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Edward Scissorhands Essay: Difference & Conformity

Edward Scissor Hands Essay
Tim Burton
Film Synopsis:
‘A scientist (Vincent Price) builds
an animated human being -- the
gentle Edward (Johnny Depp).
The scientist dies before he can
finish assembling Edward, though,
leaving the young man with a
freakish appearance accentuated
by the scissor blades he has
instead of hands. Loving suburban
saleswoman Peg (Dianne Wiest)
discovers Edward and takes him
home, where he falls for Peg's
teen daughter (Winona Ryder).
However, despite his kindness
and artistic talent, Edward's hands
make him an outcast.’ - Google
‘…etiquette tells us just what is
expected of us and guards us all
from humiliation and discomfort.’
Discuss how Tim Burton explores
the theme of difference and
conformity in his film Edward
Scissor Hands.
Edward Scissor Hands is a film directed by Tim Burton and is about an old lady
(Kim) telling the story of the creation of snow. It was about her when she was
younger, & how her mother meets an unfinished human creation that an inventor
created in his mansion. Since the inventor died early, he was not able to give his
creation actual hands but left on what he had before which were scissors. The
unfinished human creation is Edward, and he lived in the inventor’s mansion.
The mansion looks unfinished like Edward since there is a hole in the roof that
haven’t been fixed since it broke. The film explores the theme of conformity and
difference by using different film elements which are the literary aspects, Miseen-scene & Cinematography in a fantasy style film.
Near the beginning of the film, conformity and
difference is shown when the viewer sees
everyone’s house is the same colour tone
which is pastel, the same lawn and the same
style. But Edward’s house is grey, & his garden
is more beautiful than anyone else’s and is at
least three times bigger. Conformity and
difference is also shown when Peg Boggs gets
in her car after having an unsuccessful
advertising run when she sees Edward’s house
in the review mirror ‘Come on Peg I never buy
anything from you know that…’ – Helen. In this
scene the music changes from light/bright and happy to scary/eerie the sort you
might hear in horror films. This shows that the life that Edward lives is different
to the life of everyone in the town. In the top picture the camera shot is a long
shot since you can see the houses but cars are a bit blurred.
Near the middle of the film, conformity & difference is shown when Kevin brings
Edward to show and tell at
his school as if Edward was
an object and the other
students were typical
teenagers, which they are
compared to Edward. Kevin
showcases what Edward can do and shows his class what Edward is capable of
doing as if he was an object doing its action ‘One chop to a guy's neck, and it's
all over.’ - Kevin, Conformity is shown by the kids and teacher in the class since
their all wearing pastel colours except for Edward who wears a white shirt and
light grey pants. In that scene the music is fast paced while he is cutting & when
he is finished the music ends like you would hear at the end of the performance.
The camera shot is a close up and shows everyone in the frame.
Near the end of the film conformity and difference is shown, when everyone
goes after Edward for hurting Kevin and ruining their gardens/bushes. Edward
only ruins the bushes of the town’s people since he was really upset and when
Kevin was walking across
the road and Jim was
coming in with the van,
Edward tried to save Kevin
but in doing so he hurt him
by accident, When Edward
had hurt Kevin he kept trying
to help him but kept hurting him since he has the scissors on his hand. In that
scene the music changes to like a holy/scary type of music you will hear near
the end of a horror film and then to a peaceful type of holy music you would hear
in a church. Conformity and difference is also shown in the Mise-en-scene
element of the film, which is the clothes that the people wear which are mainly
pastel colours, and what Edward wears which is a leather like suit that is black.
‘I’m going’ – Joyce, after Joyce said that everyone else followed her. The photo
shows a close up shot of everyone going to get Edward.
In Edward Scissor Hands the person
who created Edward (inventor) said
that, ‘etiquette tells us just what is
expected of us and guards us all
from humiliation and discomfort.’ Edward was accepted from the town’s people
unless he did something that they do not find what was expected from him.
Conformity & different is shown in different ways between Edward and the
town’s people since he lives a different life, looks different, acts different & has
more special abilities than the other people have. Edward is also different to the
town’s people by the way he acts around them since he is really caring and feels
really bad if he hurts them.