Computer Science Answer Key

Answer Keys
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Chapter 1 MS Access 2010
A. 1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True
B. 1. d
2. e
3. b
4. c
5. a
C. 1. Record and Field
Record includes complete information pertaining to a particular record arranged
horizontally in a table whereas field is a column arranged vertically in a table that stores
information of the same type.
2. Table and Queries
Table stores information in the form of rows (records) and columns (fields). For example, one
table could store a list of friends along with their details, while another table could store their
marks. Queries are used for sorting, grouping or filtering data in the database. For example, a
query might only display a list of students in class 7 out of all the school students.
3. Forms and Reports
Forms are customised screens to provide an easy way to enter and view data in a table
or query. For example, when you apply for admission in a school, you fill out an online
form. The data that you enter in the admission form is stored inside the school’s database.
Reports represent the data from a table or query in printed format. For example, teachers
can create simple report of all the students opting for fine arts as an elective subject.
4. Field Grid pane and Field Properties pane
Field Grid pane is used to define the fields in the tables along with their data types and
an optional description of the field. You can change the data type of the field in this view
whereas Field Properties pane can be used to give additional properties to the field name.
It is used to specify the field properties in detail such as field size and validation.
5. Datasheet View and Design View
The Design View can help in changing the design of the form whereas the result for the
query appears in the Query window in the Datasheet view.
D. 1.A DBMS is a set of computer programs that controls the creation, maintenance and use
of the computerised database by the user. Some popular DBMS software are MS Access,
FoxPro, FoxBASE, etc.
Functions of a DBMS are discussed below.
a.A DBMS ensure the integrity and consistency of data in the database.
b. It reduces duplication of data called data redundancy.
c. It facilitates data sharing.
d. It controls data inconsistency.
e.In a DBMS, certain standards can be applied in data representation. Here standards may
relate to the naming of data, structure of data, format of data, etc.
f. It ensures data security.
g.A DBMS maintains integrity by keeping some constraints when the data is entered.
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2. In MS Access 2010, a database can be created in 2 ways.
a. Using a Blank database
b. Using Sample templates
3. MS Access 2010 provides two ways of creating tables.
a. Using Datasheet View
b. Using Design View
4.The Data Type for every Field Name describes the form in which the data is accepted.
Descriptions of some of the commonly used Data Type values that appear in the dropdown list are given below.
a.AutoNumber: It is an integer that automatically generates an increasing or decreasing
order of numbers when records are added or deleted. For example, roll number of a
student can be an AutoNumber.
b.Text: It stores alphanumeric values that is, both numbers and letters. Maximum 255
characters can be stored. For example, a product ID or an address.
c.Memo: It is used for lengthy text and numbers such as definitions or descriptive notes.
A maximum of 65536 characters are allowed.
d.Number: It holds numeric data that is used for calculations. Both decimals and
non-decimal digits are allowed.
e.Date/Time: It stores the date and time values in different formats.
f.Currency: It specifies different currencies and displays them in different formats.
g.Yes/No: This can have only one of the two values that is, True/False, Yes/No or On/Off.
h.Hyperlink: It is a link to an Internet resource.
5.Primary key in the database have at least one field that uniquely identifies each record in
the table. Thus, this key always have a value that is not repeated for any other record.
Who Am I?
Dan Bricklin
Chapter 2 Introduction to OpenOffice 1
A. 1. Edit
2. Writer
3. Slide Sorter
4. Save As…
5. Custom Animation…
B. 1. False
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True
6. False
C. 1. e
2. a
3. d
4. c
5. b
D. 1. OpenOffice Writer is a word processor used to create, edit, format and print a document.
2. Options present in the Format menu are:
a.Character...: The formatting related to the character like Font, Font Effects, Position,
Hyperlink and Background is present here.
b.Paragraph...: The formatting related to paragraph like Indents & Spacing, Alignment,
Text Flow, Outline & Numbering, Tabs, Drop Caps and Borders can be easily done
using this option.
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3. You can run a slide show in three different ways.
a. By pressing the F5 function key.
Slide Show option.
b. By going to the Slide Show menu
c. By using the Slide Show tool on the Toolbar.
