Document Title : Design Report / Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at BK - Belanak MEPN Doc No. : ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Originator MEDCO Group Owner Area Location System : : : : : PT. HAKIKI WIRA MANDIRI UO-SEOFF-Asset & Operating Integrity BK - Belanak FP - Belanak FPSO 81- Main Power HV/MV Document Type Discipline / Sub discipline Old Document No. : : : DRT-Design Report/Study A-Asset Integrity/AE1-Electrical Equipment - 1 IFU 23 Jan 2023 Issued for Use Rev Status Issue Date Description Bayu J Tunggul S Elviandani R. D. Teuku Ahmad Haekal Hendry Novis Prepared Approved Checked Project Lead Unit Owner Contractor Approvals MEDCO Approvals Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 2 of 35 Revision Sheet Revision 1 Date 23 Jan 2023 Description of Change Issued for Use Additional Approvers (If Applicable) Name Designation Gatot Sularso Lead Electrical, Instrument & Control Bambang Sugianto Senior Engineer Electrical Signature Date Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 3 of 35 DAFTAR ISI 1. PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................................................................. 6 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 2. LATAR BELAKANG ...................................................................................................................... 6 TUJUAN DOKUMEN .................................................................................................................... 6 RUANG LINGKUP DOKUMEN ....................................................................................................... 7 BATASAN .................................................................................................................................. 7 TANGGUNGJAWAB DAN KEPEMILIKAN .......................................................................................... 7 DOKUMEN REFERENSI ............................................................................................................... 8 METODOLOGI PENILAIAN SISA UMUR LAYAN (RLA) ............................................................... 9 2.1. TINJAUAN DOKUMEN TEKNIS .................................................................................................... 10 2.2. IDENTIFIKASI MEKANISME KEGAGALAN...................................................................................... 10 2.3. PENILAIAN RISIKO .................................................................................................................... 12 2.3.1. Penilaian Kemungkinan Kegagalan (PoF) .................................................................... 13 2.3.2. Penilaian Konsekuensi Kegagalan (CoF) ..................................................................... 16 2.3.3. Risiko Awal .................................................................................................................... 16 2.4. PENILAIAN SISA UMUR LAYAN .................................................................................................. 19 2.5. PENENTUAN INTERVAL DAN METODE PEMERIKSAAN .................................................................. 21 3. HASIL PENILAIAN SISA UMUR LAYAN (RLA) ........................................................................... 21 3.1 TINJAUAN DOKUMEN TEKNIS .................................................................................................... 21 3.2 IDENTIFIKASI MEKANISME KEGAGALAN...................................................................................... 23 3.3 PENILAIAN RISIKO .................................................................................................................... 24 3.3.1 Temuan dan Hasil Pemeriksaan ................................................................................... 24 3.3.2 Rangkuman Hasil PoF .................................................................................................. 24 3.3.3 Rangkuman Hasil CoF .................................................................................................. 24 3.3.4 Hasil Risiko Saat Ini ...................................................................................................... 25 3.4 PENILAIAN SISA UMUR LAYAN .................................................................................................. 26 4. KESIMPULAN DAN Saran ............................................................................................................ 27 4.1 KESIMPULAN ........................................................................................................................... 27 4.2 REKOMENDASI......................................................................................................................... 28 APPENDIX A – GENERATOR CHECKLIST ................................................................................................ 29 APPENDIX B – ASSESSMENT W ORKSHEET DISTRIBUTION ...................................................................... 30 APPENDIX C – RLA W ORKSHEET ......................................................................................................... 31 APPENDIX D – TECHNICAL DOCUMENT SUPPORT .................................................................................. 32 APPENDIX E – INSPECTION VISUAL ....................................................................................................... 