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TELL ME MORE® Step by Step Activity Guide

TELL ME MORE® Step by Step
Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Before you begin using TELL ME MORE®, please read the following:
* In TELL ME MORE®’s main menu, choose the user language you would like to work in. If you
choose your mother tongue as the user language, you will have access to translations of the
instructions for completing the exercises, as well as words in the glossary, dialogues, and so on. If you
choose your target language as the user language, you will be in total immersion and will have no
access to any translations.
* In addition to this document, help is available for the current screen and for navigating, and the
See Tips option is found in the Help menu located in the upper right-hand side of the screen.
* You can also print a screen shot at any time by clicking on the Tools and Info menu, also located in
the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
* We advise you to always keep the headset on, because, depending on the different activities, you
will hear audio recordings and speech recognition may be activated.
* It is not necessary to read this guide in its entirety before beginning your training. You can refer to
it at any time by simply referring to the relevant sections.
-2Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
This step-by-step guide is designed to help you use TELL ME MORE® effectively when learning a
foreign language.
It includes descriptions of the different types of activities included in the software, as well as the
different ways you can use them to study. Some activities have different options—it's important to
keep in mind that the pedagogical objective of the activity can change depending on the option
In Tell me More®, three different lesson modes are available. In all modes, the Tools and Info menu
gives you access to all of the grammar explanations, a glossary, and a conjugation tool.
This mode is organized by workshops according to the skills or topics to be worked on:
- Lesson Workshop
- Cultural Workshop
- Vocabulary Workshop
- Grammar Workshop
- Oral Workshop
- Written Workshop
Some activities help you to work on several skills and/or subjects. You will find such activities in
more than one workshop.
Free-to-Roam Mode gives you more freedom in navigation and allows you to change the options of
different activities, such as the level of difficulty for speech recognition, by clicking on the Tools and
Info menu in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, and then on Functions/Options.
If you need a flexible approach that allows you to manage your progress according to your needs and
wishes, Free-to-Roam is the best lesson mode for you.
In this mode, a Learning Path is offered for each level chosen.
Most options cannot be changed from the default settings.
However, you can adjust the percentage of activities indicator. After you have completed a certain
number of exercises, an arrow at the bottom of the screen will blink, indicating that you can move on
to the next activity. The scale is set by default at 50%, meaning you must complete half of the
exercises before you can continue. If you proceed according to the default setting, you will have 50%
of each activity marked as “Completed” in the Progress Chart.
If you would like to complete the entire path, you must set the scale at 100%. To do this, click on the
Tools and Info menu in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Then choose
Functions/Options/Mode Options/Percentage of activities. By doing this, you will have 100% of
each activity marked as completed in the Progress Chart.
The Path offered is made up of several lessons, generally organized by theme. There are three types of
lessons for each Path:
- Lessons based on a dialogue. These lessons aim at developing written and oral comprehension and
expression through the use of various types of activities.
- Lessons based on a Cultural Text, called Cultural Activities. These lessons aim at developing written
comprehension, as well as cultural knowledge about the countries where the language is spoken,
though the use of various types of activities.
- Lessons based on a role play activity, called Film Set, that aim at developing oral comprehension and
expression, as well as sociolinguistic and cultural knowledge about the countries where the language is
Throughout the Path, a succession of activities work the various aspects from different angles. This
progression helps you to assimilate, simply and without memorization, the knowledge needed in
order to communicate in the target language.
You will often find the same activity repeated several times in the same lesson or Path, but with
different options since the skills worked on are not the same. Note that the lessons that have titles
-3Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
followed by the number 1 are focused on written skills. The lessons followed by the number 2 are
focused on oral skills.
If you are looking for an approach where learning is structured and all the activities are presented
progressively, the Guided Mode is the best mode for you.
In this mode, the student can choose to work according to one of the objectives offered, after which
point TELL ME MORE® adapts the linguistic content to help students work on the skills that they
need to improve the most, as calculated by their performance in each activity.
TELL ME MORE® lets you do either of the following:
Select an objective:
The student chooses one of the objectives offered. These objectives work on either knowledge or
Personalize an objective according to skill or knowledge:
- According to skill: students choose one or more skills for which they decide what level or levels of
difficulty they want to work on.
