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Lebe Stark Personal Training
Kettlebell Code - EN
Status: 3.0
Lebe Stark Personal Training
Kettlebell Code - EN
Status: 3.0
Before we begin, I would like to address two important factors that form the basis of
this e-book and our work as trainers: time and strength.
Time is the only asset on this earth that we can never get back. The older we get,
the more important it becomes. Whether you are self-employed, a team leader in a
large organization, in management, or involved in other demanding business
sectors: the hectic office and family life demands that we bring order to a perfect
chaos that we encounter every day.
So, the more efficiently we approach our daily activities, the more time we save,
which we can ultimately dedicate to the "important things in life." We become
increasingly aware of how carefully we must manage our time.
Strength is the natural companion of health - and the perfect counterbalance to our
tragic tendency to take everything in life for granted. We only realize how essential
and necessary it is after it’s gone. There is a fitting proverb for this: 'If you don’t use
it, you lose it.'
Perhaps many of us are aware of how important strength really is. This leads us to
constantly search for something that gives our body a serious reason to maintain it
(and with it, the associated musculature). Mountain biking, gardening, hiking, road
cycling, rowing, jogging, and walks in the forest are great companions for our health
- yet they lack the 'strength training component.'
For 99% of regular people out there, the solution seems to be a gym membership.
Unfortunately, disappointment over its inefficiency, combined with a boring stroll
through a machine park, becomes noticeable after only two weeks.
We not only lose valuable time but also motivation - and our ‚inner coach potato'
rears its ugly head, ultimately winning the battle. Once again, we become a
'sponsor' instead of an active member of our local fitness club - and perhaps for the
umpteenth time.
The solution lies in the power of the kettlebell. It is the perfect symbiosis of minimal
time investment for maximum strength results, so you can become strong, lean,
sexy, and pain-free. It touches on all important aspects of physical qualities and
performance: endurance, strength, mobility, appearance, fun, strength endurance,
flexibility, joint strengthening, and the use of our coordination abilities.
How do we know?
Because at Lebe Stark Personal Training, we are experts in helping people aged
40, 50 & 60 achieve their desired results in the shortest possible time with kettlebell
training. (1)
Lebe Stark Personal Training
Kettlebell Code - EN
Status: 3.0
In the last 7 years, we have helped
hundreds of clients and thousands of
subscribers & followers finally experience
their physical and mental body
transformation, without the years of trial and
error that most people usually go through.
We wrote this E-Book to share some of the
most powerful industry secrets we have
gathered during our time in the fitness
industry - and by extension the kettlebell
The information you are about to read will
help you achieve your desired end result
and ensure that you avoid the lazy monster
that slumbers inside you as well.
It will also effectively combat the massive time and money waste you're facing if
you choose to tackle your personal fitness on your own.
Ignoring the methods outlined in this E-Book will castrate any potent energy you
have left to do so while taking you hostage in the "eternal fitness hamster wheel"
that keeps you trapped in trial and error for years to come…
Above all, I want to peel your inner couch potato with the iron of the kettlebell.
So buckle up - and let me, your brother Gregory, do the heavy lifting of convincing
you to get started, so you can do the heavy lifting of kettlebells.
You will discover:
• 3 simple training tips that you can use to achieve the desired result – even if you
have no experience and don't know where to start.
• How to avoid the 3 most common fitness and kettlebell mistakes that people aged
40, 50 & 60 make – one of these mistakes alone could cost you thousands of
Dollars and set you back for months, even years.
• 3 insider secrets that can help you achieve incredible results in 6 weeks. (Number
3 is so simple, but will STILL blow your mind!)
• The TRUTH about the fitness industry and why people aged 40, 50 & 60 usually
fail to achieve their dream body.
Lebe Stark Personal Training
Kettlebell Code - EN
Status: 3.0
When you finish reading, you will have all the information you need to start your
journey to success and bring your physical and mental condition to a level that
makes you happy - and lets your spouse chase you around the bed!