36 Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 4 of 35 Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 5 of 35 1. Pendahuluan 1. Introduction 2.1. Latar Belakang 1.1. Background Sebagai bagian dari Persyaratan untuk As part of the requirements to apply for a mengajukan Certificate of Inspection (COI) Certificate of Inspection (COI) and also to dan juga untuk memenuhi persyaratan meet peraturan pemerintah Indonesia terbaru, Indonesian government regulations, namely yaitu Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber the Daya Mineral – PERMEN ESDM No. 32 Resources Regulation – PERMEN ESDM Tahun “Pemeriksaan No. 32 of 2021 concerning "Safety Checking Keselamatan Instalasi dan Peralatan Pada of Installations and Equipment in Oil and Kegiatan Usaha Minyak dan Gas Bumi”, PT. Gas Hakiki Wiramandiri diminta oleh Medco E&P Wiramandiri was requested by Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. untuk menyediakan Residual Natuna Life Assessment (RLA) untuk 81-ZEG-001B Assessment yang berlokasi di BK - Belanak Medco E&P located at BK - Belanak Medco E&P Natuna Natuna Ltd. Ltd. 2021 tentang 2.1. Tujuan Dokumen the requirements Minister of Business Ltd. to of Energy and Activities", provide (RLA) the PT. latest Mineral Hakiki Residual for Life 81-ZEG-001B 1.2. Purpose of Document Tujuan dari dokumen ini yaitu: The objectives of this document are: • Sebagai dokumen pendukung penerbitan • As a supporting document for the sertifikat Inspeksi (COI) dari Perusahaan issuance of an Inspection Certificate Inspeksi (PI). (COI) from Perusahaan Inspeksi (PI). • Melakukan pemetaan risiko agar dapat • Conduct risk mapping in order to know mengetahui profil risiko pada Power the risk profile of the Power Generator Generator dan dapat mengidentifikasi and identify which Power Generator has a Power Generator mana yang memiliki higher risk level, including the remaining level risiko lebih tinggi, termasuk sisa life of the Power Generator. • As a consideration for prioritizing risk umur dari Power Generator. • Sebagai pertimbangan untuk mitigation plans as part of management. memprioritaskan rencana mitigasi risiko sebagai bagian dari manajemen. 2.1. Ruang Lingkup Dokumen 1.3. Scope of Document Ruang lingkup pekerjaan pada dokumen ini The scope of work of this document are: adalah: • Conduct RLA for 81-ZEG-001B based on • Melakukan RLA untuk 81-ZEG-001B berdasarkan PERMEN ESDM No. 32 PERMEN ESDM No. 32 tahun 2021. • Review and update risks for the Power Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. tahun 2021. Generator terbaru, Page 6 of 35 Generator based on the latest data, • Meninjau dan memperbarui resiko untuk Power ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 berdasarkan aspek-aspek yang aspects to be analyzed: data - Generators akan - Method and Interval Inspection dianalisis: - Generators - Method dan Interval Inspection 2.1. Batasan 1.4. Battery Limit Batasan pada penilaian ini dimulai dari The battery limit on this assessment starts Seluruh pemeriksaan visual terhadap fisik from all visual inspections of the Power Power Generator (Appendix E. Inspection Generator's physical condition (Appendix Visual) dan memperhatikan pengukuran E. Inspection Visual) and take notice to temperature dan winding. measurements from temperature and winding. 2.1. Tanggungjawab dan Kepemilikan 1.5. Responsibilities and Ownership Manajer Asset & Operating Integrity – The Surface Engineering Offshore – Asset Surface Engineering Offshore merupakan & Operating Integrity Manager is owner of pemilik dari dokumen ini dan bertanggung this document and is responsible for it jawab atas pemeliharaanya. maintenance. Dokumen ini milik Tim Asset Integrity yang This document belong to asset integrity akan ditinjau oleh asset integrity engineer team that will be reviewed by asset integrity atau asset integrity lead dan disetujui oleh engineer or asset integrity lead manajer asset integrity. Dokumen kontrol approved by asset integrity manager. akan menyimpan dokumen yang telah Document controller will keep approved disetujui pada EDMS.. document on EDMS.. and Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. 2.1. Dokumen Referensi ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 7 of 35 1.6. Reference Documents Parent / Reference Document No. Document Title Parent OS Risk Management PRIME03-OS-01 Risk Methodology Reference Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 32 tahun 2021 Inspeksi Teknis dan Pemeriksaan Keselamatan Instalasi dan Peralatan pada Kegiatan Usaha Minyak dan Gas Bumi Reference Surat Edaran Dirjen MIGAS No. 12024/18.05/DMT/2013 Pemeriksaan Peralatan Operasi MIGAS yang telah Melewati Umur Desain (Design Life) dan yang Tidak Memiliki Data Reference IEEE Std. 493 - 2007 IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of Reliable Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Reference NFPA 70B – 2019 Recommended Practice for Electrical Equipment Maintenance Reference ANSI/NETA MTS - 2019 Standard for Maintenance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Distribution Equipment and Systems Reference IEC 60076-12 - 2008 Power transformers – Part 12: Loading guide for dry-type power transformer Reference IEC 60034-3 - 2007 Rotating electrical machines – Part3: Specific requirement for synchronous generators driven by steam turbines or combustion gas turbines Reference IEC 60034-1 - 2017 Rotatingelectrical machines – Part 1: Rating and performance Reference API 579-1 - 2016 Fitness For Service Reference ID-F-BU-EE0-STS-GN-80-0007 Standard Specification : Electrical Generators for Offshore Service Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. 