l VISVESARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY JNANASANGAMA, BELAGAVl-$900 I8, KARNATAKA An internship report On "ANDROID APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT" Submitted In partialJulfilmenl of the n:quin:mcnlfor the dcgru ofaward of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING IN ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING SUBMJ1TED BY SIDDHANTI-J G IDB20EC079 /nttrnship carrltd out at, TECH MAl-UNDRA External guide Mr. Venkatesh K Jellu Intm1alguide Dr. Bhagya P Software Analyst AaocimlPrufessor Tech Mahindra . OBIT (Dept. Of ECE) TECH mal,indra DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRON1CS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DON BOSCO INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KumbaJagodu. Mysore Road, Bangalore-560074 Pb: +91-80-28437028129/30 Fu:+91-80- 2843703 I(2023-2024 I pON BOSCO INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Kumbnlagodu, Mysore Road, Bangalore-S60074 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Internship work entitled "ANDROID APPLICATION , DEVELOPMENT, TECH MAHINDRA" carried out by SIDDHANTH G (JDB20EC079), bonafide student of DON BOSCO fNSTITUTEOF TECHNOLOGY In partial fulfilment for the award of Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and communication Engineering of the Visvesvoraya Technological University, Belagavi during lhc year 2023-2024. It is certified that all the corrections/ Suggestions indicated for Internal ~ent have been incorporated and the Internship report has been approved as it · satisfies the academic requirements in Respect of Internship work prescribed for the award ofthcdegree of Bachelor of Engineering. ~-~~\' 1,4 ~ "'7\sh-Y ('1~ ~ Signature of the Guide Signature of the HOD Signature of the Principal Dr. Bhagya P ~ate Professor Dept ofECE, DB IT Dr. Maheshwarappa A N Professor and HOD Dept ofECE, OBIT Prof. 8 S Nagabusbana Principal p( ~~IJ:;~, Professor a R .O.D Don Elo-:r/ "' ..,:,l~ \, ·I, L ~ .. 0 1 qrl'L Q~ 1 i., 1,,t 1 t Elect,o"lrs & C•""•'"' •~ "" l(um., 31 · ~ ' 'Jr, ·• ' .ii;,1fl0logy • I u agodu My,•oro R d HN BOSCO INSTI TL! I. OF ru;11 1MULO I Bang.:,,ur~-ss"'oo74 01 I Name of the examiner I) • • •~•••aod11. bANGALO■E-U• , , . Signature of the Examiner I)-- - - - - - 21_____ __ 2) - - - - - - ooN BOSCO INSTITUTE ·OF TECHNOLOGY Kumbalagodu, Myser:e Road, Bangalore-560074 Department ofEJectronics and Communication Engineering DECLARATION , 1sIDDHANTH G, student of Electroni~ and Communication Engineering bearing the tJSN:IDB20EC079, here by declar;e that I own the full responsibility for the information, rrsu)ts and conclusion provided in this ·report titled '·ANDROID APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT, TECH MAHINDRA" submitted to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belaga¥i during lhe academic year 2023-2024. To best of my knowl.edge, this intanship work has been submitted in part of full .elsewhere in any oi:ganization for the award of degree. I ha¥e completely taken care in acknowledgement the contributfon of the olbers in this academic wprk. I further declare llhat in case of any vialation of intellectual IIOIJCrly rights and particulars declared found at any stage. I wilJ be respan.sible fer the ' ae. SIDDHANTH G IDH20EC079 ACKNOWLE DGEMENT - satisfaction ~d euphoria lh~l accompany the successful completion of any task would 1 jncolllPlete without the mention of the people who made il possible and under whose ~Janee ond encouragement the task was completed. exp~ my since~. gratitude lo ~ayanamac Education Trus~ Don Bosoo Educational 1 (IIStitution, for proVIding an opportumty and facilitating for the entire duration of the course. 1would link to express my immense gratitude to Dr. B. S. Nagabusbana, Principal, Don eoseo Institute of Technology, Bangalore for his timely help and inspiration during the ldll1fC of the course. 1express my sincere regards and gratitude to Dr. A. N. Maheshwarappa, Professor an HOD, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, OBIT, Bangalore for hi cnoouragement and support in the successful completion of the Internship. I also extent my sincere thanks lo my guide Dr. Bbagya P, Assistant Professor and all the faculty members ofth.e Department of Electronics and Communication Engineerin~ OBIT, Bangalore, who have enoouraged me throughout the rourse. I M>uld like to express my sincere thanks to the Internship coordinator Mn. Babitba S, Amstant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, OBIT, Bangalore for his encouragement and suggestions which helped mea lot in the completion o Internship. My sine.ere gratitude to Mr. Venkatcsh K Jellu for accepting my Internship request and allowing me to complete my internship md all the staff" members for their kind help extaldcd dwing the entire period of Internship. I WOUid like 1o thank TECH MAHINDRA for giving me lhe opportunity to complete my ~work.In spite of their busy schedules, it was very kind of them to space some o 11:irll'CQous lime and give us valuable suggestions. 