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IT 보안 관리자 프레젠테이션 자료

<Business English for Intermediate Mid student (1)>
Structure of the Presentation
1. Introduction
o Greeting the audience.
o Introducing themselves and their role.
o Stating the purpose of the presentation.
2. Main Content
o Defining the role of an IT Security Manager.
o Discussing each area of responsibility: Administrative Security, Technical
Security, and Physical Security.
o Summarizing their points and providing examples or elaboration.
3. Conclusion
o Recapping the main points.
o Emphasizing the importance of IT security.
o Opening the floor for questions.
Slide 1: Introduction of my Job
Introduction "Good evening, everyone. My name is [Your Student's Name]. I am an IT
Security Manager at [Company Name]. Today, I will talk about my job and how we keep our
company's data safe."
Introduction "Good morning/afternoon everyone, thank you for joining me today. My name is [Your
Student's Name], and I am an IT Security Manager at [Company Name]. Today, I will be discussing
the various aspects of my job and how it helps in protecting our company's data and systems from
potential threats."
Slide 2: IT Security Manager
Role Definition "As an IT Security Manager, I help manage and protect our IT systems. My
job is to stop data leaks and reduce security problems."
Role Definition "As an IT Security Manager, my primary responsibility is to optimize and manage
administrative, technical, and physical IT systems to prevent company data leaks and minimize
security incidents."
1. Administrative Security "First, we have administrative security. This means making
security rules, getting certifications like ISO 27001, and doing security checks."
"Firstly, administrative security involves developing and implementing security policies. We
also ensure compliance with global certifications such as IEC/ISO 27001 and ISMS-P.
Additionally, regular security audits are conducted to identify and mitigate any potential
2. Technical Security "Second, we have technical security. We use technical solutions
and security devices to protect our systems. We also watch and analyze security logs
to find and stop threats."
"Secondly, technical security includes implementing various technical solutions and deploying
security devices to safeguard our systems. We also continuously monitor and analyze
security logs to detect and respond to any suspicious activities promptly."
3. Physical Security "Third, we have physical security. This includes using CCTV
cameras and access control systems to protect our physical spaces."
"Lastly, physical security is crucial in protecting our IT infrastructure. This includes using CCTV
systems and access control systems to monitor and restrict physical access to sensitive areas."
(1) Recap "To summarize, my job covers administrative, technical, and physical security
to protect our company's data."
"In conclusion, as an IT Security Manager, I oversee the implementation and management of
comprehensive security measures covering administrative, technical, and physical aspects.
These efforts are essential in ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of our company's
(2) Importance "IT security is very important to keep our company's data safe and
maintain trust."
"IT security is vital for protecting our company's assets and maintaining trust with our clients
and partners."
(3) Questions "Thank you for listening. Do you have any questions?"
"Thank you for your attention. I am now happy to answer any questions you might have."
Tips for Delivery
Speak Clearly: Make sure your student speaks slowly and clearly.
Engage with the Audience: Encourage making eye contact and using simple
Practice: Practice the presentation several times to build confidence.
Visual Aids: Use the slides as a guide but don't read them word-for-word. Explain in
their own words.
Q&A Preparation: Prepare for a few simple questions the audience might ask.
Questions and Sample Answers
1. What is the main responsibility of an IT Security Manager? IT 보안 관리자의 주요
책임은 무엇인가요?
Question: "Can you tell me what your main responsibility as an IT Security Manager is?"
질문: "IT 보안 관리자로서의 주요 책임은 무엇인가요?"
Sample Answer: "My main responsibility as an IT Security Manager is to protect our
company's data and IT systems. I do this by managing administrative, technical, and physical
security measures to prevent data leaks and reduce security incidents." 예시 답변: "IT 보안
관리자로서의 주요 책임은 회사의 데이터와 IT 시스템을 보호하는 것입니다. 이를
위해 행정적, 기술적, 물리적 보안 조치를 관리하여 데이터 유출을 방지하고 보안
사고를 줄입니다."
2. What does administrative security involve? 행정적 보안에는 어떤 작업이
Question: "What tasks are included in administrative security?" 질문: "행정적 보안에는
어떤 작업이 포함되나요?"
Sample Answer: "Administrative security involves making and following security policies,
getting global certifications like ISO 27001, and performing security audits to check for any
weaknesses in our systems." 예시 답변: "행정적 보안에는 보안 정책을 만들고 따르는
것, ISO 27001 같은 글로벌 인증을 받는 것, 시스템의 약점을 확인하기 위한 보안
감사를 수행하는 것이 포함됩니다."
3. How do you ensure technical security in your company? 회사에서 기술적 보안을
어떻게 보장하나요?
Question: "How do you keep your IT systems technically secure?" 질문: "IT 시스템의
기술적 보안을 어떻게 유지하나요?"
Sample Answer: "For technical security, we use various technical solutions and security
devices. We also monitor and analyze security logs to find and stop any suspicious activities
quickly." 예시 답변: "기술적 보안을 위해 다양한 기술 솔루션과 보안 장치를
사용합니다. 또한 보안 로그를 모니터링하고 분석하여 의심스러운 활동을 빠르게
찾아내고 중지합니다."
