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Teacher Reflection Assignment: Digital Citizenship & Tech

Module 9 Reflection
Through decades of combined teaching experience, the instructors in this course
collaborated on a list of assignments that would be the most useful to you as future
classroom teachers. In this final project, you will reflect on what you learned in this
course and how it will assist you in achieving future academic and professional success
as an educator. Best wishes in all future endeavors!
1) Name (first & last 2 points)
2) Grade Level You Hope to Teach (Select the level that most closely matches your
career goal. 2 points)
a) pre-k
b) Elementary School: Kindergarten through 5th grade
c) Middle Grades: Grades 6-8
d) High School: Grades 9-12
e) Alternative School: Middle School
f) Alternative School: High School
g) Post High School
h) Other
3) Content Level or Subject(s) You Hope to Teach (2 points)
Social Studies/ History
4) Digital Citizenship: Cyber Bullying includes the following: (2 points)
a) Provoking text or email messages
b) Insulting or demeaning messages posted to online social networks such as
MySpace or Facebook
c) Creating websites that make harassing comments about classmates
d) Sending inappropriate images to other students via computer or phone
e) Bullying through email, chat rooms or on a website
f) All of these
5) Fair Use allows a portion of various content to be used for instructional purposes.
Within the context of the Fair Use guidelines, would a teacher be allowed to show a
Disney movie as a reward to the class? (2 points. Checklist: Cornell University:
a) Yes
b) No
6) When evaluating a website, identify what each letter of the acronym CRAAP stands
for and explain why it is necessary to teach students that everything that they read
online is not true (Part 1 - 5 points). A sample website that looks real and can be
used to deliver this message to students is the Endangered Tree
http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus/ How could you use this website to teach a lesson
about evaluating websites? (Part 2 - 5 points) - 10 points total
C- currency is the timeliness of the info, R- relevance is how the info fits your needs, Aauthority is the source of the info, A- accuracy means reliability and correctness of the
info, P- purpose is the reason the info exists. I could use this site to teach about
evaluating websites by going through the CRAAP Test with my students about this
7) Required reading in module 7 edutopia-mobile-learning-guide.pdf focused on
mobile devices and learning. What tips were recommended for getting started?
I would recommend that new users to the technology take time to go through the
device and the apps or programs within it to get a feel about it. This would be good so
the user can be familiar with the device before they even begin to learn using it.
8) In Module 5, you evaluated a Web Tool. Excluding the tool that you evaluated,
research one that you think would be the most useful. (10 points. Include the name
of the tool, the URL, and why you selected it.)
The tool is an iPhone 12
URL: https://www.apple.com/iphone-12/
I chose this device because a smartphone is something a child will already be familiar
with by the time they enter a classroom due to parents letting them play in it. They will
be familiar with the apps and how to operate them so this is a great advantage since
most likely you will not have to teach them how to use it.
9) When creating a classroom website, create a list of the top 5 types of information
that should be included on every teacher website. (10 points (2 points per item).
List in order of importance - for example, #1 is the most important. )
#1 Class Calendar
#2 Field Trip Form
#3 Technology links
#4 Class overview
#5 Get to know the teacher page
10)List 2 reasons why creating a digital poster through programs like Google
Presentation or PowerPoint would be a better project than creating a paper poster
using poster board. (10 points (5 points each) Use the NETS-Student standards to
justify your response. Link: http://www.iste.org/standards/istestandards/standards-for-students
One reason to make a powerpoint presentation instead of a paper board would be
to cut down on paper waste by making it online and paperless. Another reason
would to allow students to be even more creative than they could with paper.
11)Name an assignment that you would have your students create using a digital
story. What software or web tool would you have them use? (15 points - Elaborate.
Include the standard from the Common Core or Standard Course of Study. Then,
describe the lesson in full detail. Link: http://www.dpi.state.nc.us/curriculum/
Course of Study: NC.3.OA.3
Represent, interpret, and solve one-step problems involving multiplication and
I would have my students create a book involving math problems I give them. They
would make a word problem and provide pictures to go with the story. Then I
would print out the stories like a book and then allow the students to read each
other’s books and solve the problems in them.
12)If you ONLY had 1 piece of technology in your classroom, what would it be and
why? (10 points - Name 1 piece of technology and then elaborate on why it would
be the most useful. Use the NETS-Student standards to justify your response. Link:
If I only had one piece of technology in my classroom I would have to choose a desktop
computer. A computer is easy to operate and by using the computer I would teach my
students to have digital citizenship by learning how to act and conduct themselves
13)What assignment did you find the most useful to you as a future classroom teacher
and explain why you chose that assignment. (10 points. List 1. Provide specific
examples of how you will use what you did and/or learned in the assignment.)
I found the digital citizenship assignment and discussion most useful. I think it is
important that everyone know how to conduct themselves online. I will use this
topic of learning to teach my students how to behave properly online using digital
14)Is there an assignment that was not included in this course that you think should be
added? (5 points. Provide details.)
I would have liked in the copyright section of the class for us to collaborate as a group
of three or four and create a reward day for students. We would make a PowerPoint
showing what film we would show and what copyright would it be allowed to be used.