- According to knowledge: students choose one or more areas of knowledge for which they decide
what level or levels of difficulty they want to work on.
If you want an approach where learning evolves and adapts to your profile and needs, the Dynamic
Mode is the best mode for you.
-4Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
The following are the main components for each activity in this guide:
Activity's title as it appears in TELL ME
Activity type and explanation of how it
The possible options are specified for each
activity: for example, speech recognition mode,
or the number of possible answers.
Pedagogical objectives are specified for each
activity so that you can better understand their
purpose: how they will help you, what skills you
will improve, and what specific knowledge you
will acquire.
HOW TO BEST COMPLETE THIS A step-by-step description of how to best
complete an activity is given, along with, for
certain activities, the different ways you can use
them and what you need to have completed or
assimilated before moving on to the next activity.
Links to resources, such as grammar and
vocabulary explanations, are given in context for
each activity. In addition, you can also consult
the Reference Tools (Grammar Explanations,
Conjugation Tool, and Glossary) from the
Tools and Info menu in the upper right-hand
corner of the screen. This helps you answer any
questions that may arise while you are working.
-5Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Videos and pictures showing authentic communication scenarios. The topics introduced are generally
scenarios taken from daily life, with diverse themes adapted to the cultural nuances of the country or
countries where the language is spoken. Each dialogue is comprised of approximately fifteen questions
with an average of three or four possible responses to each question.
- Speech Recognition Off: click on the answer chosen. All answers are correct. The objective is to put
yourself in the role of the person who responds. Each answer corresponds to a different way of
reacting to what was just heard. They reflect what a person might have said in a real conversation. It is
therefore important to understand the communication situation, and to listen to the question asked and
the possible answers before choosing your answer.
- Speech Recognition Mode: pronounce the answer chosen. All answers are correct. The objective is
to put yourself in the role of the person who responds. Each answer corresponds to a different way of
reacting to what was just heard. They reflect what a person might have said in a real conversation. It is
therefore important to understand the communication situation, and to listen to the question asked and
the possible answers before choosing your answer.
- Speech Recognition Off: click on the best answer. Only one answer is correct. The objective is to
put yourself in the role of the person who responds. It is therefore important to understand the
communication situation, along with the question and possible answers, before choosing your answer.
For this variant, only one answer corresponds to an appropriate way of reacting to what was just heard.
- Access to text: The text of the questions and answers does not necessarily appear. This depends on
the level determined and the skill worked on. If you have difficulty understanding while listening, it is
possible to display the text of the lines by clicking on the "Display all lines" icon in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen.
- Develop oral comprehension (in the sequences for which speech recognition is not activated).
- Develop oral comprehension and expression (in the sequences for which speech recognition is
- Identify with one or more characters in the scenario.
- Work on communication in different contexts.
-6Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
- Introduce or revise grammar concepts or vocabulary in context.
- Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the target language, (intonation, structure,
expressions, etc.) through conversations with native speakers from different backgrounds.
- First, listen to and/or read the question and possible answers in order to understand the general
- Then, reply by selecting one of the answers according to the predefined option, either with the mouse
or by pronouncing it.
- Make sure that you have understood all of the answers before choosing one and moving on to the
next question.
- In speech recognition mode, speak after you hear the beep. If the computer does not recognize the
answer, listen to the example again and concentrate on the intonation and rhythm. It is also possible to
access the activity Sentence Pronunciation by clicking on the icon to the left of each sentence, in order
to focus on the sentence that is giving you difficulty.
- Depending upon the answer that you have chosen, the dialogue may progress in a different manner.
For this reason, it is recommended that you select a different answer each time you go through the
- If you need help understanding the different answers or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red circle in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
• Consult the translation of different answers in context by clicking on the flag in the upper lefthand corner of the screen. (This option is not always available for the advanced levels.)
-7Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Cultural Text
Text accompanied by an image pertaining to a culturally related subject.
The text is followed by different activities.
- Entire Text: access to the entire text.
- Text Summary: access to the keywords and introductory sentence of the text.
- Develop written comprehension.