2. Metodologi Penilaian Umur Layan (RLA) ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 8 of 35 Sisa 2. Residual Life Assessment (RLA) Methodology Sebagaimana tertulis dalam PERMEN ESDM As written in PERMEN ESDM No. 32 tahun No. 32 tahun 2021, peralatan yang telah 2021, equipment that has passed its design melewati umur asalkan dilakukan tersebut. Berikut desain dapat digunakan life can be used as long as an RLA is carried pada peralatan out on the equipment. The following steps will RLA tahapan yang akan be carried out in assessing the remaining dilakukan dalam penilaian sisa umur layan service life based on PERMEN ESDM No. 32 berdasarkan PERMEN ESDM No. 32 tahun tahun 2021. 2021. Determining the cause of failure by Menentukan penyebab kegagalan dengan implementing root cause failure analysis metode root cause failure analysis. method. Failure determination is ideally done Penentuan kegagalan idealnya dilakukan by referring to maintenance data as well as dengan mengacu pada data maintenance performance serta data unjuk kerja, data spesifikasi desain specification data. Failure determination can peralatan. Untuk penentuan kegagalan dapat be done based on the failure description vs dilakukan failure berdasarkan panduan failure mode data, equipment handbook guide design of each description vs failure mode handbook dari component which has information about the masing-masing common failure modes for that component. komponen yang memiliki informasi mengenai mode kegagalan yang umum bagi komponen tersebut. Start Inspection Method and Interval Determinantion Technical Document Review Failure Identification Residual Life Assessment Risk Assessment Inspection Scope Determination Fitness For Services or Other Method Figure 2.1 RLA Workflow Based On PERMEN ESDM No. 32 tahun 2021 Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. 2.1. Tinjauan Dokumen Teknis ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 9 of 35 2.1. Technical Document Review Langkah pertama untuk melakukan penilaian The first step to conduct remaining life sisa dan assessment is to collect and review technical meninjau dokumen teknis. Kategori dokumen documents. Reviewed technical document teknis yang ditinjau adalah: categories are: 1. Data dan dokumen Power Generator 1. Power Generator data and document 2. Dokumen penilaian risiko 2. Risk assessment document Detail dari kedua dokumen tersebut sudah Detail of both documents is already written tertulis dalam checklist dan dapat dilihat pada into a checklist and can be seen in Appendix Lampiran A. A. umur adalah mengumpulkan 2.2. Identifikasi Mekanisme Kegagalan 2.2. Failure Mechanism Identification Kemungkinan mekanisme kerusakan pada Possible mechanism of failure to the Power Power Generator dapat dikembalikan Kembali Generator kepada sudah manufacturers/vendors who have calculated yang the age of the machine/equipment they have mereka buat. Namun, untuk memastikan agar manufactured. However, to ensure that the umur desain peralatan dapat tercapai perlu design life of the equipment can be achieved, dilakukan operasi dan pemeliharaan dengan it is necessary to carry out operation and pola yang baik. Ada ketidakpastian bila maintenance with a consistent pattern. There menentukan usia pakai dan rusak tidaknya is uncertainty when determining the service suatu komponen mesin/peralatan bila hanya life and whether or not a machine/equipment berdasarkan waktu operasi. component is failured if it is only based on produsen/vendor menghitung usia yang mesin/peralatan can be traced back to the operating time. Semua benda yang bergerak selalu memiliki titik lelah (fatigue). Suatu alat yang telah All moving objects always have a fatigue mencapai titik lelahnya, jika tidak ditangani point. A tool that has reached its fatigue point, dengan suatu if not handled properly, will fail. The causes of kegagalan (failure). Penyebab dari kegagalan failure also vary for each device. To be able juga bervariasi untuk setiap alat. Untuk dapat to determine the cause of a failure, it is menentukan kegagalan necessary to carry out a failure analysis in sangat perlu dilakukan analisis terhadap order to identify and differentiate the causes kerusakan and mechanisms of failure. tepat akan penyebab (failure mencapai suatu analysis) agar dapat mengetahui dan membedakan penyebab dan For industries that have not experienced the Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 10 of 35 impact of machine or industrial equipment mekanisme terjadinya kegagalan. failures, it is very necessary to anticipate the Bagi industri yang belum mengalami dampak dari kegagalan mesin atau alat industri, sudah sangat perlu untuk mengantisipasi terhadap kemungkinan dapat terjadinya merugikan terhambatnya pihak produksi possibility of failures that can harm the industry due to production delays that should be running smoothly. kegagalan yang industri karena Several studies have shown that the cost of seharusnya tool life extension (maintenance) is only yang around 20% - 30% of the total cost of building berjalan dengan lancar. a Beberapa studi membuktikan bahwa biaya dari perpanjangan umur alat (maintenance) hanya sekitar 20% - 30% dari total biaya pembangunan industri baru. Pengertian “perpanjangan umur” sering disalahpahami. Tujuan kegiatan perpanjangan bukan untuk melanjutkan operasi pabrik di luar masa produksi, tetapi hanya untuk memastikan alatalat dapat dimanfaatkan penuh sesuai dengan perhitungan masa produksi. Cara ini bertujuan untuk menghindari kegagalan dini new industry. extension" is The often definition of "life misunderstood. The purpose of extension activities is not to continue factory operations beyond production period, but only to ensure that the equipment can be fully utilized in accordance with the calculation of the production period. This method aims to avoid premature failure of the tools. The actual working life of industrial equipment may exceed the working life specified by the tool manufacturer (design data). dari alat-alat. Umur kerja dari alat industri sebenarnya dapat melebihi umur kerja yang telah ditetapkan produsen alat the tersebut (design data). Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. 2.3. Penilaian Risiko ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 11 of 35 2.3. Risk Assessment Penilaian risiko akan dilakukan dengan Risk assessment will be conducted using menggunakan metode kualitatif semi-quantitative method by multiplying the dengan mengalikan kemungkinan kegagalan (PoF) probability dan konsekuensi kegagalan (CoF). Analisis consequence of failure (CoF). The semi- risiko pada quantitative risk analysis is applied to Power tersebut Generator in section-by-section increments. kualitatif akan diterapkan Generator. Pendekatan mengadopsi matriks konsekuensi The of failure approach (PoF) adopts and Medco the E&P kegagalan dan risiko milik Medco E&P atau consequences of failure and risk matrices or menerapkan applies dalam pedoman praktik yang yang ditetapkan direkomendasikan guidelines specified within the international recommended practices. In the secara internasional. Dalam analisis risiko semi-quantitative kualitatif, kemungkinan probability of failure is determined by ditentukan dengan kegagalan mempertimbangkan considering risk various analysis, factors that the are berbagai faktor yang dikategorikan menjadi categorized into time dependent and time ancaman yang pada independent threats. The safety, financial, operasional dan tidak environmental, bergantung ancaman yang and reputation bergantung pada operasional. Konsekuensi consequences are the factors that affect the terhadap consequence of failure. keselamatan, finansial, lingkungan, dan reputasi adalah faktorfaktor yang mempengaruhi konsekuensi Detail Power Generator risk assessment kegagalan. methodology for Medco E&P has been written Detail metodologi penilaian risiko Power in the “OS Risk Management PRIME-03-OS-01”. Generator untuk Medco E&P telah tertulis dalam dokumen “OS Risk Management PRIME-03-OS-01”. Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. 2.3.1. Penilaian Kemungkinan Kegagalan ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 12 of 35 2.3.1 Probability of Failure (PoF) (PoF) Assessment Berikut merupakan bagian dari faktor- The following is part of the factors that faktor yang mempengaruhi kemungkinan affect the probability of failure (PoF) of kegagalan (PoF) dari Power Generator the Power Generator (risk assessment (bagian section) can be categorized into: assessment resiko) dapat Operational Dependent Threats dikategorikan menjadi: Ancaman Tergantung Operasional: o Vibration o Vibration o Overheating o Overheating o Out of Adjustment o Out of Adjustment o Mechanical Failure o Mechanical Failure o Fatigue/Overstress o Fatigue/Overstress o Corrosion o Corrosion o Contamination o Contamination o Burst o Burst o Breakage o Breakage o Blockage o Blockage Ancaman Non-Operational Dependent Threats o Software Failure Operasional: o Short circuiting o Software Failure o No Signal o Short circuiting o No Power o No Signal o External Influence o No Power o Erosion o External Influence o Electrical Failure o Erosion o Clearance o Electrical Failure o Clearance Tidak Tergantung Table 2. 1 Probability of Failure Description PoF Very Unlikely Unlikely Possible Likely Combined Probability Level Description Very unlikely to occur during the operational life of the facility. Accident: Never happened in other Company Quantitative: < 10-5 Unlikely to occur during the operational life of the facility. Accident: Ever happened in another Company Quantitative: 10-5 - < 10-3 Likely to occur during the operational life of the facility. Accident: Ever happened in Medco E&P Natuna Quantitative: 10-3 - <10-1 Likely to occur repeatedly during the operational life of the facility. Accident: Ever happened in Asset / Location Quantitative: >= 10-1 Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 13 of 35 Aturan yang sama juga berlaku untuk The same rule applies for calculating the menghitung faktor kemungkinan dan probability factor and the PoF from Non- PoF dari Ancaman Tidak Tergantung Operational Dependent Threats. Operasional. The overall PoF of offshore Power Keseluruhan PoF dari Power Generator Generator will be taken as a maximum of akan PoF from Time and Non-Operational diambil maksimum PoF dari Ancaman Tergantung Opearional dan Dependent Threats. Ancaman Tidak Tergantung Opearional. bahwa PoF It is important to note that the combined yang tidak PoF is that of non-adjusted PoF. The penyesuaian amount of adjustment is affected by dipengaruhi oleh Faktor Keyakinan dan Confidence Factor and Time Since Waktu Sejak Pemeriksaan Terakhir. Last Inspection. After the adjustment, Setelah dilakukan penyesuaian, PoF the Current PoF will be used later to Saat Ini akan digunakan nantinya untuk determine the Current Risk (Figure menentukan Risiko Saat Ini (Gambar 2.2). 2.2). Detail Penting untuk gabungan disesuaikan. dicatat adalah PoF Besarnya Penjelasan detail terkait explanation of specific PoF Perhitungan PoF secara spesifik dapat Calculation may be referred to “OS Risk mengacu pada Dokumen “OS Risk Management PRIME-03-OS-01”. Management PRIME-03-OS-01”. Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 14 of 35 Probability of Failure Consequence of Failure Operational Dependent Threats Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Vibration Keselamatan Proses Overheating Lingkungan Out of Adjustment Kerugian Finacial Mechanical Failure Biaya Tambahan Fatigue/Overstress Project Corrosion PSC Non-Cost Recovery Contamination Reputasi Burst Legal Breakage Notifikasi Publik Blockage Socio-Cultural Economic Keanekaragaman Hayati Non Operational Dependent Threats Industrial Hygiene-Exposure Software Failure Short circuiting No Signal No Power External Influence Erosion Electrical Failure Clearance Confidence Factor Initial Risk - Risk Confidence - Remnant Life Confidence - FFS Confidence Current Risk Current PoF Current Inspection Interval YES Risk Acceptable? NO DetailedO Assessment Figure 2.2 Workflow Risk Assessment Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. 2.3.2. Penilaian Konsekuensi Kegagalan ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 15 of 35 2.3.2. Consequence of Failure (CoF) (CoF) Assessment Konsekuensi Kegagalan (CoF) Power A Generator Consequence of Failure Generator (CoF) is determined using factors shown dapat ditentukan yang in Figure 2.2. sama The value of Power Generator CoF dengan nilai maksimum dari faktor- equals to the maximum value of its faktornya, factors, which can be expressed as: menggunakan faktor-faktor ditunjukkan pada Figure 2.2. Nilai CoF Power yang Generator dapat dinyatakan sebagai berikut: Skenario konsekuensi kegagalan untuk The consequence failure scenario for setiap oleh each yang governing Probability of Failure instead faktor Kemungkinan ditentukan Kegagalan berpengaruh, bukan skenario kegagalan factor is determined by the of worst-case failure scenario. untuk kasus terburuk. 2.3.3. Risiko Awal 2.3.3. Initial Risk Secara umum, risiko adalah kombinasi Generally, risk is the combination of the dari kemungkinan beberapa peristiwa probability of some events leading to yang menyebabkan yang failure occurring during a time period of terjadi selama yang interest and the failure consequences kegagalan periode waktu diinginkan dan konsekuensi kegagalan associated yang terkait dengan peristiwa tersebut. mathematical Dalam istilah matematika, risiko dapat expressed as: with the terms, risk event. In can be dinyatakan sebagai berikut: Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 16 of 35 ini, In the present risk assessment, the kombinasi PoF dan CoF menghasilkan combination of PoF and CoF results in Risiko Awal, yaitu tingkat risiko yang the Initial Risk, which is a level of risk dihitung berdasarkan pengetahuan dan calculated kondisi Power Generator saat ini tanpa knowledge and condition of the Power memperhitungkan Generator without taking into account Dalam penilaian risiko saat durasi sebenarnya based on the current actual duration since the last inspection sejak pemeriksaan terakhir dilakukan. was performed. Risiko Awal akan digunakan bersama untuk The Initial Risk will be used together Pemeriksaan with the Confidence Factor to generate Saat Ini. Waktu Sejak Pemeriksaan the Current Inspection Interval. The Terakhir, yaitu selang waktu (dalam Time Since Last Inspection, which is tahun) antara an interval of time (in years) between the terakhir dengan tanggal penilaian, last inspection date and assessment dibagi dengan Interval date, is then divided by the Current dengan Faktor menghasilkan kemudian Pemeriksaan mendapatkan Pemeriksaan. Keyakinan Interval tanggal pemeriksaan Saat Ini Rasio Selain itu, untuk Interval rasio ini digunakan untuk menyesuaikan PoF Inspection Interval to obtain the Inspection Interval Ratio. Moreover, this ratio is used to adjust the PoF resulting in the Current Risk. yang menghasilkan Risiko Saat Ini. The risk matrix that will be used in this Matriks risiko yang akan digunakan assessment will refer to the Medco E&P dalam penilaian ini akan mengacu pada Safety and Risk Acceptance Standards Medco E&P Safety and Risk Acceptance and Guidance Philosophy that show in Standards and Guidance Philosophy Figure 2.3. yang ditunjukkan pada Gambar 2.4. Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 17 of 35 Figure 2.3 Medco E&P Risk Matrix Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. 2.5. Penilaian Sisa Umur Layan ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 18 of 35 2.4. Residual Life Assessment Langkah selanjutnya adalah menghitung Next step is calculating the residual life of sisa umur Power Generator. Residual Life Power Assessment merupakan cara yang tepat Assessment is the ideal way to calculate the dalam mana extent to which equipment can operate peralatan dapat beroperasi secara layak properly and meet standards. Residual Life dan Life Assessment should be applied to all existing Assessment sebaiknya diterapkan pada facilities and will be reused in the new work semua akan plan. For this reason, all recorded data must digunakan kembali pada rencana kerja always be made with a good storage baru. Untuk itu semua data yang dicatat system so that the residual life assessment harus sistem for the next work plan can be carried out penyimpanan yang baik agar residual life accurately, because the completeness and assessment accuracy of the data greatly determines the memperhitungkan memenuhi fasilitas selalu sejauh standar. yang Residual ada dibuat dan dengan untuk rencana kerja Generator. Residual Life selanjutnya dapat dilakukan dengan akurat, prediction