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MATH1081 Discrete Mathematics Course Information - UNSW

MATH1081 – Discrete Mathematics
Course information
Lecturers: Dr Sean Gardiner – sean.gardiner@unsw.edu.au
Dr David Angell – david.angell@unsw.edu.au
Course content
Welcome to MATH1081 – Discrete Mathematics! Discrete mathematics
covers a wide range of topics concerned with things that are discrete as
opposed to continuous. The topics covered in this course are fundamental to
almost all disciplines of mathematics, and there is renewed interest in these
areas in the digital era since computers store data discretely. We will study:
• Topic 1: Set theory and functions. The study of abstract collections and
their relationships. Includes set algebra and functional terminology.
• Topic 2: Number theory and relations. The study of integers and their
properties. Includes modular arithmetic, equivalence, and partial order.
• Topic 3: Proofs and logic. Includes methods of proof and formal logic.
• Topic 4: Combinatorics. The study of enumeration. Includes methods of
counting and recurrence relations.
• Topic 5: Graph theory. The study of abstract networks. Includes graph
terminology and path-finding algorithms.
In MATH1081, there is a focus not just on getting the right answers, but on
presentation of rigorous and clear proofs. The best way to become good at
this is to practise by going through the lecture/tutorial/assessment problems.
Learn the definitions, study the examples, and work through the exercises!
Course information
Lectures and tutorials
All important information can be found on the MATH1081 Moodle page.
• Course coordinator: Nathan Jackson (n.jackson@unsw.edu.au).
• Lecturers: Sean Gardiner (sean.gardiner@unsw.edu.au) – Topics 1, 2, 5.
David Angell (david.angell@unsw.edu.au) – Topics 3, 4.
• Lectures: Delivered live on campus and live-streamed via Echo360.
◦ Tuesdays 4-6pm (Physics Theatre)
◦ Wednesdays 11am-1pm (Keith Burrows Theatre)
◦ Fridays 10-11am (Keith Burrows Theatre)
◦ Don’t be afraid to ask questions! There is a chat feature in Echo360.
◦ Slides with blanks – fill in during class. Complete slides added later.
• Tutorials: Two one-hour tutorials each week (check timetable).
◦ First tute: tutor-led.
• Problem sets on Moodle; check the Course Schedule for each tute’s focus.
• Read over and attempt the tutorial problems before your tute.
◦ Second tute: board tutorial.
• Problems provided on arrival. Brush up on the lecture content beforehand!
Course information
• Weekly Numbas lessons (10%).
◦ Due 5pm Wednesday each week, starting in Week 2.
◦ Your best 6 out of 9 weeks count towards your final grade.
• Lab Test 1 (10%) – held in Week 4.
• Lab Test 2 (15%) – held in Week 10.
◦ Held in computer labs – check your timetable for where/when.
◦ Practice versions released at least one week in advance – use them!
◦ You’ll get a second chance at one test if you frequently attend tutes.
• Assignment (15%) – questions released by Week 4. Comes in three parts:
◦ Draft due in Week 5.
◦ Peer review due in Week 7.
◦ Final version due in Week 9.
• Final exam (50%) – held after the end of term.
Helpful resources:
• Moodle forums – great for asking (short) questions and sharing ideas.
• Staff consultation – in person and online, schedule released Week 2.
• Mathematics Drop-in Centre – in person and online, details on Moodle.
Course information