- Discover and broaden your knowledge of the culture of the country or countries where the language
is spoken. The subjects covered include: Geography, History, Traditions, Cuisine, Literature, Art and
Architecture, Entertainment, and Society and Economy.
- Read the text in its entirety and try to understand the general ideas. Then, read it a second time
paying close attention to the keywords in bold.
- You can also display the text summary, which allows you to take a closer look at the image.
- If you need help understanding a keyword or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red button in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
- If you need help understanding the meaning of the entire text:
• Consult the translation by clicking on the flag in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
-8Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Word Searches
This activity consists of finding words hidden in a grid. The words to find are either displayed on
screen or given as a recording. They belong to the same lexical family.
- Speech Recognition Off: the words to find are displayed on screen.
- Listening Comprehension Mode: the words to find are available as audio recordings.
- Grid size
- Develop written comprehension (Speech Recognition Off).
- Develop oral comprehension (Listening Comprehension Mode).
- Assimilate and build vocabulary by working with words already encountered in the audiovisual aid
or text, in addition to other new words from the same family.
- Read the heading describing the lexical family above the grid. This will give you an idea of the types
of words you will need to find.
- Next, according to the predefined option, either read (Speech Recognition Off) or listen to (Listening
Comprehension Mode) each word and try to locate it in the grid.
- At the end of the exercise, it is possible to display the words or expressions that you were unable to
find by clicking on “Solution.”
- Make sure you have completely understood the meaning of each word before moving on to the next
- If you need help understanding a word or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red button in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
• Consult the translation of the heading by clicking on the flag in the upper left-hand corner of
the screen.
-9Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Picture/Word Association
This activity consists of identifying the word or expression that corresponds to the image appearing on
screen. Each exercise allows you to associate a key word or expression already introduced in the
audiovisual aid or text with an image.
- Speech Recognition Off: click on the answer of your choice.
- Speech Recognition Mode: pronounce the answer of your choice.
- Number of answers to choose from
- Develop written comprehension (Speech Recognition Off).
- Develop written and oral comprehension (Speech Recognition Mode).
- Assimilate and build vocabulary by working with words and expressions already encountered in the
audiovisual aid or text, in addition to other new words from the same family.
- Read all the words or expressions that appear on screen, and then choose the one that best
corresponds to the image.
- According to your predefined option, either click on (Speech Recognition Off) or pronounce (Speech
Recognition Mode) the word you have chosen.
- In Speech Recognition Mode, speak just after you hear the beep. If the computer does not recognize
the answer, listen to each word again by clicking on “Find out more about a word.”
- Make sure that you have understood the meaning of each word before moving on to the next
- If you need help understanding a word or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red circle in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
- 10 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Word Association
Activity in which you need to match the words in two columns, following the criteria defined in the
instructions. The goal is to associate words that have a logical connection, such as synonyms (words or
expressions with the same meaning), antonyms (words or expressions with the opposite meaning), etc.
- Develop written comprehension.
- Assimilate and build vocabulary by working with words and expressions already encountered in the
audiovisual aid or text, in addition to other new words from the same family.
- First read the instructions in order to know what type of association to make.
- Read each word in the two columns. Make sure you have understood the meaning of each word
before beginning the exercise.
- In order to associate two words, click on the blue dots that represent them one after the other.
- If you would like to check your answers during the course of an exercise, you can click on the
“Correction” button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. This will allow you to see your
errors and to correct them as you go.
- If you need help understanding the meaning of different words or expressions:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red button in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
- 11 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
The Right Word
This activity consists of completing a sentence with one of the words or groups of words proposed in
a list.
- Speech Recognition Off: click on the answer of your choice.
- Speech Recognition Mode: pronounce the answer of your choice.
- Develop written comprehension (Speech Recognition Off).
- Develop written comprehension and oral expression (Speech Recognition Mode).
- For some exercises, assimilate grammatical concepts already encountered in the audiovisual aid or
- For some exercises, assimilate and build vocabulary by working with words and expressions already
encountered in the audiovisual aid or text, in addition to other new words.
- First read the sentence to complete and make sure you have understood its meaning.
- Then, read each of the proposed solutions and make sure you have understood their meanings.
- Try out each of the solutions in your head before choosing the one that fits best. This will assist you
in finding the correct answer.
