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Communication Discipline: Module for High School

Q2 Diass week 2 module 2( Discipline of Communication)
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Florida, Maria
Aurora, Aurora
Discipline and
Ideas in
Applied Social
Quarter 2, Module 2
RICARDO A SUBAD, Subject Teacher
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S.Y. 2020-2021
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to :
1. Define communication
2. describe the context and the basic concepts of communication
3. Explain the goals of communication;
4. describe the basic elements of the communication process; and
5. discuss the levels of communication from intrapersonal to mass communication
How would you describe the Discipline of Communication? In the space provided below, write what you know so far
about it.
Using the mind map below, list all your ideas related to communication.
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The Discipline of Communication deals with how humans use verbal and non-verbal messages to create
meaning in various contexts. This can be from one person to another, from person to groups, in government setting,
private sectors setting, civil society setting, school setting, community setting to mass audiences across cultures using
a variety of channels and media. This discipline is also interested in the impact that communication has on
human behavior.
There is no way to enable others to know what is going on in our minds –our need to reach out and to be
reached out to-unless communication occurs between them and us. The discipline of communication is very broad. It
can include: the study of communication in interpersonal relationships, groups, organizations, and across cultures;
rhetorical theory and criticism; performance studies; argumentation and persuasion; technologically mediated
communication; and popular culture. Essentially, this discipline provides us with understanding of how we construct
the world of meanings and be able to both send and receive the same. The dynamic process of sending and receiving
information or messages, and the meanings that they contain needs to be understood. In this way, we can further
appreciate the process, the content, and the effects of communication in all its various forms.
Definition of Communication
The processes that bond humans together are founded on communication. It is by communication that one
opens up to another and receives confirmation of some kind. Communication in this sense is essentially transactional,
giving and receiving content, which may take a wide variety of forms. What we communicate is meaning but
communication simultaneously involves construction of meaning. It constitutes both the construction of meaning and
the exchange of meaning. Unlike other forms of exchange, communication accounts for so many other elements,
which make the study of communication a fascinating task. The context, the culture, the relationship, the society, the
message, and the medium- all form part of the communication process. Communication involves acting on
information, responding to stimulus, a creative act, making sense of the world, assigning meaning to experience and
feelings, and can also be intentional as well as unintentional.
Alberts, Nakayama, and Martin (2007) defines communication as a "transactional process in which people
generate meaning through the exchange of verbal messages in specific contexts, influenced by individual and societal
forces and embedded in culture." Culture here is considered as the provider of patterns of perceptions, values, and
behavior that the group transmits and makes a shared heritage. Context tends to be culturally defined so much that the
individual is made to discern from the given options available to society; hence culture provides the strongest fabric to
societal forces. Therefore, the role of culture cannot be underestimated, "culture affects all or almost all
communication interaction" (Alberts, Nakayama, & Martin 2007).
The human communication factors include the important role of individual and societal forces, contexts,
and culture that shape and give coherence to the communication process. It is possible and very common to analyze
the communication process on the technical level, the semantic level, and the pragmatic level. On the technical level,
we can understand the message by ascertaining the extent to which information or message is clearly or not clearly
transmitted. On the semantic level, we can understand the unity of communication by clarifying the extent to which
the intended meaning of the information or message being transmitted is understood or misunderstood by the receiver
due to all forms of noise. On the pragmatic level, we can understand a unit of communication by gauging the kind and
extent of the actual impact, effect, or outcome or result of the communication process including the relationship field
of experience and the sender-receiver dynamics. Communication as a transaction, going by the above definition,
requires a more comprehensive consideration for the specific context, the individual and society forces, and the culture
itself as a semantic unit. Simply put, when two or more persons interact, communication structure is created and a
system of relationships is formed within a cultural context. That is what communication is and does.
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Communication is a manner of passing information between people or group for common
understanding and confidence. It includes the move of information from the sender to the receiver.
The receiver must understand the meaning and message of information. It can also be taken as the
way of sharing ideas, thoughts, opinions and views from one person to another person.
Example: A manager should relay information clearly to his subordinates to implement plans and
policies. Hence, communication is one of the important jobs of management.
