Catudio, 2024 Classroom Design Concepts that Address Hyper-Hyposensitive Sensory Issues of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Jenine Precious Catudio E-mail: KEYWORDS autism spectrum disorder, sensory processing, special education, classroom, hyposensitive, hypersensitive Abstract Frustration of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder to the environment as it relates to sensory processes often results in negative behaviors such as screaming, eloping, spitting, knocking off chairs, hitting/biting oneself, etc. As a result, teaching new skills can be challenging. An environment that addresses sensory processing issues will help children on the autism spectrum to have an optimum learning experience. This article reviews and analyzes existing design principles for students with ASD. The concepts reviewed were; a.) hyper-hyposensitive sensory processing issues, and b.)key concepts of the existing sensory design principles. Findings from this study revealed that some concepts are similar to each other. It also revealed that some instructional and intervention procedures used by special education teachers, such as visual supports were integrated into the classroom design. In addition, the classroom design principles show support in the execution of evidence-based practices currently used for students with ASD. The result of this analysis will benefit both special education and general education teachers in designing their classrooms. Introduction: .It cannot be argued that the environment contributes greatly to how an individual acquires knowledge or skills necessary to strive in life. The conduciveness to learning is always considered when creating a learning environment. Numerous studies conducted in general education classrooms revealed that there is a direct correlation between the physical environment and learning.(Kurniawan J. et. al, 2018) For example, poor ventilation will increase incidences of pupils sleeping in class (Chepkonga M. 2017) and classrooms with high level of noise due to being closer to the school entrance and playground affected the teaching and learning process. (Rathod M., Chakradeo U., 2016) When teachers are first assigned to their classrooms, they have no control over the architecture of their classrooms. Hence, they work on what is given to them (setting up the classroom by moving the furniture, adding carpets, and other visual cues, etc.) Because Autism Spectrum Disorder is a complex disorder, designing a classroom for students with ASD can be overwhelming. Compared to his neurotypical peers, a child on the autism spectrum has more trouble making sense of the things around him, thus affecting his abilities to learn. Sensory processing issues were a key feature to the earliest clinical autism diagnosis. (Kanner, 1943) Studies suggested that the sensory processing difficulties may actually cause the known core features of autism such as language delay (as related to auditory processing), and difficulty with reading emotion from faces (visual processing) (Marco,,2011)It is also believed that there is a relationship between sensory dysfunction and negative behaviors which coincide with the inability to interact appropriately in the education system. (Smith, et. al, 2005). Sensory integration, a technique used to decrease aggressive, high anxiety, agitated behaviors and increase focus and engagement for students that are lacking in sensory input (Thompson, 2011), can be considered when designing a classroom for students with ASD. This study focused on intensity (hypo-hyperactive) sensory processing issues of students with ASD. Analysis and synthesis of the existing design principles are the core of this study. Aims of the study: The study on which this article was based attempted to answer two research questions:What are the existing principles of design that address sensory needs of students with ASD? How can classroom teachers design the physical classroom to meet sensory needs of students with ASD? Definition of Terms Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5)an ASD diagnosis will require a person to exhibit three deficits in social communication and at least two symptoms in the category of restricted range of activities/repetitive behaviors. Within the second category, a new symptom was included” hyper- or hypo-reactivity to sensory input or unusual interests in sensory aspects of the environment. (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, DSM, 5th ed.). Hypersensitive refers to the condition in which the brain has difficulty processing a stimulus that it becomes overbearing for a hypersensitive person.They may feel that the stimulus is too much to tolerate. For example, a child who hears the school bell every 50 minutes may scream at the same time throughout the day. This is because the child may hear the school bell louder than typical peers and screaming becomes a coping mechanism to block out the stimulus. Children with hypersensitivity may also get afraid to go to the bathroom because of their perception of the toilet flush or hand dryer to be louder than they actually are. As a result, potty-training can be taxing for them. Hyposensitive is where processing a stimulus is underdeveloped. Based on the Dunn model of sensory processing whereby children can be distinguished on hyper- and hyposensitivity to sensory input and can be profiled as a ‘sensory seeker’ or a ‘sensory avoider’ (Dunn, 1997). Sensory Processing refers to the mechanism by which the central nervous system receives input from the senses and integrates this information to generate an appropriate behavioral response (Dunn, 1997). Methodology: This study article intends to determine ways to set up the physical classroom of children with ASD using a critical textual analysis, and the personal experiences of the author. Most studies on classroom