- Finally, either click on the word chosen (Speech Recognition Off) or pronounce the entire sentence
(Speech Recognition Mode), according to your predefined option.
- In Speech Recognition Mode, speak just after you hear the beep. If the computer does not recognize
the answer, listen to each word again by clicking on “Find out more about a word.”
- Make sure that you have completely understood the meaning of the entire sentence before moving on
to the next exercise.
- If you need help understanding a sentence or a word, or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red button in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
- If you need help with grammar-related exercises:
• Consult the grammar explanations in context by clicking on the link at the end of the sentence.
- 12 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Word Order
This activity consists of arranging the scrambled words displayed on screen in the order needed to
make a sentence. Each exercise asks you to reconstruct a sentence whose structure has already been
introduced in the audiovisual aid or text and to work on grammar or vocabulary.
- Speech Recognition Off: use the mouse to move the words.
- Speech Recognition Mode: pronounce the answer of your choice.
- Develop written comprehension (Speech Recognition Off).
- Develop written comprehension and oral expression (Speech Recognition Mode).
- Become acquainted with a language's distinctive structures and idiomatic usage.
- For some exercises, assimilate grammatical concepts already encountered in the audiovisual aid or
- Read each word that appears on the screen, and then, according to the predefined option, drag them
with the mouse to make a complete sentence (Speech Recognition Off) or pronounce the entire
sentence in the correct order (Speech Recognition Mode).
- Make sure that you have completely understood the meaning of each word before moving or
pronouncing them.
- In Speech Recognition Mode, speak just after you hear the beep. If the computer does not recognize
the answer, listen to each word again by clicking on “Find out more about a word.”
- Make sure that you have completely understood the meaning of the entire sentence before moving on
to the next exercise.
- If you need help understanding a word or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red circle in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
- If you need help with grammar-related exercises:
• Consult the grammar explanations in context by clicking on the link at the end of the sentence.
- 13 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Mystery Phrase
This activity consists of figuring out a keyword from the lesson according to its definition or other
- Develop written and comprehension and expression.
- Assimilate and build vocabulary by working with words and expressions already encountered in the
audiovisual aid or text, in addition to other new words from the same family.
- Improve spelling skills.
- Read the definition and make sure you have understood it.
- Enter the word or the group of words that make up the solution. To do this, use either the on-screen
keyboard or your computer's keyboard. The number of underscores indicates the number of letters.
You can make up to 6 mistakes before the solution appears automatically. The solution appears
automatically after the seventh mistake.
- If you need help understanding a definition or word, or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red circle in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
- 14 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Grammar Practice
This activity consists of modifying words according to the instructions.
- Develop written expression.
- Become acquainted with a language's distinctive structures and idiomatic usage.
- Assimilate grammatical concepts already encountered in the audiovisual aid or text.
- Read the instructions and study the example carefully.
- Do not make any changes (such as changing the word order) other than those that have been
indicated in the instructions.
- If you would like to check your answers during the course of an exercise, you can click on the
“Correction” button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. This will allow you to see your
errors and to correct them as you go.
- If you need help understanding a word or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red circle in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
- If you need help assimilating grammatical concepts:
• Consult the grammar explanations in context by clicking on the related link.
- 15 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
This activity consists of filling in an incomplete text with the missing words or groups of words.
- Develop written comprehension.
- Assimilate and build vocabulary by working with words and expressions already encountered in the
audiovisual aid or text, in addition to other new words from the same family.
- Become acquainted with a language's distinctive structures and idiomatic usage.
- For some exercises, assimilate grammatical concepts already encountered in the audiovisual aid or
- Read the incomplete sentences and then each of the missing words.
- Make sure you have completely understood the meaning of both the text and the missing words
before beginning the exercise.
- If you would like to check your answers during the course of an exercise, you can click on the
“Correction” button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. This will allow you to see your
errors and to correct them as you go.
- If you need help understanding a word or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red circle in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
- If you need help with grammar-related exercises:
• Consult the grammar explanations in context by clicking on the link at the end of the sentence.
- 16 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Words and Topics
This activity consists of classifying the words or expressions into the different lexical families
- Develop written comprehension.