4.The motion effect of the slides during the slide show is the Slide Transition. It is basically the
effect given to a slide that decides how a slide appears on the screen during the slide show.
We can add transitions while in the Slide Sorter view or in the Normal view.
Two Slide Transition effects are Uncover Up and Wipe Right.
Chapter 3 Introduction to OpenOffice II
1. Reports
2. tuple, field
3. many
4. rows, columns 5. Chart
1. e
2. d
3. b
4. c
5. a
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. False
1.A formula is an expression that begins with an equal to (=) sign. You can enter a formula in
a cell to do calculations on data whereas a function can be entered either through Function
Wizard or by typing the function beginning with an equal to sign with the values in a cell.
Examples of functions are SUM(), Max(), If(), etc.
2.In a spreadsheet, you can generate a series of number or text values by using the AutoFill
handle. This process of automatically generating the series is called the AutoFill feature of a
For example, follow these steps to generate the S.NO (Serial Number).
a. Write 1 in cell C5 and 2 in cell C6 and select them.
b.Click on the fill handle present at the bottom-right corner of the selected cells. Drag the
mouse down till the point you want to generate the series. In the above case, drag till
cell C9.
c. The series will be generated automatically.
3. Different elements of a database are Tables, Records and Fields.
Table: A table is a collection of related information in the form of rows and columns. For
example, consider the structure of a School database where the tables Student, Library and
Staff store different pieces of information related to students, the books in the library and
the school staff.
Record: A record is one row of a table. It includes complete information arranged
horizontally in a table. For example, the Student table may contain the complete
information of a student like Admission Number, Student Name, Address, Phone Number
and Class.
Field: It is a column arranged vertically in a table that stores information of the same type.
For example, Admission Number is a field that stores only admission number and Student
Name stores only the names of the students.
4.Every table in the database must have at least one field that uniquely identifies each record
in the table. This field is known as primary key. This key should always have a value that is
not repeated for any other record.
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5.A database is an integrated collection of logically-related records in the form of tables. It
offers an organised mechanism for storing, managing and retrieving information related
to a particular subject or purpose. For example, a database can be created for schools,
libraries, banks, etc.
Chapter 4 Frames in HTML
A. 1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True
B. 1. src
2. bordercolor
4. noresize
5. <FRAME>
C. 1. Cols and Rows of the <FRAMESET> tag
Cols attribute specifies the number and size of columns in a frameset. Its value can be a
specific percentage of the web page or in pixels. The default value is 100% (1 column).
Whereas Rows attribute specifies the number and size of rows in a frameset. Its value can
be a specific percentage of the web page or in pixels. The default value is 100% (1 row).
2.Border and Bordercolor of the <FRAMESET> tag
Border attribute specifies the thickness of the frame borders for all the frames in pixels in
the outermost frameset. The default value is 5 pixels. It can be used only for the outermost
frameset. Whereas Bordercolor attribute specifies the colour of the border of the frame.
3. Src and Name of the <FRAME> tag
Src attribute specifies the URL of the initial file to be displayed in the frame.
While the Name attribute assigns a name to the frame that may be used as a target for links.
4. Marginheight and marginwidth of the <FRAME> tag
Marginheight attribute specifies, in pixels, the space to be left between the frame’s contents
at top and bottom margins. While Marginwidth attribute specifies, in pixels, the space to be
left between the frame’s contents at its left and right margins.
D. 1.Frames allow you to divide the web page into several independent parts or panes. Each of
these is called a frame. The frames work as an independent window allowing multiple views
at one time. They also help in making one of the part static while allowing other parts to
change according our commands.
2.A frameset is defined as a set of frames inserted in an HTML web page. These frames can
be in the form of rows and columns in different proportions. A frameset simply tells the
browser how to divide the screen into split windows. The <FRAMESET> tag divides the web
page into rectangular areas where an individual HTML document can be loaded for each
area using the <FRAME> tag. It contains one or more frame tags.
One frameset tag can also be used within another frameset tag to form a nested
frameset. This is required to further divide one block into small blocks that can be
arranged row-wise and column-wise.