Photo credit: https://unsplash.com/s/photos/communication
Communication includes the process of sending verbal and non-verbal messages. With the
help of a sender, a receiver, and channel of communication, it transfers complicated, delicate and
argumentative information. Communication needs the full understanding of behaviors associated
with the sender and receiver. It is the exchange of facts, opinion, idea or emotion between two or
more than two persons of common interest.
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Goals of Communication
“The goal of communication is to send information—and the understanding of that
information—from one person or group to another person or group. This communication process
is divided into several basic parts: A sender pass a message through a channel to the receiver.”
“Primary Goal of communication
Communication is a complicated process that involves a sender and a receiver. The
purpose of communication is to send messages to inform, direct or educate. Effective
communication produces desired businesses, productive relationships and satisfaction between
people.” https://www.google.com/search
Photo Credit: http://communicationtheory.org/berlos-smcr-model-of-communication
Context and the Basic Concepts of Communication
Context is among the most essential aspects in human communication, and by and large, listeners base their
interpretation of expressions of language and actions on their prior knowledge and wide range of contextual
information. It is the context that gives meaning to the communication process. Even if we understand words in a
language, it is difficult to fully appreciate meaning unless it is contextualized. The context can be email, television,
with a friend, with family, a political campaign or a protest rally, a celebration, or a religious or social event.
Many communication scholars and experts affirm that it is the context of what is done or said that determines
how that message is interpreted. Actions and words in themselves mean less outside of context. Joking with a friend is
considered normal but joking with a grieving person may be considered being insensitive. Many conflicts, particularly
in intercultural communication, tend to be associated with context. Hence, intercultural communication researchers,
using the concept of context to understand people, have identified several "frames of reference" within which people
construct and interpret "reality and communicate or interact with others.
A frame of reference is a lens through which reality is perceived and filtered to create meaning or a standpoint
formed through a complex set of criteria or assumed values against which measurements, understanding, or judgments
are made. The six commonly identified frames of reference are psychological frame of reference, cultural frame of
reference, social frame of reference, spatial frame of
reference, temporal frame of reference, and historical frame of reference.
1. Psychological frame of reference may refer to a set of parameters that define one's mental schema.
2. Cultural frame of reference may refer to a set of parameters that define one's cultural bias.
3. Social frame of reference may refer to a set of parameters that define one's social bias
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4. Spatial frame of reference may refer to d set of egocentric experience, environmental, and geographical parameters
that define one's interpretation of reality.
5.Temporal frame of reference may refer to a set of transient parameters, such as space and a range of experience types
that underlie immediate representations, which define one's interpretation of reality.
6. Historical frame of reference may refer to a set of parameters that define one's historical bias.
Simply put, we make meaning of facts by placing them in some context, a frame of reference. Therefore, the
meanings we make of facts are determined more by our frame of reference than by the facts themselves. Along this
line of reasoning, all meanings are generated and constrained by the frames of reference. These frames of reference
shape the communicators' actions and words.
Goals of Communication
Every day, we communicate with a variety of people, for a variety of reasons, in a variety of ways. We have
defined communication as a meaning-making system that follows the goal of conveying the intended message from
the sender to the receiver as accurately as possible. Communication conveys messages to parties involved through the
different mediums such as through speech, email, letters, and so on. In this way, people who believe in a common
cause can be linked together with a view to strengthen their relationship. Communication also allows people with
opposing views to communicate with one another in order to better understand each other and connect. It also
provides opportunity for communicators to disseminate information, to transduce emotions and/or thoughts from one
to another. This, however, has the potential to either create harmony or result to dissonance between the sender and
receiver. Ultimately, the goal of all communication is to change behavior and that is why people read new
books or seek help to understand things or reality.
The aim is to create social and political change, say, by exposing the absurdities and injustices of the courts,
schools, prisons, and workhouses of the context. Communication can be deeply political in intent or shaped by a social
and political agenda: the desire to normalize certain kinds of human behavior (and incidentally to demonize others),
see the world in new ways, and act in new ways as a consequence. Communication shapes the receiver's behavior in a
way that is compatible both with their own goals and the goals of the communicator by helping people reach their
behavioral goals, a communicator wins their consent to behave in ways that favor his/her message too.