- Assimilate and build vocabulary by working with words and expressions already encountered in the
audiovisual aid or text, in addition to other new words from the same family.
- Read each word and lexical family heading that appears on screen and then move each word with the
mouse to classify them into the appropriate families.
- In some exercises, words appear that do not belong to any of the lexical families displayed on screen.
In this case, these words should not be classified. Likewise, there are occasionally lexical families that
do not correspond to any of the words displayed on screen. In this case, no words should be classified
under these headings. This serves to increase the difficulty of the exercise.
- Make sure that you have completely understood the meaning of each of the words before classifying
- Make sure that you have completely understood the meaning of each family's heading before moving
on to the next exercise.
- If you need help understanding a word or heading, or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red circle in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
• Consult the translation of the headings for each lexical family by clicking on the flag in the
upper left-hand corner of the screen.
- 17 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Video and Questions
Video followed by comprehension questions.
A video is shown, accompanied by an audio recording. The topics introduced are often scenarios taken
from daily life, with diverse themes adapted to the cultural nuances of the country or countries where
the language is spoken. Following the video, you are asked to respond to approximately ten multiplechoice questions.
- Display Text: the text is displayed to the right of the video.
- No Text Display: no text is displayed.
- Develop oral and written comprehension (Display Text).
- Develop oral comprehension (No Text Display).
- Learn about daily life or culture through a narrative description.
- Introduce or revise grammar concepts and vocabulary in context, which you can work on later in the
- Learn to identify the main ideas in an audio recording or text.
- This activity contains several user modes:
• To develop oral comprehension, listen to the recording while watching the video.
• To develop only written comprehension: read the text while watching the video, without
listening to the recording.
- Read or listen to the text once without pausing, in order to understand the overall meaning.
- Then read or listen to the text a second time, pausing each time you have difficulty understanding.
- Make sure you have understood the meaning of each paragraph before moving on to the next section.
- Once you have finished watching the video, answer all of the multiple-choice questions.
- Make sure you have understood the meaning of the question and all of the possible answers before
selecting an answer. More than one answer can be correct.
- When answering the questions, you can click on the video link in the bottom right-hand corner of the
screen, in order to see the corresponding video segment again.
- 18 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
- If you need help understanding a word or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red circle in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
• Consult the translation of the text by clicking on the flag in the upper left-hand corner of the
- 19 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Crossword Puzzles
This activity consists of completing a crossword puzzle using clues given either as translations or as
- Translation Mode: you have access to the translation of the word.
- Listening Comprehension Mode: listen to a recording of the word.
- Grid size
- Develop written expression (Translation Mode).
- Develop oral comprehension and written expression (Listening Comprehension Mode).
- Assimilate and build vocabulary by working with words already encountered in the audiovisual aid
or text, in addition to new words.
- Improve spelling skills.
- In Translation Mode, read the definition. (Note that this mode cannot be used in total immersion, as
no translations are available.)
- In Listening Comprehension Mode, listen to the word as many times as required.
- Once you are sure that you have recognized the word, enter it into the blue squares. To do this, use
either the on-screen keyboard or your computer's keyboard.
- Next, click on another square in the grid to enter another word.
- Make sure you have understood and correctly spelled each word before moving on to the next
- Make sure you have completely understood the meaning of each word before moving on to the next
- If you would like to check your answers during the course of an exercise, you can click on the
“Correction” button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. This will allow you to see your
errors and to correct them as you go.
- It is recommended that you move on to the next activity after having completed five to ten puzzles.
- If you need help understanding a word or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red button in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (click on the words in the crossword puzzle
once the puzzle has been completed). This feature provides access to a translation and
recording of the word, a link to pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
- 20 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Sentence Practice
This activity consists of rewriting sentences according to specific instructions.
- Develop written expression.
- Become acquainted with a language's distinctive structures and idiomatic usage.
- Assimilate grammatical concepts already encountered in the audiovisual aid or text.
- Read the instructions and study the example carefully before beginning the exercise.
- Write the new sentence in the space beneath the original sentence.
- Do not make additional changes (e.g. changing the word order) apart from what has been indicated
in the instructions, and pay attention to punctuation and spelling.
