump Into Exotic Flavors
When something is exotic it is not only different, it is strikingly so.
as there is nothing else like it, and generally unfamiliar to the uninitiated.
someone unfamiliar with the thing, all one can do is to compare the
thing to something the person is familiar with. That is what makes a
quantum jump unique, there is nothing to compare it with. During
this jump you will be tasting things not only with your palate but
with your mind and when you do that you see things, people, events,
and the world as a whole with a stronger mind, a mind in control an
evolved mind.
sixth sense, that of mentally tasting another person’s thoughts. This
jump could very well turn out to be a major turning point in your life.
For now allow yourself to be open to the supposition that you can
indeed open your sense of taste and taste thoughts.
When you jump to the twin self who already has this ability, you will
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you are thinking about buying a car but you don’t know which model.
You think about the car and then you mentally taste it. You compare
the taste with foods that you like or dislike. Say that you love chocolate
ice cream. You think of the model car you want to buy and mentally
taste it, if chocolate ice cream comes to mind you have a winner and
up and you dislike liver and onions, don’t buy the car. Think how well
this could work when going to the race track or picking a stock.
- 263 -
Jump Into Exotic Flavors
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 264 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 265 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are clear,
some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously. When you
are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often helps you to
make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy with later in life.
- 266 -
With this jump you will go to a twin self who has a unique ability,
and comparing it with a positive or a negative you can often predict
whether the thought will have a positive outcome or a negative one.
Sophisticated psychics do this naturally, by observing your twin self
taste thoughts and then merging you will enhance your ability to
utilize this very powerful resource.
In a moment you will jump to the twin self who is most adept at
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and a door will appear in front of
you, the transit door. 1, 2, 3. Imagine now that there is a door in front
of you. This is the transit point, the jumping off place to get you
wherever your intent directs you to go. Beyond the door there are
one of those universes is your twin self who is most skilled in the art
of tasting thoughts to predict a favorable or unfavorable outcome
thereby making more and more correct choices.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and at the count of 3 the door
will open and you will jump or step through it; whatever you’re
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comfortable doing. You will then observe your twin self who uses a
1, 2, 3. The door is opening, and now just jump through it. View the
scene as an observer only.
You are now with your twin self. Imagine it, know that you are there.
Observe your twin self. And now get a sense that your twin self is
explaining to you how to taste your thoughts before you make any
major decisions.
Think now about something that is coming up in this reality, something
that you must make a decision before you take the action. Think about
that. Now imagine you have the ability to taste that thought and then
do so. After tasting the thought how do you feel about the decision to
take the action?
Now imagine your twin self doing the same thing for the same action.
And now merge with your twin self to get the rhythm of the manner in
which the tasting sense is used.
- 268 -
Whenever you have a choice or a decision to make use your sixth
sense, taste the thought.
side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the door,
back in this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before.
- 269 -
Preparation to Jump Into Gentle Breeze
A gentle breeze speaks immediately of something kind and easy and
so that is what this jump will be, a kind jump, and one that is the
easiest of all. Also a breeze that will help you along the sea of life.
Helpful in taking actions, in making good decisions, and having what
everyone ultimately strives for; a good and gentle life. A sail boat at
sea seeks out the wind at every opportunity but the degree of wind is
little and the ship goes nowhere. Every sailor looks for the perfect day
of wind, a gentle breeze.
Those are the best days at sea, the best way to ease into the comfort
of a days sailing. With a gentle breeze the boat moves in the direction
you want it to go and the time at sea is easy, comforting, and calming.
That’s the way that we want life to go as well, just a gentle breeze to
push us along in ease and comfort. No stress, no problems, no cares,
but a calm, good life. With the jump into gentle breeze you are going
to visit your twin self who is metaphorically sailing easily through life.
Your jump will take you to a sailboat, no matter whether you have ever
sailed or not, this sail will represent your journey through life. It’s the
ultimate metaphor and after gathering in the rhythm of your sailor
- 270 -
Jump Into Gentle Breeze
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 271 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 272 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at
ease. Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the
alpha level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can
possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are
clear, some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously.
When you are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often
- 273 -
helps you to make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy
with later in life.
With this jump you will visit a twin self who sails along life’s stream with
ease and with a gentle breeze always there to help. Imagine a twin self
on a sail boat, the sail boat is a metaphor that represents your reality;
life itself. A sail boat with a goal, a destination. Your intention is to get
to that destination helped throughout your journey by a gentle breeze
that carries you forward. After jumping through the transit door you
smile. The boat skims along the water easily just as your life will skim
along easily, pushed forward constantly by the gentle breeze.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and a door will appear in front of you,
the transit door. 1, 2, 3. Imagine now that there is a door in front of
you. This is the transit point, the jumping off place to get you wherever
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and at the count of 3 the door
will open and you will jump or step through it; whatever you’re
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your twin self at the helm.
