SBI3U Genetic Process Assignment (OBSERVATION & CONVERSATION): Specific Expectations: D1. evaluate the importance of some recent contributions to our knowledge of genetic processes, and analyse social and ethical implications of genetic and genomic research; D3. demonstrate an understanding of concepts, processes, and technologies related to the transmission of hereditary characteristics. You studied about Genetic Process in this unit. You are now going to research and assess how this technology in genetics is impacting the society. You will choose one of the topics below and research and make a presentation. You will be grade on your presentation skills, knowledge demonstration and how you answer my questions. Remember, as Grade 11 students, you are expected to create a thorough research presentation, as well as, good analysis of the topic. Work To be Submitted: 1. [FOR] PRE-Assessments 2. [AS] Self-Assessment 3. [OF] Observation- Presentation is recorded and submitted (voice over PowerPoints are acceptable) 4. [OF] Conversation- Questions will be posed to you regarding the topic you covered and you will be graded on the depth of your answer. Issues to choose from: GENE THERAPY Gene therapy is a promising treatment for some inherited disorders such as cystic fibrosis. However, the technique remains risky and unproven, and there are ethical questions associated with its use and related research. Your job is to research Genetic technologies (choose from genetic screening, gene therapy, in vitro fertilization) and analyse for some of the social and ethical implications in genetics and genomics. Include in your presentation 1) what it is, 2) how this beneficial, 3) some negative impacts of the use, 4) below questions What are the possible social benefits of applications of stem-cell research? What ethical issues does such research raise? Why is the prospect of using genetically engineered material in human subjects controversial? What are some of the ethical issues related to gene therapy? GENETIC DISORDER DIAGNOSIS TECHNOLOGIES Cancer researchers use bioinformatics and computational biology to study different types of cancer in an attempt to lower the risk of people who have a genetic predisposition to the disease. A risk is that this information could also be used to deny insurance coverage or payment of claims. Evaluate, on the basis of research, the importance of some recent contributions to knowledge, techniques, and technologies related to genetic processes (e.g., research into the cystic fibrosis gene; the use of safflowers to produce insulin for human use) Your job is to find out about bioinformatics and computational biology and its use in the field of any genetic diagnosis. Evaluate, the importance of some recent contributions to knowledge, techniques, and technologies related to genetic processes (e.g., research into the cystic fibrosis gene; the use of safflowers to produce insulin for human use) Describe what bioinformatic is and how it is used in diagnosing genetic disorder in earlier stage, also, find if there are any negative implication of the use of the technology. How has the human genome project allowed genetic research to move from a wet science to a dry science? How has the study of the copy number alteration of genes, conducted at the Hospital for Sick Children, helped researchers to understand genetic susceptibility to autism spectrum disorders? How has genomic research increased our understanding of human health and diseases? [FOR] PRE-ASSESSMENTS YOUR TOPIC OF THE CHOICE: Which technology did you choose to study in your topic? Did you address answers to all the questions? What can we do to improve the situation? [AS] SELF- ASSESSMENT: This is to be completed after you completed the assignment and submitted your work. Do keep it in mind, this will not be graded. This is for your own reflection. 1. What did you learn from this research? 2. What did you find most interesting from your findings? 3. What can we do to help the situation? 4. How well do you think you completed this assignment? Rubric: Categories 50-59% 60-69% Level 1 Level 2 Knowledge & Understanding The student: Knowledge of demonstrates limited demonstrates some content knowledge of knowledge of (OBSERVATION) genome and genome and technology in technology in research research 70-79 % Level 3 Understanding of content Demonstrates Demonstrates considerable thorough understanding of genome understanding of and technology in research genome and technology in research (CONVERSATION) Demonstrates limited Demonstrates some understanding of understanding of genome and genome and technology in technology in research research 80-100% Level 4 demonstrates demonstrates considerable knowledge of thorough knowledge genome and technology in genome and research technology in research Thinking/ Investigation Use of Uses critical thinking Uses critical thinking Uses critical thinking Uses critical thinking critical/creative process with limited process with some process with process with thinking processes effectiveness effectiveness considerable effectiveness thorough effectiveness (OBSERVATION) Communication Organization of Expresses and Expresses and Expresses and organizes Expresses and ideas and organizes ideas and organizes ideas and ideas and information with organizes ideas and information information with information with considerable effectiveness information with a limited effectiveness some effectiveness high degree of (OBSERVATION) effectiveness Use of conventions, Uses vocabs, and Uses vocabs, and Uses vocabs, and terms of Uses vocabs, and Vocabs, and terms terms of diversity terms of diversity diversity with considerable terms of diversity of Diversity with limited success with some success success with high degree of success (CONVERSATION) Application Application of Applies knowledge Applies knowledge Applies knowledge and Applies knowledge knowledge and and skills in familiar and skills in familiar skills in failiar contexts and skills in familiar skills to context with limited context with some with considerable contexts with a high presentation effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness degree of effectiveness (OBSERVATION) Making connections Making connections Making connections Making connections b/w Making connections between science, b/w science, tech, b/w science, tech, science, tech, society and b/w science, tech, technology, society society and society and environment with society and and environment environment with environment with considerable effectiveness environment with limited effectiveness some effectiveness high degree of (CONVERSATION) effectiveness