To your physical empowerment,
- Gregory von Lebe Stark
3 Simple Training Tips that will help you bring your physical as
well as mental condition to a level that makes you happy
Some days it may seem as if improving your personal fitness is a distant dream.
However, when you apply the right strategies, you can get there much faster than
you think.
We have outlined 3 simple and tried-and-tested techniques that you can use to
bring your physical and mental condition to a level that makes you happy.
#1 Save time with Kettlebell Training & TUT
If you're serious about getting into the best shape of your life, it's crucial to apply
the right training technique from the start. One particularly effective method is the
application of the Time-Under-Tension (TUT) technique.
With this technique, you spend less time working out but achieve visible results
twice as fast. (2) The foundation of this technique is based on the principle of TUT.
The longer the muscles are under tension, the more intense the training stimulus,
and the faster you will see results (3).
Surprisingly, 99% of people over 45 have never heard of this system, let alone used
it to their advantage. Kettlebells are particularly effective for increasing TUT. For
example, you can shorten the training time to 10 minutes while simultaneously
increasing the duration of tension.
If you are technically advanced, kettlebell training allows for almost unlimited
increase in TUT, even up to a 60-minute marathon (4), without the kettlebell touching
Lebe Stark Personal Training
Kettlebell Code - EN
Status: 3.0
the ground. However, running kettlebell marathons aren’t really necessary for you
to achieve serious results. Even a small increase in TUT yields significant benefits.
Simply put, if you do 10 sets on 10 different machines in the gym, you spend 10
minutes on TUT and an additional 10-15 minutes on set breaks. This adds up to a
total of 20-25 minutes of training time for only 10 minutes of Return on Investment
(ROI). And this, my friend, might even be the best case scenario!
More often than not, you have to factor in waiting lines for your exercises/machines,
being stuck in traffic, changing clothes, taking a shower, talking with friends,
socializing, etc. This can easily lead to a 90-minute time investment, for only 30
minutes of actual work done. And I don’t mean any harm in saying this, but in 90%
of cases, the work that gets done is of poor quality.
From my perspective, this is not efficient, as a huge chunk of your time is ultimately
wasted, with only a minimal effort of actual training. No wonder results are limited
or, as it is unfortunately in so many cases, absolutely nonexistent.
However, if your workout consists of:
• 100 Kettlebell H2H Swings
• 32 Kettlebell Clean & Press
• 60 Kettlebell Snatches
• and 30 Kettlebell Goblet Squats...
..you get a maximum TUT time in just 12 minutes, as you don't even have to set the
kettlebell down.
Although this workout is
designed for advanced
individuals, you can slowly
approach the intensity by
dividing all repetitions by a
factor of 10. This will give
you the perfect beginner
workout in hand.
Starting today, you'll do
this workout twice a week and with that, you'll
achieve the greatest return
on investment ever.
Yeah, the look she gave me was serious, I know. LOL
We call it "Minimal time investment for maximum fitness.“
Lebe Stark Personal Training
Kettlebell Code - EN
Status: 3.0
#2 Stop restrictive fad diets and aim for the „Perfect Plate"
In addition to the right kettlebell training, the application of these simple but
important nutritional principles is crucial for success in achieving your goals.
This strategy is particularly effective because it helps you achieve your desired
figure in a much shorter period. The most important foundation is to avoid crash
and fad diets as they disrupt the delicate balance between hunger and appetite.
These diets may cause initial weight loss, but in the long run, they encounter the
"Ghrelin Monster," which makes your body work against you. The hormone Ghrelin
controls the delicate interplay between hunger and appetite. (5)
An effective solution that we successfully apply with our clients is called the „Perfect
Plate“ (6). The „Perfect Plate“ can be learned and prepared in a couple of minutes
without suffering from hunger or giving up enjoyable and flavorful meals.