The following are the attributes of the <FRAMESET> tag:
Cols: Specifies the number and size of columns in a frameset. Its value can be a specific
percentage of the web page or in pixels. The default value is 100% (1 column).
Rows: Specifies the number and size of rows in a frameset. Its value can be a specific
percentage of the web page or in pixels. The default value is 100% (1 row).
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Border: Specifies the thickness of the frame borders for all the frames in pixels in the outermost
frameset. The default value is 5 pixels. It can be used only for the outermost frameset.
Bordercolor: Specifies the colour of the border of the frame.
Frameborder: Specifies whether the border should be visible or not. Its value can be either
Yes or No.
<FRAMESET ...> tag is used instead of the <BODY ...> tag. The frameset file has no content of
its own, so it has no need for a <BODY ...> element.
3. The following are the attributes of the <FRAME> tag.
Src: Specifies the URL of the initial file to be displayed in the frame.
Name: Assigns a name to the frame that may be used as a target for links.
Frameborder: Specifies whether the border should be visible or not. Its value can be either
Yes or No.
Bordercolor: Specifies the colour of the border of the frame.
Scrolling: Specifies the scroll information for the frame. It can have a value Yes, No or Auto.
Yes means scrollbars are displayed. No means scrollbars are never available and Auto means
provides scrolling if necessary. Auto is the default value.
Marginheight: Specifies, in pixels, the space to be left between the frame’s contents at top
and bottom margins.
Marginwidth: Specifies, in pixels, the space to be left between the frame’s contents at its
left and right margins.
4.Creating one frame within another frame is known as a nested frame. This is possible by
using the nested frameset tags in the main window. One of the most popular uses for
frames is nesting the frameset tags to design a complete website with the homepage on
the left frame and the content, of the selected list in the homepage, on the right frame.
Chapter 5 JavaScript in HTML Documents
A. 1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
B. 1. <HTML>
<SCRIPT language = “JavaScript”>
var str1,str2
document.write(str1+str2+“ </Br>”); //to add a space in between
document.write(str1+ “ “ +str2);
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2. Single line comments:
// This is comment line 1
Multiple line comments:
/* This is comment line 1
This is comment line 2 */
3. var length, breadth, height, volume
4. <HTML>
<SCRIPT language=“JavaScript”>
var reply = confirm(“Plant more trees”)
C. 1.The document.write() method is used for displaying the text on the browser window. It uses
an object called document, which refers to the current document on the browser window.
2.The prompt dialog box is also a method of the window object. This method is used for
getting input from the user. It displays a Explorer User Prompt dialog box with a
message, and an input field.
3.window.alert () is a method of the window object. It is the simplest dialog box used to
display a short message to the user in a separate small window. The dialog box contains the
text given as a parameter to the alert( ) method and a button labelled OK.
4. This method returns true if OK is pressed and false if Cancel is pressed.
5. parseInt() method converts a string value into integers (numbers without decimal places)
6.parseFloat() method converts a string value into floating numbers (numbers with decimal
D. 1.JavaScript is a scripting language with a very simple syntax. It is used to add interactivity
to your web pages. JavaScript is set to execute when you want some change needs to be
reflected on the web page, such as, when a page has finished loading or when a user clicks
on an HTML element. This type of interaction requires knowledge of constructs such as IF
statements and FOR loops which are not part of the HTML syntax.
JavaScript is used because:
a. It helps to add interactive elements to the HTML pages.
b. It is a scripting language which is also a lightweight programming language.
c. Everyone can use JavaScript without purchasing a licence.
d.It is supported by all major browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera
and Safari.
e.A JavaScript is lines of executable computer code usually embedded directly in HTML
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2.Like most other programming languages of its generation, JavaScript is also characterised
by the Object Model. This means that you think about your JavaScript program in terms of
the objects you want to work with. For programming purposes, the browser window, the
HTML document, forms, etc. are the objects which in turn are formed of other objects such
as Text Boxes and Radio buttons.