designs focus on the architecture of the building. This study will explore the existing design theories for students with ASD, and attempt to synthesize these principles for classroom teachers to utilize and apply. This study explored 8 different researches, mostly focusing on architectural designs for users with ASD. To understand how sensory processing works, a review of literature on the subject was included in this study. How Sensory Processing Works The brain is a sensory processing machine until a child reaches 7-years old (Ayres, 2005). Our sensory processing is constantly working on interpreting and organizing the stimuli in the environment. That is how we survive our everyday lives. Among the distinguished sensory senses we use are: vision, hearing, olfaction (sense of smell), gustation, (sense of taste), tactile (touch),vestibular(orientation in space), and proprioceptive system (muscle-joint awareness). Sensory processing comprises input, organization and output. Our actions are basically responses to every stimulus in the environment. Sensory input is the neurological process from receptors inside and on the surface of the body. The brain then organizes and interprets the sensations. The motor output part of the process decides on what the body wants to do.For example, you are cooking. Suppose you want to know whether the food tastes just right. You taste half a tablespoon of the food (input). You realize that the food lacks flavor (organization and interpretation). And so you decide to add a little bit of salt (output). You taste it again and make decisions on whether you need to make further adjustments. Our perception is dependent on how our bodies present stimulus to the brain. After our bodies come in contact with a stimulus, the process of perception begins. Once the incoming information has passed through the special areas in the brain, the sensory perceptions are joined with appropriate cognitive associations and are bound to general type of memory (Bogdashina, 2004) . Sensory Perception Process in Children with ASD Sensory Processing Disorder is estimated to be between 5% to 15% of the general population, but is most common to individuals with ASD, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Currently, Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is not recognized as a distinct clinical diagnosis. However, the early known concept of SPD/Sensory Integration defines it as “the neurological process that organizes one’s own body and from the environment and makes it impossible to use the body effectively with the environment.” (Ayres, 1972). Individuals with sensory processing disorders (SPD) find it difficult to register and modulate sensory information and to organize sensory input to execute successful adaptive responses to situational demands (Humphry, 2002). Over 96% of children with ASD report hyper and hypo-sensitivities in multiple domains. 2 Similar to the wide-range of spectrum severity found for communication and social deficits, sensory behavioral differences also range from mild to severe, and these behavioral differences can endure through adulthood (Marco et. al, 2011).Studies show that most children with autism have sensory difficulties, while hearing, sight and touch are usually the most affected (Biel et. al., 2009).To begin to understand how we sense and perceive the world, we must know how sensory mechanisms are constructed to convey sensations i.e. experiences caused by stimuli in the environment. (Bogdashina, 2004) For individuals with ASD, the physical medium through which the sense is perceived, such as the eyes or ears, is functioning properly. However, the process of perception is different and does not work in a fashion similar to neurotypical individuals so the environment that is perceived is different. (Leestma, 2015) Unlike their neurotypical peers, individuals across the spectrum may experience distress from a particular stimulus which results in aggressive and self-injurious behavior. (Marco, 2011) Principles of Classroom Design. Sensory design is a design practice aiming at activating our senses through a systematic increase of sensory richness in order for the experiences to feel more immersive, thus being regarded as more holistic and meaningful. (Huuli, 2018). Previous studies that have considered sensory processing issues to designing the physical environment of students with ASD were summarized below. Barrett et. al. (2015). This study was conducted in 127 schools in the United Kingdom and intended to answer the impact of classroom design to students’ learning. It confirms the utility of the naturalness, individuality and stimulation model as a vehicle to organize and study the full range of sensory impacts experienced by an individual occupying a given space. Naturalness.The Naturalness principle relates to the environmental parameters that are required for physical comfort. These are light, sound, temperature, air quality and ‘links to nature’.In particular there are specific requirements needed for children’s learning environments. Lights, acoustics, and temperature are within this criterion. For example, noise levels affect understanding speech, and studies have shown better academic performance when temperature was reduced slightly and ventilation rates were increased. Individualization.The Individualisation principle relates to how well the classroom meets the needs of a particular group of children. It includes Ownership or how personalized the classroom is, Flexibility or how the classroom can be arranged based on the needs of the students, Connection or how each activity area is clearly marked to improve the utilization of space and performance metric. Stimulation. The appropriate level of color and complexity help with student focus and attention. Complexity is a measure of how the different elements in the room