DescPite UA}x Orchiectwre The entire ONIX 3yslem fs BuppmHed bggmeWhat hondl o essentially 2impde thongh albstradt oNCepts, 7 UAIX archiledwe Consists of 3 impoTdir eatures Kernel&Shell bhe HHe & froasS 9System Calls Kornel and hell Kernel the ore othe eteratiny Stsem a Colechion of g2ouhiney mosty wriHen în C. 7 the loaded nko memomywhen Kopnel the haõaare, Communiabs airecty uth 5ysem Is boaled and thu User prOgrams ( tha applcation) use he Rrvices of kirnel, hard ore w he access to ee ha wSers ehalf. neh pertoms th folb n These Proyam access the kernel Thhogn a sef of tnctioms alled Sysem ls uSe cP u uSENr shell Shel sl Kerne Hoadwov0 /soo PDatulboseWhoBrowser fi kernel-shell 2alatiomshlp Shell Shell the Commond inlerpraor 2 Shell n he aler port of UNX Os > Shell actually the user ond kornel. nerace betwe 7Even tho ugh theuS mly one kanel umine on the sysem, thaTe Could b Sevetalshells 'n each user who s achon -naor l p n. The le and ONIX pocosS Two Sinmple entheo me Ss em- the file ond pHOOSS suppot FPle A m tes and Can Con le just an ato o fein vinjvally any tung. also tolaled b anothov e ye'n9 poet a strelo he roachia shuucture. 2 Unix Considor dovi@ 0 Sy8lem. omss to0ss directoni0o members a -ha and fil the name 9iven o a fle when 1m eculea as a p oam. fro@ss a simp he tnt fnag' oan exeeutalole fle ? Like hiles pro@ssen algs belng to a sopanals hiercnchical leaa Sruchwe. PaoCess aaled as iving OTganisms Whch l onents ie S5 RE h0e @d and btvn ren Children and hardchild SySlem als There ane over athowand oommards in the Syglem^thj use a hord o brchims Caled Sys em Cats ko communieu wth tha kornel. 7 A tyPal UNIX ommand writes o l e wtth the wnit Syslem (al wrhout geing into the inmonds tha Caly ochiene tho wrte Sys opeNaton sysem Calls one built into the karnel and interachion thoough them represe an effrciem maans o COmumrtahion wih tha0 Syslem h a ovco tha eatwes af UNI ONIX A mulkiuser Sygem > UNlx o a mutiproprammin9 to 9un and happen Syslem períSmuhple proams Compelpr atlenon d the CPU. This Can in fio NoMg Mulkple usevs Can tun sepeU Jos A Single usev Can cbo Jun mulhple jolb are actualy shore UNUNIx the rasowrC0 betwean al 2. usersUN/K ma mulhiuSem Sysem. UNIxA mulhtasking suslem >A Sinsle user also un mulkple task concuoan. na Con mutitasking UN /X Syplem, kernel n handle uger ulhipe hds s 3. The Buildirg Bock Approoch UNY desigmer namer allemped to pock ioo many leatunes into eo tods 7hre ono few hundrod Common ch owhich ore a pentorme Snple job og 1oleu many UNIX fodls ane desined with the taguiroment that the output od one tod be usea as inpt to another hlerConeChng a mumlen a toos e&an havo 79y an longe numbo Camloinats their usage. The UNIX Toolkit Thee one gonenal punpae toos, ext manipulatenn UHes CCaled and nlenpralens flers),milers network appicatonS and Sysem odministration loðk 5. Paleen machng UNI eatwres nor Sophishcaled paleen matchirg tectures. 6 orammirg facil also a : The UNIX shel PrOSammi anauage it a s designe or a prOHammer, not a usual erd user necessomt 71+ has all the advoyialde ngredents.uike comtrol shuchves, losps progAnmn that establishak aD a powentul angmgein its awm icht. Commands in UNIX xprnal 1nerna Sinces m a ving a r havir an prostam o Tle Independervl exislence n the /bio dirador ( /use bin t ekieirnal Cmmard. > Most Crmmords one exlenna branded as On In natwre ,Tfhiph one nd taalu4Oud bwt thaTe ara Bome anajwhere ana which ate hey a e in one of the nally not eeculed even directome specafied b PATH echo mnot an exlennal omad n ba lok re cho,the shell ould twil execue fom s PAT o locatr . Ratten that a u 8toned ap rdt Comaris in Set built rot whan we Sorse thal bom Sepenati les. inpma These bult în Command m known ab Cmmands Sholl s cn exbrnal Comnands P explain ith a Shell m an eonal omand passesSes iis own setaf deneneo a cmmana Tnlernal ommans. So if a the shell oo wl of Command eists bon o an nonnal the shell wll ovd top Jusr/uin) Mnal ome/bin r to sanih rame omand of fnlernal P7iOefy to As own Sirnilandy eho m ako pur ut haely ever shell makes The echo Comma eenral eyeeuled |bin because SWe that +he nd bkes in inlerna o precedma_ Kamples o inrna and eipmal Comards in UNX Intamal Commards Cd) echo, Pud exturnal Commonds Tnrnal Comman cal, da, s, gtup Exer nal Commard These ora a set o Tho ekEnal Comnards omand built in a shell On stoned ao The shell will inlerprer ls t) The shell will nedd b Creat an ehild pro@s tho Commavd ard will executu the result and then