4. What are some examples of physical security measures? 물리적 보안 조치의 예시는
Question: "Can you give examples of physical security measures?" 질문: "물리적 보안
조치의 예를 들 수 있나요?"
Sample Answer: "Examples of physical security measures include using CCTV cameras to
monitor our buildings and access control systems to make sure only authorized people can
enter certain areas." 예시 답변: "물리적 보안 조치의 예로는 건물을 모니터링하기
위한 CCTV 카메라와 특정 구역에 허가된 사람만 출입할 수 있도록 하는 출입 통제
시스템이 있습니다."
5. Why is IT security important for a company? IT 보안이 회사에 왜 중요한가요?
Question: "Why do you think IT security is important for a company?" 질문: "IT 보안이
회사에 왜 중요하다고 생각하나요?"
Sample Answer: "IT security is important because it protects the company's data from being
stolen or damaged. It also helps to maintain trust with our clients and partners, showing them
that their information is safe with us." 예시 답변: "IT 보안은 회사의 데이터를
도난당하거나 손상되는 것으로부터 보호하기 때문에 중요합니다. 또한 고객과
파트너에게 정보를 안전하게 보호하고 있다는 신뢰를 유지하는 데 도움이 됩니다."
6. How do you stay updated with the latest security threats? 최신 보안 위협에 대해
어떻게 업데이트하나요?
Question: "How do you keep up with the latest security threats?" 질문: "최신 보안 위협에
대해 어떻게 업데이트하나요?"
Sample Answer: "I stay updated with the latest security threats by attending training
sessions, reading industry news, and participating in security forums and conferences. This
helps me to learn about new threats and the best ways to defend against them." 예시 답변:
"교육 세션에 참석하고, 산업 뉴스를 읽고, 보안 포럼과 회의에 참여하여 최신 보안
위협에 대해 업데이트합니다. 이를 통해 새로운 위협과 이에 대응하는 최선의
방법을 배우게 됩니다."
7. What certifications are important for an IT Security Manager? IT 보안 관리자에게
중요한 인증은 무엇인가요?
Question: "What certifications do you think are important for your role?" 질문: "당신의
역할에 중요한 인증은 무엇이라고 생각하나요?"
Sample Answer: "Important certifications for an IT Security Manager include ISO 27001,
which focuses on information security management, and ISMS-P, which deals with
information security management and privacy protection." 예시 답변: "IT 보안
관리자에게 중요한 인증에는 정보 보안 관리에 중점을 둔 ISO 27001 과 정보 보안
관리 및 프라이버시 보호를 다루는 ISMS-P 가 있습니다."
8. Can you describe a security incident you handled? 처리한 보안 사고에 대해 설명해
줄 수 있나요?
Question: "Can you tell me about a security incident you handled and how you dealt with
it?" 질문: "처리한 보안 사고에 대해 이야기해 주시고, 어떻게 대처했는지
Sample Answer: "One time, we detected unusual activity in our network through our
security logs. We quickly isolated the affected systems and investigated the source of the
breach. After identifying and fixing the vulnerability, we updated our security measures to
prevent similar incidents in the future." 예시 답변: "어느 날 보안 로그를 통해
네트워크에서 이상한 활동을 감지했습니다. 우리는 신속하게 영향을 받은 시스템을
격리하고 침해의 원인을 조사했습니다. 취약점을 식별하고 수정한 후, 유사한
사고를 방지하기 위해 보안 조치를 업데이트했습니다."
9. What is a security audit, and why is it important? 보안 감사란 무엇이며, 왜
Question: "What is a security audit, and why do you think it is important?" 질문: "보안
감사란 무엇이며, 왜 중요하다고 생각하나요?"
Sample Answer: "A security audit is a thorough examination of our security policies and
practices. It is important because it helps us find and fix any weaknesses in our security
systems, ensuring that our data and IT infrastructure are well protected." 예시 답변: "보안
감사는 보안 정책과 관행을 철저히 검사하는 것입니다. 이는 보안 시스템의 약점을
찾아 수정하는 데 도움을 주기 때문에 중요합니다. 이를 통해 데이터와 IT 인프라가
잘 보호되도록 보장합니다."
10. How do you communicate security policies to employees? 보안 정책을 직원들에게
어떻게 전달하나요?
Question: "How do you make sure that all employees understand and follow security
policies?" 질문: "모든 직원이 보안 정책을 이해하고 따르도록 어떻게 하시나요?"
Sample Answer: "We communicate security policies to employees through regular training
sessions, emails, and informational posters around the office. We also have a security
handbook that employees can refer to at any time." 예시 답변: "정기적인 교육 세션,
이메일, 사무실 내의 정보 포스터를 통해 보안 정책을 직원들에게 전달합니다. 또한
직원들이 언제든지 참고할 수 있는 보안 핸드북을 갖추고 있습니다."
1. My name is~ and I’m responsible for…(직무나 부서)[be in charge of~]
2. The topic of today’s presentation is …~
3. Please interrupt me if~ (~하면 중간에 말씀하세요) or
[Please stop me at any time if~]
4. After my presentation, there will be time for~
5. I’d like to begin with~