Due to a lack of time and motivation, most people over 40, 50 & 60 do not really
sustain a healthy diet. Aiming to gradually synthesize the "Perfect Plate" can
systematically alter key components of your diet, without depriving yourself of life's
It is crucial to understand that you don’t have to change your diet all at once.
Imagine your daily (or weekly) diet as this giant organism that keeps your body
either fueled and filled—or fluffy and fat. ¨Now, if we only change just a little cogwheel in this monstrous apparatus, change will slowly but surely happen.
Imagine two big tankers moving in the same direction, right close to each other. If
only one of them starts moving an inch more to the left, you won’t see any
difference after a couple of minutes. But after a couple of hours, you’ll see them
moving in complete different directions.
The same goes for your diet. Changing just a little, tiny habit (for example, replacing
all sugary drinks with diet sodas or water) will have a lasting impact after a couple
of weeks.
#3 Forget boring cardio training and grab a workout buddy
Too few people over 40, 50 & 60 implement this when it comes to their personal
fitness goals, especially those of us who are self-employed, run a business, or are
team leaders in a large company. Unfortunately, the consequences can be
catastrophic and prevent you from ever reaching your goals.
Most mistakenly believe that hours of cardio and fitness training are essential to get
in shape and think they have to do it alone. If you've ever trained in a public gym,
you probably know the "strange" atmosphere, even though almost everybody is
Lebe Stark Personal Training
Kettlebell Code - EN
Status: 3.0
here to pursue the same (or at least a
similar) goal. But since most gyms don’t
foster any type of community or sense of
belonging, everybody is doing their own
Once again, the versatility of kettlebell
training comes into play.
Think of the 10-minute workout that
massively increases your Time Under
Tension (TUT) - and that in fractions of the
time of a "traditional" machine workout in
the gym.
With this kettlebell workout, you have not only increased your TUT, leading to faster
results. You have also already completed your necessary cardiovascular endurance
training, which positively affects your fat burning. (7)
Practically, you've left behind a road cycling or jogging route while shaping,
strengthening, and building your body with weights - at the same time!
Now all you have to do is find a workout buddy or coach who ensures that your
inner couch potato is either chained, cooked or eradicated. You also need a trusted
friend, coach or teacher to teach you the technical basics of kettlebell training.
This brings me back to the point that you should not train alone, as is unfortunately
common in large gyms.
I always like to say, "Getting fit requires motivation. Staying fit requires
The 3 most common mistakes people over 40, 50 & 60 make,
and how you can easily avoid them
Many make simple mistakes in pursuit of their goals, which can cost them dearly. If
you're not careful, you could follow in their footsteps and significantly miss your
But don't worry, I'm here to help.
Here is a list of the three most common mistakes and straightforward tips on how to
avoid them.
Lebe Stark Personal Training
Kettlebell Code - EN
Status: 3.0
#1 - Love handles and big bellies need attention, but not through targeted
Many, probably including you, struggle with unwanted fat deposits in specific trouble
areas such as the stomach, hips, thighs, arms (and neck). However, targeted
training of these areas will not be effective. Fat cannot be selectively reduced in
specific places by training specific muscles.
For example, crunches and sit-ups alone will not make your belly disappear. On the
contrary, abdominal exercises will worsen your situation as the muscle grows under
the fat layer, making it protrude even more than before!
The most effective solution is called CICO (Calories In Calories Out), meaning you
must ultimately burn more calories than you consume. (8) This doesn't mean that
you can't burn additional calories through your training. In fact, it's recommended,
as science suggests that combining training with proper diet management can
decrease the likelihood of a Yo-Yo Effect.
However, rather than focusing on abdominal exercises, you can attain superior
results, for instance, with a kettlebell swing. This exercise burns more calories and
facilitates reaching a negative calorie balance more rapidly.
