This Document has been modified with Flexcil app (Android) Assimilation is a continuum and marketers must deal with varying degrees of assimilation within any ethnic market. It is the absorption and integration of people, ideas, or culture into a wider society or culture. Financial Globalization Jamaica agreement Unilateralism is the doctrine that nations should conduct their foreign affairs individualistically without the advice or involvement of other nations. Medium of exchange is something commonly accepted in exchange for goods and services and recognized as representing a standard of value. bretton wood system is a monetary system under which a nation's currency may be converted into bills of exchange drawn on a country (the US) whose currency is convertible into gold at a state rate of exchange. international business and trade means any activity/endeavor among nations around the globe involving buying ,selling, exchanging of goods, services, capital, labor, resources, technology or any situation where the production or distribution of goods or services crosses country boarder. Has always been a melting pot of the world's consumer demands and marketer's supply. Multicultural marketing Focuses on understanding consumer traditions, slanguages and customs, beliefs and experiences when crafting messages. Bioprospecting is defined as the collection, research, and commercialization of biodiversity for new medicines and other useful natural products (perfumes, cosmetics, agro-chemicals, and functional foods). Bioprospecting projects are meant to facilitate scientific and technology transfer between global pharmaceutical firms and sourcecountry public and private laboratories. Biopiracy refers to the usage of bio-resources by foreign corporations and other organizations without appropriate authorization from the countries and individuals concerned without compensation. It is the practice of exploiting naturally occurring genetic or biochemical material in commerce. Child labor involves using children to do jobs for companies or small business owners. Some cottage industries employ children as part of their labor force. Sagacity means the quality of being discerning, sound in judgment, and farsighted; wisdom. Fidelity faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support. Totalitarianism an extreme form of authoritarianism, is a system of government with the state holding absolute control and under The Jamaica Agreement established a managed float system of exchange rates, in which currencies float against one another with governments intervening only to stabilize their currencies at set target exchange rates. framework for fixed international currency exchange rate Flexcil - The Smart Study Toolkit & PDF, Annotate, Note This Document has been modified with Flexcil app (Android) which the people are allowed virtually no authority. Fair trade movement involves agreement between and among countries to encourage free trade and remove barriers to entry. Ethics also called moral philosophy, is a discipline, a branch of philosophy that seeks virtue. Business Ethics is the set of moral rules, principles, and standards that govern how businesses operate, how business decisions are made, and how people are treated. It refers to the rules, principles, for deciding what is morally right or wrong when doing business; the system of moral and ethical beliefs, values, and principles that guide behaviors and decisions of a business organization and the individuals within that organization. Intl Business Ethics emerged quite late globally compared to the business ethics that came up in the 70s. -International business ethics is important to aid in regulating international business and trade and create winning situations for international marketing participants. Common Good Approach which action contributes most to the quality of life of the people affected Transfer pricing involves how entities price products/services that they market to affiliates and subsidiaries. Most of these affiliates and subsidiaries are in other countries. SHAWN HUNTER author of Out Think: How Innovative Leaders Drive Exceptional Outcomes defines the following: Creativity “the capability or act of conceiving something original or unusual” It remains as a great idea, but not yet a reality. Innovation “the implementation or creation of something new that has realized value to others” Entrepreneurship Concerned with starting a new business The recognition of opportunities¬- needs, wants, problems, and challenges and use of innovative ideas for new planned ventures. Not always for profit Intrapreneurship A grade/type of entrepreneurship within a given system or entity Linchpin An important part of economic system, a person or thing that holds something together: the most important part of complex situation. Heart or nucleus of economy Elan English word meaning ardor or zeal inspired by passion or enthusiasm Socioeconomic Factors social and economic experiences and realities that help Flexcil - The Smart Study Toolkit & PDF, Annotate, Note This Document has been modified with Flexcil app (Android) mold one‘s personality, attitude, and lifestyle. Factors include: Culture / Ethnicity: can contribute to thoughts and attitudes. impact on how people are raised, their core values, and sense of family and tradition. Religion: closely tied to culture. a. Level of Education Educational Levels: influence economic social status as higher paying jobs tend to require advanced or specialized education. b. Income & Occupation Net Income: direct contributor