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The BAD Times
Source: Reveal Digital , 03-01-1972
Contributed by: Harold Sprinkle; Roosevelt Lockhart; Jennifer Hopkins; Julia Bailey; Bill
Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/community.28033018
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Any Tlu
Number 3 Fayetteville, Arkansas March, 1972
In Hotz Hall, a
whenever he's around
guys in Hotz, in an
ing from in my app”
faced with the task of
dor which has in the
me because he's so con
attempt to promote
roach to explain the
bringing the black”
Past. sponsored numer”
scious of his interior
self satisfaction and
Hotz situation. śTo
white situation with
Ous social activities
color," They proceed
also to invalidate the
relieve you of your
for Blacks, we're
in saying to themselve
whites' myth of so
curiosity I'm simply
int:.o proper focus, It
faced with problems
called ‘Black contain”
saying that the pro-
liere again weu
can be said that,
such as listenin, to
big favor by letting
ment, seek to act as
blem in Hotz between
basically, eve.
many complaints of our
therm associate with us
human beings would act
Blacks and whites is
dorm on the U of A
white residents re-
so now that they're
Black or white, in any
highly a psychological
campus has the same
garding our agression
around some good and
situation put in or
one. As far as more
problems but with
and liberal views of
any desire they feel.
concrete things such a
Have you ever been on
as doing what we want
slight variations.
Black social events.
really puzzles me when
The real difference is
This can probably be
they want to seem
probably how Blacks in
best explained by
happy and energetic an
couple of Black friend
different dorms seek
bringing into pers-
demanding, around me,’
df yours ‘shooting the
discretion in doing it
to better their res-
pective the so-called
This myth of ignorance
bu11" without restrict
thanks, of course, to
to, when we'd like to,
we usually have great `
pective living con”
“white oriented attit-
is usually topped off
ions and a white per”
a rather liberal head
ditions; psychological
ude” that almost all
by their stating that
son gave you that mast
resident, Paul Stubbe,
effects and all are i
whites hold regarding
those colored people
terly smile as if you
We have fairly adequ-
Blacks. This attitud
are violating the law
were a wild animal,
ate Black influence in
tinction. All in all
is one by which whites
and being overall bad
Get to you, eh?
my opinion is that
say, ‘Colored people
guys when they party
are akay people but
and yet act as decent,
included in this dis-
Blacks are not satisfied with their situation in the dorms,
upposed to tense,
.up and quiet down
By now I'm sure mos
the administrative
framework of the hall,
most of you readers of
percentage™wise, so as
dering where I'm com”
ter than average share
intelligent human `
beings.’ The Black
On February 25, days the boycott had initely shows a sign
1972, The Bad Times he been extremely effect- Of change. He said In concláding, we individual school
held an interview with ive. Business in that there must be asked how he felt abou would still have to
Mr. John Crenshaw, Pine Bluff is liter- some degree of cooper- Bumper°'s proposal to have their individVice President of the ally at a standstill, ation between Mr, put all state supporte ualism and be able to
He further stated that
McKissic and the stu-
schools under the U of
operaté in their best
the student body isn't
dents. Especially
A's guidance, He
steps that were taken
boycotting Black owned
since most cof them are
sàid that if Bumpers
isn't the best policy,
in an effort to pre-
business but they are
white. Unless the at
would appoint a gen7
it might be feasible,
vent the merger, he
boycotting businesses
mosphere is the way
eral board outside of
said that they were
that were simply being
that it was at the pol
the U of A's board of
President of the stu-
pushing the boycott
run by Blacks,
student body of AM&N,
When asked about th
in the city and that
through this boycott,
respect for their
polls, he added, Gene
trustees, then AM&N
dent body of AM&N was
would go along with it
out of town and
Crenshaw what was the
their tune since
He also said that each
response to the elect-
whites elected him,
unavailable for
comment .
cause will be gained,
ion of Gene McKissic,
He further stated that
Black political scienc
if the people are be”
started, thousands of
major from Pine Bluff,
hind when he begins
to the office of Presi
carrying out his pro”
dent of the studend
grams a better relat-
problems have arisen,
Mr. Tommy McCall,
could end up playing
We asked Mr.