Once again, kettlebells prove to be highly effective! The calorie burn potential from
a robust kettlebell workout is astounding, not only enhancing but also expediting
your fitness and fat loss journey.
#2 - Avoid the "Shiny Object Syndrome"
The "Shiny Object Syndrome" (SOS) is a well-known problem where we constantly
get distracted by the next trend because it is so tempting.
Instead of consistently working on a habit, we jump from one to another because
we don't see quick results and are often impatient.
Focus on one thing and heed the saying: "Focus on (good) habits, and results will
follow.“ Not the other way around!
#3 - Most people over 50 forget the second rule of success
Dan John, one of my mentors and world renowned Strength & Conditioning coach,
shared his two basic rules for success with me:
• Rule #1 - Start doing
• Rule #2 - Keep going
Lebe Stark Personal Training
Kettlebell Code - EN
Status: 3.0
Getting started is not that difficult, and you are already doing that by reading this ebook.
However, the crucial key is to keep going.
Even the best nutrition and training plan is useless if you don't stick with it. The
kettlebell can play a role here as it requires full attention, concentration, and
technique, increasing the fun and motivation to stay on track.
The 3 biggest insider secrets to quickly get in the shape of
your life
We at Lebe Stark are directly in tune with the fitness industry and deeply connected
to the international kettlebell scene. As a result, we've picked up a few "insider
Here are just a few gems that can help you achieve incredible results in just 6
#1 Insider Secret - The BEST Kettlebell Exercise
Not many know this, but it can drastically reduce the time it takes to achieve the
shape of your life. As you've already seen, we are big fans of kettlebell training. You
have also discovered the benefits and a great home workout.
What I'm telling you now will blow your mind!
With a very special exercise, you can burn a similar number of calories as with
high-speed sprints (very fast running) without leaving your home or dragging your
inner coach potato outdoors while it’s raining cats and dogs outside.
This exercise is called the "Kettlebell Snatch."
Although it technically requires a bit more, it offers you the greatest return on
investment. So, if I were you - and I want to get in the best shape of my life - I
would take a closer look at the Kettlebell Snatch. (9) The intensity of this exercise
also promotes the EPOC effect (Excess Post Oxygen Consumption), which
continues to burn fat even after you've stopped training! (10)
#2 Insider Secret - Muscle soreness doesn't have to be!
This is something that shocks people over 40, 50 & 60 when we tell them - but once
we do, their surprise quickly turns into excitement. Of course, you may feel muscle
Lebe Stark Personal Training
Kettlebell Code - EN
Status: 3.0
soreness in the first few training sessions, but here again, the power of the
kettlebell comes into play.
Due to the continuous exertion of the entire body, the muscle and strength effort is
distributed throughout our entire organism, not just the legs or upper body.
This means that the cumulative training effect is absorbed by the whole body and
does not cause strong muscle soreness.
#3 15 minutes of training and 2 times a week are enough!
This is something we have learned after 7 years in the industry - but it is by no
means common knowledge, even among other kettlebell coaches or personal
trainers. This secret is called MED - also called "Minimal Effective Dose" or
"Minimum Effective Dose." (11)
MED states that it is sufficient to give the body the minimum stimulus to bring about
a change. We don't have to go all out right away but can gently and slowly set the
first gears of our organism in motion - and achieving lasting and sustainable
change! An effective kettlebell workout takes no longer than 15 minutes!
And I can assure you, it is among the best (and at the same time intense) workouts
you can do. Hours of training in the gym or 60 minutes of toil on the elliptical are
absolutely not necessary for you to get in shape and achieve your mental and
physical transformation.
The TRUTH about the ļ¬tness industry and why most people
over 40, 50 & 60 fail to achieve the best shape of their lives
Have you ever tried to do something challenging without help? It could be as simple
as trying to move a heavy piece of furniture - like a desk - all by yourself. You
probably knew in the back of your mind that it would have been better to ask a
friend or family member for help, but you got impatient and tried to do it on your
own to see if you could manage it.