ateul a US Commana. The ShelI does yo Ocaat a sepanau Process o qun înepol. CmandsLaslan Daslan i xtennal Commay haine the shelk to 9 tt Ceati a noLo Phoces elahiely sloue toW to ind whethan a Command s inlannal or eXernal for the inlennd Cormmonds, tha Mpe lommand will elaoxdy Sau s shel built-i) howewo the exlera) Conmrarids e s he path of the mmard komWhora s execued. bype cd Cl wa sh ell builhin $pe Cat Cal t'sbin/ cat, optim tells about all pe o pe-a Com whethUr f is built-in ex auasea nal c 80me commads oo bth exlennal and buit-in. Bu built-ín Comma takes priooTly p e - a echo pe places Auas ommard rom the Cpli a shell with a oted Comrand String. It nothor nto a smpler nd il aluoay one strirg Convonis commona. ine in Commard a uas Moking CuuoS lemporony C nectesa auas e Can f0move y s - 4 ' auas unalho with he holp af unaluas UTheoo UNX Ca Ccmmamd in UNIX We can invoke tha cal Commard to see the Calend&r e an specthie month or a Compleu yaor. This a ili totally aCourah and takes nto accoun tha aap R adjusimats that took place fn the yovz D 1752. 7 Cal can be used wtthoul angumans nwhich Case splays the c»lind the cwdant month. nony 2023 7 Coal 03 2023 MaRch 2023 Col 2023| more P1peine. Ppeune Con nects pcal3 tNo Com o d shons CalendeL af Previoo, ewUort&Net monlh Cod- b di'splay Comieta eo Coalenda SCal-m jnuo We Can 5peaky the mont's Name da Command fn UN)x UNK gem maintains an fneral eloek meanl to zum i's Shut dowm, a penpectualky.when me suslem balery keeps iha eleck ticking. Thi's eloek ectvaly Stores the nuney o seConds. 7 dat Gmmand m sed tum dsplar tho Syelem dat. 7 A 32 b S ecmas Counten stores the cund Ccounen u l ONenHo Somelne in 2038. ne con display the uttarst data ui datp Command dc Sat Jan 7 GMT: Greawich Mean Tim 7 The Command (8:O4:30 OAMT 2023 Con al30 be WTh+ Praed omat sea Spezhr AS Ongumentis. paalk +%m 01 dect +%h Jonuo datr + %h%m onuowg O Lst of othe omev 8pechees d - The day of the month (lto31) The last two digils of tha eaz seconis The our minuD, H, M,S D-The dotp n the +pomoat mm/dd/ The time in the fermat hh: ml ;95 O11 2023 +%D %T" datr O//23 18'25:30 Sdab +%Y- % m %o - 2 023-01-ol $datt +%Y/ %m/%d 2023)01ol ) +%A %B %d %T %y dot uy Januony 18:25:30 O Soturide a oM YoS 3 Display in minute Psplay in Secores Display the houes Pisplays tull Weskdays % Sunday to Saherday Pspay hll month mam2 TaMON) ld Decomoe 7YDspy towr ayt ga Dspoup hz last Wo a of echo Command in UNIX echo Ne used oe displaaing masngeR. 7 The COmmano is often uaea n shell scripis 7 to di'splay diognostie messag om youn nminod o to isste piopts tm echo takirg user npt. FPlename not enteed" echo s oftern used to evaluat shell vatiables echo sHELL ofo ash We Cam use escope Sesuonca ATRT versium echo mot BD) Bell NO ONuO C Jormjedd - Newine r -Carrioage atwm t ab v econ verical tab EMm st no -e IBsDversium ophiom enales the fnen Þoatakiom basash echo -e « a escapes Hello\kNor ld jotow you aa 0moves echo echo e e Lello \n all tha spaCRS in beN e lext Wor ld" This commmard wfill pint all ffles/foldes SPmilar to ds camond be enmand Pn UNjX alculokm în UNIX bc w used UNIX Phovides Fno tpes of caleulators a oaphical Objet (( the xa Commang that looks lke one he ext msl be Comma. be 2+3 5 7-3 be shaws the outpt the Computahtm n the 4 23 next lune. Ctrlt d We can use , t a delimek oc 2+3 2n3 5 8 echo 43+4'1 be echo 2+3|be = echo 4 5 echo 'scale =3, 5/4 eat fPle 5+ 2-3 29 beFlel 12 6 1Su |be Who Command în UNIx Who Command YsS used to Kow he users, Who rost onsole Aug 1 07:5 roh Pts|}d (:0) Aug 1 0:56 ( PÅ m) The irst Cohumn shons the nser-ads oo uSers Cworonty wriing on the &galem Seamd coumn shaws tha flenamao o the devia es ag3o caled wilh fha raopeðie erminals Here noh{P's terminal has h nama pts/1o Pts directy 0ila nana) Third, towth and kitth cdumns Shows he datr ad h'me logrg m 7 Lost oumn shons the e hostname om tne usen l03asd M l o Know the usQN Jho invoke th9 ho Conmmad who am o Hs/10 ugl 04: 56 (Pc23 ake n Who Command îs used to d out Ha plltwng ngrmatiom Tme a last s lm lst 22 uvunt un level of ths S lem . List of l0aaed fn users and more l o splay hastna ma ana user aBO Ciale wh Sardand fnput aho-m-} To shon all active process e Who -P 4 To shon 'st of users lH9ed n to 3sen Who-u To shoo tme of the syslkm When o0olea lo ima Who -b -He To S hoN detoils o} cll daad paow Who -d To Cou nmben o} users lo Onb SSem ho--H To displey al deturls of Cusvarv 3 oed n user Whoa To drsplay usev denhf catiarn tormotion d