1- DOI leut, I express my heartfelt gratitude to the almighty, my parents for their love Hlllinp .hat helped me complete the Internship work successfully. Thanks, and Regards SIDDHANTHG 1D820EC079 TABLE OF CONTENT'S content CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION OF TECH MAHINDRA cHAYfER 2: INTRODUCTION TO ANDROID STUDJO CHAPTER J: PROCEDURE TO USE ANDROID STUDIO Page No 01 04 06 CHAPTER 4: APPLICATION PROGRAMs 09 CHAYfER S: PICTURE GALLERY 21 CONCLUSION 24 REFERENCES 25 ■----1111111""""7 -rei:h red Mabl11Jr11 l .fmlt.d .rf1elhlndra lu(t. Ull Ht-4G..b ( 11~ (,a,-0,, 'l'I M ~. t1,&1al~ ~utU•I W rd ,'J I •o Jfl(.)l ,·,.1,:,; JI\ ~'JI 411 li>J I 7llt f i.."<.lur..J,11,.!;1 UlRI ~,-~i"'-"c.l 01T...c Miantllll ~ ,- 8 111\&iGt Ap:-.U., (loiliJ.2 ,1,;<lJI ~f/017957 s,p-2019 _,f: tt: ,s. ~- Nern•: 51ddh1nth G : 017157 (I) ~ : 1423,KCRS-layout_ lhuwaneshwart Nap,, Napdevlnlh10I, 1enpluru-S&OOS6 Sub.le¢ Internship Com~etlon Certificate certify that Slddhandl G (Associate 10 - C117957) has Cbmpleted tntemshlp pracnm with Tech Mahindra ~.:.. 1J,/Ol/20ll to 15/09/2023). He worked on the profect titled Android AJ,pUcation Dftelopnlent Under pdlncl of ,uoEEP G K. ...,,,, roMlhlMlrl IJlllltad, ABSTRACT . ,cpOl'l prcsenl5 of lhe activities I was involved during the internship Bl the TECH 1bJS . I' . . _,a ~JlNDlt4• Thc purpose Of ti1e mtcms up was t.o study more about the designID 8 ilUU ~t """'ent of tllC ANDROID APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT. We got the cxpo5W'C in ~~~~- . IT f,dd of work ond bow lo run a company succ.essfully which has also hdped us an !lit diP8 the team activity lo complete the task given to us during the course of the time at i,ii1iJlllllllShip. I was able to enhance my knowledge , rommunicalion skills. fJC'Xlbility and ~ medmllism in lhc indusll}' standards cl.cs finally, I would say Ibis was a bcallti[ul ·eocc, from where we were able to know the things which arc very important for our Android Application Development 2023-24 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION OF TECH MAHINDRA HISTORY Mahindra & Mahindra started a joint venture with British Telecom in 1986 as a technology outsourcing firm. British Telecom initially had around a 30 percent stake in Tech Mahindra. In December 2010, British Telecom sold 5.5 percent of its stake in Tech Mahindra to Mahindra & Mahindra for Rs. 451 crore. In August 2012, British Telecom sold 14.1 percent of its stake to institutional investors for about Rs. 1,395 crores. In December 2012, British Telecom sold its remaining 9.1 per cent (11.6 million shares) shareholding to institutional investors for total gross cash proceeds of Rs. 1,011.4 crores. This sale marked the exit of British Telecom from Tech Mahindra. In 2014, Tech Mahindra acquired Lightbridge Communications Corporation (LCC), a telecom services company operating in over 50 countries. In 2015, Tech Mahindra acquired SOFGEN Holdings, a 450-employee Swiss IT firm supplying the financial services industry Tech Mahindra purchased a controlling stake in Pinin farina S.p.A., an Italian brand in automotive and industrial design Tech Mahindra announced the launch of its Automation Framework AQT (Automation, Quality, Time) By March 2016, Tech Mahindra's post-tax earnings had surpassed that of M&M. Tech Mahindra said it would buy financial technology firm Target Group to boost its platform business process-as-a-service offering in the banking sector. In 2017, Tech Mahindra and Midad Holdings, a part of diversified business conglomerate Al Fozan Group announced the launch of a joint venture, Tech Mahindra Arabia Ltd. On the basis of a global partnership agreement signed, Tech Mahindra markets Huawei's enterprise products and services across 44 countries including India. Tech Mahindra acquired CJS Solutions Group LLC, a US-based healthcare Information Technology consulting company which does business as (DBA) “The HCI Group.”] In 2019, Tech Mahindra acquired Dyn Commerce BV. Tech Mahindra in September 2019 acquired Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 1 Android Application Development 2023-24 BORN Group, a New York City-based digital content and production agency, for $95 million in an all-cash deal. In March 2021, Tech Mahindra partnered with US-based business intelligence analytics company ThoughtSpot. In April 2021, Tech Mahindra acquired US-based Digital Onus, a hybrid cloud and DevOps services provider for $120 million. In June 2021, Tech Mahindra also acquired US-based (New Jersey) Brain scale Inc., a cloud consulting and cloud transformation service provider for $30 million, and Colorado-based Events Solutions Group for $44 million. Overall, spending around $230 million to buy 5 companies in the year 2021 itself. In October 2022 Tech Mahindra acquired 26% equity shares in Upendra Singh Multi Transmission Private Limited, allowing the company to procure 1.5 MW of solar energy for its facilities in Noida. 