Unfortunately, shortly after the attempt, it became clear that you simply couldn't do
it. The desk was WAY too heavy. Not only did you knock over the nearby lamp, but
you now also have sharp pains in your lower back... and the desk is still stuck right
where it was.
If only you had asked for help!
Lebe Stark Personal Training
Kettlebell Code - EN
Status: 3.0
Well, the truth is, the fitness industry is very similar. It can be very difficult - or even
impossible - to achieve a physical as well as mental body transformation without
Admittedly, achieving your desired end result is not as simple as moving a piece of
furniture. No, there's much more to it. And the consequences could be far more
costly than a sore lower back or a hole in the wall.
It could not only cost you thousands of Dollars but also set you back weeks,
months, even years on your journey.
You could be further away from reaching your desired result than you are right now.
I like to compare this situation to a visit to your garage.
Imagine this:
You arrive at a garage of your choice on a Monday evening to service your vehicle.
The mechanic is expecting you; so far, so good! You notice that there are 30 more
vehicles in the garage (with their owners), but initially, you don't think much of it.
The mechanic is friendly, recognizes you, and greets you by name.
"Good evening, Mr./Mrs. So And So. You're bringing your vehicle for inspection,
"Exactly!" you reply with a friendly smile.
"Perfect!" says the mechanic. "Here's the wrench! You'll find the rest of the tools in
this box; all the essential parts are marked in yellow!"
"I'm a little confused..." you respond.
"I thought you personally take care of my car?"
"Haha, no, not really!" says the mechanic. "You do it yourself; you tinker around,
and I occasionally drop by to see what you're doing!"
Replace the word "mechanic" with "trainer" and the word "car" with "my body."
This little story is a metaphor for today's gym.
It's interesting that we hire an expert for our car, house, garden, etc., to perform
individual work. However, when it comes to our own "house" in the form of our
body, we think completely differently.
It shouldn't cost anything, and we believe that we can do the work independently. A
tragic misconception, disguised as truth since the revolution of the modern gym,
targeting the comfortable lifestyle of modern people and having a devastating
impact on their health and fitness.
Lebe Stark Personal Training
Kettlebell Code - EN
Status: 3.0
Unfortunately, this happens all too often - and people over 40, 50 & 60 often fall into
this trap. Instead of seeking expert help, they try to go it alone and fall far short of
their goals.
That's why it's essential that you seek expert advice to achieve your goals. And in
the fitness and kettlebell scene, there's no one better than us.
We have 7 years of experience with thousands of people your age - during this
time, we have helped countless clients, subscribers, and followers get into the best
shape of their lives with kettlebell training.
We can also help you avoid common pitfalls, bypass expensive mistakes, and
achieve your dream results in no time.
Why take the risk of losing money and time through trial and error when you can
use our expertise and proven systems to finally get fit, shape your body, and bury
your inner coach potato?
To find out how we can help, contact us below for a free, no-obligation fitness
CLAIM your free, 30-minute fitness analysis to finally tackle your fitness here
Thank you for taking the time to read this eBook - we hope you find the information
helpful and can apply what you've learned.
If you are truly serious about creating commitment for your fitness, we have great
news. For a limited time only, we are offering you a free, no-obligation fitness
analysis with one of our teams.
During your 30-minute session, we will discuss your current situation, your goals,
and how we can help you achieve them with our proven system.
We will also go through a lot of valuable information together, including...
How you can achieve your body transformation in record time, what you should
never do if you want to get fit and lose weight, and how to avoid all the most
common mistakes that people over 40 make and sabotage their success.
There are no costs or obligations to use our service afterward if you feel it doesn't fit
with you. It's simply a free informational event designed to inform you and provide
value in advance.
To take advantage of your free consultation or get more information about this
limited-time offer, click on the following link.