3.HTML tags can also be included in the JavaScript code to generate HTML elements that
will be displayed in the browser window. All HTML tags are valid in JavaScript. Once the
browser receives a string from the document.write( ) method, the browser accepts the
string enclosed within the parentheses and double-quotes, and treats it as HTML code. The
string without the HTML tags is accepted as a simple text. The browser treats each HTML
tag accordingly.
4.You can declare a variable in JavaScript by using var along with the variable name. For
example, variables n1, fname and age are declared below. These variables are empty by
default with no value:
var n1, result
var fname
var age
However, you can also assign values to the variable at the time of declaring them or
later. For example,
var n1=2
var fname=“Avika”
5. Various types of operators in JavaScript are discussed below.
a.Arithmetic operators: These operators are used to perform arithmetic calculations using
variables or constants.
b.Comparison operators: These operators are used to test if two variables relate to each
other in the specified way.
c.Logical operators: These operators perform logical operations on variables.
d.String operator: A string is a set of characters. To join two or more string values together,
you use the plus ‘+’ operator. This is also known as string concatenation operator.
Chapter 6 HTML5 – Introduction
A. 1. <title>HTML5 – SUMMARY</title>
2. <body bgcolor=red>
3. <font face=“Old Bookman Style” color=blue>
4. <audio controls>
<source src=“ guitar.mp3” type=“audio/ogg”>
5. <img src=“school.jpg“ border=5 align=right>
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B. 1.To create a custom attribute we use “data-”, followed by desired custom attribute name and
then set to the desired string value.
2. The HTML code written in .txt file will be displayed in the browser.
3. font tag will not be executed.
4.<source> tag is used as a child element with the <picture> tag to specify different versions
of image source for different viewports. If the screen size displayed in a browser is not
within the given options specified with <source> tag then the image given with <img> tag
as child element of <picture> tag will be displayed.
5.The first line of the document should be <!doctype html>.This basically tells the browser
about the version of the HTML. If this line is missing browser will not be able to recognize
which type of file to expect.
C. 1. False
2. False
3. False
4. False
5. False
D. 1. a. Tags are not case sensitive. We can write a code in upper, lower or mixed case.
b. Quotes are optional for attributes as well as attribute values.
c.The first line of the document should be <!doctype html>.This basically tells the
browser about the version of the HTML
2. We can insert images in HTML5 in two ways:
a.By Using <img> Tag: <img> tag is used to insert simple or animated images in a web
page. The image formats supported by this tag are JPG, GIF and PNG. For example:
<img src=“flowers.jpg” height=300 width=400 border=3 align=right alt=“Sorry!
Image cannot be displayed”>
b.By Using <picture> Tag: This tag is new in HTML5 which gives more flexibility in
specifying picture resources. It is used to display the same or different images for
different screen sizes. For example:
<source media=“(min-width:500px) and (max-width:700px)” src=“flower1.
<source media=“(min-width:701px) and (max-width:1000px)” src=“flower22.
<img src=“flower3.jpg” height=200 width=300>
3.Standard attributes are also called global attributes which are supported by almost all the
elements in html. Some of them are background, accesskey and align.
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4.Backward compatibility means the compatibility of the new HTML5 with the older versions
of the markup language features to run in older versions of web browsers along with new
features supported by latest web browsers. For example, a web page created with the older
version can be edited by adding new tags of HTML5 that can run in a latest web browser
that supports HTML5 and also in older browser which will treat all unrecognized elements
as inline elements. HTML5 is designed to have maximum backward compatibility with the
existing browsers.
5.Structural elements are a group of elements which are used to create the structure of
HTML5 document. Each of these elements are also called section elements. Some of these
are header, nav and article.