- Make sure you have completely understood the pertinence of each correct answer before moving on
to the next exercise.
- If you would like to check your answers during the course of an exercise, you can click on the
“Correction” button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. This will allow you to see your
errors and to correct them as you go.
- If you need help understanding a word or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red circle in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
- If you need help assimilating grammatical concepts:
• Consult the grammar explanations in context by clicking on the related link.
- 21 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Words and Functions
This activity consists of classifying different words in a text according to different criteria:
grammatical category, function, or verb tense. A counter indicates the number of words to classify.
- Develop written comprehension.
- Learn the terminology used to describe the language you are studying.
- Familiarize yourself with different types of words in various contexts.
- Become acquainted with a language's distinctive structures and idiomatic usage.
- Assimilate grammatical concepts already encountered in the audiovisual aid or text.
- Read the text carefully.
- Find the words that correspond to the headings of each box.
- To move a word into a box, first click on the word, and then click on the box.
- If you would like to check your answers during the course of an exercise, you can click on the
“Correction” button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. This will allow you to see your
errors and to correct them as you go.
- If you need help understanding either the text or the classifications, or if you would like more
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red circle in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
• Consult the translation of the box headings by clicking on the flag in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen.
- 22 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Text Transformation
This activity consists of rewriting a short text according to a specific set of instructions.
- Develop written expression.
- Become acquainted with a language's distinctive structures and idiomatic usage.
- Assimilate grammatical concepts already encountered in the audiovisual aid or text.
- Read the instructions carefully and think about what needs to be changed.
- Do not make additional changes (e.g. changing the word order) apart from what has been indicated
in the instructions, and pay attention to punctuation and spelling.
- If you would like to check your answers during the course of an exercise, you can click on the
“Correction” button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. This will allow you to see your
errors and to correct them as you go. The program will indicate the first mistake made in the text, but
this does not mean that it is the only mistake. You must first correct this mistake, and then click again
on “Correction” to make sure there aren’t any other corrections to make.
- If you need help understanding the text or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red circle in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
- If you need help assimilating grammatical concepts:
• Consult the grammar explanations in context by clicking on the link at the end of the text.
- 23 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Written Expression
This activity consists of writing a short text based on an image, video, audio recording, or another
text. It can be either a description or a summary.
- Develop written expression.
- Use your knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, and sociolinguistics in the context of written
- Encourage expression with a creative writing activity.
- Read the instructions and think about what you might be able to write.
- Take notes to help develop your ideas.
- Next, put your ideas together and write a text using simple sentences. The suggested length is
indicated in the instructions.
- The solution given is only an example and should be used as a reference.
- 24 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Phonetics Exercise
This activity consists of listening to and pronouncing words according to an example to help practice
the different phonemes (sounds) of a language. A list of several phonemes is given. Each phoneme
appears on average in six words, giving you the opportunity to practice pronouncing it.
- Develop oral comprehension and expression.
- Learn to recognize and pronounce the phonemes of the language you are studying so as to
understand and imitate the pronunciation of a native speaker as best you can.
- Focus on your own personal comprehension and pronunciation difficulties.
- Study the list of phonemes and related words. The phonemes are represented using the symbols of
the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), the standard phonetic representation used for all spoken
languages. Previous knowledge of the IPA is not required, as the written form for each phoneme
(representative letters) appears in green in the different words. It is simply necessary to recognize the
different written forms corresponding to each phoneme in order to become familiar with them, so as to
develop the ability to associate automatically the spelling of a word with its pronunciation.
- Select each phoneme from the list, and then listen to and pronounce each of the words listed by
imitating the example. Speak after you hear the beep.
- Listen to each of your recordings and compare it with the example to better understand how your
pronunciation differs. The score also serves as a reference. If you score 3 out of 7 or higher, your
pronunciation is considered satisfactory and you can move on to the next word. Specifically
practice the phonemes that you have difficulty understanding or pronouncing. Use the phonetics
animation, to the right of the word being practiced, to best assimilate the phoneme's pronunciation:
play the animation, read the explanation about the phoneme's articulation, then study the animation
and try to reproduce the different movements and positions of the lips, tongue, and palate.