Claim your free analysis here
Lebe Stark Personal Training
Kettlebell Code - EN
Status: 3.0
Lebe Stark Personal Training
Kettlebell Code - EN
Status: 3.0
1. Client Feedback - https://www.lebestark.ch/startseite-english/clientfeedback/
2. Muscle time under tension during resistance exercise stimulates differential muscle protein sub-fractional
synthetic responses in men - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3285070/
3. Is There an Ideal Time Under Tension to Maximize Muscle Growth? - https://us.humankinetics.com/
4. YouTube - 60 Minute Kettlebell Workout
5. What Is Ghrelin? All You Need to Know About This Hormone - https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/
6. The Perfect Plate - https://www.escoffieronline.com/the-perfect-plate-principles-of-food-presentation/
7. Cardiovascular and Metabolic Demands of the Kettlebell Swing using Tabata Interval versus a Traditional
Resistance Protocol - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4831858/
8. Calories In - Calories Out - https://legionathletics.com/cico-diet/
9. Ace Study Reveals Kettlebells Provide Powerful Workout In Short Amount Of Time - https://
10. EXPLORING EXCESS POST-EXERCISE OXYGEN CONSUMPTION (EPOC): 'BURN BABY BURN!' https://blog.nasm.org/excess-post-exercise-oxygen-consumption
11. Minimal-Dose Resistance Training for Improving Muscle Mass, Strength, and Function: A Narrative
Review of Current Evidence and Practical Considerations - https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/
Lebe Stark Personal Training
Kettlebell Code - EN
Status: 3.0
Kettlebell Weight Recommendations & Beginner Workout for
Your Home Training
General Recommendations
Depending on your training style, it may make sense to use different weights for
various exercises. For example, applying the circuit method allows us to use
different weights for different exercises.
In the competition/for time method, we work against the clock with the same weight.
Beginner Loadout
For beginners, we recommend the following loadout:
Kettlebell Beginner (female)
• 1x 8 kg for Swing, Clean & Press, Snatch
Kettlebell Beginner (male)
• 1x 12 kg for Swing, Clean & Press, Snatch
Using a weight that is too light can result in power transfer for Swing, Clean &
Press, and Snatch coming from the upper body and arms instead of the legs and
hips. For this reason, we recommend the above-mentioned weights even if they
initially feel "too heavy."
Individual Recommendation Based on Exercise Selection
If you want to start off well-equipped, prefer individual weights, and have a slightly
larger budget, we recommend the following loadout:
Kettlebell Beginner (female)
• 2x 8 kg for Swing, Clean & Press, Snatch, and Doubles (Beginner)
• 2x 12 kg for Swing, Clean & Press, Snatch, and Doubles (Advanced)
• 2x 16 kg for Swing, Clean & Press, Snatch, and Doubles (Pro)
Kettlebell Beginner (male)
• 2x 12 kg for Swing, Clean & Press, Snatch, and Doubles (Beginner)
• 2x 16 kg for Swing, Clean & Press, Snatch, and Doubles (Advanced)
• 2x 20 kg for Swing, Clean & Press, Snatch, and Doubles (Pro)
Lebe Stark Personal Training
Kettlebell Code - EN
Status: 3.0
At a certain point, the weight is individually chosen based on the progress of the
fitness level. Later in the course, we will become more familiar with different training
methods, techniques, and exercise variations.
Workout for Absolute Beginners
One of the most effective workouts for beginners is based on three central
exercises: Deadlift, Press & Squat. These three exercises have proven to be
extremely successful in our training and contribute to bringing our target audience,
people over 40, into the best shape of their lives. Here is a simple example of the
1. Deadlift for 2 minutes
2. Press for 2 minutes
3. Squat for 2 minutes
Perform all three exercises consecutively, minimizing breaks. After completing all
three exercises, you have completed one round. Beginners typically do 2 rounds,
while advanced individuals are recommended to do 3 rounds.
Attached is a follow-along training video that you can implement right now.