1.1 SERVICES PROVIDED • Cloud Services. By combining a comprehensive suite of cloud offerings • Across the cloud lifecycle, we provide our clients a unique transformation roadmap aligned to their business goals. • FLEX Digital Workplace Services. • Enterprise Network Services. • Data Centre Services. • Enterprise Security Services. 1.2 AWARDS • State Best Employer award by Govt of Telangana. • 8th CSR Impact Awards in the special Category for ARISE+ program. • Best Healthcare Skilling Institute • Mahatma Awards 2022 Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 2 Android Application Development 2023-24 • ATF Awards 2022 1.3 FUTURE GOALS • Digital Manufacturing • Connected Machines • Additive Manufacturing • Automation 2.0, Virtual & Augmented reality • Artificial Intelligence & Analysis Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 3 Android Application Development 2023-24 Chapter 2 INTRODUCTION TO ANDROID STUDIO Android studio is a powerful integrated development environment (IDE) Specially designed for building Android applications. It’s the official IDE for Android app development, created by Google. Android studio provides developers with a comprehensive set of tools and features to streamline the entire app development process. Here’s an introduction to Android studio: 1. Purpose: Android studio is used by developers to create, edit, debug and deploy Android applications. It simplifies the Android app development process and provides an environment where you can write code, design user interfaces, and test your apps on virtual or physical devices. 2. Key features: a) CODE EDITOR: Android studio comes with a sophisticated code editor that supports various programming languages, including Java and Kotlin, which are commonly used for Android app development . b) VISUAL LAYOUT EDITOR: You can design your app’s user interface using a drag- and- drop interface builder or by writing the XML layouts. c) EMULATOR: Android studio includes a built in emulator that allows your apps on various Android device configurations, screen sizes and API levels. d) REAL TIME DEBUGGER: Debugging is made easy with real-time code inspection, breakpoints, and advanced debugging tools. e) GRADLE BUILDING SYSTEM: Android studio uses Gradle build system, which automates the build process and manages dependencies efficiently. f) VERSION CONTROL: It integrates with popular version control system like Git, making it easy to collaborate with other developers. 3. Programming Languages: Android studio primarily uses two programming languages: Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 4 Android Application Development 2023-24 a) JAVA: Android app development was primarily done in java. b) KOTLIN: It is now preferred language for Android development. Its fully supported by Android studio and offers concise and expressive syntax. 4. SDK Manager: Android studio includes the Android SDK Manager, which helps you download and manage Android SDK components, platform versions, and system images for testing. 5. Plugins: You can extend Android studio’s functionality by adding various plugins and extensions from the Android studio Plugin Marketplace. 6. Community Support: Android studio has a large and active developer community. You can find extensive documentation, tutorials, and forums to get help and learn from others. 7. Cross-Platform Development: While Android studio is primarily used for Android app development, it also supports cross-platform development through frameworks like Flutter, enabling developers to create apps for both Android and iOS from a single codebase. 8. System Requirements: Android studio is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. The system requirements may vary depending on your project’s complexity, but generally requires a modern computer with sufficient RAM and storage. In summary, Android studio is an essential tool for Android app developers. It provides a rich set of features, supports popular programming languages like Kotlin, and offers a user-friendly environment for creating, testing, and deploying Android applications. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, Android studio is the go-to choice for building high-quality Android apps. Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 5 Android Application Development 2023-24 Chapter 3 Procedure To Use Android Studio Using Android Studio to develop Android applications involves several steps. Here'sa step-by-step procedure to get you started: 1. Installation: Download Android Studio from the official website (https://developer.android.com/studio). Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install Android Studio on your computer. During installation, make sure to install the necessary SDK components and system images. 