5G Radio Optimization engineering guideline ☒Regulated ☐Unregulated document document Version 2.0 Date January 28, 2020 Author Poul Larsen Owner Poul Larsen Organization Global Services / NCS Approver Document ID ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 Document location https://nokia.sharepoint.com/sites/NPO/Docs/NP%26P%20Technical%20Doc umentation/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2FNPO%2FDocs%2FNP%26P %20Technical%20Documentation%2FRadio%20and%20Backhaul%2F5G%20R adio%2F5G%20miscellaneous%20material Change History Version Status Date Author Owner Reviewed by Reviewed date Approver Approval date Description of changes 0.01 Initial skeleton 6-Sep-2019 Poul Larsen Poul Larsen - - - - First skeleton 1.0 First release 31-Oct-2019 Poul Larsen Poul Larsen Chris Johnson 18-Nov-2019 Juha Sarkioja 25-Nov-2019 Many changes Kyeongtaek Kim 2.0 Approved 28-jan-2020 Poul Larsen Poul Larsen 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 1 / 178 Updated to 5G19A. Numerous changes and enhancements in existing sections Internal © 2020 Nokia Contents 1 Introduction and scope ..................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 Scope..................................................................................................................................................... 6 1.2 High level description of the steps in the optimization service................................................. 7 1.3 Structure of this guideline ................................................................................................................. 7 2 Background knowledge for optimizing a 5G radio network ..................................................... 10 2.1 Network architecture.......................................................................................................................... 10 2.2 RAN sharing ......................................................................................................................................... 11 2.3 Interworking with LTE......................................................................................................................... 11 2.4 Available radio units ........................................................................................................................... 12 2.5 Feature descriptions ........................................................................................................................... 14 2.6 Various improvements and restrictions in 5G19A ........................................................................ 17 2.7 Parameter description and recommendations ............................................................................. 17 2.8 Current software status...................................................................................................................... 18 2.9 Performance monitoring ................................................................................................................... 19 2.10 Project experiences ............................................................................................................................ 21 2.11 Network design material ................................................................................................................... 21 2.12 Pre-launch optimization material .................................................................................................... 21 2.13 Achievable KPI values......................................................................................................................... 21 3 Prerequisite checks before starting optimization ......................................................................... 23 3.1 Understand the operator’s view of good 5G performance ....................................................... 23 3.2 Understand the limitations imposed by non-RAN factors ......................................................... 23 3.3 EN-DC carrier aggregation strategy ............................................................................................... 24 3.4 Parameter and feature check ........................................................................................................... 25 3.5 Quick initial performance assessment ............................................................................................ 28 3.6 Backhaul capacity................................................................................................................................ 30 3.7 O&M status of the network .............................................................................................................. 30 4 Optimization of RF performance ..................................................................................................... 32 4.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 32 4.2 Typical issues........................................................................................................................................ 32 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 2 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 4.3 General performance analysis methods ........................................................................................ 33 4.4 General optimization methods ........................................................................................................ 34 4.5 Case: Crossed feeders or sectors .................................................................................................... 35 4.6 Case: Only few EN-DC capable terminals have a 5G radio connection ................................. 36 4.7 Case: Adjust antenna configuration based on 5G beamforming counters ............................ 39 4.8 Case: Use 5G timing advance counters to detect overshooting .............................................. 41 4.9 Case: Using counters to identify areas with bad downlink radio quality................................. 43 4.10 Case: Using counters to identify areas with bad uplink radio quality ...................................... 47 5 Optimization of accessibility ............................................................................................................. 51 5.1 Step A: EN-DC capable UE camps on LTE anchor cell ............................................................... 51 5.2 Step B: LTE RRC connection is established .................................................................................... 53 5.3 Step C: NR PDCP E-RAB and DRB is set up on LTE cell ............................................................. 53 5.4 Step D: Identifying the 5G cell.......................................................................................................... 55 5.5 Step E: SgNB addition ........................................................................................................................ 60 5.6 Step F: RRC reconfiguration ............................................................................................................. 62 5.7 Step G: Switching user plane to gNB.............................................................................................. 63 5.8 Step H: 5G RACH procedure ............................................................................................................ 64 5.9 E2E KPI formulas ................................................................................................................................. 68 6 Optimization of retainability ............................................................................................................. 70 6.1 Release initiated by gNB due to UE 5G inactivity......................................................................... 71 6.2 Release initiated by gNB due to A2 measurement report ......................................................... 72 6.3 Release initiated by gNB due to SgNB-detected 5G radio link failure .................................... 74 6.4 Release initiated by gNB due to UE-detected 5G radio link failure ......................................... 76 6.5 Release initiated by gNB due to abnormal reasons .................................................................... 77 6.6 Release initiated by gNB due to other reasons ............................................................................ 77 6.7 Release initiated by eNB due to normal release .......................................................................... 78 6.8 Release initiated by eNB due to 4G radio link failure.................................................................. 78 6.9 Release initiated by eNB due to 4G handover ............................................................................. 78 6.10 Releases due to gNB / eNB reset .................................................................................................... 79 6.11 Performance indicators...................................................................................................................... 79 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 3 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 7 Optimization of mobility.................................................................................................................... 80 7.1 Moving within the same SSB beam ................................................................................................ 80 7.2 Beam switching ................................................................................................................................... 83 7.3 NSA handover ..................................................................................................................................... 84 8 Capacity management....................................................................................................................... 89 8.1 5G radio interface capacity ............................................................................................................... 89 8.2 5G gNB processing capacity............................................................................................................. 101 8.3 5G Admission Control........................................................................................................................ 101 8.4 LTE radio interface capacity.............................................................................................................. 103 8.5 LTE eNB processing capacity............................................................................................................ 104 8.6 Interface capacity ................................................................................................................................ 104 9 Optimization of throughput ............................................................................................................. 107 9.1 The main factors impacting the throughput ................................................................................. 107 9.2 Performance analysis ......................................................................................................................... 108 9.3 OSS PM counters ................................................................................................................................ 109 9.4 Relevant features ................................................................................................................................ 111 9.5 Frame structure ................................................................................................................................... 126 9.6 Optimization procedure .................................................................................................................... 131 10 Optimization of user plane latency ................................................................................................. 134 10.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 134 10.2 Typical issues........................................................................................................................................ 135 10.3 Performance analysis ......................................................................................................................... 135 10.4 Dependencies on other sections ..................................................................................................... 138 10.5 Relevant features and parameters .................................................................................................. 139 10.6 UE dependencies ................................................................................................................................ 144 10.7 Optimization procedure .................................................................................................................... 145 11 Optimization of control plane latency ............................................................................................ 148 11.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 148 11.2 Typical issues........................................................................................................................................ 148 11.3 Performance analysis ......................................................................................................................... 149 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 4 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 11.4 Relevant features and parameters .................................................................................................. 149 12 Impact on legacy LTE performance ................................................................................................ 155 12.1 Impact on LTE performance for non-EN DC capable UEs ......................................................... 155 12.2 Impact on LTE performance for EN-DC capable UEs ................................................................. 155 13 Optimization of specific functionalities........................................................................................... 158 13.1 RACH performance ............................................................................................................................ 158 13.2 5G carrier aggregation ...................................................................................................................... 158 13.3 Ookla Speedtest .................................................................................................................................. 160 13.4 EN-DC downlink throughput issues ................................................................................................ 163 13.5 UE battery life ...................................................................................................................................... 164 13.6 BTS power efficiency .......................................................................................................................... 166 13.7 BTS radiation level .............................................................................................................................. 167 Appendix I List of 5G RAN features ............................................................................................................ 169 Appendix II List of LTE EN-DC features ...................................................................................................... 178 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 5 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 1 Introduction and scope This document is the “engineering guideline” for the 5G Radio Network Optimization service. It covers in reasonable details the steps which are necessary to optimize the radio part of a Nokia 5G network. The service description for the radio network optimization services is available here. As there is still only limited experience from live networks, the discussion of the various optimization areas is mostly based on theoretical considerations. The document will be kept updated as practical performance knowledge becomes available. Since the document is meant to be applicable in all 5G networks, some of the descriptions are rather generic. The details will vary from network to network, and it is important to have in mind that recommendations for one type of network cannot be assumed to be valid for another type of network. Important caveat: There are still numerous implementation issues in the 5G BTS and especially in the 5G terminals. The performance of some features is unfortunately heavily dependent on the used terminal type and software and it is recommended to verify that the test results and recommendations in this document is applicable in the relevant BTS / UE combinations before applying them in the network. 1.1 Scope The guideline is aligned with the capabilities of the Nokia 4G and 5G BTS. Current version of the guideline is aligned with the 5G19A release. The full list of LTE19B EN-DC features are listed in Appendix II but only those LTE19B features which are compatible with 5G19A features are described in this version of the document. 5G19A means the following capabilities and limitations apply: • Non-standalone (NSA) deployment according to 3GPP option 3x. This means that idle mode behaviour is controlled by the LTE layer and the establishment and maintenance of the RRC connection is handled by LTE layer. • “Split mode” of the user plane is possible, and it can be decided if the user plane traffic should go via the LTE leg, the 5G leg or both. This decision can be made independently for uplink and downlink • 5G can be deployed in both FDD and TDD modes • In most networks, the 5G will only be deployed on a single frequency band in 5G19A (although multiple adjacent carriers are possible), and this simplifies the 5G traffic management • Analog and digital beamforming are supported. MU-MIMO (multi-user MIMO) is not supported • Either Classical BTS or Cloud BTS deployment • All voice calls (VoLTE, CSFB) are handled exclusively by the LTE layer The use of NSA option 3x and the associated dependency on LTE network performance means that some specific LTE aspects will be covered, namely those related to establishing and maintaining an EN-DC RRC 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 6 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia connection and how to use LTE carrier aggregation to maximize end-user throughput. General LTE optimization, for example how to maximise the throughput on a LTE carrier by using 4x4 MIMO and 256QAM will not be discussed. The LTE radio optimization Wiki and the LTE optimization guideline can be consulted with regard to methods to improve LTE throughput. It is assumed that both the LTE and the 5G BTSs are supplied by Nokia. Although many optimization actions will be similar for all BTS vendors, the needed features, parameters and network counters will be different if other vendors are involved. Only the radio aspects of network optimization will be discussed. The discussion of the “fixed” interfaces (fronthaul, midhaul (F1) and backhaul (X2, S1) will be limited to their potential impact on end-user latency and how to do capacity monitoring. Other aspects of planning and optimizing the fixed interfaces is part of the “Mobile Access design service” – the content of this service can be studied via the delivery kit. 1.2 High level description of the steps in the optimization service The optimization services will typically consist of the following main activities: 1. Project setup 2. Initial analysis of configuration and parameters 3. Initial performance analysis 4. Optimizing the basics: RF environment and mobility aspects 5. Optimizing end-user performance. Typically, throughput and latency but perhaps also accessibility and retainability Steps 2 and 3 are described in chapter 3 and steps 4 and 5 are described from chapter 4 onwards. 1.3 Structure of this guideline Chapter 2 contains background information about the Nokia 5G RAN implementation in 5G19A. It lists the available radio units and the most relevant features to be familiar with before starting a 5G RAN optimization project. There are also links to recommended parameter values, descriptions on how to do performance monitoring and links to the material related to the Network Design and Pre-launch optimization services. Chapter 3 describes the steps needed in the initial network assessment which should be done before the real optimization starts. This includes parameter consistency checks, quick initial check of the major KPIs as well as checking that the sites are generally on air without alarms. The intention is partly to clear away any obvious problems (such as inconsistent parameter settings) before the real work starts, partly to provide initial guidance on where the performance problems of the network are. The following chapters then provide details on how to optimize specific aspects of 5G performance. In practice, these aspects are very much interrelated. For example, high user throughput can be achieved by 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 7 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia using relevant features with recommended parameter values (described in the chapter on throughput optimization) in an area with good coverage and low interference (described in the RF performance chapter) and where the network is not congested (described in the capacity management chapter) while making sure that the connections are using the optimal BTS (described in the mobility optimization chapter). For descriptive purposes, different aspects are described in their own chapters, but it should be kept in mind that (almost) everything is depending on everything else. Table 1 provides the overview of the optimization chapters. Chapter Contents Chapter 4: Optimization of RF performance How to ensure that the network foundation, i.e. the basic coverage and interference situation, is at the optimal level. This section concentrates on the stationary case. The selection of the optimal beam pattern is also discussed Chapter 5: Optimization of accessibility What are the 4G and 5G factors which can impact accessibility. Which KPIs are the most relevant to monitor Chapter 6: Optimization of retainability What are the 4G and 5G factors which can impact retainability. Which KPIs are the most relevant to monitor Chapter 7: Optimization of mobility Covers the traditional mobility aspects, i.e. changing between cells as well as the movement inside a cell (beam switching, maintaining good channel estimate) Chapter 8: Capacity management Describes how to measure current congestion levels and gives suggestions to how the spectral efficiency and other network resources can be optimized Chapter 9: Optimization of throughput How to measure throughput in field tests and via KPIs. Which features are most relevant to optimize and what are the field experiences so far Chapter 10: Optimization of user plane latency How to measure user plane latency in field tests and via interface traces. KPIs. Which features are most relevant to optimize and what are the field experiences so far Chapter 11: Optimization of control plane latency How to measure user plane latency in field tests and via interface traces. KPIs. Which features are most relevant to optimize and what are the field experiences so far Chapter 12: Minimizing impact on legacy LTE performance Describes how the 5G EN-DC functionality can potentially impact legacy LTE services and how the impact can be minimized Chapter 13: Optimization of specific functionalities A collection of specific optimization actions which should be considered together with the actions described in the main chapters but are more easily described in their own subsection Table 1: Overview of the optimization sections 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 8 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 9 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 2 Background knowledge for optimizing a 5G radio network A certain level of background knowledge is of course needed before starting an optimization project. This chapter provides some basic background information along with useful links where more details can be studied. 2.1 Network architecture The 5G19A release supports the 3GPP “option 3x” deployment, i.e. a LTE cell is used as “anchor cell” where the RRC connection is first established via the LTE radio link and afterwards a 5G user plane connection is added on top of the LTE user plane connection. This arrangement is referred to as EUTRAN – NR Dual Connectivity (EN-DC). In this scenario, the anchor LTE BTS is referred to as the Master eNB (MeNB) while the 5G BTS is referred to as the Secondary gNB (SgNB). Figure 1 illustrates the network architecture. The 4G core network (the EPC) continues to be used with minor modifications in the MME and in the SGW. The LTE cell used as anchor cell needs significant enhanced functionality, so the relevant release and features must naturally be loaded. Figure 1: Network architecture in 5G19A RAN release 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 10 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Optionally, a distributed architecture can be used for the gNB. This means that the gNB is split into a centralized unit (the CU) and multiple distributed units (DUs) connected via the open F1 interface. The CU then handles the upper layers of the communication protocol (PDCP and upwards) while the DUs handles the physical, MAC and RLC layers. In Nokia implementation, this option is called “Cloud BTS” architecture. Alternatively, the traditional deployment where all the BTS components are located relatively close to the antennas can be used. This option is called “Classical BTS” in Nokia terminology. 5G19A supports Cloud BTS deployment only on the 28 GHz and 39 GHz frequency bands. From a radio network optimization perspective, the main difference between cloud and classical BTS deployment is that the cloud BTS covers a large geographical area with many cells. This means that the majority of handover events will be intra-gNB handovers – this was especially important in 5G19 because this release did not support inter-gNB handover. 2.2 RAN sharing Starting with 5G19A, it is possible to share the 5G RAN between two operators. The feature 5GC000738: Multiple PLMN ID support works with classical BTS architecture (but not with Cloud BTS architecture in 5G19A) and allows the use of either MOCN (operators are sharing the spectrum) or MORAN (each operator has own spectrum). 2.3 Interworking with LTE The LTE part of the EN-DC procedure plays an important role and cannot be ignored when the 5G radio network is optimized. Especially the establishment of the connection (accessibility) and the end-user throughput can be heavily impacted by the LTE performance. The signalling between the LTE and the 5G BTS takes place via the X2 interface. X2 is an open interface fully specified by 3GPP, so in principle there is no requirement that the LTE and the 5G BTSs are from the same vendor. The interworking functionality has been verified in labs but there are not yet any field deployments where the 5G RAN is not supplied by the same vendor which has provided the anchor LTE layer. This guideline assumes that there is a single-vendor scenario for 5G RAN and the LTE anchor layer. Among the aspects which needs to be analysed and optimized are: • Ensure that EN-DC capable UEs in idle mode camps on the LTE anchor layer • Ensure 5G neighbours are defined for the BTSs in the LTE anchor layer • Set parameters such that 5G radio connections are added when there is sufficient 5G radio coverage and addition attempts are not made when the 5G radio coverage is insufficient • Make sure that LTE carrier aggregation works also for UEs with ongoing 5G connection • Ensure that the split of user plane data between LTE and 5G radio connections works in the optimal way 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 11 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Generally, when performing such an analysis, the parameters, counters and traces needs to be viewed from both the 4G and the 5G side. With 5G19A, the “concurrent” operation between LTE and 5G is introduced, i.e. the Radio Unit and the antenna can be used concurrently for LTE and 5G. This has obvious implications for the site solution but not really for the radio network optimization, except that the use of the same antenna for LTE and 5G means that tilt and azimuth adjustments cannot be done independently for LTE and 5G. The big impact on the radio network optimization comes with the Dynamic Spectrum Sharing feature in 5G19B. Instead of dedicating a chapter for optimization of the LTE inter-working, the different aspects are discussed as part of the general performance optimization chapters. 2.4 Available radio units Figure 2 gives an overview of the available radio units in 5G19A and Table 2 provides more details. Figure 2: Overview of available radio units Radio unit Feature Frequency band Antenna type Comment AHLOA 5GC000719 600 MHz 4T4R RRH Concurrent 5G and LTE AHCA 5GC001152 850 MHz 4T4R RRH Concurrent 5G and LTE AHBCC 5GC001150 850 MHz 4T4R RRH Concurrent 5G and LTE AHBCB 5GC002028 850 MHz 4T4R RRH Concurrent 5G and LTE 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 12 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Radio unit Feature Frequency band Antenna type Comment AHFIB 5GC000724 n25 (1900 MHz) & n66 (1700 MHz) 4T4R RRH Concurrent 5G and LTE AAHF 5GC001138 2.496-2.69 GHz 64T64R active antenna Concurrent 5G and LTE AAHJ 5GC001210 2.59-2.69 GHz 64T64R active antenna Concurrent 5G and LTE AWHHA 5GC001776 2.496–2.690 GHz 4T4R indoor antenna Small cell, 4 x 250 mW AWHHC 5GC001649 2.496–2.690 GHz 4T4R indoor antenna Small cell, 4 x 200 mW AWHHD 5GC001541 2.515–2.675 GHz 4T4R RRH Small cell AWHHF 5GC001707 2.496–2.690 GHz 4T4R RRH Small cell AWHHG 5GC001776 2.515–2.675 GHz 2T2R RRH Small cell AEQA 5GC000562 3.4 – 3.6 GHz 64T64R active antenna AEQD 5GC000664 3.6 – 3.8 GHz 64T64R active antenna AEQB 5GC001783 3.4 – 3.6 GHz 64T64R active antenna AEQE 5GC002446 3.48 – 3.8 GHz 64T64R active antenna AEQP 5GC002449 3.41 – 3.7 GHz 64T64R active antenna AEQN 5GC001822 3.4 – 3.7 GHz 32T32R active antenna AZQG 5GC001795 3.4 – 3.6 GHz 8T8R RRH AZQH 5GC001810 3.6 – 3.8 GHz 8T8R RRH AZQL 5GC001811 3.48 – 3.7 GHz 8T8R RRH AWHQA 5GC000997 3.4 – 3.6 GHz 4T4R indoor antenna Small cell AWHQB 5GC001072 3.6 – 3.8 GHz 4T4R indoor antenna Small cell AWHQC 5GC001073 3.3 – 3.6 GHz 4T4R indoor antenna Small cell AWHQJ 5GC001648 3.4 – 3.6 GHz 4T4R indoor antenna Small cell AWHQE 5GC001157 3.4 – 3.6 GHz 4T4R RRH Small cell AWHQF 5GC001274 3.6 – 3.8 GHz 4T4R RRH Small cell AWHQG 5GC001278 3.46 – 3.58 GHz 4T4R RRH Small cell AHQK 5GC002029 3.4 – 3.7 GHz DL: 4x4. UL: 2x2 passive antennas Repeater AEUA 5GC000515 28 GHz 2T2R active antenna AC power AEUF 5GC001269 28 GHz 2T2R active antenna DC power AEUB 5GC000585 28 GHz 2T2R active antenna AEUD 5GC000855 28 GHz 2T2R active antenna AEUE 5GC000958 28 GHz 2T2R active antenna AEWF 5GC001267 39 GHz 2T2R active antenna AEWB 5GC000586 39 GHz 2T2R active antenna 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 13 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Radio unit Feature Frequency band Antenna type AEWD 5GC000856 39 GHz 2T2R active antenna AEWE 5GC000959 39 GHz 2T2R active antenna Comment Table 2: Available radio units. 5G19A RUs in italic. More details are available in the feature descriptions The 5G active antennas are much more integrated in the overall behaviour of the 5G RAN than what has been the case for 4G passive antennas, and this means that similar products may have different performance. For example, a given maintenance package may already give good performance for AEQA, but a later package is needed to also have good performance for AEQN. This means that parameter recommendations and measured performance is much more dependent on the used radio unit than what has been the case for earlier technologies. The available radio units in future releases are for example available in the 5G RAN roadmap or in the Focal Point. 2.5 Feature descriptions There are about 170 new features in 5G19A and about 180 features are inherited from earlier releases. Many of these are mandatory in the sense that the 5G RAN will not work without them, for example 5GC000836: SgNB addition and release for NSA option 3X. Other features can be considered as enhancements to the basic 5G operation, for example 5GC000522: 256 QAM for PDSCH. The complete list of features available in 5G19A and earlier releases can be found in Appendix I. More detailed feature descriptions can be found in: • Focal Point. This is high level description which also mentions the expected 5G release which the feature will appear in (this is of course most relevant for future features) • Network Engineering trainings. These consist of recorded sessions (which may be outdated since the feature contents have been changing) and reasonably updated slide decks. From WebNEI, specific features can be searched • DOORS or Gates. This is where the CFAM descriptions are stored • Discovery Center. This is the customer documentation The most relevant features for 5G19A radio optimization are listed in Table 3 and Table 4. The selection criterium has been that these features are either “enhancement features”, which are not necessarily enabled in the network or mandatory features where good understanding of the feature algorithms and parameters is needed. For some features, it has been decided that instead of implementing the whole feature in the planned release, some content is moved into the next release. This means that so-called “spillover” features exist, for example 5GC002090: Spillover from 5GC000578 Direct RRC signaling for NSA (SRB3), where part of the functionality which was originally intended to be in 5G19A, has been moved to 5G19B. It can sometimes be 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 14 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia difficult to find out exactly what is included in a given 5G19 /5G19A feature – the most updated webNEI material is probably the best source. Not all the new 5G19A features are fully implemented in the initial release of 5G19A. Some will only be completed with the various maintenance packages (MP releases). The release documentation for each of the 5G19A packages should be studied to understand the status. Feature id 5GC000475 5GC000478 5GC000479 5GC000480 5GC000510 5GC000511 5GC000512 5GC000517 5GC000522 5GC000523 5GC000526 5GC000527 5GC000531 5GC000532 5GC000533 5GC000535 5GC000570 5GC000572 5GC000605 5GC000720 5GC000762 5GC000772 5GC001070 5GC001094 5GC001116 5GC001127 5GC001208 5GC001304 5GC001725 Feature name SgNB Addition and Release for NSA mode 3x operation Radio Link Failure handling for NSA mode 3x operation UE inactivity handling for NSA mode 3x operation Radio Admission Control for NSA mode 3x operation Uplink open loop power control PRACH control DL power control Uplink and Downlink link adaptation 256 QAM for PDSCH TDD scheduler for Multi-UE support DL Interference Generation - single cell Intra-band CA TDD FR2 up to 2 CCs DL SU adaptive MIMO (2x2) UL SU adaptive MIMO (2x2) Digital Beamforming for CPRI based RUs Analog Beamforming 5G - LTE flow control at X2 Intra-Frequency Inter-DU en-gNB mobility (NSA option 3x, Cloud gNB) DL SU adaptive 4x4 MIMO (open loop) Asymmetric carrier aggregation 5G centralized SON PCI management Common DRX Bi-periodic 5 slot subframe configuration Intra-Frequency Intra-DU en-gNB mobility (NSA option 3x) TD-LTE co-existence subframe configuration FR2 frame structure 4-1 FR1 frame configuration 4-1 Frame structure enhancement (preamble format B4) Intra-band CA TDD FR2 up to 4CCs DL Table 3: Most relevant 5G18A and 5G19 features to study before 5G radio network optimization Feature id 5GC000573 5GC000575 5GC000578 5GC000726 Feature name Intra-Frequency Inter en-gNB mobility (NSA option 3x) Intra-MeNB LTE handover without en-gNB change (NSA Option 3x) Direct RRC signaling for NSA mode 3x operation NR-LTE FDD concurrent operation for CPRI RUs 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 15 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Feature id 5GC000738 5GC000776 5GC000792 5GC000795 5GC000913 5GC000918 5GC000920 5GC000980 5GC001197 5GC001200 5GC001246 5GC001329 5GC001347 5GC001461 5GC001547 5GC001612 5GC001829 5GC001831 5GC001836 5GC001854 5GC001870 5GC001874 5GC001878 5GC001942 5GC001943 5GC001954 5GC001982 5GC001983 5GC002388 5GC002450 5GC002535 Feature name Multiple PLMN ID support non GBR service differentiation FDD Scheduler for Multi-UE support Multiple DRBs per UE (NSA mode 3x) QoS Support for Terminated Traffic Analog Beamforming for eCPRI based RUs DL 4x4 SU MIMO without beamforming (open loop) ALD support in gNB for Nokia CPRI radio units Micro discontinuous Trans. and Recept. (µDTRX) for Energy Efficiency Dynamic uplink data split mode AirScale Indoor Radio LTE and NR concurrent operation EIRP monitor Additional DMRS configuration Golden Database (DB) verification Supplemental downlink cell - FR2 EdenNet support of 5G19A Spillover from 5GC001094 (intra-DU PSCell change) Intra-band CA TDD FR2 up to 4CCs DL - 2CCs UL Spillover from 5GC000480 Radio Admission Control for NSA mode 3x operation Spillover for basic TDD scheduler for multi-UE support DL SU adaptive 4x4 MIMO Non contention based random access DL Interference Generation - multiple cells Spillover digital Beamforming for CPRI based RUs Spillover analog beamforming Introduction of A2 based SgNB release L1 algorithm changes - 5G19A Spillover UL SU adaptive MIMO Sleeping cell 1, RACH detection Antenna tilt for 2D GoB (Com. Introduction) FDM of DMRS and PDSCH Table 4: Most relevant 5G19A features to study before 5G radio network optimization Table 5 lists the most relevant EN-DC features on the LTE side. Feature id LTE4088 LTE4193 LTE4575 LTE4530 LTE4531 LTE5335 LTE5524 LTE4281 LTE4549 Feature name LTE-NR Dual Connectivity Option 3X Dynamic Trigger for LTE-NR DC Option 3X Blind Carrier Aggregation with LTE-NR DC Option 3X Inter-SgNB Mobility for LTE-NR DC Option 3X LTE-NR DC Option 3X: Multiple non-GBR SCG split Bearers LTE-NR DC Option 3X Enhancements Ongoing QCI1 prevents EN-DC setup Intra-eNB handover for LTE-NR DC Option 3X Flexible LTE CA with EN-DC 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 16 / 178 Internal Release LTE19 LTE19 LTE19 LTE19A LTE19A LTE19A LTE19A LTE19B LTE19B © 2020 Nokia Feature id LTE5150 LTE5510 Feature name EN-DC capability-based mobility trigger Stepwise addition of multiple bearers for EN-DC Release LTE19B LTE19B Table 5: Most relevant LTE EN-DC features. Only those features which are supported also with 5G19A are listed. The full EN-DC feature list is provided in Appendix II 2.6 Various improvements and restrictions in 5G19A Some of the improvements which 5G19A brings compared to 5G19 is quite obvious when studying the list of 5G19A features but others are less obvious, often “hidden” inside feature descriptions or improvement suggestions. This section attempts to list such “hidden” improvements which are known to the author, as well as some of the less obvious restrictions in 5G19A 5G19A improvements compared to 5G19: • Incremental Redundancy HARQ is taken into use in both uplink and downlink. This means better and more stable throughput • If a small packet is transmitted in uplink, the scheduler can first reduce the MCS down to MCS0 and then reduce the PRB size down to 3 PRBs. This gives better uplink performance at cell edge • If a small packet is transmitted in downlink, the scheduler can reduce to MCS down to MCS0 and the transmit power can be reduced (to reduce inter-sector interference). DL power reduction is enabled by default starting from 5G19A_6.28451.297 Restrictions in 5G19A: • In case of small downlink packets, the scheduler cannot reduce the number of PRBs • 4x4 MIMO cannot use closed loop • Only 1 UE per slot (FDM multiplexing not available) • Scheduling of PDSCH on SSB and CSI-RS not possible 2.7 Parameter description and recommendations For the “system level” parameters, “golden” parameter sets are available for the various radio units and the various releases. These can be used as a guideline for the network design but should be used with care due to different networks having different requirements. More information can be found in: • NPO radio wiki, parameter page. Contains a collection of useful links, incl. the material listed below • NIDD. The parameter definitions (parameter names, object, range, default values, descriptions) can be exported to convenient Excel format 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 17 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia • MN R&D golden SCF. Excel sheet with info on which parameters which are recommended to be set different than default values, as well as SCF files • Network Engineering’s SCF collection. Collection of SCF files from various networks and test labs • NPO’s SCF collection. SCF files from various European 5G projects can be found within the project specific folders • NPO parameter recommendation. Includes the full list of parameters and recommendations on how the parameters should be set (default values, output from 9955 planning tool, output from IP design, etc.) • MIND parameter database. Maintained by Network Engineering. In addition to the information available from NIDD, this also has very useful “comments” field, which can be used for asking questions about a specific parameter in the Yammer ASK community • Optimization guideline from GS CS QoE team. Contains an overview of the parameters playing a key role for the most important performance aspects (accessibility, retainability, usage etc.). Contains recommended values for different use cases: General, Demo Peak Throughput, Demo Low Latency, High Traffic, etc. The document is continuously fed by Trials/NPI/NPO team’s feedbacks. In addition to the normal parameters in the SCF file which are visible and modifiable to the operator, there are also “hidden” parameters which are stored in the encrypted “Vendor” file and which can only be inspected and changed by R&D. These parameters are included in the NIDD parameter list and may later become visible and included in the SCF file. Also, it is relevant to check the R&D parameters, which are included in the swconfig.txt file. These are mainly flags for enabling or disabling certain functionalities in early feature implementations. These are not part of NIDD and will disappear once a given feature has been fully implemented and tested. 2.8 Current software status It is often worthwhile to read quickly through the release notes related to the specific maintenance package which is running in the 4G and in the 5G BTSs. Also, the “List of Generic Failures” (LGF) is recommended to study. This document lists the known failures, describes possible workarounds and informs in which maintenance release the problem is fixed. These documents are available in the Discovery Center: • Overview of all releases (incl. 5G) with links to additional documentation for each release • 5G19A P8 release documents • List of Generic Failures (as of January 23, 2020) • List of Technical Support Notes 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 18 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 2.9 Performance monitoring Network performance is normally measured either by doing field tests or by analysing OSS counters. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages as summarized in Table 6, and consequently both methods are often used. Field tests OSS counters The end-user experience is directly measured Difficult to combine counters to match end-user experience Tests are only done at certain locations during certain times Covers all the users all the time Performance in very specific locations can be measured Performance is typically averaged over a cell The performance of a specific UE is measured Average performance of all UEs Can be done even before network is launched Certain traffic level required to have statistical validity Table 6: Advantages and disadvantages of field tests and OSS counter analysis When analyzing the measurements, it is important to be aware of the “reproducibility” of the results. This is straightforward for OSS counters because it is easy to confirm if the results are similar from day to day. For drive tests, this can be achieved by doing multiple drives of a smaller area (without changing anything in the network) and confirm if the results from drive to drive are reasonably similar. It can be a challenge to obtain good reproducibility of stationary field tests. Often, a series of locations are measured with one parameter set, then the parameters are changed, and the same locations are measured again. If a location has medium or bad radio link quality, it can be very difficult to return to that location and achieve same link quality as in the previous test. Often, the change in SINR will outweigh the impact from the parameter change. It can be easier to test in locations with good radio link quality, because then the radio link quality just needs to be “good enough”, and a few dBs difference in the link quality doesn’t matter. However, with the 4x4 MIMO feature, it has become difficult to reproduce results even in good radio conditions due to the need to not only have a good radio link quality - a good multipath environment is also needed. A common problem with drive tests is that many factors (network congestion, road congestion, timing of traffic lights etc.) can have impact on the results, and if the expected gain of a certain parameter adjustment is small, it can “disappear in the noise” and lead to wrong conclusions. One solution can be that instead of driving a standard cluster once, a more focused drive, for example driving between 2 BTSs on a specific road, can be done many times; this can sometimes give a clearer conclusion on the effect of the change. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 19 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 2.9.1 Drive test tools Especially in the early phases of 5G networks where the traffic is very low and the features are not necessarily working as expected, performing field tests will be an important of optimization activities. Also, Nokia’s first 5G releases have limited functionality for mass tracing, so RF optimization will rely on field tests even in networks with reasonable traffic levels. It is recommended to do the first tests with UDP based applications to be able to make a separate clean measurement of the downlink and of the uplink performance. Once the basic link optimization has been done, TCP based applications (such as Ookla Speedtest) should be used such that the end-user experience is characterized (good TCP performance requires both good downlink and good uplink performance in terms of throughput and latency). Most commonly used drive test tools are Accuver XCAL, Keysight Nemo and InfoVista TEMS. More information about these tools are available on the Mass Rollout Tools website. 2.9.2 BTS traces and logs BTS traces and log files are used not only by Product Line to troubleshoot software bugs but also by NPO engineers to understand in detail what is happening in certain test scenarios. Until now, these trace possibilities have been used to analyse specific scenarios where there typically is only one UE active in a short time. These traces include various system logs but also more familiar traces such as MACTTI and SHERPA traces. Some information about the various trace possibilities are available in this slide deck which unfortunately has not been updated for some time. For mass traffic analysis, the recommended option is to use Per Call Measurement Data (PCMD) traces. Basic information was already available in 5G19 and more has been added in 5G19A. There is not yet much practical experience with using these traces. In future releases, also MDT traces will be available. 2.9.3 Counters and KPIs Numerous counters and KPIs are available for performance monitoring. The individual chapters in this guideline lists the KPIs which are especially relevant for the chapter – more general material on all counters and KPIs can be found on the counters and KPIs section in the NPO 5G radio wiki. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 20 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 2.10 Project experiences Field experiences from numerous 5G projects have already been collected and stored at the NPO 5G radio wiki’s project material pages. This practice will continue, and it is the intention to not only collect readymade reports from the projects but also extract common learnings on how features and parameters work. When studying reports from other projects, it should be kept in mind that not only do networks differ in parameter settings, coverage, mobility and interworking strategies, but there are also differences in UE population and in exact software packages in the BTSs and in the UEs – and so far, many performance aspects depends on exactly which UE and which software package is being used. It can therefore not be taken for granted that a certain configuration which works well in one network can be recommended in another network. 2.11 Network design material At least a basic understanding of the network design process is needed before starting the optimization activities. The network design delivery kit provides such an understanding. 2.12 Pre-launch optimization material Many of the activities done during the pre-launch optimization (e.g. parameter check and coverage measurements) are similar to the activities done during the initial assessment phase of an optimization project. It is therefore recommended to study the pre-launch optimization delivery kit. 2.13 Achievable KPI values It is important to have a rough idea about the achievable performance before starting the optimization activities, and especially before making even implicit commitments towards the operator. There is good reference material related to achievable theoretical throughput in lab conditions. The NR Throughput Tool is a wonderful tool, which in addition to providing the achievable throughput also allows the user to play with various system parameters and study their impact on the throughput. The tool can also consider the impact of features in coming releases. The tool is pretty self-explanatory but there are also detailed descriptions available here and here. It should be kept in mind that the tool predicts the theoretical throughput. Practical circumstances such as software implementation errors and radio link transmission problems can prevent reaching the theoretical maximum. For user plane and control plane latencies, this spreadsheet allows to enter some details on the network configuration and calculate the expected breakdown of the various delay components. Test results are 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 21 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia available from multiple field tests (some of these are included in chapters 10 and 11), but nice consolidated tables have not been made, so there is a bit of detective work involved when trying to predict what can be achieved even in ideal conditions. Likewise, there is not yet a consolidated view on how moving from lab environment to field tests degrades the performance. Some illustrative examples are included in the following chapters, but these should be viewed exactly as examples and not as consolidated results. The GS CS QoE team maintains a database where field test performance is collected, analyzed and entered into a summary spreadsheet. The material is available here. Live network values of the most important OSS KPIs are available via the Performance Benchmarker 2.0 KPI database. However, when studying the KPI values, it should be remembered that: - In some networks, the majority of the data traffic is probably caused by test engineers and “special users” such as journalists running around doing speed tests - There are still UE performance issues (and also some network performance issues) This means that the KPI values from live networks should still be considered mainly as examples and not as target values. Finally, when Nokia is selling 5G networks, we will normally need to commit to certain KPI values. The documents stored at this link contains input for the KPI commitment process and they can be useful when setting the performance expectations. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 22 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 3 Prerequisite checks before starting optimization This section describes some of the checks which are recommended to be made before starting the real optimization service. 3.1 Understand the operator’s view of good 5G performance It is not obvious what is meant by good 5G performance. Possible interpretations by the operator includes at least: • The time and area where the UE indicates “5G” in the display should be maximized • The end-user throughput (for example measured by an application such as Ookla Speedtest) should be maximized in a given geographical area • The end-user throughput (for example measured by an application such as Ookla Speedtest) when the UE displays “5G” should be maximized • Maximal amount of traffic should be offloaded from LTE to 5G, thereby improving performance of legacy LTE • Low latency should be provided The objectives listed above are to some extend in conflict with each other. For example, the threshold for adding a 5G radio link (b1ThresholdNrRsrp) can be set low to ensure that the 5G addition will happen in as big area as possible – but the same parameter can also be set high to ensure that when the UE does use 5G, the 5G radio link will have reasonable quality and therefore the throughput will be high. It should therefore be clarified with the operator what “good 5G performance” means and when discussing test results etc., it should be made clear that improvements for one performance indicator can mean degradation for another indicator. 3.2 Understand the limitations imposed by non-RAN factors Normally, the operator does not have completely freedom to configure the network, and it should be understood what kind of restrictions that exist in a given network. 3.2.1 Regulatory restrictions For TDD networks, the regulating authority will normally have put some restrictions as to what frame structure which can be used, so interference between networks is avoided. Such restrictions can for example limit the flexibility between uplink and downlink capacity or the achievable latency. However, it is possible 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 23 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia that such restrictions only apply to the macro layer and for example indoor cells covering a gaming event can be configured more freely. For health reasons there are probably also restrictions to how high field strength the general public may be exposed to, and this can for example limit the use of high-gain beam forming. The 5GC001329: EIRP monitor feature (5G19A) makes it possible to monitor the actual transmit power while the 5GC002052: EIRP control feature (5G19B) allows to dynamically control the transmit power so radiation limits are not exceeded. Section 13.7 has more on this topic. 3.2.2 UE interoperability issues Many of the 3GPP features are optional to implement in the UE, and it needs to be understood how the most used UEs in the market behave. The most important point is which 5G frequency bands that are supported by the UE and which LTE / 5G band combinations that are supported. Other points such as if the UE can transmit on both LTE and 5G at the same time, MIMO support, carrier aggregation support etc. are also important. Note also that the early UE chipsets are not yet supporting even all the mandatory 3GPP features. Finally, there may be restrictions caused by implementation bugs in the UEs. For example, some early Samsung UEs are only reporting the RSRP of beam #0 back to the BTS, and this means that the beam pattern should be chosen such that beam #0 is covering the main part of the cell. The “Terminal Information Portal” has information about terminal capabilities but only very basic like the supported bands. The “UE community” also has basic information on NSA EN-DC terminals. It should be checked directly with the operator what kind of terminals there are in the network and if there are any known issues with those. 3.2.3 Self-imposed restrictions Although a certain functionality is available in 5G19A, some operators will not allow to use it before they have done interoperability tests with especially the main UEs in their network but perhaps also towards the core and legacy LTE part of their network. It needs to be checked which BTS features that are not yet “released” by the operator and when the release is expected to happen. 3.3 EN-DC carrier aggregation strategy The throughput provided to the end user will normally be the combination of LTE and 5G throughput, at least in the downlink direction. The relative importance of each leg should be understood. If for example there is a large bandwidth (e.g. 100 MHz) available for the 5G carrier and the LTE network is heavily 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 24 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia congested, the major contributor to the end-user throughput will be the 5G leg, and most of the optimization effort should be directed towards ensuring a good 5G throughput. If, on the other hand, the 5G carrier bandwidth is for example only 10 MHz while the LTE carriers combined have perhaps 40 MHz bandwidth, the 5G throughput will not contribute much to the combined end-user throughput, and the optimization effort should instead be focused on ensuring that LTE carrier aggregation is worked correctly also for EN-DC connections, that the X2 network is not dropping packets etc. 3.4 Parameter and feature check The assessment consists of 3 parts: - Confirm that the plan for network-level parameters is reasonable - Confirm that the plan for cell-level parameters is reasonable - Confirm that the planned parameters have actually been implemented in the network 3.4.1 Confirm that the plan for network-level parameters is reasonable In this context, network-level parameters are the ones which are expected to have same values for all the cells / BTSs in the network. Even though it is possible to have different values in different cells or BTSs, the recommendation for the early networks is to use a harmonized set of values for all cells. Later, it is expected that certain cells, for example those which cater for high speed trains, will have special settings. There is not a clear distinction between network-level and cell-level parameters. For example, many networks are using the same beam pattern in all cells when they launch, but there may already be some networks which are using different beam patterns to be able to cater for local conditions. The first step is to find the planned values. There will typically be a spreadsheet with the planned values which can be used. Sometimes, such a spreadsheet has not been maintained for some time, and the actually used parameter values may be different. Sometimes it may be better to get the SCF (Site Configuration File) directly from the BTS. Next step is to find a good reference set. At least two possibilities exist: - Product Line (MN) has a set of recommended values at this location. There are recommendations for multiple types of configurations (FDD, TDD Classical cm-wave, Classical mm-wave, Cloud mmwave etc.) and for all releases (5G19, 5G19A and 5G19B). Both SCF and Excel formats are available - Global NPO has a set of recommended values in this Excel sheet. In addition to listing the recommended values for the network-level parameters, the sheet also explains from where the values of cell level parameters should be taken Final step is then to compare the parameter values from the local network with the Nokia global recommendations. LTEPAT provides an easy way to compare two SCF files. There will certainly be deviations 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 25 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia between the local network settings and the global recommendations, and it is important to understand the reason behind the deviations. There may for example be regulatory requirements which are specific to a given country, or the given operator can have decided to prioritize some use cases (such as low latency) over others (such as high capacity). Any deviations should be highlighted, and it should be considered how the impact on network performance is. To help understand how local choices can impact the parameter choices, the “5G Planning Topics” slide set, which is available here, should be studied. In addition to the normal parameters in the SCF file which are visible and modifiable to the operator, there are also “hidden” parameters which are stored in the encrypted “Vendor” file and which can only be inspected and changed by R&D. These parameters are included in the NIDD parameter list and may later become visible and included in the SCF file. Also, it is relevant to check the R&D parameters, which are included in the swconfig.txt file. These are mainly flags for enabling or disabling certain functionalities in early feature implementations. These are not part of NIDD and will disappear once a given feature has been fully implemented and tested. This spreadsheet contains current recommendations for R&D parameter settings. If discrepancies are found between the recommendation and the actually used values, they must be discussed with the local care team. 3.4.2 Confirm that the plan for cell level parameters is reasonable This section concentrates on those cell level parameters which impact the radio performance. This means for example that the gNB id and cell id principles are not discussed, even though intelligent choices here will make O&M handling of the network easier. IP parameters are also not discussed. PCI plan The Physical Cell Identifier (PCI, physCellId) can be chosen from a set of 1008 possible values. These 1008 values are organised into 336 groups of 3. The PSS provides a pointer to the PCI within a group {1 of 3} while the SSS provides a pointer to the group {1 of 336}. When the PCI values are decided, the following rules should be followed: - Allocate 1 PCI Group per BTS for 3-sector and 2-sector BTS - Allocate 2 PCI Groups per BTS for 4-sector, 5-sector and 6-sector BTS - Allocate 1 PCI per BTS for single sector BTS - PCI should be planned to maximise the re-use distance - A UE should never be able to receive the same PCI from multiple cells - A specific BTS should not have multiple neighbours with the same PCI - PCI Planning co-ordination will be required at operator boundaries 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 26 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia There are several tools available which can be used to validate and optimize the PCI planning: - MUSA: NPO-developed optimization tool which is available for all NPO projects. Optimal PCI planning is done based on the geometrical considerations (distance between BTSs etc.). It is the intention to evolve the functionality such that also drive test data can be taken into account. - EdenNET: SON-product from Nokia Software (NSW) - 9955: 5G radio network planning tool which is able to provide an optimal PCI planning. The procedure is described in the 5G Outdoor RF Design Guideline. - 5G Inspector: Product from Nokia Software (NetAct Performance Manager team), which among other things can evaluate the PCI planning. High level description is available here. In general, the same methodologies used for the pre-launch optimization can be applied in this initial assessment. The pre-launch optimization delivery kit can be read for more details. RSI plan Root Sequences are used to generate the set of PRACH preambles belonging to each PRACH occasion. Root Sequence Indices should be allocated to cells with a re-use distance which ensures that a specific cell never receives PRACH transmissions from a UE which is using the same Root Sequence within another cell. Root Sequence Index collisions generate unnecessary PRACH load and poor PRACH performance. Although end-user experience may not be impacted, this scenario should nevertheless be minimized. There are several tools available which can be used to validate the RSI planning: - MUSA: NPO-developed optimization tool which is available for all NPO projects. Optimal RSI planning is done based on the geometrical considerations (distance between BTSs etc.). It is the intention to evolve the functionality such that also drive test data can be taken into account. - EdenNET: SON-product from Nokia Software In general, the same methodologies used for the pre-launch optimization can be applied in this initial assessment. The pre-launch optimization delivery kit can be read for more details. Neighbour plan 4G-5G neighbours are used to set up the NSA 5G connection. In many cases, non-co-located neighbours need to be defined so some kind of planning is needed. Non-co-located 5G-5G neighbours are needed for inter-site 5G handovers and must be planned as well. Co-located neighbours (both 4G-5G neighbours and 5G-5G neighbours) are normally always defined but this should of course be confirmed. Both 4G-5G and 5G-5G neighbour plans must be validated. There are several tools available which can be used to validate the neighbour planning: 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 27 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia - MUSA: NPO-developed optimization tool which is available for all NPO projects. Optimal 4G-5G and 5G-5G neighbour planning is done based on the geometrical considerations (distance between BTSs etc.). It is the intention to evolve the functionality such that also drive test data can be taken into account. - EdenNET: SON-product from Nokia Software - 9955: 5G radio network planning tool which is able to provide an optimal 5G -5G neighbour planning. The procedure is described in the 5G Outdoor RF Design Guideline. - 5G Inspector: Product from Nokia Software (NetAct Performance Manager team), which among other things can evaluate the 5G-5G neighbour planning. High level description is available here. In general, the same methodologies used for the pre-launch optimization can be applied in this initial assessment. The pre-launch optimization delivery kit and the engineering guideline for NSA neighbour management can be read for more details. In addition to checking that the relevant neighbour cells are defined in the parameter file, it should also be checked that the X2 links between the 4G BTS and the 5G BTS are actually available. This process in described the 5G neighbour assessment Confluence page. 3.4.3 Confirm that the planned parameters are implemented in the network The actually implemented parameters need to be compared with the planned parameters. The first step is typically to export the implemented parameters from NetAct into a “raml” xml file. Alternatively, if there is only a limited set of BTSs, the site configuration file (SCF, also in xml format) can be taken from each BTS. The xml file can then be parsed into a spreadsheet with the CM XML parser and manually compared with the planned parameters. One such XML parser can be downloaded from here. The LTEPAT offers another way to process the xml file by comparing it with a master file and highlighting any differences. It is also possible to use the RADAR tool for automatic comparison between a defined parameter standard and the exported. Instructions on how to use RADAR as well as recorded presentation session is available here. 3.5 Quick initial performance assessment The purpose is to get quick impression of how the network behaves and where the most serious problems can be found. The check should include the most important KPIs, and especially those KPIs which are specifically mentioned in the project description. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 28 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 3.5.1 RF design validation The general quality of the RF design should be evaluated. Basically, it should be decided if the RF design is simply bad everywhere or if the RF design in general is sound, but adjustments are needed here and there. One way to do such a network-wide assessment would be to first load the current network configuration into the Atoll 9955 planning tool and run the predictions, then allow 9955 to optimize the configuration (for example keeping the site locations but allowing the antenna azimuths and tilts to be adjusted) and run the predictions again. If big improvements are seen with the optimized configuration, it should seriously be considered to spend the money and time to implement the optimized configuration before the feature and parameter tuning activities are started. It should be kept in mind that part of the RF design is to have a correct registration of site parameters such as location, antenna height, azimuth and tilt. If this registration is wrong, the predictions from Atoll 9955 will of course also be wrong, and – depending on how serious the discrepancies are – the subsequent parameter design (PCI, RSI, neighbor) may also be wrong. It will probably be prohibitively expensive to send teams to manually check all the sites in the network, but it should be considered to select a relatively small area and spend some time to check if the site configuration data looks reasonable. For example, in some countries there is publicly available information on the site locations for all operators and in many cases, multiple operators will share the same tower. If for example operator 1 (“our” operator) and operator 2 both use a specific tower, and the antenna location for our operator is 200 meters away from operator 2’s antennas, there must be something wrong in a database somewhere. The 3DGL documentation pages also have some instructions on how to check the antenna placements. 3.5.2 Drive test KPIs The drive test for initial performance assessment is very similar to the procedure for doing pre-launch cluster optimization, except that the intention is only to obtain a rough idea about the current performance rather than do detailed analysis in order to optimize the performance. It is normally only needed to perform the drive test in a single, representative cluster. When analysing the data, focus should be on: - Throughput (5G alone and 4G-5G combined) - Latency - Coverage and dominance - Handover performance The pre-launch optimization delivery kit can be read for more details. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 29 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 3.5.3 OSS KPIs A good list of relevant KPIs is the content of the “5G RAN system program report”, which is defined as part of the Reporting Suite’s 5G package. These KPIs are visible in the Jump KPI portal; the 5G19A version of the system program report is here. The KPIs should be calculated on area level, with at least hourly resolution and over a period of at least one week to determine if for example the problems occur mainly in the busy hour or if the network performance is highly erratic. The KPI values can be compared with the values seen in other networks, for example in the Performance Benchmarker KPI database (note: there are still only few networks with high number of “real” 5G subscribers, so the values in the KPI database should still be regarded as tentative). Also, the performance of individual sectors should be calculated and compared with the network average to determine if the main problems appear on a few individual sites or there is a general performance issue. 3.6 Backhaul capacity The radio link capacity of a 5G BTS is often considerably higher than the co-located 4G BTS and there is therefore often a need to expand the S1-U capacity between the gNB and the SGW. It should be checked with the transmission engineers if all the S1-U links have been configured to have enough capacity. The X2 interface capacity should also be checked: The EN-DC calls may (depending on parameter settings) transfer a large amount of data on the X2 links. In case of Cloud BTS deployments, it may also be relevant to check F1 interface capacity. 3.7 O&M status of the network The sites within the geographical area that the optimization service covers should preferably all be on air with stable configuration and no alarms. This may be difficult to achieve in practice, especially in the early networks where there are ongoing roll-out and frequent parameter tunings. Table 7 shows the relevant KPIs. Cell availability shows if the cells on the gNB are “on-air”, provided that the gNB itself is working. If the entire gNB is down for at least one measurement period, there will be a hole in the counter values, and it will be easy to overlook this. Therefore, the third formula (NR_576a) provides the “counter availability”. Both formulas must show high values in order to have a network with high availability. The number of X2 and F1 setup requests can also be used as problem indicators: If the interface goes down due to some problems, the gNB will try to re-establish the interface, and this will increment the attempt counters. Note there are not yet 5G counters available to distinguish between the different unavailability scenarios, i.e. it is not possible from counters to distinguish for example between the case where the BTS is integrated but not yet brought on air (“blocked by user”), and the case where the BTS software has unintentionally 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 30 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia crashed. A manual analysis is therefore needed, where the focus is on those BTSs which are supposed to be on air. KPI id KPI name KPI formula LTE_5239a E-UTRAN Cell Availability, excluding blocked by user state (BLU) SAMPLES_CELL_AVAIL / (DENOM_CELL_AVAIL - NR_5150a 5G Cell availability ratio SAMPLES_CELL_AVAIL / DENOM_CELL_AVAIL NR_576a 5G Samples counter availability ratio DENOM_CELL_AVAIL / ( 60 x MEASUREMENT_PERIOD x Number of cells that report M55601C00001) NR_5000a 5G Number of incoming X2 setup request received from LTE eNB ENDC_X2_SETUP_REQUEST_RECEIVED NR_278a 5G Number of F1 setup procedure attempts F1_SETUP_ATT SAMPLES_CELL_PLAN_UNAVAIL) Table 7: KPIs to monitor cell availability It is also needed to check the current alarm situation in the network. There are not yet any 5G Reporting Suite reports available for this, so it is recommended to check the status with the Care team. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 31 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 4 Optimization of RF performance 4.1 Introduction RF Optimization has always been regarded as the foundation to improve the performance of the network in order to get the maximum benefits from any subsequent parameter optimization. Checking the coverage footprint, aiming for good dominance areas, avoiding cross feeders and looking for wrong/not optimized tilts and azimuths are fundamental areas which should be covered in the beginning of an optimization service. Traditionally, the optimization of the physical RF environment (typically changing antenna azimuths and tilts) are done separately from the following parameter optimization but in the 5G networks, the ability to control the antenna beam patterns by operator parameters are starting to merge the physical and parameter optimization activities. Early in the optimization project (ideally even before the project starts), it should be decided if the RF design is simply bad everywhere or if the RF design in general is sound, but adjustments are needed here and there. One way to do such a network-wide assessment would be to first load the current network configuration into the Atoll 9955 planning tool and run the predictions, then allow 9955 to optimize the configuration (for example keeping the site locations but allowing the antenna azimuths and tilts to be adjusted) and run the predictions again. If big improvements are seen with the optimized configuration, it should seriously be considered to spend the money and time to implement the optimized configuration before the feature and parameter tuning activities are started. 4.2 Typical issues Lack of 5G radio coverage is often the most immediate concern in the early networks. Due to the possibility to have a parallel 4G radio connection, the loss of the 5G radio link is not necessarily something which must be avoided at all costs, but there should at least be an effort to provide coverage to the areas where many 5G subscribers are located. Lack of clear 5G dominance can have negative long-term effects since it will cause an increase in the overall interference levels in the area once the 5G traffic starts to rise. However, it also has some short-term effects: - Inter-gNB handover may not be enabled in the network, so if the 5G radio connection is set up on a “neighbour BTS” which just happens to provide the best coverage on the spot where the subscriber is, and the UE then moves into the normal coverage of the closest BTS, then the 5G radio connection will be dropped - The 4G-5G neighbours must be planned and there is no automatic addition of neighbours like there is in the 4G networks. If a EN-DC connection is started on a given anchor BTS, the UE may be in a 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 32 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia location where it is a 5G BTS further away which actually gives the best coverage, but since such a 5G BTS may not be defined as neighbour to the 4G anchor BTS, the 5G connection will not be established. In LTE, crossed feeder cables have been a problem. This is also likely to be a problem in 5G in the cases where passive antennas are used. Active antennas will not have this problem, but swapped sectors are still possible. 4.3 General performance analysis methods The best and most expensive method to find RF problems in the network is to make traditional drive tests. The methodology is the same as used for pre-launch optimization, and is described in the pre-launch optimization engineering guideline. Apart from being expensive, there are other major drawbacks of this method: - It is straightforward to measure street coverage but measuring indoor coverage (where the majority of the subscribers can be expected to be) can be a challenge. Street coverage can be very difficult to map to real user coverage, especially in a city environment with many high-rise buildings - Drive tests give a snapshot of the coverage and interference situation. Especially the interference will vary dynamically with the traffic load and the location of the users, and the ever-ongoing changes in the network, such as additions of new sites, will also quickly make drive test results outdated - Measuring the downlink signal as is done in drive tests will not necessarily reveal problems with the uplink signal. If uplink signal issues are expected, it may be necessary to capture BTS traces simultaneously with the drive test. An alternative is to base the analysis on predictions made by a radio network planning tool, such as the Atoll / 9955. The 5G Outdoor RF Design Guideline describes how to use the 9955 tool and in general how predicted performance can be calculated. Advantages of this approach is that it is a “desktop exercise” (so it is cheap) and indoor coverage, even in high-rise buildings, can be estimated. The disadvantage is that outdated maps or wrong assumptions about building penetration losses will give wrong predictions. Naturally, mistakes in the site installations, such as wrong antenna azimuths, will not be detected by this method. There is some possibility to use network traces for 5G RF optimization. Various PCMD features are available in 5G19A, and it is also possible to use the EN-DC part of the information available from the 4G Megaplexer system. There is not yet experience with the uses of such traces for RF optimization. The “Minimization of Drive Test” (MDT) features will come in later 5G BTS releases. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 33 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia The rest of this section will be based on the analysis of OSS counters related to RF optimization. In some cases, it is possible to directly determine from OSS counters what the problem is and how it can be mitigated, and in other cases OSS counters can be used as a “pointer” to a geographical area which needs to be analysed further with field tests. 4.4 General optimization methods Once a problem area has been identified, it must be decided if the best solution is to physically change the antenna configuration or if a simple parameter change will be sufficient. Physical antenna changes include: • Creation of completely new site, possibly an indoor site • Move the antennas • Change azimuth angle • Change mechanical tilt The 5G Outdoor RF Design Guideline can be consulted on how these changes can impact the coverage. Also the general documents in the RF Design RF Field Guides webpage can be of interest. Relevant parameter changes include: • Beam pattern • Uplink power control • Downlink power control The relevant features are listed in Table 8. Links to material with detailed discussion on how the parameters work and how they should be set are available from the NPO 5G radio wiki’s parameter section. Feature id 5GC000510 5GC000511 5GC000512 5GC000533 5GC000535 Feature name Uplink open loop power control PRACH control DL power control Digital Beamforming for CPRI based RUs Analog Beamforming Table 8: Relevant features for optimizing RF performance 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 34 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 4.5 Case: Crossed feeders or sectors 4.5.1 Description of the issue Crossed feeders are a well-known problem seen in 2G, 3G and 4G radio network deployments. Crossed feeders are caused by human error during the site build process. Such errors should have been detected and corrected either during the single site verification immediately after the site is brought on air or by the cluster optimization procedure. However, it can probably be expected that some construction errors will go un-detected and will have to be dealt with during the optimization activities. In case of active antennas, the possibilities for wrong installation are fortunately limited to sector swaps / rotations, for example that sector 1 is radiating in the direction that sector 3 is supposed to radiate and vice versa. This may compromise the PCI, RSI and neighbour cell planning. When passive antennas are used, there are more complicated possibilities for errors: • Swapped sectors like for active antennas • Swapped TX / RX feeders, so one radio unit will transmit in sector 1 but receive in sector 2 • Swapped MIMO feeders, so for example TX1 will transmit in sector 1 and TX2 will transmit in sector 2 • Combinations of above 4.5.2 Performance analysis If something is wrong with the transmit paths, drive tests should relatively easily be able to detect the problems because the PCI plot will not look as expected. Figure 3 shows an example of swapped sectors. Figure 3: Two examples of swapped sectors when active antennas are in use 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 35 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Identifying problems with the BTS RX paths are much more difficult. If all the RX paths are wrong, the UL and DL SINR difference will probably be so big that it is visible via the OSS counters listed in Table 9, but if only some of the RX paths are swapped, it is questionable if this can be seen via counters. Counter id Counter name Comment M55301C19000..15 WB_CQI_64TBL_QCI_00..15 Wideband CQI Histogram when UE reports related to 64QAM table - CQI Level 0..15 M55301C20000..15 WB_CQI_256TBL_QCI_00..15 Wideband CQI Histogram when UE reports related to 256QAM table - CQI Level 0..15 M55303C05001..25 UE_SINR_PUSCH_R1_LEVEL_01..25 M55303C06001..25 UE_SINR_PUSCH_R2_LEVEL_01..25 PUSCH SINR measurements when Rank 1 and when Rank 2 is in use Table 9: Counters to detect differences in DL and UL link quality and therefore detect some scenarios with swapped feeders The LTE optimization guideline has a detailed section on how to detect crossed feeders also in the MIMO case, and most of the discussion is also relevant for 5G. 4.5.3 Optimization procedure Once a site installation error is suspected, a site engineering team should be dispatched to the site to confirm and correct the error. 4.6 Case: Only few EN-DC capable terminals have a 5G radio connection 4.6.1 Description of the issue In some cases, the 5G cell(s) provide coverage only in part of the 4G cell, and this may not necessarily be where the subscribers are. Especially the small 5G coverage provided by mmWave deployments can lead to the situation where many EN-DC capable terminals will not be able to establish a 5G radio connection. There is also the scenario where there is no 5G cell at all in the vicinity. This analysis can then help in deciding the most suitable areas for additional 5G roll out. It should be noted that parameter settings can also prevent EN-DC terminals from establishing the 5G radio connection – correct choice of anchor LTE layer, 4G/5G neighbour definitions, QCI settings, etc. can all impact. These are treated in the accessibility discussion in chapter 5. Before making decisions on RF optimization, it should of course be checked that the lack of 5G radio connections is not caused by non- 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 36 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia optimal parameter settings. Figure 16 shows a good example of what different values of the b1ThresholdNrRsrp parameter mean for the EN-DC coverage. 4.6.2 Performance analysis From LTE counters, the number of EN-DC capable terminals can be found. From 5G counters, the number of 5G radio connections can be found, and if there is a big discrepancy between these two numbers, it is an indication of possible 5G coverage problems. KPI id KPI name KPI formula Comment LTE_6435a Average number of UEs capable for EN-DC AVG_CAP_UE_SCG / 100 Average number of ENDC UEs with a 4G RRC connection LTE_1909b UE EN-DC capability utilization ratio AVG_UE_CONF_SCG Should be used with caution since the avg_ue_conf_scg counter is officially not yet supported (not even in LTE19B) and seems to have some implementation problems Share of 4G RRC connections done with EN-DC capable EU (AVG_CAP_UE_SCG / 100) 5G Average number of NSA users AVE_NUMBER_OF_NSA_USERS / AVE_NUMBER_OF_NSA_USERS_DENOM LTE_1907b NR_5124a / AVG_CAP_UE_SCG / RRC_CONNECTED_UE_AVG Table 10: KPI formulas for number of EN-DC users. All formulas are cell level. Note that although avg_ue_conf_scg is available already from LTE18A software, it is still not officially supported and has not been tested. Field observations indicate there are pro blems with this counter, so it should not be fully trusted. Unfortunately, there is not necessarily an easy way to link these numbers because the 4G-5G neighbour relations often form a n-to-m mesh network (illustrated in Figure 4). 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 37 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Figure 4: Illustration of 4G-5G neighbour mesh network. EN-DC connections with eNB-25 as anchor BTS are scattered among 5 different gNBs – but the number of users in those 5 gNBs cannot simply be summarized and compared with eNB-25 because each gNB is also connected to other eNBs In the special case where there is 1-to-1 relation between 4G BTS and 5G BTS, the number of users in the two layers can be compared (see example in Figure 5). Figure 5: Comparison between EN-DC capable terminals with 4G RRC connection and actual 5G radio connections for the case where there is 1-1 mapping between the 4G anchor cells and the 5G cells One approach can be to assume that the 5G has “island coverage” and that in practice, all 5G EN-DC connections for a given 4G BTS will happen in the co-located 5G BTS. This can at least produce a list of potential problem areas, which can then be investigated in more detail. As part of this investigation, it should be confirmed that the problems are not due to strange parameterization of the features described in the accessibility section (chapter 5). 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 38 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 4.6.3 Optimization procedure Once “problem areas” have been found (i.e. areas where abnormally few of the RRC-connected EN-DC terminals have a 5G radio connection), the 5G coverage area should be compared with likely locations of the 4G EN-DC subscribers. This can either be done visually by looking at a map to identify e.g. a shopping mall, or it can be based on LTE trace tools such as PCMD or MDT. It can then be evaluated if the existing 5G antennas can be modified to improve 5G coverage, or if a new 5G site (perhaps an indoor site) is needed. Options for modifying existing 5G antennas are: - Use another beam pattern - Change mechanical tilt - Change azimuth angle - Move antenna up / down (not always possible) - Move antenna to another location (not always possible) 4.7 Case: Adjust antenna configuration based on 5G beamforming counters 4.7.1 Description of the issue The beampattern of the 5G signal may not provide the optimal coverage when the actual location of the 5G users are considered, and in some cases, the information captured by the 5G beamforming counters can tell if there is a need for antenna adjustments. 