Communication is essential for everyday life. The goal is to make group life possible through socialization,
enculturation, intergenerational solidarity, nation building, and social change. In more specific terms, the goals of
communication are: expressing one's needs and wants; transferring or conveying information: establishing social
closeness or sustaining relationships with others; and facilitating social etiquette, that is, to conform to the social
conventions of politeness. Ultimately, when two or more persons interact, the communication structure is erected upon
which a system of relationships is formed.
Basic Elements of the Communication Process
Communication, as a process where people share information, feelings, and ideas, consists of four basic
elements: the message, the medium, the sender, and the reliever. Basically, communication happens when a message is
conveyed. In the process, there is the means by which such message is conveyed, the generator and communicator of
the message, and the recipient to whom that message is intended. However, due to the complexity of the
communication process, these elements may be modified and detailed in several ways. Alberts et al. (2007)
present six basic elements of communication: the setting, participants, message creation, channels, noise, and
feedback to explain how communication interaction unfolds. Other writers put it as follows: sender-receiver, message,
channel, noise, feedback, and setting (Bovee & Thill 1992 & 1998; Burnett & Dollar 1989; Gibson
& Hodgetts 1990).
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Communication means that the sender and the receiver get involved in communication because they have
ideas and feelings to share. This sharing, however, is not one-way or turn-taking process. In most communication
situations, people are senders and receivers at the same time. They are the participants in a communication.
The message is made up of the ideas and feelings that the senders/ receivers want to share. Moreover, ideas
and feelings can only be shared if they are represented by symbols. Symbols are things that stand for something else.
All communication messages are made up of two symbols: verbal and non-verbal.
The verbal symbols are all the words in a language, which stand for a particular thing or idea. A word is used
to generally mean one thing. Verbal symbols can be even more complicated when they are abstract than concrete.
Abstract symbols stand for ideas rather than objects. When two people use abstraction (e.g., love, beauty, justice),
they may have different meanings because they had different experiences with the concept.
The non-verbal symbols are anything we communicate without using words such as facial expressions,
gestures, posture, colors, vocal tones, appearance, etc. They have certain meanings attached to them, which are
culturally or even personally encoded and decoded.
The channels are routes traveled by a message as it goes between the senders/receivers. Sound and sight are
primary channels in face-to-face communication. and even in not face-to-face. At present, it is increasingly common
to use social networking sites for communication where we see and hear the person we are communicating with in a
manner similar to face-to-face. In mass media, the channels may be radio, records, television, newspapers,
magazines, etc.
A feedback is a response of the receiver to the sender and vice versa. This is very important in communication
since it tells how ideas and feelings have been shared in the way they are intended to.
Noise keeps a message from being understood or accurately interpreted. It occurs between senders and
receivers. Noise may be an external or internal interference in transmitting and receiving the message. External noise
is any noise that comes from the environment that keeps the message from being heard or understood. Internal noise
occurs in the minds of the senders and receivers such as prior experience, absent-mindedness, feeling or thinking of
something other than the communication taking place. Semantic noise is also a form of internal noise caused by
people's emotional reactions to words such as reactions to ethnic or sexist remarks .
The setting is essentially the context where communication occurs. It may be a venue, formal or informal
seating arrangements, attire, use of sound system etc. In this communication process, the six elements can be summed
up as: Who, the source (sender); What, the message; How, the medium; To Whom, the recipient (receiver); Why, the
influence, impact, world view; and Where, the context.
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Basic Elements of Communication Process
1. Source
The source is the person or thing (living or non-living thing) making serious attempt to share information. It is the
origin of information (in Information Theory, the source produce data that one would like to communicate) and an
ability to pass this information, through a channel, to a receiver.
2. Message
Communication theorists look closely to messages as the study of signs and symbols, and how meaning is created
through them; note: it is not the study of meaning, just how meaning is created). For example, a commencement
speaker produces meaning through several reason for judgement. First, there is the object (maybe through being a
local celebrity or was a famous student of particular school). The second criterion would be his or her image, acting as
a symbol or representation of the meaning of the object (a well-dressed, professional and successful person). The third
criterion is interpretation or marked meaning. If the object and image (and, in this case, speech) are successful, then
the audience will leave with an understanding of how to proceed toward a life of personal achievement.