2. Launch Android Studio: After installation, launch Android Studio. On the welcome screen, you can either start a new project or open an existing one. 3. Create a New Project (if starting from scratch): Click on "Start a new Android Studio project." Follow the New Project Wizard to configure your project, including choosing a project template, setting the app name, package name, and selecting the programming language (Kotlin or Java). 4. Project Structure: Familiarize yourself with the project structure on the left-hand side of the IDE. This includes the app's source code, resources, manifests, and more. 5. Coding: Write your app's code in the appropriate source code files. Android Studio provides a code editor with syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and real-time error checking. 6. Designing User Interfaces: Use the Layout Editor to design your app's user interfaces visually by creating XML layout files or using the drag-and-drop interface builder. 7. Building and Running: Click the "Run" button (usually a green triangle) or use the shortcut (Shift + F10) to build and run your app on an emulator or a physical Android device. Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 6 Android Application Development 2023-24 Configure and create virtual devices in the AVD Manager if you're using an emulator. 8. Debugging: Android Studio includes powerful debugging tools. Set breakpoints in your code, run the app in debug mode, and use the Debug window to inspect variables, stack traces, and more. 9. Testing: Write unit tests and instrumented tests to ensure your app functions correctly. Android Studio supports testing frameworks like JUnit and Espresso. 10. Version Control: If you're collaborating with others, use version control (e.g., Git) integrated with Android Studio to manage your project's source code. 11. Deployment: When your app is ready for distribution, you can generate an APK (Android Package) file for publishing on the Google Play Store or other distribution platforms. 12. Publishing: Follow the guidelines and requirements of the Google Play Store or other app stores to publish your app. 13. Update and Maintenance: Continuously update and maintain your app based on user feedback, bug reports, and changes in Android platform versions. 14. Resources and Documentation: Utilize the extensive Android documentation, community forums, and online resources to learn and troubleshoot as you develop your app. Remember that Android development can be complex, especially for beginners, so it's essential to be patient, take advantage of available resources, and gradually build your skills. Android Studio provides a comprehensive environment to help you create highquality Android applications efficiently. Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 7 Android Application Development 2023-24 Fig 3.1 Home Page of Android Studio Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 8 Android Application Development 2023-24 Chapter 4: Application programs 4.1 Login page: The below shown is the Flowchart for creating a new project in Android Studio Fig 4.1 Flowchart for Login Page Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 9 Android Application Development 2023-24 Set Up Android Studio: Make sure you have Android Studio installed and set up on your computer. You can download it from the official Android website. Create a New Project: Open Android Studio and create a new project. Choose an empty activity template or a login activity template. Design the User Interface (UI): In the layout XML file (activity_main.xml), design the UI for your login page. You'll typically need EditText fields for users to input their username and password, along with a Button to submit the login credentials. Handle User Input: In the MainActivity.java file (or Kotlin file), write code to handle user input and interactions. Set onClick listeners for the login button to capture user clicks and validate the entered credentials. Implement Authentication Logic: Implement logic to authenticate users based on the entered username and password. This may involve checking the credentials against a database, a web service, or some other authentication mechanism. Handle Authentication Results: Handle authentication results and take appropriate actions based on whether the login attempt was successful or not. You can display a toast message or navigate to a different activity upon successful login, and display an error message if the login attempt fails. Test the Login Page: Run the app on an emulator or physical device to test the login functionality. Verify that users can enter their credentials, submit the login form, and receive appropriate feedback based on the authentication result. Refine and Improve: Refine the login page's design and functionality based on user feedback and testing results. You can add features such as password encryption, Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 10 Android Application Development 2023-24 remember me functionality, or password recovery options to enhance the login experience. By following these steps, you can create a basic login page using