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Accessibility Modification Proposal for Nestle Lanka

Proposal for Modification to Accommodate
Differently Abled individuals at
Head Office Premises,
Nestle Lanka Limited at
T.B. Jaya Mawatha, Colombo 10.
Prepared by :
No; 237A, Ganemulla Road,
1.Parking areas – 02 Nos parking bays provided for wheelchair users (required for guest/customer)
as per the requirement.
Refer Dwg No: WA/MP/AR-02/1172/24
2.Pathways and corridors – Need to be provided rough texture to avoid skid. Existing layout is
carpeted. Front entrance lobby need to arrange the level as indicated in the drawing to facilitate the
portable timber ramp. Refer Dwg No: WA/MP/AR-02/1172/24
3.Ramps : Need to be provided in front lobby in the main building and the disable toilet.
Refer Dwg No: WA/MP/AR-02/1172/24 , Dwg No: WA/MP/AR-03 A/1172/24, Dwg No:
WA/MP/AR-03 B/1172/24
4.Doorways and entrances use by the wheel chair people : minimum width to be 900mm/ 3’-0”
5.Disable Toilets - Refer Dwg No:
WA/MP/AR-03 A/1172/24 and Dwg No:
B/1172/24 ( Provided two(02) options)
A handrail or grab bar should be of a diameter or width and strength so that it may easily be
grabbed and used as a support
If handrails or grab bars are mounted adjacent to a wall, clearance space between the walls
and the grab bar should be provided
If handrails or grab bars are mounted in recess, the maximum depth and minimum height of
the recess must be considered
A small plate in Braille shall be provided at the beginning and at the end of each handrail or
grab bar to indicate its position to persons with visual impairments.
Handrails or grab bars shall be in a colour that contrasts sharply with the surrounding area.
6.communication for vision impaired people –
Audible information system – push buttons
Refer Dwg No: WA/MP/AR-02/1172/24
A small plate in Braille shall be provided at the beginning and at the end of each handrail or
grab bar to indicate its position to persons with visual impairments.
The work tops equipped for the partially vision impaired person, the lighting should be
bright enough to clearly see the details of the items inspected. The recommended
brightness level is between 75 and 150 foot candles (800-1800 lux). The lighting should
have a colour temperature of 5500K(Kelvin)
7.communication for hearing impaired people –
Audio loop(hearing loop )system
automatic visual indicator system
Refer Dwg No: WA/MP/AR-02/1172/24
8.General in work stations
carpets or carpet tiles are used on a floor surface, shall be securely attached to it. Long, thick
rugs shall not be laid in areas likely to be frequented by persons with mobility and sight
Edges of paths can be clearly defined by suing different colours and textures.
Above facilities are provided based on the following information given by the Client/management.
Differently able employees proposed to be work in the staff, will be partially vision and
hearing impaired only.
Guests/customers, who are disabling with mobility, can access the visitor lobby, cafeteria
and conference room only.
Differently able toilet is away from the main building as per the request and disable person
need to walk / move to that location.