3. Encoding
Encoding is the process of collecting the message (information, ideas and thoughts) into a chosen design with the
objective of making sure that the receiver can understand it. Communication only begin when it results in both the
source and the receiver understanding the same information. People who are great communicators are great encoder;
they know how to present their message in a way that their audience (receivers) can easily understand. They are also
able to identify information that is beyond what is needed, not important or even accidentally causing someone to feel
hurt, and eliminate it in advance through an act of preparing something.
4. Channel
An encoded message is delivered by the source through a channel. There are numerous channel in similar ways:
verbal, non-verbal, personal, non-personal, etc. A channel could be the paper on which words are written, or the
Internet acting in the client-server model that is allowing you to read these words right now.
A good communicator is one who understands which means of communication to use under different situations.
Unfortunately, there is no perfect channel. All channels or means of communication have strengths and weaknesses
(for example, smartphones are great tool for communication, but a marriage proposal is best done in person).
5. Decoding
This is where listening, and reading directions carefully, makes its claim to be recognized—decode with care, my
friends. As we discussed in encoding, communication is only successful when it results in both the source and
the receiver understands the same information. For this to happen, there can be no errors in processing. For example,
a first-grader sitting in on a lecture on different equations, i.e. decoding is impossible if the decoder cannot even
understand the message.
6. Receiver
At the end, the message is delivered to the receiver. A good communicator takes the receiver and to be around the edge
of reference into consideration; how they will received and reacts based on common ground is shared, its their sense
of humor, and moral conduct, etc. All of these things will affect how the receiver understand the messages.
7. Feedback
A better word will be “reaction” or “responses.” The source judges its success based on the feedback it receives, so
pay close attention. If Google’s servers hit something hard tomorrow, there would be a lot of unable to understand
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sources. The same would be true if you have delivered a perfect marriage proposal, only to receive a look of confusion
and horror. And then there are famous marketing bad experience, such as Aqua Teen Hunter Force’s LED signs that
were mistakenly known as explosive devices. Feedback is the moment of taking actions. Whether things go right or
wrong, it serves as one of the most important learning opportunities we have.
8. Context
Context is simply the condition in which your message is presented. It is the atmosphere, climate that exists when
people communicate with each other. Not necessary to say, context can easily make or break the effectiveness of
Levels of Communication: From Intrapersonal to Mass Communication
Communication involves the interactions between and among people. The prefix inter- signifies reciprocity,
being carried between, and shared or derived from two or more. This means that a meaningful communication entails
a two- way principle, mutuality, and influence or being acted upon. Therefore, "inter + action means reciprocally
influencing or affecting each or one another. Communication as such takes place on several levels. There is the faceto-face communication and the mediated communication, which may take the form of print such as newspapers,
newsletters, and other written forms, or non-print using electronic equipment such as computer technology, TV, radio,
1. Intrapersonal Communication
This refers to communication that occurs within us. This involves feelings thoughts, and the way we look at
ourselves. The self is the only sender and receiver. The channel is your brain. The feedback is in the form of talking to
oneself or discarding certain ideas and replacing them with others.
Intrapersonal communication is an inside communication process taking place within the individual. This
includes thought process speaking aloud or writing to oneself as when one is writing in the form of prayer, meditation.
2. Interpersonal Communication
The communication that Occurs on one-to-one basis usually in an informal, unstructured setting is
interpersonal communication. Messages consist of both verbal and non-verbal symbols. The most channels are sight
and sound.
Interpersonal communication involves two persons or a small group such as family. The number of
participants define interpersonal communication.
Category of Interpersonal communication:
1. Direct interpersonal communication involves face-to-face communication between or among the communication
between or among the communicators.
2. Mediated interpersonal communication involves the use of technology such as telephone or internet.
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3. Intercultural Communication
This is an interpersonal communication that occurs between or among members of different cultures or people
who are enculturated differently. This is more apparent between persons coming from two different cultures of
upbringing but it can also be among people of the same culture but brought up in different times or cultural contexts.