Chapter 7 Introduction to Python
A. 1. if-elif-else
2. colon (:)
B. 1. value = 40
if (value>=25):
print (“Smaller Value”)
print (“Program Over”)
3. A=input(“Enter a number:”)
print(“The number is:”, A)
3. X=X+1
4. 1, 2.5
5. quit()/exit()
2. A, B=10, 20
if (A==10):
4. Num1= int(input(“Enter first number”))
Num2 = int(input(“Enter second number”))
C. 1. length = int(input(“Enter the length of rectangle”))
breadth = int(input(“Enter the breadth of rectangle”))
area = length * breadth
perimeter = 2*(length + breadth)
print(“The area of rectangle is : “, area)
print(“The perimeter of rectangle is: “, perimeter)
2. number1 = int(input(“Enter the first number“))
number2 = int(input(“Enter the second number“))
number3 = int(input(“Enter the third number“))
if number1>number2 and number1>number3:
print(“The highest is: “, number1)
elif number2>number1 and number2>number3:
print(“The highest is: “, number2)
elif number3>number1 and number3>number2:
print(“The highest is: “, number3)
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3. number = int(input(“Enter the number”))
modulus = number%2
if modulus == 0:
print(“The number is even“)
print(“Odd number“)
D. 1. The important features of Python are listed below:
a. Python source code is freely available.
b.It is a loosely typed object oriented programming language with few keywords and
simple English like structure, therefore easy to learn.
2.= is an assignment operator which is used to assign value to a variable whereas == is a
relational operator which is used to compare two values. The output of == operator is
either True or False.
For example, x = y means assign value of y to x whereas x ==y means compare if x is equal
to y or not.
3.These operators are used to compare two values and return a logical value which is either
True or False. Some relational operators are ==, !=, >, <, >= and <=.
4. a. Invalid because it uses an operator.
b. Valid
c. Valid
d. Invalid because it uses a keyword.
e. Valid
5.In a variable, value can be stored in two ways. Either it can be declared in a variable within
the program or can be accepted from the user. To fetch an input from the user, input()
function is used. This function is used to get data from the user while working with the
script mode. It enables us to accept an input string from the user without evaluating its
Syntax: input(<Prompt>)
number1 = int(input(“Enter the first number“))
number2 = int(input(“Enter the second number“))
Who Am I?
Guido van Rossum
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Chapter 8 More About Python
A. 1. continue 2. break
B. 1. for x in range(5,10,2):
print (x+10)
2. x=5
3. else
4. True
5. while
C. 1. 1, 2, 3, 4,
2. S
2. n=int(input(“Enter number:”))
sum = 0
for i in range(1, n-1):
mod = n%i
if mod == 0:
sum = sum + i
if sum == n:
print(“perfect number“)
print(“not a perfect number“)
D. 1. n=int(input(“Enter number:”))
print(“Palindrome Number”)
print(“Not a Palindrome Number”)
3. n=int(input(“Enter number:”))
4. n=int(input(“Enter a number: “))
mod = n%10
sum1 = 0
if mod == 8:
while(n > 0):
print(“ends with 8“)
elif mod == 4:
print(“ends with 4“)
print(“The sum of first n natural numbers
print(“ends with neither“)
E. 1.Sometimes there is a need to repeat a set of statements more than once based on a certain
condition. This process of repetition is called loop or iteration in programming. A loop, is
thus used to repeat a block of statements a specific number of times. The loops used in
Python are for loop and while loop.
2.The range() function is used to create a list containing a sequence of numbers starting from
start and ending with one less than the stop.
Syntax: range([start], stop,[step])
Example: >>>range(10); output: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
3.for… structure is used when you want to perform a loop a specific number of times. It uses
a counter variable which is incremented or decremented with each repetition of the loop.
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A while loop executes a block of code repeatedly as long as the test/control condition of
the loop is true. It is ideally suited when the number of iterations are not known prior to the
execution of the loop.
4.Python offers two jump statements to be used within loops to jump out of loop iterations.
These are break and continue statements. It alters the flow of control in a loop.
Chapter 9 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
A. 1. Implementing
4. Artificial Intelligence
B. 1. d
2. e
2. mundane task
5. speech recognition
3. b
4. c
3. vision system
5. a
D. 1.According to the father of Artificial Intelligence, John McCarthy, AI is ‘The science and
engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs.
2. The following tools are used to imbibe artificial intelligence in computers.
a. Logic
b. Search and Optimisation
c.Classifiers and Statistical Learning Methods
d.Probabilistic Methods for Unrealistic
e. Artificial Neural Network
3.Major goal of an intelligent system is to enable a system to think and behave like humans
do, in order to solve a problem. Intention of AI is to:
a.implement human intelligence in machines by creating systems that can think, act,
learn and behave like humans.
b.create expert systems that can behave intelligently, learn, explain, demonstrate and
give suggestions to its users.
c. enable a system to understand and process natural language.
d. empower a system to perform intellectual tasks that a human can perform.