results. karena The residual life of Power Generator can be kelengkapan dan akurasi data sangat menentukan hasil prediksi Sisa umur determined using: Power Generator dapat ditentukan dengan menggunakan: k=180000xa-1xe(-b/T) Lc=kxt Dimana, Where, a : Arrhenius’ equation Constant a : Arrhenius’ equation Constant b : Arrhenius’ equation b : Arrhenius’ equation Temperature T : Hotspot Thermodinamic Temperature T Temperature (273+VHSn) : Hotspot Thermodinamic Temperature (273+VHSn) Va : Ambient Temperature Va : Ambient Temperature VHSn : Hotspot Temperature VHSn : Hotspot Temperature t : Loading Time t : Loading Time k : Ageing Rate k : Ageing Rate Lc : Lifetime Consumption Lc : Lifetime Consumption *IEC 60076-12-2008; 5.2 Loading Time Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. Dengan menggunakan Page 19 of 35 konstanta Using the Arrhenius constant table, the Arrhenius, range suhu dapat dikategorikan temperature range can be categorized berdasarkan suhu system insulasi. Dalam based on the temperature of the insulation konteks yang system. In this context the Power Generator 155oC, operates in the temperature range of 155oC, sehingga nilai digunakan adalah a=9.60E- so the values used are a=9.60E-17 and 17 dan b=20475 K (Kelvin). Rumus yang b=20475 K (Kelvin). The formula formed dibentuk menggunakan nilai 180000* jam uses the value of 80000* hours as the sebagai usia rata-rata Power Generator average age of the Power Generator yang beroperasi dalam kondisi dibawah full operating under full load conditions (IEC load (IEC 60076-12-2008). Nilai rated hot- 60076-12-2008). spot temperature value in table 2.3 shows the ini beroperasi Power dalam table ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Generator range temperature pada suhu table 2.3 The average beroperasi, dimana adanya perubahan suhu generator, where a change in temperature 6oC dapat berdampak pada penuaan Power of 6oC can have an impact on the aging of Generator, Power the Power Generator, it is assumed that the Generator yang beroperasi bisa menembus age of the Power Generator in operation usia pengunaan diatas 10 tahun (IEC can exceed the age of use over 10 years 60076-12-2008). (IEC 60076-12-2008). usia temperature hot-spot menunjukkan rata-rata suhu generator yang diasumsikan operating rated of *Medco Design Life assumption Table 2. 2 Constant Lifetime Equation Arrhenius’ equation Constants Insulation System Temperature (Thermal Class) Rated HotSpot Temperature VHSn a b oC h K oC 105 (A) 3,10E-14 15 900 95 120 (E) 5,48E-15 17212 110 130 (B) 1,72E-15 18115 120 155 (F) 9,60E-17 20475 145 180 (H) 5,35E-18 22979 170 200 5,31E-19 25086 190 220 5,26E-20 27285 210 Note : IEC 60076-12-2008; 5.2 Lifetime table 1) Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. the Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. 2.5. Penentuan Interval dan Metode Pemeriksaan ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 20 of 35 2.5. Inspection Interval and Method Determination Determining the method and interval for Penentuan interval dan metode pemeriksaan dapat dilakukan dengan inspection Generator categorizing mengkategorikan berdasarkan Power risikonya. Tindakan yang can be the conducted Power by Generator based on its risk. The most common paling umum adalah pemeriksaan, dimana measure bagian section details the inspection planning. ini pemeriksaan. merinci perencanaan Disarankan untuk is inspection, inspection as follows : berikut: - Visual Inspection: 2024 Visual Inspection: 2024 Follow the maintenance program Mengikuti program maintenance from the user or do it every year dari user atau dilakukan setiap (Annually) – reference Std/Code tahun – (Annually) NFPA 70B – 2019 (Annex L referensi Std/Code NFPA 70B – 2019 (Annex L Maintenance Intervals) - this Recommended to schedule the next menjadwalkan Inspeksi berikutnya sebagai - which Maintenance Intervals) - Online Inspection: 2024 Online Inspection: 2024 Thermography Inspection every Thermography Inspection setiap year – Annually – reference referensi Std/Code NFPA 70B – 2019 Std/Code NFPA 70B – 2019 (Annex L Maintenance Intervals) & (Annex L Maintenance Intervals) Standard for Infrared Inspection of & Electrical tahun Annually Standard for Infrared Inspection of Electrical Systems Systems & Rotating Equipment – 2008. & Rotating Equipment – 2008. 3. Hasil Penilaian Layan (RLA) Sisa Umur 3. Residual Life (RLA) Results 3.1 Tinjauan Dokumen Teknis Assessment 3.1. Technical Document Review Berikut spesifikasi 81-ZEG-001B di BK - The following is the Power Generator Belanak yang ditunjukkan pada Tabel 3.1. specification of 81-ZEG-001B at BK Belanak that show in Tabel 3.1. Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 21 of 35 Table 3. 1 Generator Specification Data Tag Number Serial Number Description Location Construction Type Data Reference Year Built / Year Used Construction Code Power (MVA) Rated Voltage (V) Phase Insulation Class Frequency (Hz) Safety Devices Rated Current (A) Sebelum : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : melakukan penilaian, 81-ZEG-001B 011075-04 Power Generator Medco E&P Natuna Ltd Gas Turbine Inspection 2019 2002 / 2002 IEC 17,50 13800 3 F 60 Circuit Breaker and Protection Relay 732,00 At the beginning of the assessment, pengumpulan dan penelaahan data teknis collecting and reviewing technical data and dan harus document of Power Generator must already sudah dilakukan. Berikut adalah beberapa be conducted. The following are several data dan dokumen teknis yang harus technical ditinjau: subjected to review: dokumen Power Generator data and document that Table 3. 