4. Interviewing
Interviewing makes use of a series of questions and answers usually involving two people or groups. Its
purpose is to obtain information on a particular subject. In an interview, communication takes place verbally in a faceto-face setting, and a lot of non-verbal information are exchanged. Feedback is very high and instant and drives
the conversation.
Dyadic communication - when two persons are actively participating.
5. Small Group Communication
Small group communication occurs when a small group of people meets to solve a problem. There is
cooperative thinking; there is a specific purpose. Communication process in small groups is more complicated than in
interpersonal communication.
• Group communication - when there are three or more persons actively participating in face-to-face and
able to present immediate response or feedback, such as meeting or in a class session.
6. Mass Communication
The sender-receiver (speaker) sends a message (speech) to an audience in a highly structured manner.
Additional visuals may be used. Mass Communication involves the transmission of message to large audiences using
technology of communication.
Public communication - includes a large group such as a public lecture or church ceremony. In such situations there
is a source who delivers a message in a monologue style and feedback is minimal or with limits.
How communication affects the lives of every people? ( Answer should be at least 5 sentences and above) (10 pts)
A. Go online and search for various ways that communication is defined. Write down at least three different
definitions you found. ( note: cite your reference for each definition)
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B. Compare and contrast the definitions you found. Note the similarities and differences among them using the Venn
Diagram below.
Name: ________________________________________________
Date: ______________________
Grade & Section: _______________________________________
I. Test your Knowledge
A. True or False
Directions: Read and understand the statements very carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if
it is incorrect.
1. Praying is a form of communication.
2. People communicate only through words.
3. Communication leads to certain effect.
______4. Children learn the social values of society like love of country through communication processes that take
place in their families.
5. Birthday celebration is a form of communication.
6. Through communication people are mobilized to take part in political processes such as elections.
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______7. When messages are sent to large audiences by an institution, mass communication usually involves
standardized content.
8. Mass communication usually involved standardization.
9. The absence of visual cues is a characteristic of computer-mediated communication.
10. Communication involves a sender sending a message and to a receiver.
Reference: The Padayon Series DIASS by: Dela Cruz, Fernandez, Melegrito & Valdez (Phoenix)
B. Write the definition of communication and underline its key components.( 5 pts)
C. Name the three levels with which the communication process can be analyzed.
D. Name the six main elements of the communication process.
E. Name the six levels of communication
II. Check your understanding
A. What is the goal of communication? Explain your answer in your own words. ( 10 pts)
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B. How does miscommunication occur?
III. Apply Your Learning
A. Create a VLOG explaining the Basic elements of the communication process ( 100 points) ( Your VLOG should be
at least 2 minutes and 30 seconds long.
Rubrics for VLOG Performance( below)
• is interesting
• is educational
• is relevant to audience
• provides insight into topic
• is discussed thoroughly
• is entertaining
Concept Score ______ out of 30
• Presents interesting information
• Language is used properly and effectively
• Images and/ or graphics relate well to content
• Student(s) behave professionally on camera
• Student(s) demonstrate thoughtful approach to subject
Content Score ______ out of 50
Technical Aspects
• Camera is stable, smooth movements and pans
• Subject is framed well, images are well composed
• Subject is lit and clearly visible
• Sound is clear and understandable
• Video is edited effectively, flows well
• Titles are used effectively
• Transitions are used effectively
• Project was completed in a timely manner
Content Score ______ out of 20
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B. Communication is a manner of passing information between people
or group for common understanding and confidence. It includes the
move of information from the sender to the receiver. The receiver must
understand the meaning and message of information. It can also be
taken as the way of sharing ideas, thoughts, opinions and views from
one person to another person. ( note: Answer may Vary)
A. True or False
1. Intrapersonal
1. Sender-Receiver
1. Intrapersonal Communication
2. Interpersonal
2. Message
2. Interpersonal Communication
3. Mass communication
3. Channels
3. Intercultural Communication
4. Feedback
4. Interviewing
5. Noise
5. Small Group Communication
6. Setting
6. Mass Communication
II. Check your Understanding
A. Answer may vary
B. Answer may vary
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