combine to create a visually coherent and structured, or a random and chaotic environment. Gaines & Curry (2011) Gaines conducted a systematic review of the effects of the use of color in inclusive classrooms and how they relate to students’ behavior, attention, and achievement. Her study discussed how certain colors can be overstimulating or understimulating, which are equally disadvantageous to teaching and learning. Her analysis, which can be applied to all classrooms, including those classrooms with or without students with disabilities. Although teachers have little control over wall, floor, and ceiling colors in the classroom, teachers may: 1. Use a warm neutral color scheme of tan or sand as a foundation of classroom design 2. A medium hue or same color range should be used for the walls that students are focusing on when they are looking up from their work 3. Soft colors such as green and blue may be used in the classroom, and strong primary colors should avoided 4. Discovering a child’s preferred colors may be beneficial 5. Personal preferences of the child may be applied through their own study carrels, colored reading lenses, and colored paper 3 6. Using different colored tape for boundaries or to serve as a means to locate charts (e.g. a teacher might direct students to look at the green poster) will benefit students with or without disabilities Richer & Nicoll (1971) The goal of this research conducted in 1971, was to create a playroom for children with ASD, an example of environmental manipulation that can lead to the change in behavior. This study aimed to increase social approaches and interactions and reduce the child's frustration and arousal.This study made considerations to the needs of students with ASD. The premise of the study is that students on the autism spectrum must be expected to grow slowly from what he can do, from how he can interact with others, to more normal behavior; rather than assuming that if we put him in a "normal" or "home-like" physical environment (whatever that is) he will adapt, if he is left in for long enough. 1. 2. Reduction of frustration and arousal. The room was subdivided into connected parts to avoid overstimulation. A “retreat box”- a dark area a child may shut himself in to cut down stimulation. Sliding and climbing areas were provided. Engaging in these activities prevent children with ASD from being over aroused resulting in more interactions with others. Since stereotypical behaviors were common in ASD, toys that provide repetitive feedback were also made available to reduce arousal.Structures were ensured safe and fixed-down to avoid noise that could increase arousal. Reductions of flight behaviors.Since all structure was robust and safe, this lessened adult intervention or continually stopping the movement of children with ASD making play sessions positive and therapeutic. Children with ASD were given two separate areas where their need for close tactile contact, and rough and tumble play can be met. In some areas, physical boundaries forced social interaction. Magda Mostafa(2014)Sensory Design Theory was specifically developed for individuals with ASD by architect Magda Mostafa. It aims to explore the manipulation of the environment by altering the space where individuals with ASD feel secure and comfortable, and the level of concentration and focus rise, making learning more efficient. In a series of studies, Mostafa developed design principles called the ASPECTSS ™ Index. These principles were used to design the Advance School for Autism in Egypt. Acoustics This criterion proposes that the acoustical environment be controlled to minimize background noise, echo and reverberation within spaces used by individuals with ASD. Studies revealed that reducing noise caused an increase in attention span and a decrease in response time and self-stimulatory behaviors. Also provisions should be made for different levels of acoustical control in various rooms, so students can “graduate” from one level of acoustical control to the next,slowly moving towards a typical environment in order to avoid the “greenhouse” effect. (Mostafa, 2008) SPatial Sequencing Because individuals with ASD thrive in predictability and routine, spatial sequencing requires that areas be organized and in logical order, based on the typical scheduled use of such spaces. Spaces should flow seamlessly as possible from one activity to the next through one-way circulation whenever possible, with minimal disruption and distraction. Escape Space ` This area intends to provide breaks to students with ASD who may be overstimulated. Such spaces may include a small partitioned area or crawl space in a quiet section of a room. This space serves as a neutral sensory environment with minimal stimulation that can offer a necessary sensory input for the student with ASD. Compartmentalization The philosophy behind this criterion is to define and limit the sensory environment of each activity, organizing a classroom or even 4 an entire building into compartments. There should be a clearly defined function and consequent sensory quality for each area. Furniture and floor coverings can be used to divide areas. This will provide sensory cues as to what is expected of the individuals with ASD in each space, with minimal ambiguity. Transition Zones Transition zones help individuals with ASD recalibrate their senses as they move from one level of stimulus to the next. These zones can be in a variety of forms and may be anything from a distinct node that indicates a shift in circulation to a form of sensory room that allows individuals with ASD to recalibrate their sensory stimulation level before transitioning from an area of high-stimulus to one of low-stimulus. Sensory Zoning This criterion proposes that when designing for individuals with ASD,spaces should be organized according to sensory