to what a single person or family can afford to spend as it determines their purchasing power. c. Health & Lifestyle Health Status: definite measurement of socioeconomic status; it affects mobility and the ability to socialize. d. Quality of Neighborhoods Neighborhood: grouped socially among people with similar incomes and similar background. (1) lower-income neighborhoods, (2) middle-income neighborhoods, (3) high-income neighborhoods Hint: if 4 lang na pangita, a,b,c,d isulat ENVIRONMENT The surroundings in which a person, animal, or plant lives or the conditions under which a business operates. Infrastructure Infra: means below The “underlying structure” of country and its economy, the fixed installations that it needs in order to function. Another definition: Physical system and facilities for smooth flow of country’s day to day activities 2 types: Soft infrastructure- help maintain healthy economy involves human capital Hard infrastructurephysical system crucial to running a modern economy Politics (art and science of government) Art: it involves the process of skillfully addresses the needs of society Science: systematic body of knowledge that deals with the government and the regulation of the state, also deals with protection of the rights of its citizen Graded sustainable Intrapreneuring (GSI) Means balanced dimensions of right level assuring optimal output David Easton Referred politics as the ”authoritative allocation of values” Innovation Strategy Sets out guiding principles for how the company will grow its market share through product and service innovation Virtue: conformity to moral and ethical principles, morality (right & wrong) Virtues are attitudes or character traits that enable us to be and to act in ways that develop our highest potential. Flexcil - The Smart Study Toolkit & PDF, Annotate, Note This Document has been modified with Flexcil app (Android) Honesty, courage, compassion, generosity, fidelity, integrity, fairness, self-control, and prudence are all examples of virtues. Virtues are like habits, that is, once acquired, they become ingrained and become characteristic of a person. Immanuel Kant: focuses on the individual's right to choose for himself or herself. According to Kant, what makes human beings different from mere things is that people have dignity based on their free will and they have the right to make choices and they have a fundamental moral right to have these choices respected Utilitarian: Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that determines right from wrong by focusing on outcomes, a form of consequentialism. The theory was conceived in the nineteenth century by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill They suggested that ethical actions are those that provide the greatest balance of good over evil, the greatest benefits and the least harm, and the greatest good for the greatest number - which action results in the most good and least harm Founders of Modern Sociology Emile Durkheim Max Weber Karl Marx Acculturation: adding some elements of the mainstream culture without abandoning the native culture Marketing Copy: the heart and soul of almost every marketing endeavor. It is the output of copywriters, who are employed to write material, which encourages consumers to buy goods or services. It helps build a company image. is the written material in advertising, newspapers, magazines, and books which encourage consumers to buy goods or services Benefits of MCM (a-f) a. Reach target markets across several platforms b. Increase brand awareness and optimally reach target audiences c. Target a wider range of customers and offer more personalized communication. d. Better understand the motivating factors and specific behaviors of customers. e. Provide companies with a significant amount of metrics to help measure the marketing initiative. f. realize companies’ ROI goals. ABC (Marketing Copy) [read! pp 314] Always think about the consumer in writing a copy Burnish: to rub something to a shine or gloss Call to Action: “buy now” or “click here” or anything that calls the target market to action and make a decision Trickiest elements in launching Global Marketing Humor Metaphors, puns, idioms: Transcreation is the best way to preserve the subtle nuances of the language Imagery and colors Mary Lister 21 tips: 1. Define your target audience 2. Choose an objective 3. Create urgency: Increase urgency so that the audience will act sooner, not later 4. Back it up with data 5. Leverage customer reviews 6. Keep it simple 7. Use active voice 8. Pick your adjectives (words) wisely: harnessing the power of words 9. Focus on your customers: being customer-based is better in writing compelling marketing process 10. Grab attention: use words that evoke emotion Flexcil - The Smart Study Toolkit & PDF, Annotate, Note This Document has been modified with Flexcil app (Android) 11. Build interest: create intrigue 12. Do not pander: Pander - catering to or profiting from the weaknesses, vices, or unreasonable desires of other 13. Empathize with agitation 14. Provide a solution: solve a problem 15. Use analogies: Analogies comparison of two things based on their being alike in some way 16. Be funny 17. Choose a CTA: Call to action marketing term that refers to the next step of action that the marketer wants the consumer to take 18. Be wary of profanity 19. Be clear: not confusing 20. Do not be bland: Brand implied a highly focused strategic basis for what a company promised the public 21. Trust your gut Flexcil - The Smart Study Toolkit & PDF, Annotate, Note