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Investment Lecture Notes: Equity, Fair Value, Accounting

Lecture Notes on Investment
Equity security (Control) - Investment in Subsidiary (PFRS 3)
Equity security (significant influence)- Investment in Associate - PAS 28
Equity security (without significant influence, with market value)- Fair Value- PFRS 9
Basis of Classification
Business Model: ‘Hold to Collect’
Cash Flow Characteristics: ‘SPPI’ (e.g. debt instrument)
Amortized cost
Business Model: ‘Hold to Collect and Sell’
Fair value- OCI (mandatory)
Cash Flow Characteristics: ‘SPPI’ (e.g. debt instrument)
“Solely Payments of Principal and Interest”
Business Model: not defined
Fair Value- PL
Cash Flow Characteristics: not defined
e.g. held for trading securities and equity instrument)
Investment in Equity securities
Fair value-OCI (irrevocable election)
Eliminates or significantly reduces ‘accounting
Fair value-PL (irrevocable designation)
The irrevocable choices are available only on initial recognition. Once the choice is made, the
classification is permanent until the financial asset is derecognized.
Initial measurement
Financial assets are initially measured at fair value plus transaction costs, except FVPL. FAFVPL
are initially measured at fair value. The transaction costs are expensed immediately
Subsequent measurement
1. Amortized cost
2. Fair value-OCI
3. Fair value-PL
Presentation gains and losses from
changes in FV
Presentation of other gains and losses
- PL
Amortized cost
Not recognized
From derecognition (sale),
amortization, interest received and
impairment - PL
Fair Value-PL
From derecognition (sale), interest
/dividend received - PL
Fair Value OCI –
From derecognition (sale),
amortization, interest received and
impairment - PL
When the financial asset is
derecognized, the cumulative gain or
loss previously recognized as OCI in
equity is reclassified to PL (with
Fair value OCI –
irrevocable election
From derecognition (sale), dividend
received - PL
When the financial asset is
derecognized, the cumulative gain or
loss previously recognized as OCI in
equity is not reclassified to PL
(without recycling). The entity may
transfer the cumulative gain or loss
within equity as a direct transfer to
retained earnings.
Financial Statement Presentation
Investments are classified as either current or non-current assets depending on the period they
are expected to be realized.
Summary of Accounting for Investments
Statement of
Statement of
Amortized cost
Debt securities
Current or
non -current
Fair value plus
transaction cost
Amortized cost
ess impairment
Interest income
computed using
effective interest
method – PL
Impairment – PL
Debt or equity
Current asset
Fair value
Fair value
Changes in FV are
recognized in PL
FV OCI Mandatory
Debt securities
Current or
non -current
Fair value plus
transaction cost
Fair value
Changes in FV are
recognized in OCI
(with recycling)
Interest income
computed using
effective interest
method – PL
mpairment – PL (with
offset to OCI)
Equity securities
Current or
non -current
Fair value plus
transaction cost
Fair value
Changes in FV are
recognized in OCI
(without recycling)
Reclassification Date
Reclassification of financial assets is applied prospectively from the reclassification date.
Reclassification date is “the first day of the first reporting period following the change in business model
that results in an entity reclassifying financial assets.”
From amortized cost to FVPL
The fair value is determined at the reclassification date. The difference between the fair value
and the carrying amount is recognized as gain or loss in the profit or loss statement.
From Amortized cost to Fair Value – OCI Mandatory
The fair value is determined on reclassification date. The difference between the fair value and
the carrying amount is recognized as gain or loss in OCI. The effective rate is not adjusted.
From Fair Value PL to amortized cost
The fair value at the reclassification date becomes the new gross carrying amount. The
difference between this amount and the face amount is subsequently amortized, as effective rate
determined on reclassification date.
From Fair Value PL to Fair Value OCI (mandatory)
The financial asset continues to be measured at fair value.
From Fair Value OCI (mandatory) to Fair Value PL
The financial asset continues to be measured at fair value. However, the cumulative gain or loss
previously recognized in OCI is reclassified from equity to PL as a reclassification adjustment at the
reclassification date.
From Fair Value OCI (mandatory) to amortized cost
The financial asset is reclassified at its fair value at the reclassification date. However, the
cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in OCI is removed from equity and adjusted against the fair
PAS 28 prescribes the accounting for investment in associate and sets out the requirements for the
application of equity method.
PAS 28 shall be applied by all investors with significant influence over or joint control of an investee.
Type of Investment
Nature of Relationship with
Applicable Reporting Standard
Investment measured at fair
Regular investor
Investment in Associate
Significant Influence
PAS 28
Investment in Subsidiary
PFRS 3 and PFRS 10
Investment in Joint venture
Joint Control
PFRS 11 and PAS 28
Significant influence is presumed to exist if the investor holds, directly or indirectly, 20% or more
of the voting power of the investee, unless it can be clearly demonstrated that this is not the case.
Under equity method, the investment is initially recognized at cost and subsequently adjusted for
the investor’s share in the changes in the equity of the investee.
When the associate has cumulative preference shares, the investor computes its share in profit or
loss after deducting the one-year dividends on those shares whether declared or not.
The investor’s share in the depreciation of an undervalued asset is a deduction to both the
investment income and the investment in associate accounts.
Existence or Occurrence
To determine that investments in securities physically exist and in loans and advances exist.