4.7.2 Performance analysis The most relevant information from BTS counters is how much each beam is used. From the OSS counters, there is no information about the quality of each beam nor how far away the users of a specific beam are. Currently, PCMD traces are needed to find more detailed per-beam performance. Naturally, the counters only work if beamforming is actually enabled in the radio units. Counter id Counter name Comment M55305C00001..64 DL_SERV_BEAM_ID_BEAM_63 Provides the beam distribution for PDSCH M55305C01001..64 UL_SERV_BEAM_ID_BEAM_63 Provides the beam distribution for PUSCH Table 11: Counters for PDSCH / PUSCH beam distribution. Used for both analog beamforming (each counter represents one SSB beam, up to 32 counters are used) and digital beamforming (first 8 counters represent the SSB beams while the rest will in 5G19A represent the refined beams). Note that for analog beamforming, the mapping between the SSB Resource Indicator (reported by UE in drive test logs) and the SSB index (used to increment counters) is not straightforward. More details are available in the NPO counter description document. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 39 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia The initial postprocessing then simply consists in making histogram charts for each sector and select those sectors where most of the samples are concentrated in a few beams for further analysis. 4.7.3 Optimization procedure Once the histogram charts are ready, the sectors where mainly a few beams are used should be examined manually and it should be considered if changing either the beam pattern or other antenna parameters may provide better coverage. For example, if digital beam set #8 is configured, and it is mainly the two middle beams which are used, and manual map inspection shows single high-rise building in the direction of the two middle beams , it should be considered to change to beam set #2#2#2#2 (Figure 6) Figure 6: Scenario where the beam pattern is changed from #8 to #2#2#2#2 Another example is the case where #2#2#2#2 is already in use to cover a high-rise building, but only the top row of beams is used (Figure 7) and visual inspection indicates that the top floors may not have coverage. Here it can be considered to up-tilt the antenna in order to also provide coverage to the top floors (and at the same time reduce coverage for the lower floors which in this case seems not to be needed). 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 40 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Figure 7: Scenario where uptilting the antenna may improve the performance It is important to be aware that with the PM counters, it is not easy to distinguish between the case where certain beams are not much used because there are only few users at the location, and it is therefore a waste of transmit power to serve the location, and the case where there are actually users at the location, but the coverage is so bad (e.g. behind a wall) that the radio connection will quickly drop, and the counters therefore show that the particular beam is not used much. In the latter case, the correct optimization action is of course to improve the coverage at this location, not to remove it completely. Options for improving the coverage are: - Use another beam pattern - Change mechanical tilt - Change azimuth angle - Move antenna up / down (not always possible) - Move antenna to another location (not always possible) - Establish new site The best option needs to be decided on a case-by-case basis. In all cases, it should be carefully analysed if changing the RF environment may lead to unwanted coverage holes or increased interference. 4.8 Case: Use 5G timing advance counters to detect overshooting 4.8.1 Description of the issue Terminals used unexpectedly far away from the cell may increase the interference in the network 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 41 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 4.8.2 Performance analysis The 5G timing advance distribution counters provides information on how far away from the cell that the terminals are on average, but there is no correlation with the beam id, so the angle cannot be determined Counter id Counter name Comment M55307C01001..32 TA_RACH_RESP_BIN_01..32 Timing advance during the RACH procedure (based on preamble TA) M55307C02001..32 TA_RRC_CON_BIN_01..32 Timing advance during the connection (based on PUSCH / PUCCH TA) Table 12: Counters for timing advance. To identify overshooting cells, the RACH TA counters are preferred One way to analyse the counters is to first summarize values per cell (e.g. over one week) and plot the bin distribution, then identify those cells which have “island areas” away from the cell centre. Figure 8 shows such analysis where the left chart shows all the cells in the network with reasonable traffic and the right chart shows examples of “nice” and “bad” distribution. Figure 8: Example of Timing Advance distribution from RACH TA counters. The blue curve is "nice" example with all samples close to the cell center and the red curve is potentially "bad" example with "island coverage" in bin 8. 4.8.3 Optimization procedure Once potential problem cells have been identified, it is necessary to analyse case by case if there are good reasons for such a distribution. For example, there may be a city square a bit away from the cell, which cannot be served by other cells. When it has been confirmed that the “island coverage” is indeed unintentional overshooting, this should be removed, either by choosing a different antenna pattern or by increasing the mechanical downtilt of the antenna. Naturally, it should be considered if the chosen solution may create new problems elsewhere in the cell. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 42 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 4.9 Case: Using counters to identify areas with bad downlink radio quality 4.9.1 Description of the issue Bad downlink radio link quality leads to the use of lower modulation and coding scheme. This reduces the end-user throughput as well as the network capacity. In extreme cases, the radio connection may even be broken. 4.9.2 Performance analysis The analysis can either be directly based on the CQI information coming from the UE’s channel state information reports, or it can be indirectly based on the chosen modulation and coding scheme (MCS). The MIMO rank can also be useful. Table 13 summarizes the possibilities and Table 14 lists the relevant counters. Note that downlink signal level is not available, so it is not possible to directly distinguish between the bad coverage case and the high interference case – but some indication can be given by analysing the uplink RSRP level. Broken radio links are not necessarily caused by bad RF conditions but should still be investigated. The relevant KPIs are listed in Table 15. Counter group Pros and cons CQI: Downlink signal quality measured by UE and reported to BTS Gives directly information about the downlink signal quality. In early networks, it has been observed that some UE types report wrong values MCS distribution Relies on link adaptation algorithm to choose relevant MCS for the given radio conditions. With short data bursts, the initial MCS becomes overrepresented. Msg2 and Msg3 uses 64QAM MCS0, so this also becomes overrepresented. In 5G19A, the scheduler will reduce the MCS if the packet size is small Initial BLER Not a good indicator, since this is more impacted by the ability of link adaptation to follow the variation in radio conditions rather than the radio conditions themselves. Also, if small packets are transmitted, the scheduler may have picked a lower MCS which gives more robust transmission and therefore lower BLER than what can be expected from radio conditions MIMO rank The MIMO rank is partly decided by the signal quality (low SINR means using lower rank), partly by the multipath environment, and it is not straightforward to separate the two effects MIMO rank combined with MCS distribution To get full benefit of MIMO, it is not enough to have high rank and good SINR. The data streams must also be uncorrelated, and the used MCS can 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 43 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Counter group Pros and cons give a hint if this is the case – but note the problems with MCS counters: There is a dependency on the link adaptation algorithm and traffic patterns Uplink RSSI Although not impacting the downlink signal quality, it can be used to identify the bad downlink coverage cases by assuming that low UL RSSI also means low DL signal level Radio link failures Requires that intra-gNB and inter-gNB handover is enabled to be reasonably certain that radio link failures only happen where there is bad 5G coverage Table 13: Pros and cons of the different counter groups to measure downlink radio link quality Counter id Counter name Comments M55301C19000..15 WB_CQI_64TBL_QCI_00..15 Wideband CQI Histogram when UE reports related to 64QAM table CQI Level 0..15 M55301C20000..15 WB_CQI_256TBL_QCI_00..15 Wideband CQI Histogram when UE reports related to 256QAM table CQI Level 0..15 M55300C00000..28 PDSCH_INITX_64TBL_MCS_00..28 M55300C04000..27 PDSCH_INI_256TBL_MCS_00..27 Can be used to calculate MCS distribution M55300C01000..28 PDSCH_SUCC_INI_64TBL_MCS_00..28 M55300C05000..27 PDSCH_SUCC_INI_256TBL_MCS_00..27 M55301C09001..02 PDSCH_2TX_RI_01..02 In case 2x2 MIMO is used M55301C10001..04 PDSCH_4TX_RI_01..04 In case 4x4 MIMO is used M55301C00000..28 PDSCH_RANK1_64TBL_MCS_00..28 M55301C01000..28 PDSCH_RANK2_64TBL_MCS_00..28 M55301C02000..28 PDSCH_RANK3_64TBL_MCS_00..28 M55301C03000..28 PDSCH_RANK4_64TBL_MCS_00..28 M55301C15000..27 PDSCH_RANK1_256TBL_MCS_00..27 Gives the distribution of the rank and MCS combinations. If 2x2 MIMO is in use, only rank 1 and rank 2 counters are used. If 4x4 MIMO is in use, rank 1, rank 2, rank 3 and rank 4 counters are used M55301C16000..27 PDSCH_RANK2_256TBL_MCS_00..27 M55301C17000..27 PDSCH_RANK3_256TBL_MCS_00..27 M55301C18000..27 PDSCH_RANK4_256TBL_MCS_00..27 M55303C07001..44 UE_SIGNAL_PWR_PUSCH_01..44 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 44 / 178 Internal Can be used to calculate initial BLER for each MCS Can be used to deduce downlink signal level and therefore to estimate if bad downlink signal quality is due to bad coverage © 2020 Nokia Table 14: Counters which can be used to measure downlink radio link quality. KPI id KPI name KPI formula Comments NR_457c 5G Radio link failure release ratio (RLF_INITIATED_RNL + NF1CC_UECTXT_MOD_REQRECD + RLF_INITIATED_UE_T310_EXPIRY + RLF_INITIATED_UE_RACH_FAIL + RLF_INITIATED_UE_MAX_RLC_RETX + RLF_INITIATED_UE_SRB_INTGRTY_F + RLF_INITIATED_UE_SCG_CHGE_FAIL + RLF_INITIATED_UE_SCG_RECNF_F) A radio link failure indicates problem with the radio link quality. Note: The formula does not give completely correct ratio but can still be used to detect issues with RLF / X2_SGNB_REL_REQUIRED_SENT NR_5043b 5G Intra gNB intra frequency PSCell change total failure ratio (INTRA_FR_PSCEL_CH_FAI_TDC_EXP + INTRA_FR_PSCEL_CH_FAI_MENB_REF + INTRA_FR_PSCEL_CH_FAI_RES_ALLO) / (INTRA_FR_PSCEL_CH_FAI_RES_ALLO + INTRA_FR_PSCEL_CH_ATTEMPT + INT_FR_PSCEL_CHA_ATT_SRB3) Handover failures are often caused by cells not having sufficient overlap Table 15: KPI formulas to measure broken radio links Figure 9 - Figure 11 illustrate how the different KPIs for quantifying the downlink radio link quality can be correlated: • Figure 9: CQI and DL MCS is correlated in the sense that high MCS cannot be achieved in cells with low CQI. However, in 5G19A with the new scheduler behavior (MCS is lowered for small packets), a low MCS can be seen both in cells with low CQI and in cells with high CQI • Figure 10: When 2x2 DL MIMO is used (network 2), there is clear correlation between CQI and the rank. However, when 4x4 MIMO is used (network 1), the correlation is not there • Figure 11: The PUSCH RSSI is nicely correlated with the QCI in the low-traffic network 2. This indicates that bad CQI values are related to bad coverage. On the other hand, the correlation is less clear in the high-traffic network 1, indicating that at least some of the bad CQI values are caused by interference rather than bad coverage 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 45 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Figure 9: Examples of DL MCS and CQI correlation from two different networks. Each dot is one cell aggregated over time. Network 1: Commercial traffic, 3.5 GHz, 5G19. Network 2: Test traffic, 600 MHz, 5G19A Figure 10: Examples of DL rank and CQI correlation from two different networks. Each dot is one cell aggregated over time. Network 1: Commercial traffic, 3.5 GHz, 4x4 MIMO, 5G19. Network 2: Test traffic, 600 MHz, 2x2 MIMO, 5G19A Figure 11: Examples of PUSCH RSSI and CQI correlation from two different networks. Each dot is one cell aggregated over time. Network 1: Commercial traffic, 3.5 GHz, 5G19. Network 2: Test traffic, 600 MHz, 5G19A 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 46 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 4.9.3 Optimization procedure Figure 9 - Figure 11 illustrate nicely that in the early networks, the correlations between different KPIs is not always as clean as expected, and this underlines the recommendation that RF OSS KPIs should only be used as indicators for potential problems which then need to be investigated in detail with e.g. drive test activities. The optimization procedure can therefore be summarized as follows: 1. From the indicators listed in previous section, find badly performing cells 2. Confirm that the parameter settings of the bad cells are according to the intended settings 3. Based on local knowledge (e.g. looking at a map), decide if there are obvious reasons for the bad performance 4. Send a field test team to make detailed measurements 5. Based on the detailed measurements, optimize the RF configuration (antenna installation, beam pattern parameters) and observe the impact on the OSS KPIs 4.10 Case: Using counters to identify areas with bad uplink radio quality 4.10.1 Description of the issue Bad uplink radio link quality leads to the use of lower modulation and coding scheme. This reduces the enduser throughput as well as the network capacity. For TCP connections (for example web browsing or file downloading), a poor uplink performance can also limit the downlink performance due to delayed TCP acknowledgement messages. In extreme cases, the radio connection may even be broken. 4.10.2 Performance analysis The analysis can either be directly based on the RSSI and SINR measured by the BTS, or it can be indirectly based on the chosen modulation and coding scheme (MCS). Table 16 summarizes the possibilities and Table 17 lists the relevant counters. Broken radio links are not necessarily caused by bad RF conditions but should still be investigated. The relevant KPIs are listed in Table 15. Counter group Pros and cons SINR: Uplink signal quality measured by the BTS Gives directly information about the uplink signal quality 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 47 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Counter group Pros and cons RSSI: Uplink signal level measured by the BTS Can be used together with the UL SINR to decide if bad SINR is due to bad coverage or due to interference UE signal power By subtracting the UE signal power from the RSSI, the absolute value of the noise + interference can in principle be measured MCS distribution Relies on link adaptation algorithm to choose relevant MCS for the given radio conditions. With short data bursts, the initial MCS becomes overrepresented. Msg2 and Msg3 uses 64QAM MCS0, so this also becomes overrepresented. In 5G19A, the scheduler will reduce the MCS if the packet size is small Initial BLER Not a good indicator, since this is more impacted by the ability of link adaptation to follow the variation in radio conditions rather than the radio conditions themselves. Also, if small packets are transmitted, the scheduler may have picked a lower MCS which gives more robust transmission and therefore lower BLER than what can be expected from radio conditions Radio link failures Requires that intra-gNB and inter-gNB handover is enabled to be reasonably certain that radio link failures only happen where there is bad 5G coverage Table 16: Pros and cons of the different counter groups to measure uplink radio link quality Counter id Counter name Comments M55303C05001..25 UE_SINR_PUSCH_R1_LEVEL_01..25 UL SINR measured by the BTS M55303C06001..25 UE_SINR_PUSCH_R2_LEVEL_01..25 M55303C08001..18 UE_SINR_PUCCH_LEVEL_01..18 M55303C07001..44 UE_RSSI_PUSCH_LEVEL_01..44 M55303C09001..44 UE_RSSI_PUCCH_LEVEL_01..44 M55303C10001..44 UE_SIGNAL_PWR_PUSCH_01..44 By subtracting the UE signal power from the RSSI, the absolute level of noise and interference can in principle be calculated M55302C00000..28 PUSCH_CP_INI_64TBL_MCS_00..28 Can be used to calculate MCS distribution M55302C01000..28 PUSCH_CP_INIRETX_64TBL_MCS_00..28 Can be used to calculate initial BLER for each MCS UL RSSI measured by the BTS. Can be used to estimate if bad up signal quality is due to bad coverage Table 17: Counters which can be used to measure uplink radio link quality 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 48 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Figure 12: Example of RSSI / SINR correlation from one network, each dot is one cell aggregated over 24 hours. Top-100 cells plotted, 3.5 GHz, 5G19. The absence of samples with low SINR and high RSSI shows that uplink performance in this network is limited by coverage, not by interference. Figure 13: Examples of PUSCH SINR and PUSCH MCS correlation from two different networks. Each dot is one cell aggregated over time. Network 1: Commercial traffic, 3.5 GHz, 5G19. Network 2: Test traffic, 600 MHz, 5G19A. It is surprising that network 2 (5G19A) doesn’t have cases with low MSC and high SINR (the expected small UL packet size should result in selection of low MCS) – this could perhaps be due to the nature of test traffic 4.10.3 Optimization procedure In the early networks, the correlations between different KPIs is not necessarily as clean as expected, and the recommendation is that RF OSS KPIs should only be used as indicators for potential problems which then needs to be investigated in detail with e.g. drive test activities. Note that since the problem is with the uplink signal, a BTS trace will typically also be needed to understand the full situation. The optimization procedure can therefore be summarized as follows: 1. From the indicators listed in previous section, find bad performing cells 2. Confirm that the parameter settings of the bad cells are according to the intended settings 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 49 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 3. Based on local knowledge (e.g. looking at a map), decide if there are obvious reasons for the bad performance 4. Send a field test team to make detailed measurements with simultaneous tracing on the BTS side 5. Based on the detailed measurements, optimize the RF configuration (antenna installation, beam pattern parameters) and observe the impact on the OSS KPIs 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 50 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 5 Optimization of accessibility This chapter covers the events from the UE is in RRC idle mode on a 4G cell until the 5G RACH procedure has been completed on the 5G cell. There is heavy interaction between the LTE eNB and the 5G gNB during this process. The various steps in the process are described in Table 18. The details are described in the following sections. The last section of the chapter describes how feasible it is to measure the full accessibility procedure with a few KPIs. Live network experience is still that unusual accessibility problems sometimes disappear by doing a site reset. Step Content Major dependencies A EN-DC capable UE camps on LTE anchor cell LTE parameter settings, LTE radio conditions B LTE RRC connection is established LTE radio conditions C NR PDCP E-RAB and DRB is set up on LTE cell HSS subscription settings, LTE radio conditions D UE measures good enough 5G radio signal (optionally skips this step and goes directly to E) LTE parameter settings, 5G radio conditions E SgNB addition 5G gNB, 5G admission control F UE gets info on 5G radio configuration through the RRC reconfiguration procedure LTE radio conditions G The user plane is set up in the 5G gNB (SN transfer and E-RAB modification) 4G eNB, 5G gNB, EPC H 5G RACH procedure is completed 5G radio conditions Table 18: The needed steps to set up a 5G radio connection 5.1 Step A: EN-DC capable UE camps on LTE anchor cell Feature id Feature name LTE490 Subscriber profile ID selective neighbor cell list LTE487 Idle Mode Load Balancing LTE1677 Idle Mode Mobility Balancing Extensions 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 51 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Feature id Feature name LTE2166 Dedicated Idle Mode Mobility Priorities LTE2050 Load Triggered Idle Mode Load Balancing LTE2051 Measurement Based Idle Mode Load Balancing LTE5150 EN-DC capability based mobility trigger Table 19: Relevant features to study when deciding on the LTE anchor carrier strategy The operator can decide if all the 4G carrier frequencies can act as the LTE anchor for EN-DC connections, or if only a subset of the 4G carriers can have this role – typically a single 4G carrier. If only selected 4G carriers can act as anchor carriers, the LTE mobility profile parameters should be set so EN-DC capable UEs with a 5G subscription will camp on the LTE anchor carrier when they are in idle mode. This can in principle be achieved by using mobility profiles based on a combination of UE capability and subscriber profile id (SPID). The LTE parameterization is relatively complex and must take the legacy LTE layer strategy into account. The NPO parameter material contains material which provides detailed description of the relevant parameters. It should be noted that lab tests have indicated that basing the selection of the LTE cell only on the UE capability will not work – SPID must also be taken into use (case id = CAS-266372-G6M0, LTE19A). It is currently not clear if and when this behaviour will be corrected. In LTE19B, the LTE5150: EN-DC capability based mobility trigger feature can be used to move EN-DC capable users to a specific carrier by doing a handover immediately after the RRC connection is established. The LTE cell level KPIs in Table 20 can show in which LTE layer that the EN-DC capable UEs are establishing LTE RRC connections. The values of these KPIs should be checked for each LTE layer and it should be confirmed that the result is according to the planned strategy. KPI id KPI name KPI formula LTE_6435a Average number of UEs capable for EN-DC AVG_CAP_UE_SCG / 100 LTE_1907b Share of 4G RRC connections done with ENDC capable EU (AVG_CAP_UE_SCG / 100) / RRC_CONNECTED_UE_AVG LTE_6429a E-UTRAN Initial E-RAB Setup Attempts for MCG bearer with NR PDCP ERAB_STP_ATT_MCG_NR_PDCP Table 20: LTE KPIs to follow to confirm EN-DC capable UEs use the intended LTE layer 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 52 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Layer Share of LTE_6429 (NR ERAB setup attempts) L0800 50% L1800 4% L2100 39% L23TD1 4% L23TD2 3% Others 0% Table 21: Example of number of NR ERAB setup attempts from the different LTE layers. In this network, L2100 is the main anchor layer and LTE0800 is used in low coverage locations. Most of the NR ERABs are set up from these two layers as designed. 5.2 Step B: LTE RRC connection is established There is nothing EN-DC specific in this step. No specific parameters to set and no specific counters to follow the performance. PCMD or Emil traces are needed to show the specific performance for EN-DC UEs. Legacy LTE optimization procedures should be applied. 5.3 Step C: NR PDCP E-RAB and DRB is set up on LTE cell During this step, an E-RAB is established between the UE and the MME. As part of the E-RAB, a DRB is established between the UE and the eNB. There are specific EN-DC counters in the LTE eNB to monitor the establishment of the E-RAB and the DRB. The associated KPI formulas are listed in Table 22. KPI id KPI name KPI formula LTE_6430a E-UTRAN Initial E-RAB Setup Success Ratio for MCG bearer with NR PDCP ERAB_STP_SUCC_MCG_NR_PDCP / ERAB_STP_ATT_MCG_NR_PDCP LTE_6646a E-UTRAN Additional E-RAB Setup Success Ratio for MCG bearer with NR PDCP ERAB_ADD_STP_SUCC_MCG_NR_PDCP / ERAB_ADD_STP_ATT_MCG_NR_PDCP LTE_6650a E-UTRAN Initial DRB Setup Success Ratio for MCG bearer with NR PDCP DRB_INI_STP_SUCC_MCG_NR_PDCP / DRB_INI_STP_ATT_MCG_NR_PDCP LTE_6652a E-UTRAN Additional DRB Setup Success Ratio for MCG bearer with NR PDCP DRB_ADD_STP_SUCC_MCG_NR_PDCP / DRB_ADD_STP_ATT_MCG_NR_PDCP Table 22: LTE KPIs to monitor the establishment of E-RAB and DRB for EN-DC connections 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 53 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia The DRB setup is a subset of the E-RAB setup, so if the DRB setup success ratio is low, the LTE radio conditions should be investigated. If the E-RAB setup success ratio is lower than the DRB setup success ratio, the signalling between the eNB and the core network should be investigated. Successful E-RAB setup does not necessarily lead to an attempt to establish a 5G radio link: • The UE must have an EPS Bearer which has a QCI which is enabled for EN-DC and an ARP value within the range enabled for EN-DC • The UE must not have an ‘NR Restriction’ flag included within its Handover Restriction List • The LTE5524: Ongoing QCI1 Prevents EN-DC Setup feature will prevent the 5G secondary cell addition as long as there is a VoLTE call ongoing (see more details in chapter 12) • If LTE4575: Blind Carrier Aggregation with LTE-NR DC Option 3X is enabled, a failing LTE carrier aggregation means that the 5G secondary cell addition will not happen (see more details in section 9.4.2) • In 5G19 / LTE19, only a single bearer can be configured as an EN-DC split bearer. 5G19A / LTE19A makes it possible to configure multiple non-GBR bearers as split bearers (see the list of relevant features in Table 23). Note that with LTE19A, all the bearers must be established before the SgNB addition happens – with LTE19B, it is possible to add more bearers after the SgNB addition has happened Feature id Feature name Release 5GC000795 Multiple DRBs per UE -NSA mode 3x 5G19A LTE4531 LTE-NR DC Option 3X: Multiple non-GBR SCG split Bearers LTE19A LTE5510 Stepwise addition of multiple bearers for EN-DC LTE19B Table 23: Features related to multiple split bearers per UE A more complicated problem is the case where there are many 5G additions and releases within the same LTE RRC connection. This can for example happen if the LTE 1819: Data Session Profiling feature is active and has allocated a longer inactivity timer to a UE with frequent state transitions. A new DRB identity is allocated every time the 5G is added (i.e. the 5G DRB is created) or removed (i.e. the LTE DRB is created). There is a maximum of 32 DRB identities, and once this number is reached, the 5G addition is blocked. Workarounds for this problem include: • Deactivating LTE1819 and make sure that the 4G inactivity timer is not much higher than the 5G inactivity timer • Enable 5G intra-cell handover to reset the DRB numbering when necessary. This is done in LTE19 and LTE19A by setting bit #2 in the temporary dataVolThreshold parameter to “1” 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 54 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 5.4 Step D: Identifying the 5G cell It is possible to use “blind addition” when identifying the 5G cell which should be used for the 5G part of the connection. This is an attractive choice in the scenarios where latency is important, and it can be taken for granted that there is 5G radio coverage – for example an indoor cell or when using LTE and 5G on the same frequency band with the same antennas. However, the typical scenario is that measurement-based addition is used, i.e. the 4G BTS provides the UE with information about the 5G cells and how they should be measured, and the UE then reports back to the 4G BTS when it has found as suitable cell. In both cases, at least one 4G – 5G neighbour must be defined. The LNADJGNB object defines the neighbour relationship for a specific 5G BTS which allows the X2 connection to be setup between the 4G and 5G BTS. As a minimum, an instance of the object should be created for the co-sited 5G BTS. The requirement for additional LNADJGNB depends upon the 4G /5G operating bands and the site density. An example strategy could be to create LNADJGNB instances for at least the first tier of neighbouring 5G BTS. The LNRELGNBCELL objects pointing towards 5G cells can then be added as 5G Secondary Cell Group (SCG) cells. The minimum requirement is to add the co-sited co-sectored 5G cell. If separate antennas are used for 4G and 5G then azimuths may be different, so it is recommended to also add co-sited non-co-sectored 5G cells. The engineering guideline for NSA neighbour management can be read for more details. Table 24 lists the most relevant parameters. Parameter Object Range Default Recommended actDynTrigLteNrDualConnectivity LNBTS False (0), True (1) False (0) True (1) b1TriggerQuantity NRDCDPR RSRP, RSRQ - RSRP b1ThresholdNrRsrp NRDCDPR -140 to -43 dBm - -120 dBm, see also below b1ThresholdNrRsrq NRDCDPR -20 to -3 dB - Empty hysB1ThresholdRsrp NRDCDPR 0 to 15 dB 2 dB 2 dB hysB1ThresholdRsrq NRDCDPR 0 to 15 dB 2 dB Empty b1TimeToTriggerRsrp NRDCDPR 0 to 1520 ms 256 ms 256 ms, see also below b1TimeToTriggerRsrq NRDCDPR 0 to 1520 ms 256 ms Empty dataVolThreshold NRDCDPR Bit pattern 1024 --- Table 24: Parameters to control measurement-based SgNB addition The two main parameters to be tuned are the RSRP threshold and the time-to-trigger. b1ThresholdNrRsrp: 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 55 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Too high RSRP threshold means that potential 5G radio connections will not be attempted to be set up; this will reduce the end-user throughput and prevent the off-loading from 4G to 5G. Too low RSRP threshold means the UE will report a 5G cell which has so bad radio link that either the RACH procedure cannot be completed, or the connection will quickly drop. The following points need to be considered when deciding the value of the b1ThresholdNrRsrp: • The 5G bandwidth relative to the aggregated 4G bandwidth: If 5G bandwidth is large, for example 100 MHz, even poor 5G radio link conditions can give significant improvements in the combined 4G/5G end-user throughput. On the other hand, if the 5G bandwidth is perhaps only 10 MHz while the aggregated LTE bandwidth is maybe 30 MHz, the throughput contribution from a poor 5G radio link is only marginal. It can therefore be argued that b1ThresholdNrRsrp should be relatively high if the 5G bandwidth is relatively small. • New 5G19A feature 5GC001954: Introduction of A2 based SgNB release allows to release a 5G connection if the 5G RSRP drops below a certain threshold. The b1ThresholdNrRsrp must be set higher than the A2 threshold in order to avoid a ping-pong effect between continuously establishing and releasing the 5G radio connection. • If the 5G addition is attempted at too low RSRP values, there may be a series of failed 5G RACH procedures. Not only does this mean that the 5G leg of the connection will not be established – it is also possible that the LTE leg will suffer from reduced throughput. This effect is illustrated in Figure 14. • If the 5G addition is allowed to take place at low RSRP values, it is more likely that the 5G connection will quickly drop. This can lead to worse values of the retainability KPIs but can potentially also mean that the LTE throughput will suffer, for example if packets are dropped when the user plane connection from the SGW is switched back to the eNB • The b1ThresholdNrRsrp is only related to the downlink signal strength, but a reasonable uplink quality is also needed for the 5G RACH to succeed and to keep the 5G radio link. A suitable safety margin should therefore be added to the b1ThresholdNrRsrp value. If the objective is to maximise the time-on-5G, the threshold should be set relatively low. If the objective is to maximise the end-user throughput, the threshold should be set so 5G is used when the 5G radio link is good enough to give significant throughput improvement but at the same time prevent the use of 5G when the 5G radio link is so bad that there is risk of continuous 5G RACH failures or 5G radio link drops and therefore a risk of jeopardizing the LTE throughput. Field tests are probably necessary to determine the best settings of b1ThresholdNrRsrp in a given network. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 56 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Figure 14: Illustration of the danger with too low RSRP threshold for the SgNB addition. In this case, there is ongoing connection with both 5G and 4G data transfer. When the 5G connection is broken due to low RSRP, the UE repeatedly tries to perform SgNB addition and this results in unstable 4G throughput. The 4G throughput only stabilizes when 5G RSRP is so low that SgNB additions are no longer attempted. Lab tests, 5G19. Figure 15: Illustration of how increased B1 RSRP threshold (from -120 dBm to -116 dBm) lead to reduced RACH failure ratio and higher combined 4G/5G application throughput without significantly reducing the time-on-5G. Cluster drive test, 5G19A, 600 MHz 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 57 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Figure 16: Illustration of how reduced B1 RSRP threshold from -105 dBm to -116 dBm lead to increased 5G footprint. Cluster drive test, 5G19, 2.6 GHz b1TimeToTriggerRsrp: If the time-to-trigger is set too high, the control plane latency (the time to establish the 5G radio connection) may be unacceptably high. If the time-to-trigger is set too low, it increases the risk that a SgNB addition is done even though the 5G radio link is not good enough. Low control plane latency is important not just for the initial set up of the connection but also as a workaround in case 5G handover is not enabled, and a release followed by a quick establishment on another sector is the alternative. Furthermore, if it is desired to use 4G carrier aggregation together with 5G to maximise the end-user throughput (feature LTE4575: Blind Carrier Aggregation with LTE-NR DC Option 3X), the 4G carrier aggregation must have taken place before the SgNB addition. Increasing the time-to-trigger is one way to achieve this (another way is to either speed up the 4G carrier aggregation or use the “CRL30195 feature” to ignore the B1 measurements until the LTE carrier aggregation has been completed, see the throughput optimization discussion in chapter 9). If the “CRL30195 feature” is used, it should be noted that it has been observed in LTE19A that the LTE4575 blind carrier aggregation does not happen if there is only a small amount of downlink data to be sent (when doing FTP upload, when doing small pings or opening a small webpage like Google.com), and since LTE carrier aggregation does not happen, the SgNB addition also does not happen, even though the UE sends B1 measurement reports. This problem will be fixed in a future release. Finally, the new 5G19A / LTE19A features for multiple 5G bearers per UE (see the feature list in Table 23) require that all the bearers have been set up before the SgNB addition happens. A large value of the timeto-trigger helps in ensuring that this condition is met. The LTE5510: Stepwise addition of multiple bearers for EN-DC feature (LTE19B) allows to add additional bearers after the SgNB addition has happened for the first bearer. b1TimeToTriggerRsrp 640 ms 320 ms 80 ms 5G SCG addition time (ms) 820 ms 460 ms 320 ms 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 58 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Table 25: Average 5G SCG addition time with different b1TimeToTriggerRsrp settings. Scenario is that 5G handover is not enabled, the 5G connection has just dropped in one 5G sector and is then established again in a neighbor sector. The 4G connection is kept , so waiting for LTE carrier aggregation etc. is not needed when setting up the 5G connection again. Cluster drive test, LTE19A / 5G19A, 600 MHz. dataVolThreshold: This parameter was originally introduced to provide a triggering mechanism for 5G Scell Addition based upon data volume. This functionality is now planned for LTE20A (LTE5003: Data buffer trigger for EN-DC) and the parameter is instead used as a bitmap to control multiple other functionalities. Bit 0 decides if measurement gaps are configured to allow the UE to do B1 measurements. If measurement gaps are enabled, the UE will use 6 ms every 40 ms to do the measurements. Furthermore, the last 4 ms before a measurement cannot be used by the scheduler, so the effective LTE throughput penalty is 10 / 40 = 25%. This impact is relatively small for UE within 5G coverage because the gaps are only active for about 1 second. On the other hand, the impact is significant for UE outside 5G coverage because the gaps are then continuous. Figure 14 shows one example of the impact of measurement gaps: On the left side, where there is good 5G RSRP and an ongoing 5G radio connection, the UE does not do B1 measurements. LTE throughput is something like 50 Mbps during this time. On the far right side, where 5G RSRP is so low that SgNB addition is not attempted, the UE is doing B1 measurements. LTE throughput is something like 40 Mbps during this time. This means that the measurement gaps give a reduction of ~20 % in the LTE throughput, which is close to the expectations (10 / 40 = 25%). Another example is shown in Figure 17 where FTP download was used to quantify the effect of measurement gaps on the LTE throughput. Figure 17: Effect of measurement gaps on LTE throughput. Enabling measurement gaps reduces the LTE throughput by 25%. Carrier Aggregation across L800/L1800/L2100. Stationary field trial in good radio conditions. LTE19A. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 59 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Experience so far has shown that at least the Samsung S10 and the Xiaomi MIX 3 do not need such measurement gaps and the measurement gaps can therefore be disabled to avoid the impact on 4G throughput. However, in a given network it should either be confirmed that none of the UEs in the market require measurement gaps, or the bit 0 should be kept at “0” to make sure that measurement gaps are configured. The success ratio of step D can be judged by comparing the number of successfully established E-RABs with the number of SgNB addition requests as depicted in Table 26. KPI id KPI name KPI formula LTE_xxx Share of EN-DC E-RABs which result in SgNB addition request SCG_ADD_PREP_ATT / ERAB_STP_SUCC_MCG_NR_PDCP Table 26: KPI to monitor the success ratio of step D 5.5 Step E: SgNB addition Almost all the actions of this step take place inside the gNB. Neither the 4G nor the 5G radio interface is involved at all, so very high success ratios are expected. The detailed steps are as follows: 1. eNB sends SgNB addition request on X2 interface 2. gNB receives SgNB addition request on X2 interface 3. gNB-CU makes Admission Control for CU 4. gNB-CU sends UE context setup request on F1 5. gNB-DU receives UE context setup request on F1 6. gNB-DU makes Admission Control for DU 7. gNB-DU sets up the UE context 8. gNB-DU confirms to CU (via F1 interface) that the UE context has been set up 9. gNB-CU receives confirmation on F1 interface that the UE context has been set up 10. gNB-CU confirms to eNB (via X2 interface) that the SgNB addition has been done 11. eNB receives confirmation on X2 interface that the SgNB addition has been done There are counters and KPIs available to follow each step. These are listed in Table 27 and Table 28. Counter id Counter name Step M8080C0 SCG_ADD_PREP_ATT 1 M55110C00034 X2_SGNB_ADD_REQ_REC 2 M55114C00001 SGNB_NSA_ADMISSION_REQ 3 M55114C00002 SGNB_NSA_ADMISSION_SUCC 3 M55114C00003 SGNB_NSA_NGBR_DRB_REQ 3 M55114C00004 SGNB_NSA_NGBR_DRB_SUCC 3 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 60 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Counter id Counter name Step M55114C00005 SGNB_NSA_RAC_REJ_DUE_TO_CPUE 3 M55114C00006 SGNB_NSA_RAC_REJ_DUE_TO_NSA 3 M55114C00007 SGNB_NSA_RAC_REJ_DUE_TO_NGBR 3 M55113C01001 NF1CC_UECTXT_STP_REQSENT 4 M55117C01001 NF1CD_UECTXT_STP_REQRECD 5 M55115C00002 SGNB_DU_NSA_ADMISSION_REQ 6 M55115C00003 SGNB_DU_NSA_ADMISSION_SUCC 6 M55115C00004 SGNB_DU_NSA_ADMISSION_UNSUCC 6 M55115C00005 SGNB_DU_NSA_ADMISSION_NO_PUCCH 6 M55117C01002 NF1CD_UECTXT_STP_RESPSENT 8 M55117C01003 NF1CD_UECTXT_STP_QCINOTSUPP 8 M55117C01004 NF1CD_UECTXT_STP_IPNOTSUPP 8 M55117C01005 NF1CD_UECTXT_STP_FAILMISC 8 M55113C01002 NF1CC_UECTXT_STP_RESPRECD 9 M55113C01003 NF1CC_UECTXT_STP_QCINOTSUPP 9 M55113C01004 NF1CC_UECTXT_STP_IPNOTSUPP 9 M55113C01005 NF1CC_UECTXT_STP_FAILMISC 9 M55112C00002 X2_SGNB_ADD_REQ_ACK_SENT 10 M55112C00010 X2_SGNB_ADD_REQ_REJ_SENT 10 M55112C01002 NX2CC_BEARER_FAIL_TYP_NOT_SUPP 10 M55112C01003 NX2CC_BEARER_FAIL_SEC_NOT_SUPP 10 M55112C01004 NX2CC_BEARER_FAIL_QCI_NOT_SUPP 10 M55112C01005 NX2CC_BEARER_FAIL_IP_NOT_SUPP 10 M55112C01006 NX2CC_BEARER_FAIL_MISC 10 M55112C01501 X2_SGNB_REQ_REJ_MISSING_UE_CAP 10 M8080C1 SCG_ADD_PREP_FAIL_SGNB 11 M8080C2 SCG_ADD_PREP_FAIL_T 11 M8080C3 SCG_ADD_PREP_SUCC 11 Table 27: Counters to monitor the progress of the SgNB addition 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 61 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia KPI id KPI name KPI formula Step(s) NR_5014a 5G Radio admission success ratio for NSA user sgnb_nsa_admission_succ / sgnb_nsa_admission_req 3 NR_454a 5G Radio admission success ratio for NSA user per DU (SgNB Addition) sgnb_du_nsa_admission_succ / sgnb_du_nsa_admission_req 6 NR_189a 5G UE context setup success ratio per DU nf1cd_uectxt_stp_respsent / nf1cd_uectxt_stp_reqrecd 5 to 8 NR_5009a 5G UE context setup success ratio nf1cc_uectxt_stp_resprecd / 4 to 9 5G SgNB addition preparation success ratio x2_sgnb_add_req_ack_sent / E-UTRAN SgNB Addition Preparation Success Ratio per SCG split bearer scg_add_prep_succ / scg_add_prep_att NR_5004b LTE_6631a nf1cc_uectxt_stp_reqsent 2 to 10 (x2_sgnb_add_req_ack_sent + x2_sgnb_add_req_rej_sent) 1 to 11 Table 28: Main KPIs which cover the SgNB addition procedure. More detailed KPI formula exist which cover the various failure causes. Most of these steps are not relevant for optimization activities – only the Admission Control procedure might be of interest. The reasons that Admission Control may reject a connection and possible mitigation actions are discussed in the capacity management chapter (chapter 8). 5.6 Step F: RRC reconfiguration After the eNB has received the SgNB Addition Request Acknowledge message on X2 (containing information to UE about the 5G radio configuration), the eNB forwards this information to UE (in RRC Connection Reconfiguration message), waits for acknowledgement and then forwards the acknowledgment to the gNB: 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 62 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Figure 18: RRC reconfiguration procedure The most critical part of this procedure is the communication between the UE and the eNB over the 4G radio interface. Guard timers are running on both 4G (rrcGuardTimer) and 5G (tDCoverall) sides, and the values of these timers should be aligned. Parameter Object Range Default Recommended rrcGuardTimer LNBTS 100...30000 ms 2000 ms 2000 ms tDCoverall NRBTS 100...5000 ms 2000 ms Same as rrcGuardTimer Table 29: Parameters related to RRC reconfiguration procedure KPi id KPI name KPI formula NR_5005a 5G SgNB reconfiguration success ratio X2_SGNB_RECONF_ACK_RECEIVED / (X2_SGNB_RECONF_RECEIVED + X2_SGNB_RECONF_T) LTE_6633a E-UTRAN SgNB Addition DRB Establishment Success Ratio per SCG split bearer DRB_SCG_ADD_SUCC / DRB_SCG_ADD_ATT Table 30: KPIs related to RRC reconfiguration procedure 5.7 Step G: Switching user plane to gNB In this step, the eNB informs the gNB about the exact place in the PDCP data stream where gNB takes responsibility (the Sequence Number is transferred) and the eNB informs the EPC that the user plane connection between RAN and EPC should be switched from eNB to gNB. There are no relevant optimization actions during this step except monitoring the performance. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 63 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia KPi id KPI name KPI formula NR_5016a 5G Status Transfer received ratio during SgNB addition X2_SN_STATUS_TRANSFER_RECEIVED / E-UTRAN SgNB Addition Completion Success Ratio per SCG split bearer SCG_ADD_COMPLETION_SUCC / SCG_ADD_COMPLETION_ATT LTE_6637b (X2_SN_STATUS_TRANSFER_RECEIVED + X2_SN_STATUS_TRANSFER_T) Table 31: KPIs for monitoring the user plane switch to gNB 5.8 Step H: 5G RACH procedure The RACH procedure is initiated by the RRC Reconfiguration procedure described in step F, but this is not the only RACH scenario. Handover and other procedures are also using the RACH procedure to establish or re-establish the radio connection. In 5G19A, there is the choice between using the legacy 5G19 contention-based RACH procedure or using the new 5G19A 5GC001874: Non contention based random access procedure (contention-free RACH procedure based on dedicated preambles). Figure 19 illustrates the differences between the two options. Figure 19: Signaling flow for contention-free and contention-based RACH for NSA deployment The contention-free procedure is preferred because this is faster and more reliable. There is no activation flag for the contention-free feature, but it can be controlled by defining how many preambles that are dedicated for contention-free access. If dedicated preambles are not available, contention-based RACH will be done. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 64 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Generally, the success ratio of the RACH procedure is impacted by the radio link quality, the RSI (Root Sequence Indicator) planning and the RACH parameter settings. In practice, also the UE implementation has been seen to have impact. The process to ensure good uplink and downlink radio link quality is discussed in chapter 4. The process to evaluate the RSI planning is briefly described in section The specific RACH performance analysis is described below. The main RACH parameters are listed in Table 32. Parameter Object Range Default b1ThresholdNrRsrp NRDCDPR -156...-29 dBm b1TimeToTriggerRsrp NRDCDPR 0 to 5120 ms 256 ms 256 ms zeroCorrelationZoneConfig NRCELL 0...15, step 1 13 Planning value prachRootSequenceIndex NRCELL 0...837, step 1 0 Planning value prachConfigurationIndex NRCELL 0...255, step 1 0 Planning value totalNumberOfRAPreambles NRCELL 1..64 64 64 cbraPreamblesPerSsb NRCELL 4..64 64 64 msg1FrequencyStart NRCELL 0...36, step 1 0 Planning value initialPreambleReceivedTargetPower NRCELL -200...-74, step 2 dBm -104 dBm -104 dBm powerRampingStep NRCELL 0, 2, 4, 6 dB 2 dB 2 dB preambleTransMax NRCELL 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 10 10 pfaTargetPRACH (hidden parameter in “vendor” file) NRBTS 1%, 0.1%, 0.05%, 0.01% 0.05% 0.05% See discussion in section 5.4 prachTresholdOffsetDb (R&D parameter in “swconfig” file) raContentionResolutionTmr 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 65 / 178 Recommended 2 dB NRCELL Internal Sf8..sf64 Sf64 Sf64 © 2020 Nokia Parameter Object Range raResponseWindow NRCELL Sl10..sl80 Default Recommended FR1: sl20 FR2: sl80 maxHarqMsg3Tx NRCELLGRP 1..8 5 5 Table 32: Main RACH performance parameters Possible Optimization actions: • Increase the b1ThresholdNrRSRP and/or the b1TimeToTriggerRsrp parameters. A stronger and more stable 5G RSRP level makes it more likely that the RACH procedure will succeed. This will also help on the retainability KPI but will reduce the area of the network where 5G is used • Use combination of msg1FrequencyStart and prachConfigurationIndex to separate the PRACH in the frequency domain (msg1FrequencyStart) and in the time domain (prachConfigurationIndex), at least for cells belonging to the same gNB. • Tune pfaTargetPRACH and prachTresholdOffsetDb parameters in such a way that the probability of receiving a preamble sent from a UE in the cell is maximized but at the same time, the risk of receiving a “ghost” preamble (either noise-generated or from a UE in another cell) is minimized. Note that any improvement is probably only related to the counter-based KPI value. Real users (such as a drive test tool) will probably not see any impact. There is not yet extensive experience with the best settings. The relevant KPI formulas are listed in Table 33. KPI id KPI name KPI formula Comment NR_5013a 5G Contention based RACH setup success ratio RA_MSG3_RECEP / Not the perfect formula because ghost preambles will normally cause this formula to show bad values. Also not possible to distinguish between SgNB additions and handovers NR_xxx RA_ATT_CONT_A_PRMBL_SSB_00..63 RA_MSG3_RECEP / X2_SGNB_ADD_REQ_ACK_SENT 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 66 / 178 Internal RA_MSG3_RECEP includes handover but X2_SGNB_ADD_REQ_ACK_SENT does not. This means the formula is only useful in a network where the amount of handover is small compared to © 2020 Nokia KPI id KPI name KPI formula Comment the number of SgNB addition requests NR_5011a 5G Contention free RACH setup success ratio RA_COMP_DED_PRMBL / RA_ATT_DED_PRMBL_SSB_00 ..63 Table 33: KPIs to monitor 5G RACH performance Table 34: Example of how increasing the b1ThresholdNrRSRP lead to better RACH success ratio. Cluster drive test, 600 MHz, 5G19A Figure 20: Example of the impact PRACH frequency diversity obtained via msg1FrequencyStart (changing from same msg1FrequencyStart in all cells to different values in each cell within a gNB). 3.5 GHz, 5G19 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 67 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Figure 21: Example on how the PRACH success ratio has improved by tuning the BTS thresholds for distinguishing between ghost preambles and real preambles. 3.5 GHz, 5G19. Note that the improvement only happens in the counter-based KPI value. End-users will probably not see any difference. 5.9 E2E KPI formulas Ideally, the number of started connection attempts in the 4G BTS should be compared with the number of successfully ended RACH procedures in the 5G BTS. This is straightforward as long as there is a 1-to-1 relation between 4G BTS and 5G BTS, but in practice, the 4G-5G neighbour relations often form a n-to-m mesh network (illustrated in Figure 22). Since the counters are per BTS and not per adjacency, it is therefore difficult to construct a KPI formula which spans both 4G and 5G activities. Instead, separate 4G and 5G formulas are listed in Table 35. Figure 22: Illustration of 4G-5G neighbour mesh network. EN-DC connections with eNB-25 as anchor BTS are scattered among 5 different gNBs – but the number of users in those 5 gNBs cannot simply be summarized and compared with eNB-25 because each gNB is also connected to other eNBs 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 68 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia KPI id KPI name KPI formula Comment LTE_6984a E-UTRAN Total SgNB Addition Success Ratio per SCG split bearer SCG_ADD_COMPLETION_SUCC / SCG_ADD_PREP_ATT From eNB sends SgNB Addition Request (i.e. the UE has reported strong enough 5G signal) until the EPC has switched the user plane to gNB NR_5020c 5G NSA call accessibility, 5G side X2_SGNB_RECONF_ACK_RECEIVED / (X2_SGNB_ADD_REQ_ACK_SENT + X2_SGNB_ADD_REQ_REJ_SENT) From gNB receives SgNB Addition Request until the gNB has received the SgNB Reconfiguration Complete message (i.e. before 5G RACH procedure has been completed) Table 35: KPIs to monitor E2E accessibility 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 69 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 6 Optimization of retainability The retainability (i.e. the ability to retain a connection until it is normally ended) is one of the most used metrics used to assess network performance. However, it can easily be argued that as long as there are only data calls (non-voice calls) in the network, metrics such as the throughput are more important. In fact, abnormally terminated connections are not necessarily bad: A fast drop followed by a fast reestablishment also gives good end-user throughput performance. Especially if handover is not enabled in the network, it may be better to quickly drop a bad connection and hope the re-establishment happens on a better cell. Also, from capacity perspective, it can be argued that bad 5G radio links should be released so the 5G resources are mainly used by UEs in good radio conditions (which can then use higher MCS and MIMO rank). Such early releases can be achieved either by using the A2 release criteria or by tuning the radio link failure parameters such that radio link failures are more likely to happen. Figure 23: Example of application throughput improvement by deliberately increasing the drop ratio. By changing from default RLF settings (t310 = 2000 ms, n310 = n10) to more aggressive settings (t310 = 1000 ms, n310 = n6), the 5G radio link is more likely to be released in bad radio conditions (RLF ratio went from 8.2% to 14.2%) and the average application throughput is therefore higher. Cluster drive test, FTP download, 600 MHz, 5G19A. Nevertheless, most operators are regarding the retainability as one of their most important performance indicators. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 70 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia As for the accessibility, the situation must be viewed from both the eNB and from the gNB perspective, and both network elements can initiate the release of the 5G radio connection. • • gNB release scenarios: o UE inactivity (this is viewed as normal release) o A2 release (5G RSRP becomes bad) o SgNB-detected 5G radio link failure o UE-detected 5G radio link failure (communicated via eNB via RRC connection) o Abnormal reasons (PDCP Count Rollover or GTP-U Error) o gNB reset / partial reset o Possibly other scenarios eNB release scenarios o Normal release (inactivity, release of the call, detach) o eNB reset / partial reset o 4G radio link failure o 4G handover (if EN-DC handover is not supported) o Possibly other scenarios In the following subsections, each release scenario is first explained individually, and the final subsection discusses the overall KPI formulas. The share of 5G releases due to radio link failures is depending on the B1 threshold for establishing 5G radio links. If a low B1 threshold is selected, such that SgNB additions are attempted in very bad 5G RSRP areas, there is naturally a higher risk that the 5G radio link will soon be terminated due to radio link failure. From counter perspective, the 5G radio connection is seen as established when the gNB has received the SgNB Reconfiguration Complete message from the eNB. Note that this message comes before the 5G RACH procedure has been completed, i.e. a failure in the RACH procedure is regarded as a dropped call rather than a failed call establishment. 6.1 Release initiated by gNB due to UE 5G inactivity The SgNB will treat the UE as inactive if there is no 5G data received or transmitted and if there is no data in the buffer for a given time period. When the inactivity timer expires in the SgNB, it sends SgNB Release Required message to the MeNB with the cause value User Inactivity. The MeNB acknowledges this message with a SgNB Release Confirm and proceeds with a UE Context Release command to the gNB which then releases the 5G connection. The value of the inactivity timer is a compromise between releasing the connection quickly and thereby using less resources from admission control perspective (especially PUCCH capacity) and less UE battery power and keeping the connection longer and thereby avoid the need for doing another SgNB addition if more packets are arriving. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 71 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia The inactivity timer value also impacts the value of many of the drop ratio formulas. With a long inactivity timer, it is more likely that the radio connection will drop before the connection is released due to inactivity; if the timer is decreased, there is higher chance that it will be released instead of dropping. For the enduser, it doesn’t matter if an idle connection is released due to inactivity or due to radio link failure but the KPI formula values for retainability will be impacted. Parameter Object Range Default actInactDetNSAUe NRBTS False (0), False (0) True (1) True (1) nsaInactivityTimer NRBTS 1..7200 seconds 10 seconds 10 seconds Recommended Table 36: Parameters related to 5G inactivity detection Counter id Counter name Comment M8080C7 SCG_TOT_REL_INIT_SGNB Total releases, eNB perspective M8080C9 SCG_TOT_REL_INIT_MENB M55112C00005 X2_SGNB_REL_REQ_RECEIVED M55112C00007 X2_SGNB_REL_REQUIRED_SENT M8080C6 SCG_NOR_REL_INIT_SGNB_INACT M55112C02001 SGNB_RELEASE_REQ_UE_INACT Total releases, gNB perspective Releases due to 5G inactivity, eNB and gNB perspective Table 37: Counters related to 5G inactivity releases 6.2 Release initiated by gNB due to A2 measurement report Feature id Feature name 5GC001954 Introduction of A2 based SgNB release In 5G19A, the 5GC001954: Introduction of A2 based SgNB release feature makes it possible to release the 5G radio link when the 5G RSRP becomes lower than a certain threshold. The advantages of releasing the 5G radio link when RSRP is bad include: • If 5G/5G handovers are not supported, it may be better to release a bad 5G radio link and hope there is already a neighbour cell with better link available 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 72 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia • If 5G link is bad, there will be RLC retransmissions (so packet delays) and this can lead to delayed TCP acks and therefore reduced TCP throughput, so it may be better to release the 5G link and rely on a good LTE performance • Retainability KPIs get better-looking values The 5GC001954 only introduces the A2 release functionality. Full implementation (including proper parameters and PM counters) comes with 5GC002177: A2 based SgNB release in 5G19B. Limitations in 5GC001954 includes: • No PM counters • Only RSRP-based A2 measurement is supported • No own parameters. The A2 threshold relies on an offset in dB added to the RSRP Threshold1 of A5 • The operator does not have the possibility to configure the A2 offset nor to activate/deactivate the A2 based SgNB release functionality • Since the A2 threshold results from a fixed offset applied to A5 threshold1, modifying A5 threshold1 will also modify the A2 threshold. If needed, the gNB may be configured to only use an A3 measurement for mobility purposes, and the A5 threshold1 may then freely be modified by the operator in order to tune the A2 threshold without impact to mobility measurements. Parameter Object Range Default Recommended A5MeasEnabled NRCELL None, RSRP, RSRQ, combinations None None a5Threshold1SsbRsrp NRCELL 0..127 A2ReleaseOffset R&D parameter -127 ...127 a5HysteresisSsbRsrp NRCELL 0…30 a5TimeToTriggerSsbRsrp NRCELL Numerous values See notes below -5 dB -5 dB Table 38: 5G19A parameters related to A2 release When selecting the desired A2 threshold, the following factors need to be taken into account: • Is there interference? If yes, then the RSRP thresholds need to be modified • How is the DL / UL link balance? The DL RSRP threshold may need to be offset to compensate for a bad UL • If 5G has large bandwidth and LTE is heavily congested, it can be better to keep 5G even if there are some delays in the TCP packets. On the other hand, if 5G has small bandwidth and LTE is used for the majority of the data transfer, it is probably better to release 5G quickly to avoid that the LTE part of the connection starts to suffer from TCP problems 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 73 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia • A2 release threshold must be aligned with B1 establishment threshold, such that “ping-pong” establishments/releases are avoided Above points mean that different networks and perhaps even different cells within a network should select different values of the A2 threshold. In the few networks where this feature is used, the A2 threshold is roughly in the -105 dBm to -110 dBm range. In 5G19A, an A2 release will only increment the counter for total number of SgNB-initiated releases. An indirect way of monitoring the impact of A2 releases is that the counter for “lost UEs” will be reduced (since a call in marginal radio conditions will be released via A2 measurements rather than dropping). Counter id Counter name Comments M55112C00007 X2_SGNB_REL_REQUIRED_SENT Will be incremented by all SgNB-initiated releases, incl. A2 release M55112C00502 SGNB_REL_SN_REQ_UE_LOST Will not be incremented by A2 release. Since the alternative to A2 release is often a dropped connection, it can be expected that this counter will decrease when A2 release is enabled in the network Table 39: Counters relevant to monitor when A2 release is enabled in the network 6.3 Release initiated by gNB due to SgNB-detected 5G radio link failure The SgNB can detect radio link failure (RLF) if the PUCCH messages are not arriving as expected (either DL HARQ feedback or CSI reports), or if the maximum number of RLC retransmissions has been reached. When the SgNB detects RLF, a control timer is started, and during the waiting time, data could be switched to LTE leg of the split bearer. After timer expiry, if radio link has not recovered, the SgNB will release the UE context by sending an SgNB-initiated SgNB release with the cause value ‘Radio Connection with UE lost’ to the MeNB. This means that: • Not all radio link failures cause the radio link to be terminated. This means that the PM counters may show higher values than the actual drops • During the waiting time, additional RLF reasons may happen, including UE-detected radio link failures. This means that one dropped connection may increment multiple different RLF counters The underlying cause for these releases is bad radio link quality. The procedures for detecting and improving the radio link quality are described in chapter 4. It is also possible to control with parameters how quickly the gNB declares radio link failure – these parameters are listed in Table 40. In some network configurations (for example if the 5G bandwidth is small compared to the aggregated LTE bandwidth) it is desirable to quickly release a bad 5G radio link, in other configurations (for example if the LTE contribution to the 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 74 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia throughput is negligible due to congested LTE network or small LTE bandwidth) it is better to keep the 5G connection as long as possible. SgNB-detected radio link failures are not visible in drive test logs. BTS PM counters or BTS / interface traces are needed for performance analysis. Parameter Object Range Default Recommended 75 (5G19A MP0.1) 0 (see below) actGnbInitRlf rdRlpDetCsiBsi R&D parameter 0 (5G19A MP1.0) tRLFindForDU NRBTS 300 ms to 3000 ms 300 ms (0) 2000 ms (8) tWaitingRlRecover NRBTS 0 ms to 60000 ms 500 ms (3) 500 ms (3) maxRetxThreshold NRBTS 1..32 16 32 notes Table 40: Parameters to control how quickly the gNB declares radio link failure In 5G19A, the scheduler can reduce the PUSCH allocation down to 3 PRBs if the uplink radio link quality is bad. This makes the PUSCH link more robust than the PUCCH format 2 radio link, and there is therefore a risk that the SgNB will unnecessarily declare radio link failure due to missing PUCCH messages. It is therefore recommended to disable RLF due to missing CSI reports by setting R&D parameter rdRlpDetCsiBsi to zero. RLF due to missing HARQ Ack /Nack will still be enabled but this is not a problem since these messages use the more robust PUCCH format 0. Counter id Counter name Comment M8080C7 SCG_TOT_REL_INIT_SGNB Total releases, eNB perspective M8080C9 SCG_TOT_REL_INIT_MENB M55112C00005 X2_SGNB_REL_REQ_RECEIVED M55112C00007 X2_SGNB_REL_REQUIRED_SENT M55112C00502 SGNB_REL_SN_REQ_UE_LOST Includes both SgNB-detected and UE-detected RLFs M55116C00004 RLF_INITIATED_RNL M55113C01006 NF1CC_UECTXT_MOD_REQRECD Radio link failures detected by gNB. Note that these do not necessarily lead to release of the connection. Note that same connection may trigger both counters. M55116C00004: PUCCH failures. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 75 / 178 Internal Total releases, gNB perspective © 2020 Nokia Counter id Counter name Comment M55113C01006: Max RLC retrans exceeded Table 41: Counters related to SgNB-detected radio link failure 6.4 Release initiated by gNB due to UE-detected 5G radio link failure If the UE detects that the 5G radio link appears to be broken, it informs the MeNB via SCG Failure Information message, and the MeNB passes the information to the SgNB. The SgNB may try to recover the situation with a PSCell change. If the PSCell change is successful, the radio connection will be resumed. If not, the radio connection will be released. The underlying cause for these releases is bad radio link quality. The procedures for detecting and improving the downlink radio link quality are described in chapter 4. It is also possible to control with parameters how quickly the UE declares radio link failure – these parameters are listed in Table 42. In some network configurations (for example if the 5G bandwidth is small compared to the aggregated LTE bandwidth) it is desirable to quickly release a bad 5G radio link, in other configurations (for example if the LTE contribution to the throughput is negligible due to congested LTE network or small LTE bandwidth) it is better to keep the 5G connection as long as possible. Figure 23 shows an example where fast detection of radio link failures lead to worse retainability but better user throughput. Parameter Object Range Default Recommended T310 NRBTS 0 ms to 6000 ms 2000 ms 2000 ms N310 NRBTS 1 to 20 10 10 N311 NRBTS 1 to 10 1 1 preambleTransMax NRCELL 3 to 200 n10 (6) n10 (6) maxRetxThreshold NRBTS 1 to 32 16 32 Table 42: Parameters to control how the UE detects radio link failure Counter id Counter name Comment M8080C7 SCG_TOT_REL_INIT_SGNB Total releases, eNB perspective M8080C9 SCG_TOT_REL_INIT_MENB M55112C00005 X2_SGNB_REL_REQ_RECEIVED M55112C00007 X2_SGNB_REL_REQUIRED_SENT M55112C00502 SGNB_REL_SN_REQ_UE_LOST 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 76 / 178 Internal Total releases, gNB perspective Includes both SgNB-detected and UE-detected RLFs © 2020 Nokia Counter id Counter name Comment M55116C00008 RLF_INITIATED_UE_T310_EXPIRY M55116C00010 RLF_INITIATED_UE_MAX_RLC_RETX DL radio link failures, detected by UE M55116C00011 RLF_INITIATED_UE_SRB_INTGRTY_F M55116C00009 RLF_INITIATED_UE_RACH_FAIL M55116C00012 RLF_INITIATED_UE_SCG_CHGE_FAIL RACH failures detected by UE Table 43: Counters related to UE-detected 5G radio link failures 6.5 Release initiated by gNB due to abnormal reasons In 5G19, the “abnormal” reasons can be one of the following two reasons • PDCP count rollover • GTP-U error Neither of these reasons can be influenced by radio optimization and there are no parameters to control this. In live networks, only a very small ratio of the connections (<0.01%) is released due to this scenario. Counter id Counter name Comment M8080C7 SCG_TOT_REL_INIT_SGNB Total releases, eNB perspective M8080C9 SCG_TOT_REL_INIT_MENB M55112C00005 X2_SGNB_REL_REQ_RECEIVED M55112C00007 X2_SGNB_REL_REQUIRED_SENT M55112C01001 NX2CC_UE_RELEASE_ABNORMAL Total releases, gNB perspective Table 44: Counters related to downlink 5G abnormal releases 6.6 Release initiated by gNB due to other reasons From PM counter analysis, it can be seen that a rather large part of the connections (15% in one network) is requested to be released due to reasons not captured explicitly in the PM counters. X2 trace analysis can be a first step in understanding what is happening, but this will not necessarily give an unambiguous answer (one possible release cause is for example “Misc-unspecified”. There is not yet a full understanding of the possible failure scenarios and therefore also not understanding of what can be done to reduce these releases. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 77 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 6.7 Release initiated by eNB due to normal release The eNB normal releases include the normally ended calls as well as the calls where both the 4G and the 5G inactivity counters are triggered. Also, the UE detach procedure is counted as a normal release. Counter id Counter name Comment M8080C7 SCG_TOT_REL_INIT_SGNB Total releases, eNB perspective M8080C9 SCG_TOT_REL_INIT_MENB M55112C00005 X2_SGNB_REL_REQ_RECEIVED M55112C00007 X2_SGNB_REL_REQUIRED_SENT M8080C8 SCG_NOR_REL_INIT_MENB_NAS Total releases, gNB perspective Normal eNB release Table 45: Counters related to normal eNB release 6.8 Release initiated by eNB due to 4G radio link failure When the eNB releases the 4G connection due to a 4G radio link failure, it will also release the 5G radio link connection. There are no specific counters for eNB releases due to 4G radio link failure, but the number of abnormal eNB releases (also including for example releases due to 4G handover) can be calculated by subtracting the normal releases (SCG_NOR_REL_INIT_MENB_NAS) from the total releases (SCG_TOT_REL_INIT_MENB). There are no counters in the 5G BTS to distinguish between normal and abnormal eNB-initiated releases. 6.9 Release initiated by eNB due to 4G handover In 5G19, handover of EN-DC connections between 4G cells was not possible, so whenever the eNB executed a 4G handover, it would also instruct the gNB to release the 5G connection. In 5G19A, the features 5GC000575: Intra-MeNB LTE handover without en-gNB change (NSA Option 3x) and LTE4281: Intra-eNB handover for LTE-NR DC Option 3X enable intra-MeNB handovers but not yet inter-MeNB handovers. There are no specific counters for eNB releases due to 4G handover, but the number of abnormal eNB releases (also including for example 4G radio link failures) can be calculated by subtracting the normal releases (SCG_NOR_REL_INIT_MENB_NAS) from the total releases (SCG_TOT_REL_INIT_MENB). There are no counters in the 5G BTS to distinguish between normal and abnormal eNB-initiated releases. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 78 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 6.10 Releases due to gNB / eNB reset When either the eNB or the gNB requests a reset or partially reset of the X2 connection (either due to configuration changes or software crash), ongoing connections are also released. Such releases can be minimized by limiting those configuration changes which require site reset to the low traffic periods. In live networks, only a very small ratio of the connections is released due to this scenario. Counter id Counter name Comment M8080C7 SCG_TOT_REL_INIT_SGNB Total releases, eNB perspective M8080C9 SCG_TOT_REL_INIT_MENB M55112C00005 X2_SGNB_REL_REQ_RECEIVED M55112C00007 X2_SGNB_REL_REQUIRED_SENT M55110C00019 X2_UEREL_INCOMING_RESET M55110C00020 X2_UEREL_INCOMING_RESET M55110C00027 X2_UEREL_INC_PARTIAL_RESET M55110C00028 X2_UEREL_OUT_PARTIAL_RESET Total releases, gNB perspective Table 46: Counters related to releases caused by eNB / gNB reset 6.11 Performance indicators Retainability KPI formulas are currently being revised. They will be included in a later version of the document. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 79 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 7 Optimization of mobility This chapter discusses how mobility impacts the performance and how features and parameter settings can be used to ensure good performance even in the case of mobile users. Mobility is here understood in a very broad context and the discussion is split into the following three scenarios: - Using the same SSB beam while moving, so channel estimates etc. become outdated - Switching between two SSB beams - Switching between sectors (handover) 7.1 Moving within the same SSB beam Mobility within the same SSB beam can cause degraded performance due to: • Outdated channel estimate makes it difficult for the receiver to decode the signal • Fast moving UEs introduce a Doppler shift in the radio transmission • Varying radio conditions require the link adaptation algorithm to change the coding ratio The outdated channel estimation case mainly covers the scenario where the channel estimation becomes outdated because the UE has moved since the last channel estimate was done. In principle, a stationary UE located near moving objects (e.g. cars) will also cause the channel estimate to be outdated, but this is probably of less significance compared to moving the UE itself. In any case the end result will be the same: Outdated channel estimate. The effect of an outdated channel estimate is first of all that it will be difficult for the BTS and the UE to correctly decode the transmitted data and secondly that the BTS cannot make timely decisions on how to change of transmission methods, for example if another MCS should be taken into use. This means that retransmissions are needed, or the radio link is not exploited to its maximum and this ultimately leads to reduced end-user throughput. However, it is not straightforward to separate mobility issues from all the other factors which can cause low throughput. Figure 24 shows that it is possible from drive test measurement to see if there is an impact, because the correlation with UE speed can be shown, but with most other data sources (e.g. PM counters), there is no information about the UE speed, and the effects from mobility can therefore not be isolated. Even with drive test measurements, the impact of moving surroundings cannot be quantified. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 80 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Figure 24: Correlation between PDSCH throughput and UE speed. Movement introduces clear degradation in throughput. 3.5 GHz, 5G19, no additional DMRS symbol Figure 24 shows the correlation between PDSCH throughput and UE speed in the case the 5G19A feature 5GC001347: Additional DMRS configuration is not enabled. It can be seen that the throughput degrades as the UE moves faster, and it is expected that enabling the additional DMRS symbol will help. Figure 25 is from another network where the additional DL DMRS symbol is used; in this case, the throughput is more or less independent of the UE speed and this could be because the additional DMRS is in use. However, the two charts cannot be directly compared due to the different carrier frequency, the different BTS release, the different area etc. Still, it is expected that the additional DMRS will improve performance for mobile users, so it is recommended to have it activated even though it also brings a penalty in terms of increased overhead. Figure 25: Correlation between PDSCH throughput and UE speed when additional DL DMRS symbol is used. There is no significant degradation when the UE moves faster. 5G19A, 600 MHz, suburban area 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 81 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia The link adaptation algorithm is used to adapt the coding scheme to the changing radio conditions. If the receiver cannot decode the signal due to outdated channel estimate, the link adaptation will compensate by choosing a lower MCS with more robust coding of the signal. Likewise, the impact of the Doppler effect caused by fast moving UEs or the movement of the UE into areas with worse RF coverage is handled by the link adaptation algorithm. The speed and accuracy of the algorithm can be controlled by parameters. Table 47 lists some of the relevant parameters which may be tuned for optimal handling of mobile UEs. The recommended value is based on achieving best overall performance, not necessarily the best performance for mobile users. It is therefore possible (and even likely) that specific cells with a large share of mobile users can benefit from other settings. No systematic investigation of the best settings has been done yet. The RF performance KPIs listed in chapter 4 can be used to evaluate the mobility performance, but it is not straightforward to separate mobility issues from stationary issues using the PM counters. Parameter name Object Range Default Recommended csiReportPeriodicity NRCELLGRP 20, 40, 80, 160, 320 slots 320 slots 320 slots csirsTrackingPeriod NRCELL Off, equal to ssBurstSetPeriod, 10 – 80 ms 80 ms 80 ms ullaDeltaSinrMax NRCELL 0...15, step 0.1 3 10 ullaDeltaSinrMin NRCELL -15...0, step 0.1 -3 -15 ullaDeltaSinrStepdown NRCELL 0...1.000, step 0.001 0.25 0.25 dllaDeltaCqiMax NRCELL 0...15, step 0.1 3 15 dllaDeltaCqiMin NRCELL -15...0, step 0.1 -3 -15 dllaDeltaCqiStepdown NRCELL 0...1.000, step 0.001 0.25 0.25 ulDMRSAdditionalPosition NRCELL 0, 1, 255 (automatic) 255 255, expect for low-band FDD (0) dlDMRSAdditionalPosition NRCELL 0, 1, 255 (automatic) 255 255, expect for low-band FDD (0) Table 47: Parameters which impact the performance during mobility 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 82 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 7.2 Beam switching 5G19A beamforming features use “Grid-of-Beams” which implies that when the UE moves across the cell, it must continuously be assessed if a better beam is available and if needed execute a beam switch procedure. In 5G19A, the UE will measure the RSRP of each SSB beam and report the best beam back to the gNB in the Uplink Control Information. Beam switch will take place when the filtered RSRP of a new beam is larger than the RSRP of the source beam by a certain threshold. The beam switch procedure is done on Layer 2 by signalling a new Transmission Configuration Indicator (TCI) state to the UE. The switch procedure is lossless by itself but if the beams are widely separated, the area between them may have worse RF conditions and therefore a dip in throughput can occur. The use of beams and the beam switching procedure can be monitored by the counters listed in Table 48. So far, there are no experiences with optimizing the beam switch procedure. Counter id Counter name Comments M55305C03001..64 BEAM_CHANGE_0_0..7_7 M55305C04001..64 FAIL_BEAM_CHANGE_BIN1..64 M55305C05001..64 BEAM_CHANGE_TARGET_BIN1..64 M55305C06001..64 FAIL_BEAM_CHANGE_TARGET_BIN1..64 Attempts and failure counters for beam changes. Full 8x8 mesh if 8 SSB beams or less, otherwise separate counters for source and target beams M55305C07001..64 BEST_SECONDBEST_0_0..7_7 Best and second best beam histogram – can be used to understand which beams are overlapping. Only if 8 or less SSB beams are used M55305C08001..16 RSRP_DIFF_SECOND_BEST_BIN1..16 RSRP difference between best and second best beam. Can be used to quantify beam overlap M55305C11001..13 TIME_BEAM_BIN_1..13 Distribution of the time that the UEs stays in the same beam. Can be used to quantify UE mobility M55305C13001 BEAM_TOGGLES The number of beam toggles, i.e. the when beam is changed back to a beam which was used just before this current serving beam Table 48: Counters to monitor the beam switching procedure 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 83 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 7.3 NSA handover Feature id Feature name Release 5GC000572 Intra-Frequency Inter-DU en-gNB mobility (NSA option 3x, Cloud gNB 5G19 5GC001094 Intra-Frequency Intra-DU en-gNB mobility (NSA option 3x) 5G19 LTE4530 Inter-SgNB Mobility for LTE-NR DC Option 3X LTE19A 5GC000573 Intra-Frequency Inter en-gNB mobility (NSA option 3x) 5G19A 5GC000575 Intra-MeNB LTE handover without en-gNB change (NSA Option 3x) 5G19A LTE4281 Intra-eNB handover for LTE-NR DC Option 3X LTE19B Table 49: Handover features in 5G19A and LTE19B Handover scenario 5G feature LTE feature 5G intra-SgNB 5GC000572, 5GC001094 N/A 5G inter-SgNB (intra-freq) 5GC000573 LTE4530 4G intra-MeNB 5GC000575 LTE4281 Table 50: Supported handover scenarios and needed 5G / LTE feature combinations Table 49 lists the handover features which are available in 5G19A and LTE19B and Table 50 shows how these features can be combined so various handover scenarios are possible. For example: • Drive around one 4G / 5G site: In this case there is a need to change both the 4G sector and the 5G sector but no need to change the eNB or the gNB. The eNB will – based on legacy LTE handover parameters – decide when to change the 4G sector and the gNB will – based on 5G handover parameters listed below – decide when to change the 5G sector. Either the 4G sector or the 5G sector will be changed first depending on radio conditions and parameter values. The two sectors will not be changed at exactly the same time • Drive from one 4G / 5G site to another 4G / 5G site: In this case there is a need to change both the eNB and the gNB, and there are three options depending on the radio conditions and the parameter settings: o 5G SgNB is first changed. Then 4G MeNB is changed, but because EN-DC Inter-MeNB handover is not yet supported, the 5G radio link will be released and a new 5G radio link will have to be set up at the new eNB. The 4G connection is simply handed over o 4G MeNB is first changed, but because EN-DC Inter-MeNB handover is not yet supported, the 5G radio link will be released. The new 5G radio link will then (depending on radio conditions) be set up on the old SgNB and subsequently handed over to the new SgNB, or it will be set up directly on the new SgNB 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 84 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Note that if a certain handover procedure is not supported and the 5G connection is therefore released and established again, the control plane latency (the time to establish a new 5G radio bearer) becomes important to minimize the impact to the user. See the discussion in chapter 11 for more details. The optimization of the handover procedure consists of two steps • Ensure that the relevant neighbors are defined • Choose a good set of values for the handover parameters. The settings are a compromise between partly conflicting objectives o Handover should not happen so late that degraded radio link quality reduces the throughput or even leads to a dropped connection o There should not be more handovers than necessary in order to minimize the gaps in data transfer during the handover This spreadsheet has information about the expected data interruption time when doing handover. Summarized numbers are presented in Table 51: Approximate gap in data transfer Scenario SRB3 in use? Intra-DU Yes 35 ms No 40 ms Yes 32 ms No 37 ms --- 55 ms Intra-gNB Inter-gNB Table 51: Expected duration of the data transfer interruptions when doing 5G-5G handover Both 5G-5G neighbors and 4G-5G neighbors need to be defined. Co-sited neighbors should always be defined – the need for additional tiers depend among other things on the used frequency bands for 4G and 5G. The Neighbor Analysis Engineering Guideline describes how to select and define the needed neighbors, incl. an introduction to the MUSA tool. Once the neighbors have been defined, there are numerous parameters which control the decision to change from one sector to another. Some of these parameters are common for all the neighbors, some can be set individually for each neighbor. Roughly, the parameters can be grouped as: 1. Instructions for converting beam-level measurements into cell-level measurements 2. Instructions for when the UE should start measurements and how to apply layer-3 filtering 3. Parameters related to A3 handover (“Neighbor becomes Offset better than Special Cell”) 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 85 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 4. Parameters related to A5 handover (“Special Cell becomes worse than threshold1 and neighbor becomes better than threshold2”). Note that some of the A5 parameters are re-used in the 5GC001954: Introduction of A2 based SgNB release (see the discussion in section 6.2) 5. Individual offset for each defined neighbor cell Table 52 lists the parameters related to 5G – 5G handovers. The handover procedure for the 4G part of the EN-DC connection is controlled by legacy 4G parameters. Group Parameter Object Range Default Recommended 1 nroSsbToAverage NRCELL 2...64, step 1 - 1 absThreshSsbRsrpConsolidation NRCELL 0...127, step 1 - 1 absThreshSsbRsrqConsolidation NRCELL 0...127, step 1 - 2 sMeasConfigSsbRsrp NRCELL 0...127, step 1 - -50 dBm (106) 2 filterCoeffSsbRsrp NRCELL Numerous values fc4 fc4 2 filterCoeffSsbRsrq NRCELL Numerous values fc4 fc4 3 a3MeasEnabled NRCELL 0:none; 1:rsrp; 2:rsrq; 3:rsrpAndRsrq; 0:none RSRP (1) 4:rsrpCombined; 5:rsrqCombined 3 a3OffsetSsbRsrp NRCELL -30...30, step 1 - 4 dB 3 a3OffsetSsbRsrq NRCELL -30...30, step 1 - - 3 a3HysteresisSsbRsrp NRCELL 0...30, step 1 - 0 dB 3 a3HysteresisSsbRsrq NRCELL 0...30, step 1 - - 3 a3TimeToTriggerSsbRsrp NRCELL Numerous values - 256 ms 3 a3TimeToTriggerSsbRsrq NRCELL Numerous values - - 4 a5MeasEnabled NRCELL 0:none; 1:rsrp; 2:rsrq; 3:rsrpAndRsrq; 0:none None (0) 4:rsrpCombined; 5:rsrqCombined 4 a5Threshold1SsbRsrp NRCELL 0...127, step 1 - - 4 a5Threshold1SsbRsrq NRCELL 0...127, step 1 - - 4 a5Threshold2SsbRsrp NRCELL 0...127, step 1 - - 4 a5Threshold2SsbRsrq NRCELL 0...127, step 1 - - 4 a5HysteresisSsbRsrp NRCELL 0...30, step 1 - - 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 86 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Group Parameter Object Range Default Recommended 4 a5HysteresisSsbRsrq NRCELL 0...30, step 1 - - 4 a5TimeToTriggerSsbRsrp NRCELL Numerous values - - 4 a5TimeToTriggerSsbRsrq NRCELL Numerous values - - 5 cellIndividualSsbRsrpOffset NRREL -24 dB to 24 dB 0 dB 0 dB 5 cellIndividualSsbRsrqOffset NRREL -24 dB to 24 dB 0 dB 0 dB Table 52: 5G parameters related to control of the handover procedure. The 4G EN-DC handovers are controlled by legacy 4G parameters. Note that A5 parameters also partly control the A2 release procedure The most important of the 4G and 5G EN-DC handover KPIs are listed in Table 53 and Table 54. In addition to these, there are also more detailed KPIs available which pinpoints where the failure has happened. In contrast to legacy LTE, there are not counters available per neighbor relation – trace tools are needed for such detailed analysis. There is not yet much experience with using these KPIs. When evaluating the performance with the KPIs listed in Table 53 and Table 54, it is important to understand that it is only possible to follow if the handover is successful; it is not possible to evaluate if the handover is started at the right time. This introduces a risk for sub-optimization: If for example the time-to-trigger parameter is set to a large value, the probability that the neighbor cell is strong enough is high, and the handover success ratio is high – but there is also a risk that the radio link quality degrades before the handover is attempted, so the throughput decreases or even that the connection drops. Therefore, also the throughput aspect as well as the retainability needs to be included when analyzing handover performance. KPI id KPI name KPI formula NR_5041b 5G Intra gNB intra frequency PSCell change preparation success ratio (INTRA_FR_PSCEL_CH_ATTEMPT + INT_FR_PSCEL_CHA_ATT_SRB3) / (INTRA_FR_PSCEL_CH_ATTEMPT + INT_FR_PSCEL_CHA_ATT_SRB3 + INTRA_FR_PSCEL_CH_FAI_RES_ALLO ) NR_5042b 5G Intra gNB intra frequency PSCell change total success ratio (INTRA_FR_PSCEL_CH_ATTEMPT + INT_FR_PSCEL_CHA_ATT_SRB3 INTRA_FR_PSCEL_CH_FAI_TDC_EXP INTRA_FR_PSCEL_CH_FAI_MENB_REF ) /(INTRA_FR_PSCEL_CH_ATTEMPT + INT_FR_PSCEL_CHA_ATT_SRB3 + INTRA_FR_PSCEL_CH_FAI_RES_ALLO ) NR_5044b 5G Average duration of executed intra gNB intra frequency PSCell changes (INTRA_FR_PSCEL_CH_TOT_DURAT/10) / (INTRA_FR_PSCEL_CH_ATTEMPT + INT_FR_PSCEL_CHA_ATT_SRB3 INTRA_FR_PSCEL_CH_FAI_MENB_REF INTRA_FR_PSCEL_CH_FAI_TDC_EXP) 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 87 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia KPI id KPI name KPI formula NR_5034a 5G Inter gNB handover success ratio for NSA (source cell) X2_SGNB_CHG_CONF_RECEIVED / X2_SGNB_CHG_REQD_SENT) NR_5074a 5G Inter gNB intra frequency PSCell change total success ratio on target gNB X2_SGNB_RECONF_ACK_SN_CH_RCVD / X2_SGNB_ADD_REQ_SN_CH_RCVD NR_50a 5G Radio admission success ratio for NSA user in handover SGNB_NSA_HO_ADMISSION_SUCC / SGNB_NSA_HO_ADMISSION_REQ Table 53: Most relevant KPIs to monitor the 5G part of the EN-DC handover procedure. KPIs for failure reasons are also available KPI id KPI name KPI formula LTE_6826a E-UTRAN Total SgNB Addition Success Ratio due to successful SN Initiated SgNB Change procedure SGNB_ADD_CHANGE_COMPL_SUCC / SGNB_CHANGE_CONF LTE_6809a E-UTRAN SgNB Modification for intraeNB HO Success Ratio SGNB_MOD_SUCC_IA_HO / SGNB_MOD_ATT_IA_HO LTE_6817a E-UTRAN Intra eNB Total HO Success Ratio for EN-DC capable UEs with at least one MCG NR-PDCP bearer established INTRA_ENB_HO_SUCC_MCG / INTRA_ENB_HO_PREP_MCG LTE_6822a E-UTRAN Intra eNB Total HO Success Ratio for EN-DC capable UEs with at least one SCG NR-PDCP bearer established INTRA_ENB_HO_SUCC_SCG / INTRA_ENB_HO_PREP_SCG Table 54: Most relevant KPIs to monitor the 4G part of the EN-DC handover procedure. KPIs for failure reasons are also available 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 88 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 8 Capacity management Capacity management consists of measuring the current capacity utilization and handle the areas where there are capacity bottlenecks. The capacity areas which needs to be monitored include: • 5G radio interface capacity • 5G gNB processing capacity • 5G admission control • LTE radio interface capacity (due to increased load from EN-DC connections) • LTE eNB processing capacity (due to increased load from EN-DC connections) • Interface capacity (X2, S1, F1) The capacity utilization must be measured during the busy period. Naturally, different parts of the network have different busy periods, for example day time in office areas versus evening time in entertainment areas. Even within a specific area, it is possible there is a difference between uplink busy period and downlink busy period. Such differences need to be taken into account when monitoring the capacity utilization. Normally a time granularity of 15 minutes is enough to get valid results. 