Since the boycott
Many of the students
While this
LaDoris Speights
have been harassed and
body here, His reply
ionship will develop,
pushed around like
was very hard to act-
Ine that will not be
minature pugs by the
ually take a stand on
suffering from the
authorities, He said
this point. He said
tension of racism,
that in the last eight
that he thinks that it
On Pomfret
great and that it defhave been made.
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Many people see the
need for a revolution
in this country. I
those of you who also
see such a need and
are ready to act shoul
a critical situation
arise, you need not
read any further. I
want to relate to
tic society.
those of you who fear
raid I've made this
the 1l10ss of your souls
sound too easy.
due to revolutionary
like most fmerikan
He said that there
McKissic carried all
election can have no
is already a minority
four polling places on
effect on the merger,
recruitment bureau in
campus indicated that
1'11 be happy to work
ASG that seeks to
all groups on and off
government or admini-
ment salaries and
Canpus o
stration in any cap” …
find places to live
acity that I can. My
for Black people.
Leading a field of
6 candidates, McKissic
constituent members of
it sounds. No fear
the amerikan establish
ment, into desiring
received 45 per cent
represent the 12,000
professors, McKissic
of the votes cast in
students on campus=-~
hoped that in the
the primary to win a
Black, white and
future, they would be
position on the ASG
hired on the basis of
presidential election
Buffalo received 17
freedom of my mind, or
Mckissis also dis-
would not have to be
cruitment of more
actively recrutted.
be had in this life,
but in the nexte I
believe that my pur”
pose here, just like
everyone else's, is to
find a way of attainin
this spiritual freedom
In order to do that,
however, I must have
Black students and
in the primary. In a
professors on the U of
his desire to work
recent interview,
À campus. He con-
with both Black organ”
Mckissic expressed his
gratulated BAD on the
izations, BAD and BSU,
please, as long as I
in order to make the
don't interfere with
mortal or physical
freedom to do as I
appreciation of the
fine job that had
support given him by
already been done in
academic and social
the rights of others,
Black students during
this areaä.
climate of the campus
In gaining the freedom
conducive to all Black
I seek, I find that I
must break my chains
the campaign»
“I want to say
has done a good job in
thanks to all Black
the area of Black stu”
students, on and off
dent recruitment»
students who want to
other words, I must
campus, because they
Ås soon as more people
work with student
center my life more
government to join me.
upon getting those
really gave me'a lot
of help and supporte.
to get Blacks to
Any time you need me,
attend the University,
as ASG president or
hopefully, recruitment
friend, give me a
wi11 step up."
When questioned
“I invite all Black
fit my mortal selfe.
This, to me, entails a
religious philosophy.
I don't see to much
hassle involved in the
and El Doradoes have
on us). Itis
materialistic greed
that is the chain
holding my soul to
this doomed world.
Unfortunately, it is
capitalism that is the
foundation of this
Freedom from materi
alism means a great
loss to the man, He
knows that he is dying
and he will do anythin
to stay alive. You
know what happened in
Oakland and at Berkley
Kent State and Attica.
You see what is hap”
pening in Pine Bluff
tOO« You are vaguely
aware of the happening
in Vietnam. You know
very little about the
actual military strens
gth of amerika, but
you do know about the
fantastic fire power,
mobility, and communications
aquisition of my own
about the AM&N merger,
McKissic replied, “As
with this world. In
things which wil11 bene
are aware of the effec
that television, bill-
per cent of the votes
“I think that BAD
Oof success(surely you
boards, skyscrapers
this utopian ideal can
McKissic expressed
using it as a measure
Mine is a search for a
perfect existence, I
qualifications and
cussed plans for re-
material wealth and
soul if you prefer,
do not believe that
In regard to Black
fools, have been brain
to be as ridiculous as
dom. By this I mean
raise funds, supple”
he received votes from
washed by the man, the
My greatest concern
stated before, my
I'm af”
should not be thought
is my search for free”
The fact that
by Bill Dobson
out of this materialis
April 10-16
k >i t
personal freedom. A1
1I have to do id drop
continues with 1 on
page 4
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Harry Budd On Special Services
First, I wish to heartily thank the staff of the BAD Times for
allowing me the privilege to expound upon the benefits of our Program,
make friends with another Brother or
Sister or if a white person would
and to clear up some misunderstandings that many students might have as to
our functions.