quality rather than functional zoning. Grouping spaces according to their allowable stimulus level, spaces are organized into zones of “high-stimulus” and “low stimulus”. The former could include areas requiring high alertness and physical activity such as physical therapy and gross motor skill building spaces. The latter could include spaces for speech therapy, computer skills and libraries. Transition zones are used to shift from one zone to the next. Safety A point never to be overlooked when designing learning environments, safety is even more of a concern for children with autism who may have an altered sense of their environment. Leestma (2015) Leestma’s architectural research created principles of design based on analysis of literature, precedent studies, and interviews. Distractibility refers to the stimuli students with ASD within the environment, and a way to control the various stimuli.Lighting, acoustics, and colors/patterns are in this category. Carpets are recommended to reduce impact of foot traffic and noise. Fluorescent lights should be avoided. Adjustable light is preferred due to different activities requiring different amounts of lights. Natural light relaxes students, promotes better academic performance, permits better concentration, and reduces hyperactivity. However, views from outside should be controllable to reduce distractibility. Wall surfaces should be kept simple, and complex geometric patterns should be avoided.Cheerful colors, whether subtle or bold depending on the user, eliminate the users’ and visitors’ impression of institutionalism and create a better learning environment. Cooler colors such as grays,blues, and purples have a calming effect on students.Different colors should be used to differentiate areas. Spatial Organization refers to how the spaces of the building are organized in relation to each other. Escape spaces, adaptability, predictability, and transitions fall in this category. Spaces should be organized according to sensory quality. Transition spaces should activate all senses-sight,sound,smell,taste. Zones of high and low stimulus should be clearly organized.Zones of transition should be used to delineate movement from one area to the next.Spaces should have identifiable markers such as colors and patterns. There should be spaces for students to escape when they are feeling overwhelmed. Escape spaces should be customized based on students needs (high or low stimulus) Tectonics & Materiality refers to how the building was physically put together and the materials involved in building. Durability and safety are in this category. Soft surfaces such as carpets and rubbers can reduce injuries.Locks on doors and windows prevent students from accidents.Materials should be toxin-free.Materials in the classroom should be durable and easy to clean. Findings from another architectural study aimed at adapting the space of the existing room to the specific needs of children with autism spectrum learning in them revealed that the most important modification include appropriate zoning of space, which alleviates the discomfort caused by working in 5 a group with too many participants. (Uherek-Bradecka, 2020) Dividing the space (walls and floors) by color, texture, and material will allow children to navigate the classroom with more organization. Keeping classroom items in an enclosed cabinet will lessen visual stimulation leading to sensory overload. Other studies yielded similar results. Providing physical structure and maximizing visual structure serve as visual cues to students with ASD. Clear arrangement of spaces can help students with ASD comprehend their surroundings better. (Khare & Mullick 2009) Calm,order, and simplicity was a core principle in a study conducted by Humphreys (2008). Reducing visual stimulation allows teachers to create stimulation based on the specific needs of students with ASD. The importance of a quiet room or escape space was mentioned in most of the studies. Because students with ASD can be easily overstimulated, a space where they are allowed to shut down should be made available in the classroom. To avoid an overstimulation, colors used in the classroom should be welcoming. The use of muted and cooler colors in the classroom have a calming effect on students (Beaver, 2006). Table 1 shows the synthesis matrix of existing principles of designs in relation to sensory processing issues: hyper-hyposensitivity. Table 1. Hyper-Hyposensitive Sensory Issues and Key Concepts of Classroom Designs Sensory Processing Issues Key Concepts Source Hypersensitive Vision Utilize visual cues for instruction; indicate step-by-step in completing task Khare & Mullick, 2009 Subdividing the classrooms specific to its use. Use of visual cues to indicate the partitions of areas in the classroom (example using furniture, carpets, or borders to separate areas) Barrett, 2015 Mostafa 2008 Uherek-Bradecka, 2020 Khare & Mullick, 2009 Leestma,2015 Keeping the classroom simple by keeping materials away from sight and keeping the classroom organized help prevent Khare & Mullick, 2009 Uherek-Bradecka, 2020 Leestma, 2015 6 overstimulation. Keeping the visual stimulation simple and avoiding unnecessary details allow teachers to give stimulation according to students’ individual needs. Colors to be used in the classroom must be neutral and coherent to avoid overstimulation and understimulation Gaines & Curry, 2011 Humphreys, 2008 Beaver, 2006 Uherek-Bradecka, 2020 Barrett, 2015 Lighting should be adjusted if necessary (use of dimmers or window treatments/shades can help with sensory overload)Fluorescent lights that flicker should be avoided. Beaver, 2006 Leestma, 2015 Learning a student’s preference for colors may be beneficial for individualization Gaines & Curry, 2011 Barrett, 2015 Leestma, 2015 Hearing & Vision An escape space, quiet room,or a retreat box