2 Technical Document Review No Technical Document 1 2 3 4 5 Generator Design Drawing Previous Certification Report Inspection History/ Record Maintenance report Need fo risk Assessment document -Occupational safety and health -Process Safety -Enviromental -Financial Cost -Additional Cost -Project delay -PSC Non-cost Recovery -Reputation -Legal 6 Available Not Available √ √ √ √ √ √ Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. is Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 22 of 35 -Public notification -Socio cultural economic -Biodiversity -Industrial hygine – exposure incident Seluruh dokumen yang telah direview dapat Detail of all reviewed documents is already dilihat pada Lampiran A. written into checklist and can be seen in Appendix A. 3.2 Identifikasi Mekanisme Kegagalan Mekanisme kegagalan dari 81-ZEG-001B di BK - Belanak dapat ditentukan berdasarkan kondisi operasi saat ini dan catatan inspeksi. Seperti disebutkan sebelumnya, kemungkinan mekanisme kerusakan untuk Power Generator dapat dikategorikan menjadi: 3.2. Failure Mechanism Identification Failure mechanism of 81-ZEG-001B at BK Belanak can be determined based on its current operating condition and inspection record. As previously mentioned, possible failure mechanism for Power Generator may be categorized into: 1. Operational dependent 2. Operational independent 1. Tergantung Operasional 2. Tidak tergantung Operasional The detail of the failure mechanism of both Detail mekanisme kegagalan dari keduanya, tergantung operasional dan tidak tergantung time dependent and time independent can be seen in Figure 2.2 operasional dapat dilihat pada Gambar 2.2. Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. 3.3.1. Inspection Findings and Result Temuan dan Hasil Pemeriksaan Berdasarkan Page 23 of 35 3.3. Risk Assessment 3.3 Penilaian Risiko 3.3.1 ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 hasil Based on the results of the latest pemeriksaan vibration check in December 2022, vibrasi terbaru pada Desember 2022, the Power Generator is adequately Power Generator cukup terlindungi protected from vibration Appendix D. dari geteran (Lampiran D). Berdasarkan hasil Temperature Based on the results of the latest pemeriksaan Temperature inspection in January terbaru pada Januari 2023, Power Generator tidak terlalu berdapak significant pada saat proses operasional (Lampiran D). 3.3.2 tergantung the Power having a very during the Generator significant operational not impact process Appendix D. Rangkuman Hasil PoF Tidak 2023, 3.3.2. Summary of PoF Result Operational adalah The time independent of PoF factors in faktor PoF dalam 81-ZEG-001B yang 81-ZEG-001B is driven by operational dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor interferensi factor. Summary of the key driving non-operational dapat dilihat sebagai factors for 81-ZEG-001B can be seen in: berikut: Table 3. 3 Summary of PoF Assessment Generator 81-ZEG001B Primary PoF Key Drivers Factor(s) Value NonOperational 1 Operational Dependent Ever happened in another company* *Medco E&P Safety and Risk Acceptance Standards and Guidance Philosophy 3.3.3 Rangkuman Hasil CoF Seperti yang dijelaskan 3.3.3. Summary of CoF Result sebelumnya As previously described in the section pada bagian 2.5.1, ada beberapa faktor 2.5.4, there are some factors that is yang dipertimbangkan untuk menentukan considered to determine CoF, Following CoF. Berikut ringkasan Penilaian CoF is the summary of CoF Assessment for untuk 81-ZEG-001B 81-ZEG-001B dengan sebesar USD 184.166,6666666667. LPO with LPO USD 184.166,6666666667. Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 24 of 35 Table 3. 4 Summary of CoF Assessment Consequence Generator Primary CoF Factors 81-ZEG001B Safety and Reputation CoF Score Key Drivers 3 US $ 100000<loss<US $ 1 million* *Medco E&P Safety and Risk Acceptance Standards and Guidance Philosophy 3.3.4 Hasil Risiko Saat Ini 3.3.4. Current Risk Result Setelah mendapatkan skor PoF dan skor After getting the PoF score and CoF CoF, maka harus diplotkan ke dalam score, then it must be plotted into Medco matriks risiko Medco E&P Natuna Ltd E&P Natuna Ltd risk matrix as previously seperti yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya described in Figure 2.3. Following is the pada Gambar 2.4. Berikut ringkasan summary of risk assessments of 81-ZEG- penilaian risiko 81-ZEG-001B. 001B. Table 3. 5 Summary of Risk Assessment Generator 81-ZEG-001B PoF CoF PoF Driver Score CoF Driver Score NonOperational 1 Financial Loss 3 Current Risk LOW (3)* *Sesuai dengan standar Medco E&P Natuna Ltd HSE, risiko *In accordance with Medco E&P Natuna Ltd HSE, “MEDIUM” harus dikelola menggunakan pencegahan dan/atau “MEDIUM” risk are required to be managed using prevention mitigasi dengan prioritas. Risiko dapat ditoleransi, jika terbukti and/or mitigation with priority. Risk may be tolerable, if ALARP. demonstrated to be ALARP. ** Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 32 tahun 2021 untuk dapat ** Based on Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 32 of menampilkan nilai resiko dari setiap unit peralatan diluar sisa umur. 2021 to be able to display the risk value of each unit of equipment beyond of residual life. Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. the Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 25 of 35 3.4. Residual Life Assessment 3.4 Penilaian Sisa Umur Layan The residual life of 81-ZEG-001B can be Sisa umur layan dari 81-ZEG-001B dapat ditentukan dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut: determined by following step: 1. Determine the value of the insulation class for the Power Generator. 