8.1 5G radio interface capacity Ensuring that there is enough 5G radio interface means that both the signalling channels (PRACH, PDCCH, PUCCH) and the data channels (PDSCH and PUSCH) need to be managed. The main optimization effort with 5G19A features consists in achieving a good radio link quality, so high modulation and coding schemes can be used. The RF optimization actions described in chapter 4 are therefore a necessary foundation for managing the 5G radio interface capacity. Obviously lack of PDSCH and PUSCH capacity can directly affect the offered throughput but capacity problems on the signalling channels can also negatively impact the throughput because such congestion can prevent the data channels from being fully utilized. Spectral efficiency is often used as a measure for the overall efficiency of a given radio technology. Section 8.1.6 discusses various ways to measure 5G spectral efficiency and how it can be improved. Network Engineering has made a comprehensive slide set which discusses many of the aspects of 5G radio interface capacity. 8.1.1 PRACH To be included later. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 89 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 8.1.2 PDCCH In 5G19A, there can only be one UE allocated in a given slot. This means that the UE can use the whole bandwidth of the PDCCH, and there is no risk of overloading the PDCCH. Capacity management of PDCCH is therefore not relevant in 5G19A. 8.1.3 PUCCH In 5G19A, the following PUCCH formats are supported: • PUCCH short format 0: transmission over 1 symbol with 1 or 2 UCI bits. It can be used for HARQ Ack/Nack feedback • PUCCH short format 2: transmission over 1 symbol (over 1 to 16 PRBs) with 3 to 50 UCI bits. It can be used for: HARQ Ack/Nack, SR detection and CSI reports The number of HARQ Ack/Nack messages sent on the PUCCH is proportional to the number of downlink PDSCH blocks. HARQ Ack/Nack messages have the highest priority on PUCCH, and since the frame patterns are designed in such a way that each PDSCH slot will always have the needed PUCCH symbol for HARQ Ack/Nack, this part of the PUCCH will never be congested. The number of SR detection and CSI reports depends on the number of connected UEs and on the csiReportPeriodicity parameter. If csiReportPeriodicity has been set to a low value (so CSI reports are often sent), it is very possible that the maximum cell capacity is reached, and the admission control will then reject new admission requests. PUCCH congestion is therefore only caused by too many CSI reports, not by HARQ feedback. There is a counter to monitor the PUCCH usage (PUCCH_OFDM_SYMBOLS), but since this counter does not distinguish between using a PUCCH symbol for HARQ Ack/Nack and using it for CSI report, it is not so useful for capacity monitoring. Instead, the number of connected users should be used to judge how loaded the PUCCH is, and the admission control counters will tell when the capacity limit has been reached. The PUCCH capacity monitoring procedure is as follows: • Calculate the PUCCH CSI capacity from the various parameters controlling the frame structure • Calculate the number of CSI reports per user from the csiReportPeriodicity parameter • From above two points, calculate how many users which can be simultaneous connected • Monitor the number of connected users to judge how close the cell is to the PUCCH capacity limit • Monitor the admission control counters to see when the PUCCH capacity limit is exceeded If the PUCCH capacity becomes a bottleneck, the only practical counter-measure is to increase the periodicity of the CSI reports. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 90 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Note that in 5G19A, the periodicity of the scheduling requests is also decided by the csiReportPeriodicity. This means that a low user plane latency in the cell cannot simply be achieved by having a short schedule request period, because this will increase the number of CSI reports and congest the PUCCH. Instead, using proactive UL scheduling is normally a better approach to low latency. The calculation method for the maximum number of connected UEs is described in the PUCCH part of the webNEI 5G19/19A gNBNSA capacity aspects. An example calculation is shown in Table 55. Table 55: Example of how different parameter values decide the maximum number of connected users KPI id KPI name KPI formula NR_5124a 5G Average number of NSA users ave_number_of_nsa_users / ave_number_of_nsa_users_denom NR_5125a 5G Maximum number of NSA users peak_number_of_nsa_users NR_xxx Admission rejection ratio due to lack of PUCCH resources SGNB_DU_NSA_ADMISSION_NO_PUCCH / SGNB_DU_NSA_ADMISSION_REQ M55308C03004 Number of used PUCCH symbols PUCCH_OFDM_SYMBOLS Table 56: Counters and KPIs to monitor PUCCH capacity Figure 26 illustrates why the PUCCH_OFDM_SYMBOLS counter is not so useful for PUCCH capacity monitoring. First, to create a utilization KPI, the number of available PUCCH symbols must be found. There is no counter for this, so this must be manually calculated based on the frame structure. In this case, the network uses FDD with SCS = 15 kHz, and the number of available PUCCH symbols in each 15-min 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 91 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia monitoring period is 1 530 000. For each cell and each 15-min measurement period, the PUCCH utilization can then be calculated and plotted. From the plot, it can be seen that there are cases with few users and high PUCCH utilization. This is driven by the HARQ feedback messages and is not a concern, since the PDSCH capacity will run out before the PUCCH capacity. It can also be seen that for a given number of users, there is a certain minimum PUCCH utilization (illustrated by the red line on the second chart). This is driven by the CSI reporting and is the real PUCCH capacity limit. In the case of FDD, only one of the two PUCCH symbols in the slot can be used for CSI reporting, so the maximum PUCCH utilization (due to CSI reporting) is 50%, after which the admission control will stop further requests. However, since the PUCCH_OFDM_SYMBOLS counter doesn’t distinguish between HARQ feedback and CQI reporting, the calculated overall PUCCH utilization can be anywhere between 50% and 100% before the capacity limit is reached. Although it is possible to use the number of PDSCH blocks to calculate the number of HARQ feedback messages and subtract these from the PUCCH utilization in order to reach a “CSI-PUCCH utilization”, it is much simpler to just calculate the number of connected users and compare this with the capacity. Figure 26: PUCCH utilization. Same data on the two plots, just different y-axis scale. Each dot is one cell during 15 minutes. FDD 600 MHz, 5G19A 8.1.4 PDSCH Introduction The PDSCH capacity utilization is directly impacted by the amount of user traffic, and any capacity problems will immediately be translated into decreased end-user throughput. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 92 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Performance analysis The most important performance indicator is to know how much of the available PDSCH capacity which is used. This will immediately tell if there are capacity problems or not. In case there are capacity problems, it is needed to know how many of the slots are available for PDSCH and how efficiently a PDSCH slot is being used. The PDSCH capacity utilization can be measured either based on the number of PDSCH slots or based on the number of PDSCH PRBs. In 5G19A, a given PDSCH slot is allocated to a single UE, and normally the full number of PRBs are allocated. However, the allocation for the msg2 (which is part of the RACH procedure) is only 48 PRBs, and since the remaining PRBs in the msg2 slot cannot be used by other UEs, the PRB utilization will be misleading. In 5G19A, it is thus recommended to use the PDSCH slot utilization as the main PDSCH capacity KPI. Target values for the PDSCH slot utilization is still to be verified. Based on LTE experiences, the preliminary busy hour / busy cell target value is set to 40% when averaged over 15 minutes. The number of available PDSCH slots is to some degree under the control of the operator and should therefore also be measured. This is straightforwardly calculated as the number of PDSCH slots out of all the downlink and uplink slots. The efficiency of a PDSCH slot depends on how good the RF conditions are and how the parameters are set. The signal quality KPI formulas in chapter 4 and the cell throughput KPI formulas provided in chapter 9 show many details – in this section only the high-level view is provided. Ultimately, a congested PDSCH means that the end-user throughput is degraded because the capacity is shared between multiple users. This is one of the factors which decide the value of the user throughput formula. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 93 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Figure 27: Example from a city where average PDSCH load is not high, but still a good handful of cells reach more than 50% utilization during their most busy 15-min period. Dominant use case is Fixed Wireless Access where it is not uncommon that even a single user can use the capacity of a whole cell. In this case, the degradation of the user throughput as the PDSCH slot utilization increases is not dramatic. 5G19A, 2.6 GHz. KPI id KPI name KPI formula Comment NR_5110a 5G Usage ratio of PDSCH data slots over all DL data slots DATA_SLOT_PDSCH / DL_DATA_SLOTS Main PDSCH capacity indicator. Preliminary threshold is <40% in busy hour NR_125a 5G DL data slot ratio DL_DATA_SLOTS / (DL_DATA_SLOTS Formula is only relevant for TDD networks. Determined by parameter settings. TDD networks typically have values in the 70% - 75% range + UL_DATA_SLOTS + SSB_SLOTS + PRACH_SLOTS) NR_471a 5G Average number of scheduled UEs per slot in DL TOTAL_COSCHED_UE_PDSCH / DATA_SLOT_PDSCH NR_5090a 5G Active cell MAC PDU throughput on PDSCH on initial HARQ transmissions 8* (PDSCH_INI_VOL_64TBL_MCS00..28 + PDSCH_INI_VOL_256TBL_MCS00..27) 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 94 / 178 Internal Depends on the radio interface quality. High rank, high MCS and © 2020 Nokia KPI id KPI name NR_578a NR_5100a KPI formula Comment / PDSCH_OFDM_SYMBOLS_TIME low BLER will generate high KPI values 5G MAC PDU Cell throughput on PDSCH considering the accumulated time of frames with data slots used for PDSCH (8 * (PDSCH_INI_VOL_64TBL_MCS00..28 + PDSCH_INI_VOL_256TBL_MCS00..27) Depends on the radio interface quality as well as the number of slots available for PDSCH 5G Average MAC layer user throughput in downlink (8 * (PDSCH_INI_VOL_64TBL_MCS00..28 + PDSCH_INI_VOL_256TBL_MCS00..27) / 1000000) / / DATA_SLOT_PDSCH_TIME) * (DL_DATA_SLOTS / (MEAS_PERIOD_NR_MAC_PDU_TPUT / (DATA_SLOT_PDSCH_TIME / DATA_SLOT_PDSCH))) Impacted by radio link quality, SSB and UL slot overhead and multiple simultaneous users (ACC_UE_DL_DRB_DATA * 20 * (DATA_SLOT_PDSCH_TIME / 1000000) / DATA_SLOT_PDSCH) Table 57: Relevant OSS KPI formula to show the PDSCH capacity situation Optimization procedure If the performance analysis shows there is a problem with PDSCH capacity, now or in the near future, the following mitigation actions should be considered: • Reduce the overhead from non-PDSCH slots and symbols. This means decreasing the share of UL slots and the share of SSB slots (which carries SSB blocks and the TRS). Table 81 lists the relevant parameters. Naturally, increasing the share of PDSCH blocks will lead to reduced performance in other areas • Keep a bigger share of the traffic on the LTE PDSCH. This is most likely not a good choice for the early 5G networks, as the LTE PDSCH is likely to be more congested than the 5G PDSCH. Table 68 lists some of the relevant parameters • Increase the efficiency of the PDSCH by optimizing the RF performance and using throughput enhancement features such as 4x4 MIMO and 256QAM. Chapter 4 and chapter 9 describe how to do this • Use the A2 release criteria to terminate connections with bad and inefficient radio link • Build more 5G BTSs in the area 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 95 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 8.1.5 PUSCH Introduction The PUSCH capacity utilization is naturally directly impacted by the amount of uplink user traffic, however, in practice the downlink user traffic is also playing a role because the uplink capacity in TDD networks is typically small enough that a substantial part of it is used to transfer the uplink acknowledgements for downlink traffic (the volume of the TCP acknowledgement messages is typically ~1% of the TCP payload). This means that PUSCH capacity problems can impact uplink end-user throughput as well as downlink enduser throughput. Performance analysis The most important performance indicator is to know how much of the available PUSCH capacity which is used. This will immediately tell if there are capacity problems or not. In case there are capacity problems, it is needed to know how many of the slots which are available for PUSCH and how efficiently a PUSCH slot is being used. The PUSCH capacity utilization can be measured either based on the number of PUSCH slots or based on the number of PUSCH PRBs. In 5G19A, a given PUSCH slot is allocated to a single UE, and normally the full number of PRBs are allocated. However, if there is only a small amount of data to be sent or if the radio link quality is particularly bad, the scheduler may allocate as few as 3 PRBs in order to maximize the robustness of the transmission. Since the remaining PRBs in the PUSCH slot cannot be used by other UEs, the PRB utilization will be misleading. Similarly, the allocation for the msg3 (which is part of the RACH procedure) is only 48 PRBs, and this again means the PRB utilization figure will be misleading, especially if there are many msg3 messages compared to normal PUSCH traffic. In 5G19A, it is therefore better to base the PUSCH utilization measurement on the PUSCH slot utilization. In future releases, the scheduler will have the possibility to schedule multiple UEs in the same slot, and then it is necessary to base the PUSCH utilization measurements on the PUSCH PRB utilization. A problem common for both PUSCH slot and PUSCH PRB utilization figures is that the use of proactive UL scheduling will inflate the utilization, even though such scheduling has lower priority than “real” scheduling, so it should be ignored from a capacity perspective. There are no direct counters to take proactive UL scheduling into account, but indirectly it can be compensated by looking at the ratio between MAC SDU volume (does not contain proactive UL scheduling volume) and MAC PDU volume (contains proactive UL scheduling volume). Figure 28 shows example of a cell with high “real” use of the PUSCH, and the high PUSCH utilization figure is therefore a real concern and another cell with high PUSCH utilization but hardly 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 96 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia any “real” uplink traffic. An easy way to take this into account is to multiply the measured PUSCH utilization with the ratio between MAC SDU and PDU volume. Figure 28: Examples of two cells with high PUSCH utilization but only the left cell carries high volume of real traffic Figure 29: PUSCH slot utilization. Raw figures are per cell and per 15 min period. The bar chart shows the distribution. When looking at the whole PUSCH allocation (blue bars), about 50% of the samples have either 0% or 1% utilization. When subtracting proactive UL scheduling (orange bars), no cells have more than 1% allocation. 5G19 Target values for the PUSCH slot and PRB utilization are still to be verified. Based on LTE experiences, the preliminary busy hour / busy cell target value should be set to 50% when averaged over 15 minutes. The number of available PUSCH slots is to some degree under the control of the operator and should therefore also be measured. This is straightforwardly calculated as the number of PUSCH slots out of all the downlink and uplink slots. The efficiency of a PUSCH slot depends on how good the RF conditions are and how the parameters are set. The signal quality KPI formulas in chapter 4 and the cell throughput KPI formulas provided in chapter 9 show many details – in this section only the high-level view is provided. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 97 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Ultimately, a congested PUSCH means that the end-user throughput (uplink and possibly downlink as well) is degraded because the capacity is shared between multiple users. This is one of the factors which decide the value of the user throughput formula. KPI id KPI name KPI formula NR_577a 5G PUSCH slot utilization compensated for proactive UL scheduling (DATA_SLOT_PUSCH / UL_DATA_SLOTS) * Main 5G19A PUSCH (UL_MAC_SDU_VOL_DTCH / capacity indicator. Preliminary PUSCH_CP_INI_VOL_64TBL_MCS00…28) threshold is <50% NR_126a 5G UL data slot ratio UL_DATA_SLOTS / (DL_DATA_SLOTS + UL_DATA_SLOTS + SSB_SLOTS + PRACH_SLOTS) NR_472a 5G Average number of scheduled UEs per slot in UL TOTAL_COSCHED_UE_PUSCH / DATA_SLOT_PUSCH NR_5091a 5G Active cell MAC PDU throughput on PUSCH on initial HARQ transmissions 8 * PUSCH_CP_INI_VOL_64TBLMCS00..28 5G MAC PDU Cell throughput on PUSCH considering the accumulated time of frames with data slots used for PUSCH 8 * PUSCH_CP_INI_VOL_64TBLMCS00..28 5G Average MAC layer user throughput in uplink (8 * PUSCH_CP_INI_VOL_64TBLMCS00..28/ 1000000) / NR_579a NR_5100a / PUSCH_OFDM_SYMBOLS_TIME / DATA_SLOT_PUSCH_TIME) * (UL_DATA_SLOTS / (MEAS_PERIOD_NR_MAC_PDU_TPUT / (DATA_SLOT_PUSCH_TIME / DATA_SLOT_PUSCH))) (ACC_UE_UL_DRB_DATA * 20 * (DATA_SLOT_PUSCH_TIME / 1000000) / DATA_SLOT_PUSCH) Comment Only relevant for TDD networks. Determined by parameter settings. TDD networks typically have values in the 17 % - 19% range Depends on the radio interface quality. High rank, high MCS and low BLER will generate high KPI values Depends on the radio interface quality as well as the number of slots available for PUSCH Impacted by radio link quality, RACH and DL slot overhead and multiple simultaneous users Table 58: Relevant OSS KPI formula to show the PUSCH capacity situation 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 98 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Optimization procedure If the performance analysis shows there is a problem with PUSCH capacity, now or in the near future, the following mitigation actions should be considered: • Reduce the overhead from non-PUSCH slots and symbols. This means decreasing the share of DL slots and the share of RACH slots and possibly disabling the additional UL DMRS symbol. Table 81 lists the relevant parameters. Naturally, increasing the share of PUSCH blocks will lead to reduced capacity on PDSCH and PRACH • Keep a bigger share of the traffic on the LTE PUSCH. In most FDD LTE networks, the PUSCH is generally not so heavy loaded, so this can be realistic option. Table 68 lists the relevant parameters. In particular, make sure that the ulDataPath parameter has been set to “ulOverLTENr” • Increase the efficiency of the PUSCH by optimizing the RF performance. Chapter 4 and chapter 9 describe how to do this • Use the features 5GC001200: Dynamic uplink data split mode and 5GC001954: Introduction of A2 based SgNB release to release the connection when the radio link quality becomes bad • 8.1.6 Build more 5G BTSs in the area Spectral efficiency Spectral efficiency is a measure for how efficient a given radio technology can utilize the radio interface. One of the aims of the 3GPP 5G standard is that the 5G spectral efficiency should be significantly higher than what is achievable in LTE. Spectral efficiency is measured in bits / second / Hz when the focus is mainly on the radio technology itself and in bits / second / Hz / km2 when the network topology (use of small cells etc.) needs to be included. Optimization of spectral efficiency is in practice the same as optimizing the achievable cell throughput, which is described in detail in chapter 9. In 5G19A, the average spectral efficiency will not be high. This is because one slot cannot be allocated to more than one UE, and if there is only a small amount of data to be transmitted, the scheduler will choose a low MCS to get as robust transmission as possible, and this will result in a low spectral efficiency. There are several ways to define how the throughput part of the spectral efficiency should be calculated. Throughput is basically data volume over time. Data volume can as one extreme be measured as the actual transmitted bits that goes out on the radio interface and as the other extreme, only the bits that reaches the application layer are measured. The difference between these two extremes are decided by the number of retransmissions and the protocol overhead. Likewise, the time can be measured as anything between the duration of the PxSCH symbols used for the transmission and the time between the application starts and stops the data transmission. The difference between these two extremes is for example caused by the split into downlink and uplink transmission slots in TDD network and the time needed to transmit the various reference signals. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 99 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia The current Nokia KPI formulas cover two combinations of data volume and transmit time. The formulas are listed in Table 59 and their characteristics are as follows: NR_5108a & NR_5109a: • Measures the data volume as the actual transmitted bits (on MAC layer). Bits used for physical layer error protection are not counted • All retransmissions are counted, i.e. retransmissions will not degrade the spectral efficiency • Bits caused by protocol overhead are counted, i.e. bad “protocol efficiency” will not degrade the spectral efficiency • Only those symbols which are actually used for PxSCH transmission are included in the time duration, i.e. using many resources for reference signals such as DMRS or SSB will not degrade the spectral efficiency • Reaching a high value requires the radio conditions to be good so that the link adaptation chooses a high rank and a high MCS • Transmission bandwidth is taken into account in a rather convoluted way in the denominator • Provides the highest value for spectral efficiency which is possible with available PM counters, so should be the default choice when comparing with values from other vendors NR_571a & NR_572a: • Measures the data volume on the RLC layer. This means that small coding schemes, low rank and HARQ and RLC retransmissions will degrade the spectral efficiency • Data volume generated by higher layer retransmissions (PDCP, TCP, application layer) is counted, so such retransmissions will not degrade the spectral efficiency • Only the slots used for PxSCH transmission are included in the time duration, so if the slot is used completely for something else (SSB, RACH, UL when calculating the DL figure and vice versa), it will not degrade the spectral efficiency • Symbols used for something else (DMRS, SRS) will degrade spectral efficiency • Transmission bandwidth is taken into account in a rather convoluted way in the denominator • Gives good comparison to legacy LTE formula. LTE formula counts data volume on PDCP level, but PDCP counters are not available on cell level in 5G19A. The highest cell-level protocol counters in 5G19A are the “RLC Low” counters KPI id KPI name KPI formula NR_5108a 5G Spectral efficiency in downlink 8 * SUM(PDSCH_INIRE_VOL_64TBL_MCS00..28 + PDSCH_INIRE_VOL_256TBL_MCS00..27) / (PDSCH_OFDM_SYMBOLS_TIME * 180 * (PRB_USED_PDSCH / DATA_SLOT_PDSCH_TIME)) NR_5109a 5G Spectral efficiency in uplink 8* SUM(PUSCH_CP_INIRE_VOL_64TBL_MCS00..28) / (PUSCH_OFDM_SYMBOLS_TIME * 180 * 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 100 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia KPI id KPI name KPI formula (PRB_USED_PUSCH / DATA_SLOT_PUSCH_TIME)) NR_571a 5G Spectral efficiency in downlink from the RLC volume and data slot time 8 * SUM(DL_RLC_VOL_TX_L_QOS_GRP_01..20) / (180 * PRB_USED_PDSCH) NR_572a 5G Spectral efficiency in uplink from the RLC volume and data slot time 8 * SUM(UL_RLC_VOL_RX_L_QOS_GRP_01..20 / LTE_5747a DL Spectral efficiency PDCP_SDU_VOL_DL * 8 / PRB_USED_PDSCH / 180 LTE_5748a UL Spectral efficiency PDCP_SDU_VOL_UL *8 / PRB_USED_PUSCH / 180 (180 * PRB_USED_PUSCH) Table 59: KPI formulas to measure spectral efficiency. Many others are possible Figure 30: Example of downlink spectral efficiency values. 5G19, 3.5 GHz TDD 8.2 5G gNB processing capacity This will be included in a later version of the document 8.3 5G Admission Control Feature id Feature name 5GC000480 Radio Admission Control for NSA mode 3x operation 5GC001836 Spillover from 5GC000480 Radio Admission Control for NSA mode 3x operation Table 60: Features related to radio admission control. 5G19A features in italic 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 101 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia The purpose of the Radio Admission Control (RAC)feature is to protect L1 and L2 resources against high load. High load may be caused by high utilization of radio resources or due to L1 or L2 processing power need. In 5G19A, admission control is also responsible for selecting the best combination of carriers in case 5G carrier aggregation is in use. In 5G19A, the radio admission control is performing the following checks: • Number of active UEs operating in NSA mode 3x per 5G cell group (NRCELLGRP) (cell group = multiple cells on different carrier frequencies covering the same sector) • Number of active UEs operating in NSA mode 3x per 5G cell (NRCELL) • Number of non-GBR DRBs of active UEs operating in NSA mode 3x per 5G cell group (NRCELLGRP) The admission control is performed when a new connection is established and when there is an incoming handover. With default parameter values, these two procedures have equal priority, but by defining a “buffer” which can only be used for handover, higher priority can be given to incoming handovers. The thresholds are given by the parameters listed in Table 61. Parameter Object Range Default Recommended maxNumOfUsersPerCell NRCELL 0…250 250 250 maxNumOfUsers NRCELLGRP 0…500 500 500 maxNumOfNonGBRBearers NRCELLGRP 0…500 500 500 addNumOfHoUsers NRCELLGRP 0…500 0 0 addNumOfNonGBRBearersHo NRCELLGRP 0…500 0 0 maxNumOfSCellAlloc NRCELL 0…250 250 250 Table 61: Admission control parameters Additionally, the admission control will check if there is enough PUCCH capacity to send the CSI reports from the UEs to the BTS. Depending on the setting of the csiReportPeriodicity parameter, admission control rejections can happen with a relatively small number of users, and in practice, this kind of admission control rejection is the only one seen in the early 5G networks (see also section 8.1.3 about PUCCH capacity management). The admission control behaviour can be monitored via the KPIs in Table 62. KPI id KPI name KPI formula NR_5124a 5G Average number of NSA users AVE_NUMBER_OF_NSA_USERS / AVE_NUMBER_OF_NSA_USERS_DENOM NR_5125a 5G Maximum number of NSA users PEAK_NUMBER_OF_NSA_USERS NR_5014a 5G Radio admission success ratio for NSA user SGNB_NSA_ADMISSION_SUCC / SGNB_NSA_ADMISSION_REQ NR_50a 5G Radio admission success ratio for NSA user in handover SGNB_NSA_HO_ADMISSION_SUCC / SGNB_NSA_HO_ADMISSION_REQ 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 102 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia KPI id KPI name KPI formula NR_51a 5G Non-GBR DRB radio admissions success ratio for NSA user in handover SGNB_NSA_NGBR_DRB_HO_SUCC / SGNB_NSA_NGBR_DRB_HO_REQ NR_272a 5G Radio admission rejection ratio per cause lack of CP-UE capacity SGNB_NSA_RAC_REJ_DUE_TO_CPUE / SGNB_NSA_ADMISSION_REQ NR_273a 5G Radio admission rejection ratio per cause lack of non-GBR capacity SGNB_NSA_RAC_REJ_DUE_TO_NGBR / SGNB_NSA_ADMISSION_REQ NR_274a 5G Radio admission rejection ratio per cause lack of NSA user capacity SGNB_NSA_RAC_REJ_DUE_TO_NSA / SGNB_NSA_ADMISSION_REQ NR_xxx 5G radio admission rejections due to lack of PUCCH capacity SGNB_DU_NSA_ADMISSION_NO_PUCCH / SGNB_DU_NSA_ADMISSION_REQ Table 62: Relevant KPI formulas when monitoring admission control behavior. See also the PUCCH utilization discussion in section 8.1.3 8.4 LTE radio interface capacity 8.4.1 Introduction There are several reasons why the 5G network may cause congestion on the LTE radio interface: - The EN-DC parameters may be configured such that only specific LTE bands can be used as the EN-DC anchor band. This approach means that the LTE parameters should be set so that the ENDC capable devices with 5G subscription are pushed to the EN-DC anchor band. This means that traffic on non-5G bearers will load the LTE anchor band - In order to maximise the user throughput, the user data for 5G subscribers is normally transferred simultaneously on both 5G and LTE radio interfaces. It is possible that 5G subscribers have a much higher subscription quota than LTE subscribers, and therefore use applications which transfer much more data than the normal LTE subscriber profile. This may then create a higher load on the LTE leg. - The 5G radio coverage may not be as extensive as the LTE coverage, which means that at the LTE cell edges (where the spectral efficiency is bad), there will be more 5G users (with bandwidth-hungry applications) who cannot get a 5G radio connection and which therefore instead load the LTE channels. 8.4.2 Performance analysis The normal procedures for monitoring LTE radio capacity should be followed. These are described in the material stored here. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 103 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia In addition, the amount of 5G user plane traffic on the X2 should be observed. The relevant KPIs are described in the following section on X2 capacity management. 8.4.3 Optimization actions The normal procedures for optimizing LTE radio capacity should be followed. These are described in the material stored here. In addition, it should be considered to use only the 5G radio interface rather than both 5G and LTE radio interfaces. This will reduce the end-user throughput but will help on the LTE congestion. Aiming for a fast establishment of the 5G link (for example by not waiting for the LTE carrier aggregation to happen before the SgNB addition takes place) will increase the offload from LTE to 5G. Also, adjusting the B1 / A2 threshold such that 5G is being used even in locations with bad 5G RSRP can help to offload the LTE network. Increasing the 5G coverage will also help. 8.5 LTE eNB processing capacity The normal procedures for monitoring and optimizing LTE eNB processing capacity should be followed. These are described in the material stored here. 8.6 Interface capacity The utilization of the various fixed interfaces (F1, X2, S1) cannot be adequately monitored with BTS counters because the end-to-end capacity of the interfaces is not known to the BTS, and because the BTS does not know the traffic that the interface may carry from other sources. From BTS counters, it is only possible to monitor how much the given BTS contributes to the interface load. In the available KPI formulas, the contribution from management plane and control plane traffic is assumed to be negligible, so only the user plane traffic is included. In the formulas in Table 63, only the average load during the measurement period is calculated. For some of the interfaces, there are also counters for the load during the highest-loaded second, but these counters are per QoS group, and since different QoS groups cannot be expected to peak in the same second, the counters cannot simply be summed. Still, for a given QoS group, there can be value in comparing the average load with the peak load, so the “max” counters are listed in Table 64. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 104 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia KPI id KPI name KPI formula NR_xxx Average S1 DL throughput (Mbps) 8 * (DL_PDCP_VOL_RCV_S1U_QOS_GRP_01..20) / (PERIOD_DURATION * 60 * 1000) NR_xxx Average S1 DL packets per second DL_PDCP_SDU_RCV_S1U_QOS_GRP_01..20 / (PERIOD_DURATION * 60) NR_xxx Average S1 UL throughput (Mbps) 8 * (UL_PDCP_VOL_SNT_S1U_QOS_GRP_01..20) / (PERIOD_DURATION * 60 * 1000) NR_xxx Average S1 UL packets per second UL_PDCP_SDU_SNT_S1U_QOS_GRP_01..20 / (PERIOD_DURATION * 60) NR_371a 5G PDCP SDU throughput received over F1-U in DL at gNB-DU 8 * (DL_PDCP_VOL_RCV_F1_QOS_GRP_01..20) NR_xxx Average F1 DL packets per second at gNB-DU DL_PDCP_NUM_RCV_F1_QOS_GRP_01..20 / MEAS_PERIOD_DU_NR_F1_REPORT NR_392a 5G PDCP SDU throughput in uplink over F1-U at gNB-DU 8 * (UL_PDCP_VOL_SNT_F1_QOS_GRP_01..20) NR_xxx Average F1 UL packets per second at gNB-DU UL_PDCP_NUM_SNT_F1_QOS_GRP_01..20 / MEAS_PERIOD_DU_NR_F1_REPORT NR_xxx Average X2 DL throughput (Mbps) 8* (DL_PDCP_VOL_SNT_X2_QOS_GRP_01..20) NR_xxx Average X2 DL packets sent per second DL_PDCP_NUM_SNT_X2_QOS_GRP_01..20) / MEAS_PERIOD_NR_X2_REPORT NR_xxx Average X2 UL throughput (Mbps) 8* (UL_PDCP_VOL_RCV_X2_QOS_GRP_01..20) Average X2 UL packets received per second (UL_PDCP_NUM_RCV_X2_QOS_GRP_01..20) / MEAS_PERIOD_NR_X2_REPORT NR_xxx / (1000 * MEAS_PERIOD_DU_NR_F1_REPORT) / (1000 * MEAS_PERIOD_DU_NR_F1_REPORT) / (1000 * MEAS_PERIOD_NR_X2_REPORT) / (1000 * MEAS_PERIOD_NR_X2_REPORT) Table 63: KPI formulas to calculate average interface traffic Interface Max counter Matching average counter S1 DL MAX_DL_VOL_TX_NSA_QOS_GRP_xx DL_VOL_TX_NSA_QOS_GRP_XX / (PERIOD_DURATION * 60 * 1000) 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 105 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Interface Max counter Matching average counter S1 UL MAX_UL_VOL_RX_NSA_QOS_GRP_xx UL_VOL_RX_NSA_QOS_GRP_XX / (PERIOD_DURATION * 60 * 1000) F1 DL MAX_DL_PDCP_RCV_F1_QoS_GRP_xx DL_PDCP_VOL_RCV_F1_QOS_GRP_XX / (1000 * MEAS_PERIOD_DU_NR_F1_REPORT) F1 UL MAX_UL_PDCP_SNT_F1_QoS_GRP_xx UL_PDCP_VOL_SNT_F1_QOS_GRP_XX / (1000 * MEAS_PERIOD_DU_NR_F1_REPORT) X2 DL MAX_DL_PDCP_SNT_X2_QOS_GRP_xx DL_PDCP_VOL_SNT_X2_QOS_GRP_XX) / (1000 * MEAS_PERIOD_NR_X2_REPORT) X2 UL MAX_UL_PDCP_RCV_X2_QOS_GRP_01 UL_PDCP_VOL_RCV_X2_QOS_GRP_XX) / (1000 * MEAS_PERIOD_NR_X2_REPORT) Table 64: Counters to compare maximum and average interface throughput per QoS group 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 106 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 9 Optimization of throughput Throughput can be thought of in terms of user throughput (where the target is to maximise the throughput delivered to the end user) and cell throughput (where the target is to maximise the combined throughput that a cell can deliver to all the users in the cell). Many of the actions to increase the throughput are working on both the user and on the cell throughput, so this chapter will discuss both topics. The cell throughput discussions in this chapter will only be concerned with the 5G cell throughput. For optimization of the LTE cell throughput, the LTE optimization guideline should be consulted. On the other hand, the user throughput is normally considered to include both the 5G and the LTE throughput. The discussions in this chapter will include how to aggregate LTE carriers with 5G carriers, but the performance of the LTE carriers themselves will not be discussed. 9.1 The main factors impacting the throughput The first prerequisite for good throughput performance is a good radio link quality. If the radio link quality is good, higher coding schemes will be used, and this directly impacts both user and cell throughput. In order to have good radio link quality, the basic RF environment must be optimized (described in chapter 4) and it must be ensured that the mobility functionality is in place so the UE gets the maximum benefit of the RF environment (described in chapter 7). Especially for the user throughput, the amount of traffic in the network plays a big role, because the network capacity is shared among the users. In 5G19A, there are not so many possibilities to change the way that capacity is being shared among the users, so the description of capacity management in chapter 8 mainly deals with how to measure the current capacity utilization. In case the control channels are overloaded, also the cell throughput will be reduced because it will not be possible to use all the available capacity on the data channels. Both the user plane and the control plane latency impact the achievable user throughput. Especially when using short TCP data transfers (for example Ookla Speedtest), it is important to minimize the “TCP slow start” period and a low user plane latency helps with this. If connections are dropped due to lack of handover, the “re-establishments” must be fast to minimize the interruption time. Chapters 10 and 11 discuss user plane and control plane latency. See also section 13.3 for an example of how a long TCP slow start impacts Ookla throughput results. There are also specific features which aims at enhancing either general cell throughput or specific user throughput. These features will be discussed in the following sections. The configuration of the TDD frame structure decides how many slots and symbols there are available for data transmissions and how many slots which are used for signalling overhead. The available parameters and their impact are discussed in section 9.4.6. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 107 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Finally, the UE capabilities and implementation plays a big role. Not only can there be differences in the UE capability for example with regard to carrier aggregation, it has also been observed that some UEs disable 5G functionality when the battery is low (early WNC implementation) or when the temperature is high (early Samsung implementation). 9.2 Performance analysis Throughput performance is normally measured either by doing field tests or by analysing OSS counters. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages as discussed in section 2.9 and consequently both methods are often used. 9.2.1 Field tests Field tests in “ideal test conditions” are typically used to verify the benefits from features such as carrier aggregation or low signalling overhead, while drive tests are needed to measure the performance of the features which work differently in good or bad radio conditions such as 256QAM or MIMO. In many cases, the “ideal test conditions” can be in a lab environment as well as on a live site, as long as it is assured there is no other traffic on the live site and the RF conditions are “good enough” with high signal strength and low interference. It is in most cases straightforward to go to a site and find a good test location. However, when 4x4 MIMO is tested, it is not enough to simply have one good radio signal: There must be two strong signals available (each signal can provide two MIMO layers due to cross polarized transmission), and these signals must furthermore also be uncorrelated. In practice, it can be very difficult especially in 5G19 to find the “sweet spot” where rank 4 can be achieved with high coding scheme, and even when a sweet spot is found, only small adjustments of the UE (moving it a few centimetres) can drastically change the performance. This makes stationary field measurements highly unreliable - a lab setup with a fading simulator is much better suited for testing 4x4 MIMO. When measuring the achievable throughput, it is very important that the transmit buffer (in the BTS or in the UE) is kept “full”, meaning there are always packets waiting to be scheduled, so the packet scheduler in the BTS do not need to schedule empty slots because there is nothing to transmit. Reasons for not achieving the full buffer condition include: • The “TCP slow start” period is ongoing. Work-around: Use UDP transmissions or be sure to transfer large files • The TCP connection has reached its maximum throughput (determined by TCP parameter settings and the RTT). Work-around: Use UDP transmissions, multiple parallel TCP connections or tune TCP parameters • The link from the gNB to the SGW is overloaded. Work-around: Expand the link capacity • The link from the core network to the public application server is overloaded. Work-around: Use dedicated test server close to the SGW 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 108 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia • The firewall is restricting the throughput to servers outside the PLMN. Work-around: Use dedicated test server inside the firewall. • The computer used for testing is either not powerful enough or it is loaded with various background applications which reduces the performance. Work-around: Use a dedicated “clean” laptop for field tests • Etc. Many operators require that the “Ookla Speedtest” application is able to show high throughput results, and it is therefore mandatory to measure the throughput performance with this tool. Speedtest is a very convenient and easy-to-use tool, and it can be expected that many end-users will also be running Speedtest. The problem is that if Speedtest shows bad results, it is not immediately obvious if there is an issue with the radio network or if the problem lies somewhere else. See also the discussion in section 13.3 on how Ookla Speedtest works and some hints to optimize the performance. The recommended test procedure is to first do the throughput measurements with a UDP-based tool such as iPerf using a dedicated test server as close to the EPC as possible. This will eliminate many of the nonradio reasons for low throughput and it also provides a continuous data stream which can be used for stability tests and drive tests. Downlink and uplink throughput should be tested separately. Once good UDP performance has been achieved, Speedtest can then be used to confirm that also end-users will experience good performance. Table 65: Field tests in same location with UDP, FTP and Speedtest. Note that especially the Speedtest results are lower than the UDP throughput. This illustrates that it can be misleading to rely completely on Speedtest results. When evaluating test results, the NR throughput tool provides helpful information of the physical layer throughput achievable in perfect radio conditions given the bandwidth, number of carriers, MIMO mode etc. 9.3 OSS PM counters There are PM KPI formulas available for both cell throughput and for user throughput. However, with 5G19A counters, it is not straightforward to calculate the combined user throughput in case of carrier aggregation (either LTE/5G aggregation or 5G carrier aggregation). Both cell throughput and user throughput depend upon the type of traffic loading the network, e.g. network traffic dominated by smart phone keep-alive packets tends to reduce measured throughputs. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 109 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Since carrier aggregation is part of 5G from the beginning, the cell throughput from all the carriers (i.e. from all the cells) should be aggregated to sector level. User throughput depends on the number of active connections in the cell. User throughput will therefore decrease as the number of active connections increase, i.e. the cell resources are shared amongst all connections. The throughput formulas can generally be viewed as data volume over time. The “data volume“can be measured on the different layers (MAC, RLC, PDCP), on the different interfaces (S1, F1, X2) and with or without retransmissions. The “time” can be measured as the whole measurement period (typically 5 or 15 minutes) or during the “active” time (either the number of PDSCH / PUSCH slots or even the number of PDSCH / PUSCH symbols which are used for transmissions). Table 66 lists the most relevant KPI formulas. For brevity, only the downlink throughput formulas are included. Many others are available in the Jump portal or described in the NPO counter material KPI id KPI name KPI formula UL equivalent Comments NR_5090a 5G Active cell MAC PDU throughput on PDSCH on initial HARQ transmissions (8*(PDSCH_INI_VOL_64TBL_MCS00..28 + PDSCH_INI_VOL_256TBL_MCS00..27)) NR_5091a Slot format, SSB overhead etc has not impact since only the PDSCH symbol time is used. Use of low MCS or many HARQ retransmissions will produce low values. In 5G19, padding means huge throughput increase compared to higher layers 5G MAC PDU Cell throughput on PDSCH considering the accumulated time of frames with data slots used for PDSCH ((8*(PDSCH_INI_VOL_64TBL_MCS00..28 + PDSCH_INI_VOL_256TBL_MCS00..27)) NR_579a Large overhead from e.g. SSB will decrease the value of this formula NR_423a 5G Average High RLC efficient data throughput in downlink without retransmissions on DU (8* (DL_RLC_VOL_TX_H_QOS_GRP_01..20 + DL_RLC_VOL_RETX_H_QOS_GRP_01..20)) / (1000 * DATA_SLOT_PDSCH_TIME) NR_425a Based on RLC layer throughput --- X2 throughput 8* (DL_PDCP_VOL_SNT_X2_QOS_GRP_01..20) --- Useful to analyse how the throughput is split between LTE (via X2) and 5G (via F1) --- Useful to analyse how the throughput is split between LTE (via X2) and 5G (via F1) NR_578a / PDSCH_OFDM_SYMBOLS_TIME / DATA_SLOT_PDSCH_TIME) * (DL_DATA_SLOTS / (MEAS_PERIOD_NR_MAC_PDU_TPUT / (DATA_SLOT_PDSCH_TIME / DATA_SLOT_PDSCH))) / (1000 * MEAS_PERIOD_NR_X2_REPORT) --- F1 throughput, CU level 8 * (DL_VOL_SNT_F1_QoS_GRP_01..20) / (1000 * MEAS_PERIOD_NR_F1_CU_REPORT) 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 110 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia KPI id KPI name KPI formula UL equivalent Comments NR_5100a 5G Average MAC layer user throughput in downlink (8*(PDSCH_INI_VOL_64TBL_MCS00..28 + PDSCH_INI_VOL_256TBL_MCS00..27) / 1000000) / (ACC_UE_DL_DRB_DATA * 20 * (DATA_SLOT_PDSCH_TIME / 1000000) / DATA_SLOT_PDSCH) NR_5001a Measures the time that there is data in the UE’s downlink buffer. This includes the time where DL transmission is not possible due to UL slots, SSB slots and similar, but does not include the idle time where there is a RRC connection but no data to be sent. There are numerous reasons for low values: Multiple simultaneous users, low MCS, HARQ retransmissions, frame structure is chosen so there are many UL slots or there is high overhead from SSB / TRS signals Table 66: KPI throughput formulas. All units in Mbps 9.4 Relevant features 9.4.1 Basic EN-DC carrier aggregation Feature id Feature name LTE4088 LTE-NR Dual Connectivity Option 3X LTE4193 Dynamic Trigger for LTE-NR DC Option 3X 5GC000475 SgNB Addition and Release for NSA mode 3x operation 5GC000570 5G - LTE flow control at X2 5GC001200 Dynamic uplink data split mode 5GC001954 Introduction of A2 based SgNB release Table 67: Features related to basic EN-DC carrier aggregation. New 5G19A features in italic Apart from making 5G connections possible at all in NSA deployments, the basic EN-DC features also allow to transfer data simultaneous on both LTE and 5G side, and this will potentially increase the throughput. The most important parameters are listed in Table 68. The best settings for some of the parameters is not immediately obvious, so more details are provided in the discussion below the table. There is also EN-DC knowledge sharing material on Confluence, which provides useful comments about best parameter settings. In the early networks, several performance problems have appeared when using downlink split mode – these are discussed in more details in section 13.4. Naturally, the capacity and performance of the LTE layer (use of 4x4 MIMO, 256QAM, good radio link quality) is important, but this is outside the scope of this document – instead the LTE optimization guideline should be consulted. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 111 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Parameter Object Range Default Recommended dataVolThreshold (not relevant, see notes) NRDCDPR 1 to 65 536 kBytes 1024 kBytes --- actDynTrigLteNrDualConnectivit y LNBTS False / true False (0) True (1) b1TriggerQuantity NRDCDPR RSRP, RSRQ RSRP RSRP b1ThresholdNrRsrp NRDCDPR -156...-29 dBm b1TimeToTriggerRsrp NRDCDPR 0 to 5120 ms 256 ms 256 ms dlFlowControlAlgo NRBTS nokiaFlowControl , 3gppFlowControl nokiaFlowCont rol 3gppFlowContro l dlDataSplitMode NRBTS dlOverF1U, dlOverX2U , dlOverF1UX2U dlOverF1UX2U dlOverF1UX2U dlDataSplitGainThreshold NRBTS 1% - 100% 5% 5% actDlDataForwardingX2 NRBTS False / true True True actDlDataForwardingX2Limit NRBTS False / true False False maxTransferDelayX2 NRBTS 1...100 ms 20 ms 20 ms minThFlowCtrlX2 NRBTS 1..20 Mbps 1 Mbps 1 Mbps dddsPeriodX2 NRBTS 5..50 ms 10 ms 10 ms queuingDelayDiscardEnabled NRBTS False / true True False pdcpBufDiscardThreshold NRBTS 100 to 100000 20000 25000 initialDLTrafficRouting NRBTS initDLoverF1U / initDLoverX2U initDLoverX2U initDLoverX2U ulDataPath NRBTS ulOverLte, ulOverNr, ulOverLteNr ulOverLteNr cmWave: ulOverLteNR; mmWave: ulOverLte ulDataSplitThreshold NRBTS Numerous possibilities 100 (infinity) 100 (infinity) actDynUlDataSplitMode NRCELL False / true False False rloSinrThreshold NRCELL -20…30 dB 0 dB -4.5 dB rloPathLossThreshold NRCELL 80…160 dB 130 dB 130 dB rlResumeSinrThreshold NRCELL -20…30 dB 10 dB -3 dB rlResumePathLossThreshold NRCELL 80…160 dB 110 dB 110 dB 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 112 / 178 Internal See notes © 2020 Nokia Parameter Object Range Default Recommended rloConsecDtxThreshold NRCELL 1…10 2 2 rloDtxRatioThreshold NRCELL 1…100 50 50 a5Threshold1SsbRsrp NRCELL --- --- See notes l2IngressRate EQM 0 to 25 Gbps --- 10 Gbps Table 68: Main parameters to control the behavior of the split bearer functionality dataVolThreshold: The original intention of this parameter was to only allow EN-DC capable UEs with a large amount of data to transfer to use 5G. However, this functionality has been postponed until in LTE20A (LTE5003: Data buffer trigger for EN-DC). In LTE19 and LTE19A, the bit pattern of this parameter is instead used to control • If measurement gaps are configured for B1 measurements (see section 5.4 and chapter 12) • If intra-cell HO is performed when data bearer id has run low (see section 5.3 ) • If ongoing VoLTE calls influences EN-DC setup (see section 12) This parameter is not present in LTE19B. ulDataPath: This parameter determines if the user plane data is sent via the 5G leg, via the LTE leg or via both legs simultaneously. Factors to take into consideration when deciding on the value include: • Uplink link budget: If the 5G carrier frequency is (much) higher than the LTE anchor carrier frequency, it can be difficult to achieve good enough uplink 5G SINR. Especially for mmWave frequencies this can be a challenge and using LTE to carry the uplink user plane data can reduce the problem • Is 5GC001200: Dynamic uplink data split mode available? If yes, this provides another way to avoid potential uplink SINR issues • Latency: If “ulOverLTE “is used, user plane latency will be higher because the UL packets gets additional delay from the transmission on X2 interface. A higher latency may also lead to lower TCP throughput because the TCP slow start period is prolonged • LTE congestion: If the LTE uplink anchor carrier is congested, it may be better to avoid loading it further • Achievable UL throughput: Although the LTE anchor carrier will typically have smaller bandwidth than the 5G carrier, the LTE may use FDD transmission so the full bandwidth can be used for uplink transmission, and therefore the available uplink LTE bandwidth can be higher than the uplink part of the 5G TDD signal • UE capabilities: Not all UEs support simultaneous transmission on LTE and 5G. If not, they will use 5G even if ulDataPath has been set to “ulOverLteNr” Probably the best settings will be to use “ulOverLteNr“ to maximize uplink throughput and latency in good radio conditions and rely on 5GC001200: Dynamic uplink data split mode to save the performance in bad 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 113 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia radio conditions. However, it needs to be verified that this is really the case in the network. Figure 31 shows an example where using “ulOverNR” unexpectedly lead to so bad performance that even the downlink throughput was degraded (TCP protocol was used in this case, so bad uplink performance causes delay in TCP ack messages which in turn causes the server to throttle the downlink throughput).Figure 32 shows another example where the uplink throughput has been measured while walking away from the 5G site into an area with no 5G coverage. This was first done with “ulOverNR” and then with “ulOverLTE”. The results from this particular network shows that the “ulOverLTE” setting gives higher throughput even in good 5G coverage and the difference gets bigger as the 5G coverage deteriorates. Note that if ulDataPath is set to “ulOverLTE”, the uplink 5G radio channels will still be used to carry: • PUSCH: UL RLC acknowledgements for the downlink RLC data • PUSCH: Power Headroom Reports (PHR) • PUSCH: Dummy data packets in case proactive UL scheduling is used • PUCCH: Periodic CSI reports Figure 31: Comparison of Ookla Speedtest performance with different values of the ulDataPath parameter. Reason for the bad performance with UL-over-NR is not completely understood but could be due to a UE issue. 5G19A, 600 MHz 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 114 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Figure 32: Comparison of uplink throughput when ulDataPath is set to “ulOverLTE” and when it is set to “ulOverNR”. Walktest away from a single 5G site, 3.5 GHz, 5G19. dlDataSplitMode: Generally, it is recommended to set this parameter to “dlOverF1UX2U”, so the DL user throughput is maximized. However, numerous problems have been observed in early networks when the downlink data is sent via X2 interface, so if the 5G bandwidth is large compared to the 4G bandwidth, the end-user throughput can actually be higher and more stable if the “dlOverF1U” setting is used. These problems are described in more details in section 13.4. During optimization, data transfer must be tried with both settings, and if the “dlOverF1UX2U” setting gives worse results, further troubleshooting must be done. Note that if the 5G bandwidth is much smaller than the aggregated LTE bandwidth (this is typically the case when 5G is deployed in low-band FDD frequencies), it is not a practical option to use “dlOverF1U” because the downlink throughput will suffer too much. actDynTrigLteNrDualConnectivity: In most cases, this feature should be enabled. The main reason is that if SgNB addition is attempted with a very low 5G radio signal, the 4G throughput will be degraded while the UE is unsuccessfully trying to complete the 5G RACH procedure. This is illustrated in Figure 14. b1ThresholdNrRsrp should therefore be set to a value such that it is likely that the UE is able to complete the 5G RACH procedure without problems (see section 5.4 for examples of different settings). However, in some scenarios, it will be almost certain that there is sufficient 5G coverage. This could for example be certain indoor cells, or macro cells where the 5G is on the same frequency and using the same antennas as the LTE anchor cell. For latency purposes, it can in these cases be considered to disable the feature and do a fast, blind addition. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 115 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia a5Threshold1SsbRsrp: In 5G19A, this parameter (together with R&D parameters) controls the behavior of 5GC001954: Introduction of A2 based SgNB release, i.e. the release of the 5G leg if the 5G RSRP becomes bad. It is likely that if the 5G link is bad, there will be RLC retransmissions (which causes packet delays) and this can lead to delayed TCP acks and therefore reduced TCP throughput. It may be better to release the 5G connection in such a scenario and rely on a good LTE performance. KPI id KPI name KPI formula NR_5140b 5G F1 data split ratio in downlink DL_VOL_SNT_F1_QoS_GRP_01..20 / (DL_VOL_SNT_F1_QoS_GRP_01..20 + DL_PDCP_VOL_SNT_X2_QOS_GRP_01..20) NR_5141b 5G F1 data split ratio in uplink UL_VOL_RCV_F1_QoS_GRP_01..20 / (UL_VOL_RCV_F1_QoS_GRP_01..20 + UL_PDCP_VOL_RCV_X2_QOS_GRP_01..20) Table 69: Most relevant KPIs to monitor the basic EN-DC carrier aggregation. F1 interface counters are also available in case of Classical BTS configuration (the F1 is an internal interface in that case) 9.4.2 LTE carrier aggregation If the 5G bandwidth is small, for example only 10 MHz, it is important that LTE carrier aggregation can be done, otherwise it is quite likely that LTE handsets can achieve higher throughput than 5G handsets. For example, a LTE handset may be able to aggregate 20 MHz + 15 MHz + 5 MHz, while a 5G handset can only aggregate 10 MHz (5G) + 20 MHz (LTE anchor carrier). Feature id Feature name LTE4575 Blind Carrier Aggregation with LTE-NR DC Option 3X CRL-30195 EN-DC LTE CA Optimization For xL19A LTE4549 Flexible LTE CA with EN-DC Table 70: Features related to LTE carrier aggregation on EN-DC connections LTE4575 allows to aggregate several downlink LTE carriers when an EN-DC connection is in use. It does not allow to aggregate uplink carriers. Not all possible band combinations are allowed by 3GPP when EN-DC is in use, and of the 3GPP band combinations, not all may be supported by the UE. The parameter guideline material has more details on the possible band combinations. From this, it can be deduced how useful the feature will be in a given network with a given UE. In LTE19 and LTE19A implementations, the LTE carrier aggregation needs to be done before the SgNB addition. If the SgNB addition is very fast, the LTE carrier aggregation will not take place. It can therefore be necessary to either speed up the LTE carrier aggregation or delay the SgNB addition. From lab tests with 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 116 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia one operator, the conclusion is that the best method is to delay the SgNB addition. This naturally has the negative consequence that a larger part of the data will be transferred on LTE where even the combined carrier aggregation throughput may be lower than the achievable 5G throughput. If the 5G bandwidth is large (e.g. 100 MHz) and if only smaller data amounts need to be transferred (for example when using Ookla Speedtest), there is therefore an argument that the SgNB addition should happen as fast as possible, even if it means that LTE carrier aggregation then does not happen. This also means that a higher part of the LTE traffic is offloaded to 5G. On the other hand, if the 5G bandwidth is small (e.g. 10 MHz), it may be better to do the LTE carrier aggregation first, even if it means that Ookla Speedtest finishes before the SgNB addition takes place. In LTE19B, LTE4549: Flexible LTE CA with EN-DC means that delaying the SgNB addition is no longer needed. Table 71 lists the parameters which can be tuned. Parameter Object Range Default Alternative values actCAggrLteNrDualConnec tivity LNBTS disabled, blind_CA_LTE_NR, enhanced_CA_LTE_NR Disabled blind_CA_LTE_NR, enhanced_CA_LTE _NR tmpActFeat1 LNBTS Bitmap of 32 bits All 0’s Set bit 3 and bit 4 (see notes below) b1TimeToTriggerRsrp NRDCD PR 0 to 5120 ms 256 ms 512 ms, 1024 ms, 2560 ms sCellActivationMethod LNBTS nonGBRBufferBased, blind, nonGBRBufferBasedStep Wise nonGBRBuffe rBased Blind sCellActivationCyclePeriod LNBTS 0.001 s – 16 s 2s 0.5 s scellActivationLevel LNBTS 0.1 TTI – 20 TTI 1 TTI 0.1 TTI Table 71: Parameters which can be used to tune the LTE carrier aggregation procedure In LTE19A, the CRL-30195: EN-DC LTE CA Optimization For xL19A allows the eNB to ignore B1 measurement reports from the UE until the LTE carrier aggregation has happened. This is done by changing the tmpActFeat1 bit pattern such that bit 3 (prevents 5G SCell Addition until 4G CA is configured) and bit 4 (prevents 4G Secondary Cell release due to inactivity while 5G Secondary Cell is configured) is set. Note that it is important to keep this feature deactivated at sites where 4G Carrier Aggregation is not supported otherwise 4G BTS will never trigger 5G Secondary Cell Addition. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 117 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia As shown in Figure 33, the LTE carrier aggregation can take several seconds, so it needs to be carefully considered if the benefits of LTE carrier aggregation can compensate for the delay in SgNB addition. Figure 33: Example of SgNB addition time in cases where CRL30195 forces the eNB to wait with SgNB addition until the LTE carrier aggregation is complete (“HO1” – “HO4” cases). The LTE carrier aggregation can take several seconds. 5G19A / LTE19A. The easiest way to determine if the LTE carrier aggregation happens is to use a drive test tool, where the used LTE carriers can be directly observed. The LTE carrier aggregation counters do not distinguish between legacy LTE connections and EN-DC connections, so the behaviour of EN-DC connections will likely be hidden. 9.4.3 5G carrier aggregation Feature id Feature name 5GC000527 Intra-band Carrier Aggregation TDD FR2 up to 2CCs 5GC000720 Asymmetric Carrier Aggregation 5GC001725 Intra-band Carrier Aggregation TDD FR2 up to 4CCs DL 5GC001547 Supplemental downlink cell - FR2 5GC001831 Intra-band CA TDD FR2 up to 4CCs DL - 2CCs UL 5GC001836 Spillover from 5GC000480 Radio Admission Control for NSA mode 3x operation Table 72: Features related to 5G carrier aggregation. 5G19A features in italic The achievable throughput roughly scales with the available bandwidth. This means that if for example 4 x 100 MHz is available instead of 100 MHz, the achievable throughput is quadrupled. Note that this is the case in both good and bad radio conditions. This makes the carrier aggregation features a very efficient and easy way to increase the throughput, and these should be used in all the cases where the bandwidth is available for the operator. These features, their parameters and how to monitor their performance is described in more detail in section 13.2. In 5G19A, they only work on the 28 GHz and the 39 GHz bands. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 118 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 9.4.4 Link adaptation Feature id Feature name 5GC000517 Uplink and Downlink link adaptation 5GC000522 256 QAM for PDSCH 5GC001347 Additional DMRS configuration 5GC001875 Spillover - 256QAM Table 73: Features related to 5G link adaptation. 5G19A features in italic. 5GC001875 is introduced only to test some cases which were not tested in 5G19 The link adaptation algorithm makes the selected modulation and coding scheme follow the changing radio link conditions. This is important especially for the scenario where the UE is moving and is discussed in more detail in the chapter on mobility optimization. However, especially the initial coding scheme can have an impact upon the throughput performance. This is because many data transfers are very short and do not allow time for the MCS to ramp upwards from the initial value. It is necessary to be conservative with the initial value because it is applied prior to the gNB having good knowledge of the radio conditions. The min / max / stepdown parameters decide how quickly and how well the MCS follows the radio conditions. It is possible that cells with high mobility UEs may benefit from other settings than cells with mainly stationary UEs but systematic tests have not yet been carried out. In 5G19, it is only the radio conditions which decide the MCS. If there is only a small packet to be sent, which would fit into e.g. a MCS0 transport block, and the radio conditions allow a higher MCS, it will be the high MCS that is chosen, and the rest of the transport block is simply filled with padding bits. In 5G19A, the scheduler will downgrade the MCS if a small packet needs to be transmitted and, in this way, achieve a more robust transmission. Furthermore, the uplink PRB allocation can be reduced to achieve even more robust transmission and the downlink transmit power can be reduced so interference towards other cells is minimized. The basic link adaptation feature (5GC000517) can choose between QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM modulation for PDSCH and PUSCH and in all frequency bands. 5GC000522 allows to also choose 256QAM for PDSCH in the sub-6 GHz frequency range. It should be noted that when 256QAM is enabled, the consequence is not only that 256QAM modulation becomes possible, but the whole mapping table between radio link conditions and modulation and coding scheme is changed. Practical experience from early 5G19 networks has shown that it is difficult to achieve 256QAM modulation together with 4x4 MIMO. The consensus is that 5G19’s use of a single DMRS symbol is not enough to allow the UE to create a channel estimate which is accurate enough for 256QAM. In some cases, the throughput has even decreased when the 256QAM mapping table is activated. Although it is the official recommendation, there is no clear evidence in 5G19 that activating 256QAM will improve the throughput performance when it is used together with 4x4 MIMO. However, there is clear benefit of 256QAM if only 2x2 MIMO is used. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 119 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia In 5G19A, it is possible to use one additional symbol for the DMRS. When additional DMRS symbol is configured, the system performance is improved but with a cost of higher reference signal overhead. The performance improvement comes from better channel estimation and frequency offset estimation. If higher 256 QAM MCSs cannot be reached by UEs using only one DMRS, then usage of the additional DMRS may increase the throughput by up to~20% by enabling use of higher modulation order. If UE is not moving and has no big frequency offset, the additional DMRS would reduce throughput due to higher reference signal overhead (up to 14%, depending on the slot configuration). Parameter Object Range Default Recommended ullaIniMcs NRCELL 0 – 28 0 0 dllaIniMcs NRCELL 0 – 28 3 3 ullaBlerTarget NRCELL 1% - 99%, step 1% 10% 3% dllaBlerTarget NRCELL 1% - 99%, step 1% 10% 10% ullaDeltaSinrMax NRCELL 0...15, step 0.1 3 15 ullaDeltaSinrMin NRCELL -15...0, step 0.1 -3 -15 ullaDeltaSinrStepdown NRCELL 0...1.000, step 0.001 0.25 0.25 dllaDeltaCqiMax NRCELL 0...15, step 0.1 3 15 dllaDeltaCqiMin NRCELL -15...0, step 0.1 -3 -15 dllaDeltaCqiStepdown NRCELL 0...1.000, step 0.001 0.25 0.25 actDl256Qam NRCELL Disabled / enabled Disabled FR1: Enabled dlQam256PowerBackoffSub6 NRCELL 0.0...10.0, step 0.1 dB 1.5 dB Between 0 dB and 3 dB, depending on RU ulDMRSAdditionalPosition NRCELL 0, 1, 255 (automatic) 255 255, expect for low-band FDD (0) dlDMRSAdditionalPosition NRCELL 0, 1, 255 (automatic) 255 255, expect for low-band FDD (0) Table 74: Parameters related to link adaptation Measurement id Measurement name Contents M55300 NR DL HARQ M55302 NR UL HARQ For each MCS, the number of transport blocks is counted: Initial transmissions, successful initial transmissions, failed transmissions, so the MCS distribution and the initial and residual BLER can be calculated 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 120 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Measurement id Measurement name Contents M55301 NR DL Signal Quality Level Counters for MCS transmitted blocks for each MIMO rank M55303 NR UL Signal Quality Level M55304 NR MAC PDU throughput Volume (initial and retransmitted) for each MCS Table 75: Measurements containing counters related to link adaptation. The individual counters are too numerous to list 9.4.5 MIMO Feature id Feature name 5GC000531 DL SU adaptive MIMO 5GC000532 UL SU adaptive MIMO 5GC000605 DL SU adaptive 4x4 MIMO (open loop) 5GC000920 DL 4x4 SU MIMO without beamforming (open loop) 5GC001870 DL SU adaptive 4x4 MIMO 5GC001983 Spillover UL SU adaptive MIMO Table 76: Features related to 5G MIMO. 5G19A features in italic In principle, MIMO promises similar advantages as carrier aggregation: Instead of using more carriers, MIMO transmits multiple “layers” within the same carrier and in this way the throughput can be boosted. The crucial difference is that where carrier aggregation is not depending on radio conditions, MIMO definitely depends on the radio conditions. In 5G19A, only single-user MIMO is supported. The main focus in the early networks is to increase the user throughput, but the user of multiple layers is of course also providing a cell capacity benefit. With downlink 2x2 MIMO, the practical network behavior is straightforward: When the UE is close to the site in good radio conditions, rank 2 is used because a single beam can carry two uncorrelated layers due to cross polarization. When the UE is at cell edge in bad radio conditions, it becomes more advantageous to transmit the same data stream is both paths and rank 1 is used. This is illustrated in Figure 35. With 4x4 MIMO (optionally used for PDSCH in sub-6 GHz frequencies) the behavior is more complex, because two beams are needed in order to have 4 layers, and the “sweet spots” where two uncorrelated beams are available with good radio link quality are not big, so do not have big impact on OSS KPIs and they are hard to find when doing field testing. Some projects have even resorted to creating their own sweet spot by placing reflectors (parked cars) around the UE. The use of additional DMRS symbol in 5G19A seems to have made it easier to get simultaneously high rank and high MCS. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 121 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia If passive antennas not supporting beamforming are used, the 5GC000920: DL 4x4 SU MIMO without beamforming (open loop) feature must be used to get the 4x4 MIMO benefits. There is not yet experience with using this feature. For 2x2 MIMO, it is possible to choose between open loop and closed loop feedback. When closed loop feedback is used, the UE is suggesting the best pre-coding matrix in order to minimize the correlation between the layers. Generally, it is recommended to use closed-loop feedback, but there can hypothetically be some scenarios where the open-loop feedback gives better performance, for example where the feedback is unreliable due to very fast changing channel conditions. In 5G19A, 4x4 MIMO is only available with “open loop” feedback. The use of closed loop feedback (i.e. with the UE suggesting the best pre-coding matrix to the BTS) is expected to be available in 5G19B. Generally, the use of 4x4 MIMO gives better performance than 2x2 MIMO, so it is definitely recommended to use the feature, but high occurrence of rank 4 should not be expected in 5G19, especially not in combination with high MCS. Increasing the rank 4 share has so far mostly been done by R&D optimization of the antenna beam patterns. Note: All the smartphone UEs currently available in the market (as of January 2020) have only one single 5G Tx meaning that they have only one transmit antenna for 5G (and usually another common one for 4G/3G/2G). These UEs cannot perform UL MIMO2x2, and will be limited to UL MIMO1x2 (1 Tx at UE side + 2 Rx at gNB side). 5GC001983: Spillover UL SU adaptive MIMO enables UL 2x2 MIMO in the BTS. Trial functionality will come with the 5G19A MP2.0 package. Parameter Object Range Default Recommended dlMimoMode NRCELL 30:2x2 Closed Loop Spatial Multiplexing; 2x2 Closed Loop Spatial Multiplexing cmWave: 4x4 or 4x2 Open Loop Spatial Multiplexing 40:4x4 or 4x2 Closed Loop Spatial Multiplexing; mmWave: 2x2 Closed Loop Spatial Multiplexing 50:2x2 Open Loop Spatial Multiplexing; 60:4x4 or 4x2 Open Loop Spatial Multiplexing ulMimoMode NRCELL 20: Closed loop Spatial Multiplexing (2x2) nrCellType NRCELL 20: 2DL0UL 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 122 / 178 Internal FDD: 2x2 Closed Loop Spatial Multiplexing Closed loop Spatial Multiplexing (2x2) Closed loop Spatial Multiplexing (2x2) Aligned with settings of © 2020 Nokia Parameter Object Range Default 21: 2DL1UL 22: 2DL2UL Recommended dlMimoMode and ulMimoMode 24: 2DL4UL 42: 4DL2UL 44: 4DL4UL 82: 8DL2UL 84: 8DL4UL 88: 8DL8UL 168: 16DL8UL 1616:16DL16UL Table 77: MIMO parameters. Closed loop 4x4 is not supported in 5G19A Figure 34: Drive test around a 2.6 GHz AAHF site where the PDSCH rank is plotted. 5G19. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 123 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Figure 35: Lab test, AZQL, 5G19, DL 2x2 MIMO. It can be observed that when the RSRP decreases, downlink rank changes from rank 2 to rank 1 Counter id Counter name Comment M55301C09001..2 PDSCH_2TX_RI_00..02 M55301C10001..4 PDSCH_4TX_RI_01..04 Used to calculate the share of each rank M55303C04001..2 PUSCH_CP_2TX_RI_01..02 M55301C04000..03 PDSCH_RANK1_PMI_00..03 M55301C05000..02 PDSCH_RANK2_PMI_00..02 M55303C02000..05 PUSCH_CP_RANK1_PMI_00..05 M55303C03000..02 PUSCH_CP_RANK1_PMI_00..02 M55301C00000..28 PDSCH_RANK1_64TBL_MCS_00..28 M55301C01000..28 PDSCH_RANK2_64TBL_MCS_00..28 M55301C02000..28 PDSCH_RANK3_64TBL_MCS_00..28 M55301C03000..28 PDSCH_RANK4_64TBL_MCS_00..28 M55303C00000..28 PUSCH_CP_RANK1_64TBL_MCS_00..28 M55301C15000..28 PDSCH_RANK1_256TBL_MCS_00..28 M55301C16000..28 PDSCH_RANK2_256TBL_MCS_00..28 M55301C17000..28 PDSCH_RANK3_256TBL_MCS_00..28 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 124 / 178 Internal Used to calculate the share of each possible precoding matrix For each rank, the MCS distribution can be calculated © 2020 Nokia Counter id Counter name M55301C18000..28 PDSCH_RANK4_256TBL_MCS_00..28 M55303C01000..28 PUSCH_CP_RANK2_64TBL_MCS_00..28 Comment Table 78: Most relevant counters to study MIMO behavior Figure 36: Example of MSC distribution for the four PDSCH ranks, Drive test around single 2.6 GHz AAHF site, 5G19. Note the different y-scale charts: Rank 1 and rank 2 are only used very little 9.4.6 QoS-based scheduling Feature id Feature name 5GC000776 non GBR service differentiation Table 79: Features related to QoS-based scheduling From 5G19A onwards, it is possible to use 5GC000776: non GBR service differentiation to provide higher priority to certain QoS classes. This means that a particular QoS class (identified by its QCI) can be scheduled more frequently (and therefore get higher throughput) at the expense of the other QoS classes. This feature works for both downlink and uplink scheduling. The feature only has an effect if there is actually congestion in the cell, i.e. if 2 or more UEs are waiting to be scheduled in the same slot. The feature can increase (or decrease) the user throughput. The cell throughput is not changed. Parameter Object Range Default Recommended actNonGbrServiceDiff NRBTS False / true False True 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 125 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Parameter Object Range Default Recommended qciTab5Nsa3x: schedulWeight NRBTS 1...100, step 1 40 40 qciTab6Nsa3x: schedulWeight NRBTS 1...100, step 1 20 20 qciTab7Nsa3x: schedulWeight NRBTS 1...100, step 1 10 10 qciTab8Nsa3x: schedulWeight NRBTS 1...100, step 1 5 5 qciTab9Nsa3x: schedulWeight NRBTS 1...100, step 1 1 1 qciTab69Nsa3x: schedulWeight NRBTS 1...100, step 1 40 40 qciTab70Nsa3x: schedulWeight NRBTS 1...100, step 1 30 30 qciTab79Nsa3x: schedulWeight NRBTS 1...100, step 1 15 15 Table 80: Parameters related to QoS-based scheduling. High scheduling weight means high priority (frequent scheduling) There are no PM counters which directly can be used to monitor the effect of QoS-based scheduling. The user plane counters for the upper protocol layers are available for each QoS group, and it can for example be monitored how much payload is transferred or how many packets are dropped. However, for low congestion levels it will probably be difficult to see the impact (if one particular UE is not scheduled in a given slot due to low QoS priority, it may simply get a slot a few ms later). 9.5 Frame structure The maximum achievable downlink throughput is depending on how many slots and symbols there are available for PDSCH. Likewise, the maximum achievable uplink throughput is depending on how many slots and symbols there are available for PUSCH. The configuration of the frame structure has therefore an impact on the achievable throughput. Table 81 lists the relevant parameters. Some of them, for example frame structure type and UL:DL ratio, are typically fixed for a given network (at least in the macro layer – it is possible that special, well-isolated cells such as indoor cells may have their own settings), while others, like SS Burst Set period and CSI-RS tracking period, can be tuned across the network. The NR throughput tool (explained in more details in Network Engineering material on Theoretical throughput and impacting factors in 5G) allows to calculate the achievable throughput with a given frame structure. The tool makes it easy to calculate the negative effects of a higher signalling overhead but does not give information about the benefits. For field tests in good, stationary radio conditions, the more slots that are used for PDSCH / PUSCH transmission, the higher the throughput will be. On the other hand, it is often needed to also have good performance at cell edge and in mobility situations. For example, using a single beam (and therefore a single set of SSB) will give high throughput in good radio conditions, but in order to serve the cell edge, it may be better to use for example 8 beams to provide better coverage despite the higher SSB overhead. There are various parameters which impact the scheduling of non-PDSCH / nonPUSCH blocks; there are no “best values”, since values that optimize one aspect, for example throughput in stationary conditions, will jeopardize other aspects, for example throughput in mobility scenarios. Table 81 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 126 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia lists the most important parameters and Table 82 and Table 83 show impact of selected settings on the theoretical throughput in good radio conditions. Parameter Range Impacts Considerations frameStructureType 1:flexible; 2:semiStatic; 3:tdLte DL & UL Probably fixed for all macro cells ulDlDataSlotRatio 3:7, 1:4 DL & UL Probably fixed for all macro cells guardPeriodLength 1, 2, 3, 4 symbols DL Probably fixed for all macro cells numberOfTransmittedSsBlocks 1 – 32 beams DL Match with desired number of beams SSBurstSetPeriod 10 - 160 DL High values mean slower acquisition / detection times. Recommendation: 10 for single beam, 20 for multiple beams PRACHConfigurationIndex Many possibilities UL Depends on frame structure and desired RACH capacity csirsTrackingPeriod Off, equal to ssBurstSetPeriod, 10 – 80 ms DL The higher the period, the less updated will the UE’s CSI measurements be. Recommendation: 80 ms ulDMRSAdditionalPosition 0, 1, 255 (automatic) DL dlDMRSAdditionalPosition 0, 1, 255 (automatic) UL Using additional symbol for DMRS improves the receivers channel estimate and therefore the performance, especially in dynamic conditions Table 81: Most relevant parameters which impact the scheduling of non-PDSCH / non-PUSCH blocks. The “recommended” value is typically a compromise between conflicting aspects and the best value needs to be decided from network to network. Although the first three parameters will probably be fixed in the macro layer, it is possible to have different values in well-isolated cells, e.g. indoor cells. UL:DL slot ratio Nbr of beams SS Burst set period DL throughput (Mbps) 3:7 1 10 ms 641 3:7 1 160 ms 707 3:7 8 10 ms 504 3:7 8 160 ms 690 1:4 1 10 ms 769 1:4 1 160 ms 835 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 127 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia UL:DL slot ratio Nbr of beams SS Burst set period DL throughput (Mbps) 1:4 8 10 ms 620 1:4 8 160 ms 818 Table 82: Theoretical downlink throughput in good radio conditions depending on parameter settings. Values only selected for illustrative purposes. The reader is encouraged to try different values in the throughput calculation tool. Assumption for other parameters: FR1, semi-static, guard period = 2 OFDM symbols, CSI-RS tracking period = 40 ms, 100 MHz bandwidth, DL 2x2 MIMO, 256QAM, single carrier, 0% BLER UL:DL slot ratio Nbr of beams PRACH configuration index UL throughput (Mbps) 3:7 1 98 221 3:7 1 162 161 3:7 8 98 221 3:7 8 162 161 1:4 1 98 141 1:4 1 162 80 1:4 8 98 141 1:4 8 162 80 Table 83: Theoretical uplink throughput in good radio conditions depending on parameter settings. Values only selected for illustrative purposes. The reader is encouraged to try different values in the throughput calculation tool. Assumptions for other parameters: FR1, semi-static, guard period = 2 OFDM symbols,100 MHz bandwidth, UL 2x2 MIMO, 64QAM, single carrier, 0% BLER. Note that number of beams do not impact UL throughput (although there is impact on RACH capacity) Figure 37 shows an example where the performance with 2 beams is compared to the performance with 6 beams. The data is collected by drive testing in a small cluster. Using six beams (with either beamset_6 or beamset_5_1) gives better RF performance (better S/N) but the extra SSB overhead caused by using 6 beams means that the throughput is actually degraded. It is possible that indoor users are benefitting more from the better RF signal but at least from drive test perspective, it is better to use few beams. This illustrates that it is not always obvious how the frame structure should be defined, and local tests are often needed. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 128 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Figure 37: Drive test in 3.5 GHz cluster. The performance using two beams versus six beams is compared. 5G19A PT3.3. Six beams give better RF signal but less throughput due to the increased SSB overhead. 9.5.1 Multiplexing between control information and PDSCH / PUSCH data Feature id Feature name 5GC002535 FDM of DMRS and PDSCH Table 84: Features to multiplex control information and PDSCH / PUSCH data In most cases, it is not possible to multiplex the data carried by PDSCH or PUSCH channels into the slots with carry reference signals or other control information. This means that the “signaling overhead” can be rather large. Features addressing this issue is planned for the later 5G BTS releases but there are already some possibilities in 5G19 and 5G19A. Multiplex DMRS and PDSCH: 5GC002535: FDM of DMRS and PDSCH is a late addition to 5G19A which allows to multiplex PDSCH data into the symbol used for DMRS. This is only possible in the following conditions: • FDD cells • 256QAM is used • Only 2x2 MIMO in use 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 129 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia When DMRS is not multiplexed with data in the same symbol it is boosted by 3dB assuring good demodulation performance also in "deep" coverage. However, the throughput is reduced. When DMRS is multiplexed with data in the same symbol the throughput is increased but there is no 3dB boosting. Therefore, FDM will be limited to 256QAM modulation and coding schemes in 5G19A because it is assumed that for 256QAM usage the SINR is already at a high level not endangering demodulation performance due to coverage. The throughput gain in perfect radio conditions (256QAM always in use, no negative impact from the lack of 3 dB power boosting) is 5% when 1 DMRS symbol is used and 10% when 2 DMRS symbols are used. The achievable gain in live networks is not yet clear. The feature is enabled by R&D parameter. Multiplex UE CSI reports with UL HARQ ACK / NACK: With default settings in 5G19, the CSI reports sent by the UE cannot be multiplexed with uplink HARQ ACK/NACK: the gNB avoids scheduling in downlink if the corresponding uplink ACK/NACK would fall in the same slot as a CSI report. This may have a high impact (up to 8%) on downlink throughput depending on the value of csiReportPeriodicity (i.e. on the number of times CSI reports need to be sent). To address this, FGCR 2650 Support of mux SR HARQ ACK CSI PUCCH same Symbol was added in late 5G19 to allow the multiplexing of SR, ACK/NACK and CSI report on the same PUCCH symbol. This needs to be enabled by swconfig.txt file with following flag: 0x10003E=1 (and possibly 0x460181=1). Even if FGCR 2650 is enabled, DL scheduling can still be impacted, due to “PR474594 : New Problem Reported (5G19,, B Major,[5G19][classical][AEQD]DL Throughput falls down by around 8% when csiReportPeriodicity = slots40)”: FGCR 2650 was not correctly coded, and multiplexing of SR, ACK/NACK and CSI report is possible only if the number of bits is below 11. In 5G19A, this multiplexing is enabled by default. Figure 38: Illustration of the FGCR2650 problem: The slots marked with yellow are not used for PDSCH transmission because the UL HARQ Ack/Nack would fall in a PUCCH symbol scheduled to be used for CSI reporting. This is only happening in 5G19. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 130 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 9.6 Optimization procedure First, consider if the settings of the parameters described in the section 9.5 is the right compromise – on network level as well as on individual cell level. For example, it might be possible that cells with mainly static UEs can use longer SSB burst set period than cells with high-speed UEs. Then perform the next level of performance analysis and decide if the main factor behind low throughput is: - RF performance (see chapter 4 on RF performance optimization) - Congestion (see chapter 8 on capacity management) - Problems with mobility such as link adaptation or handover (see chapter 7 on mobility optimization) - User traffic pattern, e.g. chatting (small packets) versus high-definition streaming (large packets) The KPIs listed in Table 85 can help in this analysis, although they are most useful when it comes to analysing the pure 5G performance. If the LTE contribution to the user’s overall EN-DC throughput is important, it is difficult to rely on PM counters alone because factors like how fast the LTE carrier aggregation happens become important – currently only drive tests give the needed visibility for this. KPI id KPI name Comment NR_581a Average MCS, DL 64QAM table NR_582a Average MCS, DL 256QAM table NR_xxx Average MCS, UL 64QAM table --- MCS distribution, DL 64QAM table --- MCS distribution, DL 256QAM table --- MCS distribution, UL 64QAM table Low MCS results in low throughput. One likely reason for low MCS is bad radio link conditions. Another, especially in low traffic network, can be the transmission of msg2 / msg3 which is done with MCS0 in 5G19A. In case of many small data transmissions, the initial MCS also has a role. In 5G19A, MCS0 is used to transmit small packets. Use the MCS distribution to remove the effect of initial MCS settings and the use of MSC0 NR_5054a 5G Initial BLER in downlink transmissions in PDSCH NR_5056a 5G Initial BLER in PUSCH using 64QAM MCS table NR_5055a 5G Residual Block Error Ratio (BLER) for PDSCH NR_5057a 5G Residual BLER in PUSCH using 64QAM MCS table NR_56a 5G DL RLC PDU retransmission ratio by High RLC NR_57a 5G UL RLC PDU retransmission ratio requested by High RLC 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 131 / 178 Internal These KPIs can indicate problems with the link adaptation settings. Initial BLER shows the BLER of the first transmission and should be related to the BLER target parameter in the link adaptation algorithm. Residual BLER shows the status when all the allowed HARQ retransmissions have been used – if residual BLER is not 0%, retransmissions on the RLC layer are needed One reason for RLC retransmissions is that the HARQ retransmission procedure has not succeeded in delivering error-free blocks, and this indicate problems in either the link © 2020 Nokia KPI id KPI name Comment adaptation algorithm or simply very bad radio link conditions NR_583a Share of different DL MIMO ranks Use of high MIMO ranks means higher throughput. However, especially for 4x4 MIMO, it might be difficult to achieve high use since this depends heavily on the multipath conditions NR_xxx Average number of DL SCells NR_xxx Average number of UL SCells This tells how well carrier aggregation is working NR_471a 5G Average number of scheduled UEs per slot in DL NR_472a 5G Average number of scheduled UEs per slot in UL NR_5042b 5G Intra gNB intra frequency PSCell change total success ratio Having more than 1 UE scheduled in the same slot is a sign of congestion limiting the possible connection throughput Reliable handover procedure is often a requirement in order to be able to maintain good radio link quality and therefore high throughput Table 85: KPIs which can be helpful in identifying the causes for low throughput If handover between 5G cells (either intra-gNB or inter-gNB) is not enabled, a possible scenario is that the 5G radio link quality is bad even though there is a better signal available from the neighbor cell. In such a case, it will be better to release the existing connection and rely on B1 measurements to establish a new connection to the neighbor cell. Such a release can be triggered by 5GC001954: Introduction of A2 based SgNB release (see section 6.2) or by adjusting the parameters for radio link failure detection such that the connection is quickly dropped due to radio link failure. Figure 39 illustrates how forcing a faster radio link failure (by reducing t310 from 2000 ms to 1000 ms and reducing n310 from n10 to n6) resulted in higher end-user throughput during cluster drive test. This is probably an extreme case because the 5G carrier frequency was 600 MHz (thus ensuring good overlap between 5G cells for outdoor users) and 5G handover was not yet enabled in the network. This combination makes it likely that a moving UE will relatively often experience 5G cell dragging. