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How do you ensure a smooth on-the-spot lead handoff in a fast-paced work environment?

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Realtime Lead Hand Off between SDR
and Account Executive
Route Leads In Real-Time, To Only Available Account Executives To Enable On The
Spot Transfer And Hand Off
Never let well qualified and hot leads
go cold waiting for an account
executive to call back
Our on the spot lead hand off rules automatically assign leads to the
correct AEs based on a combination of integrated CRM fields, including
territory, company size, account ownership, and more, plus other
parameters, such as availability and trusted distribution methods (e.g.,
round robin). Notify Account Executives (AEs) via text, email, in-app
notifications, or slack, and assign only when they accept the leads.
Create a hustle culture with-in sales team,
implement live queue for sales person to grab
leads in real time
The named Account Executive is not available, not a problem! Route to
lead to a live queue (i.e. broadcast), for any other Account Executive to
grab on a first come first serve basis. Most responsive sales person gets
most of the leads. A sure recipe to close more deals.
Real Time Round Robin
Broadcast Leads
Multi Channel Notifications
Round robin with-in a sales team,
Broadcast leads to a sales team to
Notify via Slack, In-App, Email or
with ability to re-route with-in team
be picked based on First Come
Text for faster acceptance.
if not accepted with-in given time
First Serve.
(can be set to seconds, minutes,
hours or days).
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Queue Management:
Real Time Feedback
SDR initiates the On the Spot
Easily configure who all have
Accrue leads when someone is on
access to accept or reject leads on
vacation, or reward more leads to
behalf of teams.
high performing sales people.
transfer and can see the leads as it
is being routed, re-routed and
accepted by account executives.
Can be initiated in silent mode as
What kind of lead routing
solutions does LeadAngel
LeadAngel offers the SDR or Sales initiated On the Spot,
where routing feedback is provided on the spot. On the
other hand, Silent On the Spot works in backend without
any visible feedback to SDR.
Close the deal now, don’t let your qualified leads go cold
When a prospect is ready for the next call, nothing beats their expectation than being able to talk to an
account executive right away. No more delays or cold deals – just seamless, instant allocation of leads to
the right team members.
Contact us 
The Need for Speed
Speed is key to sales; 78% of prospective clients buy
from the company they hear from first (and more than
8 out of 10 customers expect to hear back after form
fills within 10 minutes). Plus, quick action reduces the
likelihood that the lead loses interest, hears from a
speedy competitor first, or misses a call back or
scheduling email. On the spot lead hand off from SDR
to AE ensures that prospect feels confident about the
company they are purchasing from.
A Proven Increase in
Closed Deals
If the lead talks to an SDR within five minutes of a form
fill, and then the right AE immediately after, the
chances of closing the deal are significantly higher—21
times higher, in fact. We’ll take those odds over playing
phone tag for two weeks until the lead’s interest fizzles
out. On the spot lead assignment ensures that SDR can
find the account executive immediately, with a push of
a button.
Better Customer
Prioritizing a short wait for the lead—and connecting
them to the right members of your team—not only
increases your chances of closing a lead, but also sets
the tone for a better long-term relationship between
your company and theirs.
Wondering what kind of lead routing solution works for your
Book a Demo 
 What is On the Spot Handoff?
What are the advantages of on the spot hand
 What is Lead Broadcast?
 Can I have multiple On the Spot routers?
Can I transfer leads only to people who are
Can sales people accept or reject leads during
not in meetings or away on leaves?
Is it possible to bump up or down someone for
What happens when no sales person is
available for lead assignment?
On the Spot lead assignment?
Can I randomly split leads between two teams
in a predetermined ratio?
How is the SDR/BDR notified of the assignment
progress as it happens?
What are the ways to notify salespeople of an
On the Spot assignment?
Lead to Account
About LeadAngel
228 Sunnyvale, CA
Company News
94085, United States
Calendar Scheduling
Lead Routing
Contact Us
 830 Stewart Dr. STE
 Plot 8/A Street 2,
Cross Street 5, Anand
Nagar Bhilai,
Chhattisgarh 490020
 sales@leadangel.co
On The Spot Handoff
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 +1 844-321-LEAD
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