Android Studio that allows users to securely authenticate and access your app's features and content. As you gain more experience with Android development, you can explore advanced authentication techniques and integrate additional security measures to protect user accounts and sensitive information. Fig. 4.2 Representation of Login Page in Android Studio Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 11 Android Application Development 2023-24 4.2 BASIC CALCULATOR The below shown is the Flowchart for creating a Basic Calculator using Android Studio. Fig 4.3 Flowchart for Basic Calculator Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 12 Android Application Development 2023-24 Set Up Android Studio: Ensure that you have Android Studio installed and set up on your computer. You can download it from the official Android website. Create a New Project: Open Android Studio and create a new project. Choose an empty activity template for simplicity. Design the User Interface (UI): In the layout XML file (activity_main.xml), design the UI for your calculator. You can use various UI elements such as buttons and text views to create a user-friendly interface. For a basic calculator, you'll need buttons for numbers (0-9), arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /), an equals (=) button, and a text view to display the input and output. Handle User Input: In the MainActivity.java file (or Kotlin file), write code to handle user input. You'll need to set on Click listeners for each button to capture user clicks and perform corresponding actions. For example, when a number button is clicked, append the clicked number to the current input. Perform Arithmetic Operations: Implement logic to perform arithmetic operations based on user input. When an arithmetic operator button is clicked, store the current input as the first operand and the selected operator. When the equals button is clicked, apply the selected operator to the first operand and the new input to calculate the result. Update the Display: Update the text view to display the input and output dynamically as users enter numbers and perform calculations. Handle Edge Cases: Handle potential edge cases such as division by zero or invalid input to ensure the app's reliability and usability. Test the App: Run the app on an emulator or physical device to test its functionality and user experience. Ensure that the calculator performs arithmetic operations accurately and handles user interactions smoothly. Refine and Improve: Refine the app's design and functionality based on user feedback and testing results. You can add additional features, such as memory Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 13 Android Application Development 2023-24 functions or scientific calculations, to enhance the app's usefulness and appeal. By following these steps, you can create a basic calculator app using Android Studio that provides users with a simple and intuitive tool for performing arithmetic calculations. As you gain more experience with Android development, you can explore advanced techniques and features to further enhance your app's capabilities. Fig. 4.4 Representation of basic calculator in Android Studio Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 14 Android Application Development 2023-24 4.3 GUESSING GAME The below shown is the Flowchart for creating a Guessing Game using Android Studio. Fig 4.5 Flowchart for Guessing Game Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 15 Android Application Development 2023-24 Set Up Android Studio: Make sure you have Android Studio installed and set up on your computer. Create a New Project: Open Android Studio and create a new project. Choose an empty activity template or a basic activity template. Design the User Interface (UI): In the layout XML file (activity_main.xml), design the UI for your guessing game. You'll need UI elements such as text views, an input field for users to enter their guesses, buttons to submit guesses and start a new game, and a text view to display feedback messages to the user. Generate a Random Number: In the MainActivity.java file (or Kotlin file), generate a random number within a specified range (e.g., between 1 and 100). This will be the number that the user needs to guess. Handle User Input: Implement logic to handle user input. When the user submits a guess, compare it with the randomly generated number. Provide feedback to the user, indicating whether their guess is too high, too low, or correct. Update the Display: Update the text view to display feedback messages to the user after each guess. You can display messages such as "Too high", "Too low", or "Congratulations! You guessed the number!". Handle Game Over: When the user correctly guesses the number, disable the input field and the submit button to prevent further guesses. Provide an option for the user to start a new game. Handle Restart: Implement logic to allow the user to start a new game after they have guessed the correct number or if they want to restart the game at any point. Test the Game: Run the game on an emulator or physical device to test its functionality and user experience. Ensure that the game provides clear feedback to the user and handles user interactions correctly. Refine and Improve: Refine the game's design and functionality based on user feedback and testing results. You can add additional features, such as a countdown timer, score tracking, or difficulty levels, to enhance the game's replay value and engagement. Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 16 Android Application Development 2023-24 Fig. 4.6 Representation of Guessing Game in Android studio Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 17 Android Application Development 2023-24 4.4 GST BILLING The below shown is the Flowchart for creating a GST Billing app using Android Studio. Fig 4.7 Flowchart for GST Billing Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 18 Android Application Development 2023-24 • Start: Begin the flowchart. • User Interface: Design the UI for the billing application using Android Studio. Include fields for entering item details such as name, quantity, price, and GST rate. Add buttons for adding items to the bill, calculating total amount, applying discounts, and generating the final bill. • Initialize Variables: Initialize variables to store item details, such as name, quantity, price, and GST rate. Initialize variables for storing total amount, GST amount, and final bill amount. • Enter Item Details: Allow the user to enter item details such as name, quantity, price, and GST rate for each item. • Add Item to Bill: When the user clicks the "Add" button, add the entered item details to the bill. • Calculate Total Amount: Calculate the total amount for all items in the bill, including GST. • Apply Discounts: If applicable, apply any discounts to the total amount. • Generate Bill: Generate the final bill, including item details, total amount, GST amount, and any discounts applied. • Display Bill: Display the generated bill to the user for review. • End: End the flowchart. Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 19 Android Application Development 2023-24 Fig 4.8 Representation of GST Billing in Android Studio Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 20 Android Application Development 2023-24 Chapter 5 PICTURE GALLERY Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 21 Android Application Development Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore 2023-24 Page 22 Android Application Development Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore 2023-24 Page 23 Android Application Development 2023-24 CONCLUSION The course of internship has been beneficial for us & it has helped us a lot in gaining technical part of our curriculum and boosting confidence of our academics. Being a part of Tech Mahindra as an intern had been unique experience. Here in Tech Mahindra, we had been through various steps in developing an Android Application. It was an amazing experience of learning and understanding about the software, procedure, and developing the Android application. We are really very thankful to all the engineers who helped us by guiding on our every step throughout the internship for giving their valuable time and being patient with us. We also thank all the staffs of TECH MAHINDRA, ELECTRONIC CITY PHASE 2, BANGALORE for their support and guidance to accomplish this internship successfully. Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 24 Android Application Development 2023-24 REFERENCES [1]. Ribeiro and A. R. D. Silva, “Survey on Cross-Platforms and Languages for Mobile Apps,” Eighth International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, 2012. [2]. Pohares, V. C. Kulloli, T. Bhattacharyya, and S. Bhure, “Cross Platform Mobile Application Development,” International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 1095–1100 , 2013. [3]. S. S. Jagtap and D. B. Hanchate, “Development of Android Based Mobile App for PrestaShop eCommerce Shopping Cart (ALC) ,” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) , vol. 4, no. 7, pp. 2248–2254 , Jul. 2017. [4]. M. Q. Huynh and P. Ghimire, “Browser App Approach: Can It Be an Answer to the Challenges in CrossPlatform App Development?,” Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, vol. 16, pp. 047–068, 2017. [5]. N. Litayem, B. Dhupia, and S. Rubab, “Review of Cross-Platforms for Mobile Learning Application Development,” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 31–39, 2015. [6]. A. Kathuria and A. Gupta, “Challenges in Android Application Development: A Case Study” International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 294–299, May 2015. [7]. L. Ma, L. Gu, and J. Wang, “Research and Development of Mobile Application for Android Platform,” International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, vol. 9, pp. 187–198, 2014 Dept of ECE, DBIT, Bangalore Page 25