Uploaded by thejesh gupta

Robotics Embedded Task: Bot Control System

ROBOTICS Embedded-Task-2
Advanced Differential Bot Control System with Camera and Safety Features
Continuing from Task 1, you now need to enhance the differential bot control system by
adding advanced features for better monitoring and navigation. Additionally, you will
implement safety features to minimize accidents.
Your design should include, but is not limited to, the following elements:
 Camera Positioning System with Servo Inclination:
o Implement a setup for camera, that can move in a full 360-degree range.
o Use a DC motor with an encoder to ensure precise movement for the camera
within the 360-degree range.
o Integrate a servo motor to incline the camera at specific vertical angles.
 Emergency Braking System:
o Implement an emergency braking system that activates when the differential
bot detects an obstacle. This system will utilize interrupts in embedded C to
cut power to the wheels, preventing accidents immediately.
 Alarm System:
o When the emergency braking system is activated, an alarm should beep to
alert nearby personnel.
o Additionally, an alert light should turn on to visually indicate the emergency.
 Safety Switch:
o Integrate a safety switch that must be pressed to start the differential bot
again after the emergency braking system is triggered.
o The safety switch will turn off the alert light and enable regular operation.
Battery Monitoring:
o Continuously monitor the differential bot's battery voltage.
o If the voltage level drops below 30%, provide a warning signal to alert the
o If the voltage further decreases below 10%, shut down the differential bot to
preserve the battery life.
o If the battery voltage exceeds the rated level, stop the machine in emergency
mode with a beep and alert light.
https://www.instructables.com/Beginner-Arduino-With-Tinkerc ad-Circuits/
The circuit must be designed in TinkerCAD.
Explore the available components and use them creatively.
Partial submissions are allowed.
Submission Instructions:
Make a G-Drive link folder name-[Spider_RoboEmbedded_RollNo] Inside create a
folder named Task-2-Inside that for PS-1-Make a folder name-[RoboEmb2-PS-1]
consists of
Link of the TinkerCAD circuit(Go to “Properties” of the circuit and change Privacy to
A full circuit downloaded image at high resolution.
Upload the video containing[simulation of your circuit by testing it], as an unlisted
YouTube video Name-[ RoboEmb2-PS-1-RollNumber] either by a screen Recorder
Video of the Simulation[recommended]or you can take via-Mobile Phone [Video
should be less than 1 Minute]
Person of Contact:
Thejesh - 7904208914