- Also remember to practice the comprehension and pronunciation of each word in context, by
listening to and imitating the pronunciation of the corresponding sentences. To do this, click on the
icon to the right of the word.
- Finally, keep in mind that the graph reproducing the intonation of the word is just a reference model.
Even native speakers will not reproduce it in an identical manner.
- If you need help understanding a word or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red circle in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
- 25 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Word Pronunciation
This activity consists of listening to and pronouncing the words and expressions in a lesson.
Approximately fifteen words are listed.
- Develop oral comprehension and expression.
- Learn to understand and pronounce the most important words and expressions in a lesson.
- Focus on your own personal comprehension and pronunciation difficulties.
- Read the list of words and expressions, and then select them one by one and make sure that you are
able to understand and pronounce them correctly.
- Speak after you hear the beep. Specifically practice the words or expressions that you have the most
difficulty with by listening to and pronouncing them as many times as necessary.
- Listen to each of your recordings and compare it with the example to better understand how your
pronunciation differs. The score also serves as a reference. If you score 3 out of 7 or higher, your
pronunciation is considered satisfactory and you can move on to the next word.
- Finally, keep in mind that the graph reproducing the intonation of the word is just a reference model.
Even native speakers will not reproduce it in an identical manner.
- If you need help understanding a word or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red circle in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
- 26 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
This activity consists of listening to and transcribing sentences.
- Easy Mode: does not take into account capitalization, accents, or punctuation errors.
- Difficult Mode: only typographically correct answers are accepted.
- Develop oral comprehension and written expression.
- Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the target language: intonation, structures,
expressions, etc.
- Improve spelling and punctuation use.
- Assimilate and build vocabulary by working with words and expressions already encountered in the
audiovisual aid or text, in addition to other new words from the same family.
- For some exercises, assimilate grammatical concepts already encountered in the audiovisual aid or
- Listen carefully to all of the sentences first.
- Listen carefully to each sentence as many times as needed, and then type it.
- If you would like to check your answers during the course of an exercise, you can click on the
“Correction” button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. This will allow you to see your
errors and to correct them as you go.
- Make sure you have completely understood the meaning of each sentence before moving on to the
next exercise.
- If you need help understanding a sentence or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red circle in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs. This option is activated once the
exercise has been completed.
- If you need help with grammar-related exercises:
• Consult the grammar explanations in context by clicking on the link at the end of the sentence.
- 27 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Sentence Pronunciation
This activity consists of listening to and pronouncing a list of sentences from the lesson.
- Develop oral comprehension and expression.
- Learn to recognize and pronounce the most important sentences in a lesson.
- Focus on your own personal comprehension and pronunciation difficulties.
- Read the list of sentences, and then select them one by one and make sure that you are able to
understand them.
- Speak after you hear the beep. Specifically practice the sentences that you have the most difficulty
with by listening to and practicing them as many times as necessary.
- Listen to each of your recordings and compare it with the example to better understand how your
pronunciation differs. The score also serves as a reference. If you score 3 out of 7 or higher, your
pronunciation is considered satisfactory and you can move on to the next sentence.
- Especially work on the words highlighted in red, signifying that their pronunciation needs to be
improved. To do this, click on the word to listen to it again, or click on the icon to the right of the
sentence to practice the pronunciation of individual words.
- Finally, keep in mind that the graph reproducing the intonation of the word is just a reference. Even
native speakers will not reproduce it in an identical manner.
- If you need help understanding a sentence or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red circle in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
- 28 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
This activity consists of finding the answer to a riddle related to a cultural text. Three hints are given
to help you find the answer.
- Develop written comprehension.
- Assimilate and enrich your knowledge of the cultural aspects learned in the cultural texts.
- Read the question and make sure you have completely understood the meaning of each word before
- If you think you know the answer, enter it in the space provided. To do this, use either the on-screen
keyboard or your computer's keyboard.
- If you do not know the answer or you are not completely sure, you can use one of the three hints by
clicking on the corresponding button. The number of letters required for the solution can also serve as
a hint.
- If you would like to check your answers during the course of an exercise, you can click on the
“Correction” button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. This will allow you to see your
errors and to correct them as you go.