have made friends with another white
First of all, Special Services is a program funded by the United
States Office of Education at: the University of Arkansas to provide:
1. counseling, tutorial and other educational services, and
2. career guidance, placement and other personnel services, for
undergraduate students with academic potential who, by reason
of cultural, economic, educational or physical handicap are
nor can I think of any other place
in need of such services.
Everthing isn't roses in Pomfret,
where it ise But I can say that the
slightest effort that iS being made by
the Blacks and Whites has made some
Now the first question one might ask is "Who is eligible for these
Well, Special Services is designed to assist all students
who meet the following criteria:
1. Students whose economic status is such that they must seek.
financial assistance as a necessary means of their continuing
in college.
2. Students who belong to an ethnic minority group. This provision
automatically qualifies all black students on our campus.
3. Students who have had to interrupt their education for an
extended pericd of time. Veterans would qualify under this
provision. :
4. Students from rural backgrounds--those from small towns who
graduated from small high schools.
5. Physically handicapped students and students attending school
under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act.
difference. ANE BSAS
Although we do have some communi-
cation in the dorm, it isn't to the
point where it can be overlooked be”
cause it is still lacking.
In any place in America, as a
matter of fact, I think tht I would
justified in saying the world, you
find people who are always giving a
little something and in saying this e
can't forget those who just take but
The Program is designed primarily to help Freshmen and Sophomores,
although, in many cases, we do help Juniors and Seniors. We attempt
to assist these students by doing all we can to retain them in school
for their first two years, assuming that, once they have accomplished
their junior year, they will be able to take their place with all the
other University students and successfully attain their degree.
don't give.
I feel that things in this doPm,
Pomfret, could and would be much bet”
ter if everyone jumped off their
clouds, for a while and gave a little,
I must say here that participation in Special Services is strictly
voluntary. This means that, even though a student is eligible, he
must actively seek our services, either by enrolling in one of our
academic sections (which are outlined below), or by applying for such
services at our office in the Mcllroy House, 201 Ozark. Also, in order
to continue receiving our services, a student must continue to cooperate
real‘ or as my Mama would say “start
with his counselors, tutors and instructors, and diligently attend classes.
Special Services does not guarantee passing grades; it is designed to
assist the student so that he himself can earn passing grades.
then we could start ‘dealing in the
getting down to the nitty gritty’,
then a whole lot could be accomplish-
Df course, no one is expecting anything
From what I have said, one might get the mistaken impression that ours
is a "remedial" program. No. It is not a remedial or "high risk" or
It is set up to handle the problems of students
who need academic help or tutoring, and any eligible student who needs
such help will be able to get it without cost or penalty. That's only
one part of the Program--its main purpose i5 to keep students at their
best level of performance in and out of the classroom.
Now we come to the academic part. Special sections of Biology,
Spanish, mathematics, Political Science, Western Civilization, and ADN
have been set up for eligible students. Classroom instruction in
these sections will be given by instructors who are experienced and
knowledgeable in their trade as well as being attuned to student problems.
They are all professionals, and they all care. Tutorial and counseling
services have also been arranged. Tutors and counselors will work with
eligible students and with their instructors. They will meet periodically
with these instructors and discuss the academic problems of an eligible
student and agree upon means by which that student might be helped.
I've looked at
You see, people
Somebody gave somthing,
In closing, may I say that in the year and a half that Special
Services has been on our campus, it has more than proven its value to
70% of its students in college. The retention rate of the overall
Universíty is considerably lower than this.
and information systems at the man's disposal,
If giving
Yet, by the apathy
shown by so many of us, it is apparent that wė are not aware of the
significance of what is going on.
Do not depend upon the man to give you your freedom, bécause
he isn't about to give you anything.
You're going to have to take
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