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 132 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Figure 39: Improvement of end-user throughput by accelerating the detection of radio link failures. Note: No 5G handovers enabled in the network. Cluster drive test. 5G19A, 600 MHz. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 133 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 10 Optimization of user plane latency 10.1 Introduction User plane latency describes how long time it takes to send a packet with user information. The potential low latency in 5G networks is often highlighted as one of the key advantages which 5G has over LTE. Although achieving very low latency is not yet possible with the Nokia BTS (the “minislot” feature is required for this), some operators have already started to pay attention to the user plane latency and wants to at least understand the factors which may cause high latency. Low latency is not only relevant for those services where a fast feedback to the user is needed (such as virtual reality or robotic control) – all cases where TCP is used for the data transfer (web browsing, Ookla Speedtest) can benefit from a low latency because this shortens the “TCP slow start” period. Discussing latency can lead to much confusion because there are many different aspects. The important points to be clear about are listed here: • This section is about user plane latency, where it is assumed that there is already a radio connection available. If this is not the case (for example a ping is sent to a UE in idle mode), the radio connection must first be established. The time to establish the connection is normally referred to control plane latency and is not normally not considered to be part of the user plane latency • In many cases, the main concern is about the average latency, but there are also cases where it is one of the percentiles, for example the 99% percentile which is important. Generally speaking, the average latency can be improved via features and parameters while the high percentiles can be improved by having a good RF and mobility performance • Latency can refer to both one-way latency and round-trip-time. Field measurements are typically measuring round-trip-time because this is easier while features and parameters often only impacts either downlink or uplink one-way-latency • Users are mostly interested in the end-to-end latency, and this is also the easiest to measure in field tests, but to understand and improve the performance, it is necessary to break the E2E latency down into components, for example RAN, core network and Internet/server components. This document focuses on the RAN latency, which covers the path from the UE to the S1 interface. The reason that also the midhaul (between DU and CU) is covered even though this really belongs to the Mobile Access optimization service, is that it is difficult to exclude the midhaul component from the measurements It is assumed that the packet size is relatively small such that the full packet can be transmitted in the first available slot, even when the lowest MCS0 is used. If large amount of data needs to be quickly transmitted, it is the throughput which should be optimized. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 134 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 10.2 Typical issues The achievable latency strongly depends on how frequent the UE and the BTS are allowed to transmit. This is determined by the network configuration, where factors such as slot duration, RACH configuration etc. together decide how frequent transmission opportunities appear. Some of these factors, for example slot duration, are often outside the control of the operator while others, like the scheduling interval, can be more freely chosen by the operator, and it can even be expected that various configurations will be used in the network. Once a transmission opportunity appears, there is a certain probability that it will be allocated to another user. As the traffic level in the cell rises, the probability for collision also rises and the latency for especially the high percentile values increases. Once the packet has been transmitted, it is important that it reaches the receiver without any need for retransmissions. Retransmissions can happen in MAC and RLC layers (for example due to sudden degradation of the radio link quality), in the PDCP layer (for example as a result of shifting the data stream from one BTS to another) or in the higher layers like TCP layer (for example due to loss of the radio link). In the early networks, it has been seen that there is also dependency on the UE implementation. For example, the HiSilicon chip set can use the same slot for the UL RLC Ack (sent as response to the downlink ping) and the ping reply. The Qualcomm chipset (Snapdragon X50) does not do this, and this means a few ms faster ping RTT for the HiSilicon chipset. 10.3 Performance analysis 10.3.1 Field tests An easy way to measure E2E RTT is to use the ping application. The pings can either be UE-originated or server-originated. If possible, a S1-U trace should be taken, so the delays in the RAN can be isolated: • UE-originated pings: RAN RTT = E2E RTT (from UE log) – core/server RTT (from S1 trace) • Server-originated pings: RAN RTT directly visible in S1 trace If S1 tracing is not possible during field tests, some other means should be used to determine the likely RTT from S1 to the server, for example by pinging the server from the gNB-CU. If measurements are not available at all, a 1 ms RTT between S1 and server can be assumed if the core network and the server is located close to the BTS. Note that synchronizing the S1 trace with the UE trace is not needed as long as it is only the RTT that needs to be measured. Such synchronization is only needed if one-way latency must be measured. Current experience with partly immature terminals is that test parameters like packet size, intervals between pings, bypassing the operating system etc. all have impact on the measured RTT. A consensus has not yet been reached on the “best practice” for doing ping tests. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 135 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia In order to properly characterize the “tail” of the latency distribution (for example the 99% percentile), a large number of samples are needed, for example 1000 samples for the 99% percentile and 10000 samples for the 99.9% percentile. The Speedtest application is a popular tool for measuring the achievable throughput and consequently it is also often used as a “quick-and-dirty” latency measurement tool. Speedtest measures RTT by sending a small number of TCP packets (9 – 12 packets?) to a server and measure how fast the TCK acknowledgements arrive. Speedtest then reports the acknowledgement with the smallest RTT. Since it is the smallest RTT that is reported and not the average RTT, it can be expected that changing the scheduling parameters will not have big impact. Field tests are normally done with small packet sizes, for example 32 bytes. If larger packet sizes are used, the initial uplink transmission may be segmented and sent in multiple RLC PDUs. The reason is that the default resource allocation for proactive UL scheduling is for 60 bytes (16 PRBs if MCS0 is used). Such a segmentation will of course lead to a higher transmission delay. The disadvantages of doing field tests include at least following: • Costs • Not measuring the same locations as where the subscribers are (it can for example be difficult to get access to indoor locations) • Unless there is already a test team in the field, there is no immediate feedback on the impact of optimization actions 10.3.2 Interface traces The most relevant interface to trace is the S1-U between the gNB and the SGW. By analysing the “TCP handshake” timestamps, it is possible to calculate the RAN RTT and the core/server RTT for every started TCP connection (Figure 40). 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 136 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Figure 40: Illustration of how TCP handshake can be used to calculate RAN and core/server RTT Since the RTT of every connection is available, it is straightforward to construct latency distributions. It may even be possible to capture enough information to aggregate the data per UE type (based on IMEI) or per a certain subscriber range (based on IMSI). Figure 41: Example of TCP handshake latency from one city aggregated to gNB level. Only 20 worst gNBs shown. Observe the big difference between median latency and 95th percentile latency. SCS = 120 kHz, 5G19A 10.3.3 PM counters There are 5G PM counters to measure the following latency components: • PDCP delay • RLC delay • F1 delivery delay (note: estimated delay, not a measurement) • X2 delivery delay (note: estimated delay, not a measurement) 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 137 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia From live network values, it is not clear if these counters will be useful in practice for measuring the latency, so it is currently not recommended to put too much trust in them. Instead, the main use of PM counters should be to investigate the causes of high latency, such as congestion or packet retransmissions. Further details are available in the relevant sections of this guideline. In 4G, the “TWAMP” counters (listed in Table 86) can be used to measure the RTT between the eNB and other network elements, for example the SGW or an application server. In many networks, the gNB is colocated with the eNB, and the same SGW is used for both 4G and 5G traffic. In these cases, the 4G RTT, which TWAMP counters can measure, can be assumed to be the same as the RTT between the 5G BTS and the server. Counter id Measurement Network element name NetAct name M51132C0 LTE TWAMP Statistics avgRTT_15Min avgRTT_15Min M51132C1 LTE TWAMP Statistics maxRTT_15Min maxRTT_15Min M51132C2 LTE TWAMP Statistics minRTT_15Min minRTT_15Min M51132C3 LTE TWAMP Statistics lostTwampMessages lostTwampMessages M51132C4 LTE TWAMP Statistics txTwampMessages txTwampMessages Table 86: LTE TWAMP RTT counters which in some scenarios can be used to estimate the 5G RTT. Similar 5G counters are expected to come in 5G21B 10.4 Dependencies on other sections Optimization of user plane latency touches the subjects discussed in almost all the other sections of this guideline: • Good RF performance can minimize the number of HARQ and RLC retransmissions. Being able to keep the 5G radio bearer prevents the delay that comes if the radio bearer has to be re-established (chapter 4) • In case the connection is broken during data transfer, it is important to have low control plane latency to quickly re-establish the connection (chapter 11) • Having well-working mobility procedures in place help to avoid coming into situations where the RF performance is bad (chapter 7) • Good settings for the LTE/5G interworking procedures help to avoid unnecessary use of the LTE network with its higher air interface latency (chapter 9.4.1) • High network capacity minimizes the risk of packet collisions (chapter 8) It should be noted that all the above points are expected to mainly improve the tail of the latency distribution. The average latency values are likely to be mostly determined by parameter settings. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 138 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 10.5 Relevant features and parameters This section discusses the features and specific parameters which can be expected to have impact on the RTT. In most cases, it will be the average RTT that is impacted – the tail of the latency distribution is more likely to be impacted by the quality of the radio links or by congestion. Also, some field test results are provided. There are many possible combinations between parameter values, test setup and UEs and rather than comparing all test results from all networks, it is therefore needed to look isolated at each set of test results – trying to compare between different tests will give too much uncertainty. 10.5.1 Operating band With 5G19A, the operating frequency band determines the subcarrier spacing, which in turns determines the slot duration: • 600 MHz: 15 kHz SCS, 1 ms slot duration • 2.6 GHz and 3.5 GHz: 30 kHz SCS, 0.5 ms slot duration • 28 GHz and 39 GHz: 120 kHz SCS, 0.125 ms slot duration The shorter slot duration in the mmWave bands lead to shorter median RTT, but this is not something that the operator can control. It is mentioned here as a reminder that test results from networks with different slot duration cannot be directly compared. Note: Early test results do not show the expected difference between the operating bands: 15 ms – 17 ms RAN RTT has been measured for both 3.5 GHz and mmWave frequencies. This probably just illustrates that RTT is depending on many things and comparing across networks is difficult. 10.5.2 Cloud versus Classical BTS, F1 topology In case of classical BTS, the F1 interface is inside the Airscale box, and it can be assumed the delay will be negligible. In case of cloud BTS, the F1 topology may have measurable impact. The recommended delay one-way latency on F1 is in the 1 ms – 2 ms range but the transport network used for F1 may not be dedicated for 5G, and at least in principle there can be excessive delay for some DUs, either because there are many hops or because of congestion. This may impact both the median RTT and the tail of the RTT distribution. The extra latency caused by external F1 interface should also be kept in mind when comparing measurement results between Classical and Cloud BTS deployments. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 139 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 10.5.3 EN-DC configuration and topology If the ulDataPath parameter has been set to “ulOverLte”, the transmission of uplink user plane data (either the ping request in case of MO ping or the ping reply in case of MT ping) will be sent with the LTE radio interface and forwarded to the gNB via the X2 link. Depending on the scheduling parameters in LTE, this may generate an additional delay. If the LTE network is congested, the delay can be even higher (although LTE networks are not likely to be congested in the uplink, there is still a need to send the downlink RLC ack messages). The X2 interface performance will potentially also have an impact on the delay and packet loss, especially if the LTE and the 5G BTSs are not co-located. In one network, a 10 ms higher ping RTT has been observed when the uplink data path is set to “ulOverLte” (40 ms versus 30 ms). 10.5.4 FDD versus TDD When TDD is used to separate uplink and downlink transmissions, there is a need to wait with transmission until the appropriate uplink or downlink slot is available, and this will on average introduce a delay especially for the uplink transmissions. When FDD is used, there is no need to wait for a slot with the correct transmission direction, so the additional delay is avoided. 10.5.5 TDD frame structure The TDD frame structure, especially the interval between the uplink slots, influences how fast a packet can be sent / received on the air interface. In some countries, it is the national regulator which decides the frame structure (in order to minimize inter-operator interference) but in other cases the operator may have some freedom to select the frame structure. All macro sites can be expected to have same frame structure (to avoid interference between sites) but it is in principle possible to have special frame structure optimized for latency in isolated micro cells, for example in mines or indoor cells in factories. The frame structure will impact the median RTT. The following combinations are possible in 5G19A: Feature Frequency Band frameStructureType ulDlDataSlotRatio Resulting UL:DL slot ratio during 10 slots 5GC001127 FR2 Semi-static 1:4 2:8 5GC001070 FR1 Semi-static 3:7 3:7 5GC001208 FR1 Semi-static 1:4 2:8 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 140 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Feature Frequency Band frameStructureType ulDlDataSlotRatio Resulting UL:DL slot ratio during 10 slots 5GC001116 FR1 TD-LTE N/A 2:8 Table 87: Possible TDD frame structures in 5G19A and their UL:DL slot ratios Test results: frameStructureType ulDlDataSlotRatio RTT (ms) TD-LTE (3 ms) N/A 16.5 Semi-static 1:4 14.2 Semi-static 3:7 14.5 Table 88: Results from customer lab. 32B ping, SCS = 30 kHz, pre-P7 software. The changing of the UL:DL slot ratio only has minimal impact Figure 42: FiVe RTT tests, stationary conditions, 32B, SCS = 30 kHz, only RAN RTT is plotted. TD-LTE (3 ms) and semi-static (1:4) is compared. The semi-static frame has slightly faster RTT. Note that the frame structure also impacts the number of possible beams, the possible RACH formats and the achievable DL and UL throughput. The parameter guidelines have further discussions on this topic. 10.5.6 Connected mode DRX Connected mode DRX (5GC000772) uses DRX to allow the UE to conserve battery power by only listening occasionally to the PDCCH. The negative consequence of using DRX is that if the UE has gone into sleep mode, it will take longer time to transfer a packet to the UE. The downlink one-way latency is thus increased. The behaviour of the feature (sleep time etc.) can be controlled by parameters (Table 89). Parameter Object actCDrx NRCELL 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 141 / 178 Range Internal Default Recommended Deactivated (0) True (1) © 2020 Nokia drxInactivityTimer NRCELL 0 ms – 80 ms 10 ms (8) 10 ms (8) drxLongCycle NRCELL 10 ms – 80 ms 40 ms (3) 40 ms (3) drxOnDurationTimer NRCELL 1 ms – 80 ms 10 ms (7) 10 ms (7) Table 89: Main parameters associated with the Connected Mode DRX feature. Note that DRX parameters need to be consistent with the CSI Reporting period: The CSI Reporting period must be greater than or equal to the DRX long cycle duration, i.e. csiReportPeriodicity >= drxLongCycle. This ensures that the UE can be DRX active whenever it is necessary to send a periodic CSI report. If this consistency check is not obeyed, there will be UE Context Modification Failures at the BTS. It is the median downlink latency which is impacted by this feature. There are not yet test results which show how various parameter combinations impact on battery life and latency. 10.5.7 UL scheduling The Scheduling Request period impacts system latency, i.e. UE have longer average wait times if the Scheduling Request period is high. The Scheduling Request is transmitted by the UE on the PUCCH during uplink subframes. In 5G19A, the Scheduling Request Period is set equal to the CSI Reporting Period and both is controlled by the csiReportPeriodicity parameter. This leads to a trade-off between latency and CSI reporting overhead: Small value improves latency but increases the CSI reporting overhead which can cause PUCCH capacity problems. The default value of 320 slots is relatively large, e.g. 320 slots with 30 kHz subcarrier spacing is 160 ms, whereas 4G typically uses a Scheduling Request period of 10 or 20 ms. To avoid PUCCH capacity problems (see also the discussion in section 8.1.3), it is recommended to keep the default value of 320 slots and instead rely on proactive uplink scheduling to achieve reasonable latency. 4G experience has demonstrated that Proactive Scheduling has negative impact upon uplink interference levels and throughput due to the requirement for the UE to send dummy bits if it does not have anything else to send in a proactively scheduled slot. To avoid this, 3GPP has introduced the possibility in 5G to use “Dynamic Grant Skipping”, but this functionality is not part of 5G19A. This means that a low value of the scheduling interval helps to achieve good latency but at the same time causes drain on the UE battery as well as increased interference because the UE will send dummy bits if it does not have anything else to transmit. However, PUSCH capacity will not suffer because pro-actively scheduled PUSCH slots have low priority in the scheduler. Specific cells where low latency is particularly desired, for example cells covering a gaming convention, can be set to have especially low proactive schedule interval. If ulDataPath has been set to “ulOverLte”, it is not clear if proactive UL scheduling should be enabled. There is certainly a cost because the UE will send dummy blocks in the proactively scheduled 5G PUSCH slots and therefore the UE battery life will be reduced. On the other hand, the transmission of the uplink RLC Ack on the PUSCH (in response to the downlink RLC blocks) will happen faster. There are not yet test results available which quantifies this aspect. It is the median uplink latency which is impacted. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 142 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Parameter Object Range Default Recommended csiReportPeriodicity NRCELLGRP 20 – 320 slots 320 slots 320 slots actProactUlScheduling NRCELLGRP False / true False (0) True (1) ulSchedTimeInterval NRCELLGRP 0.2...1000 4 4 ms (40) Table 90: Parameters to control UL scheduling. Test results: csiReportPeriodicity RTT with packet size = 64 RTT with packet size = 1400 bytes (ms) bytes (ms) 40 37 38 80 43 58 160 70 97 320 176 176 Table 91: Average ping RTT measured in FiVe network, SCS = 30 kHz, 5G19 P8 (5G19_5.3835.983). No proactive UL ulSchedTimeInterval Minimum Disabled Average Maximum 93 4 ms 8 13 23 10 ms 8 15 26 20 ms 8 20 43 Table 92: Ping RTT with different ulSchedTimeInterval. SCS = 30 kHz, csiReportPeriodicity = slots320, single UE, lab test 10.5.8 Link adaptation The default BLER target of the link adaptation algorithm is 10%, and this means in principle that 10% of the packets on the MAC layer needs to be re-transmitted. In 5G19, where padding is used for small packets instead of MCS reduction, this should in principle mean that 10% of the packets will be delayed. In 5G19A, where the MCS (and even the UL PRB allocation) will be reduced if a small packet is to be transmitted, the MCS for small ping packets will probably be so robust that HARQ retransmissions are generally not needed. In 5G19, it can therefore be considered to use lower BLER target in specific cells where the tail of the latency distribution is important. Such an approach is unlikely to have any effect in 5G19A. It is also unlikely to have 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 143 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia much impact on the average RTT. Using low BLER target may at the same time result in reduced throughput and reduced spectral efficiency. Parameter Object Range Default Recommended dllaBlerTarget NRCELL 1% - 99% 10% 10% (0.1) ullaBlerTarget NRCELL 1% - 99% 10% 3% (0.03) Table 93: Parameters to control BLER target and therefore influence the amount of HARQ retransmissions Test results: dllaBlerTarget ullaBlerTarget RTT, 64 bytes RTT, 400 bytes RTT, 1400 (ms) (ms) bytes (ms) 10% 5% 21 39 39 10% 3% 20 39 39 5% 3% 20 39 39 Table 94: Average ping RTT measured in FiVe network, SCS = 30 kHz, 5G19 P8 (5G19_5.3835.983). csiReportPeriodicity = 40 slots. The BLER target does not have impact on average RTT. 10.6 UE dependencies It has been observed that the ping RTT to a large degree is depending on which UE that is used for the testing. There are at least two reasons for this: • UE capabilities: For example, if the UE is able to use the same PUSCH slot to send both the UL RLC Ack for the downlink ping and the uplink ping reply. • UE performance issues: For example, if the UE is not transmitting with high enough uplink power Ping tests in the field as well as in the lab should therefore preferably be done with multiple UE chip sets. Figure 43: Detailed view of how DL and UL slots are used when doing a MT ping. Left chart is for Qualcomm X50 chipset, right chart is for HiSilicon chipset. It can be seen that the HiSilicon chipset combines the UL RLC Ack for the downlink ping and the uplink ping reply into the same UL slot, and thereby gaining about 5 ms. Lab test, 3.5 GHz, 5G19A 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 144 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Figure 44: Examples of ping RTT times with different handsets. Note that the Qualcomm chipset ("MTP" and "Xiaomi") behavior is very different from HiSilicon ("Huawei") and Samsung chipsets. Drive test, MO ping, pro-active scheduling enabled, 3.5 GHz, 5G19A. 10.7 Optimization procedure If there is need to improve the average latency, it seems that significant improvements will only be possible by activating features and adjusting parameters. In 5G19A, such tuning will impact all the traffic and it is possible that the negative consequences (for example more UE battery consumption if proactive UL scheduling is using aggressive values) cannot be accepted in the general network. If this is the case, it can be considered if there are specific cells (indoor factory cells, cells covering mining operations), where it is acceptable to have worse performance in some respects if it means that the latency can be improved. If there is a need to improve the tail of the latency distribution, the major things to check will probably be: • Congestion (even low congestion level means that packets are now and then colliding). Table 95 contains test results which illustrate the impact of radio link congestion. • Handover problems • Frequent use of LTE to transfer the packets. In practice, this will probably be due to loss of 5G radio link, so the 5G radio link failures should be investigated. Field tests with SCS = 120 kHz have shown ~10 ms additional RTT delay when the uplink is using LTE radio interface instead of 5G • Bad RF performance in general. Figure 45 shows drive test measurements in mature LTE networks, where the relatively small areas with bad coverage is heavily degrading the 99.9% percentile performance. Of course, if the areas with bad 5G coverage are relatively large, also the average latency will be impacted. In one 5G network it has been observed that a HARQ retransmission means about 3 – 5 ms additional delay and a RLC retransmission means additional 100 ms delay (SCS = 30 kHz, 5G19A). 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 145 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia In the special case of Cloud BTS deployment, it should be investigated how much latency varies between the DUs, and it should be attempted to correlate such variation with the topology and load of the F1 transport network. Note that as long as the UE is in reasonable 5G radio conditions and handovers are not needed, mobility as such should not impact the latency, since even the lowest coding scheme will be able to transfer the full packet in a single slot. This is illustrated in Figure 46. Test conditions Median RTT 99% RTT No background traffic 12 ms 16 ms 10 Mbps UDP 13 ms 24 ms 50 Mbps UDP 13 ms 42 ms 250 Mbps UDP 15 ms 118 ms TCP 50 ms 117 ms Table 95: FiVe test results with single UE in stationary conditions. SCS = 30 kHz, constant UL scheduling, BTS SW = pre-P7 (5G19_5.3835.322). TCP throughput reached about 400 Mbps. Note that the average latency is not really impacted until the radio link load is high (250 Mbps) while the 99% latency is immediately impacted with just 10 Mbps / 400 Mbps = 2.5% radio link load. Figure 45: Delay measurements from drive testing in three live LTE networks. Average delay = ~15 ms; 99% delay (“10 -2”) = ~30 ms; 99.9% delay (“10-3”) = 250 – 300 ms. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 146 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Figure 46: FiVe field tests, comparison between stationary and mobility results. SCS = 30 kHz, pre-P7 5G19 software. The drive route was within a single 5G cell and all the route was in reasonable 5G coverage. There is no significant difference between the three tests. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 147 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 11 Optimization of control plane latency 11.1 Introduction Control plane latency describes how long time it takes to establish a 5G radio connection. The starting point is typically that the UE is in RRC idle mode and the ending point is normally when the UE has completed the 5G RACH procedure. This means that the LTE RRC establishment time (impacted for example by the idle mode DRX parameter settings (in case of mobile terminated connections) or core network security settings) have an impact. However, in this document the generic LTE delay components will not be discussed except that they will be present in the field test results. Especially in NSA deployments, where the radio connection needs to be established via the 4G RRC connection, the establishment time is so long that the first few packets of the user plane traffic are often sent via the LTE radio link rather than via the 5G radio link. Sometimes, there is requirement to meet a certain user plane latency when starting from RRC idle mode. Intuitively, this would be the sum of the 5G control plane latency and the 5G user plane latency, but in practice, the first packets have already been sent and received on the LTE radio interface (RTT for example ~200 ms from RRC idle) before the setup of the 5G radio has been completed (for example 400 ms). If “Idle mode Ping RTT” is discussed, it is therefore important that it is clear exactly what is meant Control plane latency is especially important if 5G handover functionality is not fully implemented and the connection will have to be released and set up again when moving from one 5G sector to another. A high control plane latency will in such cases lead to reduced average 5G throughput. Typical applications used by end-users to test the network throughput performance (such as Ookla Speedtest) make their measurements only during a few seconds, and a high control plane latency can mean that the throughput measurement can be completed before the 5G carrier has been added. The interest is normally about the average latency rather than the tail of the distribution. 11.2 Typical issues If the UE is within the 5G coverage, the biggest impact on the control plane latency is whether or not blind or measurement-based SgNB is used. If the UE is in marginal 5G coverage, it can be expected that this will also cause an increase in the control plane latency because multiple access attempts may be needed. There are also scenarios where the SgNB is intentionally delayed, either because LTE Carrier Aggregation needs to be completed or because there is ongoing VoLTE call. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 148 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 11.3 Performance analysis There are no counters to measure the control plane latency, so some kind of tracing will be needed, either in the UE or in the BTS. Tracing of both LTE and 5G messages are needed – these will typically be directly available from the UE (possibly from two different log files) but from the BTS, it will be necessary to trace in both the 4G and in the 5G BTS. The starting message is either the 4G preamble or the 4G RRC Connection Request. The ending message is the 5G RACH “msg3” message. One of the causes of long control plane latency can be that the first call setup attempt is not successful. PM counters can be used to measure the accessibility in the 5G cells, and analysis of these counters may be able to explain long latencies. The relevant counters and KPIs are discussed in the Accessibility section of this document. 11.4 Relevant features and parameters Feature id Feature name Release LTE4193 Dynamic Trigger for LTE-NR Option 3X LTE19 LTE4575 Blind Carrier Aggregation with LTE-NR DC Option 3X LTE19 LTE5524 Ongoing QCI1 prevents EN-DC setup LTE19A 5GC000795 Multiple DRBs per UE -NSA mode 3x 5G19A LTE4531 LTE-NR DC Option 3X: Multiple non-GBR SCG split Bearers LTE19A LTE4549 Flexible LTE CA with EN-DC LTE19B LTE5510 Stepwise addition of multiple bearers for EN-DC LTE19B 5GC001874 Non contention based random access 5G19A Table 96: Features relevant when analyzing control plane latency The relevancy of the features listed in Table 96 is shortly as follows: • LTE4193 enables dynamic triggering of the SgNB addition, such that addition is only attempted in areas with a certain minimum 5G coverage. This means that the UE needs to measure the 5G coverage and report back to the 4G BTS before SgNB can happen, and this naturally takes a certain time • In most networks, the operator will have multiple LTE bands and maximum end user throughput is achieved if LTE Carrier Aggregation is in place. With the basic LTE CA feature (LTE4575), the LTE carrier aggregation needs to be in place before the SgNB can happen, and LTE4575 can be parameterized such that the UE B1 measurement reports are ignored until the SgNB has taken place. With LTE19B feature LTE4549, it is no longer needed to delay the SgNB addition. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 149 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia • LTE4531 and 5GC000795 allow the UE to have multiple EN-DC DRBs, but these DRBs must be set up before the SgNB addition takes place and there may be a requirement to delay the SgNB addition. With LTE5510, this requirement disappears. • LTE5524 delays the SgNB if there is ongoing VoLTE call in order to avoid any impact to the VoLTE call quality. Waiting until the VoLTE call is completed can of course have a rather large impact on the SgNB addition delay. • 5GC001874 (contention free random access) allows faster and more reliable access than the 5G19 contention based random access In principle, the frequency of the RACH occurrences (within the subframe and divided over the number of beams) plays a role for how fast the UE can send the 5G preamble. Also, the periodicity of the SSB burst set can impact the time it takes for the UE to synchronize to the 5G cell. In both cases, the impact is probably negligible compared to the total duration of the access procedure and can probably be ignored until the Standalone functionality becomes available. Parameter Object Range Default Recommended ssBurstSetPeriod NRCELLGRP 10 – 160 ms 10 ms 20 ms prachConfigurationIndex NRCELL Numerous values 38 Depends on frame structure and use case numberOfTransmittedSsBlocks NRCELLGRP 1 – 32 beams 1 Match with desired nrb of beams Table 97: SSB / RACH periodicity parameters which theoretically can impact the control plane latency, but which are probably only relevant when SA functionality is available The general 5G accessibility should also be investigated, since low accessibility leads to repeated establishment attempts and therefore increased control plane latency. 11.4.1 LTE4193: Dynamic Trigger for LTE-NR DC Option 3X Parameter Object actDynTrigLteNrDualConnectivity LNBTS b1TimeToTriggerRsrp NRDCDPR b1TimeToTriggerRsrq NRDCDPR Range Default Recommended False (0) True (1) 0 to 5120 ms 256 ms 256 ms 0 to 5120 ms 256 ms 256 ms Table 98: Most relevant parameters in the LTE4193 feature. Note that these parameters are defined in the eNB 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 150 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Test results: Intuitively, blind addition should be faster than measurement-based addition. In pre-P7 5G19 packages, this was not the case because even though the eNB would not configure the UE to do 5G measurements, it would still be waiting for the measurement reports until a guard timer expired, and this caused additional 1 second delay. This was fixed in the P7 version of 5G19 (Pronto PR430607) for some radio units, for example AEQD. However, other radio units, for example AZQL, has been seen to have the same problem even in 5G19 P8 releases). actDynTrigLteNrDualConnectivity b1TimeToTriggerRsrp Test condition Average latency False N/A Stationary 462 ms True ? Stationary 1461 ms False N/A Drive tests 417 ms True ? Drive tests 1248 ms Table 99: Control plane latency with and without measurement-based SgNB addition. FiVe field tests, AEQD, FL19_ENB_0000_000172_000072. The b1TimeToTrigger parameter not known but may have been set to the default 256 ms. Blind SgNB addition is clearly faster than measurement-based addition. Figure 47: Control plane latency with and without measurement-based SgNB addition. AZQL, FL19_ENB_0000_020118_000000. Blind addition takes longer than measurement-based addition. LTE BTS software bug expected. Although the general recommendation is to use measurement-based addition (to avoid switching the user plane to the gNB if the 5G radio connection is not likely to be established), it can be considered to disable the LTE4193 feature (i.e. use blind SgNB addition) in cells where faster 5G control plane latency is required and/or where the 4G and the 5G radio coverage can be expected to be similar. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 151 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia It can also be considered to shorten the time-to-trigger, albeit at the expense of more failed 5G RACH procedures (because there is higher risk that there was just a single “spike” increase in the 5G RSRP) and possibly problems with 4G carrier aggregation (see discussion in section 9.4.2) and multiple DRB use (see below). Shows the behavior with different time-to-trigger values. Table 100: SgNB addition time with different time-to-trigger values. Drive tests, 5G19A, 600 MHz 11.4.2 LTE Carrier Aggregation features (LTE4575 / LTE4549) In most networks, the operator will have multiple LTE bands and maximum end user throughput is achieved if LTE Carrier Aggregation is in place. With the basic LTE CA feature (LTE4575), the LTE carrier aggregation needs to be in place before the SgNB can happen, and LTE4575 can be parameterized such that the UE B1 measurement reports are ignored until the LTE carrier aggregation has taken place. With LTE19B feature LTE4549, it is no longer needed to delay the SgNB addition. The parameter settings of these features as well as some relevant measurements are discussed in section 9.4.2. Note that this issue is only relevant if both the 4G and the 5G connections need to be set up. If the 4G connection and the needed carrier aggregation has already been set up, the SgNB addition will not be delayed. This could for example be if 5G handover is not enabled, and the UE moves from coverage area of one 5G sector to another 5G sector while staying in the coverage of the same LTE sector. In this scenario the 5G radio link will be released (or dropped) in the old 5G sector and a new 5G radio link will be established in the new 5G sector – but the 4G connection will be maintained. If LTE Carrier Aggregation is seen as less important (if for example the available LTE bandwidth is negligible compared to the 5G bandwidth), the LTE4575 can instead be parameterized so SgNB addition takes place as soon as a suitable 5G cell is found. Table 101: Illustration of the increased control plane latency when waiting for LTE carrier aggregation to happen. When waiting for LTE CA, SgNB addition time is 2 – 7 seconds. Without waiting, SgNB addition is ~850 ms. b1TimeToTriggerRsrp = 640 ms, 5G19A, 600 MHz 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 152 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia If LTE4575 is parameterized such that the UE B1 measurement reports are ignored until the LTE carrier aggregation has taken place, it should be noted that it has been observed in LTE19A that the LTE4575 blind carrier aggregation does not happen if there is only a small amount of downlink data to be sent (when doing FTP upload, when doing small pings or opening a small webpage like Google.com), and since LTE carrier aggregation does not happen, the SgNB addition also does not happen, even though the UE sends B1 measurement reports. This problem will be fixed in a future release. 11.4.3 Multiple DRB features (5GC000795 / LTE4531 / LTE5510) LTE4531 and 5GC000795 allow the UE to have multiple EN-DC DRBs, but these DRBs must be set up before the SgNB addition takes place and there may be a requirement to delay the SgNB addition. When the E-RAB bearers are setup between the UE and the core network, there are two options: • All E-RAB bearers are requested to be set up in the S1AP: INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message • The initial context setup message covers only a single E-RAB and the rest of the E-RABs are set up via the S1AP: E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message If the first option is used, the SgNB addition can take place immediately. If the second option is used, the SgNB addition should be delayed until the additional E-RABs have been set up. This delay can be achieved by using a high value of the b1TimeToTriggerRsrp parameter. There is not yet good view of how long b1TimeToTriggerRsrp should be. Note that this issue is only relevant if both the 4G and the 5G connections need to be set up. If the 4G connection with all the needed E-RABs and DRBs has already been set up, the SgNB addition will not need to be delayed. This could for example be if 5G handover is not enabled, and the UE moves from coverage area of one 5G sector to another 5G sector while staying in the coverage of the same LTE sector. In this scenario the 5G radio link will be released (or dropped) in the old 5G sector and a new 5G radio link will be established in the new 5G sector – but the 4G connection will be maintained. With LTE5510 in LTE19B, additional E-RABs can be set up even after the SgNB addition has taken place. 11.4.4 LTE5524: Ongoing QCI1 prevents EN-DC setup VoLTE traffic (QCI 1 EPS Bearer) is always routed through the 4G BTS. There may be a negative impact upon VoLTE performance if a UE is simultaneously configured with a VoLTE bearer at the 4G BTS and a non-GBR data bearer at the 5G BTS. This feature prevents 5G Secondary Cell Addition when there is an ongoing 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 153 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia VoLTE call. Depending on the duration of the ongoing VoLTE call, the delay in executing the SgNB addition procedure can therefore be considerable. This feature is described in more details in chapter 12. 11.4.5 5GC001874: Non contention based random access The introduction of the contention-free random access procedure can potentially speed up the 5G RACH procedure: • Msg3 is not used in contention-free scenario so the whole procedure is faster compared to the contention-based scenario. This will impact the average latency • When contention-based random access is used, it is possible that two UEs will select the same preamble and the random access procedure will therefore not work for one of them. The failing UE will need to pick another preamble and try again, and this generates an extra delay. Contention-free access avoids this issue. This issue will impact the tail of the latency distribution • A shorter random access procedure means less risk of radio failures during the procedure and therefore less risk of having to start again from beginning. This issue will impact the tail of the latency distribution There are not yet live network experiences with contention-free random access. It is doubtful if the speed improvements will be significant compared with the other delays in the SgNB addition procedure. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 154 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 12 Impact on legacy LTE performance 12.1 Impact on LTE performance for non-EN DC capable UEs 12.1.1 LTE layering strategy When EN-DC functionality is enabled in the network, the operator may choose to only allow certain LTE layers to be used as anchor carriers for the EN-DC connections. This means there is a need to push ENDC UEs onto certain LTE layers. In theory, it should be possible to do this based on the UE capability, but in practice, it seems that also the subscriber profile id (SPID) is needed, and some operators are reluctant to use this due to added complexities in the core network. The solution can then be to push all UEs, regardless if they are EN-DC capable or not, onto the desired LTE layer, and this can therefore change the performance also of the non-EN DC UEs. Even if the combination of UE capability and SPID is used such that it is only EN-DC capable UEs which are pushed to a certain LTE layer, this LTE layer can start to suffer from increased congestion, and this will also hit the non-EN DC capable UEs which happen to use that particular LTE layer. 12.1.2 LTE congestion 5G users may transfer considerably more data than LTE users due to higher quota on their subscriptions and the use of more bandwidth-hungry applications. Especially when the UE is outside 5G coverage, this behaviour can cause increased loading of the LTE radio interface, and this will also hit the non-EN DC users. This scenario is briefly discussed in section 8.4. On the other hand, it is also possible that offloading the heavy users to the 5G layer means less load on the 4G layer and therefore better performance for the non-EN DC users. The X2 interface will probably start to carry significantly more traffic when EN-DC is enabled in the network, and this can potentially disrupt legacy LTE procedures such as inter-eNB handover. 