Keyboard Shortcuts Shortcut Description Esc Enter command mode Enter Enter edit mode Shift + Enter Run cell and select next cell Ctrl + Enter Run cell Alt + Enter Run cell and insert new cell below Y Change cell type to code M Change cell type to markdown A Insert cell above B Insert cell below D, D Delete selected cell Z Undo cell deletion Shift + M Merge selected cells Ctrl + S Save notebook Shift + L Toggle line numbers Shift + Tab Show docstring for object Ctrl + Shift + - Split cell at cursor Ctrl + Shift + P Open command palette Cell Operations Operation Syntax Description Comment # Add a comment to a code cell Output print() Display output from a code cell Clear Output Ctrl + L Clear the output of a cell Interrupt I, I Interrupt the execution of a cell Restart 0, 0 Restart the kernel Run All Shift + R, A Run all cells in the notebook Run Selected Shift + R, S Run selected cells in the notebook Markdown Formatting Syntax Description # Heading **bold** Bold _italic_ Italic --- Horizontal line * item Unordered list 1. item Ordered list > quote Blockquote  Image [link text]( Link Magic Commands Command Syntax Description List %lsmagic List all available magic commands Time %%time Time the execution of a cell Load %load Load code from a file into a cell Save %save Save code from a cell to a file Debug %debug Enter interactive debugger PDB %pdb Automatically enter debugger on error Matplotlib %matplotlib inline Display matplotlib plots inline Command Syntax Description Set Breakpoint import pdb; pdb.set_trace() Set a breakpoint in code Next n Execute the current line and move to the next Step s Step into a function call Return r Continue execution until the current function r Quit q Quit the debugger Debugging