4.Despite its advantages, every technology has some limitations as well. The following are the
limitations that we keep in our mind while creating AI systems:
a. Developing AI enabled systems is very expensive.
b. Programming or training these systems is a tough job.
c. There is a lack of feelings, emotions and creativity in these systems.
d. Dependency on machines increases.
Who Am I?
John McCarthy
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Chapter 10 Virus and Anti-virus
A. 1. memory
2. cells, information
3. write-protected discs (CD–ROMs) or infect written documents
4. Macro
5. Trojan horse
B. 1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False
C. 1. Virus
2. Boot sector
3. Worm
4. Trojan horse
5. Anti-virus
D. 1.A computer virus is a destructive software program. All computer viruses are man-made.
These can spread from one computer to another through disks, networks, email links, etc. A
computer virus may corrupt or delete data on a computer. It may even delete everything on
the hard disk and can interfere with computer operations.
Let us draw an analogy between a computer and biological virus.
a.A biological virus destroys the cells of the body, likewise a computer virus is a program
that is secretly put onto a computer in order to destroy the information that is stored in it.
b.Like a biological virus, it can form multiple copies of itself inside another computer. It
needs some other program or document in order to launch. Once it is running, it can
infect other programs and documents.
c.Like a biological virus, you do not realise the presence of a computer virus until your
computer has already been affected.
2. Some damages that can be caused by viruses are given below.
a. The computer runs slower than usual.
b. The computer stops responding, or it locks up frequently.
c. The computer crashes and then it restarts every few minutes.
d. Applications on the computer do not work correctly.
e. Disks or disk drives are inaccessible.
3. Computer virus can spread in several ways. Some are explained here.
a.A computer virus begins to work and spread whenever you start up the infected
program or application. For example, any word processing application that contains the
virus will place the virus in the memory every time the program is run.
b.Once the virus is copied onto the computer memory it may get programmed to attach
to other applications, disks or folders. It may also infect a network.
c.These viruses behave in different ways. Some stay active only till the infected
application is running. They become inactive when the computer shuts down. Other
viruses operate every time you start your computer after they have infected a system
file or network.
4. Various types of computer viruses are listed below.
a. Boot Sector Virus b. Program Virus
c. Macro Computer Virus
d. Multipartite Virus e. Polymorphic Virus
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5.Anti-virus software is used to prevent, detect, and remove destructive programs, including
computer viruses, worms, and Trojan horses. To help prevent the most current virus, you
must update your anti-virus software regularly. You can set up most types of anti-virus
software to update automatically. These software programs can also be set to automatically
scan diskettes when inserted into the disk drive, scan files when downloaded from the
Internet, or scan emails when received.
Chapter 11 Troubleshooting
A. 1. Disk Cleanup
2. rebooting
3. self test
4. hardware
5. Tools tab of Properties dialog box
B. 1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True
C. 1. Operating system
2. Software
3. Hardware
4. Software
5. Operating system
6. Operating system
D. 1.Troubleshooting is the identification of trouble in a system caused by a failure of some
kind. The problem is initially described as symptoms of malfunction and troubleshooting
is the process of determining the causes of these symptoms. You can also say that
troubleshooting is a process of identifying a computer problem so that it can be fixed.
2. It is important to take proper care of your computer for the following reasons.
• It will increase the speed and the life of your PC.
• It prevents errors.
• It secures your data and information from any unwanted damages.
• Lastly, it saves your precious time.
3. The three areas to troubleshoot are Hardware, Software and Operating system.
4. Two commonly faced problems related to the software can be:
a. You are unable to install a program.
b. Program or utility does not load. It has an error when you attempt to load it.
5.If any error message is displayed on your monitor screen, you must reboot it, that is, restart
your computer. A majority of problems that occur while you are using your computer can
be fixed by rebooting.
Sample Paper
4. d
10. d
16. b
22. c
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