- Finally, if you want, you can also view the cultural text again.
- If you need help understanding a word or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red circle in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
- 29 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
This activity consists of identifying different cultural elements by linking each caption with the
corresponding image.
- Assimilate and enrich your knowledge of the cultural aspects learned in the cultural texts.
- Study the different images closely, and then read the captions.
- Click on each caption and drag it onto the corresponding image.
- Once you have placed each name, any mistakes you have made will appear in red. You can continue
trying until you find the correct answer.
- If you would like to check your answers during the course of an exercise, you can click on the
“Correction” button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. This will allow you to see your
errors and to correct them as you go.
- If you need help understanding a word or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red circle in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs. This option is activated once the
exercise has been completed.
- 30 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
This activity consists of identifying different geographical places on a map, and linking each caption
with its corresponding location.
- Assimilate and broaden your geographic knowledge, particularly concerning the country or countries
where the language you are studying is spoken.
- Study the map closely, then read the place names.
- Click on each place name and drag it onto the corresponding location.
- Once you have placed each name, any mistakes you have made will appear in red. You can continue
trying until you find the correct answer.
- 31 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Role Play
This is a video activity that shows clips from authentic, modern films and made-for-TV movies that
have been selected for their linguistic and cultural authenticity of the communication situations
portrayed. In this cultural immersion activity, students must take part in the exchange and identify
with one of the characters by playing his or her part.
- Recording speed.
- Display film script: this allows you to see the entire script of the film.
- Display film subtitles: this allows you to choose whether or not to see the subtitles while the film is
playing and during playback with your recordings. Subtitles are present by default.
- Develop listening and speaking skills.
- Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the target language, including intonation, structures,
and expressions.
- Assimilate and enrich vocabulary in context.
- Become acquainted with the sociolinguistic and cultural aspects of the countries where the language
being studied is spoken.
1. Watch film:
- Watch and listen to the entire film clip as many times as you need to in order to understand the
situation and the relationships between the different characters.
2. Play your part:
- Choose a part to play, then click on the picture of the character you have selected and watch the film.
The character’s lines will be shown just under the film display. You must speak while the words pass
through the blue rectangle. If the line appears in red, you must pronounce it again.
- If you are having trouble, you can slow down the recording speed or go to the “Pronunciation of
characters’ lines” screen at any time by clicking on the blue icon below the characters’ pictures. This
screen allows you to work on all the lines of a specific character.
Listen to each of your recordings and compare them with the examples to better understand how your
pronunciation differs. The score also serves as a reference. If you score 3 out of 7 or higher, your
pronunciation is considered satisfactory and you can move on to the next line.
- 32 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
3. Watch film with your voice recording:
- This last function lets you watch the film again and allows you to listen to your recordings. As a
result, you can evaluate your performance in context. To find out which lines were pronounced
correctly and which ones need to be worked on, click on the “Display script” button above the film
display. The lines that were pronounced correctly appear in green, while the others appear in red. You
can then return to the pronunciation screen to improve the pronunciation of the lines you had trouble
- If you need help understanding a sentence or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red circle in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
- 33 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Key Grammar Explanations
Explanations of the key grammar points illustrated in the audiovisual aids or texts in both the target
language and user language.
- Provide a theoretical reference point that summarizes the grammar points introduced in the lesson.
- Read each grammar explanation in the context of the examples given. Some explanations are
illustrated with a comic strip. To toggle between the explanations and illustrations, use the two
buttons to the right of the flag in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
- Make sure you have completely understood each explanation before moving on to the next
- If you need help understanding the explanations:
• Consult the translation by clicking on the flag in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
- 34 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Key Vocabulary
List of approximately fifteen of the most important words and expressions of the lesson, with
- Assimilate the key vocabulary learned in the lesson.
- Read each of the words or expressions as well as their translations.
- Make sure you have assimilated all the words before moving on to the next lesson.
- If you need help understanding a word or if you would like more information:
• Consult “Find out more about a word” by first clicking on the red circle in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen, and then on a particular word (only available for words that are
underlined). This feature provides access to a translation and recording of the word, a link to
pronunciation practice, and a list of conjugations for verbs.
- 35 Copyright 2007 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.