1. Menentukan nilai kelas insulasi untuk Power Generator. 2. Menentukan nilai Arrhenius’ Equation constants (a dan b). 2. Determine the value of the Arrhenius' Equation constants (a and b). 3. Determine the ambient temperature (Va) value. 3. Menentukan nilai ambient temperature (Va). 4. Determine the value of the winding hotspot temperature rise (VHSn) 4. Menentukan nilai winding hot-spot temperature rise (VHSn) 5. Menetukan nilai 5. Determine the RLA value on the Power Generator. RLA pada Power Generator. Table 3. 6 RLA Calculation a (Arrhenius' equation constants) (hours) b (Arrhenius' equation constants) (Kelvin) va (ambient temperature) (oC) vHSn (winding hotspot temperature rise) (oC) 0,000000000000000096 20475 35 68,7 Normal Lifetime of Power Generator (hours) Loading Time (hours) k (Ageing Rate) 180000* 11648 1,824179 7309e-05 T (Kelvin) 341,85 Lc (lifetime consumption) L (expected lifetime at the rated hot-spot temperature) L (expected lifetime at the rated hot-spot temperature) Residual Life Assessment (yr) 0,21 0,00000118 179999,79 20,00* * Design life GTG ** RL based on rising temperature Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. 4. Kesimpulan dan Saran ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 26 of 35 4. Conclusion and Recommendations 4.1 Kesimpulan Berdasarkan hasil penilaian yang telah 4.1. Conclusion dilakukan di atas, berikut adalah beberapa Based on the assessment result that was kesimpulan: conducted above, following are several Sisa umur dari Power Generator 81ZEG-001B (011075-04) adalah 20 tahun. conclusions: Remaining life of Power Generator 81ZEG-001B (011075-04) is 20 years. Peralatan Power Generator 81-ZEG- Power Generator Equipment Power 001B (011075-04) berada pada tingkat Generator 81-ZEG-001B (011075-04) resiko is at the last level LOW with contain all LOW keseluruhan 3. dengan akhir resiko risk 3. Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. 4.2 Rekomendasi ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 27 of 35 4.2. Recommendations Berdasarkan hasil penilaian yang telah Based on the assessment result that was dilakukan conducted above, the following are the di atas, berikut adalah rekomendasinya: recommendations: Lakukan perawatan berkala sesuai Carry out periodic maintenance jadwal perawatan untuk menjaga umur according to the maintenance schedule pemakaian Power Generator. to maintain the life of the Power Pembebanan Power Generator sebaiknya tidak melebihi 80% dari Generator. The loading of the Power Generator kapasitas maksimum, hal ini untuk should menghindari “over load” pada keadaan maximum capacity, this is to avoid beban puncak dan menjaga performa "overloading" dari Power Generator. conditions Lakukan temperature monitoring “annually” saat Power Generator dalam kondisi beroperasi temperature pada during and of the peak load maintain the performance of the Power Generator. Perform temperature monitoring "annually" when the Power Generator generator dapat is in operating condition that the temperature terhadap sudah saatnya performa dari on the generator can be monitored properly yang After maintenance and replacement of diganti, the system which is due to be replaced, sistem untuk conditions dan perawatan penggantian pengujian 80% kondisi dilakukan direkomendasikan exceed agar termonitor dengan baik. Setelah not dilakukan Power Generator dan dilakukan kembali RLA. it is recommended performance test of that the the Power Generator be carried out and the RLA is repeated. Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. Appendix A – Generator Checklist ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 28 of 35 Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 29 of 35 Appendix B – Assessment Worksheet Distribution Tag Number 81-ZEG-001B Cof Pof US $ 100000<loss<US $ 1 million Ever happened in another company LPO = USD 184.166,6666666667 Temperature failure which happened in another company Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 30 of 35 Appendix C – RLA Worksheet Tag Number : 81-ZEG-001B Years of Manufacture : 2002 Safety device : Circuit Breaker and Protection Relay Capacity (kVA) : 17500 Insulation Class :F a (Arrhenius' equation constants) (hr) : 0,000000000000000096 b (Arrhenius' equation constants) (Kelvin) : 20475 Va (ambient temperature) (oC) : 35 VHSn (winding hot-spot temperature) (oC) : 68,7 Temperature,T (Kelvin) : 341,85 Normal Lifetime (hr) : 180000* Loading Time (hr) : 11648 k (Ageing Rate) : 1,8241797309e-05 Lc (lifetime consumption) : 0,21 L (expected lifetime at the rated hot-spot temp) : 0,00000118 L (expected lifetime at the rated hot-spot temp) : 179999,79 Residual Life (yr) : 20 *Medco Design Life equipment Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 31 of 35 Appendix D – Technical Document Support Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 32 of 35 Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 33 of 35 Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 34 of 35 Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped. Design Report/ Study: Remaining Life Assessment for 81-ZEG-001B at FP - Belanak FPSO Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. ID-F-BK-AE1-DRT-FP-81-0001 Rev. 1 Page 35 of 35 Appendix E – Inspection Visual Paper Copies are UNCONTROLLED. Please check in EDMS Intranet for latest document revision. MEDCO OFFSHORE CONTROLLED copies should be stamped.