where an individual with ASD can shut himself down from overstimulation can be beneficial Mostafa, 2008 Beaver,2006 Richer & Nicoll, 1971 Khare & Mullick, 2009 Leestma, 2015 Hearing Reducing noise levels in the classroom will increase attention span, and decrease response time and self-stimulatory behaviors. Acoustic need to be considered, which means avoiding materials that will reflect the most sound . Mostafa, 2008 Humphreys,2008 Beaver,2006 Barrett, 2015 Leestma,2015 Acoustical control in various areas in the classroom will help students “graduate” from one level of acoustics to the next Mostafa, 2008 7 Hyposensitive Proprioceptive/Vestibular Tactile Designate high stimulus and low stimulus areas (Sensory zoning). Provide areas specifically for sliding, climbing, or rough & tumble play where lesser adult intervention is required Richer & Nicoll, 1971 Mostafa, 2008 Leestma,2015 There is a need for supervision without interfering with the student’s activities. Humphreys, 2008 Richer & Nicoll, 1971 Having toys/fidgets available in the classroom provide stimulation and can help with reducing arousal Richer & Nicoll, 1971 Designate an area where close tactile contact can be provided (ex. Sensory diet) Richer & Nicoll, 1971 Ensure that the classroom is safe; furniture and fixtures in the classroom are intact, safety hazards must be removed. Maximize safety to minimize risks of accidents. Mostafa, 2008 Khare & Mullick, 2009 Richer & Nicoll, 1971 Beaver, 2006 Leestma,2015 Discussion Table 1 is categorized to three parts; Sensory Processing Issues, Key Concepts, and Source. Sensory Processing Issues were subcategorized to Hypersensitive and Hyposensitive. Hypersensitive included vision and hearing, and Hyposensitive included proprioceptive, vestibular, and tactile. The synthesis included 5 architectural studies on the physical environment of students with ASD, 1 study on environmental manipulation of the playroom of children with ASD, 1 study on inclusive classrooms, and 1 study was conducted in regular schools where there are students with ASD. The synthesis matrix showed a lot of concepts that were similar to each other. Most of these studies agreed that subdividing the classroom based on its specific use, keeping the visual input in the environment simple, with neutral color scheme and coherence, providing an escape space, reducing noise levels, and ensuring safety in the classroom are key factors to an optimum learning environment for individuals with ASD. Some of the key concepts were not unique, but were specific in nature. For example, having toys/fidgets available were not mentioned in other studies specifically, but mentions providing an allowable stimulus in a specific area depending on the students’ needs. There are also conflicting mentions about lighting. One study emphasized the importance of natural lighting, but students with ASD may be sensitive to light,so dimmers/window treatments may be necessary. Conclusion The analysis confirms that the environment affects the learning of students with ASD. With the modification of the physical classroom, and the considerations of the sensory processing and needs of 8 students with ASD, an optimum classroom is feasible. Although classroom teachers have no control over the architecture of the classroom, as most studies in this analysis were based on, setting up the classroom with the application of the existing classroom design models with sensory considerations is still possible. The key concepts in this study were synthesized with classroom teachers and their students with ASD in mind. From a special education classroom teacher point of view, a lot of the concepts are familiar, and overlaps with evidence-based practices that are being used as strategies for teaching students with ASD. For example, visual supports are being used to teach new skills and/or eliminate negative behavior. The key concepts support the current evidence-based practice for students with ASD. For example, “exercise” can be done in the designated high-stimulus area in the classroom, or that “Discrete Trial Training”, a teaching technique that comes from “Applied Behavior Analysis” can be done in one of the designated areas where there is partition, reduced noise, and less visual stimulation. Reducing background noise is also currently a widely-accepted accommodation for students with ASD who are mainstreaming to a general education classroom. And the use of an “escape room” is being utilized as a “break area” in most special education classrooms, and some general education classrooms. Subdividing the classrooms into specific areas for independent work, small/large group, movement area, play area, and the like are also common in a special education classroom. However, this was designed as such to prevent negative behaviors, but less on sensory needs considerations. Recommendations Special education teachers often analyze the behavior of students through Functional Behavioral Analysis, and “sensory” is often a reason for atypical and negative behavior. A student with ASD who hits another student excessively all throughout the day can have a sensory function. If the student with ASD is being provided with the sensory input that he/she needs in his/her learning environment, the hitting behavior may decrease and may be replaced with a more acceptable behavior. This study will not only benefit special education teachers, but general education teachers as well. More and more, we are seeing an increase in ASD in general education classrooms, and special education classrooms can no longer accommodate them. Applying the same sensory design principles in all classrooms may be beneficial not only to students with ASD, but to students in the general education classroom as well. References American Psychiatric Association. (2013). 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