12.2 Impact on LTE performance for EN-DC capable UEs 12.2.1 Measurement gaps When an EN-DC capable UE establishes a RRC connection on a eNB configured for EN-DC operation, it is by default instructed to use measurement gaps to perform the B1 measurements. This means that the achievable LTE throughput is reduced by approximately 25%. This effect is present especially if there is no 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 155 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 5G signal in the area. Not all UEs on the market require measurement gaps to be able to perform B1 measurements, and it is possible to disable the measurement gaps. This is discussed in more details in section 5.4. 12.2.2 Performance during failed RACH procedures If the 5G addition is attempted at too low RSRP values, there may be a series of failed 5G RACH procedures. Not only does this mean that the 5G leg of the connection will not be established – it is also possible that the LTE leg will suffer from reduced throughput. This happens only at the edge of the 5G cell. This effect is discussed in section 5.4. 12.2.3 LTE carrier aggregation The use of EN-DC carrier aggregation brings some restrictions to the use of the pure LTE carrier aggregation procedures, and in some scenarios, a UE with EN-DC connection will not have LTE carrier aggregation. The interaction between the various Nokia features is discussed in section 9.4.2. In addition, the UE itself may have limitations on the possible LTE carrier aggregation possibilities when it is in EN-DC mode. 12.2.4 VoLTE performance Feature id Feature name LTE5524 Ongoing QCI1 prevents EN-DC setup Table 102: Features related to improved VoLTE performance There may be a negative impact upon VoLTE performance if a UE is simultaneously configured with a VoLTE bearer at the 4G BTS and a non-GBR data bearer at the 5G BTS. This can happen if the UE does not support dynamic power sharing between 4G and 5G and may result in a limitation of the uplink LTE transmit power and therefore worse VoLTE performance. LTE5524: Ongoing QCI1 prevents EN-DC setup allows to prevent an EN-DC setup when there is an ongoing QCI1 call. Note that the opposite situation, that an existing EN-DC connection will be released when a new QCI1 connection is established, is not supported. In LTE19A; the feature only works with the QCI1 (VoLTE) calls. In LTE19B, also the QCI65 and QCI66 bearers used for public safety is taken into account. In LTE19A, the feature is controlled via a temporary parameter, and in LTE19B, a dedicated parameter is taken into use. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 156 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Parameter Object Range Default tmpActFeat1 LNBTS Bitmap of 32 bits all 0’s Recommended Bit 0: Non-emergency QCI1 calls Bit 1: Emergency QCI1 calls actVoLteNoEnDc LNBTS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 disabled non-emergency QCI1 calls emergency QCI1 calls all QCI1 calls QCI65 and QCI66 calls QCI65/66 and nonemergency QCI1 QCI65/66 and emergency QCI1 QCI65/66 and all QCI1 calls disabled (0) Table 103: Parameters to control LTE5524 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 157 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 13 Optimization of specific functionalities This chapter is a collection of miscellaneous topics which are not important or complicated enough to warrant their own chapter but on the other hand cannot easily be included in any of the other chapters. 13.1 RACH performance To be included later 13.2 5G carrier aggregation The maximum channel bandwidth in 5G19A is 100 MHz, and since some operators have large bandwidths available in the 28 GHz and 39 GHz bands, 5G carrier aggregation is needed to fully exploit the available bandwidth. In 5G19A, carrier aggregation is supported only for FR2, i.e. 28 GHz or 39 GHz. The relevant features are listed in Table 104. Feature id Feature name 5GC000527 Intra-band Carrier Aggregation TDD FR2 up to 2CCs 5GC000720 Asymmetric Carrier Aggregation 5GC001725 Intra-band Carrier Aggregation TDD FR2 up to 4CCs DL 5GC001547 Supplemental downlink cell - FR2 5GC001831 Intra-band CA TDD FR2 up to 4CCs DL - 2CCs UL 5GC001836 Spillover from 5GC000480 Radio Admission Control for NSA mode 3x operation Table 104: Features related to 5G carrier aggregation. 5G19A features in italic The aim of 5G carrier aggregation is to provide higher throughput for a single UE. In 5G19, up to 400 MHz bandwidth can be allocated to a single UE. The carriers do not need to be contiguous as long as they are in the same frequency band. A particular UE may not necessarily support carrier aggregation. This is checked by the gNB by inspecting the UE Capability IE before deciding to execute carrier aggregation for the UE. In 5G19A, there is no mechanism allowing to add another SCell(s) for the UE during the ongoing connection –all possible SCells are configured only once, during the Initial Context Setup procedure. Only FR2 intra-band carrier aggregation (contiguous and non-contiguous) is supported in 5G19A. The configuration of the carrier aggregation is done during the SgNB addition, i.e. step-wise carrier aggregation is not yet supported. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 158 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Supplemental Downlink Carrier (SDLC) functionality is introduced with 5G19A feature 5GC001547: Supplemental downlink cell -FR2. It allows the configuration of 5G cells deployed in DL-only mode. In contrast to regular DL/UL cell deployments, SDLC does not allow for uplink service - at least one cell in the cell group must have DL / UL capabilities while the rest of the cells can be DL-only. However, the DL-only cells are still configured with the usual mix of DL slots, UL slots and special slots. The benefit of DL-only cells is that they require less processing resources in the BTS and for example the 5GC001824: 4 cells per ABIL/ASOD in FR2 requires the use of DL-only cells. Parameter Object Range Default Recommended actCarrierAggregation NRBTS False, True False True maxNumScellsDl NRBTS 1 to 3 3 3 maxNumScellsUl NRBTS 1 1 2 sCellActivationMethod NRBTS Blind, BufferBased, BufferAndRLQualityBased BufferBased BufferBased maxNumOfUsersPerCell NRCELL 0..250 250 0 if DL-only cell nrCellType NRCELL 20:2DL0UL; 2DL0UL if DLonly cell, otherwise 2DL2UL 21:2DL1UL; 22:2DL2UL; 24:2DL4UL; 42:4DL2UL; 44:4DL4UL; 82:8DL2UL; 84:8DL4UL; 88:8DL8UL; 168:16DL8UL; 1616:16DL16UL pathlossDeltaActSCellDl NRBTS [0 .. 20], step 1 3 N/A mcsDeactSCellDl NRBTS [1 .. 15], step 1 3 N/A pathlossDeltaActSCellUl NRBTS [0 .. 20], step 1 3 N/A mcsDeactSCellUl NRBTS [1 .. 15], step 1 3 N/A Table 105: Parameters to control carrier aggregation. The last 4 parameters are only used if the activation method is bufferAndRLQualityBased 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 159 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Measurement id Measurement name Carrier aggregation counters M55114 Central unit (CU) Radio admission control measurement CU admission control attempts and successes for 1 to 7 additional carriers M55115 Distributed unit (DU) Radio admission control measurement DU admission control attempts and successes for 1 to 7 additional carriers M55316 NR Carrier Aggregation Distributed Unit (gNB-DU) Average and maximum number of UEs using CA per number of SCells Table 106: Main measurements with Carrier Aggregation counters. Individual counters are too numerous to list KPI id KPI name KPI formula NR_216a 5G Average number of UEs with an PSCELL or SCELL activated in downlink UE_PSCELL_ACT_SCELL_DL / SAMPLE_CNT_DL_UE_AMOUNT NR_217a 5G Average number of UEs with an PSCELL or SCELL activated in uplink UE_PSCELL_ACT_SCELL_UL / SAMPLE_CNT_UL_UE_AMOUNT NR_xxx Average number of DL SCells (PSCELL_UE_1_ACT_SCELL_DL + 2 * PSCELL_UE_2_ACT_SCELL_DL + 3 * PSCELL_UE_3_ACT_SCELL_DL + 4 * PSCELL_UE_4_ACT_SCELL_DL + 5 * PSCELL_UE_5_ACT_SCELL_DL + 6 * PSCELL_UE_6_ACT_SCELL_DL + 7 * PSCELL_UE_7_ACT_SCELL_DL) / (PSCELL_UE_0-7_ACT_SCELL_DL) NR_xxx Average number of UL Scells (PSCELL_UE_1_ACT_SCELL_UL + 2 * PSCELL_UE_2_ACT_SCELL_UL + 3 * PSCELL_UE_3_ACT_SCELL_UL + 4 * PSCELL_UE_4_ACT_SCELL_UL + 5 * PSCELL_UE_5_ACT_SCELL_UL + 6 * PSCELL_UE_6_ACT_SCELL_UL + 7 * PSCELL_UE_7_ACT_SCELL_UL) / (PSCELL_UE_0-7_ACT_SCELL_UL) Table 107: Main KPIs to monitor carrier aggregation functionality. Many more KPI formulas exist. 13.3 Ookla Speedtest Ookla Speedtest (speedtest.net) is a web service that provides free analysis of connection data rate and latency. It is widely used by Nokia test engineers, operator test engineers and journalists and bloggers to give quick impression of the network performance. Many operators are specifically demanding that Ookla speedtest will show good performance when used in their networks. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 160 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 13.3.1 How Ookla Speedtest works Ping/Jitter: This test is performed by measuring the time it takes for the server to reply to a request from the user's client. The client sends a message to the server. Upon receiving that message, the server sends a reply back. The round-trip time is measured is measured in ms. The test is repeated approximately 10 times. The lowest value determines the value of the reported latency and the variation between the values determinates the jitter. This means that the scheduling parameters which determine the “waiting time” will not necessarily have much impact on the reported latency because these parameters will tend to impact the average latency, not the minimum latency. Download: The client establishes multiple TCP connections with the server (fallback to HTTP is also possible). The client requests the server to send an initial chunk of data. The client calculates the real-time speed of the transfers, then adjusts the chunk size and buffer size based on this calculation to maximize usage of the network connection. As the chunks are received by the client, the client will request more chunks throughout the duration of the test. During the first half of the test, the client will establish extra connections to the server if it determines additional threads are required to more accurately measure the download speed. The test ends once the configured amount of time has been reached. All samples are sorted by speed. The two fastest results are removed as well as the bottom 1/4 which is left (which is approximately 22% of the total). Everything else is then averaged. Since TCP protocol is in use, it is crucial that the TCP acks are being sent. This again means that a bad uplink connection will degrade the downlink throughput. Also, the TCP slow-start means that it is important not to have high control plane and user plane latencies in order to avoid that the test is completed before the TCP slow start phase has been passed. Upload: The client establishes multiple TCP connections with the server over the defined port (fallback to HTTP is also possible) and sends an initial chunk of data. The client calculates the real-time speed of the transfers and adjusts the chunk size and buffer size based on it to maximize usage of the network connection, and requests more data. As the chunks are received by the server, the client will send more chunks throughout the duration of the test. During the first half of the test, the client will establish extra connections to the server if it determines additional threads are required to more accurately measure the upload speed. The test ends once the configured amount of time has been reached. The two fastest results are removed as well as the bottom 1/4 which is left (which is approximately 22% of the total). Everything else is then averaged. Similar to the download test, the use of TCP protocol means that the opposite transmission direction (in this case the downlink direction) works well in order to achieve good upload performance. Again, the TCP slow-start means than control plane and user plane latencies can have high impact. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 161 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia 13.3.2 How to improve Ookla Speedtest performance The path to the server and the server itself should have good performance without congestion, high load, high latency etc. Many operators improve performance by deploying their own speedtest server close to their PGW. This doesn’t help on long S1-U connections, but unless the S1-U latency is extremely high, it is probably mainly the latency results that will suffer. If establishing the 5G connection takes multiple seconds (this can happen if the use of LTE4575: Blind Carrier Aggregation with LTE-NR DC Option 3X means that SgNB addition only happens after LTE carrier aggregation is complete), the download test may end before or soon after the 5G connection is available. Chapter 11 discusses the possibilities to improve the control plane latency. User plane latency plays naturally a big role for the ping latency results. For download and upload tests, a high user plane latency is not necessarily an issue: If the control plane latency is low, there will probably be enough time to overcome the TCP slow start even with high user plane latency, but if the 5G connection establishment is already delayed, a high user plane latency can then be the final factor that is preventing to reach high throughput. Chapter 10 discusses the possibilities to improve the user plane latency. See example on Figure 48. Since the “reverse direction” plays a role in getting good TCP performance, especially the EN-DC uplink performance should be analysed. It may be possible to get better uplink throughput and therefore better Speedtest download results by using only the LTE leg for the uplink user plane. See section 9.4.1 for some discussion on this topic. Finally, the overall throughput performance of course needs to be on a good level. Chapter 9 lists the different actions to take in this regard. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 162 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Figure 48: Slow ramp-up during Ookla Speedtest Download. The 5G throughput is still rising when the test is terminated and therefore a bad performance is reported. Slow ramp-up caused by combination of waiting for LTE carrier aggregation and high user plane latency. 600 MHz, 5G19A 13.3.3 Processing Speedtest results Speedtest results are often postprocessed simply by taking a screenshot after a test and then either directly include the screenshot in the test report or manually enter the results into a table. If there are many test results, for example after a couple of days’ drive testing, a more convenient way is to use the “upload” option in the app to mail a spreadsheet with the latest results (typically covering multiple days) to an email address. The data can then easily be postprocessed. 13.4 EN-DC downlink throughput issues Most operators want to be able to demonstrate as high downlink throughput as possible when using a 5G UE, and this means that both the LTE leg and the 5G leg should be able to contribute, i.e. the dlDataSplitMode parameter should be set to “dlOverF1UX2U”. The importance of this depends on factors like available 5G bandwidth, possibility of LTE carrier aggregation, LTE congestion level etc., but theoretically it is in all cases expected that split mode operation will bring a benefit in downlink end-user throughput. However, the experience is that with TCP traffic, the end-user throughput can be degraded when using split mode compared to use either pure LTE or pure 5G downlink transmission. The explanation is probably that when split mode is enabled, some TCP packets are lost in the X2 transmission. This means that when the UE combines the LTE and 5G data streams, it will detect that some TCP packets are missing, and it will request the server for retransmission. The server will interpret this as congestion and reduce the downlink transmission speed. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 163 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Possible reasons for TCP packet drops in this scenario include: • 5G BTS software problems. Numerous prontos have been opened on this topic. Some corrections are already available in the latest BTS releases • X2 transmission problems. In some cases it has been demonstrated that linking eNB and gNB with direct cable gives much better performance than using the X2 transmission network. This approach of course only works for co-located sites The initial investigation can be based on: • Use field test equipment to compare UDP and TCP performance in split mode and in 5G-only mode. It is expected that when UDP is used, the 5G MAC / RLC throughput is the same regardless whether split mode or 5G-only mode is used. When TCP is used, it is possible that the 5G MAC / RLC throughput is reduced and becomes unstable when switching from 5G-only mode to split mode. If this happens, a possible explanation is packet drops in the X2 transmission • Use wireshark to capture at least the UE TCP layer and examine if the use of split mode leads to TCP retransmissions. Optionally, also wireshark capture at X2 and at S1 interfaces can help in understanding where the packets are dropped In some cases, the problems are present regardless of the location and can be found be stationary testing in a single location or even in test lab. In other cases, there seems to be a dependency on X2 performance, so the problems may not be detectable in all locations. There is EN-DC knowledge sharing material on Confluence, which provides useful comments about best parameter settings. Also EN-DC learnings has relevant information. 13.5 UE battery life The importance of minimizing the UE power consumption depends on the UE type. For CPEs (Customer Premises Equipment, used in Fixed Wireless Access use case) which are normally connected to a mains outlet, the power consumption is not important in practice. For smartphones, the battery life time is certainly important for the user, but it is not yet clear if the 5G radio network configuration has significant impact on the battery life or if other factors, such as the screen power consumption in practice is much higher. For battery-driven IoT devices such as smart meters, the power consumption will be very important, but it is unlikely that such devices will appear in 5G networks in the near future. This section discusses those 5G network configuration aspects which have most impact on the power consumption of the UE. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 164 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Generally, it is not possible to directly measure the power drain on test terminals so more time consuming methods such as charging the battery to 100% and observe how long it takes to be reduced to 50% must be used. Due to this, there is not much experience with the features and parameters described in this section in practice impact on battery life. 13.5.1 Inactivity timer As long as the UE is in connected mode, it consumes power. Even when it is not transferring user plane data, the UE needs to decode PDCCH symbols and transmit CSI reports. If proactive UL scheduling is used, it will also need to transmit dummy data on the PUSCH. Therefore, a reduction of the 5G inactivity timer (and of the 4G inactivity timer as well) will lead to lower UE power consumption. On the other hand, too short inactivity timers mean increased user plane latency and more signalling in the network. The inactivity timers are discussed in section 6.1 in the Retainability Optimization chapter and listed in Table 36. 13.5.2 Connected Mode DRX The use of connected mode DRX allows the UE to only monitor part of the slots for PDCCH information for UL and DL grants. The UE is provided with parameters such that “active” and “sleep” periods are defined, and the UE can then power down during the sleep periods and in this way potentially save some battery power. On the other hand, since the UE is only reachable during the active periods, the average downlink latency is increased. Also, the restrictions imposed on the network on when it can transmit to a given UE means that the network capacity can be reduced. There is not yet good knowledge of the positive aspects (i.e. the reduction in power consumption) of Connected Mode DRX. The Network Engineering training on the feature (5GC000772 Common DRX) includes simulation results for the negative aspects (longer delay and lower network capacity) with different parameter settings. The C-DRX parameters are listed in Table 89 and discussed in chapter 10. 13.5.3 Proactive uplink scheduling Proactive uplink scheduling allows the UE to by-pass the normal schedule request procedure. The gNB will simply proactively assign transmission slots to a given UE. This means that the uplink latency can be significantly reduced. However, a side effect in 5G19A is that the UE must transmit something in each of these assigned slots. If it does not have user data to transmit, it must transmit dummy bits. Such transmission of dummy bits will naturally increase the UE power consumption, as well as the overall interference level in the network. The shorter the period between assigned transmission slots, the higher the UE power consumption can be expected to be. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 165 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Especially if ulDataPath has been set to “ulOverLTE”, it can be considered to disable proactive UL scheduling on 5G because uplink user data will anyway be transmitted via the LTE leg. There is not yet good knowledge of how serious the increased power consumption is. The parameters for proactive UL scheduling are listed in Table 90 and discussed in chapter 10. 13.5.4 RF environment A good RF environment will probably in general minimize the UE power consumption: Lower transmit power can be used and the possibility of using higher coding schemes means that the transfer time for a given amount of data will be shorter, and this is expected to lead to less power consumption in the UE. However, it is possible that for some services (e.g. video streaming), a bad RF environment will not lead to longer data transfer times but instead to reduced amount of data transfer, for example by reducing the resolution when playing video clips. This means that the baseband part of the UE will have less data to process, and it is possible that this out-weighs the increased power needed in the RF part of the UE. 13.6 BTS power efficiency Feature id Feature name 5GC001197 Micro discontinuous Trans. and Recept. (µDTRX) for Energy Efficiency Table 108: Features related to BTS power efficiency Since electricity is a major factor for operators’ operating expenses, 3GPP designed the 5G standard such that the BTSs can operate with a high degree of power efficiency. From 5G19A onwards, various features will be introduced to improve BTS power efficiency. The 5GC001197: Micro discontinuous Trans. and Recept. (µDTRX) for Energy Efficiency feature allows to switch off the RX/TX paths of the radio units for the symbol duration if no data is going to be received / sent. 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 166 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Figure 49: Estimated power consumption when uDTX is in use. With 10% traffic load, there is a power saving of about 100 W / 400 W = 25% The feature does not have an activation flag and is activated by default. It supports only radio units with eCPRI interface operating in the mmWave frequency band. In 5G19A, it is not possible to directly measure the BTS power consumption. Counters for this will come with the 5GC000433: Embedded Power Meter for Energy Efficiency feature, which will be available in a later release. 13.7 BTS radiation level Feature id Feature name 5GC001329 EIRP monitor Table 109: Features related to the monitoring and control of the BTS radiation levels 5G19A brings the first step towards a better control of the BTS transmit power when active antennas are in use. 5GC001329: EIRP monitor brings counters to monitor the actual transmitted power and future releases will bring features that allow better control of the transmitted power (5GC002052: EIRP control). 5GC001329 allows to define up to 60 “cell segments” and counters can then be used to monitor the power transmitted towards each of these segments. It is also possible to monitor the transmitted power per beam and the total transmitted power in the cell. Counter id Counter name M55324C00000 EIRP_SAMPLES 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 167 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Counter id Counter name M55324C00101..160 EIRP_SEGMENT_1..60 M55324C00200..260 MAX_EIRP_SEGMENT_0..60 M55324C00300..360 EIRP_CONTROL_SEGMENT_0..60 M55324C00400..463 ACTUAL_TX_POWER_BEAM_ID_0..63 M55324C00464 ACTUAL_TX_POWER_CELL Table 110: Counters related to 5GC001329. The "control" counters will probably (?) not show values before 5G19B Cell segments are configured using parameters: - MRBTS/NRBTS/NRCELL/eirpControl/numOfSegmentAzimuthEdges in range 0..9 - MRBTS/NRBTS/NRCELL/eirpControl/segmentAzimuthEdge table with 1-degree granularity - MRBTS/NRBTS/NRCELL/eirpControl/numOfSegmentElevationEdges in range 0..5 - MRBTS/NRBTS/NRCELL/eirpControl/segmentElevationEdge table with 1-degree granularity In total, up to 60 cell segments may be configured with a minimum distance between two azimuth edges of 10 degrees and 3 degrees between two elevation edges 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 168 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Appendix I List of 5G RAN features Feature id Feature name 5GC000102 5GC000157 5GC000159 5GC000160 5GC000165 5GC000167 5GC000169 5GC000174 5GC000180 5GC000235 5GC000236 5GC000250 5GC000265 5GC000268 5GC000269 5GC000270 5GC000275 5GC000276 5GC000296 5GC000305 5GC000307 5GC000309 5GC000310 5GC000311 5GC000314 5GC000315 5GC000316 5GC000317 5GC000318 5GC000320 5GC000321 5GC000324 5GC000325 5GC000326 5GC000343 5GC000348 5GC000349 5GC000353 5GC000372 5GC000374 5G Node B Status display Support NetAct connectivity 5G NodeB state management 5G Node B Radio Access Point Hardware Management in NMS Performance management generic mechanism Fault Management general flow and mechanism 5G Node B basic faults indication 5G Node B Software management 5G Node B Temperature management gNB Configuration Management from Web Element Manager gNB Object Model Event logging on gNB 5G Node B Firewall on DU Security for Ethernet Ports on DU Linux Hardening on gNB LINUX System account permissions on gNB AirScale Common ASIK AirScale Capacity ABIL VNF CU on Third Party Infrastructure 1 Secure Boot for DU Transport IPV4/IPv6 stack enhancement Support of F1 interface over IPv4 or IPv6 M Plane over IPv4 M-plane over IPv6 Synchronization Hub Sync Hub Direct Forward 5G Node B Synchronization Mode Support 1PPS&ToD Sync from Sync Hub Master 1PPS&ToD Sync from External GNSS Receiver Synchronization Holdover Support NTP based Time synchronization on CU Operator Account Management on gNB Nokia Service Account Management on gNB OAM Transport Layer Security (TLS 1.2) Support on CU & DU VNF Lifecycle management 5G Node B Hardware Monitoring in Web Element Manager 5G Performance counter for transport plane QSFP+ for Fronthaul LL interface 5G Node B Web User Interface 5G Management with NSP and WPS 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 169 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Feature id Feature name 5GC000378 5GC000380 5GC000381 5GC000382 5GC000385 5GC000390 5GC000407 5GC000418 5GC000425 Beamforming Run-Time Calibration for 3rd Gen RF 10GBase-SR Optical GE Interface Small Form Factor Pluggable SFP/SFP+/SFP28 slot 10GBase-LR Optical GE Interface 1000Base-SX Optical GE Interface Vendor Certificate Management for DU Log file scrambling for US-NSA AMOB outdoor sub-rack for 5G TDD lower layer support - 100 MHz cell bandwidth 5G Transport, Synchronization and Security Features rebasing on ASIK for Classical 5G NodeB X2 Management for NSA mode 3x operation SgNB Addition and Release for NSA mode 3x operation UE inactivity handling for NSA mode 3x operation Radio Admission Control for NSA mode 3x operation F1 link management UE capability handling for NSA mode 3x operation Classical BTS introduction User Plane Performance counters for 18A Control Plane Performance counters for 18A L3 Non Standalone call with data transmission Uplink open loop power control DL power control AEUA AirScale MAA 2T2R 512AE n257 Master Information Block TDD scheduler for Multi-UE support Analog Beamforming 5G18A operability functionality porting to classical BTS deployment Ethernet termination Ciphering of U-plane (NSA option 3x) VNF Airframe compatibility matrix VNF CU capacity and configuration ASIK and ABIK for cloud BTS Performance & Capacity Targets 5G18A 5G - LTE flow control at X2 TRS Support of NSA interfaces (X2 and S1-U) over IPv4 / IPv6 3GPP specification baseline Rel. 15 06/2018 5G DU configurations CPRI fronthaul interface AirScale Subrack AMIA F1-U interface ABIL & ASIK - new SW deployment Multiple VLAN interfaces AirScale Common ASIKA AirScale Capacity ABIK 5GC000426 5GC000474 5GC000475 5GC000479 5GC000480 5GC000481 5GC000482 5GC000496 5GC000503 5GC000504 5GC000509 5GC000510 5GC000512 5GC000515 5GC000521 5GC000523 5GC000535 5GC000540 5GC000541 5GC000543 5GC000547 5GC000548 5GC000555 5GC000569 5GC000570 5GC000577 5GC000580 5GC000608 5GC000619 5GC000623 5GC000630 5GC000631 5GC000647 5GC000649 5GC000660 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 170 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Feature id Feature name 5GC000662 5GC000666 5GC000669 5GC000697 5GC000718 5GC000863 5GC000872 5GC000897 5GC000922 5GC000943 5GC001082 5GC001127 5GC001182 5GC001199 5GC001267 5GC001269 5GC001359 5GC001506 GNSS Receiver FYGM Snapshot for 5GNB Support of intra node gNB checks in WPS AirPhone LTE-emulation for NSA F1 cell management ASIK and ABIL for cloud BTS AMIC AirScale Indoor Mounting kit for DCM gNB deployment - 5G18A 5GNB Compliances E2E L2 call with NSA L3 in test mode Classical gNB software Management FR2 frame structure 4-1 5G CU single server for DU colocation - trial gNodeB-DU with FDSW pre-delivery AEWF AirScale MAA 2T2R 512AE n260 AEUF AirScale MAA 2T2R 512AE n257 5G18A Classical BTS Performance and Capacity AEHA AirScale MAA 64T64R 128AE B41 200W Table 111: 5G18A features Feature id Feature name 5GC000170 5GC000256 5GC000264 5GC000313 5GC000323 5GC000341 5GC000352 5GC000386 5GC000387 5GC000388 5GC000391 5GC000414 5GC000429 5GC000478 5GC000499 5GC000507 5GC000511 5GC000517 5GC000522 5GC000526 5GC000527 5GC000531 5GC000532 5G Node B recovery License Management for 5G IPsec on Backhaul Timing over Packet with Phase Synchronization Operator Certificate Management & Multi Layer of CA Reducing gNB reset during gNB reconfiguration GNSS receiver FYGC 1000Base-LX Optical GE Interface 1000Base-ZX Optical GE Interface 1000Base-BX Optical GE Interface IPv6 for S Plane 5G DU configurations AirScale Sub-rack sharing Radio Link Failure handling for NSA mode 3x operation PM reporting time improvement (5min) Fault triggered snapshot PRACH control Uplink and Downlink link adaptation 256 QAM for PDSCH DL Interference Generation - single cell Intra-band CA TDD FR2 up to 2 CCs DL SU adaptive MIMO UL SU adaptive MIMO 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 171 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Feature id Feature name 5GC000533 5GC000551 5GC000562 5GC000572 5GC000583 5GC000584 5GC000605 5GC000609 5GC000624 5GC000625 5GC000636 5GC000645 5GC000664 5GC000683 5GC000684 5GC000703 5GC000719 5GC000720 5GC000757 5GC000758 5GC000762 5GC000769 5GC000772 5GC000794 5GC000846 5GC000848 5GC000869 5GC000886 5GC000898 5GC000921 5GC000952 5GC001009 5GC001025 5GC001070 5GC001075 5GC001077 5GC001094 5GC001097 5GC001116 5GC001138 5GC001179 5GC001208 5GC001210 5GC001213 5GC001253 Digital Beamforming for CPRI based RUs Transfer Troubleshooting snapshot to Netact AEQA AirScale MAA 64T64R 192AE B42 200W Intra-Frequency Inter-DU en-gNB mobility (NSA option 3x, Cloud gNB) Secure Key and File Storage for Radio Unit RU Module Certificate Management DL SU adaptive 4x4 MIMO (open loop) ToP with Phase Sync Resiliency 10/25GBase-SR Optical GE Interface 10/25GBase-LR Optical GE Interface 3GPP specification baseline Rel. 15 09/2018 and NBC NSA 12/2018 5G Cloud OAM restart improvement AEQD AirScale MAA 64T64R 128AE B43 200W CU VNF architecture, configuration and capacity 5G19 VNF Airframe compatibility Matrix 5G DU configurations AHLOA AirScale Dual RRH 4T4R B12/n71 240W Asymmetric carrier aggregation User Plane Performance counters for 19 Control Plane Performance counters for 19 5G centralized SON PCI management Licensing Management framework for 5G Common DRX 5G Node B Tracing mechanism for User Plane 5G19 Performance and Capacity - WM Classical BTS - NSA BTS Fronthaul CPRI 7 - SFP+/SFP28 Dual Fiber Base Line 80 Mhz cell bandwidth for cmWave Secondary RAT data volume reporting gNB deployment - 5G19 Performance and Capacity - WM Cloud - NSA Recovery for Classical gNB E1 interface preparation NR-LTE concurrent operation for CPRI TDD MAA radios Bi-periodic 5 slot subframe configuration 60 Mhz cell bandwidth for cmWave 40 Mhz cell bandwidth for cmWave Intra-Frequency Intra-DU en-gNB mobility (NSA option 3x) Basic PCMD For NSA TD-LTE co-existence subframe configuration AAHF AirScale MAA 64T64R 128AE B41 120W BTS Fronthaul CPRI 7 - QSFP+/QSFP28 Base Line FR1 frame configuration 4-1 AAHJ AirScale MAA 64T64R 128AE B41 120W Transport Reference Configurations Loader and validator for migration from MZOAM to cOAM 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 172 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Feature id Feature name 5GC001304 5GC001326 5GC001492 5GC001640 5GC001725 5GC001844 5GC002017 5GC002203 5GC002204 Frame structure enhancement Monthly system upgrade AEQN AirScale MAA 32T32R 96AE n78 80W (CPRI w/o BF) Remote access to gNB based on NCF Intra-band CA TDD FR2 up to 4CCs DL AHQK 5G Airscale RIU (CPRI) 1Cell 2x2 MIMO AZQG (CPRI) 2x2 DL MIMO AZQL (CPRI) 2x2 DL MIMO AZQH (CPRI) 2x2 DL MIMO Table 112: 5G19 features Feature id 5GC000092 5GC000181 5GC000300 5GC000319 5GC000370 5GC000371 5GC000375 5GC000392 5GC000399 5GC000506 5GC000519 5GC000544 5GC000553 5GC000560 5GC000561 5GC000573 5GC000575 5GC000578 5GC000579 5GC000585 5GC000586 5GC000613 5GC000614 5GC000616 5GC000646 5GC000682 5GC000716 5GC000719 5GC000724 5GC000726 5GC000738 5GC000739 Feature name 5G Node B Plug and Play HW addition and removal without service impact VNF High Availability foundation for C-plane Flexible Sync Input Priority Tracing for Control Plane step 1 gNB recovery log collecting 5G Performance Monitoring for CPRI Link IPsec on F1 eCPRI Fronthaul interface Remote Syslog for continuous log storage QoS Aware Ethernet Switch Ciphering and Integrity Protection of C-Plane (NSA option 3x) eCPRI Transport eCPRI Sync Slave RU eCPRI Sync Master Support Intra-Frequency Inter en-gNB mobility (NSA option 3x) Intra-MeNB LTE handover without en-gNB change (NSA Option 3x) Direct RRC signaling for NSA mode 3x operation Long fiber support for CPRI fronthaul AEUB AirScale MAA 2T2R 512AE n257 AEWB AirScale MAA 2T2R 512AE n260 EAC support on gNB Link Diagnostic and Monitoring 7750-SR as Security Gateway GNSS receiver AYGA VNF CU on Third Party Infrastructure, Generic approach 5G DU configurations, mmWave-eCPRI AHLOA AirScale Dual RRH 4T4R B12/n71 240W AHFIB AirScale Dual RRH 4T4R n25/n66 320W NR-LTE FDD concurrent operation for CPRI RUs Multiple PLMN ID support Frequency Sync Mode Support 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 173 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Feature id 5GC000763 5GC000776 5GC000782 5GC000792 5GC000795 5GC000836 5GC000847 5GC000849 5GC000850 5GC000851 5GC000855 5GC000856 5GC000894 5GC000913 5GC000918 5GC000920 5GC000928 5GC000940 5GC000951 5GC000958 5GC000959 5GC000978 5GC000980 5GC000997 5GC000998 5GC001028 5GC001037 5GC001072 5GC001073 5GC001074 5GC001091 5GC001121 5GC001145 5GC001146 5GC001150 5GC001152 5GC001157 5GC001161 5GC001177 5GC001187 5GC001188 5GC001197 5GC001200 5GC001246 5GC001274 Feature name 5G centralized SON PRACH management non GBR service differentiation Additional security algorithms for ciphering of U-Plane (NSA option 3x) FDD Scheduler for Multi-UE support Multiple DRBs per UE (NSA mode 3x) FDD lower layer support - 5-20 MHz cell bandwidth BTS Fronthaul CPRI 7 - 10GE SFP+ Dual Fiber Base Line BTS Fronthaul CPRI 7 - 10GE SFP+ Single Fiber BTS Fronthaul CPRI 7 - 10GE SFP+ CWDM BTS Fronthaul CPRI 7 - 10/25GE SFP28 Single Fiber AEUD AirScale MAA 2*2T2R 256AE n257 AEWD AirScale MAA 2*2T2R 256AE n260 Source based routing QoS Support for Terminated Traffic Analog Beamforming for eCPRI based RUs DL 4x4 SU MIMO without beamforming (open loop) AHPMDA AirScale Tri RRH 2T2R n8/n20/n28 240W gNB configurable identifier Tracing for control plane step 2 AEUE AirScale MAA 2*2T2R 256AE n257 AEWE AirScale MAA 2*2T2R 256AE n260 CU VNF Geo Redundancy with NSP ALD support in gNB for Nokia CPRI radio units AWHQA AirScale Indoor Radio n78 (B42) ASiR-pRRH DU configurations, legacy FDD CPRI Radios (I) Backplane Interfaces for Subrack Sharing Conformance Test and Type Approval AWHQB AirScale Indoor Radio n78 (B43) ASiR-pRRH AWHQC AirScale Indoor Radio n78 (3.3-3.6GHz) ASiR-pRRH Offline validation in NetAct AirScale Indoor Radio NR operation AMOD outdoor sub-rack for 5G Classic gNB supporting basic common OAM (L3 call) Common OAM on classical gNB AHBCC AirScale Dual RRH 4T4R n5/13 320W AHCA AirScale RRH 4T4R n5 160W AirScale Micro 4T4R n78 40W AWHQE Plug-in radio SW interface for CPRI DU Configuration AirScale Indoor Radio SFN configuration ASOD Add-on 5G Compact Baseband Unit (limited avail.) AirScale Indoor Radio ASiR-sHUB (APHA) Micro discontinuous Trans. and Recept. (µDTRX) for Energy Efficiency Dynamic uplink data split mode AirScale Indoor Radio LTE and NR concurrent operation AirScale Micro 4T4R n78 40W AWHQF 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 174 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Feature id 5GC001278 5GC001311 5GC001329 5GC001335 5GC001336 5GC001340 5GC001347 5GC001355 5GC001417 5GC001427 5GC001457 5GC001461 5GC001496 5GC001515 5GC001525 5GC001526 5GC001535 5GC001541 5GC001542 5GC001543 5GC001544 5GC001545 5GC001546 5GC001547 5GC001612 5GC001618 5GC001625 5GC001626 5GC001638 5GC001639 5GC001648 5GC001649 5GC001650 5GC001655 5GC001656 5GC001681 5GC001684 5GC001699 5GC001700 5GC001707 5GC001776 5GC001779 5GC001783 5GC001784 5GC001795 Feature name AirScale Micro 4T4R n78 40W AWHQG AirScale Indoor Radio Daisy Chaining 4G and 5G ASiR-pRRH EIRP monitor Migration from MZ OAM to cOAM for classical gNB 3GPP Baseline for 19A release CM and Fault ID adaptation for 5G cOAM migration Additional DMRS configuration AWHHA AirScale Indoor Radio n41 ASiR-pRRH DU Configuration AirScale Indoor Radio SFN configuration for 40MHz 60MHz and 80MHz 5G DU configurations, ASOD eCPRI mmWave (limited avail.) System Upgrade to 5G19A Golden Database (DB) verification gNB deployment - 5G19A Airscale Capacity ABIL HW evolution Common OAM functional equivalence to 5G19 classical gNB Pack 1 Common OAM functional equivalence to 5G19 classical gNB Pack 2 TLDA snapshot decoding and snapshot documentation AirScale Micro 4T4R n41 80W AWHHD Common OAM functional equivalence to 5G19 classical gNB Pack 3 Common OAM functional equivalence to 5G19 classical gNB Pack 4 Common OAM functional equivalence to 5G19 classical gNB Pack 5 Common OAM functional equivalence to 5G19 classical gNB Pack 6 Common OAM functional equivalence to 5G19 classical gNB Pack 7 Supplemental downlink cell - FR2 EdenNet support of 5G19A AirScale Indoor Radio dual-port Ethernet extender (APHD) Common OAM functional equivalence to 5G19 classical gNB Pack 2.2 5G DU configurations, CPRI Common OAM functional equivalence to 5G19 classical gNB Pack 3.2 Common OAM functional equivalence to 5G19 classical gNB Pack 3.3 AWHQJ AirScale Indoor Radio n78 (B42) ASiR-pRRH with external antennas AWHHC AirScale Indoor Radio n41 ASiR-pRRH with external antennas Configurable frame structure for ASiR Common OAM functional equivalence to 5G19 classical gNB Pack 4.2 Common OAM functional equivalence to 5G19 classical gNB Pack 4.3 Debug trace improvement HW activation license for ASiR-pRRH Tx power AirScale 4G+5G mRRH Enclosure (FMWV) Common OAM functional equivalence to 5G19 classical gNB Pack 5.2 AirScale Micro 4T4R n41 80W AWHHF AirScale Micro 2T2R n41 200W AWHHG Limit configuration impact of DU addition AEQB AirScale MAA 64T64R 192AE B42 200W (CPRI) 5G19A Performance and Capacity AZQG AirScale RRH 8T8R n78 320W (CPRI) 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 175 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Feature id 5GC001802 5GC001804 5GC001810 5GC001811 5GC001821 5GC001822 5GC001823 5GC001824 5GC001825 5GC001829 5GC001830 5GC001831 5GC001836 5GC001845 5GC001854 5GC001857 5GC001860 5GC001864 5GC001867 5GC001870 5GC001874 5GC001875 5GC001876 5GC001878 5GC001879 5GC001880 5GC001897 5GC001898 5GC001933 5GC001934 5GC001942 5GC001943 5GC001954 5GC001982 5GC001983 5GC002009 5GC002028 5GC002029 5GC002154 5GC002194 5GC002275 5GC002276 5GC002388 5GC002446 5GC002449 Feature name Enhanced cloud software management Basic PCMD user plane AZQH AirScale RRH 8T8R n78 320W (CPRI) AZQL AirScale RRH 8T8R n78 320W (CPRI) 5G DU configurations, additional cmWave-CPRI AEQN AirScale MAA 32T32R 96AE n78 80W (CPRI) CPRI extension to SFP for broadband 4 cells per ABIL/ASOD in FR2 CU VNF architecture, configuration and capacity 5G19A Spillover from 5GC001094 (intra-DU PSCell change) Spillover 5GC001009 E1 interface Concurrency handling & Error indication Intra-band CA TDD FR2 up to 4CCs DL - 2CCs UL Spillover from 5GC000480 Radio Admission Control for NSA mode 3x operation CU VNF compatibility Matrix 5G19A Spillover for basic TDD scheduler for multi-UE support Spillover 5GC000580 3GPP specification baseline Rel. 15 06/2018 AirScale BBU Support of DAS via CPRI-N Interface Transport reference configuration Secondary RAT data volume reporting for multiple DRBs DL SU adaptive 4x4 MIMO Non contention based random access Spillover - 256QAM Spillover from 5GC00772 Common DRX DL Interference Generation - multiple cells User plane performance counters for 5G19A Control plane performance counters for 5G19A BTS Fronthaul CPRI 7 - 10/25GE SFP+/SFP28 Dual Fiber Base Line BTS Fronthaul CPRI 7 - 10/25GE QSFP+/QSFP28 Base Line AAHJ 60 MHz carrier support Frame structure spill-over content handling Spillover digital Beamforming for CPRI based RUs Spillover analog beamforming Introduction of A2 based SgNB release L1 algorithm changes - 5G19A Spillover UL SU adaptive MIMO AEQA 60 & 80 MHz carrier support AHBCB AirScale Dual RRH 4T4R n5/B29 240W AHQK 5G Airscale RIU (CPRI) 4x4 MIMO & 2Cell 2x2 MIMO AZQM AirScale RRH 8T8R n77 160W (CPRI-Trial only) NSP support of Classical 5G with COAM architecture for VzW ASOD/ASIK commissioning - early deployment procedure ASOD/ASIK commissioning - PnP phase 1 procedure Sleeping cell 1, RACH detection AEQE AirScale MAA 64T64R 192AE n78 200W (Com. Introduction) AEQP AirScale MAA 64T64R 192AE n78 200W (Com. Introduction) 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 176 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Feature id 5GC002450 5GC002535 Feature name Antenna tilt for 2D GoB (Com. Introduction) FDM of DMRS and PDSCH Table 113: 5G19A features 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 177 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia Appendix II Feature id LTE4088 LTE4193 LTE4575 LTE4744 LTE4824 LTE5176 LTE4461 LTE4530 LTE4531 LTE4572 LTE4873 LTE5335 LTE5524 LTE4281 LTE4549 LTE5115 LTE5150 LTE5190 LTE5407 LTE5510 LTE5558 List of LTE EN-DC features Feature name LTE-NR Dual Connectivity Option 3X Dynamic Trigger for LTE-NR DC Option 3X Blind Carrier Aggregation with LTE-NR DC Option 3X gNB Initiated EN-DC Configuration Update NR-LTE concurrent operation for TDD MAA radios with split mode 3GPP R15 December 2018 for EN-DC NR-LTE FDD concurrent operation for CPRI RUs Inter-SgNB Mobility for LTE-NR DC Option 3X LTE-NR DC Option 3X: Multiple non-GBR SCG split Bearers Idle mode mobility to 5G SA Secondary RAT Data Usage Report for EN-DC LTE-NR DC Option 3X Enhancements Ongoing QCI1 prevents EN-DC setup Intra-eNB handover for LTE-NR DC Option 3X Flexible LTE CA with EN-DC NR-LTE concurrent operation with 32TRx split mode on ABIC EN-DC capability based mobility trigger X2 partial reset with gNB LTE-NR Dynamic Spectrum Sharing phase I Stepwise addition of multiple bearers for EN-DC S1 Handover for LTE-NR DC option 3X Release LTE19 LTE19 LTE19 LTE19 LTE19 LTE19 LTE19A LTE19A LTE19A LTE19A LTE19A LTE19A LTE19A LTE19B LTE19B LTE19B LTE19B LTE19B LTE19B LTE19B LTE19B Table 114: LTE EN-DC features 28-Jan-2020 ULITPALIL5R3-1390467857-6948 178 / 178 Internal © 2020 Nokia