1, 2, 3. The door is opening, and now just jump through it. View the
scene as an observer only. Imagine now you are on a sail boat with
your twin self. Watch your twin self. Observe your twin self smiling and
Now merge with your twin self and imagine that you are now steering
the boat. Get a sense that you are being pushed along by a gentle
breeze. When you come back to this reality you will bring that rhythm
back with you and from now on everything that you attempt you will
succeed at because you have that gentle breeze always there helping
you along.
Relax. Enjoy the sail. I will be quiet for awhile as you go deeper into the
meditation jump.
side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the door,
back in this dimension.
- 275 -
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before.
- 276 -
chapter 9
integration process
Introduction to Doppelgänger
Integration Process Jump
With this jump you will integrate all your twin selves. All the selves you
visited with every jump you did. Here the entire group will get together
to unite and become, when together, even stronger than before.
After going through the transit door, you will imagine seeing all the
twin selves you visited. You will be with the entire group learning from
them all. Your abundance selves, your healthy selves, your selves with
successful relationships, your career and success selves, your happy
home selves, your spiritual selves and your adventurous selves.
They will be sitting around a gigantic master mind table with you at
the head. Whenever you have a seemingly impossible to solve problem
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Doppelgänger Integration Process Jump
Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and,
as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2 three times.
Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1 three times.
To help you enter the Alpha level of mind, I am going to count from 10
to 1. On every descending number, you will feel yourself going inward
and you will enter a pleasant meditation level of mind, where you will
be able to concentrate fully on one subject.
10–9 feel going deeper
6–deeper and deeper
- 279 -
3–deeper and deeper
You are now at a pleasant level of mind where you are able to
concentrate fully on one subject. At this time, concentrate on my words.
You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind.
You can open your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.
Every time you enter this relaxed state, know that you are getting better
and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation
state, you will mentally say, “Every day, in every day, I’m getting better
and better.” When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all
areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.
Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words,
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
Relax. Relax your eyes. Relax your lips. Relax your jaw. Relax your head.
Relax your neck. Relax your body. Relax your arms and hands. Relax
your legs and feet. You are now completely relaxed.
Repeat mentally, “My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously
relax. I am relaxed now.”
- 280 -
Repeat mentally after me: “Every day, my image of myself gets better. I
can do anything I have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being.
There is no one else on earth exactly like me. Every day I grow stronger
knowing that I can. I can think. I can create. I can do. I can do anything
I have a desire to do.”
Relax. At this time, concentrate on the image of you relaxed and at ease.
Get a sense of yourself, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, at the alpha
level. With that thought, you are as comfortable as you can possibly be.
Still holding that image in your mind, and with your mouth closed,
touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and hold it
there while I count from 1 to 3.
mouth, you were just re-programmed that whenever you do touch
the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you are striving for
success in something. Each time you are programmed for the Bagha, it
is reinforced. Use it when you wish to strengthen intent. The Bagha is a
means of telling your mind to come to attention, you want something.
There are many choices that appear in your life. Some of them are clear,
some of them are purely guesswork and made spontaneously. When you
are relaxed and stress-free, as you are now, inspiration often helps you to
make the right choice; the choice that you will be happy with later in life.
- 281 -
In a moment you will jump to a large room with a master mind table in
the center. Seated at the table will be all the twin selves you visited. Your
abundance selves will be there as will your healthy selves, your selves
with successful relationships, your career and success selves, your happy
home selves, your spiritual selves and your adventurous selves. They
will all be sitting around the master mind table waiting to offer you
advice and options. You will be the leader of the group and may ask
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and a door will appear in front of you,
the transit door. 1, 2, 3. Imagine now that there is a door in front of you.
This is the transit point, the jumping off place to get you wherever your
your master mind group is waiting for you. All the twin selves who can
offer help will be there. Imagine that, further imagine that when you
jump through the door you will be at the head of the master mind
integration table.
I am going to count from 1 to 3 and at the count of 3 the door
will open and you will jump or step through it; whatever you’re
- 282 -
comfortable doing. You will then observe your twin selves at the table
and you will take a seat at one end of the table as leader of the group.
1, 2, 3. The door is opening, and now just jump through it. Imagine the
scene of your twin selves sitting at the master mind integration table.
Take a seat at the head of the table.
Imagine that you are sitting at a table. A master mind integration
table. Also at the table are many of your twin selves. Your abundance
selves are there as are your healthy selves, your selves with successful
relationships, your career and success selves, your happy home selves,
your spiritual selves and your adventurous selves. All these twin selves
of yours are around the master mind integration table. Imagine now
that one of them is speaking to you.
What is that self saying? What do you sense?
Think about a problem you have that you would like to have resolved.
After thinking about the problem, imagine putting the problem to
all the selves of yours who are at the master mind integration table.
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to the problem. Take your time, I will allow you plenty of time.
(silence for 1 minute)
side of the transit door. 1, 2, 3. You are back on this side of the door,
back in this dimension.
In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 3, at that moment you
will open your eyes, be wide awake and alert, feeling better than you
did before.
1, 2, 3. Eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderfully refreshed, feeling
better than before, back with the solution to your problem.
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